Workforce Development Model For Patient & Public Involvement
Workforce Development Model For Patient & Public Involvement
Workforce Development Model For Patient & Public Involvement
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
Contents Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 2. Purpose of the Model 3. Underpinning Principles 4. Ideal Operating Context 5. Overview of The Model 6. Uses for the Model 7. Implementation and Review
2 3 4 5 5 6 7 10 10
Appendices 1 The Model 2 Links to the KSF PPI Tool for Staff and Managers 3 Source Materials and Background Papers 4 The KSF Toolkit Available Upon Request from the PPI Leads Reference Group Database of Currently Available Programmes 11 16 18 19
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Trent PPI leads would like to thank all those who have contributed their time, expertise, programmes and ideas to the construction of this model. In particular, we acknowledge significant contributions made by the following people and organisations: SHA PPI Leads Network and National Health Service University who sponsored the initial pilot Learning Events nationally and within Trent, from which the concept of a training model was inspired. For programmes and advice on the model: Mick Bond, Research Manager, North Derbyshire Public Health Network housed at Chesterfield PCT; Nicky Saynor, Public Involvement Facilitator, Southwark PCT; Carmel Parrott and Elizabeth Buggins, Module Leader of the Warwick University Programme; Bharti Patel-Smith, PPI Lead, Shropshire PCT; Sue Hepworth, Tanya Wainwright, Jane Besay from the Nottingham tPCT For lending their advice and significant input into the development of the Model and KSF Tool: special thanks to all members of the Trent PPI Training Reference Group. In particular, Paul Sandom, Health Improvement Specialist, now at North East Leeds PCT (chair of the Reference Group, August-December 2005) and Pam Purdue, Assistant Director of PPI, Amber Valley PCT (chair of the Reference Group, JanuaryAugust 2006) Grateful thanks go to Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA (as was) who shared a competency model that they were working on which formed the basis for the toolkit that was developed in Trent. And finally, thanks to Nicky Spencer, Consultant who led the project, without whom we would not have produced this model and toolkit.
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
1.1 Public and Patient Involvement [PPI] is the term currently used to reflect the active participation of patients and the public (including children, service users, carers and communities) in the development of health services and as partners in their own care. One of the four main commitments of the White Paper Our Health, Our Care, Our Say is to give people more choice and a louder voice: To ensure patients/users & public views are major drivers of service improvement To ensure convenient access to social & primary care that individuals can choose & influence A White Paper imperative is that the engagement of users & citizens needs to be systematically & robustly built into every aspect of organisations work to ensure user & citizen views inform & influence at all levels & across the whole system. Evidence demonstrates that patient and public involvement leads to increased patient satisfaction and more positive outcomes where patients are more likely to take more responsibility for their own health therefore easing pressure on resources. Evidence also shows that PPI improves professional/patient relationships leading to greater understanding and informed, effective improvement in care provision. Through systematic, consistent, appropriate & effective user & public involvement, organizations will be able to y y y ensure quality outcomes of value to users & communities transform services through continuous learning & improvement based on user feedback ensure services are responsive, accessible & accountable to local populations
The new patient-led NHS system heralds a shift that puts people in control of their care requiring professionals to support and empower people to make their own decisions, and to help individuals, their families and carers to understand the services that are available in order to make good choices. NHS leaders and the workforce need to develop appropriate skills and capacity to listen to, empower and communicate with, patients and the public thereby embedding a culture that creates responsive and accountable organisations delivering personalised services. Locally, the NHS recognises the importance of the need to develop appropriate leadership skills and increase workforce expertise in involving patients and the public in service development and delivery. This model and toolkit form part of a broad
2005 Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
strategic framework triangulating current workforce, the future workforce and the service users, carers and wider public. The intention is that in each organisation there should be a broad strategic framework to embed patient and public involvement across health and social care at every level in service, workforce development and education and training; commissioning, design, delivery and review. Workforce Development Model (Current Workforce)
Principles for Practice: embedding service user and carer involvement in healthcare education and training (Future Workforce) 2. Purpose of the Model
