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Sanction Letter 4

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Lender Name: InCred Financial Services Limited (formerly known as KKR India
Financial Services Limited) hereinafter referred to as “InCred”, and shall include its
subsidiary, affiliates, successors, executors, administrators and assigns)

App ID: 1999787929271028A Date: 19/10/2024 Loan Amount: Rs. 21111

PAN: ENYPP1781E Purpose: Tenor: 6 month(s)


Applicant Name: POLISETTY Father/Mother/Spouse Name: MR SREENIVASULU


Marital Status: MARRIED Date of Birth: 2000-05- Gender: MALE


Residence Address: S/O Polisetty Sreenivasulu 2/26 ramapuram kothapalli Cuddapah, YSR,YSR,
516504 ,AP

City: YSR State: AP Pin code: 516504

Mobile: 8297546494 Email: [email protected]

Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions of the Loan:

• I hereby apply for a personal loan facility of the amount (“Loan”) as mentioned
hereinabove in this application. I authorize InCred, and its agents to make references and
enquiries relevant to information in this application form and to the information submitted
digitally in digital application form as per their discretion
• I authorize InCred to access my credit bureau records from any agency and thereafter
store this until perpetuity or part with/share credit bureau records and all information
relating to loan details and repayment history with regulated service providers/banks
/financial institutions/CIBIL etc. and periodically obtain/generate any reports as may be
required and shall not hold InCred liable for use or sharing of this information with such
regulated service provider appointed by it
• I declare that I have not made any payment in cash, bearers’ cheques or of any other kind
along with or in connection with this Application Form to the person collecting my
Application Form
• I hereby permit InCred to update and connect with me through telephonic calls, or SMS
on my mobile number, or email id mentioned in the Application Form, or through any
other communication mode, transactional information, various loan offer schemes or loan
promotional schemes or any other promotional schemes which may be provided by
InCred and/or any agency appointed by InCred and hereby authorize their employee,
agent, associate to do so
• I confirm that laws in relation to the unsolicited communication referred in “National Do
Not Call Registry'' (the “NDNC Registry'') will not be applicable for such communication
/calls/SMSs received from InCred, its employees, agents, service provider and/or
• I do hereby expressly and irrevocably authorize InCred to collect, store, share, obtain,
disclose and authenticate any aspect of my personal information/ CKYC/KYC either
directly or through any of the authorized agencies and/or statutory authorities, UIDAI. In
this regard, I expressly and irrevocably authorize InCred to collect, use, verify and
authenticate my personal identity information/KYC as according to InCred’s and True
Credits Private Limited's privacy policy available at https://www.incred.com/home

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

accepted by me and under applicable laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, directions,
circulars, etc. I hereby share my KYC Identifier to InCred and expressly authorize and
consent InCred to download KYC records from statutory authorities/registries for
customer due diligence purposes and update the records.
• I understand that (a) GST as may be applicable will be charged in connection with the
loan (b) submitted photographs will not be returned under any circumstances once
• I understand that processing fees and stamping charges would be deducted from
disbursement or if paid up front the same would not be refunded. Further, loan amount
disbursed to me /us shall be subject to all statutory levies, Taxes, deductions, as specified
by the regulators from time to time, shall be borne by me
• I confirm that I have read and understood the contents [the contents have been read out to
me in vernacular and I have understood the same(applicable only to applicants/borrowers
having knowledge in regional/ vernacular language alone)] of the Application Form and
Loan shall be governed by terms and conditions mentioned in InCred’s General Terms &
Conditions, duly registered with the registrar as declaration and copies of which is also
available on its website (https://www.incred.com/terms-and-conditions-pl.html)
• I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Loan including the annual rate
of interest and the approach for gradation of risk and rationale for charging different rates
of interest to different categories of borrowers adopted by InCred. I understand that the
identical products with identical tenor and availed during the same period may attract
different interest rates for different borrowers Also the rates of Interest may be different
for different categories of borrowers I understand InCred has its own model for arriving at
lending interest rates on the basis of various (i) risks such as interest rate risk, credit and
default risk in the related business segment, (ii)based on various cost such as average cost
of borrowed funds, matching tenure cost ,market liquidity, cost of underwriting, cost of
customer acquisition etc. and other factors like profile of the borrower, repayment track
record of the existing customer, future potential, deviations permitted , tenure of
relationship with the borrower, overall customer yield etc. Such information is gathered
based on the information provided by the borrower, credit reports, data sources and
market intelligence. I accept the terms and conditions and agree that these terms and
conditions may be changed by InCred at any time and I shall be bound by the amended
terms and conditions
• I agree that I may be shared by InCred the details of insurance company/ies for
insurance. If I apply for insurance with any insurance company, then that would be as per
the Terms and Conditions of such insurance company and InCred will not be responsible
in any way for the same. I also acknowledge that there is no linkage between the loan and
any insurance product shared by InCred/insurance companies and also that it is not
compulsory for me to take such insurance policy/product to avail the loan.
• I hereby declare that all the particulars, information and details given/filled in this
application form or digital format of application form or other documents are true, correct,
complete and up-to date in all respects and no information has been withheld and shall
form part and parcel of this application form. If at any stage of the processing of this
application it comes to the knowledge of InCred that I have not abide by terms and
conditions of the Loan then InCred shall have the right to forthwith reject this loan
application, cancel/revoke any sanction or recall any loan granted by InCred at any stage
of processing the application, without assigning any reason whatsoever.
• I hereby confirm the names including Father’s/ Husband’s name as mentioned in the
PAN, KYC document(s) and the banking document(s) that belong to me.
• I hereby confirm the date of birth mentioned in the PAN and the KYC document(s)
belong to me.
• I declare that I will not take undue benefit of discrepancies in the name and/or date of
birth and/or Father’s / Husband’s name and/or any other identity related information as
mentioned in the aforesaid documents.

