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Original broadcast: September 29, 2004

Origins: Where Are the Aliens? 1 To help students understand that
the light they see from stars is a
snapshot of what happened long
ago, have them consider light from
PROGRAM OVERVIEW the sun. If the sun stopped shining,
NOVA explores the search for how long before anyone on Earth
would see it “go out”? (150 x 106 km
extraterrestrial life. ÷ 3 x 105 km/sec = 500 seconds, or
8.3 minutes) Explain to students
The program: that when they look at a star at
• reviews how aliens are depicted in visual media. night, they are seeing the light that
left the star long ago, not the light
• describes the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), a program
that it is currently radiating.
that scans star systems for radio transmissions from advanced
2 Take a poll on how many students
extraterrestrial civilizations.
believe there is intelligent life
• introduces the Drake equation, created by SETI founder Frank Drake, elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy.
which attempts to quantify the probability of intelligent life in the Ask students to support their
Milky Way galaxy. reasoning for or against the
• shows how scientists detect faraway planets by looking for the existence of intelligent life.
characteristic wobble exhibited by a star when a Jupiter-sized planet
is in orbit around it.
• reviews the first of more than 100 discoveries of stars with A F T E R W AT C H I N G
planetary wobbles.
1 In 2004, Epsilon Eridani was the
• notes the importance of finding Jupiter-sized planets that could attract nearest Milky Way star believed
passing asteroids and slingshot them out of the solar system, thereby to harbor a planet. It resides 100
protecting smaller nearby planets from bombardment and allowing trillion kilometers from Earth. Have
them a higher probability of forming life. students calculate how long it takes
light to get to Earth from Epsilon
• explains why carbon and liquid water may be conducive to life.
Eridani using the fact that light
• speculates that ancient oceans on the surface of Mars indicate the travels at a speed of 3.0 x 105
planet may have once had liquid water. km/sec (1.0 x 1014 km ÷ 3.0 x 105
• investigates the intelligence of cephalopods and posits that intelligence km/sec = 3.3 x 108 sec, and then
may be a natural outcome in the evolution of complicated life forms. 3.3 x 108 sec ÷ 3.16 x 107 sec/yr =
10.4 years)
• concludes with the question of whether humans would be able to
communicate with intelligent life—that was also technologically 2 Repeat the poll about intelligent life.
How do the results compare to the
advanced enough to communicate—if it did exist. earlier poll? Have students explain
any changes in thinking. Have
students further consider the pros
Taping Rights: Can be used up to one year after the program is taped off the air.
and cons of finding intelligent life.
Students can and register their own
votes at

3 Ask students what they think life

might look like on another planet.
Do they think it would be similar
to life on Earth? Why or why not?
What are the challenges involved
in finding life?


The “Mission: The Search for Life”
To learn how planetary spectra can be used to search for life on other activity aligns with the following
worlds and analyze a mystery planet’s spectrum for potential signs of life. National Science Education
Materials for teacher
• color printout of the “Exploring Spectra” overhead
Science Standard D:
Materials for each student Earth and Space Science
The origin and evolution of the
• copy of the “Mission: The Search for Life” student handout Earth system
• copy of the “Research Journal” student handout • The sun, the Earth, and the rest
• copy of the “Planet Spectra” student handout of the solar system formed from
• copy of the “Mystery Planet’s Spectrum” student handout a nebular cloud of dust and gas
4.6 billion years ago. The early
Materials for each team Earth was very different from the
planet we live on today.
• copy of the “Research Reading: In Search of ET’s Breath” student handout
• copy of the “Research Reading: Terrestrial and Jovian Planets” • Evidence for one-celled forms of
life—the bacteria—extends back
student handout
more than 3.5 billion years. The
• copy of the “Research Reading: Chemical Fingerprints” student handout evolution of life caused dramatic
• access to print and Internet resources changes in the composition of the
Earth’s atmosphere, which did not
originally contain oxygen.
1 Currently, the search for life elsewhere in the galaxy employs ground-
based telescopes that seek signals from intelligent life. In the future,
Video is not required
scientists hope to send telescopes into space to look at the atmo-
for this activity.
spheres of Earth-like planets that may be near other, larger gas planets
that have already been identified. Scientists want to use spectroscopy—
a technique that allows chemicals to be identified by their unique light Classroom Activity Author
signatures—to decode the compositions of these atmospheres and This activity was adapted from
learn whether they might be capable of supporting either primitive or materials provided by the Hubble
complex life (as it is currently understood). In this activity, students will Space Telescope formal education
team and the Origins Education
learn which chemicals scientists are searching for, why those chemicals Forum, in collaboration with
were chosen, and the kind of spectral signature each chemical emits. scientists from the Virtual Planetary
Then they will apply their knowledge to a mystery planet’s spectrum Laboratory, the NASA Astrobiology
to determine whether the planet might be a candidate for life. Institute, and the Mars Global
Surveyor Thermal Emission
2 In order to complete this activity successfully, students must under-
Spectrometer team. An in-depth
stand concepts about the electromagnetic spectrum and absorption inquiry-based version of this activity
spectroscopy (see Prior Student Knowledge on page 3 for a complete can be obtained by contacting the
list of concepts). Primer information and activities on these concepts Hubble Space Telescope’s Formal
can be found at Education team by e-mail at
[email protected]