More Power to You: personal training and development for service users, carers and the public
2.1 To provide PPI Leads with a systematic approach to building PPI skills within organisations so that outcomes and experiences for patients, carers and the public are improved. 2.2 The KSF PPI Tool, developed for managers and staff to increase personal and team effectiveness in PPI, accompanies the Model. Aligned with the Knowledge and Skills Frameworks Six Core Dimensions, the Tool assists in identifying gaps in PPI competencies and recommends the most suitable development opportunities to meet personal development needs. 3. Underpinning Principles 3.1 The model has been designed and should be delivered and amended - in line with the principles of the NHS, its requirements to involve Patients and the Public (Section 11, Health and Social Care Act 2001) and PPI beliefs. It has been strongly influenced by an analysis of the Knowledge and Skills Framework in relation to PPI. 3.2 In addition, the following principles and values underpin the model: a) Public and patient involvement leads to improved services, patient experience and outcomes; education and development initiatives should be designed, delivered and evaluated with patients and the public. b) PPI workforce development opportunities should, wherever possible, be integrated into existing education and development programmes (including
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
pre- and post-registration training) and be linked with existing organisational processes e.g. clinical governance, complaints. c) Workforce development initiatives should be evidence-based and have clearly demonstrable outcomes: due to a lack of measurable initiatives, the model is currently based on a best practice approach. In time outcomes will be measured to inform a move towards evidence-based initiatives. d) A robust implementation plan and regular review of the model is essential to ensure its completion and effectiveness as well as its ongoing alignment with legislation, policies, Knowledge and Skills Framework etc. e) Sharing of expertise and appropriate initiatives with other health organisations (and sectors) and with patient, carers and the public, makes good sense and is a good use of resources. This would include exchange of expertise and learning with expert patients, patient champions, carer champions etc. and linked programmes. f) Quality learning leads to quality care. g) Patient experience and engagement should inform future education commissioning, design and delivery 4. Ideal Operating Context for the Model 4.1 For the model to have maximum effect, the appropriate organisational context needs to be in place. 4.2 The organisation will exhibit the Key Characteristics of Good Organisations in relation to PPI
Key Characteristic of Good Organisational Practice in relation to PPI (Source: Trent SHA) a) There will be a named operational and Executive Director lead for PPI together with clear lines of accountability within the organisation b) There will be a PPI Strategy, Implementation Plan and Annual Report c) PPI Activity will be monitored regularly d) The range of approaches for engaging patients and the public will be evident e) Mechanisms will be in place to enable organisational learning and to ensure feedback is given to patents and the public f) PALS will be active and well resourced g) There will be Good Practice Guidelines for PPI, a Public Engagement Group, a User Expenses Policy and ring-fenced resources. h) There will be clear lines of accountability for PPI and strategic fit with organisational structures and committees
4.3 Specifically in relation to increasing PPI capacity within the workforce a) Policies and plans make specific reference to development of PPI capacity within the workforce and the means of measuring its impact b) The education and training strategy (and implementation plan) evidences: i. an effective assessment of the workforces development needs in relation to PPI, including the views of patients and carers
2005 Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
ii. integration of PPI into all programmes iii. learning from real patient experience is embedded into all development initiatives c) There is active encouragement to develop a portfolio of PPI activity d) There is a nominated senior manager and executive responsible for accelerating PPI development within the workforce e) A dedicated budget for PPI education, training and development exists. 4.4 The implementation of the model must be seen as part of a wider cultural change towards PPI, one in which PPI is integrated into a) organisational and directorate objectives and plans b) standards which are set for (and monitored in) clinical and non-clinical teams c) individual performance and appraisal systems d) recruitment processes including job descriptions and selection criteria e) promotion of good practice 4.5 Commissioners will need to consider the most appropriate means of encouraging all provider organisations and professions to implement the model within their various organisations e.g. the links with the Quality Outcome Framework, the use of protected learning time, consultant contracts, Service Level Agreements. This is as relevant for the private sector as they deliver aspects of the NHS. 5. Overview of the Model 5.1 The detailed model has four dimensions and is detailed in Appendix 1.
