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TroCutCAD User Manual

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AWC708C LITE Motion

User Manual

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RV 1.0

Copyright © 2016 Trocen Automation Tech. Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved
TroCutCAD User Manual

Shenzhen Trocen Automation Tech. Co. Ltd. (Hereinafter referred as

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directly or indirectly reproduce, manufacture, process, use this product

and its related parts.

Users have the responsibility to pay attention to the design error and
establish protection mechanisms. Trocen doesn’t accept any
responsibility or liability for any damage or loss resulting from
improper operation.

TroCutCAD User Manual

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TroCutCAD User Manual

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User Manual

By reading this instruction, the users will know the basic operation of

TroCutCAD User Manual

For Who

This manual is applicable to engineers who have a certain understanding

of mechanical automation.

Main Content

The particular use and operation of TroCutCAD.

TroCutCAD User Manual

1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 10

2. TroCutCAD Installation ....................................................................... 11

3. Basic Operation of TroCutCAD ............................................................ 15

3.1 Main Interface .......................................................................... 15

3.2 File ........................................................................................... 17

3.2.1 New ............................................................................... 17

3.2.2 Open .............................................................................. 17

3.2.3 Save ............................................................................... 19

3.2.4 Save as ........................................................................... 20

3.2.5 Import ........................................................................... 20

3.2.6 Export ............................................................................ 23

3.2.7Import Soft Config .......................................................... 24

3.2.8 Export Soft Config .......................................................... 25

3.3 Select & Transform ................................................................... 26

3.3.1 Select ............................................................................. 26

3.3.2 Change Color ................................................................. 27

3.3.3 Rotate ............................................................................ 28

3.3.4 Size ................................................................................ 30

3.4 Edit ........................................................................................... 31

3.4.1 Undo.............................................................................. 31

3.4.2 Redo .............................................................................. 31

3.4.3 Cut ................................................................................. 31

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.4.4 Copy .............................................................................. 31

3.4.5 Paste .............................................................................. 31

3.4.6 Delete ............................................................................ 31

3.4.7 Delete Worked Objects .................................................. 32

3.4.8 All Select ........................................................................ 32

3.4.9 Select Small Object ........................................................ 32

3.4.10 Group .......................................................................... 32

3.4.11 Ungroup ...................................................................... 32

3.4.12 All Ungroup.................................................................. 32

3.4.13 Add Node .................................................................... 33

3.4.14 Delete Node................................................................. 33

3.4.15 Separate Node ............................................................. 33

3.4.16 Unite Node .................................................................. 33

3.4.17 Move ........................................................................... 34

3.4.18 Zoom ........................................................................... 34

3.4.19 Align ............................................................................ 35

3.4.20 Nudge Offset ............................................................... 35

3.4.21 Convert to Leftover ...................................................... 35

3.4.22 Convert LastRow to Leftover ........................................ 36

3.4.23 Cancel Leftover ............................................................ 37

3.4.24 ClothingMark ............................................................... 37

3.4.25 Manual Notch .............................................................. 37

3.5 Draw ......................................................................................... 38

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.5.1 Select ............................................................................. 38

3.5.2 Rect Select ..................................................................... 38

3.5.2 Edit Node ....................................................................... 39

3.5.4 Draw Line....................................................................... 43

3.5.5 Draw Polyline ................................................................. 44

3.5.6 Draw Rectangle.............................................................. 44

3.5.7 Draw Ellipse ................................................................... 44

3.5.8 Draw Bezier ................................................................... 44

3.5.9 Text ................................................................................ 46

3.6 Tool .......................................................................................... 47

3.6.1 Add Size Mark ................................................................ 47

3.6.2 Array Clone .................................................................... 48

3.6.3 Select by Color ............................................................... 50

3.6.4 Mirror Horizontally ........................................................ 50

3.6.5 Mirror Vertically............................................................. 50

3.6.6 Manual Order ................................................................ 51

3.6.7 Automatic Order ............................................................ 52

3.6.8 Smooth Object(s) ........................................................... 55

3.6.8 Delete Repeated Lines ................................................... 56

3.6.10 Unite Lines ................................................................... 58

3.6.11 Auto Cutting Guide_Line .............................................. 59

3.6.12 Edit Cutting Guide_Line ............................................... 62

3.6.13 Close Check ................................................................. 63

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.6.14 Parallel Offset .............................................................. 63

3.6.15 Measure Length ........................................................... 65

3.6.16 Estimate Work Time..................................................... 65

3.6.17 Simulate....................................................................... 66

3.7 Options..................................................................................... 66

3.7.1 System Options .............................................................. 66

3.7.2 Array Output Options .................................................... 72

3.7.3 Position Relative ............................................................ 79

3.7.4 Default Parameters ........................................................ 81

3.8 View ......................................................................................... 81

3.9 Help .......................................................................................... 82

3.9.1 About............................................................................. 82

3.9.2 Modify Icon ................................................................... 85

4. Control Panel...................................................................................... 86

4.1 Communicate by USB ............................................................... 86

4.2 Network Mode ......................................................................... 88

4.2.1 Communicate by Network ............................................. 88

4.2.2 Modify the IP Address of Computer............................... 89

4.2.3 Check IP Address ........................................................... 92

4.3 Layer Options Settings .............................................................. 95

4.3.1 Layer Options................................................................. 95

4.3.2 Other Parameters .......................................................... 97

4.3.3 Adjust Layer Processing Order ....................................... 97

TroCutCAD User Manual

4.4 Machine Control ....................................................................... 98

4.4.1 Download ...................................................................... 99

4.4.2 Other Machine Control ................................................ 103

TroCutCAD User Manual

1. Introduction

TroCutCAD is Trocen Oscillating Tool Cutting Controller System specialized

windows version software. This manual will explain how to use the

software to complete machining task in detail. The TroCutCAD runs on

Windows system (Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win10).