3 To begin the activity, tell students they have been hired by NASA to
This activity investigates planetary
determine whether a mystery planet has the potential for life. In order spectral analysis. Prior to beginning
to do this, students will need to learn how scientists would like to use the activity, make sure students under-
planetary spectra to determine whether other worlds may be suitable stand the following key concepts and
for life. terms:
4 Review the “Mission: The Search for Life,” “Research Journal,” and • White light is composed of colors
“Planet Spectra” student handouts to familiarize yourself with the that can be seen when light is dis-
activity. Then distribute the handouts to students and review the persed into a spectrum.
mission and activity procedure with them. • The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum
5 Prior to having students conduct their research, explain absorption consists of radio, microwave, infrared,
spectra by analyzing a graphic spectra example. Using the “Exploring visible, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma
rays. Humans can only see visible light.
Spectra” overhead, show students what stellar hydrogen absorption
looks like in a continuous spectrum and represented as a graph. (The • All matter is composed of elements,
compounds, and mixtures.
overhead shows hydrogen being absorbed in four specific bands of
visible light. The two absorption lines just beyond 400 nanometers are • Chemical symbols are used to
caused by calcium in the Sun’s atmosphere.) Note to students that represent elements and compounds.
this graphic represents stellar absorption spectra (in which specific • Key terms: absorption, Archean,
wavelengths of starlight have been absorbed by gases in the sun’s atmosphere, extrasolar, extraterrestrial,
lower atmosphere or Earth’s atmosphere). In this activity, students will intensity, nanometer, ozone, spectrum
(spectra), wavelength (see Activity
be studying planetary spectra (in which specific wavelengths of starlight
Answer on page 5 for definitions).
have been absorbed by a planet’s atmosphere). Also note to students
that the overhead represents spectra that are mostly in the visible part Students should also be able to read
and interpret graphs.
of the electromagnetic spectrum; students will be studying absorption
spectra that exist in the infrared region.
6 Once students have a basic understanding of spectra, they can begin
their research. Organize students into teams of three or four. Distribute
a set of the Research Reading handouts to each team.
7 You may want to instruct students to begin their research by reading
“In Search of ET’s Breath,” which contains an overview regarding the
search for life on other worlds. Then they can read the other handouts
and conduct their research using print and Internet resources. (Because
the field of astrobiology is so new, there are few books on the topic.
See the Links and Books section on page 8 for print resources.) Have
students use their research findings to answer the Research Questions
listed on their “Research Journal” handouts. Answering the Research
Questions on their handouts will help students meet Project
Requirement #1 (identify the characteristics of planets with the best
chances of harboring life).
8 Monitor students and provide assistance as needed (see Activity Answer
on page 5 for more information). The Research Reading handouts that
contain the information for each answer are referenced in the Activity
Answer, so that you can direct students who need additional assistance
to the appropriate reading.



9 Once students have completed their research, have them make Characteristics of Life
comparisons of the spectra in their “Planet Spectra” handouts and
answer the Data Analysis Questions listed on their “Research Journal” Investigate the nature of life on Earth.
handouts. Answering the Data Analysis Questions will help students
meet Project Requirement #2 (make a comparison of the data provided). Origins
All team members will need to use the Research Reading handouts to
conduct research to interpret the data. Explore the question of life beyond
10 After students have analyzed the planet spectra, have them draw Earth and discover how scientists find
conclusions and compile individual final reports. Encourage students extrasolar planets in this American
to choose their own report format, including slide shows, skits, stories, Museum of Natural History site that
offers articles and student materials
computer presentations, or written accounts. Direct students to
related to NOVA’s “Where Are the
address the material outlined in the Final Report Requirements section Aliens?” program.
of their “Research Journal” handouts when compiling their reports.
11 Have students present their reports to the class. (See page 7 of Activity Remote Communications
Answer for more information on what to look for in student reports.) www.pacsci.org/origins/
Perform a simulated mission to
12 As a final assessment, provide each student with the “Mystery Planet’s another planet to search for evidence
Spectrum” handout. Ask students to determine the likelihood of of life or the conditions where life
finding life on this planet based on the signs of life scientists are might form.
currently looking for. Allow students to use their research journals
and final report to aid them. Students should support their opinions
with evidence.


