Basic and General Aspects of Livestock Products
Basic and General Aspects of Livestock Products
Basic and General Aspects of Livestock Products
pg. 62
chemical, microbiological and organoleptic qualities of livestock products. Economics of
precosting and product development. Application of biotechnology in processing and
preservation of meat, poultry and fish products. Bioactive compounds and biogenic amines.
Unit 5: Packaging
Principles of packaging. Types of packaging materials. Characterization, methods and
systems of packaging. Gas packaging, Vacuum packaging, modified atmosphere packaging,
controlled atmospheric packaging, active packaging, intelligent packaging,
biodegradable/edible packaging, shrink and stretch packaging, industrial packaging. Aseptic
and retort pouches. Standardization and quality control of packaging material. Product
attributes, packaging and labeling requirements for different livestock products.
Nanotechnology for food packaging, recycling of packaging materials. Latest trends in
packaging of milk, meat, poultry, eggs, wool and fish products.
pg. 63
Unit 1: General
Present status and future prospects of livestock development in India. Animal production
systems in different agro-climatic zones of the country. Effect of industrialization and
mechanization of agriculture on livestock sector. Breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pigs,
equine, camels, and various important lab animals. Various livestock development
programmes operative in the country. Animal behaviour vis-a-vis adaptation and production.
Principles of domestication and behavioural factors favouring domestication. Mating
behaviour in various species of livestock. Agnostic behaviour - causes and control. Social
order in farm animals. Adaptation of livestock in tropics, deserts cold and high altitudes.
Mixed farming, integrated and specialized farming systems. Vices – causes and prevention,
Livestock transportation. Approaching, handling and restraining of livestock species.
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