The WLBC Bulletin: Just Around The Corner..
The WLBC Bulletin: Just Around The Corner..
The WLBC Bulletin: Just Around The Corner..
toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospels sake, that I may be partaker of it with you. Paul is not saying we should compromise or become something we are not but he is saying that we should be aware to whom we are witnessing and their specific needs. A lot of times we forget to listen in lieu of our program that we are following, getting the decision or because we are afraid of finishing the witness. So it might help to remember what my dad taught me; you have two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much as you speak. Dan Schmucker Mens Ministry
In this issue:
Just Around The Corner The Week at a Glance
1 2 3
4 5 6
Staff Info
New Womens Bible Study begins March 1. James...Mercy Triumphs with Beth Moore Registration has just begun so dont miss out! Sign-up on the bulletin board or call the office @ 434.845.4600. THURSDAYS:10:00AM 6:30PM SUNDAYS: 5:00PM Book Cost: $15
1 Wednesday, February 22 Family Night Supper 5:15 PM Preschool Music Time 4yrsKind. 6:00 PM Music Makers Gr. 13 Young Musicians Gr. 46 EDGE (Gr.7-12) 6:30 PM Disciple Making (Bible Study/Prayer Mtng) 6:30 PM Mission Friends Ages 4 & 5 6:45 PM Royal Ambassadors Boys Gr.1-6 Girls in Action Gr. 1-6 Highest Praise 6:50 PM Sanctuary Choir 7:30 PM Praise Team Rehearsal 8:50 PM
Saturday, February 25 8:30 AM 17:00 PM 1 AARP Driver Safety Class IMPACT: College/Young Adult Bible Study
A Special Note To: Members TC Miller is looking for tutors for the after school program. 3:304pm Call Robin Hall during daytime hours: 384.8949
Please pray for and extend sympathy to: The family of William Coleman May 8, 1949Feb. 7, 2012
1 John 3:8 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and truth.
WMU February Project Coin Collection
Honeybee Project
Dont Miss Your Chance to Bless and Be Blessed...The Needs are Many *Please drop off soup in barrel outside office thru Feb 29.
Lottie Moon Goal: $20,000
$20,000 _____ _____ _____
0 Collect Change now until Collection Day Sunday, FEB 26 It cost only $35 a hive.
Childrens Committee Collecting Treasures for our 2nd Annual Yard Sale (in April) to benefit our children attending Christian camp this Summer at Eagle Eyrie. Donations stored in storage shed behind church key is available in office. For more info. contact: Michelle Power 434-386-8158 or Carol Cooper 434-847-0117
_____ $13,754.09___ _____ _____ _____ $10,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $5,000 _____
Focus on WMU Week 2/12 2/19 * Please be praying for our ministry and how you can help us help others spread the Gospel of Christ and share His love.
If you would like a copy of this beautiful photo of WLBC, donate $15 or more to Vance & Stacys mission trip to India. *Let the office know that you want a copy. Dan Schmucker will print a 10.5 x 7 copy, suitable for framing in a matted 11x14 frame.
You may now have a fresh flower arrangement placed in the sanctuary In Honor Of or In Memory Of someone. Check the calendar on the main bulletin board to for the Sunday you want. (If someone is already on that date, you will need to choose another Sunday.) Then call Kathryns Flower Shop [846-6494] to purchase the arrangement. (They have a key so they can make Saturday deliveries to the church). A sanctuary arrangement usually runs $50 or more. You will also need to notify the office with the recognition information to be put in the Sunday Worship Bulletin, 434.845.4600 or email *You may take home the flowers after the service.
Choir Bonus Rehearsal THIS Saturday, Feb 18 9:30am All choir members, please join us to rehearse music for the Easter Musical!
Serving, Laughing, Playing & PrayingBecause WLBC Members Live Life With Hope
Second Kings, chapter 5, tells of Namaan, an army commander who had leprosy. A certain prophet of the Lord sent a message to Namaan, telling him to go wash in the Jordan River seven times. Reluctantly, Namaan did so and was healed. Choose the prophets name from the list below: A. Micah; B. Elisha; C. Elijah; D. Judah (See 2 Kings 5.)
Message from a Grandpa My generation just might have been lucky. I had a drug problem when I was young, but I turned out all right anyway. I was drug to church. I was drug to family reunions. I was drug out of bed in the early morning. I was drug by the ears when I was disrespectful. I was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents. Those drugs still run through my veins and they affect my behavior everything I do, say and think.Signed, Grandpa Pray for Missionaries: The Knight Family (Japan)
Dr. Robert Putt, Pastor Cell Phone: 434.841.6886 845.4600 EXT 15
Rev. Randy Kent, Minister of Music & Senior Adults Cell Phone: 434.665.6880 845.4600 EXT 13
Vance Matthews, Minister of students Cell Phone: 910.814.7200 845.4600 EXT 14
Pam Anderson (Financial) Nancy Johnson (Administrative) Phyllis Lane (Organist) Jeanne Kent (Pianist)
Contact Us Anytime
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