Service Manual
15800 Alton Parkway
Irvine, California 92618-3818
Telephone: 949/753-1393
FAX: 949/753-6614
ii 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 iii
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1
iv 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 v
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
The data presented in this manual was current at the time of publication; accordingly, the data in this manual
may not reflect exactly your system configuration.
Alcon Surgical makes no warranties, expressed or implied, that the information contained in this service
manual is complete or accurate. If this manual is used to perform service on the equipment by other than
trained personnel, the user assumes all risks in the use of this manual.
Pay close attention to warnings and cautions in this manual. A WARNING! statement is written to protect
individuals from bodily injury. A caution statement, with the CAUTION heading centered above the text, is
written to protect the instrument from damage.
Caution: U.S. federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Alcon Surgical
Technical Services Group
PO BOX 19587
Irvine, CA, USA 92623-9587
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system, in
any form or by any means; photocopying, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise; without prior
written permission from Alcon Surgical.
vi 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
This service manual for the Series Ten Thousand® There are five different configurations of the STTC. Two
Compact (STTC) is divided into eight sections. This of the configurations are I/A systems without Ultrasonic
Section One contains general information about the (U/S) capabilities (models 1000 & 1500). The remaining
system and functional descriptions of the controls, three configurations (models 2000, 2500, and 3000)
indicators and connectors. Section Two provides theories provide U/S capabilities in addition to I/A. To simplify
of operation with operational information and circuit the description of the five configurations, the manual
descriptions for the system and printed circuit boards. divides the STTC into two models: basic and upgraded.
Simplified block diagrams accompany the written There are two versions of the basic system, and three
theories. Instructions are written in Section Three to versions of the upgraded.
locate and remove system subassemblies. Section Four is
reserved for insertion of the service test procedures, All five configurations provide an irrigation (IRR) mode,
acquired through the serviceman’s local service support Irrigation & Aspiration (I/A) modes, a cutting mode
center. For instructions to repair the STTC turn to (VIT), and an auxiliary (AUX) mode which allows the
Section Five for troubleshooting and repair information. surgeon to perform the Cap Polish function. (There are
Schematic diagrams are contained in Section Six, and two options in the VIT cutting mode. Either the AVIT
Section Seven contains part lists and assembly drawings. handpiece with oscillating cutter, or the ATIOP probe
Section Eight is reserved for data that doesn’t fit into the with guillotine cutter). An audible beeper-tone is
prior sections of the manual. generated whenever the operating mode is changed, and
to alert the operator of an occluded aspiration line. The
Instructions for performing various tasks are written in a three upgraded versions provide U/S capabilities in
detailed step-by-step manner. It is recommended that the addition to the basic modes.
procedures be followed carefully until such time as you
feel comfortable with the system and the tasks to be The outward difference between the basic and upgraded
performed. It is further recommended that this manual be models is the front panel. The front panel for the basic
read completely prior to starting work on the STTC. This does not have a U/S POWER window, and does not
will allow you to familiarize yourself with the system’s include Up/Down, DISPLAY, and RESET switches.
functions, controls, required equipment/supplies, and Internally the difference between the basic and upgraded
tasks which are to be performed. models is the software, and the basic model does not
have a U/S Driver PCB. There are no outward
REFERENCE DOCUMENTS differences for the upgraded enhanced or upgraded
surgeon-controlled versions; software provides the added
The STTC Operator’s Manual supplements the features.
information provided in this service manual, and should
be available on-site with the system. Although this EXTERNAL CHANGES
manual has been written to provide all necessary The addition of the SITE handpiece drive capabilities,
information for maintaining optimum performance of the variable pitched tone, and serial port required a new
system, it does not contain all of the operating Front Panel Display PCB (P/N 690-1033-502) and a new
procedures contained in the operator’s manual. In Front Panel Assembly (P/N 690-1030-502). Also, a
addition, the Warnings and Cautions in the operator’s serial port connector is added to the rear panel. The new
manual also apply for this service manual. Front Panel assembly can be distinguished from earlier
models by the addition of the VOLUME switch, placed
below the CUTTING switch on the lower right portion
of the front panel.
906-6900-501 1.1
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
• Basic (model 1000) - For the basic system the POWER REQUIREMENTS
aspiration rate and vacuum level are controlled by the
front panel settings, and the front panel setting value is For normal USA applications the STTC is set to operate
obtained as soon as the footpedal enters the position on 115 VAC +/-10%, single phase, 50/60 Hz line power.
associated with the front panel setting. If the CONTROL For other applications the system can be operated on
switch is toggled to the FOOT PEDAL control position, either 100, 127, 200, 220, or 240 VAC, single phase, 50/60
the system provides an aspiration feature called fast Hz power (as determined by the setting of the input power
flow. Fast flow increases the aspiration rate from the select switch located on the AC Configuration PCB).
standard 25 cubic centimeters, per minute (cc/min) to 35
cc/min while the footpedal is fully depressed.
1.2 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Cassette 590-1000-501 • • • • • • • • • • • X X X X X X X X X X X
Mechanism 590-2076-501 X X X X X X X X X X X • • • • • • • • • • •
Accessory 590-1101-502 X X X X X • • • • • X X X X X X • • • • • X
Control PCB 590-1213-501 • • • • • X X X X X • • • • • • X X X X X •
EPROM 690-1070-512 X • • • • • • • • • • X • • • • • • • • • •
690-1070-513 • • • X • • • • • • • • • • X • • • • • • •
690-1070-514 • X • • • • • • • • • • X • • • • • • • • •
690-1070-515 • • • • X • • • • • • • • • • X • • • • • •
690-1070-516 • • X • • • • • • • • • • X • • • • • • • •
690-1070-517 • • • • • X • • • • • • • • • • X • • • • •
690-1070-518 • • • • • • • • X • • • • • • • • • • X • •
690-1070-519 • • • • • • X • • • • • • • • • • X • • • •
690-1070-520 • • • • • • • • • X • • • • • • • • • • X •
690-1070-521 • • • • • • • X • • • • • • • • • • X • • •
690-1070-522 • • • • • • • • • • X • • • • • • • • • • X
Table 1-2 FACTORY CONFIGURATIONS - Use this table to identify the parts used by the factory when the system was built. Be
aware that many of these parts may have been upgraded during service operations.
906-6900-501 1.3
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
The following presents a brief overview of each mode, • Panel Control - When the STTC is operating under
and where applicable, the differences between operating Panel control, the operating parameter limits are
in Panel control or Foot Pedal control. Table 1-1 shows obtained simply by entering the footpedal position
the functions available for each mode of operation at associated with the parameter. When the system is
each footpedal position. operating in either I/A Max or I/A Min under Panel
control, the operator can change the preset aspiration and
IRRIGATION (IRR) MODE vacuum limits using the Adjustment Control switches on
The Irrigation mode is entered when the STTC is first the front panel. For both I/A MAX and I/A MIN
turned on, or by pressing the IRR mode switch. While functions, footpedal position #1 provides irrigation only,
operating in Irrigation mode the CONTROL switch is and footpedal positions #2 & #3 provide irrigation &
non-functional, and neither PANEL nor FOOT PEDAL aspiration at the predetermined rates.
is illuminated on the front panel.
• Foot Pedal (Surgeon) Control - Depending on system
When the STTC is first turned on the IRR indicator configuration, Foot Pedal control either provides the Fast
flashes, indicating that the system is operating in the Flow feature (Models 1000 & 2000) or allows linear
Irrigation mode (Irrigation is the system default mode). control of aspiration rate or vacuum limit (Models 1500,
The IRR mode switch is a two-condition switch used to 2500 & 3000). When an Enhanced system is operating
set the system in the irrigation mode. Pressing the switch under Foot Pedal control, the functions are the same as
a second time places the system in the Free Flow with Panel control except that either the aspiration rate
function. Free Flow continues until the IRR mode switch or vacuum limit can be linearly increased or decreased
is pressed again. (to the predetermined rate or limit) by the operator while
the footpedal is operated within positions #2 & #3.
Footpedal positions #1, #2, and #3 provide irrigation.
The delivered irrigation pressure is dependent upon the ULTRASONIC (U/S) MODE
height of the irrigation bottle in reference to the cassette The Ultrasonic mode (upgraded systems only) is entered
mechanism (the patient’s eyes should be at the same by pressing the U/S mode switch. The U/S mode allows
height as the cassette mechanism). Irrigation pressure is the surgeon to operate the ultrasonic handpiece for the
1.4 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
MODE 0 1 2 3
Table 1-3. FOOTSWITCH POSITIONS AND OPERATING MODES - Listed here are STTC operating modes with their
associated footswitch positions/functions, and where applicable the differences between operating in Panel
control or Surgeon control.
906-6900-501 1.5
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
emulsification and aspiration of cataractous lens tissue. ten pps is the default value for the pulse rate. The pulse
When the U/S mode is entered, U/S is displayed in the rate can be increased to 15 pps or decreased to 1 pps by
Mode & Message display window and the U/S Power using the CUTTING RATE adjustment control and the
PCB and U/S handpiece plug are activated. When the appropriate Up/Down arrow switch. When the system is
U/S function is operational, irrigation, aspiration, and operating in U/S Pulse mode, U/S power is turned on
emulsification are provided by the U/S handpiece. All and off on a 50% duty cycle as determined by the pulse
U/S functions can be operated in either Panel or Surgeon rate setting.
U/S and U/S Pulse Under Panel Control - When the
When the TEST pushbutton is pressed in the U/S mode system is operating under Panel control the operating
the word “Priming” appears in the Mode & Message parameter limits are obtained simply by entering the
display window and irrigation fluid is pumped through footpedal position associated with the parameter.
the I/A lines and handpiece to rid the lines of air and to Irrigation is provided in footpedal position #1; irrigation
fill the test chamber. Priming continues until the TEST and aspiration in footpedal position #2; and
pushbutton is pressed again or it automatically shuts off simultaneous irrigation, aspiration, and emulsification in
after approximately 75 seconds. When the priming footpedal position #3. The aspiration rate, vacuum limit,
function is completed the system automatically goes into U/S power and when applicable, the pulse rate are all
the tuning function. The word “Tuning” appears in the preset at the system default values. These values can be
Mode & Message display window while the system increased or decreased before and during the procedure
automatically tunes the ultrasonic generator to the via the FLOW RATE, VACUUM LIMIT, U/S POWER,
handpiece’s resonant frequency. If the U/S handpiece is and CUTTING RATE adjustment controls.
not plugged in when the tuning function is attempted, the
system skips the tuning function, reverts back to the IRR U/S and U/S Pulse Under Foot Pedal Control - When the
mode, and HDPC flashes on the front panel. system is operating under Footpedal control, irrigation is
provided in footpedal position #1; irrigation and
When in U/S mode and the Display button is pressed, aspiration in footpedal position #2; and simultaneous
either ASP 2 (aspiration flow rate in footpedal position irrigation, aspiration, and emulsification in footpedal
2) or ASP 3 (aspiration flow rate in footpedal position 3) position #3. The difference between Footpedal control
is displayed to the right of “U/S’ on the Mode and and Panel control is that in footpedal position #3 the
Message display window. Pushing the Flow Rate button surgeon can linearly control U/S power from 0% up to
toggles between ASP 2 and ASP 3, and the adjustment the maximum limit.
control switches set the flow rate for each footpedal
position, with the corresponding flow rate displayed on • US/IA Function (model 3000) - If the U/S mode switch
the front panel. During the time that the footpedal is in is pressed twice after entering the U/S mode the system
position 2 or 3, the flow rate setting for each position is passes through the U/S Pulse function to the US/IA
shown on the Mode and Message display window. The function. The US/IA function allows the I/A tip on the
Aspiration Flow Rate indicator does not change with U/S handpiece to be buzzed (ultrasonically vibrated) at a
footpedal position, only with the Flow Rate button. maximum power level of 30%. A titanium I/A tip is used
for this function.
For the upgraded surgeon-controlled version, there are
three selectable functions within the U/S mode: U/S, U/S US/IA Under Panel Control - Under Panel control the
PULSE, and US/IA. Each of the selectable functions is footswitch functions exactly the same as for U/S and U/S
reached by pressing the U/S mode switch until the Pulse functions.
desired function is displayed in the Mode & Message
display window. All of the U/S mode functions can be US/IA Under Foot Pedal Control - Under Foot Pedal
operated using either Panel or Footpedal control. control irrigation is provided in footpedal position #1,
irrigation with variable aspiration in footpedal position
• U/S PULSE Function (model 3000 only) - When the #2, and irrigation with variable aspiration and fixed
U/S mode switch is pressed after entering the U/S mode, emulsification in footpedal position #3.
the words “U/S Pulse 10” are displayed in the Mode &
Message display window, indicating the system is set to
operate in the pulsed ultrasonic mode. The “10”
following the words “U/S Pulse” indicates that the
system will be operating at ten pulses per second (pps);
1.6 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 1.7
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
CONTROL PANEL, CONTROLS, AND DISPLAYS IRR Switch - The IRR mode switch is a single
condition switch which is used to select the
The front panel design uses membrane switch Irrigation mode. When the system is first turned
technology to provide easy, reliable operation. The ON, the IRR indicator flashes, indicating that the
indicators either become illuminated when activated or system is operating in the irrigation mode (the
continually flash to indicate activation. irrigation mode is the default mode).
Figure 1-1 illustrates the front panel controls and display U/S Switch - Pressing the U/S mode switch
windows for the STTC. To help you locate the items (upgraded models only) activates the ultrasound
described below, they are numbered and referenced on system used to perform emulsification procedures.
the drawing. For the upgraded Surgeon controlled version, the
U/S mode switch is a 3-condition switch which
1. On/Off Switch - The On/Off switch is the large allows the operator to switch between U/S, U/S
green pushbutton switch used to turn system Pulse, and US/IA functions. When the U/S mode
operating power ON and OFF. When pressed for is entered its indicator flashes, the U/S POWER
the ON condition it illuminates and initiates the indicator and U/S TIME display illuminate, and
power-up test. the ultrasonic mode is displayed in the Mode &
Message display.
