Solar radiation
(10-5 to 3x10-6 m)
(3.9x10-7 to 7.8x10-7 m)
The Potentials of Solar Energy
• Solar energy represents an abundant and unlimited resource, which
theoretically could supply all the world’s energy demand.
• The Earths' surface receives so much solar energy from the sun everyday,
that if this energy is harnessed for even just 60 seconds, it would be enough
to power the world's total energy requirements for a year
• The Sun radiates energy at 3.9×1026 W, but energy received at the outer
atmosphere of Earth is 1368W/m2. This value varies in ±1.7% due to
changes in the Earth–Sun distance
• The maximum radiation is received during a sunny day, where 90% of the
extraterrestrial radiation become direct radiation while the rest are being
deflected as diffuse radiation, while conversely, on a cloudy day, nearly all
of the solar radiation is diffused
• Although solar energy is sufficient to meet the entire energy needs of the
world, currently it is not economical to do so because of the low
concentration of solar energy on earth ( W/m2) and the high capital cost of
harnessing it due to low conversion efficiency.
Diffuse and direct beam solar radiation
The solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface can be divided into two
types of solar radiation: Direct beam solar radiation and diffuse solar
As sunlight passes through the atmosphere, some of it enters the surface of the
Earth direct and undisturbed - the so called beam solar radiation. Beam solar
radiation throws sharp shadows and can be focused. Another component of
sunlight is the diffuse solar radiation. On it's way through the atmosphere it is
absorbed, scattered, or reflected by: Dust, Water vapor, Clouds, Pollutants
Diffuse solar radiation does not throw sharp shadows and cannot be focused.
The percentage of the sky's radiation that is diffuse is much greater in higher
latitude, cloudier places than in lower latitude, sunnier places.m Also, the
precentage of the total radiation that is diffuse radiation tends to be higher in the
winter than the summer in these higher latitude, cloudier places. The sunniest
places, by contrast, tend to have less seasonal variation in the ratio between
diffuse and direct radiation.
The June solstice (summer solstice) The June solstice (summer solstice) on
in Melaka on June 21st,. In terms of June 21st, In terms of daylight, this day
daylight, this day is 20 minutes is 8 hours, 50 minutes longer than the
longer than the December Solstice December (Winter) Solstice on 21st
on 21st December. Disember.
Solar Energy Technologies
• Solar Energy Technologies are characterized by how Solar
energy could be harnessed, either passive solar or active
solar depending on the way they capture, convert and
distribute solar energy.
Source :
Active Solar Techniques
• Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic (PV)
panels , solar thermal collectors and concentrating solar
power to harness the energy.
• Passive solar energy systems harness the sun's light and heat
directly, without employing devices to capture and convert it
to electricity include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting
materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing
properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.
• One example of passive solar energy is the placement of
windows to allow optimal amounts of sunlight into a room or
building, both lighting and heating the area without the need
for an external energy source.
• Passive solar energy can also be used, within a building, to
create air currents, which work with the ventilation system to
cool as well as provide heat.
3.1.1 Photovoltaics (PV)
Amorphous PV panels
• Less expensive than the crystalline panels. If space is not an issue, than an
amorphous panel could be a great option.
• Perform better than crystalline panels in very hot temperatures and are also
slightly more tolerant of partial shading.
• The production process is more energy efficient than the other panel varieties so
the panels are generally cheaper to make and to purchase. Their light weight
makes them suitable for curved structures.
• They have a lower energy generation efficiency, so the panel is typically nearly
double the size than the other panel varieties
• Thin film has improved shade and temperature tolerances over both mono and
poly and has better embodied energy rates than both.
…..Photovoltaics (PV)
• Advantages
— Mass-production is simple. This makes them and potentially cheaper to
manufacture than crystalline-based solar cells.
— Their homogenous appearance makes them look more appealing.
— Can be made flexible, which opens up many new potential applications.
— High temperatures and shading have less impact on solar panel performance.