You may want to review the ozone (O3): A form of molecular Students can find the answer to
following terms with students: oxygen containing three atoms this question in “Research Reading:
instead of the normal two. It is Chemical Fingerprints.”
absorption: The process by which
created by the action of ultraviolet
light transfers its energy to matter.
light on oxygen (O2). Earth’s ozone
For example, a gas cloud can
layer protects the planet by absorb- 2. What is the difference between a
absorb starlight that passes
ing the sun’s high-energy ultraviolet terrestrial planet and a Jovian planet?
through it. After the starlight
radiation, which is harmful to life. Terrestrial planets include Mercury,
passes through the cloud, dark
Venus, Earth, and Mars. Jovian
lines called absorption lines appear spectrum (pl spectra): The result of
(meaning Jupiter-like) planets
in the star’s continuous spectrum spreading a beam of electromagnetic
include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
at wavelengths corresponding to radiation so that components with
and Neptune. Terrestrial and Jovian
the light-absorbing elements. different wavelengths are separated.
planets differ in size and structure.
Archean: A geologic period in wavelength: The distance between Terrestrial planets have smaller sizes
Earth’s history marked by the one peak or crest of a wave and and masses, while Jovian planets
emergence of life, about 3.8 the next. have much larger sizes and masses.
billion to 2.5 billion years ago. In our solar system, terrestrial
Research Questions planets are closer to the sun than
atmosphere: The layer of gases
1. What gases does life (as we know Jovian planets, and are warmer than
surrounding the surface of a planet,
it) require? What gases does life Jovian planets. Terrestrial planets
moon, or star.
produce? have rocky, solid surfaces and
brightness temperature: The Different types of organisms atmospheres made mostly of
temperature an object must have require different gases. Plants carbon dioxide or nitrogen (except
to produce the observed intensity. require carbon dioxide (CO2) for for Mercury, which has almost no
photosynthesis, while animals atmosphere). In contrast, Jovian
extrasolar: An adjective meaning
require oxygen (O2) for respiration. planets do not have a solid surface
“beyond the solar system.” For
However, some primitive life forms and are made mostly of gases.
example, an extrasolar planet orbits
(e.g., anaerobic bacteria) require (They are also known as gas giants.)
a star other than the sun.
neither. As a result of their metabo- Their atmospheres are mostly
extraterrestrial: An adjective that lism, plants give off oxygen (O2), hydrogen and helium.
means “beyond the Earth.” The and animals give off carbon dioxide
phrase “extraterrestrial life” refers (CO2). Some bacteria produce Students can find the answer to
to possible life on other planets. methane (CH4). So, oxygen, carbon this question in “Research Reading:
dioxide, and methane are all gases Terrestrial and Jovian Planets.”
intensity: The amount, degree, or
quantity of energy passing through that can be produced by life.
a point per unit time. For example, However, other natural processes
can also produce these gases. In 3. What does it mean for a planet to
the intensity of light that Earth
order to be more confident that be in the “habitable zone”?
receives from the sun is far greater
they have found the potential for The planets that seem most likely
than what it receives from any other
life, scientists would like to find to harbor life are located in the
star because the sun is the closest
more than one of these gases in “habitable zone;” that is, the region
star to Earth.
the same atmosphere. Finding both around a star where scientists can
nanometer: A nanometer is one oxygen and methane in a planet’s expect to find liquid water at the
billionth of a meter (10 -9). atmosphere would be a very good surface of a terrestrial planet. If a
indication that life could exist on planet is too hot, the water
that planet.
becomes a gas. If a planet is too 5. Why is it important to look at 3. If ozone (O3) is present, is
cold, the water freezes. Either of Archean Earth? normal oxygen (O2) also present?
these conditions would make a Earth’s atmosphere has changed Does the presence of oxygen
planet extremely inhospitable for over time, and early (photosynth- automatically mean life?
life. The habitable zone of our solar etic) life had a significant impact Yes, if ozone is present, then
system starts just beyond Venus on it. During the first billion years, normal oxygen is probably there
and ends just before Mars. single-celled ancestors of modern- also. But the presence of oxygen
day bacteria evolved into primitive doesn’t automatically mean life,
But the habitable zone may be larg-
photosynthetic organisms that because there are non-biological
er than originally conceived. A
released oxygen into the atmo- processes that can produce oxygen.
strong gravitational pull caused by
sphere. During this time, Earth’s For instance, ultraviolet sunlight
large planets may produce enough
Archean atmosphere contained (or starlight) can break apart water
energy to sufficiently heat the
methane (CH4), but not oxygen (H2O) molecules into hydrogen
cores of orbiting moons (such
(O2). Today, Earth’s atmosphere and oxygen. The hydrogen, having
as Jupiter’s moon Europa). Life
contains about 21 percent oxygen very low mass, can escape into
survives in a wide variety of
and .0002 percent methane. So, space while the heavier oxygen is
environments on Earth. Perhaps
the absence of oxygen doesn’t left behind.
it could thrive in more extreme
necessarily mean that no life exists.
4. How does the spectrum of
Students can find the answer Archean Earth compare to that
to this question in “Research of present-day Earth? Why is it
Students can find the answer to
Reading: In Search of ET’s important to consider the atmo-
this question in “Research
Breath” and “Research Reading: sphere of Archean Earth when
Reading: In Search of ET’s Breath.”
Chemical Fingerprints.” considering how to look for life
on other worlds?
An infrared spectrum from the
4. Which planets in the solar
Data Analysis Questions atmosphere of modern-day Earth
system are in (or near) the
1. Which gases, if any, are common would show carbon dioxide, water),
habitable zone?
to all four planet spectra? and ozone. However, the spectrum
Earth is right in the middle of the
Carbon dioxide (CO2) appears in from Archean Earth would show
habitable zone, while Venus and
all four planet spectra. carbon dioxide, water, and methane.
Mars are close to, but just outside
These are both suggestive of life,
of, the habitable zone.
2. What does your answer to because they are gases that living
question 1.) mean in terms of the organisms give off.
search for life on other planets?
Students can find the answer to For roughly the first billion years of
Since carbon dioxide appears on
this question in “Research Reading: Earth’s history, oxygen-producing,
a planet even if it doesn’t have
In Search of ET’s Breath.” photosynthetic life had not yet
any life, carbon dioxide is not a
evolved. Instead, the microorgan-
good indicator for finding life.
isms that dominated the planet
tapped energy from gases that
leaked out of Earth’s interior. Some
microbes created methane as a


Because of the methane-producing and/or methane. A planet with only mately 9,500 to 9,700 nanometers.
organisms, methane was present in primitive life would likely have an Methane produces a dip in the
the Archean Earth’s atmosphere. atmosphere containing carbon spectrum at a wavelength of approx-
But organisms were not yet produc- dioxide, water, and methane. With imately 7,600 nanometers. One
ing an abundance of oxygen, and complex life (i.e., plenty of oxygen- feature of water appears at 6,000
therefore ozone is absent in the producing organisms), a planet nanometers.
spectrum of Archean Earth’s atmo- would be more likely to have a
Student Final Reports
spheric gases. substantial amount of oxygen in its
In addition to providing information
atmosphere (in the form of oxygen
In more recent times, photosyn- about where and how to search for
or ozone).
thesis has resulted in abundant habitable planets, students’ final
oxygen in the atmosphere. reports should include the follow-
6. Can the infrared portion of a
Therefore, ozone is present in the ing conclusions:
planetary spectrum be used to
modern Earth’s atmosphere, while • finding oxygen is good, but it
look for signs of life? What spectral
methane is present only in trace should not be the only target.
features are of interest for this?
amounts. On a planet with a similar Other gases should be included—
Yes, because most of the gases
geology to Earth, methane levels such as water vapor and meth-
produced by life create observable
greater than about 100 parts per mil- ane—since life can exist even if
features in the infrared part of the
lion would suggest the presence of oxygen is not present.
spectrum, scientists could look for
life. But methane doesn’t necessarily • the composition of Earth’s
ozone, methane, and water. Ozone
imply life. Planets of a different atmosphere has changed as life
and methane are signs of life, and
geological make-up might have high has evolved, which suggests that
water is an indication that the
methane levels and no life. chemicals other than Earth’s
planet is not so cold as to be com-
present-day atmosphere may indi-
pletely frozen. Water, if liquid,
5. What gases are likely to be cate the presence of life. Certain
potentially provides a resource
present in the atmosphere of a types of chemicals may provide
for life.
planet harboring life? Is the answer information about the complexity
different depending on whether it’s Normal oxygen does not show up of any potential life.
primitive life or advanced life? in the infrared part of the spectrum. • using only one example makes it
The atmosphere of a planet harbor- So, the way to detect oxygen is to difficult to design a scientific study.
ing life would likely show carbon look for one feature of ozone that In this case, having Earth as the
dioxide, water, and oxygen, ozone appears at a wavelength of approxi- only place we know life exists
makes it difficult to design a study
Major funding for NOVA is provided by Sprint and Google. Additional funding is to search for life on other worlds,
provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and public television viewers. which may or may not be similar
Major funding for Origins is provided by the National Science Foundation.
Additional funding for Origins is provided by NASA’s Office of Space Science and
to life on Earth.
the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Mystery Planet’s Spectrum
Students should conclude that
the planet’s atmosphere contains
carbon dioxide (CO2) and some
students may determine that there
is a trace amount of water (H2O).
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under There is clearly no ozone (O3)
Grant No. 9814643. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the nor methane (CH4) which implies
views of the National Science Foundation. that this planet probably does not
harbor life.