1. Workforce Segments
Skill & Experience
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
5.2 The first dimension identifies four segments of the workforce each segment having its own unique development requirements: a) the whole workforce b) front-line workers (and their managers) c) facilitators (working directly with public, patients and carer groups e.g. health visitors) d) strategists responsible for key organisational processes and leadership including PPI leads themselves. 5.3 For each of the four workforce segments or levels, the model outlines:-
2. Organisational Outcomes
P Le PI ad
c gi te ra St
rs to ita cil Fa
e tlin on Fr
Increase in patient-led services, public influence & improved accountability Improved Patient Experience
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
rce kfo or W
3. Learning Aims
Select & Conduct Methodologies Use Feedback to Make Improvement And local communities; effective forums
or at ilit c Fa
Understand the value and know the means of improving patient experience
e lin nt ro F
ce or kf or W
Policy, Principles, Benefits Implications for ways of working Organisational Approach & Opportunities for Development
b) Broad learning aims required for the individual c) Development Opportunities that deliver PPI skills across the organisation. These have been identified from the construction of the Trent KSF PPI Tool (Appendix 2), and include both
5a. Transferable Development Opportunities (examples)
P Le PI ad
c gi te ra St
Change Management
Statistical Process Tools Effective Management of Meetings Appraisal Training Communication & Interpersonal Skills Service Improvement Programmes
i. Transferable development opportunities that should include PPI issues within their content or, at least, can be applied to strengthen PPI skills e.g.
2005 Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC 10
e rc kf o or
Customer Care Programmes Organisational Policy Programmes e.g. Equality and Diversity
I PP ad Le
ra St
g te
Role-specific Research & Learning Sets PPI Methodological Training Shadowing Staff engaged in PPI Activitiies
ilit ac
f so er e ag an ntlin M ro F
Induction Programme sessions on PPI responsibilities, Explanation of Section 11 and organisational approach to PPI PALS Awareness Training
ce or kf or
ii. PPI-specific development opportunities, the focus of which is directly upon PPI e.g. policy and principles of PPI, patient shadowing, use of the Trent KSF PPI Development Tool. Access to the database of known training programmes in this category is available on request. 6. Uses for the Model 6.1 The model provides PPI leads with a clear pathway for increasing PPI skills across the range of individual roles and for specific workforce groups. 6.2 It is applicable to all health organisations: commissioning or providing; independent or public sector; primary, secondary or tertiary care. 6.3 The model could be further progressed as a means of: a) Benchmarking the organisations training provision for PPI b) Performancemanaging organisations in development of PPI expertise within their workforce. 6.4 Crucially important is the potential of the model in improving resource management: applied to other new initiatives and innovations in health, it provides a systematic approach to assessing the training needs of the workforce and establishing whether or not these can be met by existing development programmes. 6.5 In addition, the accompanying KSF PPI Tool provides managers and staff alike with a) a ready-reckoner for assessing their (and their Teams) competency in PPI against the demands of the Knowledge and Skills Framework
2005 Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC 11
b) signposting to the appropriate development opportunities to meet skills gaps. 6.6 This can also be used as a tool to support learning and development needs: For staff as part of formal education and continuing professional development, including performance reviews And for service users to identify service user, carer and wider public development needs in order for them to be as skilled as possible in relation to their involvement 6.7 PPI Leads and strategic developers can use the model and the tool to influence and inform the future commissioning and quality of healthcare education and training to ensure that it encompasses PPI elements. 7. Implementation and Review 7.1 A robust implementation plan and regular review of the model is essential to ensure its completion and effectiveness as well as its ongoing alignment with legislation, policies etc. 7.2 Such a plan will need to confirm the hosting arrangement(s), ideally linked with a web-based domain e.g. Trent Information Network [TIN], local Workforce Education and Development Commissioning Subgroups, Teaching PCTs and into the national arena through the PPI Resource Centre to be hosted by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC 12
Learning Aims Understand y the policy, principles and benefits of PPI and standards required by the Healthcare Commission y the implications of PPI for the ways of working y the organisations approach to PPI and opportunities for personal development
Transferable Development Opportunities Customer Care Programmes Organisational Policy Programmes: Confidentiality; Data Protection; Dealing with Untoward Incidents (including Root Cause Analysis); Equality and Diversity Awareness; Ethics Procedures; Privacy and Dignity. These may be included in organisational mandatory programmes.