— In situations where space is not an issue, thin-film solar panels can make
Thin-Film Solar Cells (TFSC)
Thin-Film Solar Cells (TFSC) Solar Farm
PV R&D…..
The flexibility of the modular PV system allows designers to create
solar power systems that can meet a wide variety of electrical needs
Solar DC-AC inverter
A solar inverter is an electrical converter which changes the direct current (DC) electricity
captured by solar panels, into alternating current (AC), which is the standard flow of
electricity required for electrical circuits and domestic appliances. It is a critical balance of
system (BOS)–component in a PV system, allowing the use of ordinary AC-powered
In string solar inverter, a number of solar panels connected to each other in series. String
solar inverters are easy to install, and the multiple presence of string solar inverters will
support control and monitoring works on the entire solar system.
As solar panels connected in series rather than in parallel, the voltage will be high and the
current will be low, so wire gauge between solar array and string inverter will be lower and
power losses will be lower as well.
The main disadvantage is that the solar panels are still connected in series, so shaded or
failed solar panel will affect the yield of the whole string.
Central solar inverter and micro solar inverter.
Micro inverters are mounted directly on each solar panel and convert the electrical
current at the source of creation, whereas a string inverter is mounted on your house
and converts the electrical currents from all the solar panels in one central location.
Because each panel can work on its own, microinverters offer a 5-15% increase in
production for vs string inverters. This is often due to their superiority in the
aforementioned shading situations
Types of PV Solar Energy Systems
• These are designed to operate independent of the electric utility grid, and
are generally designed and sized to supply certain DC and/or AC electrical
loads. Stand-alone off-grid systems can be applied to remote homes, lighting,
TV, computers, water pumps and greenhouse ventilation systems
• The output of an off-grid system is entirely dependent upon the intensity of
the sun. The more intense the sun exposure, the greater the output. The
electricity generated is used immediately, so the system must function on
direct current and variable power output
• The simplest type of stand-alone system is a direct-coupled system, where
the DC output of a solar module or array is directly connected to a DC load.
• If a certain power output guarantee is required at any time of the day or
night, either some kind of storage device is necessary. Most off-grid systems
use batteries to store power during periods of low to no sunlight .
PV Direct Systems
• The systems may be powered by a solar array only or may be combined with another
energy supply such as wind turbine, propane or a diesel generator as an auxiliary power
source in what is called a solar-hybrid system (see Chapter 5 hybrid systems).
• To meet the largest power requirements in an off-grid location, the PV system can be
configured with a small diesel generator. This means that the PV system no longer has
to be sized to cope with the worst sunlight conditions available during the year. Use of
the diesel generator for back-up power is minimized during the sunniest part of the
year to reduce fuel and maintenance costs.
Stand-Alone (Off-Grid) PV-Diesel Hybrid Systems
PV Grid-Connected Systems
• In grid-connected or grid-tied systems, solar energy is used during the day by the
system owner. At night, the user draws on the previously established electricity
• An addition benefit of the grid-tied system is that the solar system does not need
to be sized to meet peak loads—overages can be drawn from the grid.
• Surplus energy generated during the day can be exported back to the grid.
• Grid-connected systems must meet utility requirements. For example, inverters
must not emit noise that can interfere with equipment reception.
• Grid-connected systems can be applied to residential installations
Solar panels will often generate more electricity than what is consumed. With net
metering, homeowners can put this excess electricity onto the utility grid instead
of storing it themselves with batteries.
4. BIPV (Building Integrated PV)
Global Horizontal (GHI) = Direct Normal (DNI) X cos(θ) + Diffuse Horizontal (DHI)
• Sunlight has two components, the "direct beam" that carries about 90% of the
solar energy, and the "diffuse sunlight" that carries the remainder - the diffuse
portion is the blue sky on a clear day and increases as a proportion on cloudy
days. As the majority of the energy is in the direct beam, maximizing collection
requires the sun to be visible to the panels as long as possible.
• A solar tracker is a device that orients various payloads toward the sun.