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

1. Application Form
2. KYC Documents as per InCred’s KYC policy (as amended from time to time).
InCred acknowledge receipt of your loan application form and we thank you for the same.
This loan application will be processed in 30 business days subject to submission of complete
information and documents as per Incred's policy.

If you need any clarification please feel free to speak to our representative or email us at:
[email protected] You can also contact Customer Service on our Toll Free Number: 1800-102-

For any queries or grievance, the Applicant can reach us at [email protected] or contact us
on 1800-102-2192. Notice of grievance shall be sent only to the above-mentioned channels.

We look forward to be in your service.

True Credits Private Limited

Email: [email protected]
Contact details: 0120-4001028
This is a system generated letter and doesn’t need to be physically signed by an authorized

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:


Please read carefully before confirming/signing:

InCred Financial Services Limited (formerly known as KKR India Financial Services Limited)
(hereinafter referred to as “InCred” ,”Lender” , and shall include its subsidiary, affiliates,
successors, executors, administrators and assigns)
We, InCred, refer to your request for a loan as mentioned in the Loan Application No:
1999787929271028A dated 19/10/2024 executed by you in favour of InCred.
InCred has agreed to provide the Loan facilities as per terms and conditions mentioned in the
application and/or herein below.

1. Name of the Lender InCred Financial Services Limited

(Formerly known as KKR India
Financial Services Limited)


3. Name of the Lending Service True Credits Private Limited

Provider (LSP)

4. Name of the Digital Lending Balancehero Private Limited

Application (DLA)

5. Loan/ Facility Amount (INR) Rs. 21111

(Amount disbursed/to be (twenty-one thousand one hundred
disbursed to the borrower) eleven only)

6. Type of loan Personal Loan

7. Purpose of Loan SALARY_DELAY

8. Type of Interest Fixed

9. Rate of Interest % p. a. 48.00% Per Annum


10. Total Interest charged during Rs.3475 (Monthly Interest Rate

the entire Tenor of the Loan 4.00%)

11. Tenor (Months) 6 month(s)

12. First EMI date: 01/12/2024

13. Penal charges in case of Kindly refer the Schedule of

delayed payments/ non- Charges (SOC) annexed herewith
compliance of material terms /Annexure II
and conditions of loan (if any)

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

14. “Tax” or “Taxes” or “Levies” All Taxes including Income
Tax, Goods and Services Tax,
duties, cess and levies as per
applicable law pertaining to the
transaction (including on the
charges mentioned above)
whether present or in future to
be borne by the Borrower.
“Tax” or “Taxes” or “Levies”
shall mean i.all forms of tax
(direct and indirect), levy, duty
(including stamp duties), charge,
impost, withholding or other
amount, whenever or wherever
created or imposed by, or
payable to any Tax Authority in
India or other jurisdictions
whether payable on own account
or in a representative capacity,
including without limitation in
relation to income, profits,
gains, net wealth, asset values,
turnover, expenditure, capital
gains, withholding, employment,
payroll, fringe benefits, goods
and services tax and franchise
taxes (including include
surcharge and cess); and ii.all
charges, interest, penalties and
fines incidental or relating to
any Tax falling within (i) above
or which arise as a result of the
failure to pay any Tax on the
due date or to comply with any
obligation relating to Tax. “Tax
Authority” or “Tax Authorities”
means any revenue, customs,
fiscal, governmental, statutory,
state, provincial, local
governmental or municipal
authority, body or Person
responsible for Tax;

15. Exact date of commencement of 01/12/2024 or Please refer the

repayment of a loan Repayment Schedule
/Amortization Schedule

16. If moratorium is applicable, then NA

exact date of commencement of
repayment in the moratorium

17. First EMI Date 01/12/2024

18. Final Repayment Date 01/05/2025

19. Break up between Principal and Principal 21111

Interest Interest 3475

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

20. Equated Monthly Installment Rs.4020/- per month on every
(EMI) Details month.

21. Frequency of Repayment Equated Monthly Installment

22. Repayment Schedule The Borrower confirms to have

received indicative repayment
schedule for the Loan Amount
(Enclosed as Appendix – I). The
Borrower understands that
Repayment EMI Schedule may
change as communicated by
InCred based on the date and
amount of final disbursement
towards the Loan.

23. Bank Account details for Bank Account No:

disbursement 50100573684740
Bank Name: HDFC
Bank Branch Name:
IFSC Code: HDFC0002380
Other Terms and conditions:
I hereby agree and acknowledge that:
• Broken Period Interest shall be applied for the period between the date of
disbursal and the EMI start date. The disbursal shall be net of broken period
interest, processing fee and applicable Taxes.
• Fixed Rate of Interest means the fixed rate of Interest applicable on the Loan
/Facility as per the Schedule hereunder, which is subject to review by the InCred
from time to time.
• InCred shall in its absolute discretion be entitled to modify the Fixed Interest Rate
and the Borrower agree and confirm to pay interest as per such modified interest
rates on the Loan/Facility and related amounts on and from the date of such
• The rate may be changed suitably at such interval from time to time and
prospectively on account of change in mandate of the Reserve Bank of India and/
or any other statutory authorities, unforeseen or exceptional changes in money
market conditions and internal policies/ factors associated with InCred. In such
event, notwithstanding the provisions of the Schedule hereunder, the Borrower
agrees to pay interest on such revised rate and this Agreement shall be construed
as if such revised rate was expressly mentioned herein.
• InCred shall give communication to the Borrower of any change in the terms and
conditions including the disbursement schedule, Rate of Interest, service charges,
prepayment charges and also notify such changes by updating the same on its
Website, wherever applicable. The Borrower hereby also agrees to keep himself
/herself/itself abreast with all notifications on the Website and shall be bound by
the aforesaid change and shall not dispute the same.