NOVA Web Site—Origins Indicators of Life: Detection of Life Parker, Barry R.
www.pbs.org/nova/origins/ by Remote Sensing Alien Life: The Search for Extraterrestrials
In this companion Web site to the program, planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/TPF/tpf_book/ and Beyond.
find out how life could have started and Chapter_4c.pdf New York: Plenum Trade, 1998.
why water is needed for life; read about the Explains why certain chemicals in Considers how life may have originated on
latest discoveries in origins research; use raw the atmospheres of planets might Earth and what chemicals may be neces-
data to assemble the famous Eagle Nebula be likely signatures of life. sary for produce life elsewhere.
image; insert your own values into the
Drake Equation; decode cosmic spectra, PlanetQuest NASA’s Origins Resources
and more. planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/ Visit the Web sites below to learn how
Reviews the search for Earth-like planets individual missions in NASA’s Astro-
Ask an Astrobiologist: Questions through background information, nomical Search for Origins Program
About Life on Earth multimedia resources, and an atlas of are searching for the earliest stars and
nai.arc.nasa.gov/astrobio/astrobio_questions. extrasolar planets. galaxies, planets around other stars, and
cfm?qtype=life_earth&start=11 life elsewhere in the universe. Additional
Offers a searchable database of Solar System Exploration classroom resources are available at these
questions and answers and a way to sse.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/profile.
sites and through NASA’s Space Science
post new questions. cfm?Object=SolarSys
Education Resource Directory at
Includes facts about the planets in our solar teachspacescience.org
Celestia Exploration Activity: system and details the status of current
Solar System Overview NASA missions. Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
learn.arc.nasa.gov/planets/main/ fuse.pha.jhu.edu/outreach/
overview.html Windows to the Universe: The Archean
Provides a brief description of terrestrial and www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/past/ Hubble Space Telescope
Jovian planets and contains information Archean.html&edu=mid amazing-space.stsci.edu/eds/
about some planetary atmospheres. Describes the changes that occurred on
James Webb Space Telescope
Earth during the Archean geologic period.
Extreme Ecosystem jwstsite.stsci.edu/
science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2004/ Books Kepler Mission
13may_ecosystem.htm Clark, Stuart. www.lawrencehallofscience.org/kepler/
Describes the search for life in some of the Life on Other Worlds and How to Find It. Education-resources.html
most inhospitable places on Earth for life London, New York: Springer-Praxis, 2000.
forms: scalding heat, freezing cold, salt, Discusses what might constitute a NASA Astrobiology Institute
lye, and darkness. hospitable environment for life and nai.arc.nasa.gov/teachers/teacher_topics.
explores the nature of intelligence and cfm?id=8
Glossary of Planet Terms its role in evolution and survival.
amazing-space.stsci.edu/glossary/ Navigator Program
def.php.s=planets Darling, David. planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/resources/resources_
Provides a glossary of astronomy Life Everywhere: The Maverick Science index.html
definitions, including atmosphere, of Astrobiology.
Spitzer Space Telescope
greenhouse effect, ozone layer, New York: Basic Books, 2001.
secondary atmosphere, and more. Provides an overview of astrobiology,
including a review of the conditions that Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared
Hunting Planets Along the Milky Way might be necessary for supporting life, Astronomy
www.spacetoday.org/DeepSpace/Stars/ what life is, and how it might evolve. sofia.arc.nasa.gov/Edu/edu.html
Offers an in-depth look at the search Grady, Monica M.
for extrasolar planets. Astrobiology.
Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution
In Search of E.T.’s Breath Press, 2001.
www.nasa.gov/lb/vision/universe/newworlds/ Explores the emerging field of astrobiology,
ets_breath.html including the nature of extremophiles and
Reviews the history of the search for planetary environments favorable to life.
extrasolar planets as well as future missions
designed to probe far-off worlds for the
chemical signatures of alien life.


Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Overhead

Exploring Spectra
Both of the following show the visible-light absorption
spectrum for our sun. Notice that the second graph
reveals more information—the amount of light
absorbed is included.