Dedicated Development Opportunities Induction Programmes: including responsibilities, an explanation of Section 11 and organisational approach, to PPI
KSF Training includes the use of the KSF PPI Tool and its application to current, future and other roles. Meeting the PPI Guidance requirements PALS Awareness
Frontline Staff & Supervisors a) Workforce in daily contact with patients, carers and users and members of the public.
Understand the value and know the means of improving patient experience through: y Shared decisionmaking in treatment and care Involvement of patient in service improvement Involvement of the public and patients in future decisionmaking Quality learning
Basic Communication Skills that address patient and public interfaces. To include: listening, questioning, non-verbal and reportwriting Advanced Customer Care Programmes Service-Improvement Programmes e.g. Audit, Evaluation, Risk Assessment, Service Improvement IT Packages PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) Interpersonal Skills including dealing with difficult people and conflict resolution
Mentoring and Shadowing Staff inside and from other organisations to gain a better understanding of the PPI activity: y staff undertaking audit y staff undertaking an engagement activity y staff working with patients to agree care plans etc. y clinical governance staff y commissioning staff y GP Practices through the Practice Manager y PALS staff to see how the service works Patient Shadowing through the pathway, through story telling etc.
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
Involvement & Engagement Methodology Training including selecting methodologies, evaluation and reporting patient satisfaction surveys, patient diaries, patient and public reference groups. Includes modules on individual elements of the PPI programme: y Questionnaire design and delivery y Survey design and delivery y IT based information collection y Focus Group facilitation y Telephone Interviewing y Face to face Interviewing y Discovery Interviews y Structured Interviews
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
Role-specific: y Research y Learning sets PPI Best Practice Resources and Toolkits
Workforce involved (and responsible for) engaging with a. patients, service users and carers
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
Strategic a) Senior & Executive Workforce where PPI should be integral to developing the organisation, its processes and services. Would include Organisational and Service Leads, commissioners, planners, clinical governance leads, service improvement managers, performance managers
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
ii. Cascade learning and expertise iii. Capture the evidence and evaluate the outcomes of PPI iv. Highlight good practice and share learning v. Leadership techniques
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
Clinical Training
Developing skills on shared decision making with the patient on treatment and care e.g. Audit, Evaluation, Risk Assessment, Service Improvement IT Packages PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) Basic to include: listening, questioning, non-verbal and reportwriting Advanced include: presentation skills, influencing Including facilitation, dealing with difficult people and conflict resolution To address patient and public interfaces To address service development issues resulting from PPI To address staff interfaces with patient and public Summary of Dedicated PPI Development Opportunities To embed the PALS culture into the whole organisation and indicate the role that everyone plays in PALS To include: y National Policy and Background y Organisational Approach, Processes and Procedures y Selecting Methodologies, Evaluation and Reporting y staff undertaking audit y staff undertaking an engagement activity y staff working with patients to agree care plans etc. y clinical governance staff y commissioning staff y GP Practices through the Practice Manager y PALS staff to see how the service works y PPI leads in organisation (and, for Level 4, networking with PPI peers at national and local level) y Through the pathway e.g. monitoring customer care by sitting in reception areas
6. 7.
8. 9.
Organisational ServiceImprovement Programmes Basic and Advanced Communication Skills address patient and public interfaces Interpersonal skills Managing and Chairing Meetings
10. Managing Change 11. Stress Management 12. PALS Awareness 13. PPI as a comprehensive, dedicated programme
14. Shadowing staff inside and from other organisations to gain a better understanding of the PPI activity:
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC 18
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC 19
Appendix 3
Available On Request from the Reference Group (quoting the full document reference)
Source Material Used in Developing the Model Improving the Patient Experience through the Knowledge and Skills Framework an easy guide (Draft), Avon Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA health communities. NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework and the Development Process, December 2004 (Department of Health) NHSU/Trent Learning Event Building Learning Organisations for PPI Principles for Practice: Involving service users and carers in healthcare education and training (2005) This resource has been developed to provide clarity and guidance for organisations involved in health and social care education and training. More Power to You (2006): A bespoke personal training and development programme for service users and carers to enable meaningful involvement in the health, education and social care sectors. Service users and carers have worked with the Multi-Professional Deanery, Carers Federation and Skills for Care to develop this resource.
