We rely on energy every day Words to Know
Energy is essential in our daily lives. We use energy to: Bioenergy Technologies Office.
Meet transportation needs from fueling cars to R&D
fueling airplanes Research and development is
the work directed toward the
Grow food and produce other widely used products
innovation, introduction,
and improvement of products
Heat and light our homes, schools, and workplaces
and processes.
Words to Know
Biomass energy crops), urban wood products of water treatment
An energy resource derived waste, and food waste. Biomass facilities.
from plant material. It includes is a unique, renewable energy
agricultural residues (such resource, as it can be converted to
A type of biofuel that is
as waste from food crops fuels, chemicals, or power.
naturally produced from gases
and animal manures), forest
Wet Waste released when organic waste
resources, purpose-grown
Includes food waste, manures, breaks down with no oxygen
energy crops (such as algae,
sewage sludge, and the treated in the environment.
perennial grasses, and woody
BIOENERGY is an exciting,
versatile energy source
Next-generation bioenergy feedstocks are promising
domestic energy sources for transportation biofuels,
bioproducts, and biopower. BETO focuses on new
and better ways to make affordable transportation
fuels, or biofuels that are compatible with current
transportation infrastructure.
Biofuels Life Cycle
The biofuels life cycle begins with feedstock production and ends
with a fully finished product ready for the end user.
Words to Know
Bioenergy Feedstocks Next-Generation feedstocks. Examples include
Any material used directly as Bioenergy Feedstocks ethanol, methanol, methane,
a fuel or converted to another Non-food and waste biomass and hydrogen.
form of fuel or energy product materials, such as energy
that has undergone one or crops, agricultural and forestry
Materials that are derived
more preprocessing operations residues, and woody residues.
from bioenergy feedstocks.
to meet the required quality Next-generation bioenergy
Examples include paper,
characteristics for feeding into feedstocks can also include
ethanol, and plastics.
a biorefinery. Examples of sewage, municipal solid wastes,
preprocessing include baling, gaseous wastes, or other Biopower
grinding, leaching, blending, organic, non-food substances. Electric power or heat
pelleting, or packaging for derived from bioenergy
Energy Crops
transportation to a biorefinery. feedstocks through direct
A commodity crop grown
combustion of the feedstock,
Conventional specifically for its fuel value.
through gasification and then
Biomass Feedstocks These can include nonfood
combustion of the resultant
Wood and wood pellets, corn crops such as, algae, poplar
gas, or through other thermal
kernels, sugar cane, and other trees, or switchgrass.
conversion processes. Power
biomass materials that are
Biofuels is generated with engines,
harvested after a primary
Liquid or gaseous fuels turbines, fuel cells, or
crop has been collected;
derived from bioenergy other equipment.
if not used as biomass, these
materials go to waste.
Words to Know
From conventional
Drop-In Biofuels
biofuels to advanced
Biofuels that are compatible biofuel technologies
with existing petroleum
infrastructure. Corn ethanol is an example of a conventional biofuel. The volume of
conventional biofuels produced annually in this country is less than 20
billion gallons, a mandate set by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Refers to “minimum fuel
Agency under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program Standards
selling price” and captures all
for 2019 and the Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for 2020.1 To meet
the costs of turning biomass
these standards, conventional biofuels are blended into petroleum-
into an end product. It is often
based fuels; for example, ethanol is blended with gasoline up to 10%.
referred to as $/GGE, or dollar
However, vehicle and equipment manufacturers, consumers, and fuel
per gallon gasoline equivalent.
providers have concerns about the compatibility of these fuels with
Cellulose existing petroleum-based systems. To address these concerns, DOE is
An insoluble substance that is working to make drop-in biofuels that are compatible with existing
the main portion of plant cell vehicles, refinery infrastructure, and existing pipelines and trucks that
walls and vegetable fibers, move petroleum to the storage facilities at your local gas stations.
such as cotton. Cellulose is
DOE is also focusing on technologies to make transportation fuels
inherently not food and is not
from next-generation feedstocks, which include non-food sources,
digestible by humans.