2. Mode Switches and Mode & Message Display
Window - The mode pushbutton switches allow CONTROL Switch - The Control switch is a 3-
the operator to select which operating mode the condition pushbutton which allows the operator to
system will be functioning in. Some of the mode toggle between PANEL control and FOOT
switches are single condition switches (press to PEDAL control.
turn ON), whereas others allow the operator to
select a function within the selected mode.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Series Ten Thousand CONTROL
0 1 cc/min
2 3
mmHg min
Figure 1-1. FRONT CONTROL PANEL - Shown here are the front panel controls, indicators, and display windows (the blacked
out areas represent display windows). Dotted lines surrounding an area illustrate a common grouping of
switches/controls/indicators, and are labeled for quick reference to the written descriptions. Primary system
indicators are back lit during operation.
1.8 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Depending on the system configuration, the two footpedal position. The limits manually set by the
control modes affect how the system provides the operator can be easily increased or decreased
I/A and U/S levels while operating in footpedal during operation.
positions #2 & #3. While operating under Panel
control, the preset or operator set levels (as I/A MIN Switch - Pressing the I/A MIN mode
displayed on the front panel indicators) are switch also places the system in the Irrigation/
reached as soon as the footpedal enters positions Aspiration mode, but at a lower vacuum limit than
#2 & #3. Under Foot Pedal control the operator in the I/A MAX mode. The preset vacuum limit is
has either the Fast Flow function (Models 1000 & 65 mmHg, and the adjustable range is 1 to 133
2000), or linear control of the aspiration rate/ mmHg. In all other respects the functions are the
vacuum level (Models 1500, 2500 & 3000) up to same as in the I/A MAX mode.
the adjustable override limits in footpedal position
#2, and linear control of the U/S power (Model VIT Switch - The VIT mode switch is a 2-
3000) in footpedal position #3. condition pushbutton which initiates the cutting
mode of operation. The switch can be toggled
When the system is operating in the I/A MIN, I/A between the AVIT (Anterior Vitrectomy) function
MAX, or VIT modes under Foot Pedal control, and the I/A Cut function. When a SITE handpiece
pressing the CONTROL switch allows linear adapter is plugged into the AVIT handpiece
control of the vacuum level instead of linear connector, only the Site functions are displayed in
control of the aspiration rate and (ASP) changes to the Mode & Message display.
(VAC) in the Mode & Message display. The word
CONTROL next to the switch is always The first time the VIT mode switch is pressed the
illuminated at the same brightness. Except for the Mode & Message display indicates “VIT Oscill”,
IRR and AUX modes, the words PANEL or the ASP FLOW RATE and VACUUM SET
FOOT PEDAL are always illuminated in the displays indicate 12 cc/min and 400+ mmHg
CONTROL display window. respectively, and the CUTTING RATE display is
blank (the SITE handpiece cuts at a fixed rate of
I/A MAX Switch - Pressing the I/A MAX mode 400 cpm in the oscillating mode). When the VIT
switch places the system in the Irrigation/ switch is pressed a second time, the Mode &
Aspiration mode with the vacuum limit set for Message display changes to VIT CCW, the ASP
either the preset maximum (400+ mmHg) or the FLOW RATE and VACUUM SET displays
level manually set by the operator (0 to 400+ remain the same, and the CUTTING RATE display
mmHg). In the I/A MAX mode the system is ready indicates 500 CPM. Pressing the VIT switch a third
to perform simultaneous irrigation and aspiration time changes the Mode & Message display to VIT
as determined by the active control mode and CW, while the remaining displays remain the
same. Pressing the VIT mode switch a fourth time
returns everything to the VIT Oscill parameters.
IRR (Footswitch) Indicates Mode of operation. AUX Switch - The AUX (Auxiliary) mode switch
Free Flow -- sets the system in the CAP Vacuum mode.
U/S --
TEST Switch - When the TEST switch is pressed
U/S Pulse 10 --
US/IA -- for the first time, the 75 second priming cycle
I/A Max ASP or VAC -- begins. When the priming cycle starts, the vent
I/A Min ASP or VAC -- solenoid opens for the first 15 seconds while the
I/A Cutter System is in ATIOP Mode. irrigation solenoid remains closed. (The object of
SITE SITE adapter connected.
CAP Vacuum System is in polish Mode.
opening the vent solenoid with the irrigation
mm Shows the actual vacuum level. solenoid held closed is to evacuate air from the
cc Shows the actual aspiration rate. vent line.) After 15 seconds the vent solenoid
(Statement of system error) Error is identified in real terms. closes and the irrigation solenoid opens for the
remaining 60 seconds.
MEANINGS - This table provides the messages and
meanings which might be printed on the mode and message When the 75 second priming cycle finishes, the
display. system performs a vacuum test. The system closes
906-6900-501 1.9
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
the irrigation solenoid and pulls a vacuum for 20 about 400 ms and the word VENTING illuminates
seconds, or until 400 mmHg of vacuum is pulled, while the solenoid is activated.
whichever comes first. If it reaches 400 mmHg
within the 20-second time limit, the system OCCLUDE - When the aspiration line becomes
continues to pull vacuum for an additional 5 occluded and the system has reached the
seconds. During the vacuum test the Mode & maximum set vacuum limit, the pump stops and
Message display indicates the actual vacuum level the word OCCLUDE illuminates.
being pulled. If the system cannot pull 400 mmHg
of vacuum within 20 seconds, the Mode & FTSW - If the footswitch is not connected, or
Message display indicates “Low Vacuum” and appears open when operating power is applied to
displays the highest level of vacuum obtained. the system, the FTSW indicator illuminates.
The system will not attempt to tune the U/S HDPC - The HDPC indicator illuminates if the
Generator (tuning function) unless it is operating U/S handpiece is not plugged in when the tuning
in a U/S function. This prevents the HDPC function is attempted in the U/S mode.
indicator from flashing when the Test function is
performed in a non U/S function. 4. FOOTSWITCH POSITION Indicators - The
footpedal has four possible operating positions; 0
For upgraded systems, if the STTC is in the U/S, (standby), 1, 2, and 3. The active footpedal
I/A Max, or I/A Min modes and the U/S handpiece position is illuminated when in use.
is plugged in, pressing the TEST switch a second
time initiates the tuning function, with the word REFLUX Indicator - On the left, inside wall of the
“TUNING” displayed in the Mode & Message footswitch hood is a Reflux switch. If the
display. At that time the system automatically footpedal is in its standby position (#0) and the
tunes the U/S generator to the handpiece’s operator presses the Reflux switch during any
resonant frequency. If the U/S handpiece is not mode of operation, reflux is initiated and the word
plugged in, the system flashes through the tuning REFLUX illuminates.
function (no attempt to tune), reverts to the
irrigation mode, and HDPC flashes in the System FAST FLOW Indicator - For systems with the Fast
Status indicator group. Flow function, when the footpedal is fully
depressed the Fast Flow function starts and the
Mode & Message Display - The Mode & Message words FAST FLOW illuminate.
display window is the primary informational
display on the control panel. The display is a 16- 5. CONTROL Display Window - The Control
character alphanumeric dot-matrix display used to display window operates in conjunction with the
show a variety of different information. Table 1-2 CONTROL pushbutton to inform the operator
provides the messages that can be displayed. which controlling mode (Panel or Foot Pedal) the
system is operating in. Except for the IRR or AUX
3. System Status Indicators - The following five modes, PANEL or FOOT PEDAL is always
word-indicators provide system status information. illuminated.
The words illuminate individually to display
system status. 6. FLOW RATE, VACUUM, and CUTTING
Controls - The five switches in this group are used
SYSTEM READY - When the STTC is turned ON to select/adjust the operator controlled variable
and the self-test has been successfully completed, rates and limits. The two display windows provide
SYSTEM READY illuminates to show that the a digital indication of the current setting for the
system is ready for use. It remains lit until power is aspiration flow rate and vacuum limit. (For
turned OFF or a system error is detected. If there is upgraded versions, the DISPLAY pushbutton must
a system problem, this indicator turns off and be set to its ON condition.)
either another status word illuminates, or an error
message appears in the Mode & Message display. The Up/Down arrow switches are depress-and-
hold pushbuttons, the other three switches are
VENTING - When the footpedal goes from momentary action pushbuttons. To change a
position #2 to #1, the vent solenoid activates for current setting the operator presses the adjustment
1.10 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
control pushbutton corresponding to the function 7. U/S POWER Controls & Indicator - The U/S
which is to be changed, and then presses the Up Power level is indicated in the U/S POWER
arrow to increase the value, or the Down arrow to display window. The U/S POWER display
decrease the value. When one of the three illuminates when the system is in U/S mode. U/S
adjustment control switches is pressed it becomes power is increased or decreased by using the
more brightly lit, and the corresponding digital appropriate Up/Down arrow pushbuttons next to
display indicates the current setting as it changes. the display. To adjust U/S power, press and hold
When the system is first turned on the VACUUM an Up or Down arrow key. The power level
LIMIT switch is automatically activated, though it changes in increments of 10%, with a range of 0-
is not apparent until the Display switch is activated. 99%.
FLOW RATE Switch - Pressing the FLOW RATE 8. DISPLAY Switch - The DISPLAY pushbutton is
pushbutton allows the operator to increase or used to turn the ASP FLOW RATE and
decrease the aspiration flow rate to between 0-40 VACUUM LIMIT displays, and their respective
cc/min. The current flow rate is displayed in the adjustment controls, ON and OFF. When the
ASP. FLOW RATE display window. The system is turned ON the displays are not
displayed aspiration flow rate is given in cc/min, illuminated. Pressing the DISPLAY pushbutton
and if either the Up or Down adjustment arrow is illuminates the preset values in the display
held in the depressed condition, the current setting windows, and backlights the Adjustment switch.
changes 1 cc/min. (Pressing an Adjustment control switch when the
Display is OFF affects the system the same way as
VACUUM Switch - Pressing the VACUUM pressing the DISPLAY switch).
pushbutton allows the operator to increase or
decrease the vacuum limit to between 0-133 9. U/S TIME Indicator - The U/S TIME indicator
mmHg when operating in the I/A MIN mode, or shows the U/S Power elapsed time. Time is given
between 0-400 mmHg in the I/A MAX mode. The in minutes, to one decimal place, to a maximum of
current vacuum limit is displayed in the 27.3 minutes. The display is ON only when the
VACUUM SET display window. The displayed STTC is in U/S mode, but retains the U/S Power
vacuum limit is given in mmHg, and when the Up elapsed time until the RESET pushbutton is
or Down Adjustment arrow is held in the pressed or the system is turned OFF. U/S time can
depressed condition, the current setting changes in be reset to zero by pressing the RESET switch
increments of 2. next to this display.
906-6900-501 1.11
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
One of the most attractive features of the STTC is its To the right of the cassette slot are three connectors for
cassette system. The cassette integrates every aspect of the U/S, AVIT, and ATIOP handpiece connections. The
the fluidic system and allows all unit connections to be connections are marked and self-locking to prevent
made in one step. inadvertent disconnection.
1.12 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Cutting Rate
ATIOP Probe 50 to 400 cuts/min
AVIT Handpiece 720 cuts/min (non-adjustable)
SITE Drive*
VIT Oscill 400 cuts/min (non-adjustable)
VIT CCW & CW 30 to 500 cuts/min in 10 CPM
Operating Temperature: 10° C to 40° C (50° F to 104° F)
Non-Operating Temperature: 10° C to 60° C (50° F to 140° F)
Operating Altitude: To 3,000 meters (l0,000 feet)
Non-Operating Altitude: To 12,000 meters (40,000 feet)
Relative Humidity, Operating/
Non-Operating, Without Condensation: 15% to 95%
Height: 30 cm (11.75 inches)
Width: 47 cm (18.5 inches)
Depth: 51 cm (20.25 inches)
Connectors: The footswitch and handpieces plug into multi-pin, self-locking female connectors. 115 Vac input power
is to a hardwired low leakage SJT-350 power cable with 3- prong (grounded) male plug.
Indicators: 7-segment LED displays are used for U/S Power, U/S Time, Aspiration Flow Rate, and Vacuum Iimit.
LEDs and LED bars backlight switch indicators and status words.
Controls: All front panel controls are pushbutton type, either momentary or depress-and-hold.
906-6900-501 1.13
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
1.14 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 2.1
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Power Supply Components T1 is constructed with two 15 VAC and two 100 VAC
690-1025-501, 940-6900-001 AC Configuration PCB primary windings, and six secondary windings. The four
690-1032-501, 940-6900-004 Motherboard primaries allow for the wide range of usable input power
690-1008-501, 940-6900-008 Power Supply PCB levels. Five of the six secondary windings are step-down
690-1036 Transformer T1 windings, and tie their respective output voltages
through A1J6 to the input of their respective regulator
For purposes of this discussion the power supply circuits via the Motherboard and PCB connector A1J10.
components consist of the AC Configuration Module, The sixth secondary winding is a step-up winding which
components mounted on the Motherboard, the Power provides 115 VAC operating power for the cooling fan
Supply PCB, and Power Transformer T1. The Power and ATIOP pump assembly.
Supply assembly provides the following voltages:
±15 VDC Regulated Supply
• Unregulated +85 VDC - used for U/S Power. Center tapped (ct) secondary #1 (A9P2/A1J6 pins 6, 7
• Unregulated +24 VDC - used for solenoids, vent & (ct), & 13) are input to the Power Supply PCB at A1J10
irrigation valves, and peristaltic pump stepper motor. pins 69/70, 71/72 (ct), & 73/74 respectively. The AC
• Regulated +12 VDC - used for solenoid operation voltage is tied to the input of full-wave bridge rectifier
and on the Front Panel PCB. REC 2 with (ct) as reference.
• Regulated ±15 VDC - controls analog signals and is
required for solid-state device operation. The + voltage is filtered and input to +15 VDC regulator
• Regulated +5.0 VDC - used for TTL logic and the Q2. The +15 VDC output of Q2 pin 2 is filtered and
digital counters. available from A1J10 pins 9/10, with pins 11/12 as the
common return for the +15 VDC.
