Sanction Letter 4
Sanction Letter 4
Sanction Letter 4
Lender Name: InCred Financial Services Limited (formerly known as KKR India
Financial Services Limited) hereinafter referred to as “InCred”, and shall include its
subsidiary, affiliates, successors, executors, administrators and assigns)
Residence Address: S/O Polisetty Sreenivasulu 2/26 ramapuram kothapalli Cuddapah, YSR,YSR,
516504 ,AP
If you need any clarification please feel free to speak to our representative or email us at:
[email protected] You can also contact Customer Service on our Toll Free Number: 1800-102-
For any queries or grievance, the Applicant can reach us at [email protected] or contact us
on 1800-102-2192. Notice of grievance shall be sent only to the above-mentioned channels.
• InCred reserves the right to alter / revoke / cancel /recall and/or modify the credit
limit / loan (except increase in loan amount/credit limit. InCred shall ensure that
there is no automatic increase in credit limit unless explicit consent of borrower is
taken on record for each such increase.) and / or any other terms and conditions as
it may deem fit absolutely at its discretion without notice and without assigning
any reason thereof. and all principal monies, interest thereon and all other costs,
charges, expenses and other monies outstanding shall become due and payable to
the InCred forthwith upon demand from InCred.
• InCred reserves the right to change the rate of interest and other charges, at any
time, with previous notice/intimation, and any such changes shall have prospective
• At any time during the currency of the Loan/Limit/Facility, InCred shall have the
sole and exclusive right to cancel the Loan/Limit/Facility, with or without reasons,
and declare all obligations of Borrower immediately due and payable and/or stop
advancing money or extending credit for the Borrower’s benefit under this
Sanction Letter/Most Important Terms and Conditions or any other agreement
between the Borrower and InCred, and terminate the right of the Borrower to avail
of or make disbursements from the Loan/Limit/Facility by giving a written
intimation to the Borrower and any such cancellation shall not discharge an
obligation accrued on the Borrower.
• Any discharge, release or settlement from time to time between InCred and the
Borrower, if any discharge or payment in respect of the Obligations by the
Borrower or any other person is avoided or set aside or ordered to be surrendered,
paid away, refunded or reduced by virtue of any provision, Applicable Law or
enactment relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation, winding up,
composition or arrangement for the time being in force or for any other reason
whatsoever, InCred shall be entitled hereafter to enforce this Deed as if no such
discharge, release or settlement had occurred
• I understand that processing fees and stamping charges would be deducted from
disbursement or if paid up front the same would not be refunded. Further, loan
amount disbursed to me shall be subject to all statutory levies, Taxes , deductions,
as specified by the regulators from time to time, shall be borne by me.
• The Borrower shall make all payments to be made by it hereunder without any
Tax deduction. The Borrower shall ensure that all payments due to the Lender
shall be made to the full extent of the requisite amount of such payments as per the
terms agreed upon between the Lender and the Borrower.
Example of NPA/SMA
If the EMI/Interest is not paid within 30 days from the date of SMA-0
If the EMI is not paid within 60 days from the date of repayment SMA-1
If the EMI is not paid within 90 days from the date of repayment SMA-2
If the EMI is not paid for more than 90 days from the date of NPA
In the event of any inconsistency between the Sanction Letter/Most Important Terms and
Conditions and General Terms and Conditions of Incred, the Sanction Letter/Most Important
Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
If you need any clarification please feel free to speak to our representative or email us at:
[email protected].
Please do not sign the above document if it is blank. Please do not pay cash to anyone
for the processing of your loan. In case you are asked, please refuse and contact
InCred directly. For all payments made to any representative of InCred towards any
fee/charges, please ask for a valid receipt.
9. Charges towards Legal Notice Rs. 100 per notice and Rs.75 per additional
address. + applicable Taxes
We are happy to provide the credit facility on the following broad Terms & Conditions.
11. Total Interest charged during the Rs.3475 (Monthly Interest Rate
entire Tenor of the Loan (INR) 4.00%)
• InCred reserves the right to alter / revoke / cancel /recall and/or modify the credit
limit / loan (except increase in loan amount/credit limit. InCred shall ensure that
there is no automatic increase in credit limit unless explicit consent of borrower is
taken on record for each such increase.) and / or any other terms and conditions as
it may deem fit absolutely at its discretion without notice and without assigning
any reason thereof. and all principal monies, interest thereon and all other costs,
charges, expenses and other monies outstanding shall become due and payable to
InCred forthwith upon demand from InCred In order to remove any ambiguity, it
is clarified that the intervals are intended to be continuous and accordingly, the
basis for classification of SMA/NPA categories shall be considered as follows:
Example of NPA/SMA
If the EMI/Interest is not paid within 30 days from the date of SMA-0
If the EMI is not paid within 60 days from the date of repayment SMA-1
If the EMI is not paid within 90 days from the date of repayment SMA-2
If the EMI is not paid for more than 90 days from the date of NPA
• InCred reserves the right to change the rate of interest and other charges, at any
time, with previous notice/intimation, and any such changes shall have prospective
• I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Loan including the
annual rate of interest and the approach for gradation of risk and rationale for
charging different rates of interest to different categories of borrowers adopted by
InCred I understand that the identical products with identical tenor and availed
during the same period may attract different interest rates for different borrowers.
