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V450-650 Instructions Manual (en)

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(side) TYPE 450 PANEL CUT (mm)

  (115-120V / 230-240V)

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F3 - F4 = 2A - 250V
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                (115-120V / 230-240V)

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  
               F1 - F2 = 1A - 500V
F3 - F4 = 2A - 250V
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R = Discharge Resistor

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14    
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13             
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12 11               
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4 16 15 14 13 5    
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8       
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  

     

                
Type 650

            
3                    
   2                    
    
                
                  
           
   
                    
                   
   
            

    12 9 10 11
              
     
If 2 or more CTs are used (for instance, in the case of systems with two or more transformers in Press the MODE key once until the MAN1 indicator is lit then press the UP key in order to
parallel) the connection of the CTs to the controller shall be made through a 5A Summating connect one or more banks. After the banks have actually been connected, press the MODE
Transformer providing as many inlets as CTs are being used. The following instructions must be key again to return to the AUTO mode; the display will show a capacitive PF ( Ò--Ò sign before the
carefully observed: reading) and all banks will be disconnected.
¥ All the CTs used shall have the same primary and the same secondary values. The flashing of the MAN1 led indicator signals an attempt to reconnect a temporarily suspended
¥ All the CTs must be situated on the SAME reference PHASE and their secondary must be
connected to the Summating Transformer in the same DIRECTION.
bank until reconnection delay time has elapsed.

¥ When programming the CT CURRENT VALUE in the BASIC SET-UP, consider the summation of
the primary ratings. 5.0 OPERATING THE CONTROLLER
Example: three 500/5 CTs = one ÒvirtualÓ CT rated 3x500 = 1500A
Should the PFC equipment operate on the LV side but the control signals need to be taken from the By pressing the MODE key, three distinct operating modes may be selected in sequence.
HT side, it will become necessary for the CT and VT (PT, potential transformer) to be both installed on ¥ Automatic Mode (AUTO) yellow (AUTO) indicator on
This is the normal operating mode; the controller automatically connects/disconnects the capacitor
the HT side in order to avoid likely phase rotations. The VT (PT) secondary value shall not be lower
than 100V. banks in order to achieve the Target PF.
NB: In order for the controller to work properly, it shall be programmed to take into account a coefficient The AUTO indicator flashes (and bank connection is temporarily suspended), if bank reconnection
as per ADVANCED PROGRAMMING section (step P15 for type 450 or step P14 for type 650). delay time is not yet elapsed.


Pressing the UP /
red (MAN 1) indicator on
DOWN keys enables the manual connection/disconnection of capacitor
Energise the controller. The display and all led indicators (except the banksÕ ones) turn on for 2 sec. banks. The banks are connected progressively (summation).
then: The MAN1 indicator flashes (and bank connection is temporarily suspended), if bank reconnection
¥ the AUTO (automatic)) operating mode will be started delay time has not yet elapsed.
¥ the AUTO led indicator will go on
¥ Manual Mode 2 (MAN2) red (MAN2) indicator on
¥ the PF reading will appear on the display
When started for the first time, the controller operates on the basis of factory pre-set parameters. Earlier connected banks, if any, are automatically released in rapid sequence. Pressing the UP
Refer to following paragraphs to adapt pre-settings to actual installation parameters. key enables the manual connection of one bank and disconnection of bank connected earlier.
The banks are therefore connected individually.
The MAN2 indicator flashes (and bank connection is temporarily suspended), if bank reconnection
4.0 FAST START-UP delay time has not yet elapsed.