The AC line power is tied directly to the PCB within the
AC Configuration Module. The AC Configuration PCB The - voltage is filtered and input to -15 VDC regulator
consists of three fuse holders (FH), filter network FL1, Q3. The -15 VDC output of Q3 pin 2 is filtered and
and line voltage configuration switch S1. The AC power available from A1J10 pins 13/14. Diodes CR4 and CR5
is routed across fuses F1 and F2 which are accessable prevent the + & - regulators from being damaged by the
from the rear panel, and fuse F3 which is only accessable filter capacitors discharging through the regulator in the
after the system’s top cover has been removed. All three event of an input short circuit.
fuses provide system overcurrent protection. After
passing across the overcurrent protection fuses, the hot +12 VDC Regulated Supply
line is tied directly to A11J2 pin 1. The neutral line is The voltage from secondary #2 (A9P2/A1J6 pins 4 & 5 )
tied to A11J2 pin 3 and FL1 pin 3. The line power at is input to the Power Supply PCB at A1J10 pins 33/34 &
A11J2 pin 1 is felt on one side of front panel power 35/36 respectively. The AC voltage is tied to the input of
switch S1 via A1J14 pin 1, the Motherboard, and A1J13 full-wave bridge rectifier REC 1. The rectified voltage is
pin 1 (early systems use direct wiring to and from power filtered and input to 12 VDC regulator Q1. The
switch S1). +12 VDC output of Q1 pin 2 is filtered and available to
the Motherboard from A1J10 pin 83 (+) & pin 84 (-).
When the power switch is set to the ON condition, the Diode CR2 is in the circuit to provide protection for the
115 VAC input power illuminates the power switch +12 volt regulator in the same way that CR4 and CR5
indicator, and goes to the AC Configuration Board via protect their respective regulators.
A1J13 pin 2, the Motherboard, and A1J14 pin 2
(corresponding to A11J2 pin 2). The input power at +5 VDC Regulated Supply
A11J2 pin 6 is tied to FL1 pin 1 and A11J2 pin 2 The voltage from center tapped secondary #3 (A9P2/
through R1, a 1500 ohm, 25 watt resistor. Line filter FL1 A1J6 pins 1, 2 (ct), & 3) is routed to the full-wave
filters unwanted RF from the input power. The load side rectifier/filter circuit consisting of CR1, CR2, R2, C1, &
of FL1 (pins 4 & 5) ties the input power to AC C2 on the Motherboard. The rectified filtered output is
configuration switch S1. S1 is a 6-position switch which input to +5 volt regulator Q4 on the Power Supply PCB
sets up the series configuration of the primary winding from A1J10 pins 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, & 22 (+), and A1J10
of power transformer T1. The T1 primaries interface pins 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, & 30 (-). The regulated +5 volts
with the AC Configuration PCB at A11J1. is filtered by C14 and C15, and made available for the
system from A1J10 pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 97, 98, 99, & 100 (+),
and A1J10 pins 5, 6, 7, 8, 93, 94, 95, & 96 (-).
2.2 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 2.3
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
2.4 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
AD0-AD7 8000(H)
B000(H) T
ADDRESS E000-F000(H) R 01-04
U14/U15/U19 /0-/7
AD7 L U17/U27 U/S SD
C000(H) D F/-PW
5.5,6.5,7.5 CLOCK A
U23/Q1 U17/U28
906-6900-501 2.5
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
The level 5.5 interrupt handles the Vit Cutter/US Pulse The TRAP interrupt handles the 5V failure interrupt. It is
interrupt, and is the lowest priority interrupt in the generated when there is a 5V failure. If a 5V failure is
system. The Vit cutter interrupt is triggered by an 8253 sensed ten times in a row, then the 5V fail task is
timer according to the cutting rate. When the Vit cutter activated. A TRAP counter is incremented every time
interrupt is triggered the following actions are performed: the 5V fail interrupt occurs. Every 300 mS the system
clears the TRAP counter to zero; therefore, the 5V fail
• Controls 8253 (timer chip). task is activated only if ten 5V fail interrupts occurs
• Controls solenoid driver for VIT. within 300 mS. Upon receiving this interrupt ten times in
• Alternate vacuum and pressure for VIT cutters and a row within 300 mS, the task performs the following:
for auto hydro injection pulses.
• Controls the U/S generator ON/OFF. • Masks all the interrupts.
• Updates display of U/S power for auto hydro or U/S • Turns off the U/S power.
phaco pulse on the remote and front panel console • Turns off the ASP motor.
every 200 mS. • Displays the 5V failure error message “5V Failure.”
• Turns off the System Ready indicator.
The level 6.5 interrupt task handles the ASP motor • This task then puts the software in a forever wait loop
interrupt, and is the third highest priority interrupt in the until the power is removed from the processor.
system. The ASP motor interrupt is triggered by an 8253
timer at a fixed rate of 25 mS. The ASP motor interrupt -RST - This hardware Reset input sets the program to the
performs the following actions when it is triggered: beginning (used for power-on reset).
• Controls activation of the ASP stepper motor by RST - This Reset output signal, when true, indicates that
outputting the next phase. the CPU has been reset. Used to reset and synchronize
• Sets next ASP interrupt delay interval. the remainder of the system.
• Gets interrupt control word from the ASP flow rate
table that correlates the interrupt frequency to the CLK - This is the main system Clock output from the CPU.
Used to synchronize all timed events within the system.
ASP flow rate (correlation is nonlinear and table
This clock is 1/2 the frequency of crystal X1 X2 inputs.
values were determined by trial and error at every
5 cc/min with intermediate values extrapolated). SID - The Serial Input Data line accepts interrupts for
• Checks that the IRR solenoid is open. the CPU. This input, under software control, only
• Allows ASP with the IRR solenoid closed only accepts interrupt data when requested by the CPU.
during priming.
• Does not write the next phase to the stepper motor if SOD - The Serial Output Data line is used to reset the
the vacuum is greater than limit (this condition occurs time out clock. This output is under software control.
to regulate vacuum buildup under normal conditions
and to stop vacuum when there is an occlusion). Address Decoding
U14, U15, and U19 comprise the address decoding
The level 7.5 interrupt handles the scheduler interrupt, circuits. Since the data bus is multiplexed with lower
and is the second highest priority interrupt in the system. eight address bits A0-A7, the two functions must be
The 7.5 interrupt is triggered by an 8253 timer every separated. The Address Latch Enable (ALE) output of
25 mS regardless if there is a task on the queue to be the CPU is true when CPU address information is
performed or not. The queue contains tasks that are time present on the address/data bus. U19, an octal tri-state D
dependent (e.g., control of pulse rate). Upon receiving flip-flop uses ALE to latch the lower eight address bits
this interrupt the task performs the following: onto the true address bus, LA0-LA7. This clears up the
address/data bus allowing the CPU to send or receive
data on these lines during the next clock cycles.
• Disables the interrupts that are currently marked.
• Increments the system time. U15 is a 4-bit binary to 1-of-16 decoder. The four most
• Saves and restores all registers. significant address bits (A12-A15) are used by U15 to
• Reads the queue entries and checks for null entries. decode the individual function block addresses. This
• Services any requests (other than null) on the queue. memory maps the system. This is handy for
• Decrements the allocated time counter and executes troubleshooting. If the CPU locks up the time out timer
the task when the counter (an entry in the task table) can be disarmed, the CPU reset, and U15 will point to
reaches zero. the area causing the lockup. Table 2-2 lists the pin
numbers for U15 and the selected addresses.
2.6 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
U14, mapped by U15 at address D000(H), is an octal D activates Output Enable (OE), putting the 8-bit output of
flip-flop that decodes the lower seven address bits the ADC0808 on the data bus. When the CPU has read
(AD0-AD7). The output bits individually select the data the data, the Output Enable line is deactivated, restoring
I/O devices and the direction the data is flowing. Bit the output lines and the bus to the high-impedance state.
seven selects non-volatile RAM U10 on systems with
programming capabilities. Bit six enables data I/O The ADC0808 clock input is 1/2 the frequency of the
buffers U3, U4, U26 - U29, and front panel buffer U21. system clock (divided down from the system clock).
Bits three, four, and five are the data direction selectors
for bi-directional data buffers U27, U28, and U29. The Control Data I/O
lower three bits (0-2) are the data select lines for Most of the Data I/O is handled by programmable
interrupt encoder circuits U24 and U25. peripheral interface devices U16 & U17 (8255A). The
function of the 8255A is to interface peripheral
Analog to Digital Converter equipment to the CPU. The configuration of the 8255A
Since the microprocessor is a digital device, and the real is programmed by system software per factory mandate
world is analog, a device is required to convert analog (PFM) so that normally no external logic is necessary to
signals into digital signals for the CPU. U6 is an eight interface to peripheral devices. The three data ports on
input multiplexed analog-to-digital converter (ADC) the 8255s are normally configured either as input or
with an 8-bit word for each input. An 8-bit word output ports with their own data buffer ICs.
provides 256 steps of resolution; therefore, for a
reference of 5.12 V, each step equals 20 mV. U16 ports A, B, & C use U3, U4, & U26, respectively.
The direction of the data on these buffers are fixed and
The ADC uses an ADC0808 A to D converter chip. The are not under software control. U3 is strictly input, while
chip accepts eight analog inputs. Three address lines U4 & U26 are strictly output buffers.
select any one of the eight inputs for conversion. The
inputs are listed in Table 2-3. U17 ports A, B, & C use U27, U28, & U29, respectively.
The direction of the data on these buffers are bi-directional,
The ADC0808 is powered by the 5.12 V reference with direction determined by software. Normally the
supply. This voltage is also used as the reference voltage software holds these ports as either input or output.
for the input circuits to ensure conversion consistency.
Memory (RAM, ROM)
Control lines for the ADC are Address Latch Enable, There are two types of memory used on the CPU board:
Start, End of Conversion, and Output Enable. The Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory
Address Latch Enable and Start lines are tied together. (ROM). U8 is a 2K x 8 static RAM device (6116) which
When the address decoder toggles these lines a provides 2k bytes as volatile storage used for system
conversion event is started. The three address lines that scratch pad calculation memory. For non-volatile or
determine which of the eight inputs is to be converted program memory, the CPU board is configurable.
are sampled and the address latched. When the EPROM U9 may be either a 27128 or a 27256 device
conversion is completed End of Conversion (EOC) goes depending on the size of the system program. The 27128
high, signaling that valid data is present. The CPU provides 16k x 8 for 128k of program memory, the 27256
device provides 32k x 8 for 256k of program memory.
906-6900-501 2.7
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
ROM is enabled by activity on the -0 through -7 bits from System Clock - System clock U5 takes the CLK (1/2 the
address decoder U15, or on request from CPU decoder crystal frequency) and divides it into the individual
U14 ENB line in response to a software interrupt. Data frequencies required by the various function blocks of the
Send is controlled by the -RD signal from the CPU. system. Q1, Q2, Q3, & Q7 are the clock outputs
connected for use.
Front Panel Interface
The Front Panel Interface consists of J4, Data Buffer Table 2-4 lists the frequencies versus installed crystal
U20, bidirectional data buffer U21, and logic gate U23. rates of the system clock. The time out timer cycle is
All switch, display, and control communication between included for reference.
the Front Panel and CPU goes through this interface.
Interrupt Encoder
U24 and U25 comprise the software interrupt encoder Programmable Clock - U7, a 8253 programmable timer,
for the CPU. U25, an inverting data buffer, ensures that has three independent counter/clocks under software
all software interrupts are the same true condition. U24, control. When the IC is selected (address C000H from
addressed by decoder U14, is a binary to serial the address decoder U15), latched address LA0 and LA1
converter. Interrupt data bits are placed on the CPU determine which of the three counters is addressed, a
serial input line one at a time as addressed by U14. The binary count is placed on the data bus and is read into the
CPU then determines where in the program to go based addressed counter by the -RD signal from the CPU. The
on the interrupts received. The following interrupts are counter then counts down from the specified number to 0
monitored by the interrupt encoder: ADC end of and set a counter out bit (C0 through C2). The counter
conversion U24 pin 4 (from ADC circuits), and -FAULT out bits are received by the CPU as software interrupts
U24 pin 3 (from power fault detect circuit). 5.5 through 7.5 respectively.
2.8 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
more than ±10% of nominal. Quad comparator U32 Accessory Control PCB
forms a hardwired OR gate. One side of each comparator assy 590-1213-501
is tied to the output of Q2, a precision 2.5 V regulator. schem 940-5900-014
The other inputs are tied, via precision voltage divider
circuits (R27, 28, 29, 30, 32, & 33) to their respective U/S Control and Accessory PCB
power supplies. If the power supply varies more than assy 590-1101-502
10% the comparator is triggered, resulting in a -FAULT schem 940-5900-002
signal being generated to the interrupt encoding circuits.
The U/S Control and Accessory PCB was installed in
Five Volt Interrupt - If the +5 V supply varies more than early configurations, then replaced by the Accessory
±10% of nominal, a TRAP interrupt is generated. This Control PCB in later configurations. The following
hardware interrupt input to the CPU causes the CPU to theory is also applicable to the U/S Control and
go to a specific area of memory and restart the program Accessory PCB, although the reference designators are
from that point. This interrupt cannot be overridden by different. Figure 2-2 is a block diagram of these PCBs.
NOTE: The following paragraphs are applicable to
The 5 V interrupt circuit consists of precision voltage 590-1213-501 only:
regulator Q1, comparator U33, AND gate U23, and • AVIT and SITE Handpiece Driver Circuit
D-type flip-flop U11. The voltage regulator supplies a • AVIT Handpiece Operation
2.5 V reference to the negative input of the comparator. • SITE Handpiece Operation
Voltage divider network R20 and R21 supplies roughly
the same voltage to the positive input, based on the AVIT and SITE Handpiece Driver Circuit
integrity of the 5 V power supply. If the 5 V supply The operation of the AVIT and SITE handpieces is similar
varies by more than 10% the comparator is triggered. in the oscillating mode, but only the SITE handpiece has
The normally high output goes low and is inverted by the capability of providing rotary cutting in the clockwise
AND gate U23 to become the D input of U11. At the (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) directions. When a
next clock cycle the high is gated through the Q output handpiece is plugged into the AVIT handpiece connector,
and becomes the TRAP input to the CPU. the CPU determines whether it is the AVIT or SITE
handpiece and sends a logic signal to P6 pin 36. When the
±5.12 Volt Reference Supplies AVIT handpiece is plugged in the logic level at P3 pin 36
The reference ±5.12 VDC generated on the CPU board is a high and the system will not display the SITE options
originates from the 2.5 V output of precision low voltage when the VIT mode select switch is toggled through its
reference supply Q1. The +5.12 V reference is functions. When the SITE handpiece is plugged in, the
developed from the amplifier/driver circuit U34 and Q3. logic level at P3 pin 36 will be low, and the system can be
The -5.12 V reference is developed from the amplifier/ toggled through the VIT Oscill, VIT CCW, and VIT CW
driver circuit U35 and Q4. Both amplifier circuits have a functions using the VIT mode select switch, but the AVIT
gain factor of 2.05, which provides +5.12 V at TP4 and function will not be an available function.