Software Features

⚫ Friendly interface, easy to learn, simple to operate.

⚫ Support CorelDraw direct output version, AutoCAD direct output


⚫ Compatible with AI、PLT、DXF、SVG、PDF、NC、DST、DSB、UD6、


⚫ Draw simple graphics, characters and edit/compose the imported data.

⚫ Process by layers and define output sequence.

⚫ Multiple functions of Path Optimization and pause during working.

⚫ Function of estimating working time and cost budget.

⚫ Array output, immediate output and go-back-to-origin output.

⚫ Set the working start point, working path, go-back position of cutting

head according to different requirement.

⚫ Compatible with multiple communication modes, USB communication

and network communication.

TroCutCAD User Manual

2. TroCutCAD Installation

1. Access to installation directory.

Figure2-1 Installation Directory

2. Double click Setup.exe.

Figure2-2 Installation Interface

3. Click Language and choose English. Click【Install】.

Figure2-3 Set Language

TroCutCAD User Manual

Click【Browse】to choose installation path and click【OK】to start to

Figure2-4 Choose TroCutCAD Version

Figure2-6 Install OK

4. Install USB driver. Press【Install USB Driver】.

Figure2-7 Install USB Driver

TroCutCAD User Manual

Fogure2-8 FTDI Driver Installation

Figure2-9 Install Wizard

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure2-10 Finish Installation

TroCutCAD User Manual

3. Basic Operation of TroCutCAD

3.1 Main Interface

Figure3-1-1 Main Interface

⚫ Menu bar

The main functions of this software are executed by the command

options in the menu bar. The menu bar contains seven sub-menus with

different functions: File, Edit, Draw, Tool, Options, View and help.

⚫ Tool bar

The tool bar contains some of the commonly used functions, most of

which are selected from menus, in the form of command buttons.

TroCutCAD User Manual

⚫ Object bar

The object bar provides relevant properties when selecting graphics

and using tools. By setting the corresponding properties in the

property bar, the graphics will change.

⚫ Draw bar

It’s on the left of working area. With these draw tools, they make

operation more flexible and convenient.

⚫ Align bar

Make multi objects align to perfect the layout of page.

⚫ Color bar

Alter the color of selected layer and create multiple layers.

⚫ Control panel

Use control panel to process tasks of machining, including setting

communication, layer parameter, loading graphics and so on.

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.2 File

3.2.1 New

Press【File】and click【New】or click “ ” on the tool bar to create a new

Figure3-2-1 New

3.2.2 Open

Press【File】and click【Open】or click “ ” on the tool bar to open a file.

The suffix of file must be “pwj5” and users can preview the graphics on

the open page.

The offline files with the suffix “ud6” cannot be opened directly by this

way, and they can be opened via【Import】.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-2-1 New

Figure3-2-3 Choose File

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.2.3 Save

Press【File】and click【Save】or click “ ” on the tool bar to save the file.

The suffix of file is “pwj5”.

Figure3-2-5 Save

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.2.4 Save as

Press【File】and click【Save as】to save the file. The suffix of file is “pwj5”.
Figure3-2-6 Save as

3.2.5 Import

Press【File】and click【Import】or click “ ” on the tool bar to import a

file. Trocen TroCutCAD software supports AI, DXF, PLT, SVG, PDF, G-CODE,

DST, DSB and some other formats.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-2-7 Import

Table3-2-1 Instruction

Function Instruction

While importing graphics, combine the connected lines into

Unite Lines
one line.

Smooth processing of curves while importing files can improve

Auto Smooth
the speed and smoothness of cutting.

When the graphics is imported, multiple objects in the graphics

Auto Order will be automatically ordered, making the cutting head move
the shortest distance during process.

TroCutCAD User Manual

The software retains the graphics before the file is imported.

Reserve the
After imported, the software work area will show the original
Current doc…
graphics and the imported file.

Preview Displays preview when the file is selected.

Press “ ” behind Unite Lines to set unite tolerance.

Press “ ” behind Auto Smooth to smooth the lines.

Press “ ” behind Auto Order to enter the route optimize interface, users

can set these parameters according to need. Please reffer to the

Chapter3.6.6 of this article for more detail about Route Optimize.

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.2.6 Export

Press【File】and click【Export】or click “ ” on the tool bar to export the

Figure3-2-8 Export

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.2.7Import Soft Config

Press【File】and click【Import soft config…】to import the config file.

Figure3-2-11 Import Soft Config

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.2.8 Export Soft Config

Press【File】and click【Export soft config…】to export the config file..

Figure3-2-10 Export Machine Config

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.3 Select & Transform

3.3.1 Select

While drawing or editing a graphics, you need to select the graphics first.

