UCC IMRaD Journal Template for Quantitative Research
UCC IMRaD Journal Template for Quantitative Research
UCC IMRaD Journal Template for Quantitative Research
Paper Title
Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3
An abstract is a brief comprehensive summary of the research paper not containing more than 250 words
(200-250 words). It should briefly state the research purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. Preferably,
an abstract should only be a single paragraph. The abstract should briefly state the purpose of the research,
the principal results, and major conclusions. The whole manuscript except the title must follow the Times
New Roman Font Style with 11 font size and single-space. The title is written in the first letter of the word
will be capitalized, with font size 14 and bold. The 8.5" x 11" is the paper size with a margin of 1" on all
sides. The name and surname of the author(s) and the affiliation they work for are included after the title.
Participants/ Respondents