-5.12 V at TP7. Both of these supplies are available for
system use from edge connector P1, pins 90 and 92, CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
respectively. The +5.12 V is used locally as the
reference supply for the ADC circuits.
906-6900-501 2.9
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
The activation of the handpiece, and in the case of the signal from P6 pin 36 are gated through U3 (pins 11, 12,
SITE handpiece which mode (direction of rotation or 13) and U13 (pins 1, 2, 3) to become one of the inputs to
oscillating action) the handpiece will be operating in, is the AND gate U13 (pins 11, 12, 13). The ANDED
determined by the logic level of the signals at P6 pins 24 output of U13 pin 11 is tied to the IN 1 input of U14 and
and 25 (SEL 1 & SEL 0 respectively). determines the opening and closing of the S1 & S3
switches. With a high at U13 pin 12 (SEL 0 from P6 PIN
AVIT Handpiece Operation 25) and a 3 Hz oscillating signal on U13 pin 13, S1 and
The AVIT handpiece provides oscillating cutting action S3 toggle between open and closed at a 3 Hz rate. At the
at approximately 720 CPM. The heart of the AVIT same time that switches S1 and S3 are being toggled by
handpiece driving circuit is the U1 oscillator circuit, the U13 pin 11 output, S2 is pulled closed by the high
which is configured to provide a 3 Hz output at pin 3 ANDED output of U13 pin 6. The output at U13 pin 6 is
(R1 can be used to adjust the output frequency of U1). high because of the AVIT enable signal gated through
The U1 oscillator is enabled when the reset (U1 pin 4) U15 (pins 8, 9, 10) provides a high at U13 pin 4 and the
signal out of U13 (pin 8) is high. The signal at U13 pin 8 SEL 1 & SEL 0 signals gated through U15 (pins 4, 5, 6)
goes high when both the SEL 0 & SEL 1 inputs are high provide a high at U13 pin 5. In this way, a chopped DC
(the normal condition when either the AVIT or SITE driving voltage is available at the AVIT handpiece
handpieces are to be operated in the oscillating mode). connector. The driving voltage from U17 pin 3 is
The actual handpiece driving voltage is determined by available to the handpiece connector (via the
the level of the digital output from the up/down counters Motherboard) from P13 pin 1.
U6 & U7. For non adjustable cutting functions
(oscillating), the level of the digital output is set by CPU SITE Handpiece Operation
control signals on the SP UP & SP DN (speed-up & With the use of a special adapter plug, the SITE
speed-down) lines. For adjustable cutting speeds (SITE handpiece is able to plug into and be recognized and
CW & CCW cutting functions) other than the CPU set operated from the AVIT handpiece connector. For
default speed, the CUT RATE Up/Down arrow oscillating cutting with the SITE handpiece, the circuit
adjustment switches provide the control signals for the operation is basically the same as for the AVIT
SP UP & SP DN lines. The outputs of U6 & U7 are tied handpiece. The heart of the SITE handpiece driving
to the input of the Digital-to-Analog (D-to-A) converter U8. circuit is also the U1 oscillator circuit, but because the
SITE handpiece operates at a lower frequency,
The output of U8 is a positive voltage corresponding to divide-by-two IC U12 has been added. The U1 oscillator
the digital input from U6 & U7. The analog output is is enabled by the reset signal when the SEL 0 & SEL 1
tied to one of the switching inputs of analog switch U14 inputs at P6 pins 25 & 24 (respectively) are high.
and to inverting input U18 pin 6. Operational Amplifier
(Op Amp) U18 (pins 5, 6, 7) are configured for unity As with the AVIT handpiece, the Up/Down counters (U6
gain and used to produce a negative voltage equal to the & U7) provide a digital signal to the D-to-A converter
positive output of U8. The output of U18 (pin 7) is tied (U8). The output from U8 is a positive voltage which is
to another switching input of U14. The switch tied to the S1 switching contact of the analog switch U14
configuration of U14 is such that when S1 (+) is closed, and to the inverting input of Op Amp U18. U18 produces
S3 (-) is open, and visa versa. The signal at IN 1 (U14 a negative voltage equal to the positive output of U8. The
pin 15) controls the switching of S1 & S3. negative voltage (U18 pin 7) is tied to the S3 switching
contact of U14. Switch 2 of U14 is the output switch and
When switch S2 is closed, either the +voltage from S1 or controlled by the input signal at U14 pin 10 (IN 2).
the -voltage from S3 is felt across S2. The DC voltage is
output (U14 pin 8) to the inverting input (pin 1) of the When the SITE handpiece is plugged in, the handpiece
handpiece driving amplifier U17 (pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The enable signal at P6 Pin 36 is a low level. The low enable
driving amplifier circuit is configured to provide a -2.9 signal is buffered by U5 (pins 4 & 16) and tied to the
gain factor, and has a current feedback circuit to inputs of U3 pin 13, U2 pin 17, U15 pin 10, and both
compensate for loses through the current sensing resistor inputs of U16 pins 1 & 2. The low at U3 pin 13 prevents
and series windings of the handpiece motor. The the 3 Hz output signal (from U1) from being gated to U3
feedback circuit consists of sensing resistor R46 and Op pin 11; but the low at U2 pin 17 is inverted at U2 pin 3,
Amp U18 pins 1, 2, 3. which allows the 1.5 Hz output from the divider U12 to be
gated three sections of U13 (pins 8, 9, 10 and 1, 2, 3 and
When the footswitch is depressed to provide AVIT 11, 12, 13) to the input to U14 on the IN 1 line (pin 15). It
cutting, the 3 Hz output from U1 and the AVIT enable is the input level at U14 pin 15 which causes the S1 and
2.10 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
S3 switches to toggle back and forth at a 1.5 Hz rate, motor to rotate until the rotary switch closes. When the
providing the ± levels for the oscillating cutting function. rotary switch closes, the 300 kHz signal is shunted to
ground through the capacitor connected across the
As with the AVIT handpiece, when SITE cutting is handpiece motor windings, disabling the 1.5 VDC.
required output switch S2 is closed by the gated output of
U13 pins 4, 5, 6. The output logic at U13 pin 6 is ATIOP Pump Solenoid Driver Circuit
determined by the logic of the SEL 0 & SEL 1 signals as The operation of the pressure (PSOL) and vacuum
they are gated through U15 (pins 4, 5, 6) to U13 pin 5 and (VSOL) solenoid driver circuits is identical to the ACAP
the enable signal gated through U15 (pins 9, 10, 8) at U13 & IAC relay driver circuits. The PSOL enable signal
pin 4 (the logic at U13 pin 4 will always be high because from the CPU should be present at J/P6 pin 18, and the
U15 pin 9 is tied to +5 volts through resistor R63). solenoid driving signal is routed from J/P6 pin 76 to J13
pins 15 & 16. The VSOL enable signal from the CPU
When either the VIT CW or VIT CCW function is should be present at J/P6 pin 19, and the solenoid
selected the AVIT/SITE driver circuit is set to provide driving signal is routed from J/P6 pin 77 to J13 pins
rotary cutting using the SITE handpiece. For rotary 17 & 18.
cutting the U1 oscillator is not required and either the
SEL 0 or SEL 1 input is low, disabling the oscillator by
not allowing the proper logic level to be gated to the U1
reset input.
906-6900-501 2.11
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
U/S Driver PCB disabling the F-DAC and the SU pulses. Because of the
assy 690-1045-502 hysteresis of the Lock Detection circuit, the scanning
schem 940-6900-012 stops at a frequency just a bit lower than the parallel
resonant frequency so the handpiece appears inductive,
The U/S Driver performs the following functions: rather than resistive.
• Provides the necessary power to drive the
piezoelectric handpiece. Once the resonant frequency has been detected the
• Searches for the resonant frequency of the handpiece circuit enters the Lock mode. In this mode the circuit
and locks onto it. takes full advantage of the piezoelectric crystal’s
• Once in the lock mode, compensates for variations current-to-frequency characteristic (see Figure 2-3).
of the resonant frequency and Q (quality factor) of Resistor R1 converts the handpiece current into an AC
the handpiece as a factor of load and temperature. voltage which, after being rectified by the AC-to-DC
• Provides linear control of U/S power. convertor, becomes a controlling voltage for the VCO. If
• Provides protection against human electrical shock. the operating frequency is shifting down, the handpiece
current increases and so does the negative voltage
U/S Driver Overview applied to the VCO, which in turn increases the
The electrical signal which drives the handpiece is frequency, compensating for the initial downward shift.
sinusoidal. The sinusoidal signal is generated by U9, a In this way, the operating frequency is held constant,
voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The output of U9 is keeping the handpiece in tune.
input to U5, a voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA). The
VCA is in a push-pull configuration, able to provide up Power control is performed by the PW-DAC. By
to 100 watts of power into the handpiece. The power toggling the Scan Up or Scan Down inputs the PW-DAC
stage takes advantage of the inductive behavior of the output voltage increases or decreases, in this way
handpiece at the resonant frequency so that the maximum controlling the gain of the VCA and output voltage.
output voltage will actually be equal to, or greater than,
the power supply level. In this way the current flowing The output voltage to the handpiece could reach 300
through the output transistors is low and the frequency Vrms at maximum power which could present a
response is improved. The voltage developed across RF potential danger for the user. To achieve a low leakage
(R52) will be proportional to the handpiece current. current to earth ground, the output is isolated by using a
split bobbin transformer. This ensures a leakage current
As long as U/S ENB (Enable) input is low, analog switch below 2 mA, required for 40 kHz operation by the U/L
U7 is open and no power is transmitted to the handpiece. 544 standard.
In this Standby mode the output of the frequency
controlling digital-to-analog converter (F-DAC) is zero,
same as the output of A1, and the VCO frequency is set AB - capacitive
at 45 KHz by R6, the F-SBY ADJ potentiometer. BC - inductive
CD - capacitive
Once U/S ENB is made high, S1 closes and the circuit fs fp - resistive
enters the Search mode. First, the output of the power
controlling D to A converter (PW-DAC) is set to the
voltage necessary to provide the maximum power into the
existing handpiece. This voltage is determined by coding
the handpiece identification resistor and converting the
information into a number of pulses which will toggle the F
Scan-Up (SU) input while PV-DAC is disabled and F-
DAC enabled. By toggling SU input, the F-DAC output
fs fp
voltage begins to increase and consequently, the VCO A B C D
frequency decreases towards the parallel resonant
frequency of the handpiece, which should be around 40 FREQUENCY
KHz. During Search mode the output of the Lock
Detection circuit (LOCK DETECT) is low. Figure 2-3. LOCK MODE SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS
2.12 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
U/S Driver Block Descriptions Input Buffer - U6 and U16 are hex inverting buffers that
The U/S Driver PCB performs all the U/S control serve as line receivers for the five control signals from
functions, (i.e., power up/down, handpiece recognition, the CPU board. These five signals (SU, SD, F/-PW, U/S
and power level calibration). The U/S Driver board is ENB, -GND F RST) are buffered and double inverted.
partitioned into eleven major blocks: For troubleshooting purposes the outputs should follow
the inputs one-to-one. Shift Up (SU) and Shift Down
• Input Buffering (SD) are sent to the Up/Down Counter for power and
• Up/Down Counter frequency adjusting. Frequency/Power (F/-PW), single
• Digital to Analog Converter and double buffered, selects either the Frequency or
• Voltage Controlled Oscillator Power Digital to Analog Converter. U/S Enable (U/S
• Output Amplifier ENB) is sent to the Output Switch to enable/disable the
• Feedback Amplifier Output. Ground Fault Reset (-GND F RST) is sent to the
• Output Switch Ground Fault Detect Circuit to reinitialize the circuit
• Output Driver after a ground fault has been detected.
• Lock Amplifier
• Ground Fault Detector Up/Down Counter - U10 and U14 are programmable 4
• Handpiece Recognition Circuit. bit up down counters cascaded to create a single 8 bit
binary counter. The program inputs to these ICs are all
Figure 2-4 is a simplified block diagram of the circuitry tied low so that when reset the counter always starts at 0
on the U/S Driver PCB and illustrates the information count. OR Gate U13 insures the counter is reset only
flow between the major blocks. when both SU and SD are in a low state. The CPU
-15 V
U10/U14 D TO A U/S
U7 Q1/Q2/Q3
SD TB1-4
U2/U12 H/P I TO
- H/P I (-502)
-502 ONLY
-501 ONLY
HDPC U8 (-501)
906-6900-501 2.13
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
insures this only happens when requested. SU and SD transformer is also sent to the ADC on the CPU board
are fed directly into the count up count down inputs of for monitoring by the CPU. Relay K1 is inactive in the
U14, the lower four bits of the circuit output. The carry STTC.
over bits of U14 at pins 12 and 13 control the count up
count down functions of U10, the upper four bits of the Feedback Amplifier - The feedback amplifier is
circuit output. Starting with a 0 count, the CPU via the comprised of amplifiers U1, U3, and U4 and their
SU and SD inputs will count either up or down until the associated passive components. U1 and U3 are used for
8 bit binary output of this circuit is the digital equivalent AC to DC conversion. The DC output from this circuit
of the power level or frequency requested. drives the lock amplifier, and is buffered by U4 to
provide one of the three inputs to the VCO.
Digital To Analog Converter (DAC) - The binary outputs
of the Up/Down counter become the input data for U11 When the handpiece is at its resonant frequency (tuned),
and U15; 10 volt, 8 bit Digital to Analog Converters. the system output current is at minimum and voltage is
Each single binary bit increase at the input equals at maximum. This puts the output of the AC to DC
approximately 0.04 volts increase in the output. The chip converter at maximum. The control voltage to the VCO
select (- CS) controls are tied low so that any change on is at maximum and the VCO output is at minimum
the input is immediately registered on the output voltage. resonant frequency. This completes a closed loop that
Chip enable (-CE) is controlled by the frequency/power insures the handpiece remains at resonant frequency
signal from the CPU board. When selected, the output of under varying load conditions.