When the graphics is selected, there is a "×" mark in the center. There

are 8 control points around and the outline color is red by default.

Click【Select】under【Draw】or click “ ” on draw bar. There are five ways

to select graphics.

1) Click【All select】under【Edit】to choose all the graphics on page.

2) Left-click the graphics.

Figure3-3-1 Choose One Graphics

3) Rect Select

“ ”: Press the left-key of mouse and drag, as long as the selection box

TroCutCAD User Manual

touches the graphics will be selected.

“ ”: Press the left mouse button and drag. The selected graphics must
be all selected by box.

4) Add/cut selected graphics

Add: Select the first graphics, then press “Shift” and click (or box)

other graphics at the same time.

5) Select by color

Click【Select by color】under【Tool】or click “ ” on tool bar, then

choose one color, press【OK】and all the graphics in this layer will be

Figure3-3-2 Select by Color

3.3.2 Change Color

Select one graphics, then click any color you need on the color bar

“ ”, then the

graphics will change color.

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.3.3 Rotate

1) Input the rotate degree in “ ”, then press “ ” to make the

graphics rotate.

2) Click “ ” and select the graphics, then click the graphics again, there

will be 8 control points like “ ” and “ ”. “ ” is for rotation and

“ ”is for beveling.
Figure3-3-3 Rotate/Bevell

TroCutCAD User Manual

Move the mouse over the rotation control point and drag. As you drag,

the outline of graphics rotates. When rotates to the desired position,

release the mouse to complete rotation.

Figure3-3-4 Rotate

Move the mouse over the beveling control point and drag. As you drag,

the outline of graphics moves. When moves to the desired position,

release the mouse to complete beveling.

Figure3-3-5 Bevell

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.3.4 Size

1) Select a graphic and drag the control points to change the size of


2) Input accurate value in “ ” textbox, then press 【Enter】

on keyboard to change the size of graphics. If the “ ” changes to “ ”,

when you change one value, the other value will change in proportion

to the origin ratio at the same time.

Click “ ”, users can change the size of graphics by percentage.

Figrure3-3-6 Change by Percentage

If you check “Lock ratio” and change the X (Y) value, then the Y (X)

value will change in the same percentage. If the “Lock ratio” is not

checked, the X and Y percentages will not affect each other. Users can

set different values according to need.

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.4 Edit

3.4.1 Undo

Press【Edit】/【Undo】or click “ ” to undo the previous action.

3.4.2 Redo

Press【Edit】/【Redo】or click “ ” to redo the previous action.

3.4.3 Cut

Select one or multi graphics, press【Edit】/【Cut】or click “ ” to cut these


3.4.4 Copy

Select one or multi graphics, press【Edit】/【Copy】or click “ ” to copy

these graphics.

3.4.5 Paste

After cutting or copying graphics, press【Edit】/【Paste】or click “ ” to

paste these graphics.

3.4.6 Delete

Select one or multi graphics, press【Edit】/【Delete】to delete these


TroCutCAD User Manual

3.4.7 Delete Worked Objects

Select one or multi graphics, press【Edit】/【Delete Worked Objects】to

delete these graphics in the work region.

3.4.8 All Select

Press【Edit】/【All Select】to select all the graphics in the view.

3.4.9 Select Small Object

Press【Edit】/【Select Small Object】to select the small objects in the view.

3.4.10 Group

Select one or multi graphics, press【Edit】

/ or click “ ” to combine

the independent graphics into a group.

3.4.11 Ungroup

Select one graphics group, press【Edit】/【Ungroup】or click “ ” to split

the group into several independent graphics and groups.

3.4.12 All Ungroup

Select one graphics group, press【Edit】/【All Ungroup】or click “ ” to

split the group into several independent graphics.

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.4.13 Add Node

Press【Draw】/【Edit Node】or click “ ”, click where you want to add

node, there will be a mark “ ”. Press【Edit】/【Add Node】or click “ ”

to add a node.

3.4.14 Delete Node

Press【Draw】/【Edit Node】or click “ ”, select the node which you want

to delete, press【Edit】/【Delete Node】or click “ ” to delete the node.

3.4.15 Separate Node

Press【Draw】/【Edit Node】or click “ ”, select the node which you want

to separate, press【Edit】/【Separate Node】or click “ ” to separate the


3.4.16 Unite Node

Press【Draw】/【Edit Node】or click “ ”, select one node which you want

to unite, then press【Shift】and select the other node at the same time.

Click【Edit】/【Unite Node】or click “ ” to unite the two nodes. Trocen

TroCutCAD only can unite 2 nodes at most one time.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figur3-4-1 Unite Node

3.4.17 Move

Press【Edit】/【Move】or click “ ”, move the mouse to drag the view.

3.4.18 Zoom

Press【Edit】/【Zoom】or click “ ”. Click the left button of mouse (or

scroll the mouse wheel forward) to enlarge view, and click the right button

of mouse (or scroll the mouse wheel backwards) to reduce view.

Select the graphics, press【Edit】/【Zoom】/【Zoom to selected】or click

“ ” to display the selected graphics by interface.

Select the graphics, press【Edit】/【Zoom】/【Zoom to all objects】or

click “ ” to display all the selected graphics by interface.

