Torts Quizlet
Torts Quizlet
Torts Quizlet
3. Int. Torts - Intent - Defendant desired (or knew with substantial certainty) to
commit the act
- Always an element of an intentional tort
4. Int. Torts - Trans- Intent can transfer to a different person, different tort, or
ferred Intent different person & different tort.
Exceptions: intent does not transfer to IIED or conversion.
5. Battery 1. Intent
2. Harmful or offensive contact
3. That contact must be with the P's person.
4. Causation
9. Assault 1. Intent
4. Causation
16. Trespass to Land 1. Cause of action belongs to land possessor (not neces-
- Interfere with sarily the owner).
Exclusive Pos- 2. Air above or soil below property is still an interference
session of Land with possession out to a reasonable distance.
19. Conversion P can recover full fair market value of item in question at
Remedies the time of conversion.
- operates as a forced sale.
- you break it, you buy it.
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Intentional Torts 1. Customary Practice
- Implied Con- 2. D's reasonable interpretation of P's objective conduct
sent Defense (aka body language)
26. Deadly Force Retreat is required in NY before using deadly force un-
Self Defense NY less:
1. Cannot retreat safely
2. in own dwelling
3. police officer
4. a person assisting a police officer
30. Intrusion
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Invasion of P's seclusion in a way that would be highly
offensive to an average person.
e.g. spying tradecraft
Exam Caution - P must have a reasonable expectation of
33. Prima Facie Tort Intentionally inflicting economic harm without justifica-
1. Intent to do harm
2. Special damages
e.g. anticompetitive behavior
*NYS only
*NYS only
38. Duty - Lev- Duty of care owed is the care that a reasonably prudent
el/Amount person acting in similar circumstances.
- Purely objective test
- Mental disability/illness held to same standard.
39. Duty - Superior Duty is raised to that of a reasonably prudent person with
Skill/Knowledge that particular superior skill or knowledge.
40. Duty - D's Phys- Reasonably prudent person is presumed to have the
ical Characteris- physical characteristics of D if relevant.
42. Duty - Children - Under 5 y/o have no duty - immune from negligence.
- 5 -> 18 y/o owe duty of care of a child of similar age,
experience, and intelligence acting under similar circum-
Exception: If child engages in adult activity, held to usual
duty standard.
43. Duty - Profes- Licensed service providers with special skill and training.
sionals - required to exercise the skill and knowledge normally
possessed by other members of that profession in good
standing in similar communities.
Exception: Medical specialists are held to a national stan-
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44. Duty - Premises 4 Types of Entrants
Liability 1. Undiscovered Trespasser
2. Discovered/anticipated Trespasser
3. Licensees
4. Invitees
47. Premises Duty - Those that enter property w/ permission but do not confer
Licensees an economic benefit to possessor (e.g. social guests)
Possessor must protect against dangers that are
- known to possessor
- concealed
48. Premises Duty - Those that enter with permission and either confer an
Invitees economic benefit to possessor or property is generally
open to the public (e.g. customer in a store).
- concealed
- possessor knew or could have discovered through rea-
sonable inspection
49. Premises Liabili- Duty of reasonable care under the circumstances - spe-
ty - New York cific to type of entrant.
P's status is relevant to foreseeability.
50. Premises Duty - Not allowed to recover if injured due to an inherent risk of
Fire Fighters & the job.*
*Doesn't apply to NYS except for employers & coworkers.
56. Duty - Gratuitous A voluntary rescuer who acts carelessly in the rescue is
Rescuer liable.
57. Duty - -In NYS, a gratuitous rescuer is NOT liable for negligence;
Good Samaritan only gross negligence or recklessness.
Statutes - In NYS, corporations are not liable for employee's mis-
use of AED's.
59. Causation - Fac- But for the breach, P would not be injured.
*Breaches, NOT D's, are A factual cause
60. Factual Causa- When acts of multiple D's "merge" together factually, the
tion - Multiple D's factual causation test is "substantial factor" NOT "but for."
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61. Factual Causa- IF multiple parties breach but not all D's caused the
tion - Unascer- injuries, and it's not determinable THEN burden of proof
tainable Causes shifts to D's.
Summers v. Tyce
65. Proximate Cause Consequences are foreseeable and liability is fair when:
- Indirect Cases 1. Intervening medical malpractice
2. Intervening negligent rescuers
3. Intervening protection or reaction forces
4. Subsequent disease or accident
66. Damages - -P recovers all damages even if they are surprisingly great
Eggshell Skull in scope.
Doctrine - D takes his P as he finds him.
*Applies to all torts in American law.
74. Worker's Com- Not considered employees and not covered by worker's
pensation - In- compensation.
dependent Con-
75. Worker's - Does not bar litigation against other companies who
Compensation - aren't the P's employer.
Non-employer e.g. other subcontractors at construction site; equipment
Companies manufacturer, etc.
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Worker's Com- 1. Intoxicated P
pensation - Ex- 2. P intentionally injures self
clusions 3. Injured during voluntary off-duty athletic contests.
*Illegal activity will not bar a worker's compensation claim
81. Strict Products Someone who ordinarily deals in goods of this type.
Liability - Mer- 1. Casual sellers are not merchants.
chant 2. Services providers who use products incidentally are
not merchant
3. Lessors/renters are merchants
4. All parties in a distribution chain are considered mer-
chants - no privity of contract is required.
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Strict Products 1. Manufacturing Defect
Liability - Defec- 2. Design Defect
tive Product 3. Information Defect
83. Strict Products Product departs from the intended design in a way that
Liability - Manu- makes it more dangerous than consumers would expect.
facturing Defect
84. Strict Products P shows there is a hypothetical alternative design that is:
Liability - Design 1. safer than the sold product
Defect 2. cost effective compared to sold product
3. practical
87. Strict Products Warnings will not insulate D from liability if there is a
Liability - Warn- design defect.
ings & Design
89. Nuisance P suffers a nuisance when his ability to use and enjoy
property to an unreasonable degree.
- nuisance can be intentional/reckless/negligent/ or no
92. Multiple Defen- - Out of pocket D can get 100% reimbursement when 1)
dants - Indemni- D is vicariously liable, and 2) non-manufacturer is indem-
fication nified by manufacturer in a products case.
93. Loss of Consor- Uninjured spouse has a separate cause of action against
tium all D's for three types of damage
1. Loss of services
2. Loss of society (companionship)
3. Loss of sex
94. Intra-family Tort There is no intra-family immunity for torts of any kind.
Immunity - Parents do not owe a special duty to supervise their
95. No Fault Insur- Prevents minor traffic accidents from being adjudicated
ance - Rationale by guaranteeing reimbursement from an insurance com-
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98. What Are the 1. All medical expenses
No-Fault Bene- 2. Lost wages: 80% of wage, capped at $2k/month for max
fits three years
3. Misc. expenses capped at $25/day.
*Nothing for pain & suffering or anything above capped
101. Types of Dam- No fault is for personal injuries only - No property damage
ages (that would be covered under collision).
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