U11 sets the frequency of the voltage controlled
oscillator and gain of the output amplifier. Lock Amplifier - U2 and U12 are the lock amplifier. U12
provides buffering while comparator U2 converts the
Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) - VCO U9 has analog input to a digital on/off signal for the CPU. When
three hard-wired OR’d inputs. Initially the oscillator the output of the AC to DC converter in the feedback
output is set to 45 KHz by R6. Once the handpiece has circuit is at maximum, specifying the handpiece is tuned
been recognized by the CPU, the optimum frequency is to resonant frequency, buffer U2 output is at maximum,
selected, and the output of D-to-A U11 becomes the triggering comparator U12. The output goes high, telling
selected input, setting the VCO to approximately the CPU that the handpiece is locked on frequency. The
40 KHz. When the handpiece is locked in and running, buffered analog output of U2 is also sent to the ADC as
the output of the feedback amplifier circuit fine tunes the the H/P current feedback signal for CPU monitoring.
VCO for maximum efficiency of the handpiece.
Ground Fault Detect - Since the analog output to the
Output Amplifier (VCA) - U5 is a voltage controlled handpiece has potentially hazardous voltages, the
amplifier (VCA). The output of the VCO is gain adjusted integrity of the grounding is constantly monitored. The
at this stage under the control of Power D-to-A U15. handpiece return signal is capacitively coupled to the
input of comparator U17. If the signal is disturbed, U17
Output Switch - The output signal from the output input is allowed to float high triggering the comparator.
amplifier is switched by high speed analog switch U7. The comparator issues a ground fault signal (-GND F) to
The open/closed function of this switch is set by the U/S the CPU. Diode CR4 will hold the circuit in the fault
Enable signal (U/S ENB) from the CPU board. A second mode until the CPU acknowledges the fault and issues a
portion of the output switch selects the monitor function reset signal (-GND F RST) to the circuit.
of the CPU, initially set to monitor the handpiece
calibration resistor. When the handpiece is recognized Handpiece Recognition - U8 and its associated passive
this portion of the switch selects the current feedback components comprise the handpiece recognition circuits.
loop to monitor the fine tuning of the handpiece. These are two identical circuits used by the CPU to
identify the characteristics of the specific handpiece
Output Driver - Transistors Q1, Q2, Q3 and their connected to the system. Since each handpiece has unique
associated passive components are the high gain operating characteristics, a precision resistor is installed
amplifier used to convert the analog output signal up to during manufacturing to identify the handpiece to the
high voltages required by the handpiece. Pre-amp Q3 system. In the case of a U/S handpiece, this resistor
drives push-pull amplifiers Q1 and Q2. The gain of the completes a voltage divider circuit on the input to U8.
circuit is adjusted by R47 in the feedback loop of Q3. The output of U8, roughly 2.5 volts, is sent to the ADC on
The circuit output is coupled to the handpiece output the CPU board. The CPU uses this voltage to determine
terminal block by transformer T1. The input to the the starting count when initializing the D-to-A circuits.
2.14 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Expansion PCB U7 (pins 3, 17). The output at U10 pin 3 (A13J1 pin 9) is
assy 690-1060-501 constantly monitored by the CPU to stay abreast of front
schem 940-6900-006 panel switch activity. The IRQ signal is obtained from
keyboard encoder device U14 on the Display PCB. The
The Expansion PCB is connected to the CPU PCB via the IRQ signal goes active high whenever a front panel
Motherboard and an interconnecting ribbon cable located switch is pressed. The active high informs the CPU that
on the top edges of both boards. There are no components U15 has keyboard information to transmit.
mounted on the Expansion PCB, only parallel traces
which provide additional CPU connections for the system. Variable Pitch Tone Generating Circuit
The heart of the tone generating circuit is U6, a
In later systems the Expansion PCB slot in the Programmable Sound Generator (PSG) device. The
Motherboard is occupied by the Tone Control PCB. remainder of the circuitry consists of U16, U10, U3, U14
and associated gating components. U16 obtains eight bit
Tone Control PCB address/data from the CPU (AD0 through AD7) and
assy 690-1083-501 transmits the data (D0 through D7) to U6, the address/
schem 940-6900-009 data latch (U14) for the tone generating circuit, and to
programmable bit rate generator U5 used for serial port.
The Tone Control PCB replaces the Extension PCB in the
card cage. In addition to providing the additional CPU The eight bit address/data originating from the CPU and
interconnects for CPU/Front Panel communications, the transmitted by U16 is bussed to the data inputs of U6
Tone Control PCB contains circuitry for the variable pitch and latched into U14 by the buffered ALE signal from
tone and a serial port. The variable pitched tone is used to U10. The output of U14 is gated with the buffered RD,
audibly indicate the level of vacuum. The serial port, an WR, and F000 through the U8, U9, U11, and U12 gating
ACC connector located on the rear panel, is for an external circuit to the control pins of U6 (CS, BDIR, BCL). The
computer, printer, or heads up display, allowing CLK (clock) signal originating from the CPU and
information to be transmitted to the external device. buffered by U10 is input to U4. U4 is a dual D flip-flop
device which divides the CLK signal (3.0 MHz) by 2 to
Bidirectional Communication provide a 1.5 MHz clock signal for U6.
The front panel and tone generating circuits require
bidirectional communications between the CPU PCB The output signals (tones) developed by U6 are amplified
and Tone Control PCB through cable W3. Bidirectional by the audio amplifier circuit consisting of U17 and
communication is accomplished via circuitry mounted associated components. The amplified audio is then
on the Tone Control PCB. Bidirectional communications capacitively coupled (C35) to the audio speaker (SPKR).
between the front panel and the Tone Control PCB are
through cable W2 via the Motherboard. Bidirectional Serial Port Circuit
communication is provided by U15 & U16. The ACC connector on the rear panel functions as a
serial port for peripheral equipment. The serial port
U15 and U16 are tri-state octal bus transceivers which circuitry consists of U1, U2 & Y1, U4, U5 & SW1. U5 is
allow data transmissions from the A bus to the B bus, or a programmable communication interface device whose
from the B bus to the A bus as determined by logic level address/data inputs on the D0 through D7 lines are
on the direction control pin. The Read (RD) signal from obtained from the CPU via the U16 line driver. The Y1,
the CPU at A13J1 pin 2 is input to U10 at pin 4. The RD U2, and SW1 circuit sets the transmission baud rate for
output (U10 pin 16) is tied to the direction control pins U5. U2 is a programmable bit rate generator used to set
(pin 1) of U15 and U16 in order to control the direction the baud rate for transmission to the peripheral equipment.
of transmission of each device. The Enable input for
U15 (pin 19) is provided by the memory-mapped data Various baud rates can be selected as determined by the
location E000. The Enable input for U16 (pin 19) is setting of internal switch S1. (Refer to the SW1 tabular
provided by the memory-mapped data location F000. data on sheet 1 of the schematic diagram for the
selectable baud rates and the required SW1 settings.)
U7 and U10 are tri-state octal buffers/line drivers which
buffer all of the control signals from the CPU. U7 is The external 2.4576 MHz crystal oscillator circuit (Y1)
used exclusively for the front panel communication and U2 provide U5 with the corresponding clock pulses
circuit. U10 is used for the tone generation circuit except per bit period as determined by SW1. U1 is a single
for one section (pins 3, 17) which is used to buffer the ended line receiver, and U4 is a single ended line driver.
Interrupt Request (IRQ) signal from the front panel via
906-6900-501 2.15
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
• Operates the vent and IRR solenoids. Vacuum Transducer Circuits - VR1 and associated
• Provides drive voltage for the peristaltic pump motor. components comprise the reference voltage generator
• Provides and conditions the vacuum transducer signal circuit. This circuit provides the positive (+7.9 V) and
used to display the operating vacuum level in the negative (-8.0 V) reference levels required for vacuum
Mode & Message display window. transducers MT1 & MT2 (MT1A & MT1B) and their
respective amplifier circuits. The output of MT1 & MT2
Operating power for the Cassette PCB is provided (MT1A & MT1B) is a positive voltage proportional to
through the Motherboard at connector J18. The the sensed vacuum level.
controlling signals (i.e., footswitch position, vent and
IRR solenoid operating signals) from the CPU PCB and MT1 (MT1A) and its respective amplifier circuit
the output signals from the vacuum transducer amplifier provides 0 to +4 VDC for the lower vacuum range of 0
circuits are also routed through the Motherboard via J18. to 131 mmHg (see Figure 2-5). MT2 (MT1B) and its
respective amplifier circuit provides 0 to 4 VDC for the
Peristaltic Pump Motor and Vent/IRR Solenoid - Each of vacuum range of 131 to 400 mmHg. The CPU senses the
the incoming controlling signals from the CPU is MT1 (MT1A) circuit output for vacuum levels between
buffered by a section of U5, a TTL low power Schottky 0 and 131 mmHg, and then switches to the MT2
octal 3-state driver. Each driver controls the conduction (MT1B) circuit for the higher vacuum levels. While
of a Darlington bi-polar transistor Q2-Q7. These sensing the MT2 (MT1B) circuit, the CPU monitors the
transistors act as switches to provide the power required MT1 (MT1A) circuit as a redundant check to ensure
to drive the inductive load of the pump motor and reliability. OFFSET ADJ potentiometer R5 adjusts the
solenoids. CR3 through CR8 in conjunction with C21 low vacuum level indication of 0 mmHg for MT1
through C26 provide spike protection for the motor and (MT1A), and R6 adjusts 131 mmHg for MT2 (MT1B).
solenoids. The circuits associated with J31 pins 18 & 19 GAIN ADJ potentiometer R11 adjusts the high vacuum
are not functional and therefore will not be discussed. level indication of 131 mmHg for MT1 (MT1A), and
R17 adjusts 400 mmHg for MT2 (MT1B).
400 Zener diodes CR1 & CR2 protect the final amplifier
stage (U3) of their respective amplifier circuits by
limiting the input signal level. In addition, U3 outputs
131 are kept from going negative and limited to <+4.5 VDC.
CR10 & CR11 limit the output to protect the analog-to-
digital converter on the CPU PCB. Differentiating
circuits R14/C11 and R22/C15 have been included in the
U3 feedback configuration to increase the amplifier
circuits AC gain. The increased AC gain helps
compensate for the cassette's inherent fluidic delay and
Figure 2-5. VACUUM SENSING - Vacuum is sensed from
ultimately decreases vacuum overshoot at occlusion.
MT1 (MT1A) and MT2 (MT1B).
2.16 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Front Panel Display PCB the U10 address information is used by U9 for the
assy 690-1033-502 beeper-tone and to turn on/off the FET devices that
schem 940-6900-005 control the on/off state of the LED’s used for the
indicators and status words.
The Front Panel Display PCB contains the circuitry to
perform the following functions: Keyboard Encoding
Keyboard encoding and multiplexing for all the front
• Bi-directional communication between the CPU panel functions is performed by U14, a programmable
PCB and the Display Panel PCB. keyboard/display interface device (the front panel
• Address generation & decoding. switches act as the keyboard for this device). U14 is
• Keyboard (front panel switches) encoding. programmed by the CPU on the DB0 through DB7 lines.
• Sound generation (beeper-tone). The DB lines are bi-directional and are used to receive
• LED & LED bar registers. commands to/from, and transmit data to/from the CPU.
• Serial port for peripheral equipment. The direction of data flow through the data buffer is a
function of the RD/WR (read and write) lines going to
One of the most important things to remember about the U14, a function which is controllable by the CPU
operation of the Front Panel PCB is that U14 is used to through the U24 buffer device. The actual data flow is
multiplex all of the front panel display functions. U14 is enabled by an active low logic level on the chip select
a 8279 programmable keyboard/display interface device. (CS) line, which is controlled by the output logic on pin
16 of encoder U10.
Bi-directional Communication Circuitry
Communications between the CPU and the Display The front panel switches are configured as a keyboard
Panel PCB are through the A1J11/A4J1 connectors, and matrix. U13 functions as a decoder with the select input
are accomplished by U17 and U24. U17 is a 3-state octal lines (pins 1, 2, 3) controlled by the scan line outputs of
bus transceiver which allows data transmissions from the U14 (pins 32, 33, 34). The Return Line (RL) inputs of
A bus to the B bus, or from the B bus to the A bus as U14 are connected to the scan lines through the front
determined by the logic level on direction control pin 1. panel keyboard switches, through connectors J6/J29.
U24 is a 3-state octal bus driver which buffers all of the Switch activity is stored within U14 in a FIFO (first in,
control signals between the CPU and the Display board. first out) RAM, which controls the IRQ (Interrupt
The RD (read) signal from the CPU at A4J1 pin 2 is Request) line. The IRQ line provides the CPU with
input to U24 at pin 8. switch activity information and is toggled between the
variable switches (press-and- hold Up/Down arrows) and
The output, U24 pin 12, is tied to the DIR (direction the momentary switches (press to activate).
control) pin of U17 and thus controls the transmission
direction of U17. The remainder of the control signals Tone Generation
are used as required within the Display PCB or CPU The audible tone used to signal a mode change or
PCB. occlusion is produced by a sound transducer on the Front
Panel Display PCB. The signal to produce the tone is the
The output at U24 pin 18 is constantly monitored by the LA3 signal from U10 pin 2, whose output is tied to the
CPU to stay abreast of front panel switch activity. U24 input of U3, a quad D-type flip-flop. The Q3 output line
pin 18 is the IRQ (Interrupt Request) output from of U3 is tied to the sound transducer.
keyboard encoder device U14, which goes active high
whenever a front panel switch is pressed. LED & LED Bar Circuits
The illuminating portions of the front panel are back lit
Address Generation & Decoding either by a single Light Emitting Diode (LED) or an
Address generation is provided by U10, an octal D-type LED bar containing two, four, or eight LED’s. The
edge-triggered flip-flop. The 8-bit address information LED’s for the front panel words CONTROL,
from the CPU is input to U17 on the A bus. The address FOOTSWITCH POSITION, MODE, and DISPLAY are
information is latched into U10 by the ALE signal from illuminated directly from a 5-volt supply line when
U24 pin 14. The address data out of U10 provides the power is applied to the system. The remainder of the
Enable signal and Select inputs for U7 in the 16- front panel LED’s/LED bars are indirectly controlled by
character alphanumeric display circuit, as well as the the multiplexed outputs of U14. The U14 B0 through B3
address information for 16-character alphanumeric outputs (pins 28, 29, 30, 31) are tied to the inputs of the
display devices DS8, DS15, DS20 & DS25. In addition, buffer/line drivers and 8-bit addressable latches which
906-6900-501 2.17
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
actively control the turning on and off of the applicable effectively shorts out the cathode resistor of the
LED’s/LED bars. applicable LED and the LED becomes brighter. The
multiplexing action of the input signal to U22 (from
The footswitch indicating numbers (DS13, DS17, DS23, U14) causes the output of U23 to continually turn on and
DS28) and the status words REFLUX (DS18), off, effectively causing the LED to flash bright and then
VENTING (DS2), OCCLUSION (DS3), and FTSW dim as the cathode resistor is removed and then added to
(DS6) are controlled by U4, an octal buffer/line driver. the circuit.
