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Dear Grade, 10 Learner

The past three years was uniquely challenging years for you as learners, and it’s no
surprise that it left it mark on your education and well-being. While analysing the cost of
the pandemic, we use the term” learning losses” to capture the reality that learners were
not given the opportunity to do all the learning they would have completed in a typical
year. Distance learning was especially challenging for many learners. Despite the virus
that is still with us, we want to prioritise your education to be more resilient, fair, and
inclusive with access for all learners so that you can have a successful school year. We
know that the pandemic has added an extra layer of panic to the already stressful times
that high school learners experience.
Sometimes schooling can seem overwhelming, and that can be especially so with
regards to exams. In this revision booklet you will find information, activities and tips that
can help you with the revision required to do your best in any exam, task, or test. By
getting to grips with your revision you will help to manage any stress that you might face
during the year. We have designed this revision guide to help you to work through your
first term curriculum. You will find activities, notes, diagrams, and templates in this booklet
that will help you to learn concepts or acquire skills needed to do your tasks and tests.
Complete all of these.
Ensure that you understand and can apply the additional notes so that you are
adequately prepared for the assignments and examination.
Doing the activities will allow you to reinforce and embed school learning. It will also
identify what knowledge you do know and what you don't know. It makes links with other
learning and will identify and fill gaps in your knowledge.

Nelson Mandela said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world”. We echo this sentiment, and we hope that this revision booklet will
contribute to your growth an own development.
We would like you to succeed, so we will help you with your studies by assisting you all
the way. We wish you well and hope that you will enjoy working through this booklet until
you have attained mastery of the knowledge and skills in preparation for your tests,
assignments, and especially exams.

The Programme of Assessment for your grade 10 year is as follow:



Source-based task 90

Physical Education 100
1 Task

2 Controlled Test 100

Project 90
Physical Education
4 Controlled Test 100 100


During exams, it is very important to read the instructions carefully. This table lists the different
categories of questions you can expect in tests or exams. Make sure you know exactly what
these instructions mean. This will help you to answer questions correctly.
The following list is just to remind you about the meaning of the action verbs/ instruction words
used in controlled tests/tasks/examinations.

L1 and L 2 (lower order) L3 and L 4 (middle order) L5 and L 6 (higher order)

Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Exhibit Examine and Compile

memory of Demonstrate break Present and information
previously understanding Solve information into defend together in a
learned of facts and problems to parts by opinions by different way by
material by ideas by new identifying making combining
recalling facts, organising, situations by reasons or judgements elements in a
basic comparing, applying causes. Make about new pattern or
concepts translating, acquired inference and information, proposing an
and answers. interpreting, knowledge, find evidence to validity of alternative
giving facts support ideas or quality solution
descriptions and techniques generalizations. of work based
stating main and rules in a on a set of
ideas. different way. criteria
Choose Classify Analyse Apply Change
Define Compare Apply Assume Appraise Choose
Find Contrast Choose Categorise Assess Combine
How Explain Develop Classify Compare Compile
List Illustrate Identify Compare Conclude Compose
Match Outline Interview Contrast Consider Construct
Name Summarise Construct Conclude Criticise Create
Relate Infer Report Distinguish Decide Develop
Select Relate Change Examine Defend Elaborate
What Show Conclude Infer Determine Imagine
When Demonstrate Demonstrate Evaluate Improve
Where Discuss Explain Plan
Which Explain Interpret Predict
Who Illustrate Judge Propose
Why Interpret Justify Solve
Report Recommend Suppose
Review Support Produce
Summarise Argue

Command verbs What is required /expected from you
Name / State State something without discussion / write facts.
Argue Make a case for accepting or rejecting a position by systematically
giving reasons and evidence for or against it. Demonstrate that you are
aware of opposing viewpoints and provide grounds for rejecting them.

List Write a list of items

Identify Pinpoint a fact or a figure or an example or an argument or a
theoretical position
Consider Identify advantages and disadvantages or strengths and weaknesses
in argument and justify your own position and conclusion

Comment on Provide an informed and supported viewpoint

Distinguish Understand the difference between two things/ concepts
To perceive or recognise the way something differs from the other,
Give Write an answer by recall of information/
Define Give a clear meaning
Describe Give a detailed explanation of something
Discuss Write/talk as if you were sharing your knowledge with someone else.
Use details and examples to explain the topic

Explain To make clear, interpret and spell out the content.