For banksÕ safety, the Manual mode selection is disabled in case of alarm for Over-V, THC% and
4.1 BASIC SET UP PROGRAMMING over-¡C. The (Dkvar) alarm instead has no influence on this selection.
In order to operate correctly, the controller requires the entry of only two basic parameters i.e. CT
Primary Current and Target PF. Being self-determined, the traditional C/K setting is no longer When selected, a manual operating mode is maintained until a different selection is made. In case
required. of power supply failure, however, the controller resets and, on power return automatically restarts in
the AUTO mode.
Press the MODE key for approx. 4 sec to enter into the BASIC SET-UP procedure.
- the (PROG) indicators will signal the parameter to be programmed. 5.2 READINGS
- the display will show parameter values. When operating in the AUTO mode, the three-digit display provides 5 readings that may be scrolled
Use the UP / DOWN keys to increase/decrease the value; by pressing the SELECT key. The parameter displayed is identified by the corresponding led
- single pressure for single variations, steady key pressure for increasingly faster variations. indicator:
When the desired value is reached, press the SELECT key to confirm & store setting and to
proceed to the following step.
¥ Power Factor default reading (all indicators off)
This is the reading normally displayed and/or that automatically returns if no key is pressed for
¥ CT PRIMARY CURRENT (flashing indicator, steady + indicators)
Enter the value of the CT primary in Amps. The admitted range is 5 to 12.000 A in steps of 5.
30 sec.
This reading refers to the PF metered at CT installation point.
Values up to 995 A are shown as Amps, values above 1.000 are shown as kAmps. The Ò Ð Ó sign appears for capacitive (leading) PF
(example: 2.50 = 2500 A)
¥ Mains voltage in Volt-rms (V) indicator on
¥ TARGET PF (simultaneous flashing + + indicators) This reading refers to mains input voltage (L2-L3 reading)
Enter the value of the Power Factor required (Target PF).
¥ Reactive power in Kvar-rms (Dkvar) indicator on
The admitted range is 0.50 (ind.) to -.50 (cap.) in steps of 0.01; the Ò-Ò sign stands for Capacitive This reading indicates the reactive power missing to reach Target PF or exceeding Target PF
(leading) value. - steady Dkvar indicator = INDUCTIVE reading = kvar missing to Target PF.
- flashing Dkvar indicator = CAPACITIVE reading = kvar exceeding the Target PF.
When the above programming is completed, press the MODE key to exit set-up mode and to Example: 12,5 on display + steady Dkvar indicator = 12,5 kvar are missing to reach the Target PF
return to AUTO operating mode.
If no key is pressed for 30 sec., exit and return to AUTO operating mode is automatic. ¥ Current (harmonics) overload THC %-rms (THC%) indicator on
This reading indicates the likely % overload of current generated by harmonics circulating on
NB: Exit from set-up is possible at any point by pressing the MODE key however, it should be capacitors with respect to capacitorsÕ rated current at capacitorsÕ rated voltage [100 * (I-In ) / In ].
carefully noted that: The reading is zero when below or equal to capacitorsÕ In (rated current).
- any variations in parameter value will be retained and stored ONLY when the SELECT Ex.1: "15" stands for a 15% current overload i.e. the current circulating on capacitors is 115%In.
key is pressed Ex.2: "100" stands for a 100% current overload i.e. the current circulating on capacitors is 200%In.
- when exiting the set-up procedure, care should be taken to confirm the modified value with Ex.3: "200" stands for a 200% current overload i.e. the current circulating on capacitors is 300%In.
the SELECT key before exiting otherwise the controller retains the value displayed
before modification. NB: In case of choke-protected capacitor banks, this reading may be unrealistic because it is
always calculated according to a THC likely to circulate on capacitors WITHOUT chokes.
We recommend checking the SET-UP entries in order to avoid problems generated by incorrect ¥ Temperature in ¡C. (¡C) indicator on
This reading indicates the temperature inside the cabinet.
- Press the MODE key for approx. 4 sec.
- Press the SELECT key to scroll the stored values. NB: the reading is blanked ( Ò Ð Ð Ð Ó is shown on the display) during the first 25-30 minutes from
- Press the MODE key to exit. controller energisation i.e. during the warm-up time that this reading requires in order to
become realistic.
The controller is now ready to operate on the basis of CT value and Target PF entered into the
Warning The following messages may temporarily appear on display depending on circumstances
UUU = no voltage signal is detected at terminals 1-2
The controller operation is also based on additional factory-set working parameters - like switch
ON-OFF-delay intervals, alarm thresholds and delays, output contacts, etc. - that are factory pre- AAA = the current signal input (CT output) is below 0,05 A
programmed according to general use criteria. If the controller is already integrated into a PFC AL(1Ö4) = alarm condition and alarm identification number
cabinet these values should have already been programmed by the manufacturer of the cabinet.
Operating the controller at this stage implies the acceptance by the user of these Ò Ð Ð Ð Ó = reading temporarily not available
additional settings. It is otherwise essential to make sure that they are compatible with PFC
equipment design and with mains system destination. Refer to the ADVANCED 5.4 ALARM FUNCTIONS
PROGRAMMING section for alteration, if necessary. The controller is equipped with 4 sophisticated alarm functions designed for PFC equipment
protection whenever operation takes place in the AUTO mode and in any of the MAN operating modes.
Turn on the equipmentÕs General Switch, and make sure that there is an inductive load (for example,
¥ Over-voltage (V) High mains voltage level (non temporary)

motors) sufficient for the Controller to be started (current signal should be greater than 0,05A). ¥ Low-PF (Dkvar) Low PF output (non temporary)
All the indicators (except those related to capacitor banks) and all the Display segments light up for
approx. 2 sec.; the controller then sets itself to AUTO mode and actual PF reading is displayed.
¥ Over-current (THC%) Harmonics overload (over-current) on capacitors.