The control of the eight U4 line drivers is from the Y0
and Y1 demultiplexed address output of U21. Seven of The words FAST FLOW (DS19/DS24), SYSTEM
the U4 outputs are input to U3, a 7-channel CMOS/TTL READY (DS1/DS4), FOOT PEDAL (DS21/DS26),
driver/inverter; the eighth U4 output is input to one PANEL (DS11), and HDPC (DS7) are controlled by U2,
channel of U1, also a 7-channel CMOS/TTL driver/ another octal buffer/line driver IC. Only five of the eight
inverter. The output lines of U3 (and the one channel of U2 line drivers are used. The control of the five line
U1) are tied to the cathode side of the LED’s/LED bars. drivers is from the Y2 and Y3 demultiplexed address
The anode side of the LED’s/LED bars are tied to a +12 output of U21. Each U2 output is tied to an input of U1.
volt line. When a line driver in U4 is activated by the As stated earlier, U1 is another 7-channel CMOS/TTL
input from U14, the low logic signal produced on the driver/inverter that provides a low logic signal at the
output of the U3 driver causes the LED’s to illuminate. cathodes of the applicable LED bars. Since the anodes of
the LED bars are tied to +12 volts, when a low is applied
The activation of the beeper tone, and the illumination of to the cathode the LED bar illuminates.
POWER, and U/S TIME readout indicators and the The indicators for the mode switches (DS53 through
RESET switch indicator, is determined by the encoded DS58) and the TEST (DS59) and CONTROL (DS60)
address information from U10 (address encoder device) switches illuminate in a steady state when operating
tied to the inputs of U9. U9 is a quad D-type flip-flop power is applied to the system. When one of the
with enable, which functions as a latch for the address switches is activated, the switch indicator begins to flash
information from U10. The U9 pin 15 output is tied to a in the same manner as previously discussed for the
sound transducer on the front panel PCB to produce the adjustment control switches. The flashing of the
beeper tone. The other three outputs of U9 each become indicator is controlled by U5/U6 and one section of U23.
an input to a dual input NAND gate (U8, U18) which U5 is another 8-bit addressable latching IC. Seven of the
has its second input permanently held high by being tied U5 outputs are input to U6, the other U5 output is input
to +5 volts through resistor R9. All of the outputs from to one channel of U23. U6 and U23 are also 7-channel
the NAND gates (reference designations 41, 42, 43) CMOS/TTL driver/inverters. As with the adjustment
control the on/off state of FET devices VR1, VR2, and control switches, when one driver/inverter is activated,
VR3. The FET devices turn on/off the applicable LED’s. its output shorts out the cathode resistor of the applicable
FET device VR3 controls the steady-state illumination LED, and the LED becomes brighter. Again, the
of the CUTTING RATE (DS55), FLOW RATE (DS63), multiplexing of the input signal to U5 from U14 causes
and VACUUM LIMIT (DS64) adjustment switch the output of U6 (or the U23 channel) to continually turn
indicators. on and off, which provides the flashing affect.
When the LED indicators are illuminated in a steady Front Panel 7-Segment LED Displays
state, operating power is from VR3 pin S (source) to a The 7-segment LED’s used for the Aspiration Flow
dropping resistor on the anode side of the LED, through Rate, Vacuum Limit, U/S Power and U/S Time displays
the LED and cathode resistor to ground. When an are controlled by a separate BCD to 7-segment decoder/
adjustment switch is activated the indicator begins driver (U12, U16, U26, U27 respectively) for each
flashing. The operation of U22/U23 provides the display. The address information is input to the 7-
flashing action of the indicator. U22 is an 8-bit segment decoder/drivers on the A0-A3 input lines from
addressable latching IC, of which six of the eight outputs the U14 A0-A3 output lines. The anodes of the 7-
are used. The input signals to U22 are the B0 through B3 segment LED’s are driven by separate sections of driver
outputs of U14, and the enable (EN) signal is the Y IC’s (U19, U25, U28) which obtain their inputs from the
output from U11 (the divider for the 3.0 MHz clock decoded outputs of U20 and U21. The U14 address
signal). The six outputs from U22 are used as the input information signals which segments should be activated,
signals for U23, a 7-channel CMOS/TTL driver/inverter. and the decoded outputs from U20 and U21 provide the
When a U23 driver/inverter is activated, its output power to illuminate the required segments.
2.18 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 2.19
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Functions within the operating modes of the STTC are The footswitch cable interfaces with the system via J1 on
controlled by the footswitch. The ATFS (Advanced the rear panel. The footswitch provides an analog signal,
Technology FootSwitch) has one footpedal with which is proportional to the footpedal transition and
mechanical detents, and left & right paddle switches. position, to inform the CPU the operating function
The footpedal has four possible operating positions: 0 which is required and the footswitch position (i.e.,
(released in standby position), 1 (slightly depressed), 2 position #0, position #1, etc.).
(medium depression) and 3 (fully depressed).
Mechanical detents are such that the detent is felt before The footswitch signals are routed to the CPU PCB from
the signal for change is reached and does not allow connector J15 on the Motherboard. The footswitch
overshoot into the next operating range. The operating assembly consists of the following:
position of the footpedal is displayed on the front panel
display. • Protector hood.
• Reflux switch.
The left paddle of the footswitch is a momentary contact • Footpedal.
switch that controls the reflux function. Reflux is • A potentiometer whose wiper arm is gear driven by
available in all modes, and the footpedal must be in the footpedal.
position 0 for it to operate. Reflux pressure is a function
of the irrigation bottle height. When this switch is Protector Hood
pressed and held, reflux activates for as long as the The protector hood helps ensure that the footpedal is not
switch is held, and REFLUX illuminates red on the front inadvertently pressed. The reflux switch is mounted on
panel. An outflow of gravity-fed irrigation solution is the inner left wall of the protector hood.
introduced into the aspiration line; this allows the
surgeon to disengage any material that may become Reflux Switch
stuck in an aspiration port without having to manually When the reflux switch is depressed, ground is applied to
squeeze the reflux bulb in the aspiration line. the normally open terminal and a low logic signal is felt at
P1 pin 55 (CPU PCB). The low logic signal prompts the
The ATFS is designed to work with Alcon Series Ten CPU to initiate the opening of the vent valve to allow
Thousand® machines. When connected to such irrigation fluid to flow into the aspiration line and for the
machines, the exact performance is determined by the front panel to indicate that the reflux function is activated.
interface between the software of the machine and the
footswitch itself. As a safety consideration, it is
The footpedal is attached to the footswitch assembly with
constructed to prevent entry of liquids from splashes and
a metal shaft which is fixed to the pivot points on both
spills in normal operation [for example: water, balanced sides of the footpedal. When the footpedal is depressed,
saline solutions (BSS), volatile liquids, etc.] without a the metal shaft rotates, with the arc of rotation dependent
failure. on the amount of footpedal depression. Affixed to the
metal shaft (within the enclosed portion of the footswitch
5.12 +0.1 VDC is supplied through the cable to the pedal assembly) is a compound segment gear arrangement.
potentiometer. The analog output from the footswitch
varies linearly from 0.00 to 4.91 volts with full The downward movement of the footpedal causes the
depression of the pedal. The return signal and the first segment gear to move in an upward direction,
footswitch ground are isolated. The ground resistance driving the second segment gear in a downward
between exposed metal surfaces and the grounding direction. The downward movement of the second
means of its intended system of use does not exceed segment gear drives a gear on the footswitch position
0.1 Ohms as tested by UL544, IEC 601-1, and CSA potentiometer’s shaft in a clockwise (CW) direction. The
C22.2 No. 125. potentiometer’s CW terminal is tied to the 5.12 VDC
reference voltage produced by the PS reference voltage
generator circuit. As the potentiometer shaft is turned, the
wiper arm picks off a portion of the 5.12 VDC and sends
it to an analog-to-digital converter on the CPU PCB (P1
pin 75). The digitized signal tells the CPU the function
which is required and the position of the footpedal.
2.20 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
This section of the service manual instructs the service 2.1 Remove the top cover (step 1.0).
engineer on how to locate, access, and remove various
subassemblies and parts from the Series Ten Thousand® 2.2 Loosen three captive screws on each of two
Compact (STTC) console. clamps holding the PCB’s into the card cage, and
remove the clamps.
When following these instructions, references to right
and left are made when facing the front of the console. 2.3 Select the appropriate PCB for removal (listed
from left to right):
Unless instructed otherwise, replacement of the listed
items is performed by doing the steps in reverse order. • Expansion PCB or Tone Control PCB
• U/S Control & Accessory PCB or Accessory
• U/S Driver PCB
Most parts can be located and removed using tools in the • Power Supply PCB
standard service engineer’s tool kit. For a complete
listing of tools and supplies to perform general 2.4 Remove the selected PCB.
maintenance on the STTC, refer to section one, General
Information, at the beginning of this service manual. • To remove a PCB from the card cage, apply
upward pressure on the inner portion of the two
release tabs on top of the PCB which is to be
DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS removed. This action releases the PCB from its
connector on the Motherboard PCB. Lift the
1.0 Top Cover Removal PCB out of the card cage.
The removal of the top cover provides direct or
indirect access to all of the assemblies and • To remove the CPU PCB or Expansion/Tone
subassemblies located inside the system. Control PCB, first unplug the ribbon cable
which interconnects them, then remove as
1.1 Turn the On/Off switch to the OFF position and described above.
disconnect the power cord from its power source.
• To remove the U/S Driver PCB, first disconnect
1.2 Remove six screws securing the cover to the black wire #1 (TB1 pin 1) and white wire #2
console (4 on rear panel; 2 in front beneath bezel). (TB1 pin 3) from terminal block TB1, then
remove as described above.
1.3 Lift the top cover from the console and place it in
a safe location. CAUTION
PCB’s (printed circuit boards) are static sensitive;
handle the PCB’s only by the edges. Also, each PCB
must always be replaced in the same location from
which it was taken.
906-6900-501 3.1
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
3.0 Motherboard Removal 4.6 Solder the wires to the On/Off switch on the
replacement Front Panel.
3.1 Remove top cover (step 1.0). Remove PCB’s from
card cage (step 2.0). 4.7 Secure the replacement front panel to the console
with four screws and washers.
3.2 Disconnect blue wire #3 (shld) from the base of
the card cage. 4.8 Connect cable connector W2P1 to A1J11 on the
3.3 Remove the screws securing the card cage to the
bottom of the frame (three screws along the front 5.0 Display PCB Removal
edge of the card cage, and three along the rear).
NOTE: There may be LED alignment problems
3.4 Carefully lift the card cage up and out of the associated with the removal and replacement of
console. the Display PCB; therefore, it is recommended
that if a problem is found with the Display
3.5 Disconnect cables from the following PCB, the entire front panel be replaced.
Motherboard connectors: A1J3, A1J4, A1J6,
A1J7, A1J11, A1J15. 5.1 Remove the top cover (step 1.0).
3.6 Remove 16 screws and nylon washers securing the 5.2 Disconnect connector W2P1 from A1J11 on the
Motherboard to the frame. Grasp the Motherboard Motherboard.
and lift it out of the console.
5.3 Disconnect A10P1 from A4J3, and A5P1 from
4.0 Front Panel Removal & Replacement A4J2 on the Display PCB.
4.1 Remove the top cover (step 1.0). 5.4 Remove the four screws securing the front panel to
the mainframe. Remove the front panel and place
4.2 Disconnect connector W2P1 from A1J11 on the it face down on a clean smooth surface.
4.3 Remove the four screws securing the front panel to Ensure that you support the front panel as you remove
the mainframe. Remove the front panel and place the last securing screw. The front panel will only be held
it face down on a clean smooth surface. by the power switch wires.
3.2 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
6.1 Remove the top cover (step 1.0). 9.1 Remove the top cover (step 1.0)
6.2 Disconnect W6P2 from J18, and W8P1 from J31 9.2 Remove two screws securing the metal cover over
on the Cassette PCB. the pump assembly. Lift the cover up and away
from the console.
6.3 Remove the five screws and nylon washers
securing the Cassette PCB to the cassette 9.3 Disconnect the tubing from the DIOP connector
mechanism. Carefully lift the board away from the on the handpiece connector panel.
mechanism while disconnecting the tubing from
transducers MT1 & MT2. Five more nylon 9.4 Disconnect cable connector W5P2 from A14J2,
washers are located between the board and its and W7P2 from A14J1 on the IAC Solenoid PCB.
standoffs, so be careful to not lose any.
9.5 Remove four nuts and washers securing the pump
NOTE: There are nylon washers between the assembly to the vibration isolators, then lift the
screws and the Cassette PCB, as well as pump assembly up and away from the console.
between the Cassette PCB and the standoffs. It
is extremely important that all of the nylon 10.0 AC Power Module Removal
washers are properly replaced when the board
is replaced. 10.1 Remove the top cover (step 1.0)
7.0 Cassette Assembly Removal 10.2 Disconnect A1J6 and A1J15 from the
7.1 Remove the top cover (step 1.0).
10.3 Disconnect W7P1 from A11J2 on the AC input
7.2 Disconnect W6P2 from J18 on the Cassette PCB. module.
7.3 If the cassette mechanism is old style, remove the 10.4 Disconnect ground wire E1 from inside the rear
cassette release knob. panel.