Illustrate Make your points clearer with the use of specific examples, figures,
diagrams, graphs etc.
Interpret Outline what something means in simple terms and give your
judgement or comments in relation to the issue.
Justify Present convincing evidence and reasons to support your argument
and answer the main objections likely to be made about them
Outline Give an overview of a topic in an organised way, without going into too
much detail.
Present Put forward for consideration; show or display
Prove Show that something is true by presenting facts, statistics, examples
Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information.
Recommend/Suggest Put an idea or plan/strategy forward for consideration that is most
suitable in the context. (In LO a solution)
Evaluate/ Assess Give your own opinions/views based on your findings and defend
them. Give judgments (is this right or wrong) about the information.
This must include a positive and negative.

Critically discuss Make an appraisal of the importance/usefulness/accuracy of

something, stressing both advantages and limitations and back this
up with relevant theories or evidence.
Synthetise Putting together various elements to make a whole


Outline of the controlled test / examination:
• It is important that you study the mark allocation in brackets before answering a question, to
determine how marks will be applied.
• The mark allocation is also an indication of the format, depth and length of the answer
• The depth of content refers to the extent to which a topic is focused upon and explored.
• This will also help enhance the depth of learning as you develop your content learning.
• The breakdown of mark allocation is as follows:
• The first number is the restrictive number indicating the total of facts/statements/opinions
required(2x1) or (3x2).
• The second number indicates the mark regarding the depth/scope of your answer (1x2) or
(2x3) or (3x4)
• (1x2): This mark allocation indicates fact/statement/opinion (✓) and qualifier (✓)
• (1x3): This mark allocation indicates fact/statement/opinion (✓) qualifier (✓) and
outcome/result (✓)
• (1x4): This mark allocation indicates fact/statement/opinion (✓) elaboration/explanation (✓)
qualifier (✓) and outcome/result (✓): This is applicable when the question states “critically
When the question states “evaluate” your answer must include a positive and negative
Example: Positive= fact/statement/opinion (✓) and qualifier (✓) (2 marks)
Negative=fact/statement/opinion (✓) and qualifier (✓) (2 marks)

Section A: 20 marks Section B: 40 marks Section C: 40 marks

All questions are All questions are Learners will answer TWO 20mark

• A short source may be used to • Learners will answer TWO • Questions will predominantly focus on the
contextualise some of the 20mark questions. Short application of knowledge and skills
questions openended questions could be: • A short text/diagram/ data/graphs/cartoons
• The questions must include a o Scenario based can be provided as a stimulus
combination of THREE or more o Source-based o • Questions will predominantly focus on the
types of questions from the list Case study application of knowledge and skills
below: • Learners will be required to:
o Multiple choice o o Cartoons
o Explain/examine/ analyse/evaluate/
One-word o Illustration o critically discuss a topic. o Make
responses Graphs decisions and give advice o Provide
(List, state, provide, recommendations o Make conclusions.
give) o Solve problems
• Questions should be
o Definitions o
knowledge-based, from
Short explanations
information learners have • Learners should provide responses
(Why, how, describe,
acquired from the Life through extended writing of descriptive
explain, discuss)
Orientation content in the FET paragraphs or short essays.
• Questions should test band.
understanding and factual • Mark allocation for sub questions in this
knowledge section could range between 4 – 8 marks
• Learners should display,
• Responses should be short, in total per question.
present and apply knowledge
direct and skills gained from the Life
• Mark allocation for the Orientation content.
questions should range be • Mark allocation for questions in
• Between 1 – 2 mark this section could range
between 2 – 4 marks in total per

1.1 Define the following concepts: (a) volunteering (b) civic responsibility (c) virtual
(3x2) (6)
1.2 List the differences between (a) youth organisations, (b) civic organisations, (c) community
services and (d) projects. (4x1) (4)

1.3. Name THREE contemporary social issues that impact negatively on your local community.
(3x1) (3)
1.4. Discuss TWO challenges youth could encounter as a volunteer. (2x2) (4)

1.5 Explain the benefits of youth participating in civic life. (3x2) (6)

1.6. Recommend how youth organisations can get more youth involved to improve and
support their own communities. (2x3) (6)

1.7. Critically discuss possible challenges that you will encounter when you try to analyse
a contemporary social issue in your community. (2x4) (8)

2.1. Distinguish between social thinking skills, constructive thinking skills and
critical thinking skills. (3x2) (6)
2.2. What is your understanding of social responsibilities? (1x2) (2)

2.3. Name THREE work situations where critical thinking skills can be applied.

2.4. List FOUR examples of constructive thinking skills. (4x1) (4)

2.5. Explain how (a) a nurse, (b) plumber and (c) an attorney can use
their critical thinking skills to solve a problem. (3x2) (6)

