DC 6
DC 6
DC 6
Analog Transmission
Midterm Solution
Sine Wave
A sine wave can be represented by three parameters:
The peak amplitude of a signal is the absolute value of
its highest intensity, proportional to the energy it carries.
Frequency refers to the number of periods in 1 s.
Phase describes the position of the waveform relative
to time 0.
Two digital signals: one with two signal levels and
the other with four signal levels
A digital signal has eight levels. How many bits are
needed per level?
where N is the data rate (bps) and r is the number of data elements carried in
one signal element.
The value of r in analog transmission is r = log2 L, where L is the number
of different signal elements.
In transportation, a baud is analogous to a vehicle, and a bit is analogous
to a passenger.
We need to maximize the number of people per car to reduce the traffic.
An analog signal carries 4 bits per signal element. If 1000
signal elements are sent per second, find the bit rate.
50 = 2 * N
N = 25
Frequency Shift Keying
In frequency shift keying, the frequency of the carrier
signal is varied to represent data.
data => N = 2 S
Binary PSK (BPSK)
The simplest PSK is binary PSK, in which we have only
two signal elements, one with a phase of 0°, and the other
with a phase of 180°.
Implementation of BASK
QPSK and its implementation
Find the bandwidth for a signal transmitting at 12 Mbps
for QPSK. The value of d = 0.
2. Modulation Techniques:
1. ASK: Varies the amplitude of the carrier signal based on the data
3. PSK: Changes the phase of the carrier signal for binary 0 and 1.
3. Output: Visual plots of the modulated signals for each bit and