Northern hemisphere
Solar Tracker
3.1.3 Concentrating Solar Power
(high temperature solar thermal systems)
One way to tap solar energy is through the use of solar ponds. Solar ponds
are large-scale energy collectors with integral heat storage for supplying
thermal energy
A solar pond consists of a reservoir of salt water, which acts as a large-
scale solar thermal energy collector with integral heat storage for supplying
thermal energy . The salt water in any reservoir has an inherent salinity
gradient. That is, the water at the lower layers will have a higher
concentration of salt (around 90%) as compared to water at the top layer
(30% salinity).
A solar pond can be used for various applications, such as process
heating, desalination, refrigeration, drying and solar power generation.
Solar pond
3.1.4 Passive Polar Systems
• Passive solar energy systems harness the sun's light and heat directly,
without employing devices to capture and convert it to electricity include
orienting a building to the Sun.
• Daylighting is simply designing a space to use as much natural light as
possible. This decreases energy consumption and costs, and requires less
heating and cooling from the building
• A good daylighting design can save up to 75 %of the energy used for
electric lighting in a building.
• Electric lights also generate significant heat in a building and by turning off
or dimming the lights when not needed, 10 to 20 %of the energy used to
cool a building can be saved ( -ve for hot regions, +for cold regions)
University of Washington Office
KLIA: day-lighting
Passive Solar Heating design
1) absorption systems .
2) desiccant cooling systems.
3) direct conversion cooling systems (PV)
Solar Cooling Systems
solar PV AC system
3.2 Solar Systems Installations in Malaysia
Malaysia: Annual average solar radiation
6.44oN 100.21oE
• Harnessing solar energy has been limited. The largest solar installations are
solar water heating systems in hotels, small food and beverage industries
and upper middle class urban homes.
Solar Systems Installation in Malaysia
• There is also a demonstration project 17,500 KWh per year 'Hybrid Solar PV -
Diesel” at Nature Education and Research Center (NERC) at Endau Rompin
National Park, Johor, Malaysia.
• Suria 1000 Programme. A national MBIPV programme ‘SURIA 1000’, targeting the
residential and commercial sector will establish the new BIPV market and will
provide direct opportunities to the public and industry to be involved in renewable
energy initiatives and environmental protection.
The PTM Green Energy Office (GEO) / Zero Energy (ZEO) Building is the
office for the Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (Malaysia Energy Centre.
The GEO building is a pilot project to demonstrate the use of green building
design and the integration of energy efficiency and renewable energy
Show Case 2.
• The Parliament passed the bills on the Renewable Energy Act and the Act
for a Feed-in Tariff Implementing Agency in October 2010 - the program
passed into law and launched in 2011.
• The legislation will establish the Sustainable Energy Development
Authority (SEDA) which will manage the feed-in tariff program.
• A feed-in tariff (FIT, standard offer contract advanced renewable tariff
or renewable energy payments) is a policy mechanism designed to
accelerate investment in renewable energy technologies. Offering long-
term contracts to renewable energy producers, typically based on the cost
of generation of each technology.
• The Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme enables companies and house-owners to
produce renewable energy from four sources – solar photovoltaic, biogas
(organic waste, landfill, sewage sludge), biomass (agricultural waste,
garbage) and small hydropower – and sell it to the grid (TNB, SESB).
The 2,000 units of crystalline solar PV
cover 4,000 m2 of roof space at Star
Publication Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam. The
power generation capacity is 500 kWp.
Taking into consideration the 3.4 hours of
irradiance received on average within the
Shah Alam vicinity. The estimated total
energy generation to amount to 1,2000
MWh over the 21 years. Annually,
506MWh worth of energy is generated and
could made almost RM600,000 in gross
revenue. The total investment for the project
was RM6mil, which will be recouped after
nine years based on the return-on-
investment calculation. By the 21th year, he
says the estimated yield will be about
RM14.16mil. The saved carbon emissions
is approximately 376 tonnes, which would
have been released from the national grid
system through conventional-supplied
• Al Fateh Mosque – 12kW solar
energy system at the Al Fateh
Mosque in Bandar Baharu,
Kulim, Kedah introduced the
Kedah Green Agenda policy in
October 2015 with an objective
to promote green technology as
a driver to accelerate the
national economy and promote
sustainable development.
