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Basic and General Aspects of Livestock Products

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Unit 1: Basic and General Aspects of Livestock Products

Composition and physico-chemical properties of cow and buffalo milk. Milk proteins, lipids,
carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and other minor constituents of milk. Nutritive value of
milk. Market milk production-reception of milk, platform tests, filtration and clarification,
chilling, separation, standardization, pasteurization and homogenization. Cleaning and
sanitation of dairy equipments. Present status and future prospects of meat and poultry
industry. Structure, composition, physical biochemical and nutritive aspects, and functional
properties of different kinds of meat, fish, poultry and eggs. Postmortem aspects of muscle as
meat. Ageing of meat and chemical changes. Meat in human health. Factors affecting quality
of meat. Bacteria, yeasts, molds, parasites important in food microbiology. General principles
of spoilage. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting growth of microorganisms in food.
Chemical and deteriorative changes caused by micro-organisms. Contamination and spoilage
of milk, meat, fish, poultry and eggs. Food poisoning and food-borne infections. Assessment
of microbial condition and wholesomeness of different livestock products. National and
International microbial standards. Sensory evaluation and organoleptic properties of livestock
products. Sensory evaluation tests. Layout and designing of sensory evaluation laboratory.

Unit 2: Abattoir and Poultry Processing Plants

Origin and source of animal foods. Lay out, construction, design, organization, operation and
maintenance of abattoirs and poultry processing plants. Pre-slaughter care and transportation
of food animals. Different slaughtering techniques and dressing of different animals and
birds. Antemortem and postmortem inspection. Judging and grading of animals and birds on
foot and on rail. Condemnation and disposal of unfit material. Disposal of slaughterhouse
effluents and design of effluent treatment plant. Sanitation, plant operation and maintenance.
Sanitary standards for meat packing plants. Fabrication of dressed carcasses and preparation
of different cut up parts, dressing percentage and meat: bone ratio. Adulteration and
misrepresentation of meat. State, municipal and other regulations pertaining to meat trade.
Meat food products order. Processing and utilization of various animal and poultry by-
products, slaughterhouse and poultry plant offals. Methods of utilization of blood, fat, hides
and skin, horns, hooves, wool, hair, feather, glands and other by-products. Importance and
utilization of by-products for industrial purposes. Preparation of pet food. Application of
computer science in abattoir operations. Robot technology and its application in meat and
poultry industry.

Unit 3: Processing and preservation

Principles of processing of dairy products and their defects. Special milk: sterilized milk,
flavoured milk, homogenized milk, soft curd milk, Vitaminized/irradiated milk, fermented
milk, standardized milk, reconstituted/rehydrated milk, recombined milk, toned milk, double
toned milk, skimmed milk, humanized milk. Processing of dairy products: - butter, butter oil,
ice-cream, cheese, cream, condensed milk, dried milk, dried milk products etc. Indigenous
dairy products: ghee, khoa, dahi, makkhan, chhana, paneer, Khurchan, Lassi, Organic milk.
Genetically modified milk and milk products. Efficient utilization of dairy by products.
Principles of preservation of livestock products. Equipment and technology of processing and
preservation. Industrial food preservation, chilling, freezing, freeze drying, dehydration,
canning irradiation, pasteurization, curing, smoking, bio preservation, use of chemical
additives and antibiotics. Different cooking methods including micro-wave cooking.
Tenderization and use of enzymes for processed foods. Production of value-added products,
process methods, process optimization and quality control. Development and preservation of
shelf stable (earned and dehydrated) intermediate moisture, textured, cured, fermented,
enrobed, restricted, emulsion based, fabricated meat and poultry products. Sanitation,
regulation and inspection of processed meat foods. Effect of processing on nutritional,

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chemical, microbiological and organoleptic qualities of livestock products. Economics of
precosting and product development. Application of biotechnology in processing and
preservation of meat, poultry and fish products. Bioactive compounds and biogenic amines.

Unit 4: Wool, Mohair and Fur

Basic aspects of wool science. Shearing, physical and chemical characteristics, processing,
grading, standardization, storage and marketing of wool, mohair and fur (National and
International). Quality evaluation of wool fibers. Differentiation between wool and synthetic
fibers, specialty wool fibers.

