Class 10th GSEB India Water Resources
Class 10th GSEB India Water Resources
Class 10th GSEB India Water Resources
• “There is water hence there is life”- If the environment exists, it’s because
of water.
• Water is limited resource and no other resource can be used in its place.
1. Sources of water
2. Water resource & Uses (Irrigation , Multipurpose projects)
3. Distribution of area under irrigation
4. Water crisis
5. Management & conservation of water
6. Watershed Development
7. Rain Water Harvesting
8. Conclusion
Rain water: 'Rain' is the original source of water on the earth. River, lakes,
streams, well etc. are secondary sources. All these sources exist due to rainfall.
Surface water: The water on the surface the earth is found in the form of river,
lake, pond, sea streams etc. It is called surface water. Rivers are the main
source of surface water.
Ground water: Ground water has an important place among the sources of
water. Ground water is obtained due to the process of water absorbed by the
lower strata of the land. The volume of ground water is unlimited. In the
Northern plains of India, there is about 42% of ground water. In Southern India,
there is less of ground water due to the plateau and mountainous region.
Ground water is utilised maximum for irrigation.
2. Water resources and uses – Irrigation , Multipurpose Projects
• Irrigation: About 84% of water in India is useful for irrigation, e.g. about 1500
litres of water is required to produce 1kg. of wheat.
• Paddy, jute, and sugarcane crops require more water. Water is being used for
irrigation since ancient times.
• In second century, the famous, Grand Anicut canal, was constructed across the
river Kaveri.
• In 1882, the Eastern Yamuna Canal was constructed in Uttar Pradesh.
(2) canals
(3) ponds
• Out of these, wells and canals are major mediums of irrigation. Canals and
ponds come at second and third place respectively.
• Canal irrigation is practiced in the vast plains of Satluj, Ganga and Yamuna
and also in the delta regions of Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri
rivers in the Eastern plains.
• Wells and tube wells are very common in alluvial plains.
• Irrigation by ponds is practiced more in the eastern and southern states.
Multipurpose Projects –
Multipurpose Projects are a hydraulic structure built to store water for future use. They
act as reservoir. They become barrier and restrict the flow of water which can be later
used for purposes such as irrigation, domestic use, industrial use, aquaculture, etc.
• It is used in Irrigating the fields.
• Used in Electricity Generation: In the Sutlej-Beas River Basin, The Bhakra-
Nangal Dam is used widely for hydel power production and irrigation.
• Used as Water supply for domestic purposes.
• Used to Supply water for industries and manufacturers.
• Used in Flood control:- The Hirakund Dam in the Mahanadi basin is used for
flood control.
• Used for Recreational purposes like water parks
• Used in Inland Navigation.
• Used in Fish Breeding.
3. Distribution of area under irrigation:
• There is a difference regarding the area under irrigation in every State.
• Coastal districts in Andhra Pradesh, delta regions of Godavari and Krishna
rivers, Mahanadi delta in Odisha, Kaveri delta in Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana,
and Western Uttar Pradesh etc. are regions of intensive irrigation of the country.
• After Independence, the irrigated area in India has increased four times.
Irrigation is practiced in about 38% of net sown area.
• There is a difference in the irrigated are as of different States. In Mizoram,
7.3% area of the total area sown is under irrigation while it is 90.8% in Punjab.
• There is a vast difference between the total area under irrigation with the total
area sown.
• More than 40% area of the total area sown is under irrigation in Punjab,
Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jammu-Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, and Manipur.
4. Water Crisis –
• We all know that the available water is in limited quantity. Its distribution is also
unequal. Along with there is a problem of water pollution.
• That is why it is necessary to use the water economically and to conserve the
available water.
• 'Water' is such a resource which is directly associated with the entire living
• The remedies to conserve water are to be done at different stages. The
maintenance of water resources is known as 'water conservation'.
• Some general remedies of water conservation are as follows.
More construction of reservoirs for water storage,
connecting two river basins,
bringing the ground water at higher level.
6. Watershed Development –
8. Conclusion –
• Uniform steps cannot be applied for every area.
• Local people should be included with their due cooperation for the development
and management of water resources of any special region.
• Thus, water should be utilised economically. Various methods are being
implemented for water conservation.
• Whether the rainfall occurs or not, the water crisis is pending on us. Whether it
is a farm or a water-place in the house, we have to conserve every drop of water.
• Water is the life.