• The project which cost RM107k
could generates 46 kWh of
power per day or 16,790 kWh
annually could generate income
RM390,00 through Feed-in-
Tariff (FiT) scheme for 21 years.
RMK-10 Focus – Solar Hybrid Systems for Isolated locations
RMK10 (2010-2015 )
Hybrid Solar power for isolated
villages, schools
edotco Malaysia
Solar PV Installation in Schools
Solar-hybrid systems require a large energy storage system
in the forms of acid-battery
Cheaper lead-acid battery are used
in low cost installation, posing threat
to the environment if not properly
Solar PV-Diesel Hybrid
• Solar power generation is on the rise in Malaysia. With solar panels
becoming cheaper and more efficient, households and businesses are
finding it possible and worthwhile to install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems
to produce renewable energy.
• The attractive Feed in tariff (FiT) scheme introduced in 2011 under the
administration of SEDA has accelerated the solar PV system installations in
• The energy can be supplied and sold to the national grid under the Feed-in
Tariff (FiT) scheme, enabling homes and companies to generate revenue. If
not sold, the solar power can be used within the buildings, reducing their
dependence on fossil-fuel-based electricity.
• FiT scheme for solar PV ended in 2016, and replaced by Net Energy
Metering NEM
Total installed Capacity of 8MW Solar farm and 1MW Biogas Engine is located on
safely closed landfill ground (zero land cost from state government) and exporting
to TNB grid system with the special tariff of RM0.90/kwh .
Daily generating capacity of solar farm (kwh) is about 85% x 8MW x 5 hours in
The 5MW Fortune 11 solar farm in Sepang, Selangor, sits on oil palm land
leased from Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd. The panels move with the sun
so as to tap maximum solar radiation (Solar Tracker).
The 2,000 units of crystalline solar PV cover 4,000 m2 of roof space at Star
Publication Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam. The power generation capacity is 500 kWp.
Taking into consideration the 3.4 hours of irradiance received on average within the
Shah Alam vicinity. The estimated total energy generation to amount to 1,2000 MWh
over the 21 years. Annually, 506MWh worth of energy is generated and could made
almost RM600,000 in gross revenue. The total investment for the project was
RM6mil, which will be recouped after nine years based on the return-on-investment
calculation. By the 21th year, he says the estimated yield will be about RM14.16mil.
The saved carbon emissions is approximately 376 tonnes, which would have been
released from the national grid system through conventional-supplied electricity.”
Solar Energy - Corporate Image
RMK 11 – 2016-2020.
• Feed-in tariffs (FITs) and net metering (NEM), are both methods designed
to accelerate investments in renewable energy by allowing energy
producers (e.g. homeowners) to be compensated for the energy they feed
back into the grid.
Net Energy Metering (NEM)
• NEM allows self-consumption of electricity generated by Solar PV system
users, while selling the excess energy at the prevailing Displaced Cost to
Distribution Licensee (TNB/SESB)
This success is largely contributed by the newly improved NEM 2.0 programme
in 2019 where the NEM programme has been updated by adopting the true net
energy metering concept, which allows excess solar PV generated energy to be
exported back to the grid on a “one-on-one” offset basis. This has managed to
reduce the period for Return of Investment (ROI)
“one-on-one” offset basis
Net Energy Metering (NEM) 3.0
The NEM 3.0 will be in effect from 2021 to 2023 and the total quota
allocation is up to 500 MW. The NEM 3.0 will be divided into the following
three (3) new initiatives/categories :
26/2/2021 18/9/2021
Yield 15.99 kWh Yield 6.90 kWh
SI 5.33 SI 2.30
PETALING JAYA: (TNB) signed power purchase agreements (PPAs) with six companies to
construct and operate solar plants in peninsular Malaysia. The six companies will generate a
total output of 180 MW capacity from power plants located in four states.