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

• InCred shall be entitled to revise the Rate of Interest at any time and from time to
time as per statutory authority, InCred internal policy, market conditions, external
factors and/or applicable laws, if any, during the tenor of the Loan/Facility, at its
discretion and the Borrower shall also be liable to pay interest at such revised Rate
of Interest in such manner and within such period as may be determined by InCred
in its sole discretion.
• In the event of above stated reset of Rate of Interest, the following option shall be
• enhancement in EMI or elongation of tenor or for a
combination of both options; and, to prepay, either in part or in
full, at any point during the tenor of the loan.

• InCred reserves the right to alter / revoke / cancel /recall and/or modify the credit
limit / loan (except increase in loan amount/credit limit. InCred shall ensure that
there is no automatic increase in credit limit unless explicit consent of borrower is
taken on record for each such increase.) and / or any other terms and conditions as
it may deem fit absolutely at its discretion without notice and without assigning
any reason thereof. and all principal monies, interest thereon and all other costs,
charges, expenses and other monies outstanding shall become due and payable to
the InCred forthwith upon demand from InCred.
• InCred reserves the right to change the rate of interest and other charges, at any
time, with previous notice/intimation, and any such changes shall have prospective
• At any time during the currency of the Loan/Limit/Facility, InCred shall have the
sole and exclusive right to cancel the Loan/Limit/Facility, with or without reasons,
and declare all obligations of Borrower immediately due and payable and/or stop
advancing money or extending credit for the Borrower’s benefit under this
Sanction Letter/Most Important Terms and Conditions or any other agreement
between the Borrower and InCred, and terminate the right of the Borrower to avail
of or make disbursements from the Loan/Limit/Facility by giving a written
intimation to the Borrower and any such cancellation shall not discharge an
obligation accrued on the Borrower.
• Any discharge, release or settlement from time to time between InCred and the
Borrower, if any discharge or payment in respect of the Obligations by the
Borrower or any other person is avoided or set aside or ordered to be surrendered,
paid away, refunded or reduced by virtue of any provision, Applicable Law or
enactment relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation, winding up,
composition or arrangement for the time being in force or for any other reason
whatsoever, InCred shall be entitled hereafter to enforce this Deed as if no such
discharge, release or settlement had occurred
• I understand that processing fees and stamping charges would be deducted from
disbursement or if paid up front the same would not be refunded. Further, loan
amount disbursed to me shall be subject to all statutory levies, Taxes , deductions,
as specified by the regulators from time to time, shall be borne by me.
• The Borrower shall make all payments to be made by it hereunder without any
Tax deduction. The Borrower shall ensure that all payments due to the Lender
shall be made to the full extent of the requisite amount of such payments as per the
terms agreed upon between the Lender and the Borrower.

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

• If the Borrower is or becomes aware that the Borrower is/shall be required to
make a Tax deduction (or that there is a change in the rate or the basis of a Tax
deduction), it shall promptly notify the Lender. If the Borrower is required to
make a tax deduction, it shall make the tax deduction allowed by law and shall
make any payment required in connection with that Tax deduction within the time
allowed by law and provide Tax deduction certificate to the Lender. For any TDS
payments made by the Borrower, the Lender shall refund the amounts of such
TDS to the Borrower within a reasonable time after the requisite TDS certificate
has been submitted to the Lender provided the amount of TDS deposited by the
Borrower is over and above the amount required to be paid by the Borrow as per
the repayment schedule.
• Subject to above mentioned clauses, the Borrower shall during the currency of the
Loan bear all and any present and future Taxes as may be applicable or as may be
levied by a Tax Authority or government or any statutory agency or body or
authority in relation to the Loan. If the Lender is required to make any payment on
account of any tax in relation to any sum received or receivable by the Lender
hereunder, then the sum payable by the Borrower to the Lender shall be increased
to the extent necessary to ensure that after making such payment, the Lender
receives and retains a sum equal to the sum which it would have received and
retained had no such payment or deduction been made or required to be made.
• If there is, at any time, any incidence of any Taxes on the Lender directly
connected and/or attributable to the Loan, the Lender shall notify the Borrower of
such incidence of tax and shall be entitled to pass on such incidence to the
Borrower. The Borrower shall make payment of such taxes without demur, protest
or cavil. Notwithstanding the above, if the Lender makes payment of any such
indirect tax, the Lender shall, be entitled to be re-imbursed for the same by the
• The Borrower shall be required to pay all indirect Taxes including GST on any fee
(s), charges, etc. that the Lender may charge to the Borrower. If the GST
Registration number provided by Borrower is incorrect or not accepted by the
GSTN portal due to reasons like the same is Inactive/ Cancelled / Suspended etc.,
then the fees for supply of service provided to you will be reported as a B2C
supply and the Lender will not be responsible for the loss of input tax credit
suffered by you in this regard. (if applicable)
• The Borrower shall repay the Loan along with Interest and such other amounts
due by paying Equated Monthly Installments as per the Repayment Schedule
/Amortization Schedule.
• The Borrower state and confirm that InCred may present the Cheque/Standing
Instructions/NACH Debit instructions issued by the Borrower in favour of InCred,
for repayment of the principal, interest and/or any other charges as applicable
including but not limited to Penal charges, all costs and expenses, and represent
the same as per applicable statutory authorities extant rules/regulations/circulars
and the Borrower confirms that he/she shall maintain sufficient balance to honour
the presentation/representations of debit instructions.
• Breakup of Principal & Interest rate will be available in repayment schedule.
• The terms of this loan shall also be governed by General Terms and Conditions
(available on InCred’s website https://www.incred.com/terms-and-conditions-pl.
html . I hereby agree and acknowledge that: I have read and understood the
contents [the contents have been read out to me in vernacular and I have