The Sun’s Spectrum

Absorption Lines

Absorption Lines


Absorption Line

Wavelength in nanometers

ultraviolet visible infrared

wavelengths wavelengths wavelengths
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Mission: The Search for Life

Mission Briefing
NASA is developing the technology necessary to Scientists want to build instruments that can detect
search for life on other worlds. Astronomers have Earth-like planets. They want to recognize habitable
discovered more than 100 planets orbiting other worlds and distinguish planets with the potential for
stars in the Milky Way galaxy. They are called extra- life from those without any chance for life. Because
solar planets because they reside outside our solar the solar system is the only planetary system known
system. These planets are large, gaseous worlds to harbor life, it will be used as a model.
like Jupiter and Saturn. Astronomers call them gas
Your mission is to learn how planetary spectra may
giants. Unlike Jupiter and Saturn, many of the
be used as a tool to explore whether other worlds
known extrasolar planets orbit very close to their
are hospitable for life, and to determine whether a
parent stars.
mystery planet has the potential for life.
Because of their composition and orbit, these
planets are unlikely to harbor life. Scientists believe Procedure
that Earth-like planets orbit other stars, and NASA 1 Conduct research to establish the characteristics
missions are being designed to search for such a planet is believed to need to harbor life, and use
worlds. Do any of these planets have the potential the information you find to answer the Research
to harbor life? What factors determine a planet’s Questions listed on your “Research Journal”
potential for developing life? Keep in mind that handout.
astronauts cannot travel to them—the planets 2 Compare real spectra from several solar system
would be orbiting stars located very far away. planets and answer the Data Analysis Questions
Astronomers have found that light from a star listed on your “Research Journal” handout.
carries information about its chemical composition. 3 Prepare a report that explains how planetary spectra
By using spectroscopy, a technique that spreads light might be used as a tool to explore whether other
into its component wavelengths (a spectrum), scien- worlds are hospitable for life. See Final Report
tists can determine what chemicals make up a star. Requirements on your “Research Journal” handout
(Each element or compound produces characteristic for some specific ideas to include in your report.
features in the spectrum.) Scientists can also obtain 4 After you complete your report, you will be given the
spectra (plural of spectrum) from planets. By analyz- spectrum of a mystery planet. Your teacher will ask
ing a planet’s spectrum, astronomers can determine you to interpret the planet’s potential for harboring
the composition of the planet’s atmosphere. life using the knowledge you acquired through your
research and data analysis.
Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn

Seeking Other Earths

Our solar system includes both terrestrial planets, like
Earth and Mars, and gas giants, like Jupiter and Saturn.
Astronomers have found more than 100 gas giant planets
orbiting other stars in the Milky Way galaxy; could any
of them be in solar systems that have terrestrial planets
suitable for life?

not to scale Courtesy of Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Research Journal
Use your Research Readings and relevant informa-
tion from additional literature review to answer Final Report Requirements
the following research and data analysis questions. Research and prepare a final report in which you
Use the information in your answers to help you identify the characteristics of planets with the best
write your final report. chances of harboring life, and explain how scientists
hope to use planetary spectra to search for
Research Questions extrasolar life.
Answering the following questions will help you Here are some specific ideas to include in your
identify the qualities to look for in a planet that final report.
may harbor life.
1 What gases does life (as it is currently understood) 1 Outline the qualities you would look for in a planet
require? What gases does life produce? that would make it a good candidate for further
2 What is the difference between a terrestrial planet investigation in the search for life. Include the fol-
and a Jovian planet? lowing in your report:
3 What does it mean for a planet to be in the • the type of planet
“habitable zone”? • the location of the planet (habitable zone)
4 Which planets in our solar system are in (or near) • the composition of the planet’s atmosphere
the habitable zone? • the effect of life on the planet’s atmosphere
5 How does the chemical composition of the • planets in the solar system that “fit” the
terrestrial planet atmospheres differ from the description
composition of the Jovian planet atmospheres? 2 Analyze the spectra—identify similarities and differ-
6 Why is it important to look at Archean Earth? ences—and explain how this solar system data can
be used for conducting a search for life on extrasolar
Data Analysis Questions planets. Your report should:
• list the gases found in each planetary spectrum.
Answering the following questions will help
• identify the gases common to all spectra.
you analyze the spectra.
• compare similarities and differences of the two
1 Which gases, if any, are common to all four planet
Earth spectra.
• explain the connection between ozone (O3)
2 What does your answer to question 1.) mean in
and oxygen (O2) and why scientists look
terms of the search for life on other planets?
for ozone.
3 If ozone (O3) is found, is normal oxygen (O2)
• list the gases that are good biomarkers and
also present? Does the presence of oxygen
those that are poor biomarkers. Defend your
automatically mean life?
4 How does the spectrum of Archean Earth compare
3 Based on your research, explain how planetary
to that of present-day Earth? Why is it important to
spectra might be used as a tool for exploring other
consider the atmosphere of Archean Earth when
worlds for life.
considering how to look for life on other worlds?
5 What gases are likely to be present in the
atmosphere of a planet harboring life? Is the answer
different depending on whether it is primitive life
or complex life?
6 Can the infrared portion of a planetary spectrum
be used to look for biomarkers (signs of life)? What
spectral features are of interest for this?
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Planet Spectra
The planet spectra data shown here represent
the infrared portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum, where planets re-emit the energy
absorbed from their parent star. The dips in
the curve result when gases in the planet’s
atmosphere absorb certain wavelengths of
energy. Because every element and compound
has a characteristic pattern of absorption, the
location of these absorption bands allow
scientists to identify the element or compound
in the atmosphere that is absorbing the energy.
Except for Archean Earth, these graphs represent
real satellite data. The Archean Earth spectrum
represents a scientific model of Earth’s atmosphere
based on what is known about this time in Earth’s
history and what is understood about modern
planetary atmospheres.
The major absorption bands on each planet’s
spectrum have been labeled with the compound(s)
responsible for the absorption.

What Is Brightness Temperature?