2.6. Explain how “using your time wisely” is a real example of critical
thinking skills. (1x3) (3)

2.7. Discuss how your (a) constructive thinking skills and (b) social thinking
skills can help you in a community project. (2x3) (6)

2.8. Analyse the knowledge and skills that is required to make informed
decisions to address social issues that impact on local and global
communities. (3x3) (9)
1 and 2 ATP)
Question 3

3.1 Define the following terminology:

3.1.1 Social responsibility (1X2)(2)

3.1.2 Environmental responsibility (1X2)(2)
3.1.3 Unequal access (1X2)(2)

3.2 Study the cartoon below and answer the questions thereafter.

3.2.1 Explain with examples how the gap between rich and mega-rich is widening.

Question 4

Study the statistics on crime in South Africa below and answer the questions that follow:
4.1 Distinguish between a crime and a murder. (2X1)(2)

4.2 Give commentary on the 52,711 arrestations during festive season. (1X3)(3)

4.3 Give THREE reasons why the trio crimes were increased. (3X2)(6)

4.4 Evaluate the importance of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign. (2X3)(6)

4.5 Explain FOUR contributory factors to the crime problem in your

community as well as globally. (4X2)(8)



6.1 Define the following terminology:

6.1.1 Time management 2
6.1.2 Study skills 2
6.1.3 Problem solving skills 2
6.1.4 Assessment 2
6.2 Choose a description from column B that matches an item in column
A. Write only the letter (A- F) next to the question number (1.2.1-1.2.5) in
your answer

Column A Column B
6.2.1 Listening A. To repeat aloud the words of
written or printed matter.
6.2.2 Contrast B. The ability to focus and pay
6.2.3 Comprehension C. Recording data.
6.2.4 Reading D. Receiving, interpreting and
reacting to a message from
the speaker.
6.2.5 Concentration E. Critically evaluating the text.
F. To point out the differences.

6.3 Study the cartoon below and answer the questions that follow.

6.3.1 Identify and explain ONE study skill that will improve your memory while 1x2 studying.
6.3.2 Advise your classmates with THREE ways of taking assessment seriously. 1x3
6.3.3 Discuss THREE benefits of internal assessment. 3x2

6.4 Study the graph that represents the percentage of learners in the
Western Cape using various study methods for the NSC examination
and answer the questions that follow.
The percentage of learners using the
type of study methods





Type of study methods

6.4.1 The acronym NSC stands for? 1

6.4.2 Briefly discuss NSC as an external form of examination , how will it impact a 1x3
learner who is unable to write the examination indicate a possible reason.
6.4.3 In the graph above list the type of study method, you can draw sub topic lines
1x2 from any direction from the centre. How does this type of method help learners
revise information.
6.4.4 Identify the study method with the highest and lowest percent utilization by the 2x2
Western Cape learners justify.
6.4.5 Critically analyse the graph discuss TWO factors that contribute to how 3x3 technology
adversely affects the various study methods suggest a solution.

Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
7.1 Identify the diagram above ? 1
7.2 How can the tool be effectively used to improve a learners academic 1x2

7.3 Suggest a reason for “break time”. 1x2

7.4 Discuss THREE intervention strategies parents can implement to motivate 3x3 there
grade 10 teenagers to study effectively.
7.5 Tabulate THREE differences between critical and creative thinking. 3x3 MARKING


1.1 (a) Volunteering is a voluntary act of an individual or group freely giving

time and labor for community service. ✓✓
(b) Civic responsibility means active participation in the public life of a
community in an informed, committed, and constructive manner, with
a focus on the common good. ✓✓
(c) Virtual volunteering refers to volunteer activities completed, in
whole or in part, using internet and a home, school, telecentre, or
another internet-connected device, such as smart-phone✓ ✓or Virtual
volunteering is also known as online volunteering, remote
volunteering or e-volunteering. ✓✓ (3x2)(6)

1.2. (4x1)(4)
Youth Organisations Civic Organisations Community Services Projects
Focus upon Means any local Is unpaid work A project is a
providing activities service club or performed by a combination of
and socialisation local civic league person or group of set objectives
for minors. or association of people for the to be
10 or more benefit and accomplished
persons not betterment of their within a fixed
organised for community without period.
profit but operated any form of
exclusively for compensation.
educational or
Poverty, unemployment,
unequal opportunity,
racism, malnutrition.
Any other THREE relevant answers (3x1)(3)

1.3. Feeling overworked and

exhausted✓ because
there is often a lot of
work to do and you
can over work yourself
or drain yourself ✓
Volunteer burn-out is an all too common volunteering challenge✓ due to
undervalued and stressful situations✓
Being out of your comfort zone and doing something completely new and
unknown can be a challenge✓ can make you feel vulnerable and exposed✓
You can become feel emotionally involved and invested✓ and can cause
clashes in your decision making✓ Any other relevant response (3x2)(6)