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

understood the same, (applicable only to applicants/ borrowers having knowledge
in regional/ vernacular language alone)] of the Sanction Letter and Most Important
Terms and Conditions. General Terms and Conditions (available on InCred’s
website https://www.incred.com/terms-and-conditions-pl.html and registered as a
declaration at the Sub-registrar's office at Bandra, Mumbai, copies of which I have
read and understood before confirming acceptance.
• I have read and understood the above referred General Terms and Conditions
before confirming acceptance.
• InCred is entitled to add, delete, recall, amend, modify the Loan terms with prior
notice or modify any of the aforesaid terms and conditions and the same shall be
binding on me.
• If moratorium is applicable, then exact date of commencement of repayment in the
moratorium period
• All details are filled and there are no blanks in the same.
• InCred is entitled to add, delete, recall, amend, modify the Loan terms with prior
notice or modify any of the aforesaid terms and conditions and the same shall be
binding on me.
• I have perused, understood and agreed to InCred's method of calculating the
• I am aware that the documents to be executed by me integrate all the conditions
mentioned herein and incidental thereto, and supersede all negotiations or prior
writings, except for provisions of this document. In the event of any such conflict
between the terms, conditions and provisions as stated herein with the terms
mentioned elsewhere, then in such an event the terms, conditions and provisions
as stated above shall prevail.
• I hereby acknowledge that I have been provided with a copy of this document and
all other loan documents.
• InCred is entitled to add, delete, recall, amend, modify the Loan terms with prior
notice or modify any of the aforesaid terms and conditions and the same shall be
binding on me.
• I understand that processing fees and stamping charges would be deducted from
disbursement or if paid up front the same would not be refunded. Further, loan
amount disbursed to me /us shall be subject to all statutory levies, Taxes ,
deductions, as specified by the regulators from time to time, shall be borne by me.
• In order to remove any ambiguity, it is clarified that the intervals are intended to
be continuous and accordingly, the basis for classification of SMA/NPA
categories shall be considered as follows:

Example of NPA/SMA
If the EMI/Interest is not paid within 30 days from the date of SMA-0

If the EMI is not paid within 60 days from the date of repayment SMA-1

If the EMI is not paid within 90 days from the date of repayment SMA-2

If the EMI is not paid for more than 90 days from the date of NPA

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

• I hereby agree to intimate in writing to InCred, within 30 days of any update
/change/alteration/ correction in the know your customer (KYC) documents
/officially valid documents including but not limited to my identity proof, address
proof, etc.
• I hereby authorize InCred to make disbursements of Loan in the bank account as
stated above and deduct pre-equated monthly installment interest (PEMII), if any
for the disbursement amount.

In the event of any inconsistency between the Sanction Letter/Most Important Terms and
Conditions and General Terms and Conditions of Incred, the Sanction Letter/Most Important
Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
If you need any clarification please feel free to speak to our representative or email us at:
[email protected].

Please do not sign the above document if it is blank. Please do not pay cash to anyone
for the processing of your loan. In case you are asked, please refuse and contact
InCred directly. For all payments made to any representative of InCred towards any
fee/charges, please ask for a valid receipt.

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

Sr No Charge Type Charges

1. Processing Fee Upto 10% of the Loan Amount +

Applicable taxes
Swap Charges (EMI due date, Rs.500 + applicable taxes
2. Bank a/c change, Repayment
mode change)
Late EMI Payment Charges (LPP) 48.00% Per annum on overdue principal
3. - Annualized rate of interest in outstanding for defaulted period
case of delayed payment
Part Prepayment Charges and Upto 6.000% + Applicable Taxes
4. Full Prepayment / Foreclosure

5. NACH/ PDC bounce / dishonour Rs.500 per instance


6. EMI Collection charges Upto 500 or Nil as decided by the Business

Head + applicable Taxes
Stamp Duty, Registration At Actuals + applicable Taxes
Charges, Taxes and other related
7. charges on the Loan Documents,
Mortgage Documents, Notice of
Intimation (NOI), Security
Documents etc.

8. CERSAI/CKYC/NESL/ RoC At Actuals + applicable Taxes

Registration Charges etc.

9. Charges towards Legal Notice Rs. 100 per notice and Rs.75 per additional
address. + applicable Taxes

10. Charges towards SARFAESI At Actuals + applicable Taxes


11. Charges towards Arbitration 7,500/- (7,000/- Professional Fees + 500

Stamp Paper) + applicable Taxes

12. Charges towards Insolvency

Proceedings At Actuals + applicable Taxes
Charges towards Section 138 / Rs.4,000 + applicable Taxes towards legal
13. Section 25 proceeding under Negotiable Instrument
Act, 1881 (Sec.138) and Payment of
Settlement Act 2007 (Sec. 25)
Other Penal Charges for non- To be specified and communicated by the
14. compliance of material obligations InCred from time to time
if any with prior communication

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

Date: 19/10/2024
Address:S/O Polisetty Sreenivasulu 2/26 ramapuram kothapalli Cuddapah, YSR,YSR,
516504 ,AP
Dear Sir / Madam,
InCred Financial Services Limited (formerly known as KKR India Financial
Services Limited) (hereinafter referred to as “InCred”, and shall include its subsidiary,
affiliates, successors, executors, administrators and assigns) refer to your request for a
loan as mentioned in the Loan Application No:1999787929271028A dated 19/10/2024 for
a loan facility from InCred made through https://truecredits.in

We are happy to provide the credit facility on the following broad Terms & Conditions.