TNB said the large-scale solar project would involve different stages from design to
maintenance of the solar plants. Under the PPA, the six companies will sell the electricity to
TNB for a period of 21 years. There was no mention of tariffs in the announcement, but it is
believed to be less than 38 sen per kWh.
TNB gets RM339mil financing for country's largest solar farm project
Tuesday, 15 Aug 2017
TNB has secured RM339mil financing for its first large-scale solar project in Malaysia, located
on 97ha in Kuala Langat, Selangor. Affin Islamic will provide funding and working capital
requirements for the said project of up to RM339mil.
TSS was one of the seven successful bidders chosen the Energy Commission last year to
develop the transmission-connected large-scale solar projects. The 21-year solar power
purchase agreement for the project was inked in early March between TNB and TSS whereby
TSS would supply electricity to TNB. Once completed and fully operational by November
2018, TSS’s project in Mukim Tanjung 12 will become the country’s largest solar farm,
generating and transmitting 50MW of electricity to the national grid.
Cypark wins RM261m job to build large scale solar plant
NST Business - January 26, 2018
PETALING JAYA: Cove Suria Sdn Bhd has awarded a RM261 million turnkey
contract to Cypark Resources Bhd to build a large scale 30MW solar plant at
Empangan Kelinchi, Negeri Sembilan. The job involves Engineering,
Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) and the Operation and
Maintenance (O&M).
LSS Large Scale Solar in Malaysia
NANJING, China, Nov. 16, 2017 (?) ET Energy, a global leading clean energy developer
and operator has announced today that the company together with its partner Northwest
Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. (“NWEPDI”) of China Power Engineering
Consulting Group, have inked the turn-key EPC agreement with UiTM Solar Power Sdn.
Bhd., a leading local solar photovoltaic energy developer. Under the agreement, all three
companies are committed to build a 61MWp utility solar power plant in Malaysia.
Located at Gambang in Kuantan, Pahang, over 220,000 solar modules will be installed on
the 110 hectares land. This project was awarded in the first round of Large Scale Solar PV
projects’ bidding program, and the 61 MWp solar power plant is set to connect to the
Grid by the end of 2018. The green electricity generated by the solar power plant will be
sufficient to satisfy the need of over 80,000 households.
The project was awarded in the first round of Large Scale Solar (LSS) PV projects’ bidding
Owned and operated by UEFSB,
via its Special Purpose Vehicle,
UiTM Solar Power Sdn Bhd
180,000 panels, supplying 22,000
Expected to reduce CO2 emission
by 56,000 tonne/ year
World's first university to finance
a green project via the issuance
of ASEAN Green SRI Sukuk
Public University with the Largest
Solar Power Generation Facilities
First Malaysian Public University
to Own a Commercially Operated
Solar Power Generation Facility
UiTM Solar Research Institute for
innovative R&D for RE
UiTM Solar Park I - 50 MWac Large Scale Solar (LSS) Plant
in Gambang, Pahang commissioned in April 2019
40,000 MWh annually,
supplying 11,000 homes
Expected to reduce CO2
emission by 28,000 tonne per
UiTM Solar Research Institute
for innovative R&D for RE
KUALA LUMPUR: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) has made its mark in Malaysia as the only
university to own and operate two large scale solar photovoltaic (LSSPV) plants with combined
renewable energy generation capacity of 75MWac (92.58 MWp). It said in a statement on Friday its
second LSSPV plant in Pasir Gudang, Johor has started commercial operations.
This new LSSPV plant will augment the 61MWp LSSPV plant in Gambang, Pahang which began its
commercial operations in April 2019.The planned development of 66MW of on-campus rooftop solar
power generating systems which will be in full commercial operations by the end of 2022.
“Together, these installations will produce enough clean renewable electricity each year to equal the
university’s annual electricity consumption, ” it said.
With this increased capacity from the two LSSPV plants, UiTM is now amongst globally renowned
public and private universities such as University of California, Stanford University and University of
Queensland, that own and operate large scale solar power plants.