Scientists often plot brightness temperature instead
of intensity because the spectral features caused
by atmospheric composition are more easily seen
when plotted this way. Brightness temperature is
the temperature an object must have to produce the
observed intensity.
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Research Reading: In Search of E.T.’s Breath

If “E.T.” is out there, whether in the form of If life is widespread on a planet, the planet’s
intelligent beings or much simpler organisms, atmosphere should show signs of the life’s presence.
scientists may soon be hot on its trail. Just as the air you exhale has more carbon dioxide
and less oxygen than the air you inhale, the combined
In 1995, the first planet around another sun-like star “breathing” of all the life on a planet will change the
was discovered by astronomers using Doppler chemistry of its atmosphere. If life is plentiful on the
detection—a method that scientists have used to planet, these changes may be measurable.
reveal Saturn-sized (or larger) planets close to their
parent suns. Today, astronomers know of more than A simple premise—but what would E.T.’s breath
100 candidates for such worlds. look like? Which gases should scientists search for?
Scientists know the answers for Earth, but predict-
So far, all known extrasolar planets are gas giants ing how an alien biology might interact with its
(also known as Jovian planets) or possibly a kind of atmosphere is no simple matter.
failed star called a “brown dwarf”—both unlikely
places for life as it is currently understood. Of “As astrobiologists we’ve got to be sure that we’re
greater interest are Earth-size planets, which are not too Earth-centric,” says Michael Meyer, senior
too small to detect with current technologies. scientist for astrobiology at NASA Headquarters in
Nevertheless, many astronomers believe they exist. Washington, D.C.

If all goes as planned, an important new tool for The possibility that life elsewhere has a biology that’s
exploring such planets will be operating within the radically different from our own is perhaps the most
next 10 to 15 years. A system of space telescopes, exciting and challenging part of astrobiology. If life
collectively known as the Terrestrial Planet Finder evolves by random mutations and natural selection,
(TPF), will use techniques called “coronagraphy” why should scientists expect alien life forms to be
and “interferometry” to dramatically reduce the even remotely similar to Earthly life?
obscuring glare from a planet’s parent star,
allowing scientists to see the planet.
Planets circling other stars are many light years
away. (A light-year is the distance that light travels
in a year—about 9.5 trillion kilometers.) Even with
the TPF’s advanced optics, Earth-like worlds would
appear as a single pixel of light. How, then, will it
be possible to learn much about them?
Amazingly, even a tiny speck of light can speak
volumes about the planet from which it came.
Embedded in the light from a planet are the
“fingerprints” of the chemicals that have interacted Terrestrial Planer Finder
with the light, including gases in the planet’s Scientists hope that this proposed design for the TPF tele-
atmosphere. By splitting the light into its component scope will combine light to make Earth-size planets orbiting
other stars visible in the infrared range of the electromagnetic
wavelengths—through a technique known as spectros- spectrum. The mission consists of several independent
copy—scientists can reveal these “fingerprints” and spacecraft orbiting in precise formation. Each spacecraft
learn about the chemistry of the planet’s atmosphere. features a telescope on the shaded side of a large heat shield.
NASA also plans to fly a second TPF spacecraft that could
look for signs of life in visible regions of the electromagnetic
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Research Reading: In Search of E.T.’s Breath

“We have to be very careful about how foreign interpret the likely meaning of any methane or
biology might be different from our own, especially oxygen that might be detected. Scientists hope to
when you get to the bigger molecules” such as use TPF and other telescopes to measure (or at least
DNA, says David Des Marais, principal investigator estimate) these other details.
for the Ames Research Center team of NASA’s
The best candidates for closer study would be
Astrobiology Institute.
located in the habitable zone, the region around a
For example, people have speculated that silicon, a system’s star where scientists expect to find liquid
primary component of sand and a close cousin to water at the surface. If a planet is too hot, the water
carbon, could form the basis of an extraterrestrial vaporizes and is lost from the atmosphere. If a
biology. Alien life might forgo sunlight and depend planet is too cold, the water freezes. Either of these
instead on the geothermal energy in hydrogen and conditions would make a planet very inhospitable
sulfur compounds emitted from the planet’s interior, for life. The habitable zone for Earth’s sun starts
much like the deep-sea vent ecosystems here on beyond Venus and ends before Mars.
Earth. Or maybe the chemistry of alien life will be
If the TPF finds a habitable planet with lots of
utterly different and unimaginable.
oxygen and some methane in its atmosphere, it
Fortunately, the chemical constraints within which life would be a momentous discovery. But would such
must function make it likely that simple molecules data really verify the existence of life? Verification
such as oxygen and carbon dioxide will play the same can be difficult, especially when discussing
roles in an extraterrestrial biology as they do on Earth. extraterrestrial life. Nevertheless, say astrobiologists,
such evidence would be “very compelling.”
“Suppose,” says Meyer, “that there is silicon-based
life. [It might be] photosynthetic, and you would still
end up with oxygen in the atmosphere. You could
go there and the life could be completely different,
but some of the chemistry could still be the same Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn
[as on Earth].” Mercury Earth

“The small molecules are going to be more

universal,” agrees Des Marais. “Large molecules
like DNA and chlorophyll represent later, highly
significant innovations of life on Earth, but also not to scale
the ones that may have differed elsewhere.”
habitable zone
For this and other reasons, the exploration of distant
Earth-like planets with TPF will focus on simple gases
such as oxygen, ozone, carbon dioxide, methane, and
water vapor. (For more about these chemicals, see
Research Reading: Chemical Fingerprints.)
In addition to their carbon dioxide and water vapor
levels, other details about these planets—such as Sources:
their size, their distance from the parent star, In Search of ET’s Breath
and how bright they appear—will help scientists
Looking for Life’s Signatures
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Research Reading: Chemical Fingerprints