7.4 Disconnect the ground wire from the cassette 10.5 Loosen the four captive screws securing the AC
assembly. Power module to the bottom plate of the frame (do
not loosen the four screws which secure
7.5 Remove the four screws securing the cassette transformer T1).
assembly to the base of the console.
10.6 Carefully lift the AC Power module up and out of
7.6 Lift the cassette assembly up and out of the the console.
8.1 Remove the top cover (step 1.0), the Cassette PCB
(step 6.0), and the cassette assembly (step 7.0).
906-6900-501 3.3
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
3.4 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 4.1
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
4.2 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
The Maintenance & Troubleshooting section of this Even though there are no voltage adjustments for the
service manual contains the instructions used when system, power supply voltage checks are a good place to
making repairs and adjustments to the Series Ten start a troubleshooting procedure. An out-of-tolerance or
Thousand® Compact (STTC). These instructions can be intermittent voltage can cause a multitude of symptoms,
used when the system fails to pass the Service Test which sometimes appear to be related to problems other
Procedure (STP), or following the replacement of parts than power supply problems.
that require calibration. These instructions are only
written to calibrate the components within the STTC. The power supply voltages are used as follows:
• +80 VDC (raw) used for U/S power (no test points).
• +24 VDC (raw) for the solenoids, vent valve, and
DEFINITIONS stepper motor (no test points).
• ±15 VDC regulated power which controls all analog
ADC: Analog-to-Digital converter signals and is used throughout the system for the
ATIOP: Advanced Technology Irrigating Ocutome® solid-state devices.
Probe • +12 VDC regulated power for the display.
AVIT: Anterior Vitrectomy (handpiece) • +5 VDC regulated power used as a reference voltage.
CW: Clockwise
CCW: Counterclockwise The test points in Table 5-1 are located on the Power
cc/min: Cubic centimeters per minute Supply PCB in the card cage, and can be used to check
Coag: Coagulation various outputs to ground.
DIOP: Disposable Irrigating Ocutome® Probe
DPM: Digital pressure meter
mmHg: Air pressure measured in millimeters of mercury TP # Voltage Level
PSI: Pounds per square inch
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +5 VDC
STP: Service test procedure
STTC: Series Ten Thousand® Compact 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +12 VDC
TP: Test point on an electronic circuit for attaching 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +15 VDC
a test lead/ScopeMeter® probe
U/S: Ultrasonic (handpiece & mode) 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -15 VDC
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GND
906-6900-501 5.1
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
1.5 MT1 OFFSET ADJUSTMENT: Using syringe, NOTE: System front panel reads in vacuum only,
adjust pressure in tubing until pressure meter therefore no negative sign is present in front of
reads 0 mmHg. While maintaining 0 mmHg, displayed value.
adjust R5 for 0.00 VDC ±.01 VDC.
5.2 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Irrigation Bottle
2.4 Slightly loosen four screws securing fluidics
pump motor mounting plate to cassette
mechanism (see Figure 5-4).
Four screws securing
aspiration motor mounting plate
to cassette mechanism
Move motor
in and out
Mounting Plate
Graduated Beaker
FLOW RATE ADJUSTMENT USING GRADUATED BEAKER - loosen four screws securing fluidics pump motor mounting
Connect irrigation and aspiration lines together. Disconnect plate to cassette mechanism, then move motor in and out
drainage bag from cassette, and run tubing extension into until 40 cc per minute is achieved on flow meter, or pumped
beaker. into beaker.
906-6900-501 5.3
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
2.6 Fully depress footpedal until front panel display 3.5 Insert cassette, then connect tubing set to
readout is steady, then verify flow meter handpiece with tip and test chamber. Place
readouts or beaker measurements at the three handpiece on instrument tray. Spike the irriga-
different flow rate settings: tion bottle and set height to 65 cm.
FLOW RATE SET FLOW METER / BEAKER Note: System power must be turned ON for
40 ______ cc/min (36.0-44.0)
25 ______ cc/min (22.5-27.5) at least 10 minutes before performing the
8 ______ cc/min (06.0-10.0) following power amplifier calibration.
Remove flow meter and connect irrigation and 3.6 In U/S mode, press TEST to prime and tune
aspiration tubes together, or remove drain line handpiece.
from beaker and reconnect to drain bag.
3.7 Set U/S power to 99%. Set ScopeMeter® to
2.7 To verify air rise time insert a new, dry cassette VDC. Remove (+) from TP6 and connect to
into cassette slot. Verify cassette seats properly. TP7. Fully depress footpedal and record DAC
voltage (should be 8.33 VDC ±0.3 VDC).
2.8 Connect irrigation and aspiration tubes together. Release footpedal.
Clamp hemostat on irrigation line at handpiece
To prevent excessive heat in test load box or
2.9 Fully depress footpedal and record time for
PCB, do not depress footpedal for more than
vacuum indication to reach 200 mmHg on mode
ten seconds at a time.
& message display. It should be less than 20
seconds, indicating cassette mechanism creates
3.8 Set test load box to LOAD. Remove ScopeMeter®
vacuum and aspiration flow rate per
leads from U/S Driver PCB and connect to load
specification. If air rise time does not meet
box jacks. Set ScopeMeter® to Vrms AC.
specifications, replace hub roller assembly or
replace cassette mechanism (see section three of
3.9 Fully depress footpedal and adjust R37 until
this manual for replacement instructions).
power amplifier voltage is 20 times (±10%) the
voltage recorded in prior step. Release
2.10 Remove cassette and hemostat.
footpedal. Replace PCB if voltage cannot be
adjusted within tolerance.
3.0 U/S Driver PCB Calibration
3.10 Turn system power OFF. Remove PCB from
extender board and replace in card cage.
3.1 Verify U/S test load box resistance between the
Disconnect handpiece and ScopeMeter® from
white and black test points is 4.0 ±0.1 KΩ.
test load box. Disconnect test load box from
system and re-connect U/S handpiece to system.
3.2 With system power OFF, connect U/S handpiece
to test load box. Connect U/S test load box to
U/S receptacle on side of system. Set test load
box to HP.
5.4 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
U/S Handpiece 11. Unplug the footswitch, wrap its cable around the
bracket on the rear panel, and secure the
1. Disconnect I/A tubing from the handpiece. footswitch to the rear panel.
906-6900-501 5.5
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
RAM FAILURE Random Access Memory (RAM) failure. Turn unit off-on. Retest. Contact Alcon Sur-
Evident during self test at power up only. gical Technical Services.
Operable functions: none.
ROM FAILURE Erasable Programmable Read Only Turn unit off-on. Retest. Contact Alcon Sur-
Memory (EPROM). The contents of memory gical Technical Services.
has changed. Evident during self test at
power up only. Operable functions: none.
CPU FAILURE Central Processor Unit OP-Code Turn unit off-on. Retest. Contact Alcon Sur-
(instruction) failure. Evident during the CPU gical Technical Services.
portion of the self test at power up. Operable
functions: none.
C/M FAILURE Central Processor Unit failure or Random Turn unit off-on. Retest. Contact Alcon Sur-
Access Memory failure. System unable to gical Technical Services.
differentiate. Evident during the CPU portion
of the self test at power up. Operable
functions: none.
HDPC LED blinking Occurs when attempting to tune U/S Turn unit off-on. Retest. Check handpiece
handpiece. Bad connection or faulty U/S connections and retest.
HP. Operable functions: all except U/S.
Try new U/S handpiece and retune.
No, low, or intermittent U/S. Unit Faulty U/S tip or U/S handpiece. Verify fluid flow through handpiece. Replace
does pass U/S test. U/S handpiece. Retest.
5 volt failure Main 5 volts out of tolerance due to faulty Turn unit off-on. Retest.
U/S HP, noisy DIOP pump, or 5 volt failure
on power supply. Remove and replace U/S handpiece or DIOP
Table 5-2. TROUBLESHOOTING CHART - This table contains three columns of information. The first column labeled
Condition or Error Message lists the problem observed. The Possible Cause/Result column lists the possible
reasons for the problem. The last column, labeled Correction, suggests what you can do to correct the problem.
5.6 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
Nothing happens when footswitch U/S test did not pass. Retest unit.
is depressed.
Faulty footswitch. Verify proper insertion of footswitch connec-
tor. Replace footswitch.
AVIT cutter does not function. Faulty AVIT handpiece. Check insertion of AVIT handpiece connec-
tor. Replace AVIT handpiece.
Unit does not vent properly. Improper cassette insertion or faulty Reinsert cassette. Replace cassette.
ATIOP probe not working. Port completely closed. Turn adjustment screw counterclockwise to
the desired port opening.
ATIOP probe not cutting. Port is not fully closing as the inner cutter Reduce cutting speed until port closes com-
moves. pletely.
Kinked, damaged, or loose actuator tubing. Check for kinked tubing and straighten.
Tighten any loose Luer fittings. Replace
ATIOP if visual inspection shows any dam-
aged components.
U/S handpiece will not tune. Loose tip. Tighten tip. Verify fluid flow through hand-
piece. Retest
Handpiece improperly plugged in. Verify proper insertion of handpiece into the
appropriate connector.
906-6900-501 5.7
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
5.8 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 6.1
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
6.2 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
W1, Footswitch/Backplane
The following cables do not have schematic diagrams available for this manual: W2 (690-1051-501), W3 (690-1052-501),
W6 (690-1055-XXX), W10 (690-1058-501). The following cable designations are not used in this product: W4, W11.
6.4 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 6.5
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
6.6 906-6900-501
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-501 6.7
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
906-6900-5XX 7.1
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
7.2 906-6900-5XX
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
001 590-2096-501 ASSY,HUB ROLLER,CASS MECH 1.00 EA 001 590-2096-501 ASSY,HUB ROLLER,CASS MECH 1.00 EA
002 590-5014-501 ASSY,PCB,CASSETTE 1.00 EA 002 590-5014-501 ASSY,PCB,CASSETTE 1.00 EA
003 590-1116-501 ASSY,CABLE,W8 CASSETTE BRD 1.00 EA 003 590-1116-501 ASSY,CABLE,W8 CASSETTE BOARD 1.00 EA
004 380-1073 BLOCK,PIVOT,CASSETTE LATCH 1.00 EA 004 590-1005 PLUNGER 2.00 EA