Also, the rates of Interest may be different for different categories of borrowers. I
have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Loan including the
annual rate of interest and the approach for gradation of risk and rationale for
charging different rates of interest to different categories of borrowers adopted by
InCred. I understand InCred has its own model for arriving at lending interest rates
on the basis of various (i) risks such as interest rate risk, credit and default risk in
the related business segment, (ii)based on various cost such as average cost of
borrowed funds, matching tenure cost ,market liquidity, cost of underwriting, cost
of customer acquisition etc. and other factors like profile of the borrower,
repayment track record of the existing customer, future potential, deviations
Borrower Name: POLISETTY REDDI SEKHAR ClientIp: TimeStamp:
permitted , tenure of relationship with the borrower, overall customer yield etc.
Such information is gathered based on the information provided by the borrower,
credit reports, data sources and market intelligence. I accept the terms and
conditions and agree that these terms and conditions may be changed by InCred at
any time and I shall be bound by the amended terms and conditions.
• I hereby agree to intimate in writing to InCred, within 30 days of any update
/change/alteration/ correction in the know your customer (KYC) documents
/officially valid documents including but not limited to my identity proof, address
proof, etc.
I have read and understood the contents [the contents have been read out to me in
vernacular and I have understood the same, (applicable only to applicants/ borrowers
having knowledge in regional/ vernacular language alone)] of the Sanction Letter and
Most Important Terms and Conditions
Please note this Sanction Letter may not be construed as a binding commitment on us to
disburse the above-mentioned credit facility, this sanction shall lapse unless you have
accepted the standard loan terms in a form and manner acceptable to us and the conditions
for disbursal set out therein are fulfilled to our satisfaction within 7 days of the date of this
InCred Financial Services Limited (formerly known as KKR India Financial Services Limited)
This is a system generated document, hence no signature required
* Kindly note that this is tentative/indicate details only. The definite/exact details shall be shared
by way of Repayment Schedule/Amortization Schedule on disbursement of Loan/Facility
9. Charges towards Legal Notice Rs. 100 per notice and Rs.75 per additional
address. + applicable Taxes
Incred Financial
Services Ltd
(formerly known as
KKR India
Financial Services
Sub: Authorization for Disbursement
Refer to the Application for grant of Loan facility for INR 19000 Kindly prepare the Loan
Disbursement Cheque/NEFT in the name and manner hereinafter appearing:
Beneficiary Name Bank Name IFSC code Bank Account no. Amount
REDDI SEKHAR HDFC HDFC0002380 50100573684740 19000
The disbursement of the Loan amount in favour of the above payee shall not affect my/ our
obligation in relating to the Loan facilities The disbursement of the Loan in favour of the
above Payee shall be deemed to be disbursement of the Loan granted to and availed by me/us.
Illustration for computation of APR for Retail and MSME Loans
Sr Parameter Details
1 Sanctioned Loan amount (in Rupees) Rs. 21111 /-
(Sl No. 3 of the KFS template – Part 1) (Rs. twenty-one thousand one
hundred eleven only)
2 Loan Term (in years/ months/ days) 6 month(s), 12 day(s)
(Sl No.5 of the KFS template – Part 1)
(a) No. of instalments for payment of NA
principal, in case of non-equated
periodic loans
(b) Type of Installment Equated Monthly Installment
Amount of each EPI (in Rupees) Rs. 4020/-
(Rupees four thousand twenty only)
Nos. of EPIs 6
(c) No. of instalments for payment of NA
capitalised interest, if any
(d) Commencement of Repayments Post 01/12/2024 or please refer the
Sanction Repayment Schedule/Amortization
3 Interest rate type (fixed or floating or Fixed
4 Rate of Interest 48.00% per annum (4.00 % per
(Sl No. 7 of the KFS template – Part 1) month)
5 Total Interest Amount to be charged Rs.3475/-
during the entire tenor of the loan as per
the rate prevailing on sanction date (in
6 Fee/ Charges payable (in Rupees) Rs. 2111/- (Inclusive of applicable
taxes )
A Payable to the RE Rs. 374/- (Inclusive of applicable
(Sl No.9A of the KFS template-Part 1) taxes )
B Payable to third-party routed through Rs. 1737/- (Inclusive of applicable
RE taxes )
(Sl No.9B of the KFS template – Part 1)
Illustrative Repayment Schedule under Equated Periodic Instalment for the hypothetical
loan illustrated in Annex B