Role of livestock and their products in Indian economy and human health, current
livestock programmes and policies of State and Nation – Economics of dairy, sheep,
goat, poultry, pig and rabbit farming; constraints to the livestock development programs,
common offences against animals – SPCA, Animal Welfare Board of India, NGOs.
Management of milk, meat, egg and wool producing livestock, breeding bulls and draft
animals and wild animals in captivity, farm records and their maintenance, systems and
strategies for livestock improvement for enhancing productivity.
Nutritional deficiency and its influence on livestock performance; feed supplements and
additives; conservation and preservation of feed and fodders; economic utilization of
agro by-products for feeding livestock – Utilisation of unconventional feeds – Wildlife
Quality control of feed, feed block/baling, By-Pass Proteins and by-pass Fat, Feeding
livestock during scarcity, Metabolic disorders in Livestock and Poultry, Processing of
feeds and forage to improve nutritive value.
Important breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig and poultry with special reference to
economic characters – Important species of wild animals and their breeding in captivity.
Selection of Livestock for production, reproduction and disease resistance traits.
Principles of genetics and basis of population genetics, genetic parameters. Nature of
DNA and RNA-their models and functions; applications of recombinant DNA technology,
cloning and marker Assisted selection and Cytogenetics. Animal breeding policies and
programmes in state and Nation.
Gross study of bones, joints and muscles of skeleton Gross study of heart and its
conduction system. Gross study of organs of digestive, respiratory urinary and
reproductive systems. Digestion, metabolism and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins
and fats in simple stomach animals and ruminants – mechanism of respiration. General
functions of blood (blood cells, plasma & serum) coagulation, cardiac cycle, Blood
circulation, Blood pressure, renal function Hormonal control of Lactogenesis.
Environmental factors affecting animal production – Environmental stress on animal
performance – Green Houses Gases – Role of ruminants.
Ante mortem and Post mortem inspection – Objectives of meat inspection – Abattoir
practices, methods of slaughtering and dressing; Meat Inspection Laws, utilization of by
products; unsound meat and its disposal; quality control of meat and eggs and their
products. Milk: Proximate Composition, milk collection, cooling / chilling and
transportation; physio-chemical and nutritional characters of milk and milk products;
processing of raw milk and production of market milk. Condensed and dried milk,
special milk and Indian Dairy Products - Packaging and storage.
Dated: 25.07.2017