Where did we come from? Are we alone in the
galaxy? These questions have captured people’s
imaginations for centuries. Scientists worldwide
are continually seeking new ways to find answers
to these questions.
But how do scientists look for life on planets too
far away to study by spacecraft?
One way is to explore the light given off by faraway
planets. Light can reveal clues about a planet’s
properties. However, a planet’s visible light is dim
and easily lost in the glare of its parent star. But
scientists are working on technologies that will allow The same technique can be used to identify gases
them to detect such planets. NASA’s Terrestrial present in a planet’s atmosphere. The surface of a
Planet Finder (TPF) missions, being planned for planet emits energy in the infrared portion of the
launch in the next 10 to 15 years, will include two electromagnetic spectrum (infrared light cannot
spacecraft designed to examine the light being be seen with human eyes). The gases in a planet’s
emitted from planets. One spacecraft will have an atmosphere absorb some of these wavelengths.
instrument that will block a star’s light so that the Just which wavelengths get absorbed (and end up
orbiting planets will be visible. The second space- missing from the spectrum) depends on which
craft will work by observing the infrared radiation atoms and molecules are present in the planet’s
from the planet. This has two advantages: The first atmosphere.
is that there is less glare from the star at infrared
wavelengths. The second is that most molecules Because every element and all compounds produce
that would be likely indicators of life emit or absorb unique patterns, scientists can identify what
radiation in the infrared portion of the electromag- chemicals exist in a planet’s atmosphere by looking
netic spectrum. A similar project is being designed at the patterns that are produced.
for launch in 2014 by the European Space Agency. The TPF will be looking for evidence of simple
Scientists hope to use spectral analysis to decode chemicals—oxygen, ozone, carbon dioxide, methane,
the chemicals found in a planet’s atmosphere. and water vapor. These chemicals could be produced
Spectral analysis is a method that has long been by life on the surface of a planet, and (in certain
applied to deciphering the chemical composition quantities) can be absorbed by the atmosphere and
of stars. If sunlight is passed through a prism, a detected by spectral analysis. Earth’s present
“spectrum” of the light—a rainbow of colors—is atmosphere contains molecules of nitrogen (N2),
produced. The spectrum from starlight reveals dark oxygen (O2), and trace gases that include argon (Ar),
regions at certain wavelengths that are associated methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Water
with chemical elements and compounds present vapor (H2O) occurs in varying amounts. In addition,
in a star. Each element and compound produces a Earth is shielded from ultraviolet radiation by a layer
unique pattern of spectral features that scientists of ozone (O3), which only forms from oxygen atoms.
can use to identify a star’s composition.
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Research Reading: Chemical Fingerprints

Analyzing an early Earth-like planet that has not Small quantities of methane and nitrous oxide
yet developed an oxygen-rich atmosphere is more might be difficult to detect with the first TPF
difficult because scientists do not know much about instruments. Eventually, however, scientists hope
what early life on Earth was like, or what gases were that later instruments will be better equipped to
released by early life forms. However, scientists know make such measurements. This would be the best
that certain types of bacteria are very ancient. These way to determine if the potential for life exists on
bacteria obtain energy by converting carbon dioxide planets around other stars.
and molecular hydrogen (H2) to methane and water.
Although certain chemicals may give clues to
Both carbon dioxide and molecular hydrogen are
whether a planet is habitable, they don’t reveal
thought to have been relatively abundant early in
the characteristics that life might take on or how
Earth’s history. Early life probably evolved to take
complex it could be. In addition, the chemical
advantage of this. Therefore, methane would
signatures scientists are searching for are based
probably be an important indicator of life on an early
on the understanding of what life needs to survive
Earth-like planet, just as it is today. (Oxygen was
on Earth. While the chemistry throughout the
likely a toxic gas to early life.) Nitrous oxide, another
universe is the same, no one knows all the ways
byproduct of life, could also serve as an indicator
it could form life. Astrobiologists are considering
of possible life on another planet.
what forms life may take while astronomers
continue to identify extrasolar planets that may
be candidates for life.
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Research Reading: Chemical Fingerprints

The Search So, the presence of oxygen alone—while exciting
The TPF will search directly or indirectly for the and significant—can’t be taken as an unambiguous
following chemicals. indicator of life. Furthermore, oxygen doesn’t
produce spectral lines that can be easily observed in
the infrared part of the spectrum. However, another
form of oxygen, ozone, made of three atoms of
oxygen, does produce spectral features in the infrared.
The ozone layer, which is located in Earth’s
stratosphere, is important to life because it protects
Earth from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cancer and
Oxygen (O2) and Ozone (O3) cataracts in animals and can stunt the growth of
many plants.
Oxygen is important to life on Earth. It is mainly
produced as a byproduct of photosynthesis by The presence of ozone in a planet’s atmosphere
green plants and certain other organisms. is a reliable indication that normal oxygen is also
present. Without oxygen, ozone could not exist.
Without life, oxygen would be rare on rocky planets.
Ozone is not expected to be present in significant
A small amount of oxygen can be created when ultra-
amounts unless oxygen is also present.
violet radiation splits water vapor into hydrogen (H2)
and oxygen (O). The hydrogen is very light and can The detection of ozone along with other gases,
escape into space while the oxygen is left behind. But such as nitrous oxide (N2O) or methane, could be
the oxygen would combine with rocks and minerals taken as convincing evidence that a planet is not
on the planet’s surface in an “oxidizing” reaction to only habitable—but that it is inhabited.
produce various compounds, such as rust. Gases
If we do not see oxygen or ozone features in a
released by volcanoes can also react with oxygen and
planet’s spectrum, does that mean that life is not
remove it from the atmosphere. Geological processes
present? Earth’s atmosphere has contained a
usually work against the accumulation of oxygen.
significant amount of oxygen for only about the past
Therefore, a planet with an oxygen-rich atmosphere 2 billion years. The earliest fossils suggest life existed
is unusual without photosynthetic life to constantly 3.5 billion years ago. Indirect evidence for life on Earth
replenish the supply. As Carl Sagan noted in a 1997 may go back even further in time. This suggests that
Scientific American article, “the great concentration life was present on Earth for more than one and a
of oxygen (20 percent) in Earth’s dense atmosphere half billion years before any sign of oxygen or ozone
is very hard to explain by [any means other than appeared in its atmosphere.
life.]” The same would likely be true of planets
orbiting other stars. Where is it in the spectrum? Oxygen does not
show up in the infrared part of the spectrum.
However, scientists do know of non-biological
But ozone produces spectral features at infrared
processes that can result in an oxygen-rich
wavelengths. One feature is located at about
atmosphere. For example, ultraviolet light from
9,500–9,700 nanometers.
the sun can break apart carbon dioxide molecules
to form carbon monoxide (CO) and oxygen. Or, as
stated previously, ultraviolet sunlight (or starlight)
can break apart water molecules into hydrogen
and oxygen.
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Research Reading: Chemical Fingerprints