1. Name of the Lender InCred Financial Services Limited

(Formerly known as KKR India
Financial Services Limited)


3. Name of the Lending Service True Credits Private Limited

Provider (LSP)

4. Name of the Digital Lending Balancehero Private Limited

Application (DLA)

5. Loan/ Facility Amount (INR) Rs. 21111

(Amount disbursed/to be ( twenty-one thousand one hundred
disbursed to the borrower) eleven only)

6. Type of loan Personal Loan

7. Purpose of Loan SALARY_DELAY

8. Availability period This loan may be availed within 7

(Seven) days from the date of this

9. Type of Interest Fixed

10. Rate of Interest % p. a. 48.00% Per Annum


11. Total Interest charged during the Rs.3475 (Monthly Interest Rate
entire Tenor of the Loan (INR) 4.00%)

12. Tenor (Months) 6 month(s)

13. First EMI date: 01/12/2024

14. Penal charges in case of delayed Kindly refer the Schedule of

payments/ non-compliance of Charges (SOC) annexed herewith
material terms and conditions of /Annexure II
loan (if any)

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

15. “Tax” or “Taxes” or “Levies” All Taxes including Income Tax,
Goods and Services Tax, duties,
cess and levies as per applicable
law pertaining to the transaction
(including on the charges
mentioned above) whether present
or in future to be borne by the
Borrower. “Tax” or “Taxes” or
“Levies” shall mean i.all forms of
tax (direct and indirect), levy, duty
(including stamp duties), charge,
impost, withholding or other
amount, whenever or wherever
created or imposed by, or payable
to any Tax Authority in India or
other jurisdictions whether payable
on own account or in a
representative capacity, including
without limitation in relation to
income, profits, gains, net wealth,
asset values, turnover, expenditure,
capital gains, withholding,
employment, payroll, fringe
benefits, goods and services tax and
franchise taxes (including include
surcharge and cess); and ii.all
charges, interest, penalties and
fines incidental or relating to any
Tax falling within (i) above or
which arise as a result of the failure
to pay any Tax on the due date or
to comply with any obligation
relating to Tax. “Tax Authority” or
“Tax Authorities” means any
revenue, customs, fiscal,
governmental, statutory, state,
provincial, local governmental or
municipal authority, body or
Person responsible for Tax;

16. Exact date of commencement of 01/12/2024 or Please refer the

repayment of a loan Repayment Schedule/Amortization

17. If moratorium is applicable, NA

then exact date of
commencement of repayment in
the moratorium period.

18. First EMI Date 01/12/2024

19. Final Repayment Date 01/05/2025

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

20. Break up between Principal and Principal 21111
Interest Interest 3475

21. Equated Monthly Installment Rs. 4020/- per month on every

(EMI) Details month.

22. Frequency of Repayment Personal Loan

23. Repayment Schedule The Borrower confirms to have

received indicative repayment
schedule for the Loan Amount
(Enclosed as Appendix – I). The
Borrower understands that
Repayment EMI Schedule may
change as communicated by InCred
based on the date and amount of
final disbursement towards the

24. Bank Account details for Bank Account No:

disbursement 50100573684740
Bank Name: HDFC
Bank Branch Name:
IFSC Code: HDFC0002380
This offer is valid up to 7 days from the date of issue.
The sanction of the loan shall stand revoked and cancelled at the sole discretion of InCred.
• Fixed Rate of Interest means the fixed rate of Interest applicable on the Loan
/Facility as per the Schedule hereunder, which is subject to review by the InCred
from time to time.
• InCred shall in its absolute discretion be entitled to modify the Fixed Interest Rate
and the Borrower agrees and confirms to pay interest as per such modified interest
rates on the Loan/Facility and related amounts on and from the date of such
• The rate may be changed suitably at such interval from time to time and
prospectively on account of change in mandate of the Reserve Bank of India and/
or any other statutory authorities, unforeseen or exceptional changes in money
market conditions and internal policies/ factors associated with InCred. In such
event, notwithstanding the provisions of the Schedule hereunder, the Borrower
agrees to pay interest on such revised rate and this Agreement shall be construed
as if such revised rate was expressly mentioned herein.
• The rate may be changed suitably at such interval from time to time and
prospectively on account of change in mandate of the Reserve Bank of India and/
or any other statutory authorities, unforeseen or exceptional changes in money
market conditions and internal policies/ factors associated with InCred. In such
event, notwithstanding the provisions of the Schedule hereunder, the Borrower
agrees to pay interest on such revised rate and this Agreement shall be construed
as if such revised rate was expressly mentioned herein.
• InCred shall give communication to the Borrower of any change in the terms and
conditions including the disbursement schedule, Rate of Interest, service charges,
prepayment charges and also notify such changes by updating the same on its
Website, wherever applicable.. .The Borrower hereby also agrees to keep himself
/herself/itself abreast with all notifications on the Website and shall be bound by
Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:
the aforesaid change and shall not dispute the same.
• InCred shall be entitled to revise the Rate of Interest at any time and from time to
time as per statutory authority, InCred internal policy, market conditions, external
factors and/or applicable laws, if any, during the tenor of the Loan/Facility, at its
discretion and the Borrower shall also be liable to pay interest at such revised Rate
of Interest in such manner and within such period as may be determined by InCred
in its sole discretion.
• In the event of above stated reset of Rate of Interest, the following option shall be
• enhancement in EMI or elongation of tenor or for a
combination of both options; and, to prepay, either in part or in
full, at any point during the tenor of the loan.