Select the graphics, press【Edit】/【Zoom】/【Zoom to page】or click

“ ” to display work area by interface.

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.4.19 Align

Select multi graphics, press【Edit】【

/ Align】or click “ ”

to make graphics align as need.

3.4.20 Nudge Offset

Select graphics, press【Edit】/【Nudge offset】and choose the relevant

direction to make graphics move tinily.

3.4.21 Convert to Leftover

When this function is used in array, it means adding other graphics in blank

space to save material. It is usually used in double cutting head array


As shown in figure 3-4-2, draw a rectangle in the array. Click【Edit】/

【Convert to leftover】to cut the rectangle in the blank area of the

material to save the material.

Figure3-4-2 Convert to Leftover

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.4.22 Convert LastRow to Leftover

When this function is used in array, it means adding other graphics in the

last column. Click【Edit】/【Convert LastRow to Leftover】and the last

column of the array will be transformed into solid line. The graphics of

solid line can be deleted and the new graphics can be added to the

position for cutting through the import function.

Figure3-4-3 Convert LastRow to Leftover

Figure3-4-4 Import New Graphics

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.4.23 Cancel Leftover

After adding leftover to array, click【Edit】/【Cancel Leftover】to remove

leftover. The leftover graphics will convert to a part of array, as shown in

figure 3-4-5.
Figure3-4-5 Cancel Leftover

3.4.24 ClothingMark

Click【Edit】/【ClothingMark】and choose the mark according to need.

Click on the graphics, the mark will be added.

3.4.25 Manual Notch

During cutting, part of workpiece will be left on the edge to prevent it from

falling off. This part is called bridge position.

Select graphics, click【Edit】/【Manual Notch】and input width parameter.

Move cursor to the edge of graphics, when the cursor changes to “+”, click

TroCutCAD User Manual

left button of mouse to add notch manually.

Figure3-4-6 Manual Notch



3.5 Draw

3.5.1 Select

Click【Draw】/【Select】or click “ ” to change from edit state to select

mode, click the graphics directly to select it.

3.5.2 Rect Select

Click【Draw】/【Rect Select】or click “ ”/ “ ” to change from edit state

to rect select mode. Press and drag the left button of the mouse, a dotted

box appears on the interface. Release the mouse, all the graphics in the

dotted box will be selected.

1) “ ”: Part of graphics is covered and the graphics will be selected.

2) “ ”: The whole graphics is covered and the graphics will be selected.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-5-1 Rect Select

3.5.2 Edit Node

Press【Draw】/【Edit Node】or click “ ”, there will be “ ”/“ ”/“ ”

/“ ” on the object bar.

1. Select graphics.

Select a graphics, click【Draw】/【Edit Node】or click “ ”. The node

of graphics will show as “ ”.

Figure3-5-2 Select Graphics

TroCutCAD User Manual

2. Add node.

click where you want to add a node, there will be a mark “ ”. Click

【Edit】/【Add Node】or click “ ” to add a node.

Figure3-5-3 Mark

Figure3-5-4 Add Node

3. Delete node.

Click【Draw】/【Edit Node】or click “ ”, select the node which you

want to delete, click【Edit】/【Delete Node】or click “ ” to delete

TroCutCAD User Manual

the node.
Figure3-5-5 Select One Node

Figure3-5-6 Delete Node

4. Separate node.

Click【Draw】/【Edit Node】or click “ ”, then select the node which

you want to separate, press【Edit】/【Separate Node】or click “ ”

to separate the node.

Select the two nodes as Figure3-5-7, and separate these two nodes.

The graphics will separate into two parts as Figure3-5-8.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-5-7 Separate Two Nodes

Figure3-5-8 Separate Graphics

5. Unite node.

Click【Draw】/【Edit Node】or click “ ”, select one node which you

want to unite, then press【Shift】and select the other node at the same

time. Click【Edit】/【Unite Node】or click “ ” to unite the two nodes.

Trocen TroCutCAD only can unite 2 nodes at most one time.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-5-9 Select Two Nodes

Figure3-5-10 Unite Nodes

3.5.4 Draw Line

Click【Draw】/【Line】or click “ ”. Click the left button of mouse on the

screen and drag cursor to the desired position. Click the left button again

to draw a line.

When drawing a line, press 【 Ctrl 】 while dragging cursor to draw a

horizontal or vertical line.

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.5.5 Draw Polyline

Click【Draw】/【Polyline】or click “ ”. Click the left button of mouse on

the screen and drag the mouse to the desired position. Click the left

button again to draw a line. Repeat these operations to draw polyline.

Then click the right button of mouse to finish drawing.

3.5.6 Draw Rectangle

Click【Draw】/【Rectangle】or click “ ”. Click the left button of mouse

on the screen and drag cursor to draw a rectangle.

When drawing a rectangle, press【Ctrl】while dragging cursor to draw a


3.5.7 Draw Ellipse

Click【Draw】/【Ellipse】or click “ ”. Click the left button of mouse on

the screen and drag cursor to draw an ellipse.

When drawing an ellipse, press【Ctrl】while dragging cursor to draw a

perfect circle.