for an affordable MFSP. The combination of conventional biofuels
and advanced biofuels can provide a sustainable supply of cellulosic
biofuels. Types of biofuels that can be made from cellulose include
ethanol, diesel, and jet fuel. Cellulosic biofuels are an excellent
alternative fuel for several reasons. They:
Bioproducts used in our Words to Know
everyday lives Cellulosic biofuels
Biofuels produced from
Up to 16%2 of the U.S. crude oil consumption is used to produce
cellulosic biomass resources,
chemicals and products, such as plastics for industrial and consumer
including crop residues (e.g.,
goods, and carbon fiber to make vehicles more lightweight. There
corn cobs, stalks), forestry
is an opportunity to produce a larger portion of bioproducts from
residues (e.g., forest thinning,
biomass resources.
wood byproducts), energy
Biomass resources represent an important option for sustainably crops (e.g., switchgrass,
supplementing many petroleum-derived chemicals, plastics, and miscanthus), sorted municipal
products relied upon today. Some products derived from wastes, and algae.
biomass are equivalent to or even better than those
made with petroleum-derived materials.
A facility that converts
biomass or waste resources
into biofuels, bioproducts,
and biopower. The biorefinery
concept is analogous to a
petroleum refinery, where a
slate of multiple fuels and
products are produced from a
petroleum feedstock.
Carbon fiber
Plastic bottles A polymer manufacturing
are an example material that can be made
of bioproducts that from biomass. It is strong
you may see in the and lightweight and often
world around you. used in industries, such as
aerospace, automotive,
military, and recreation.
U.S. Department of Energy. 2015. Bioproducts to Enable Biofuels
Workshop Summary Report. Washington D.C. DOE/EE-1294.
Words to Know Waste-to-energy
Wet and solid wastes* BETO researches how non-food biomass and waste feedstocks can
Sludge/biosolids, animal be used to produce bioenergy.
manure, food waste,
Wet waste, solid waste, and gaseous waste streams are potential
and inedible fats, oils,
high-impact resources for the domestic production of biogas,
and greases.
biofuels, bioproduct precursors, heat, and electricity. Wastes
Gaseous wastes* represent a significant and underused set of feedstocks for bioenergy
Biogas and associated production. These wastes are often available without land-use
natural gas. change, and in many cases, their use helps to address the unique and
local challenges of disposing of them.
* Primary feedstocks of
interest include inedible The limited landfill capacity and other factors are necessitating
fats and greases; innovative waste management solutions. In particular, the notion that
biogas from landfills, waste streams represent valuable feedstocks for the production of
dairies, and wastewater biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower is beginning to rise in popularity.
treatment plants; and
Additionally, these waste streams create and emit methane as they
the organic fraction of
decompose. Methane is a prevalent greenhouse gas, and there is
municipal solid wastes.
significant potential to create monetary value from these energy-dense
waste streams while simultaneously reducing harmful emissions.
U.S. energy independence,
advanced manufacturing,
and national security
Mobilizing domestically produced and underused non-food biomass
and waste resources to produce biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower
is critical to the U.S. energy strategy. Biofuel, bioproduct, and
biopower production can support increased economic activity
across the entire bioenergy supply chain—from new jobs in the
farms and forests of the rural United States to growth in the nation’s
construction and manufacturing industries.
BETO is committed to investing
in sustainable technologies
BETO and its partners develop industrially relevant, transformative,
and revolutionary bioenergy technologies to enable sustainable,
domestically produced biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower for a
prosperous nation.
Words to Know
The aspiration to meet current needs while maintaining capacity
for future generations to meet their needs. Includes being
economically and environmentally viable, socially acceptable,
and protective of human health and welfare.
BETO’s mission is to develop industrially
relevant, transformative, and revolutionary bioenergy
technologies to enable affordable, sustainable,
domestically produced biofuels, bioproducts, and
biopower for a prosperous nation.