• InCred reserves the right to alter / revoke / cancel /recall and/or modify the credit
limit / loan (except increase in loan amount/credit limit. InCred shall ensure that
there is no automatic increase in credit limit unless explicit consent of borrower is
taken on record for each such increase.) and / or any other terms and conditions as
it may deem fit absolutely at its discretion without notice and without assigning
any reason thereof. and all principal monies, interest thereon and all other costs,
charges, expenses and other monies outstanding shall become due and payable to
InCred forthwith upon demand from InCred In order to remove any ambiguity, it
is clarified that the intervals are intended to be continuous and accordingly, the
basis for classification of SMA/NPA categories shall be considered as follows:

Example of NPA/SMA
If the EMI/Interest is not paid within 30 days from the date of SMA-0

If the EMI is not paid within 60 days from the date of repayment SMA-1

If the EMI is not paid within 90 days from the date of repayment SMA-2

If the EMI is not paid for more than 90 days from the date of NPA

• InCred reserves the right to change the rate of interest and other charges, at any
time, with previous notice/intimation, and any such changes shall have prospective
• I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Loan including the
annual rate of interest and the approach for gradation of risk and rationale for
charging different rates of interest to different categories of borrowers adopted by
InCred I understand that the identical products with identical tenor and availed
during the same period may attract different interest rates for different borrowers.
Also, the rates of Interest may be different for different categories of borrowers. I
have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Loan including the
annual rate of interest and the approach for gradation of risk and rationale for
charging different rates of interest to different categories of borrowers adopted by
InCred. I understand InCred has its own model for arriving at lending interest rates
on the basis of various (i) risks such as interest rate risk, credit and default risk in
the related business segment, (ii)based on various cost such as average cost of
borrowed funds, matching tenure cost ,market liquidity, cost of underwriting, cost
of customer acquisition etc. and other factors like profile of the borrower,
repayment track record of the existing customer, future potential, deviations
Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:
permitted , tenure of relationship with the borrower, overall customer yield etc.
Such information is gathered based on the information provided by the borrower,
credit reports, data sources and market intelligence. I accept the terms and
conditions and agree that these terms and conditions may be changed by InCred at
any time and I shall be bound by the amended terms and conditions.
• I hereby agree to intimate in writing to InCred, within 30 days of any update
/change/alteration/ correction in the know your customer (KYC) documents
/officially valid documents including but not limited to my identity proof, address
proof, etc.

I have read and understood the contents [the contents have been read out to me in
vernacular and I have understood the same, (applicable only to applicants/ borrowers
having knowledge in regional/ vernacular language alone)] of the Sanction Letter and
Most Important Terms and Conditions

Please note this Sanction Letter may not be construed as a binding commitment on us to
disburse the above-mentioned credit facility, this sanction shall lapse unless you have
accepted the standard loan terms in a form and manner acceptable to us and the conditions
for disbursal set out therein are fulfilled to our satisfaction within 7 days of the date of this

InCred Financial Services Limited (formerly known as KKR India Financial Services Limited)
This is a system generated document, hence no signature required

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:


Instalment Outstanding Principal Interest Instalment

No. Principal (in (in (in
(in Rupees) Rupees) Rupees) Rupees)

1 Rs. 21111 Rs. 2826 Rs. 1194 Rs. 4020

2 Rs. 18285 Rs. 3275 Rs. 745 Rs. 4020
3 Rs. 15010 Rs. 3408 Rs. 612 Rs. 4020
4 Rs. 11602 Rs. 3593 Rs. 427 Rs. 4020
5 Rs. 8009 Rs. 3693 Rs. 327 Rs. 4020
6 Rs. 4316 Rs. 4316 Rs. 170 Rs. 4486

* Kindly note that this is tentative/indicate details only. The definite/exact details shall be shared
by way of Repayment Schedule/Amortization Schedule on disbursement of Loan/Facility

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

Sr No Charge Type Charges

1. Processing Fee Upto 10% of the Loan Amount +

Applicable taxes
Swap Charges (EMI due date, Rs.500 + applicable taxes
2. Bank a/c change, Repayment
mode change)
Late EMI Payment Charges (LPP) 48.00% Per annum on overdue principal
3. - Annualized rate of interest in outstanding for defaulted period
case of delayed payment
Part Prepayment Charges and Upto 6.000% + Applicable Taxes
4. Full Prepayment / Foreclosure

5. NACH/ PDC bounce / dishonour Rs.500 per instance


6. EMI Collection charges Upto 500 or Nil as decided by the Business

Head + applicable Taxes
Stamp Duty, Registration At Actuals + applicable Taxes
Charges, Taxes and other related
7. charges on the Loan Documents,
Mortgage Documents, Notice of
Intimation (NOI), Security
Documents etc.

8. CERSAI/CKYC/NESL/ RoC At Actuals + applicable Taxes

Registration Charges etc.

9. Charges towards Legal Notice Rs. 100 per notice and Rs.75 per additional
address. + applicable Taxes

10. Charges towards SARFAESI At Actuals + applicable Taxes


11. Charges towards Arbitration 7,500/- (7,000/- Professional Fees + 500

Stamp Paper) + applicable Taxes

12. Charges towards Insolvency

Proceedings At Actuals + applicable Taxes
Charges towards Section 138 / Rs.4,000 + applicable Taxes towards legal
13. Section 25 proceeding under Negotiable Instrument
Act, 1881 (Sec.138) and Payment of
Settlement Act 2007 (Sec. 25)
Other facility charges as To be specified and communicated by the
14. applicable from time to time due InCred from time to time
to govt. regulation/ incidental
charges incurred by InCred
Other Penal Charges for non- To be specified and communicated by the
15. compliance of material obligations InCred from time to time
if any with prior communication

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:


Incred Financial
Services Ltd
(formerly known as
KKR India
Financial Services
Sub: Authorization for Disbursement

Refer to the Application for grant of Loan facility for INR 19000 Kindly prepare the Loan
Disbursement Cheque/NEFT in the name and manner hereinafter appearing:

Beneficiary Name Bank Name IFSC code Bank Account no. Amount
REDDI SEKHAR HDFC HDFC0002380 50100573684740 19000

The disbursement of the Loan amount in favour of the above payee shall not affect my/ our
obligation in relating to the Loan facilities The disbursement of the Loan in favour of the
above Payee shall be deemed to be disbursement of the Loan granted to and availed by me/us.