The capacitor banks needed to compensate the load are switched on with the programmed interval ¥ Over-temperature (¡C) High inner cabinet temperature
until the target PF is reached; the display shows the PF improvement at each bank switch-on.
If all the wiring has been properly done and the whole system works correctly it will be noticed that NB: The controller is normally delivered with all 4 alarms enabled. In specific cases or for reasons related
the Controller connects the capacitor banks as the load increases and disconnects them as it to PFC equipment design however, some of the alarms could be purposely disabled.
decreases. With no load, all banks will automatically be disconnected. For example, THC% alarm disabled in equipment with capacitors protected by chokes.
When one alarm trips:
¥ the ALARM and the PARAMETER led indicators flash
CODE Parameter & description Remarks Min-Max step default new
¥ the alarm CODE and the reading of parameter under alarm appear alternately on the display
¥ the alarm output contact (where applicable) closes
- type 450: terminals 14-15 (unless the output is otherwise programmed)
P01 Power of capacitor bank flashing led (kvar) 0.5Ö500 0.5 0.5
The entry required is 1st bank rated kvar at capacitorsÕ
- type 650: terminals 23-24 (dedicated output) rated voltage; if capacitorsÕ rated voltage is higher than
¥ An automatic release of capacitor banks may take place depending on alarm severity and on
alarm set-points.
actual mains voltage, the controller will calculate the actual
kvar output according to actual mains voltage Kvar
The Alarm identification codes, the parameters, their triggering points and the effects generated by decimals are shown up to 100 kvar, kvar integers above
each alarm are the following: P02 Capacitors rated voltage flashing led (Volt) 0Ö999 1 400
(❑ 415)
The entry required is the capacitorsÕ rated voltage (❑ .....)
AL1 Over-V High mains voltage
Set points Threshold and delay: as programmed P03 Switch-ON interval (seconds) 2Ö250 1 20
For normal application, this is generally set between 20
Effect: All banks are disconnected following the switch-off interval
and 40 sec. Shorter intervals increase no. of manoeuvres
Banks reconnection is prevented as long as the alarm persists. and will cause faster contactors wear out
AL2 Low-PF PF outside ind-cap range P04 Switch-OFF interval (seconds) 2Ö250 1 20
Set points Threshold and delay: as programmed. This is generally set to the same value as Switch-ON interval
Automatically disabled in case of small powers (< 66% of 1st bank power). P05 Reconnection delay time (second) 0Ö250 1 60
Effect: Display of alarm state only + alarm output contact closing (where applicable). It prevents reconnection of any bank prior to an adequate
This alarm does not interfere with normal PF regulation process. rest time to allow proper capacitors discharge. The value
AL3 THC% Harmonic over-current depends upon the discharge resistors (generally 3 times
Set points Threshold: as programmed; delay: Instantaneous the switch-on interval if banks are equipped with quick-
discharge resistors) A "0" entry disables this function
Effect: All banks are rapidly disconnected (one bank every 2 sec.)
P06 Over-voltage Alarm threshold (Volt) 0Ö995 5 450
AL4 Over ¡C High cabinet temperature This value depends primarily upon the rated voltage of
Set points Threshold: as programmed; delay: instantaneous capacitors used A "0" entry disables this alarm
Effect: All banks are disconnected following the switch-off interval. P07 Over-voltage Alarm delay time (minutes) 1Ö250 1 60
Banks reconnection is prevented as long as the alarm persists. The delay time depends upon the time that capacitors can
In case of multiple alarm condition, the one detected first is triggered. tolerate the programmed over-voltage. However the delay
time should be long enough to avoid undesired tripping
5.6 ALARM END due to short duration over-voltage.
Once the alarm condition ceases, the controller automatically restores its normal operation; banks P08 Low-PF Alarm threshold (PF) 0Ö1.00 0.01 0.86
reconnection takes place gradually, after the re-connection delay time and following the controller This set point is symmetrical in order to detect PF
switch-on routines. irregularities both on inductive and capacitive quadrant. It
must be set to a value lower than Target PF (usually 5%
5.7 NO-VOLT RELEASE lower).
An automatic no-volt control device instantly releases all capacitor banks in case of auxiliary power Example: a 0.88 setting triggers when actual PF is outside the
supply interruption above 20 ms. in order to protect capacitors against improper manoeuvres. 0.88(ind) Ö -.88(cap) range. A "0" entry disables this alarm
Banks re-connection is automatic at mains return and after banks' reconnection delay time. P09 Low-PF Alarm delay time (minutes) 1Ö250 1 60
This generally set to a time sufficiently long to allow the
5.8 FAN CONTROL indication of actual PFC equipment failure or malfunction
A relay output is available for control of an external cooling fan. The output contact closes when the P10 THC% harmonic over-current Alarm threshold (%) 0Ö200 1 25
inner cabinet temperature exceeds the pre-set fan control threshold and the corresponding led This is the value triggering banks switch-off in case of
indicator goes on. harmonics overload. The value is determined primarily by the
Fan control is active only if at least one bank is connected. capacitorsÕ characteristics. ItÕs expressed in %, which refers
type 450:the output contact (terminals 14-15) operates for fan control only if programmed for this purpose. to capacitorsÕ rated current (In). Example: 25 = 25% = current
Refer to Advanced Programming (step P12-P13) for further details. threshold set at 1,25 In. A "0" entry disables this alarm
type 650:the output contact (term.21-22) is dedicated to fan control. See also Advanced P11 Over-Temperature Alarm threshold (¡C) 0Ö60 1 50
Programming (step P12). Max. temperature causing automatic banks switch off. Its
value depends primarily on capacitorsÕ temperature class
A "0" entry disables this alarm
6.0 ADVANCED PROGRAMMING Specific programming for type 450 only
Several working parameters are programmable in order to adapt the controller to most diversified
PFC equipment design and field applications. The Advanced Programming procedure described in P12 Contact output destination (terminals 14-15) (choice) FA / AL - FA
this chapter enables the customisation of these parameters to suit oneÕs own requirements. It programs the relay output to trigger for Fan Control (FA)
or Alarm (AL)
Warning P13 Fan-control temperature threshold (¡C) 0Ö60 1 35
Cooling fan start-up temperature.
This section covers a programming area that could potentially generate sever damage to NB: active only if P12 is set to FA (fan). ItÕs normally set to
equipment and persons if operated by unauthorised persons. We decline all 35¡C. Lower values are likely to cause fan over-work and
responsibility connected with inadequate settings or improper alteration of these values. reduction of its life A "0" entry disables this function
P14 Number of Banks (depending upon on-board outputs) (number) 1Ö4 1 4
6.1 ACCESSING ADVANCED PROGRAMMING In case of unused outputs, it allows to program the no. of 1Ö6 1 6
controller outputs according to the actual no. of capacitor
For safety reasons, access to this programming mode from the AUTO mode takes place in 2 steps: banks
(a) Press the
- the PROG
MODE key for approx. 4 sec. to enter the BASIC SET-UP mode
indicator flashes; the PROG indicators are steadily lit
P15 VT(PT) coefficient
Voltage coefficient for measurement via VT-Potential
(number) 1.00Ö9.99 0.01 1.00