On a planet with a similar geology to Earth,
methane levels greater than about 100 parts per
million would suggest a significant probability of
the presence of life. But methane would be a more
ambiguous discovery than oxygen, because planets
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) of a different geological make-up might produce
Carbon dioxide is a gas that increases a planet’s abundant methane without life. However, a spec-
temperature by a process called the greenhouse trum that shows signs of both methane and oxygen
effect. Carbon dioxide is also used (along with would provide a very strong indication of life.
water) by plants to produce sugars used for energy.
Oxygen is released into the air as a result. This Where is it in the spectrum? Methane produces
process is called photosynthesis. Animals consume spectral features at infrared wavelengths. One of
plants and oxygen and release carbon dioxide and these is located at about 7,600 nanometers.
water through respiration. If scientists found carbon
dioxide, it would mean that the planet might be able
to support plant life, but it is not a strong indicator
of life by itself, since planets can have carbon
dioxide atmospheres without life. Venus and Mars
are examples of this.

Where is it in the spectrum? Carbon dioxide

produces spectral features at various infrared Water Vapor (H2O)
wavelengths. A prominent feature is located at
Water vapor is one of the greenhouse gases that
about 15,000 nanometers.
absorbs infrared radiation emitted from Earth’s
surface and helps warm the planet. Water vapor
is also the source of all clouds, rain, and snow. It
is an important influence on weather and climate.
If a scientist found water vapor in the atmosphere
of another planet, it would be a good sign that
there might be liquid water on its surface. Water
is the most important ingredient for life on Earth,
Methane (CH4) so another planet with water on it would be a
promising place to look for life.
Scientists suspect that for roughly the first billion
years of its history, life on Earth had not yet evolved
Where is it in the spectrum? Water vapor produces
oxygen-producing organisms. Instead, the micro-
spectral features at many infrared wavelengths.
organisms that dominated the planet tapped the
One feature is located at about 6,000 nanometers.
energy in gases that leaked out of Earth’s interior
and some microbes created methane as a by-
product. (Methane and nitrous oxide, another gas Sources:
that can be associated with life, are not abundant In Search of ET’s Breath
in present-day Earth’s atmosphere.) Looking for Life’s Signatures
The Terrestrial Planet Finder, May 1999.
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Research Reading: Terrestrial and Jovian Planets

With the exception of Pluto, planets in our solar of Jovian planets. In the solar system, Jovian
system are classified as either terrestrial planets are located farther from the sun than
(Earth-like) or Jovian (Jupiter-like) terrestrial planets, and are therefore cooler.
planets. Terrestrial planets include Scientists have found more than 100 Jovian plan-
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. ets around other stars. The majority of the extraso-
These planets are relatively small lar Jovian planets that have been discovered so far
in size and in mass. A terrestrial are closer to their stars than the Jovian planets in
planet has a solid rocky surface, the solar system are to the sun.
with metals deep in its interior.
The atmospheres of the Jovian planets in our solar
In the solar system, these
system are made mostly of hydrogen and helium.
planets are closer to the sun and are therefore
Compounds containing hydrogen, such as water,
warmer than the planets located farther out in the
ammonia, and methane, are also present. Differ-
solar system. Future space missions are being
ences in the amounts of these trace gases and
designed to search remotely for terrestrial planets
variations in the temperatures of these planets
around other stars.
contribute to the different colors seen in images
The layers of gases surrounding the surface of a taken in visible light. While scientists expect the
planet make up what is known as an atmo- atmospheres of Jovian planets in other solar
sphere. The atmospheres of the terrestrial systems to be composed mainly of hydrogen and
planets range from thin to thick. Mercury helium, they have not yet measured the properties
has almost no atmosphere. A thick of their atmospheres.
atmosphere made mostly of carbon
Pluto, the most remote planet in our solar system,
dioxide covers Venus, trapping heat and
might be little more than a giant comet. Pluto
raising surface temperatures. Clouds on
resembles the icy, comet-like objects orbiting the
Venus form from sulfuric acid. Earth’s
Sun outside of Neptune’s orbit, rather than either
atmosphere is 77 percent nitrogen, 21 percent
the rocky terrestrial planets or the Jovian planets.
oxygen, and 1 percent argon, with variable amounts
Factors that distinguish Pluto from the terrestrial
of water vapor, and trace amounts of other gases.
and Jovian planets include its composition (ice,
White clouds of water vapor hide much of Earth’s
rock, and frozen gases), changing atmosphere,
surface in views of Earth from space. Mars has a
small size, comparatively large moon, and its
very thin atmosphere containing mostly carbon
elliptical orbit around the Sun.
dioxide, with nitrogen, argon, and trace amounts
of oxygen and water vapor. The atmosphere also
contains thin water and carbon dioxide clouds,
and is frequently affected by dust storms.
Jovian planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune. These planets have larger sizes and
masses. Jovian planets do not have solid surfaces.
They are sometimes called gas giants because they
are large and made mostly of gases. Small amounts
of rocky materials are only found deep in the cores
Origins: Where Are the Aliens? Student Handout

Mystery Planet’s Spectrum

You have now learned what chemicals scientists
are looking for to indicate the possibility of life
on another planet. Take a look at the chemical
spectrum of the atmosphere on this mystery
planet. What do you think? Can it support life?
Defend your reasoning.

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