I hereby declare that:

• The particulars given above are true, correct, and complete to the best of my
knowledge, I shall be responsible for the accuracy of the particulars given in the
payment instructions.
• I shall be bound by any payment instruction executed by Incred, if Incred
Financial Services Ltd has executed the payment instructions in good faith and in
compliance with instructions for electronic fund transfers.
• The disbursement of the Loan in favor of the above said Beneficiary shall be
deemed to be the Loan granted to and availed by me the disbursement of the Loan
amount in favor of the above Beneficiary payee shall not affect my obligation in
relation to the Loan facilities.
• Incred shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or resulting from
incomplete information, delay in transmission, delivery or non-delivery of
electronic message or any mistake, omission or error in transmission or delivery
thereof or any act or event beyond its controls Notwithstanding above, in the event
of any delay in the completion of the funds transfer or any loss on account of error
in the execution of the funds transfer pursuant to a payment instruction due to any
negligence on the part of Incred, Incred's liability shall be limited to the extent of
payment of interest at the bank rate for the period of delay in the case of delayed
• Incred shall not be liable for non-credit or crediting remittance amounts to the
wrong beneficiary on account of incorrect information furnished by me in this
application form.
• Beneficiary banks may levy charges on inward remittance and deduct the same
from the remitted amounts.
I understand that all National Electronic Fund Transfer (‘NEFT’) instructions are
irrevocable and there is no facility for giving stop payment instructions in respect of
remittances through NEFT.
Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

Sr. Parameter Details

1 Loan Proposal/ Account Number 1999787929271028A
2 Type of Loan Unsecured Personal Loan
3 Sanctioned Loan Amount (in Rupees) Rs 21111 /-
(Rupees twenty-one thousand one
hundred eleven only)
4 Disbursal Schedule 100% Upfront
Disbursement in stages or 100%
If it is stage wise, mention the -
clause of loan agreement having
relevant details
5 Loan Term (year/months/days) 6 month(s), 12 day(s)
6 Installment Details
Type of Installment Equated Monthly Installment
Number of EPI(s)/ EMI(s) 6
EPI/EMI Rs. 4020/-
Commencement of Repayment Post 01/12/2024 or please refer the Repayment
Sanction Schedule/Amortization Schedule
7 Interest Rate (%) and Type(Fixed or Fixed @48.00% per annum (4.00% per
Floating or Hybrid) month)

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

8 Additional Information in case of Floating Rate of Interest
Additional Benchmark Spread Final Reset Impact of
Information rate (%) (B) (%) (S) rate Periodicity change in the
in case of (%)R= (Months) reference
Floating Rate (B)+(S) benchmark
of Interest (for 25 bps
change in ‘R’,
change in)
B S EPI () No. of
9 FEE/ Charges
Payable to the RE (A) Payable to a third party through
RE (B)
One-time/ Amount (in ) One-time/ Amount (in ) or
Recurring or Percentage Recurring Percentage (%)
(%) as as applicable
Processing fees One Time 1.5% One Time 6.975%
Insurance NA NA NA NA
Valuation fees NA NA NA NA
Any other Please refer Schedule of Charges as mentioned in Annexure-D
(please specify) herein under.
10 Annual Percentage Rate (APR)%; 93.48%
[Effective annualized interest rate (in
percentage) (computed on net disbursed
amount using IRR approach and
reducing balance method) ]*
11 Details of Contingent Charges (in or %, as applicable)
Penal charges, if any, in case of delayed Please refer Schedule of Charges as
payment mentioned in Annexure-D herein under.
Other penal charges, if any Please refer Schedule of Charges as
mentioned in Annexure-D herein under.
Foreclosure charges, if applicable Please refer Schedule of Charges as
mentioned in Annexure-D herein under.
Charges for switching of loans from Please refer Schedule of Charges as
floating to fixed rate and vice versa mentioned in Annexure-D herein under.
1 Clause of Loan agreement which details Kindly refer Article 9 related to recovery
grievance redressal mechanism agents: https://www.incred.com/terms-
2 Clause of Loan agreement which details Kindly refer Article 17 related to
grievance redressal mechanism grievance redressal mechanism:

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

3 Phone number and email id of the nodal 1. TO LSP True Credits Private
grievance redressal officer. Limited
Customer care contact: 0120-
Name: Mr. Nikhil Ranjan
Designation - Grievance
Redressal Officer
Address: 5th Floor, Huda City
Centre Metro Station, Sector -
29, Gurugram, Haryana -
Contact Details:7428196828
E m a i l :
[email protected]
2. Balancehero India Private
("True Balance" -DLA)
Customer care contact: 0120-
Name: Ms.Anjali Kapoor
Designation - Customer
Grievance Officer
Address: 5th Floor, Huda City
Centre Metro Station, Sector -
29, Gurugram, Haryana -
Contact Details:7428196828
Email: terms@balancehero.
Mr. Vaidyanathan
Email Id: incred.
[email protected]
Telephone no: 022 - 4211 7777
Incred Financial Services
Limited, 1203, 12th Floor, B
wing, The Capital, Bandra
Kurla Complex, Mumbai -
Also please refer below
relevant web link
:- https://www.truecredits.in
4 Whether the loan is, or in future maybe, No
subject to transfer to other REs or
securitisation (Yes/ No)

