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CS155: Computer Security Spring 2023

Final Exam


− Please answer all six questions. You have two and a half hours.

− The exam is open book, open notes, and open laptops. However, you are expected to do
the exam on your own. You may not interact, collaborate, or discuss the exam with an-
other person during the exam window. You may not connect to the Internet during
the exam window and may not use an AI tool.

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(SUNet ID) (Print your name, legibly!)

Graduating this quarter? (mark X if yes)

1. (10 points) ........................................................... True or False
For each question, please write T or F in the space provided. No explanation needed.

(a) The hash function used in a password authentication system needs

to be slow to prevent dictionary attacks.

(b) The Server Name Indication (SNI) extension used in HTTPS is

needed when the server has no certificate or secret key.

(c) A use-after-free vulnerability cannot happen in a language that

uses garbage collection, such as Java.

(d) The Log4j vulnerability was discovered by a software engineer in


(e) Alice visits a web site on Monday and the site sets a cookie named
sessionID in Alice’s browser with an expiry date one year in the
future. Alice revisits the same site on Tuesday. On the second visit
the site cannot delete the cookie sessionID from Alice’s browser.

(f) https://cs.stanford.edu/crypto/index.html and

http://cs.stanford.edu/data.html are in the same origin.

(g) One of the goals of Intel SGX is to provide a secure hardware

enclave so that even if the host operating system is controlled by
an attacker, the attacker cannot read data in the enclave’s memory.

(h) It is important for a website served over HTTPS to use DNSSEC

for name resolution.

(i) The HTTP Referer header provides the domain name of the link-
ing website, but not the URL path or query parameters.

(j) Because the TLS protocol is used to encrypt communication be-

tween Tor nodes, users can safely visit HTTP-only (i.e., no HTTPS)
websites over Tor.

2. (20 points) ................ Questions from all over with a short answer
(a) (4 points) What is a race condition and why is it a security problem?

Your answer:

(b) (4 points) Suppose you find a memory leak in a third-party library, say the library’s
cleanup function forgets to call free on some pointer p. You notice that some ap-
plications fix the problem by freeing the memory themselves after calling cleanup.
How would you fix the library’s cleanup function to free p without introducing a
double-free vulnerability in applications that free the memory themselves? You are
only allowed to change the library. You may assume that calling free(null) does

Your answer:

(c) (4 points) The same origin policy (SOP) for DOM access is based on the triple
(protocol, host, port). Suppose SOP did not include protocol (i.e. SOP was defined
using only host and port). What goes wrong? For example, explain how a network
attacker could steal a gmail secure cookie (i.e. a cookie sent only over HTTPS). Note
that reading document.cookie in an HTTP context does not reveal secure cookies.

Your answer:

(d) (4 points) Explain why only UDP-based protocols are used for amplifying DDoS

Your answer:

(e) (4 points) Many companies are moving away from having internal privileged ap-
plications secured by a single organizational VPN. Explain (1) why organizations
are moving away from this model, (2) what security model organizations are adopt-
ing, and (3) how it protects against (1).

Your answer:

3. (15 points) ..................................................................... HTTPS
(a) (3 points) Suppose an HTTPS page includes an HTTP iframe where both are
loaded from the same domain and port. Clearly, the iframe is vulnerable to being
corrupted by a network attacker. Is the outer frame (the one loaded over HTTPS)
vulnerable to being corrupted by a network attacker?
Hint: are the inner iframe and the outer frame in the same origin?

Your answer:

(b) (3 points) Consider a country XYZ and suppose that all Internet traffic to and from
XYZ must pass through a single government gateway. Citizens of XYZ that visit the
nytimes.com site, which resides outside of XYZ, are protected from snooping be-
cause all of the NY Times content is served over HTTPS. Suppose the NY Times
certificate is issued by a certificate authority CA1. The intelligence services of XYZ
are able to bribe or compromise some certificate authority CA2 and obtain a certifi-
cate for nytimes.com signed by CA2. Can they now snoop on all the traffic from
inside XYZ that is headed to nytimes.com? If so explain how, if not explain why
You may assume that CA2 is a certificate authority that is trusted by all browsers in
the world. You may also assume that the NY Times does not use certificate pinning,
and does not check the certificate transparency logs.

Your answer:

(c) (3 points) Continuing with part (b), which of the security mechanisms we dis-
cussed in class would help detect that XYZ’s intelligence services were able to ob-
tain a rogue certificate for nytimes.com?

Your answer:

(d) (6 points) A corporate admin wants to monitor all web traffic originating from
inside the corporate network and headed towards an external web site (e.g., to
nytimes.com). The monitoring needs to be done transparently, i.e. without any
change to the user experience. The admin can route all web traffic through a trans-
parent web proxy and the web proxy will monitor the traffic. The problem is that
for sites that use HTTPS, the proxy sees encrypted traffic and cannot do its job.
Propose an architecture that will enable the proxy to monitor HTTPS traffic in
cleartext. Again, this should be done without affecting the user experience, i.e.
without causing any security dialogs to popup on the employee’s browser.
Hint: You may assume that the employee’s computer is installed by the corporate
admin and that the admin installed a corporate CA certificate in the browser’s cer-
tificate store. The proxy has the secret key for this corporate CA. You may also
assume the browser sends the SNI client hello extension in the clear. Be precise in
your explanation of how the proxy works. In particular, what does the proxy need
to do the first time an employee on the corporate network visits a website such as

Your answer:

4. (20 points) ........................................ Isolation and sandboxing
(a) (3 points) In lecture 5 we discussed how the freebsd jail program can be used to
run an application in a jail. Suppose we run a PDF viewer in a jail. Before the jail
is created, we create a symbolic link temp.pdf in the jail’s top level directory that
points to a PDF file doc.pdf that resides outside of the jail. We then start the jail
and run the PDF viewer in the jail, asking it to display temp.pdf. Will the PDF
viewer display the document? Justify your answer.

