Experimental Design Assignment
Experimental Design Assignment
Experimental Design Assignment
A microbiologist would like to compare four media each replicated five times, which in the
final analysis help him identify the best media for bacterial growth
The experiment was conducted in the laboratory (homogeneous condition). The data on
numbers of colony growth was collected and summarized as in following table
M1 12 15 16 20 13 76 15.2
M2 10 9 11 15 10 55 11
M3 15 18 17 18 14 82 16.2
M4 9 8 7 8 6 38 7.6
6. CV(%)
GT = 76 + 55 + 82+38 = 251
= 322.95
= 322.95 - 243.35
= 79.2
MSt = SSt/(t-1)
= 243.35/3 = 81.25
MSE = SSE/t(r-1)
=79.6/16= 4.95
F-cal = MSt/MSE
= 81.12/4.96 = 16.41
Table: - Analysis of variance for CRD with four treatments and of five repeats
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
M1 5 76 15.2 9.7
M2 5 55 11 5.5
M3 5 82 16.4 3.3
M4 5 38 7.6 1.3
Source of
Variation SS df MS F-cal P-value F crit
16.414141 3.86E- 3.23887
Treatment 243.75 3 81.25 4 05 2
Error 79.2 16 4.95
Total 322.95 19
SE (m) =
√ MS E
= 0.99
SE (d) =
√ 2 MS E
= 1.4
Based on LSD value we can assign different letter for each mean
Based on the ANOVA results, there is a significant difference in bacterial growth among the
four media (F-ratio = 16.41, p < 0.05). The media M3 has the highest mean number of
colony growth, followed by M1, M2, and M4. The LSD value of 2.44 indicates that a
difference in means must be at least this large to be considered significant at a 95%
confidence level. Therefore, it is recommended to use medium M3 for bacterial growth as it
showed the highest mean number of colony growth and had a significant difference
compared to other media.