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

5 In case of lending under collaborative lending arrangements (e.g., co-lending/
outsourcing), following additional details may be furnished:
Name of the originating RE, Name of the partner RE Blended rate of interest
along with its funding along with its proportion of
proportion funding
Incred Financial Services True Credits Private NA
Limited (100%) Limited (0%)
6 In case of digital loans, following specific disclosures may be furnished:
(i) Cooling off/look-up period in terms of 3 Days
RE’s board approved policy, during
which borrower shall not be charged any
penalty on prepayment of loan
(ii) Details of LSP acting as a recovery True Credit Private Limited
agent and authorised to approach the https://www.truecredits.in/lsps-dla

Illustration for computation of APR for Retail and MSME Loans

Sr Parameter Details
1 Sanctioned Loan amount (in Rupees) Rs. 21111 /-
(Sl No. 3 of the KFS template – Part 1) (Rs. twenty-one thousand one
hundred eleven only)
2 Loan Term (in years/ months/ days) 6 month(s), 12 day(s)
(Sl No.5 of the KFS template – Part 1)
(a) No. of instalments for payment of NA
principal, in case of non-equated
periodic loans
(b) Type of Installment Equated Monthly Installment
Amount of each EPI (in Rupees) Rs. 4020/-
(Rupees four thousand twenty only)
Nos. of EPIs 6
(c) No. of instalments for payment of NA
capitalised interest, if any
(d) Commencement of Repayments Post 01/12/2024 or please refer the
Sanction Repayment Schedule/Amortization
3 Interest rate type (fixed or floating or Fixed
4 Rate of Interest 48.00% per annum (4.00 % per
(Sl No. 7 of the KFS template – Part 1) month)
5 Total Interest Amount to be charged Rs.3475/-
during the entire tenor of the loan as per
the rate prevailing on sanction date (in
6 Fee/ Charges payable (in Rupees) Rs. 2111/- (Inclusive of applicable
taxes )
A Payable to the RE Rs. 374/- (Inclusive of applicable
(Sl No.9A of the KFS template-Part 1) taxes )
B Payable to third-party routed through Rs. 1737/- (Inclusive of applicable
RE taxes )
(Sl No.9B of the KFS template – Part 1)

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

7 Net disbursed amount (1-6) (in Rupees) Rs. 19000/-
8 Total amount to be paid by the borrower Rs. 24586/-
(sum of 1 and 5) (in Rupees)
9 Annual Percentage rate- Effective 93.48%
annualized interest rate (in percentage)
(computed on net disbursed amount
using IRR approach and reducing
balance method)]*
(Sl No.10 of the KFS template-Part 1)
10 Schedule of disbursement as per terms Detailed schedule to be provided
and conditions
11 Due date of payment of instalment and 01/12/2024

Illustrative Repayment Schedule under Equated Periodic Instalment for the hypothetical
loan illustrated in Annex B

Instalment Outstanding Principal (in Interest (in Instalment (in

No. Principal (in Rupees) Rupees) Rupees)
1 Rs. 21111 Rs. 2826 Rs. 1194 Rs. 4020
2 Rs. 18285 Rs. 3275 Rs. 745 Rs. 4020
3 Rs. 15010 Rs. 3408 Rs. 612 Rs. 4020
4 Rs. 11602 Rs. 3593 Rs. 427 Rs. 4020
5 Rs. 8009 Rs. 3693 Rs. 327 Rs. 4020
6 Rs. 4316 Rs. 4316 Rs. 170 Rs. 4486
"This is a tentative repayment schedule and this may vary depending upon the actual date
of disbursement"

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:


Sr. No. Charge Type Charges

1. Processing Fee 8.47% of the Loan
Amount +
Applicable Taxes
2 Swap Charges (EMI due date, Bank a/c change, Rs.500 + applicable
Repayment mode change) taxes
3 Late EMI Payment Charges (LPP) - Annualized rate of 48.00% Per annum
interest in case of delayed payment on overdue
outstanding for
defaulted period
4 Part Prepayment Charges and Full Prepayment / Upto 6.000% of
Foreclosure Charges Outstanding
Principal Amount +
Applicable taxes.
5 NACH/ PDC bounce / dishonour charges Rs.500 per instance
6 EMI Collection charges Upto 500 or Nil as
decided by the
Business Head +
applicable Taxes
7 Stamp Duty, Registration Charges, Taxes and other At Actuals +
related charges on the Loan Documents, Mortgage applicable Taxes
Documents, Notice of Intimation (NOI), Security
Documents etc.
8 CERSAI/CKYC/NESL/ RoC Registration Charges etc. At Actuals +
applicable Taxes
9 Charges towards Legal Notice Rs. 100 per notice
and Rs.75 per
additional address.
+ applicable Taxes
10 Charges towards SARFAESI actions. At Actuals +
applicable Taxes
11 Charges towards Arbitration 7,500/- (7,000/-
Professional Fees +
500 Stamp Paper) +
applicable Taxes
12 Charges towards Insolvency Proceedings At Actuals +
applicable Taxes
13 Charges towards Section 138 / Section 25 Rs.4,000 +
applicable Taxes
towards legal
proceeding under
Instrument Act,
1881 (Sec.138) and
Payment of
Settlement Act 2007
(Sec. 25)
14 Other facility charges as applicable from time to time due To be specified and
to govt. regulation/ incidental charges incurred by InCred communicated by
the InCred from
time to time

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

15 Other Penal Charges for non- compliance of material To be specified and
obligations if any with prior communication communicated by
the InCred from
time to time

Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:

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