Unit 5: Packaging
Principles of packaging. Types of packaging materials. Characterization, methods and
systems of packaging. Gas packaging, Vacuum packaging, modified atmosphere packaging,
controlled atmospheric packaging, active packaging, intelligent packaging,
biodegradable/edible packaging, shrink and stretch packaging, industrial packaging. Aseptic
and retort pouches. Standardization and quality control of packaging material. Product
attributes, packaging and labeling requirements for different livestock products.
Nanotechnology for food packaging, recycling of packaging materials. Latest trends in
packaging of milk, meat, poultry, eggs, wool and fish products.

Unit 6: Quality Control

Grades and grading of livestock products. Stress factors effecting meat quality - PSE, DFD,
PSS, Hot boning, Cold shortening, thaw rigor, freezer burn and electrical stimulation.
Regulatory and inspection methods - Municipal and State laws. Bureau of Indian Standards
and International Standards of fresh meat and poultry including their products and by-
products. FSSAI standards related of different livestock products. Detection of antibiotics,
chemical residues, heavy metals and toxins in meat. Techniques for detection of adulteration
of meat. HACCP concept of quality control of meat, fish, poultry and eggs.

Unit 7: Marketing of livestock products

Livestock production and supply characteristics. Meat consumption and related demands.
Types of market and trends in marketing livestock products and by products, wholesale, retail
and future trends. Consumer aptitude, education and awareness, and popularization of new
products. Corporate bodies in regulation of markets, marketing boards, Co-operative
agencies, internal trade and development of international market for livestock products.
Organization, operation and sanitation of meat, poultry, fish and egg retailing units. Fast food
chains and super markets. Situation and outlook and methods for promotion and marketing of
livestock products.

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Unit 1: General
Present status and future prospects of livestock development in India. Animal production
systems in different agro-climatic zones of the country. Effect of industrialization and
mechanization of agriculture on livestock sector. Breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pigs,
equine, camels, and various important lab animals. Various livestock development
programmes operative in the country. Animal behaviour vis-a-vis adaptation and production.
Principles of domestication and behavioural factors favouring domestication. Mating
behaviour in various species of livestock. Agnostic behaviour - causes and control. Social
order in farm animals. Adaptation of livestock in tropics, deserts cold and high altitudes.
Mixed farming, integrated and specialized farming systems. Vices – causes and prevention,
Livestock transportation. Approaching, handling and restraining of livestock species.

Unit 2: Breeding Management

Basic principles of inheritance. Concept of heritability, repeatability and selection. Important
methods of selection and systems of breeding in farm animals. Importance of maintaining
records and their scientific interpretation.

Unit 3: Feeding Management

Nutrients and their functions. Nutritional requirements and feeding managements of different
categories of livestock. Feed additives including antibiotic, pre and probiotic feeding in farm
animals. Feed conversion efficiency of various categories of livestock. Processing and
storage of conventional and non-conventional feed ingredients.

Unit 4: Reproduction Management

Climate and nutrition affecting reproductive performance in farm animals. Importance of
early pregnancy diagnosis. Methods of heat detection. Artificial insemination and timed A.I.
Oestrous synchronization. Causes of disturbed fertility and its prevention in farm animals.
Management factors affecting reproductive efficiency. Summer and winter management
problems (stresses) and their solutions.

Unit 5: Shelter Management

Housing systems, Selection of site and lay out of animal. Space requirement for various
livestock species, Housing designs in different agro-climatic regions. Macro and micro-
climatic factors affecting designs of animal and poultry houses. BIS (standards) for livestock
housing. Construction of cheap animal houses utilizing local resources. Automation in
livestock farming. Disposal of animal wastes under urban and rural conditions. Disposal of

Unit 6: Health Management

General approach to livestock health programmes. Prevention of spreading of diseases among
the herd mates through isolation, quarantine, disinfection etc. Hygiene and sanitation on
animal farm. Symptoms of ill health, important infectious diseases of livestock and their
control. Vaccination schedules in animals, Internal and external parasites and their control
through spraying, footbath, dusting, dipping, deworming etc. Accidental health disorders and
their control. Common disinfectants used on animal farms. Concept of first aid at farms.
Quarantine Act, Zoonotic diseases, labour health programme.

Unit 7: Production and Management of Cattle and Buffalo

Cattle and buffalo production trends and factors affecting them. Prenatal and postnatal care
and management of cattle and buffalo. Care of neonates and young calves, dry and lactating
animals. Management strategies for reducing mortality in calves, age at first calving, and
calving intervals. Management strategies to improve production, reproduction and growth

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