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC 20
Appendix 4
KSF Toolkit
Trent Workforce Development Model: KSF Patient & Public Involvement Tool
Terminology used in this document Service Users or Patients and Public refers to the fullest diversity of service users and patients (adult and children), their carers and families, and the public. PPI refers to the effective involvement of all these groups in their treatment and care, the shaping and design of the services offered to them and the development of future services
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE DIMENSION 1 : COMMUNICATIONS Examples of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency Appropriate Staff Development Opportunities LEVEL 1 y y y y y y y y y y y y Pitches communication at the appropriate level for audience Uses full range of aids to communication including good practice of verbal and non-verbal techniques Adjusts personal presentation and image to the audience and circumstances Listens and accurately records patient and public feedback Provides information on action to be taken and progress to service users and public Adheres to requirements of data protection, confidentiality and freedom of information Implements privacy and dignity aspects of Essence of Care to ensure patients, carers and the public are respected at all times Involves service users so that joint decisions are made about treatment and care Is aware how the service provided is evaluated by patients/carers then Encourages patient to access information being offered Offers patients an advocate when dealing with matters of a complex nature Offers aftercare available for the patient or carer if there is significant news to absorb y y y y y y Induction (provided it has a basic PPI awareness element) Customer Care Programmes Confidentiality and freedom of information PALS awareness (can be part of induction) Data protection Privacy and dignity
LEVEL 2 y y y Contributes to the provision of user-friendly information about own service Elicits additional information through effective questioning and probing to assist in identifying solutions when receiving feedback and comment Selects an appropriate form of communication and in a suitable environmental to suit the variety of contexts in which communication with patients and the public need to take place y y y y y y Advanced communication skills e.g. listening, questioning skills, non-verbal communication Physical and sensory impairment awareness Advanced writing skills Influencing skills Interpersonal skills Conflict Resolution
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE DIMENSION 1 : COMMUNICATIONS Examples of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency Appropriate Staff Development Opportunities LEVEL 3 y y y Provides complex information in user-friendly form to non-NHS audiences Ensures managed staff implement policies e.g. FOI, confidentiality, data protection and consent Ensures that feedback on own service is o received from the fullest range of patients and the public o relayed to all appropriate staff Presents and addresses large audiences in an appropriate style (formal and informal) Communicates complex information to a wide audience so that it is easily understood Influences senior/strategic staff to ensure voice of user is taken on board Feeds back to staff on changes that have taken place as a result of feedback from public y y y Presentation skills Facilitation skills and groups Managing meetings (where content includes patients/public meetings or lay people are present) and shadowing good role models Chairing meetings (where content includes patients/public meetings or lay people are present) and shadowing good role models Conflict resolution Advanced communication skills (listening, interviews, communications presentation verbal and written) Designated software programmes for comprehensive data collection on risk management issues e.g. DATIX Specialist Communication (e.g. including creative media such as using theatre to get feedback)
y y y y
y y y y
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE DIMENSION 1 : COMMUNICATIONS Examples of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency Appropriate Staff Development Opportunities LEVEL 4 y y y y y y y Engages all parties in discussions regardless of their role, professional or non-professional status Engages sensitively with audiences in relation to contentious issues Communicates critical and/or potentially controversial feedback to service managers about their service Takes a pragmatic approach to implementing change where the locus of control is external to the service Interprets the political agenda in relation to future service planning Constructively challenges relevant parties where identified service improvements have not been implemented Produces high level (e.g. board) reports that engage the reader, communicate significant issues with clarity and provide comprehensive recommendations Assesses a range of information, differentiating that which may and may not be disclosed - and communicates as appropriate y y y y y y Communicating sensitive information Bereavement workshop Managing Change Shadowing peers across network Shadowing senior managers/meetings Public Relations training