3.5.8 Draw Bezier

Click【Draw】/【Bezier】or click “ ”. Click the left button of mouse on

the screen to set the start point of Bezier curve and move cursor to the

desired position, click the left button again and drag the left button to

TroCutCAD User Manual

adjust the curve.

Figure3-5-11 Bezier

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.5.9 Text

Click【Draw】/【Text】or click “ ”. Click the left button of mouse two

times on the screen to open the text input box. Select font and size of text,

then click【OK】.
Figure3-5-12 Add Text

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-5-13 Work Interface

3.6 Tool

3.6.1 Add Size Mark

Click【Tool】/【Add Size Mark】to set the mark parameters, click【Pick】

to save.
Figure3-6-1 Size Mark Parameters1

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-6-2 Size Mark Parameters2

3.6.2 Array Clone

Click “ ” to select the graphics which you want to setup array. Click【Tool】

/【Array Clone…】or click “ ”, set the array parameters, click【OK】.

Figure3-6-3 Array Parameters

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-6-4 Select Graphics

Figure3-6-5 Array

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.6.3 Select by Color

Click【Tool】/【Select by color】or click “ ”, select any color layer and

the graphics in this layer will be selected.

Figure3-6-6 Select by Color

3.6.4 Mirror Horizontally

Click【Tool】/【Mirror Horizontally】or click “ ” to make the selected

graphics flip horizontally.

3.6.5 Mirror Vertically

/ Mirror Vertically】or click “ ” to make the selected graphics

flip vertically.

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.6.6 Manual Order

Click【Tool】/【Manual Order】to enter the manual order interface.

Figure3-6-5 Manual Order

1. Change serial number of objects. Items listed in the【Manual Order】

window is related to the serial number of the corresponding objects.

The closer to the top the item is, the more prior the corresponding

object is to be processed.

1) Drag items in the [Manual Order] with mouse, allow to change the

item to top of cursor.

2) Double click the item in the [Manual Order], will move it to the top

3) Click【Rev-Order】will reverse all items.

TroCutCAD User Manual

2. Change cutting start point of object.

Cutting start point shown as “ ”, click the object and change the

cutting start point.

3. Change cutting direction of object.

Cutting direction is shown as “ ”. Click【Manual Order】

【/ Rev-Order】

to reverse the cutting direction.

4. Rev_Order.

Click【Manual Order】/【Rev-Order】to reverse the cutting order.

3.6.7 Automatic Order

【Automatic Order】is used to set the objects order automatically in the

current file. After automatic order, the processing distance will be the

shortest theoretically.

Click【Tool】/【Automatic Order】, select the functions as need and click


TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-6-8 Automatic Order

⚫ Order by layer

Graphics elements with the same color will be arrange in the same

layer. When cutting, the machine will complete one color layer, then

turn to another color.

⚫ Inner to outer

Inner graphics will be processed preferentially to the outer graphics.

When cutting, it will process the inner graphics, then turn to the outer


⚫ Automation set cut director

Automatically set cutting start point and direction of the graphics

when order the graphics.

⚫ Path run region

The machine will process graphics according to【Size】and【Director】

parameters. 【Path run region】is normally used to order regular array,

(such as circle array or rectangle array), the【Size】is set to the height

TroCutCAD User Manual

of a single graphics in the array.

Set up a circle array with 5 rows and 5 columns. The diameter is

150mm. Check【Automation set cut director】and【Clockwise director】,

do not check【Path run region】, the cutting path is shown as Figure3-

Figure3-6-9 Cutting Path without【Path run region】

TroCutCAD User Manual

Check【Path run region】and set the【Size】to “150”,【Director】to

“Up to down”, the cutting path is shown as Figure3-6-10.

Figure3-6-10 Cutting Path with【Path run region】

3.6.8 Smooth Object(s)

Smooth the curve so as to increase cutting speed and stability. Click【Tool】

/【Smooth Objects】, and set the suitable smooth value then click【OK】.

The value of the smooth percentage is bigger and the curve is more

smoothly. But if the percentage value is too large, the graphics will change.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-6-11 Set Smooth Percentage

3.6.8 Delete Repeated Lines

【Delete Repeated Lines】allows delete repeated/overlapping lines, so the

machine will not repeat cutting. Click【Tool】/【Delete Repeated Lines】,

set suitable【Repeat error】, then click【OK】.

Figure3-6-12 Delete Repeated Lines

Set up a rectangle array with 3 rows and 4 columns as Figure3-6-13 (the

X/Y Offset is “0”). Click【Tool】/【Delete Repeated Lines】(the Repeated

error is “0.01”), then click【OK】, users can see the tooltip as Figure3-6-


After deleting repeated lines, the array will be divided into several
TroCutCAD User Manual

independent segments as Figure3-6-15.

Figure3-6-13 Set Up Array

Figure3-6-14 Result of Delete Repeated Lines

Figure3-6-15 Split Graphics

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.6.10 Unite Lines

【Unite Lines】will unite linked multiple segment to single segment. Click

【Tool】/【Unite Lines】, set suitable【Unite tolerance】, then click【OK】.

⚫ Unite tolerance

2 segments will be united to 1 segment if their distances are smaller

than unite tolerance.