005 540-1001 CLEVIS,PIVOT 1.00 EA 005 590-1265 FITTING,ASPIRATION,CASS CBORE 1.00 EA
007 590-1003 BLOCK,PLUNGER 1.00 EA 009 691-198 SPRING,.312X.455X1.25,COMP SST 2.00 EA
008 590-1218 SUPPORT,SHAFT 2.00 EA 010 769-059 NUT,SPECIAL,U-TYPE NO.4-40 8.00 EA
009 590-1005 PLUNGER 2.00 EA 011 771-031 PlN,SPRING,.062X.500 CS ZPL 2.00 EA
010 590-1006 BLOCK,MOUNTING 2.00 EA 012 771-244 PlN,SPRING,.125X.500 SST 2.00 EA
011 590-1007 GUIDE,SHAFT 2.00 EA 014 786-315 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,4-40X.500 SST 8.00 EA
012 590-1010 BRACKET,SOLENOID MOUNTING 1.00 EA 015 786-331 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,6-32X.500 SST 2.00 EA
013 590-1012 BRACKET,CASSETTE MOUNTING 1.00 EA 016 790-101 STANDOFF, I/4 HEX,6-32X.375 SST 1.00 EA
014 590-1013 PLATE,MOTOR MOUNTING 1.00 EA 017 790-117 STANDOFF,1/4 HEX,6-32X.625 SST 2.00 EA
015 590-1014 SUPPORT,CASSETTE 1.00 EA 018 796-010 WASHER,FLAT,NO.4 SST 8.00 EA
016 590-1015 CHAMBER,CASSETTE 1.00 EA 019 796-011 WASHER,FLAT,NO.6 SST 2.00 EA
017 590-2080 LATCH ARM,PIVOT 1.00 EA 020 799-021 WASHER,FLAT,RDC DIA NO.10 SST 4.00 EA
019 590-1079 SUPPORT,SPRING 1.00 EA 021 797-014 WASHER,SPLT LK,.11X.21X.03 SST 8.00 EA
020 590-1265 FITTING,ASPIRATION,CASS CBORE 1.00 EA 022 797-015 WASHER,SPLT LK,.14X.25X.03 SST 2.00 EA
021 590-1134 LATCH,CASSETTE 1.00 EA 023 797-017 WASHER,SPLT LK,.19X.33X.05 SST 4.00 EA
022 590-1168 CLEVIS,CASSETTE LATCH 1.00 EA 024 786-394 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,10-32X.50 SST 4.00 EA
023 691-165 SPRING,.25X.31X.94,EXTENSlON 1.00 EA 025 590-1170 BRACKET,SUPPORT,CASSTTE BRD 1.00 EA
027 691-148 SPRING,.377X.455X1.50,COMP SST 2.00 EA 027 798-017 WASHER,FLAT,NO.6 .062 THK NYL A/R
028 691-160 SPRING, 456X.600Xl.50,COMP SST 1.00 EA 030 892-042 ADHESIVE,THREADLOCK,242 BLU A/R
029 691-167 SPRING,COMP,.576X.720X2.50 SS 2.00 EA 031 891-013 LUBRICANT,GREASE,MULTI-PURP A/R
031 769-059 NUT,SPECIAL,U-TYPE No.4-40 8.00 EA 034 590-1299-001 STOP,CASSETTE 1.00 EA
032 771-031 PlN,SPRING,.062X.500 CS ZPL 2.00 EA 035 779-204 SCREW,FH PH,10-32X.250 SST 3.00 EA
033 771-244 PIN,SPRING,.125X.500 SST 2.00 EA 036 590-2075 BRACKET,CASSETTE MECH 1.00 EA
035 780-083 SCREW,FH HEX SKT,10-32X.50 SST 4.00 EA 037 786-329 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,6-32X.375 SST 5.00 EA
036 782-138 SCREW,SHLDR,SKT 10-32X.375 SST 1.00 EA 039 272-052 STANDOFF,EXT,.625 NYLON 5.00 EA
037 782-139 SCREW,SHLDR,SKT 10-32X.500 SST 1.00 EA
038 786-392 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,10-32X.37 SST 6.00 EA
039 786-312 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,4-40X.312 SST 8.00 EA 690-1029-501 ASSY, BEZEL, CASSETTE
040 786-329 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,6-32X.375 SST 7.00 EA
041 786-395 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,10-32X.62 SST 4.00 EA 001 690-1057-501 ASSY,CABLE,W9 H/P INTERFACE 1.00 EA
042 786-396 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,10-32X.75 SST 4.00 EA 005 690-1101 BEZEL,CASSETTE,EZ LOAD 1.00 EA
043 786-400 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,10-32X1.2 SST 2.00 EA 690-1093 BEZEL,CASSETTE,LATCHING
045 790-101 STANDOFF, I/4 HEX,6-32X.375 SST 1.00 EA 006 690-1043 PLATE,CONNECTOR MOUNTING 1.00 EA
046 790-117 STANDOFF, I/4 HEX,6-32X.625 SST 2.00 EA 007 690-1044 OVERLAY,CONNECTOR 1.00 EA
048 796-010 WASHER,FLAT,NO.4 SST 8.00 EA 008 880-1040 CONNECTOR,ACTUATOR,HOSE 800 1.00 EA
049 796-011 WASHER,FLAT,NO.6 SST 5.00 EA 010 767-016 NUT,HEX,.38-32X.651X.093 SST 1.00 EA
050 799-021 WASHER,FLAT,RDC DIA NO.10 SST 24.0 EA 011 777-332 SCREW,PH PH,4-40X.250 SST 4.00 EA
051 797-014 WASHER,SPLT LK,.11X.21X.03 SST 8.00 EA 012 797-014 WASHER,SPLT LK,.11X.21X.03 SST 4.00 EA
052 797-015 WASHER,SPLT LK,.14X.25X.03 SST 3.00 EA 013 797-027 WASHER,INT LOCK.38X.69X.04 ZNC 1.00 EA
053 797-017 WASHER,SPLT LK,.19X.33X.05 SST 27.0 EA 014 892-078 ADHESIVE,RETAINING,RC/680 GRN A/R
054 786-327 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,6-32X.250 SST 1.00 EA 015 893-181 FITTING,BARBED,10-32-1/16 TUBE 1.00 EA
057 786-394 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,10-32X.50 SST 10.0 EA 016 893-226 FITTING,LUER-LOK TIP,FEM 7-40 1.00 EA
058 072-013 TERMINAL,LOCKING,SOLDER NO.6 1.00 EA 018 798-053 WASHER,INSUL,.141X.312X.03 NYL 1.00 EA
059 072-020 TERMINAL LUG,SOLDER,NO.10 1.00 EA
060 771-251 PIN,CLEVIS,.25X.80 SST 1.00 EA
061 772-003 PlN,COTTER,.062X.75,STL/SST 1.00 EA 690-1030-XXX ASSY, BEZEL, FRONT
063 590-1171 BRACKET,CASSETTE BOARD 1.00 EA 001 690-1033-501 ASSY,PCB,DISPLAY PANEL 1.00 EA
064 798-017 WASHER,FLAT,NO.6 .062 THK NYL 7.00 EA 002 690-1034-501 ASSY,PLATE/OVERLAY,SW ARRAY 1.00 EA
067 796-013 WASHER,FLAT,NO.10 SST 24.0 EA 690-1034-502 ASSY,PLATE/OVERLAY,SW ARRAY 1.00 EA
069 781-086 SCREW,BTN HD HEX,10-32X.50 SST 1.00 EA 003 690-1035-501 ASSY,PLATE/OVERLAY,DSPL PNL U/S 1.00 EA
070 892-042 ADHESIVE,THREADLOCK,242 BLU A/R 004 690-1041-501 ASSY,PLATE/OVERLAY,DSPL PNL I/A 1.00 EA
071 777-392 SCREW,PH PH,10-32X.625 SST 2.00 EA 005 690-1056-501 ASSY,CABLE,AC PWR TO S1 & PMP 1.00 EA
072 891-015 LUBRICANT,TEFLON A/R 007 690-1092 BEZEL,FRONT 1.00 EA
074 272-052 STANDOFF,EXT,.625 NYLON 5.00 EA 009 143-083 LAMP,INC,24V 1.2W BAY BASE 1.00 EA
011 270-089 SWITCH HDW,ACTUATOR 1.00 EA
590-2096-501 ASSY, HUB ROLLER, CASS MECHANISM 015 777-348 SCREW,PH PH,6-32X.312 SST 12.0 EA
016 690-1077 STANDOFF,6-32X.25-20X.5,BRS SL 6.00 EA
001 590-2094-001 HUB,ROLLER 1.00 EA 017 690-1078 STANDOFF,6-32X.25-20X.7,BRS SL 6.00 EA
002 773-036 RING,RETAINING,EXT .500 SHAFT 1.00 EA 018 798-017 WASHER,FLAT,NO.6 .062 THK NYL 12.0 EA
003 771-046 PlN,DOWEL,.125X.500 SST 4.00 EA 019 767-173 NUT,HEX,JAM .25-20 UNC SST 12.0 EA
004 590-2090-001 BEARING,ROLLER 4.00 EA 020 892-144 ADHESIVE,RTV 118,CLEAR A/R
005 590-2091-001 SPRING,COMP,.152X.180X.125 SST 4.00 EA 023 690-1051-501 ASSY,CABLE,W2 BACK PL/FR PNL 1.00 EA
006 787-223 SETSCREW,FLAT PT,4-40X.250 BO 1.00 EA
906-6900-5XX 7.3
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
690-1041-501 ASSY, PLATE/OVERLAY, DISPL PNL I/A 021 797-084 WASHER,INT LOCK.14X.30X.02 SST 1.00 EA
022 777-349 SCREW,PH PH,6-32X.375 SST 10.0 EA
001 690-1089 OVERLAY,DISPLAY PANEL,I/A 1.00 EA 023 799-014 WASHER,FLAT,RDC DIA NO.2 SST 2.00 EA
002 690-1080 PANEL,SUB,I/A DISPLAY PANEL 1.00 EA 024 799-015 WASHER,FLAT,RDC DIA NO.4 SST 4.00 EA
028 804-1312 LABEL,IDENT,FTSW STTM 2.00 EA
029 026-091 CABLE,MOUNT,.75X.75 ABS WHT 1.00 EA
001 690-1004 SUB PANEL,DISPLAY PANEL 1.00 EA
030 786-330 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,6-32X.437 SST 4.00 EA
002 690-1085 OVERLAY,DISPLAY PANEL 1.00 EA
031 027-003 CABLE TIE,.625X3.50L,NYLON A/R
033 778-188 SCREW,FH PH,8-32X.437 SST 1.00 EA
035 799-017 WASHER,FLAT,RDC DIA NO.6 SST 10.0 EA
037 797-015 WASHER,SPLT LK,.14X.25X.03 SST 8.00 EA
039 040-009 TUBING,HEAT SHRINK,.093 ID BLK A/R
001 590-1054 PANEL,SUB,SWITCH PANEL 1.00 EA
040 038-011 WIRE,SOL,UNINS 26 AWG COPPER .l25 FT
002 690-1087 OVERLAY,SWITCH PANEL '87 1.00 EA
690-1100 OVERLAY,SWITCH PANEL '88 1.00 EA
042 804-1224-002 CABLE ASSY,FOOTSWITCH 1.00 EA
590-1140 FOOTSWITCH, HD, 3 POS. SHLD, BLK 043 777-338 SCREW,PH PH,4-40X.625 SST 2.00 EA
002 BRACKET,GEAR,.059,ZINC PLATED 1.00 EA 055 000-053 CAPACITOR,CERM,.100 MFD 50V 1.00 EA
003 SPACER,CR STEEL,ZINC PLATED 1.00 EA 056 777-350 SCREW,PH PH,6-32X.437 SST 2.00 EA
008 SCREW,PH,PAN HD,6-32X.19 SST 1.00 EA
009 SCREW,PH,4-40X.50 SST 1.00 EA 001 804-1296 PLATE,HEEL 1.00 EA
013 PIN,ROLL,.094X.50 SST 1.00 EA 003 804-1199-002 PLATE,HINGE,PEDAL 1.600 1.00 EA
014 BUSHING,BRZ,.25X.37X.56X.25 2.00 EA 804-1199-001 PLATE,HINGE,PEDAL,LEXAN 1.500
015 SHAFT,SST,.2495 OD X 1.13 LONG 1.00 EA 005 804-1209 PIN,HINGE PLATE,PEDAL 1.00 EA
016 NUT,HEX,4-40 SST 1.00 EA 006 804-1235-001 SPRING,PEDAL,HINGE .72 1.00 EA
017 771-318 PIN,ROLL 1.00 EA 804-1235-002 SPRING,PEDAL,HINGE,LEXAN .67 1.00 EA
018 SETSCREW,HEX,SS,6-32X.125 2.00 EA 007 804-1236 PEDAL,FOOTSWITCH,MACHINED 1.00 EA
019 SCREW,PAN HD PH,6-32X.38 2.00 EA 804-1324 PEDAL,FOOTSWITCH,LEXAN 1.00 EA
020 RC/680 ADHESIVE,LOCTITE A/R 010 600-122 BEARING,THRUST,1.31X3.00X.31 1.00 EA
021 534-K-15 SWITCH,SPST,N.O.,LINEMASTER 1.00 EA 011 777-388 SCREW,PH PH,10-32X.375 SST 1.00 EA
023 490-1508 HANDLE 1.00 EA 013 796-014 WASHER,FLAT,NO.1/4 SST 1.00 EA
027 490-1516-501 ASSY,CABLE 1.00 EA 804-1225-50X ASSY, BUTTON, LEFT/RIGHT
029 3M ANTI SLIP,RESIL,MED GRAY 4” 1.00 EA 001 804-1200 BOX,SWITCH 1.00 EA
030 907-5900-023 MTP REF 002 804-1201-001 BUTTON,LEFT 1.00 EA
031 6187-R2K-L1.0 POT,BECKMAN,2K,1W,1T 1.00 EA 003 804-1201-002 BUTTON,RIGHT 1.00 EA
032 SOLDER,63/37 TIN LEADER/CORE A/R 004 804-1202 SUPPORT,BUTTON 1.00 EA
033 STIFFENER,.050X1.5X3.0 A/R 006 804-1211-001 SPRING,BOTTOM,.015 THK 2.00 EA
034 593-057 ADHESIVE TAPE,DBL BACKED A/R 007 804-1228-001 SPRING,TOP,.015 THK 2.00 EA
035 590-1258 ACTUATOR,SWITCH 1.00 EA 009 804-1238 MAGNET,SWITCH TRIGGER,.12X.38 1.00 EA
036 SCREW,6-32X.50 SELF THREAD SJT 2.00 EA 013 782-253 SCREW,SHLDR,SKT 6-32X.250 SST 4.00 EA
015 797-015 WASHER,SPLT LK,.14X.25X.03 SST 1.00 EA
804-1195-504 ASSY, FOOTSWITCH, ATFS 016 777-332 SCREW,PH PH,4-40X.250 SST 4.00 EA
804-1195-507 ASSY, FOOTSWITCH, ATFS LEXAN 017 777-347 SCREW,PH PH,6-32X.250 SST 1.00 EA
018 779-164 SCREW,FH PH,6-32X.250 SST 2.00 EA
001 804-1221-501 ASSY,FOOTPEDAL 1.00 EA 019 262-062 SWITCH,REED 2.00 EA
804-1221-502 ASSY,FOOTPEDAL,LEXAN 020 037-153 WIRE,STR,INS 24 AWG WHT 1 COND 1.70 FT
002 804-1225-501 ASSY,BUTTON,LEFT 1.00 EA 037-124 WIRE,STR,INS 24 AWG ORN 1 COND
804-1225-503 ASSY,BUTTON,LEFT LIGHT ACTION 023 797-014 WASHER,SPLT LK,.11X.21X.03 SST 4.00 EA
003 804-1225-502 ASSY,BUTTON,RIGHT 1.00 EA 024 799-015 WASHER,FLAT,RDC DIA NO.4 SST 4.00 EA
004 804-1300-501 ASSY,DETENT,ATFS STTM 1.00 EA 026 037-129 WIRE,STR,INS 24 AWG BLU 1 COND 1.70 FT
008 691-185 SPRING,.180X.128X.310,COMP SSI 2.00 EA 028 796-011 WASHER,FLAT,NO.6 SST 1.00 EA
691-184 ALTERNATE SPRING 029 027-003 CABLE TIE,.625X3.50L,NYL 1.00 EA
009 804-1212 HANDLE,FOOTSWITCH 1.00 EA 030 026-091 CABLE,MOUNT,.75X.75 ABS WHT 1.00 EA
010 804-1213-001 CAP,TOE,LEFT 1.00 EA 031 892-042 ADHESIVE,THREADLOCK,242 BLU A/R
011 804-1213-002 CAP,TOE,RIGHT 1.00 EA 032 040-049 TUBING,HEAT SHRINK,.063 ID BLK .167 FT
012 804-1214 PLATE,BOTTOM,HOUSING 1.00 EA
013 804-1218 HOUSING,FOOTSWITCH,MACHINED 1.00 EA 804-1243-501 ASSY, DETENT
016 073-106 TERMINAL BLOCK,2 COND,9 POLE 1.00 EA 002 804-1245 PLUNGER,DETENT 1.00 EA
018 222-113 POTENTIOMETER,PNL,3.4K LIN STK 1.00 EA 003 605-005 BALL,PRECISION,.250 DIA 3.00 EA
019 786-302 SCREW,CAP HD SKT,2-56X.375 SST 2.00 EA 004 691-179 SPRING,.138X.188X1.875 EXT MUW 1.00 EA
020 777-335 SCREW,PH PH,4-40X.437 SST 2.00 EA 005 691-180 SPRING,.236X.300X1.50 COMP MUW 1.00 EA
7.4 906-6900-5XX
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
This section is flexible and can be used for any Series Ten Thousand® Compact data that doesn't fit into the
prior sections of this manual. Examples of this data would be system accessories, technical bulletins, and
personal notes you collect to help perform maintenance on the Series Ten Thousand® Compact.
906-6900-501 8.1
Series Ten Thousand® Compact
8.2 906-6900-501