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE DIMENSION 2 : PERSONAL AND PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT Examples of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency Appropriate Staff Development Opportunities LEVEL 1 Understands own role in relation to PPI: y Able to clearly state what PPI is and its application to own role y Demonstrates knowledge and application of statutory duty to consult with and involve patients when considering changes to services or development of new services (Section 11 Health and Social Care Act) y Demonstrates knowledge and application of customer care concepts Understands own role as an ambassador for the organisation in contacts with patients and the public: y Responds appropriately to comments or complaints from a patients and the public e.g. handles comments and concerns respectfully, bringing them to the attention of an appropriate person y Deals with simple issues requiring resolution efficiently and effectively y Identifies areas where the patients and the public can contribute to changes in the services process or environment Identifies gaps in own knowledge, skills & experience in relation to PPI and utilises development opportunities y Applies the PPI Workforce Development Model to ascertain own PPI development needs, following up by attending appropriate development opportunities y Recognises the impact of the personal and emotional aspects of role and seeks support where appropriate
LEVEL 2 y y y Is a role model for involving service users in appropriate projects and activities Delivers PPI and/or PALS element of in-house induction programmes and other areas where staff need this input Identifies personal development needs of patients and the public so that they can engage in service improvement activity, linking them into y y y y y y Reflective practice Action sets Involvement and Engagement Methodological Training Dealing with Difficult People Stress Management Partnership programmes with voluntary sector organisations 25
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
y y
y y
CORE DIMENSION 2 : PERSONAL AND PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT Examples of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency Appropriate Staff Development Opportunities relevant development opportunities Deals with issues requiring resolution efficiently and effectively to decrease the likelihood of escalation to complaint Identifies staff development needs in PPI and provides relevant development opportunities, fully utilising and promoting the use of the PPI Workforce Development Model Recognises the impact of the personal and emotional aspects of role and seeks support as appropriate Provides support to managed staff in relation to the PPI elements of their role (e.g. dealing with angry relatives)
LEVEL 3 y y y y y y y y Signposts staff to appropriate agencies and sources of personal development to increase the use of PPI skills across the organisation Develops PPI skills of staff Creates opportunities for patients and the public to develop skills they need to engage in service improvement activity Provides opportunities to involve patients/carers in the planning and delivery of educational programmes (particularly of a clinical nature) Is cognisant of new PPI developments, initiating change within the organisation as relevant Gathers views on own performance from patients and the public, and respond by accessing the relevant development opportunities Assesses impact and value of PPI development opportunities on own practice Recognises the impact of the personal and emotional aspects of role and seeks support where appropriate - puts strategies in place to support all staff in this area Ensure Key Result Area in all staff JD make reference to PPI and manage their performance in this area in supervision Delivers in-house and external PPI and PALS training y y y y y Networking with other partners PPI Methodology training Shadowing of Clinical Staff 360O Appraisal KSF Reviewee and Reviewer (Appraisee/Appraiser) Training
y y
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE DIMENSION 2 : PERSONAL AND PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT Examples of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency Appropriate Staff Development Opportunities LEVEL 4 Ensures PPI is integral to organisation: y Provides strategic leadership on accountability to patients and public y Critically appraises policies assessing the implications for own practice, managers and staff, services and the organisation y Delivers PPI skills training (e.g. involvement and engagement methodologies) y Supervises research training y Mentors other staff (both in-house and external) y Engages lay members in the design and delivery of training programmes
y y y y y y
Leadership Critical appraisal Train the trainers Being a mentor Research 3600 Appraisal
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
LEVEL 2 y y y y y y y y y y Implements Section 11 by involving patients and public whenever changes are being introduced or services developed Creates a culture where constructive criticism is seen as a positive catalyst to improving services Act on patient feedback Feeds back to staff and patients on the actions taken from patient feedback Involves service users as well as team in changes to be made Provides information for senior staff on how services can be improved Joint decisions are made with patients on treatment and care Acts upon PALS enquiries and feeds back to ensure monitoring is accurate Contributes to the implementation of actions, based on feedback including areas that affect own work role Contributes to the evaluation of service improvements undertaken and suggestions for changes in the future y y y y y Appraisal training to ensure effective line management of others Baseline awareness of the ethics procedures and the need to comply Comprehensive training days on PPI processes and procedures Involving Users (Modernisation Agency Improvement Leaders Guides Shadowing to gain a better understanding of the activity: o staff undertaking audit o PPI leads in organisation o staff undertaking an engagement activity o staff working with patients to agree care plans etc. Modules on individual elements of the PPI programme: o Questionnaire design and delivery o Survey design and delivery 28
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
This list is not extensive and could include a number of other methodologies.