Figure3-6-16 Unite Tolerance

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.6.11 Auto Cutting Guide_Line

When drawing or importing a graphics, the curve does not have the guide

line by default. Select the graphics that needs to add the guide line, click

【Tool】/【Auto Cutting Guide_Line】or click “ ” to open the【Auto

Cutting Guide_Line】interface.
Figure3-6-14 Auto Cutting Guide_Line

⚫ Angle

The angle between the cutting in’/out’ guide_line and the start line.

Counterclockwise is positive.

⚫ Direction

If you do not check【Auto Confirm direction】, you can set the direction

TroCutCAD User Manual

to “Outer” or “Inner” manually. Set【Direction】to “Inner”, the guide

line will be drawn from the inside of the graphics. And the “Outer” is


⚫ Center Guide

The guide line leads to the center of graphics.

Figure3-6-18 Outer Figure3-6-19 Inner

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-6-20 Outer (Center Guide) Figure3-6-21 Inner (Center Guide)

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.6.12 Edit Cutting Guide_Line

The cutting start point of graphics is marked with “ ”, click【Tool】/

【Automatic order】, then click the left button of mouse to change the

cutting start point. The cutting direction is shown with “ ”.

Figure3-6-22 Cutting Start Point

Click【Tool】/【Edit Cutting Guide_Line】or click “ ” to edit the guide

line of graphics.
Figure3-6-23 Edit Cutting Guide_Line

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.6.13 Close Check

Click【Tool】/【Close Check】, input the suitable【Close Tolerance】. Then

the software will check and select all the graphics according to the close

tolerance in current file.

Figure3-6-24 Close Tolerance

3.6.14 Parallel Offset

【Parallel Offset】is used to expand or indent vector graphics. Select a

graphics, click【Tool】/【Parallel Offset】or click “ ”. Set the parameters

as required, click【OK】to generate the parallel line and set up a new layer

automatically. If the offset value is positive, the graphics will expand, if the

offset value is negative, the graphics will indent inward.

Figure3-6-25 Parallel Offset Parameters

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-6-26 Auto Inner or Outer Offset Figure3-6-27 Expand

The join type can be set to “Round”, “Square” or “Miter”. Square: the top

angle of graphics turns into a straight line. Round: the top angle turns into

an arc. Miter: the top angle doesn’t change, as shown in figure 3-6-35/3-

Figure3-6-28 Square Figure3-6-29 Round

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.6.15 Measure Length

Click 【Tool】/【Measure Length】to measure length of the selected

graphics. If select several graphics, then the result is the sum of length.
Figure3-6-30 Measure Length

3.6.16 Estimate Work Time

【Estimate Work Time】will pre-calculate the processing time precisely

according the current parameter settings and graphics data size. The

calculation will be very precise, with error no more than 1 min even for

graphics data with heavy work loading.

Click【Tool】/【Estimate Work Time】or click “ ” to estimate work time

of the selected graphics.

Figure3-6-31 Estimate Work Time

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.6.17 Simulate

Click【Tool】/【Simulate】or click “ ” to simulate the graphics progressing.

Click “+/=” key on keyboard to increase simulating speed, click “-/-” to

decrease simulating speed. Click “esc” to quit simulating.

Figure3-6-32 Simulate

3.7 Options

3.7.1 System Options

Click【Options】/【System Options】or click “ ” to open the system

settings interface. Work Space

If need wheel-pressure, spindle or other functions, users need to check

【 The machine Configurate Multi-Heads 】 , and check other options

TroCutCAD User Manual

according to need.
Figure3-7-1 Work Space Parameters

⚫ Nudge Offset

The distance which the selected graphics moves when press “←” “→”

“↑” “↓” on keyboard.

⚫ Language

The language that software uses. After changing the language, you

need to restart the software.

TroCutCAD User Manual

⚫ Speed Unit

The unit of all the speed involved in software.

⚫ Machine Zero

The zero point of machine (limit position), the parameter must be

consistent with the actual zero point of machine, otherwise the

processed graphics may be reversal.

⚫ Page Zero

The zero point in the view.

⚫ Selected Color

The color that the graphics outline displays when the graphics is


⚫ Show Grid

Check this function, the view will show will grid.

⚫ Grid Distance

When the view shows with grid, this parameter is the width of grid.

⚫ Page Size X/Y

Click【Read】to read the work range of machine.

⚫ Always show the welcome screen at launch

When start the software, the welcome screen will be shown in the


TroCutCAD User Manual Work Parameters

Figure3-7-2 Work Parameters

⚫ Curve Disperse

Set the smoothness of curve. The smaller the value, the higher the

precision of graphics, the slower the calculation speed, it also affects

the processing speed. Generally, you can choose a smaller value when

cutting plexiglass, and use the default value "0.10" when cutting other

TroCutCAD User Manual


⚫ Head1 Parameters

Because the knife has a thickness, there is a width of the knife, modify

the parameters of【Cutter Begin Repair】,【Cutter End Repair】, the

sealing can be connected when cutting rectangle ( 【 Cutter Begin

Repair】: let the knife advance; 【Cutter End Repair】: let the knife

get up early).

Set the corresponding parameters according to need.

⚫ Click【Circular Knife Default Value】/【Vibration Knife Default Value】

/【Corner-No-Up-Value】to change the “Max Rotate Angle”, “Min

Rotate Diameter” values.