Your answer:

(b) (3 points) Another important isolation mechanism is called seccomp-bpf. Briefly

explain how a seccomp-bpf policy can ensure that a compromised application can-
not cause long-term damage to a system. For example, suppose we want to prevent
a PDF viewer from accessing the network. How does seccomp-bpf enforce that?

Your answer:

(c) (4 points) Suppose we want to allow the PDF viewer to connect to a single remote
site that provides font files. The PDF viewer should be unable to connect to any
other remote site. Can one write a seccomp-bpf policy file to enforce this policy?

Your answer:

(d) (4 points) In our discussion of Docker confinement flags, we mentioned that one
can start a docker container with the flag --restart=on-failure:20. This flag
means that if the program running in the container crashes, the container will be
automatically restarted. However, after the 20th crash, the container will no longer
restart automatically. What attack is this meant to prevent?
Hint: think back to our discussion of control hijacking defenses.

Your answer:

(e) (6 points) In Lecture 5 we also discussed how security companies often detect web
sites that serve malware: the security company crawls the web using a vulnerable
browser running inside of a hypervisor. After visiting a web site, the security com-
pany checks if the browser has been damaged, and if so, it declares the web site as
a malware site. Can you think of two ways in which a malware site can evade such
a scan? That is, the site will infect regular visitors, but will not be detected by the
i. Method 1:

Your answer:

ii. Method 2:

Your answer:

5. (20 points) ............................................... Privacy and Tracking
(a) (3 points) Despite the near-ubiquitious use of HTTPS on the web today, some
users continue to use Tor to browse the web. Provide one privacy guarantee that
Tor provides against an on-path passive-eavesdropper compared to normal HTTPS.
Hint: What data is leaked by HTTPS?

Your answer:

(b) (3 points) Explain what protection Tor provides that is stronger than what is pro-
vided by a standard VPN service.

Your answer:

(c) (4 points) Tor places extra emphasis on finding entry nodes (also known as guard
nodes) that they know are operated by trusted parties. Explain how an adversary
might be able to deanonymize users if they control the entry node and exit node for
a user’s session on a website but none of the nodes in between. How can Tor protect
against this attack?

Your answer:

(d) (4 points) Tracking pixels are 1×1 pixel images that advertisers and other track-
ers include in order to generate a simple request to a third-party website. Imagine
there are two independent advertisers (with different domains) that use tracking
pixels, but cannot execute any Javascript. They want to synchronize the user iden-
tifiers with one another to broaden their tracking information. Devise a mechanism
for how two providers can synchronize their unique identifiers for a user without
using Javascript.
Hint: HTTP Redirects enable a web server to redirect the web browser to a differ-
ent URL when loaded.

Your answer:

(e) (3 points)
Several browser extensions like Ghostery exist for blocking ads and other tracking
mechanisms. They operate by blacklisting domains that belong to tracking sites,
and blocking every request from the browser to a blacklisted domain. Explain why
these extensions sometimes break websites.

Your answer:

(f) (3 points)
Many websites now check for ad blocking extensions in browsers. Explain how a
website XYZ can determine whether ads from doubleclick.net are being blocked
by the browser, despite the fact that the same origin policy prevents XYZ from
viewing content loaded from Doubleclick.

Your answer:

6. (20 points) .................................. Network and Internet Security
(a) (3 points) The Mirai Botnet compromised hundreds of thousands of IoT devices by
attempting default credentials against Telnet and SSH services. The malware then
used compromised devices to DDoS popular websites. Why couldn’t victim websites
simply drop traffic from the compromised devices?

Your answer:

(b) (4 points) Imagine that you are an administrator that controls a large network
with thousands of devices that could potentially be compromised with the Mirai
malware. How could you prevent devices from being compromised, even if you can’t
patch any of the devices? How could you detect devices that were infected?

Your answer:

(c) (3 points) Nearly all of the devices infected by Mirai were not behind Network
Address Translation (NAT) gateways. Why weren’t devices behind NATs infected?

Your answer:

(d) (3 points) Let’s suppose that a network prefix ( has been BGP hi-
jacked by an imposter. What can you do to ensure that traffic is sent to you instead
of the imposter?

Your answer:

(e) (3 points) Does TLS protect users from their traffic being intercepted during a
BGP hijacking attack? Why or why not? If not, how can an attacker convince the
user’s browser that the connection is legitimate? (Assume no HTTPS key-pinning.)

Your answer:

(f) (4 points) Most home routers have an HTTP-based internal administration inter-
face. Why is it important that you change the default password even though the
interface isn’t accessible on the Internet? What attacks can an attacker accomplish
if they can change the configuration of your home router?

Your answer:


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