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
y y y y y y y
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE 4 : HEALTH AND SAFETY Example of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency Appropriate Staff Development Opportunities LEVEL 1 Clearly understands policy on reporting patient feedback that signifies clinical risks or health and safety breaches: y Comments and concerns are handled respectfully and brought to the attention of an appropriate person y Reports incidents relating to breaches of H & S and security y Complies with systems to monitor and learn from PALS, SUIs, Complaints and patient experiences LEVEL 2 y Implements systems to monitor and learn from PALS, SUIs, Complaints and patient experiences y y Health and Safety Awareness Serious Untoward Incident Training
LEVEL 3 y y y y Monitors systems to monitor and learn from PALS, SUIs, Complaints and patient experiences Ensures managed staff comply with all Health and Safety issues in relation to PPI Involves patients in risk assessment procedures Involves patients/carers and their respective organisations where appropriate in issues of service re-design y y y Health and Safety Awareness Serious Untoward Incident Training Root Cause Analysis
LEVEL 4 y Amend systems to monitor and learn from PALS, SUIs, Complaints and patient experiences y y y Health and Safety Awareness Serious Untoward Incident Training Root Cause Analysis
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE 5 : QUALITY Example of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency LEVEL 1 y y y y y y y Knows and understands the implications of Section 11 and the impact on quality of the delivery of PPI activity Knows and understands and implements Payments Policy for patients and the public working with the Trust Knows the ethics process Aware of the need for appropriate incident reporting and appropriate feedback of PALS issues from own area of work Aware of the need for quality and implementation of best practice in written documentation such as surveys, questionnaires, reports Aware of the need quality and best practice in relation to other feedback mechanisms e.g. facilitation of focus groups, interviewing etc. Aware of the need to store safely feedback from PPI activity to comply with legislation e.g. Data Protection, Confidentiality, Freedom of Information Aware of the information process to ensure high quality information goes out to public and patients Aware of the need to share decision making with users of services y y y y y y
Induction PPI Training Shadowing PPI staff Shadowing staff implementing PPI activity Incident Reporting Training/Mandatory training Access to internet and familiarisation with policies
y y
LEVEL 2 y y Contributes to the design of written documentation to an appropriate quality e.g. questionnaires, surveys Delivers own specific area of responsibility of a PPI project to a high standard e.g. letters to focus group members, feedback after a project, facilitation of a focus group Knows and understands and implements the implications of Section 11 and the impact on quality of the delivery of PPI activity Knows and understands and appropriately implements the Payments Policy for patients and the public working with the Trust, according to y y y y y y y PPI Training Shadowing staff who are undertaking PPI activity Shadowing PPI staff Ethics training Incident Reporting Training/Mandatory Training Placement in Knowledge Services re quality of patient/public information Induction 33
y y
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
y y y y
y y y y
CORE 5 : QUALITY Example of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency level of involvement Knows the ethics approval process and how to determine when it is appropriate Aware of the need for appropriate incident reporting and appropriate feedback of PALS issues from own area of work Aware of the need quality and best practice in relation to other feedback mechanisms e.g. facilitation of focus groups, interviewing etc. Aware of the need to store safely feedback from PPI activity to comply with legislation e.g. Data Protection, Confidentiality, Freedom of Information Determines the need for PPI activity to be undertaken in appropriate settings and scenarios Implements the most appropriate/effective methodology Acts upon feedback from PPI activity Makes others aware of the need to share decision making with users of services
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE 5 : QUALITY Example of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency LEVEL 3 y y y y y Design high quality written information e.g. questionnaires and surveys Provides critique and advice on data analysis packages to ensure quality Formulates methods of quality evaluation which invites responses from patients/carers Develops feedback mechanisms that enable outcomes to be routed back to the responders Plans, develops and delivers good quality focus groups, interviewing and other qualitative methodologies being aware of appropriate sample sizes etc. Evaluates the quality of own practice in relation to PPI methodologies Within their own sphere of responsibility ensures quality issues identified by staff or self are acted upon Ensure that the delivery of involvement/engagement activity avoids any negative impact on the respondents Completes and complies with ethical approval processes Develops and maintains high quality and effective storage systems for feedback from PPI activity in relation to legislation e.g. Confidentiality, Freedom of Information Aware of the impact on quality of a lack of shared decision making with users of services Seeks information on user dissatisfaction to identify ways of improving the quality of the service Takes action on negative feedback (e.g. PALS, Complaints, Incidents) that will result in organisational change thus reducing the likelihood of a repeat problem Information presented to senior managers includes lay perspective y y y y y y y y