【Circular Knife Default Value】refers to the degree at which the

machine will raise the tool head and change the angle before cutting

the graphics at the corner of the graphics. If【Circular Knife Default

Value】and【Vibration Knife Default Value】are set too small, the cut

head will often be raised; if they are set too large, the head will not be


TroCutCAD User Manual Advance Functions

Figure3-7-3 Advance Functions Parameters

1. Two_Head Control (Only for Independent_Two_Head Machine)

a) Enable

Check this function to enable two head control.

b) Objects Divide

When the two heads work asynchronously, check objects divide to

TroCutCAD User Manual

make the two heads cut asynchronously. If this function is not

checked, the machine will only work with the main cutting head.

c) X Direction for Two_Head

Select according to the installation direction of machine beam.

d) Y Direction for Two_Head

Select according to the installation direction of machine beam.

e) Two_Head Distance

The distance between two heads.

2. Divided Cutting (Only for Feeding Machine)

a) Enable

Check to enable divided cutting function.

b) Auto Control of Two Heads

Check to enable auto control of two heads function.

c) Additional Feed Dis

Before the formal processing, customers conduct trial processing,

observe the error of feeding once, and set the corresponding


3.7.2 Array Output Options

For the graphics that need to be processed by array, the automatic layout

can be set through array parameter settings, avoiding layout of manual

calculation, reducing workload and saving materials. Click【Options】/

【Array output options】or click “ ” to set array parameters.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-7-4 Array Output Options

Click 【Auto cover Calculation】, the TroCutCAD software can cover the

whole platform automatically with the selected graphics according to the

work range and graphics size, by the most economical consumable way.
TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-7-5 Auto Cover Calculation Settings

Figure3-7-6 Array Parameters Figure3-7-7 Array Graphics

Set up an array, the parameters set as Figure 3-7-6. Check【Line Mirror

X/Y】,【Row Mirror X/Y】, there are some figures for example, users can

try more different combinations, like “Line Mirror X & Row Mirror X” etc.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-7-8 Line Mirror X

Figure3-7-9 Line Mirror Y

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-7-10 Row Mirror X

Figure3-7-11 Row Mirror Y

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-7-12 Line Mirror X & Y

Figure3-7-13 Row Mirror X & Y

TroCutCAD User Manual

Set【Pulse Distance】, then click【Up】,【Down】,【Left】or【Right】,

the relevant interval will increase or decrease.

For example, set the【Pulse Distance】to “10”, then click【Up】one time,

then the odd interval will change to “20”.

Figure3-7-14 Pulse Distance

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.7.3 Position Relative

【Position Relative】means relative position between the graphics and the

cutting head. Click【Options】/【Position Relative】or click “ ” to open

the relative position setting page. Check the required relative position and

click “OK”.
Figure3-7-15 Position Relative

TroCutCAD User Manual

The relative positions are shown below.

Figure3-7-16 Relative Positions

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.7.4 Default Parameters

When restoring the default parameters of software, set the accurate

machine origin and click “OK”.

Figure3-7-19 Default Parameters

3.8 View

View menu is used to bring up or hide toolbars.

Figure3-8-1 View

TroCutCAD User Manual

When the menu bar is not hidden, you can click【View】and check the

corresponding options to bring up the toolbar. If all the toolbars are

hidden, you can click the right button of mouse on the blank of the status

bar and select the corresponding options to display the hidden toolbar.
Figure3-8-2 Display & Hide the Toolbar

3.9 Help

3.9.1 About

Manufacturers can customize the information about the software package,

and the initial information is shown as figure 3-9-1.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure3-9-1 About

Enter the software installation package directory, open the

“AWCLanguage” folder, and double-click to open the “lang_Enu” file, as

shown in figure 3-9-2.

Figure3-9-2 lang_chs File

TroCutCAD User Manual

Modify the information in lang_chs file according to need.

Figure3-9-3 Modify lang_chs File

Restart the software, click【About】.

Figure3-9-4 About Info

TroCutCAD User Manual

3.9.2 Modify Icon

Manufacturers can replace the icon of the software. Enter the software

installation directory, open “AWCRes” folder, name the prepared icon with

“title” and replace the original icon file. The software icon is 32*32 px in

size and its suffix is “ico”.

TroCutCAD User Manual

4. Control Panel

Computers can communicate with mainboard by USB and network to

operate the cutting machine.

4.1 Communicate by USB

Click【Select Mode】on the Control Panel.

Figure4-1-1Control Panel

Select【USB Mode】, double-click the position in the red box as shown in

Figure4-1-2 to open the USB Com interface. Users can set the

TroCutCAD User Manual

【DeviceName】as their like, then click【FindCom】. If the connection

fails, the system prompt is shown in Figure4-1-4.

Figure4-1-2 USB Mode

Figure4-1-3 FindCom

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure4-1-4 Communicating Unsuccessful

4.2 Network Mode

4.2.1 Communicate by Network

Select【Network Mode】, double-click any position in the red box as shown

in Figure4-2-1 to open the Device Ip interface. Users can set the

【 DeviceName 】 as their like, then input the default IP address of

mainboard with “”.