Transformer. This value is the ratio between LV side

(b) Press the SELECT key for approx. 4 sec. to enter the ADVANCED PROGRAMMING mode voltage and VT secondary voltage. Example: 415V LV
- all the PROG indicators are steadily lit mains, É/100V VT. The value to set is 415/100 = 4.15
- the display shows a Pxx code to indicate the Parameter Number that can be programmed
(c) Refer to the following paragraphs for actual alteration/programming of parameters.
Specific programming for type 650 only

6.2 PROGRAMMING KEYS P12 Fan-control temperature threshold (¡C) 0Ö60 1 35

Cooling fan start-up temperature. ItÕs normally set to 35¡C.
UP / DOWN keys: to increase/decrease the value displayed Lower values are likely to cause fan over-work and
SELECT key: to confirm & store the value displayed and/or to pass on to following parameter. reduction of its life. A "0" entry disables this function
MODE key: to exit ADVANCED PROGRAMMING and return to the AUTO mode. P13 Number of Banks (depending upon on-board outputs) (number) 1Ö6 1 6
In case of unused outputs, it allows to program the no. of 1Ö12 1 12
An automatic exit will also take place if no key is pressed for 30 sec. controller outputs according to the actual no. of capacitor
Exit the ADVANCED PROGRAMMING mode is possible at any point by pressing the MODE key. *
P14 VT (PT) coefficient
Voltage coefficient for measurement via VT-Potential
(number) 1.00Ö9.99 0.01 1.00
However: Transformer. This value is the ratio between LV side
¥ Variation of parameter value is retained and stored ONLY when the SELECT key is pressed voltage and VT secondary voltage. Example: 415V LV
¥ when exiting the programming procedure, make sure to confirm the modified value with the
SELECT key before exiting, otherwise the controller will retain the value displayed before
mains, É/100V VT. The value to set is 415/100 = 4.15

modification. * IMPORTANT: when the CT is placed on the HT side, the

CT value entry in the BASIC SET UP needs to be
reprogrammed to be: actual CT primary value multiplied by
6.3 PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION HT / LT ratio. Example: 20.000 / 415V system, 50/5 CT placed
Min-Max admitted range of values; a Ò0Ó setting disables the parameter. on HT side. The correct CT entry is: 50*(20.000/415)=2409,6;
round up to 2410; the value to set is 2,41 (kA)
step minimum variation (resolution)
In case of alteration of the default values, we recommend noting down in the NEW
default factory pre-programmed value according to general use criteria.
column the unit Serial No. and the new setting(s) for future reference.
new for annotation of new setting(s) if different from default setting(s)
   
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