UiTM vice-chancellor, emeritus Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Azraai Kassim explained the decision to
commercially own multiple LSSPV plants is part of the university’s drive to become carbon neutral
whilst at the same time generating sustainable income for the university.
• UiTM Solar Farms,
• UiTM Solar Rooftop
61MWp LSS Photovoltaic Plant in
Paya Besar, Gambang, Pahang.
Paya Besar,
Gambang, PAHANG
(Annual Average)
80,000 MWh
22,000 homes
(Annual Average)
56,000 tons
RM 278 mil
The USP I, running 61 MWp, has 184,800 solar
panels. The plant, built on 290 acres, is PROJECT FINANCE
expected to contribute to avoiding 56,000 RM 222 mil Green SRI Sukuk
tonnes of carbon emissions, generating 80,000
MW of clean energy per year.
UiTM Solar Park II (USP II)
UiTM Solar Park II (USP II) has a generation capacity of 31MWp (25MWac)
had successfully achieved commercial operation in 2nd December 2020
UiTM SOLAR PARK II, PASIR GUDANG, JOHOR Commissioned in December 2020, this is UEFSB’s
Project Facts second solar power plant which was won via a
competitive bidding exercise in 2018 organised by
Suruhanjaya Tenaga. This is a Build, Operate and
Own project for a concessionary period of 21
The USP II, running 31 MWp, has 92,500 solar
RM 125 mil
panels. The plant, built on 112 acres, is
expected to contribute to avoiding 28,000 RM 100 mil Green SRI Sukuk
tonnes of carbon emissions, generating
40,000 MW of clean energy per year.
Solarvest-GFM consortium bags RM30m solar infra project
in six UiTM campuses
KUALA LUMPUR (July 1): A consortium involving Solarvest Holdings Bhd and GFM
Services Bhd has secured a RM30 million contract for the engineering,
procurement, construction and commissioning of solar photovoltaic (PV)
infrastructure in six UiTM campuses in Peninsular Malaysia.
The contract, issued by Go Energy Sdn Bhd, involves cumulative plant capacity of
11,057 kilowatt peak. The campuses are UiTM Permatang Pauh in Pulau Pinang,
UiTM Kuala Pilah in Negeri Sembilan, UiTM Alor Gajah in Melaka, UiTM Dungun in
Terengganu, UiTM Jengka in Pahang, and UiTM Segamat in Johor
7 Campuses – Phase 1
NEM2.0 UiTM Solar Rooftops 6 Campuses – Phase 2
7 Campuses – Phase 3
7 UiTMPower
with SPPA for the(SPPA)
of PV rooftops at Dungun,
Permatang Pauh, Jengka,
Kuala Pilah, Alor Gajah,
Segamat, Bertam
Cheaper electricity (compared
to electricity purchased from
power utilities), guaranteed
performance, and O&M
service – as supplement to
the main grid
66,116 MWh annual energy
generation, providing 45%
In Sarawak, its state-owned energy outfit Sarawak Energy Bhd aims to install at least
400MW of floating solar capacity by 2030 at its dams in Sarawak, which include the
massive 2.4GW Bakun dam which has a surface area of 695 sq km.
Solar Energy in Malaysia - Future Trend
• Feed-in tariffs (FITs) and net metering (NEM), are both methods designed
to accelerate investments in renewable energy by allowing energy
producers (e.g. homeowners) to be compensated for the energy they
feed back into the grid.
With all the current mechanisms in place – FiT, NEM, LSS, Self-Consumption
(SELCO), and New Enhanced Dispatch Arrangement (NEDA), we anticipate that
we are on the right track towards realising the national target. Continuous
monitoring and improvement will be conducted by the respective stakeholders to
ensure the development and performance of the RE plants in line with best
practises and are able to address the energy security accordingly (SEDA 2021)
The Prime Minister annouched in the Budget 2024 proposal, NEM3.0 is
extended to 31 Dec 2024.