Figure4-2-1 Network Mode

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure4-2-2 Modify Ip Address

4.2.2 Modify the IP Address of Computer

Take Windows10 system as an example to explain how to modify

computer IP address. Click Network & Internet Settings→Change Adapter

Options → double-click WLAN → Properties → double-click Internet

protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Chose “Use the following IP address” and

enter the IP address. The first 3 segments must be the same as the IP

address of mainboard (192.168.8.x). The last segment of the IP address

can be selected as any number between 0-255 except “8”.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure4-2-3 Network & Internet Settings

Figure4-2-4 Change Adapter Options

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure4-2-5 WLAN Properties

Figure4-2-6 Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure4-2-7 Modify IP Address

4.2.3 Check IP Address

Take Windows10 system as an example to explain how to check the

computer IP address. Click Network & Internet Settings→Change Adapter

Options→double-click WLAN→Details….

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure4-2-8 Network & Internet Settings

Figure4-2-9 Change Adapter Options

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure4-2-10 WLAN Properties

Figure4-2-11 Detail

TroCutCAD User Manual

4.3 Layer Options Settings

4.3.1 Layer Options

Check【output】to select whether the layer should be processed. “ ”

indicates the layer output, and “ ” indicates the layer is not output.

Double-click any position in the red box to open the layer parameter

setting interface.
Figure4-3-1 Select the Processed Layer

TroCutCAD User Manual

If need wheel-pressure, spindle or other functions, users need to check

【 The machine Configurate Multi-Heads 】 , and check other options

according to need on the work space interface.

Figure4-3-2 Layer Parameter Settings

1. Layer

Displays the layer that users want to change the parameters. Click the

layer bar on the left to switch layer.

TroCutCAD User Manual

2. Work Mode

Set the processing mode: Cut, Hole, Pen.

3. Speed

Set the cutting speed of the current layer.

4.3.2 Other Parameters

Users can set the parameters of Cut Parameters/Hole Parameters/Pen

Parameters according to need. When the Work Mode is Hole, the Hole

Parameters is in use. When the Work Mode is Pen, the Pen Parameters is

in use.

4.3.3 Adjust Layer Processing Order

Processing sequence in layer list is from top to bottom. If need to change

the processing sequence, just need to select one row of them and then

click “ ”.

Only when the【Order by layer】function is selected from【Automatic

Order】, the layer working sequence can be available.

TroCutCAD User Manual

4.4 Machine Control

【 Machine control 】 is used to finish downloading graphics, start

processing and do some simple machine operation control.

Figure4-4-1 Machine Control

TroCutCAD User Manual

4.4.1 Download

Click【Download】to open Download Document interface.

Figure4-4-2 Download Document

1. Current Document Options

1) Name

Document name to be downloaded to main board.

2) Work times

The times of system repeating processing the document

automatically when started.

3) Repeat Delay

When repeat processing, the time interval from one processing to

the next.

TroCutCAD User Manual

2. Click “ ” to set document advance options.

Figure4-4-3 Document Advance Options

Check【Enable】to start the feeding function.

1) Feed length: The moving distance of feeding axis after work

completed one time. The default length is the same as graphics

size, and users can input values in “ ” to add feed length.

2) Feedback: Input values in “ ” to decrease

the feed length.

3. Document Data Optimize

1) Corner-Pos to Start Cutting

Check this option, the machine will start to cut at the corner.

2) Re-Order Objects

System will apply【Automatic Order】to document data when this

option is selected. Click “ ” to open automatic order interface.

The more detail about automatic order, please refer to the


TroCutCAD User Manual

4. Document Export

1) Save Document to UFile

Click【Save Document to UFile】and input file name, click【OK】

to save current file to UFile, the suffix is “UD6”.

Figure4-4-5 Save Document to UFile

2) Download Document

Click 【 Download Document 】 to download current file to

mainboard by USB or network communication.

5. Memory Document

Memory the files saved in mainboard.

TroCutCAD User Manual

Figure4-4-6 Memory Document

1) Refresh

Check all files saved in the mainboard.

2) Work

Select one file in the file list, click【Work】to start the work.

3) Delete

Select one file in the file list, click【Delete】to delete the file in the


4) All Delete

Delete all files saved in the mainboard.

5) Format

Format mainboard memory. All files saved in mainboard will be


6) Download UFile

Download offline files (ud5 file) saved in computer to the

TroCutCAD User Manual

mainboard. Click【Download UFile】, select the file to be loaded

to mainboard, then click【OK】.

4.4.2 Other Machine Control

1. Origin

Set the current cutting head position as origin.

2. Run Box

The cutting head will run a rectangle in the outer space of the graphics

at a certain distance according to the size of the processed graphics.

This function is mainly used to confirm the real position of workpiece

to be processed.

3. Start

Start work for the current selected file in control panel.

4. Pause/Continue

Click 【Pause/Continue】to suspend or continue the work.

5. Stop

Stop working of machine.

6. Datum

Click the button, the cutting head or (z-axis) will move to machine

origin, when reach the limit position of machine, it will move to

located position. This function can get rid of accumulative errors, and

shall be operated before starting work normally.

7. 【X-】

TroCutCAD User Manual

Move the cutting head. Click the direction keys to move the cutting

head. Press to move, release the button, the cutting head will stop


8. Mark Cut

Click “ ” to start mark cut function.


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