1.5 It enhanced individual development✓ as it provides youth with opportunities to

generate real community change✓
Meaningful youth participation can enhance a young person’s sense of
connectedness, belonging and feeling of being valued✓, which contribute to positive
mental health✓
By meaningfully engaging young people individuals gain skills and a sense of
empowerment✓ and make healthy connections with positive role models, both peers
and adults✓ Any other THREE responses for TWO marks each(3x2) (6)

1.6. They can encourage young people to dream big about possibilities for
change✓ telling them they bring energy and life to projects and discussions✓
and what they can do is achievable if they dream big and boldly✓
Make sure young people know why they should get involved in social action✓
explore the reasons and opportunities to do that✓ so that they can contributing to
making the world a better place✓
Help young people to identify with causes in your community and to develop
their passion and interest✓ it allow young people to take ownership of social
action for themselves✓ and in that way it encourages them to reflect on causes
they really care about✓
Any TWO responses for THREE marks each (2x3)(6)

1.7. When you go looking for reasons and underlying causes for a contemporary
social issue, you are likely to find more than one✓ several different reasons may
be influencing the problem, in different amounts, all at the same time✓ and this
may not be an easy task to untangle all the reasons and their relative
strengths✓, and it may be necessary to look for multi-pronged solutions✓
Contemporary social issues are likely to be complex✓ you may have
opposition, either from within the community itself, or from powerful forces
trying to protect their own interests✓ and the analysis may show multiple
reasons behind the problem✓ which make the analysis may not always be easy
and the solution may be more difficult still✓
Any TWO responses for FOUR marks each. (2x4)(8)

2.1. Social thinking skills is the ability to consider your own and other
thoughts, ✓ emotions, beliefs, intentions, knowledge✓, etc., while
constructive thinking is basically a way of thinking constructively
about your world and environment ✓when you choose to interpret and
respond to them in ways that will support your growth and
development✓, and critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and
rationally✓ about what to do or what to believe. ✓ (3x2)(6)

2.2. Social responsibility reflects the individuals' responsibility✓ to act in

the best interest of their society and engage in activities or social
responsibility is the idea that individuals have a civic duty✓ to avoid
causing harm to other individuals, to society, or to nature. ✓ or social
responsibility is a framework in which an individual is obligated to
work and cooperate with other individuals and organisations✓ for the
benefit of the community that will inherit the world that individual
leaves behind✓ or social responsibilities including the knowledge and
skills✓ to make informed decisions and take appropriate action✓
Any two (1x2)(2)

2.3. Critical thinking skills can be applied to help businesses run smoothly
by solving problems✓ developing solutions✓ creating new ideas✓
improvement of process inefficiencies✓, management ✓or
finances✓ can be improved by using critical thought. (Any THREE)

2.4. “I calmly deal with my anger.” ✓

“I make sound decisions.” ✓
“I control my emotions.” ✓
“I do not stress” ✓ (4x1)(4)
2. 5. Nurse- A nurse analyses the cases at hand✓ and decides the order
by which the patients should be treated✓
Plumber- A plumber evaluates the materials✓ that would best suit a
particular job✓
Attorney- An attorney reviews evidence✓ and devises a strategy to
win a case or to decide whether to settle out of court✓ (3x2)(6)

2.6. Continually evaluating how you spend your time✓ can help you
discover tasks and activities✓ that may change how you prioritise your
duties✓ (1x3)(3)

2.7. (a) Constructive thinking skills- A constructive thought will allow you to
open your way✓, because it will help you perceive obstacles as
challenges✓ and overcome them with a broad perspective to work together
on the project✓
(b) Social thinking skills- Using appropriate social skills tend to make
people feel comfortable around us✓ which helps us better co-exist and
interact with those we share space with✓ and in this way create a common
understanding for cooperation on the project✓ (3x2) (6)

2.8. Determine the issue✓ so that you know what the problem is✓ and can
explore solutions how to tackle the problem. ✓
Gather data about the issue✓ which will you inform you about the pros
and cons✓ so that can decide best of how you will handle the situation✓
Research your options✓ and gather different opinions and options✓
so that you can make an informed decision. ✓
Any other relevant response for THREE marks each (3x3)(9)

• When revising, pay attention to the definitions of terms and concepts and base
your study on the range of topics covered in your workbooks and handouts.
• Read the questions carefully.
• Analyse the instructions carefully, highlighting/underlining any keywords that will
help you understand what’s required.
• Make sure you answer the question.

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