PPI Training Critical Appraisal Training Change Management Training Negotiation and Influencing Skills Training Information Governance Training Access to the intranet re policy awareness Shadowing PPI staff and those undertaking PPI methodologies Report writing
y y y y y
y y y
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE 5 : QUALITY Example of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency LEVEL 4 y y y y y y Ensure issues of quality that are picked up through PPI activity are acted upon in a co-ordinated manner across the organisation Ensure that staff implement shared decision making with users of services Monitor the high quality of written documentation e.g. reports, questionnaires, surveys Advise and guide staff on the quality of PPI methodology expected as part of the culture of the organisation Support staff through the process of ethical approval Develop a culture across the organisation where PPI activity is planned, developed and delivered in accordance with legislation, local and national guidelines and published standards Advise on the development and maintenance of storage systems according to legislation e.g. Freedom of Information, Confidentiality, Data Protection Monitor the above Initiates the further application and recognizes the transference of good practice in PPI Ensures decisions are based on evidence using feedback Determining forward audit plans for area of responsibility Using benchmarking evidence from SHA to determine activity needed to improve Responding to internal and external audit reports y y y y
PPI Training Critical Appraisal Training Accessing PPI Centre of Excellence 3600 Appraisal
y y y y y y
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE 6 : EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Example of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency Appropriate Staff Development Opportunities LEVEL 1 y y y y Fully conversant with the demography of the health community Sensitive to and respectful of the variety of cultures and religious perspectives in local health community Include examples of discrimination in feedback on services Signposts patients, the public and carers to the relevant support mechanisms e.g. PALS, ICAS, as and when relevant y y y y y y Induction Customer care training PALS training Conversant with Health and Social Care Act Section 11 and strengthening accountability Attends cultural awareness/diversity training Access to specific awareness programmes e.g. Deaf awareness training/physical and sensory impairment awareness Access to area profiles Access to awareness information
y y
LEVEL 2 y y y Acknowledges and manages different perspectives of a wide range of lay people Provides information in appropriate formats which meets the needs of the individual Acts in a way that acknowledges and recognises peoples expressed beliefs, preferences and choices y y y y y y Participates in health needs assessment Access national guidance on developing information Training on using interpreters and the importance of translation (this includes language, Braille etc) Undertakes training on demographic monitoring with specific reference to ethnic monitoring Understands the role of plain language groups, readers panels etc Shadowing appropriate services/organisations e.g. Blind Society, Gay Switchboard etc
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC
CORE 6 : EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Example of PPI Activity that Illustrate Competency Appropriate Staff Development Opportunities LEVEL 3 y y Accesses a group of people representative of the demography of the health community Provides equality of access to PPI and engagement activities, selecting suitable contexts and environments to capture the fullest representation of views Makes opportunities for involvement to lay members available to all Ensure feedback from managed staff undertaking PPI reflects the full diversity of views y y Shadowing people undertaking PPI activity with diverse communications e.g. shadowing diversity leads Specialists as advisers e.g. speech and language therapies using MACATON
y y
LEVEL 4 y y y Creates databases of contact information on seldom heard groups and makes these easily available for staff to access Maintain access to diverse groups Challenge organisation where diverse groups are not accessing services y Access to appropriate Acts and legislation
Owner: Trent PPI Leads & Multi-professional Deanery; Part Owner: Nicky Spencer, IMC