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Background of the Study

The foundation of a strong educational system is largely dependent on the quality

of its teachers. A professionally competent teacher is essential in providing high-quality

education to students. Teachers have a significant impact on students' academic

performance as they act as mentors and are often considered as second parents to


Masbate National Comprehensive High School is the largest school in Masbate

City, Masbate, Philippines, in terms of student enrollment and campus size and is

regarded as the best public secondary high school. Just like any other school, it endeavors

to provide its students with the best teaching and guidance to sustain top-notch education.

Despite that, there are still students that perform less well than expected. This may be

caused by the inability of some teachers to provide sufficient guidance and instruction

due to their lack of professional competence.

A competent teacher can be described as someone who is professionally trained to

manage and control instructional processes in the school. In order for teaching and

learning activities to take place, teachers must create lesson plans, and instructional

materials, and use the right teaching techniques to meet learning objectives. A teacher

must possess all of these abilities and dispositions to support their students' learning in

order for learning to be effective.

Teachers’ professional competence includes an understanding of students’

behavior, subject matter knowledge, curriculum, and the role of a teacher. Professional

competence also includes abilities like subject application, teaching strategies,

management of the classroom, assessment, and recording. More effective teachers

possess verbal skills, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, certification status,

capacity to effectively employ a variety of teaching techniques, and enthusiasm for the


Competency can be defined as a set of skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to

successfully perform a job. Luis et al. (2014) defines competence as the capacity to

respond to individual, or societal, demands in order to perform an activity or complete a

given task. They are developed through acting and interacting in both formal and

informal educational or professional contexts and require going beyond the mere

reproduction of acquired knowledge. At its highest level, this conceptualization of

competence implies choosing and adapting from within the acquired processes those

necessary to solve an unknown complex task or problem. In this sense, competencies are

defined as potential behaviors rather than actual behaviors. Influence in encouraging the

development of fundamental abilities, gratifying work habits, attitudes, and values

judgment, as well as adaptation to the unique learning environment.

Students’ academic performance can be either positively or negatively affected

based on the school environment. Teachers are the main factor that greatly influence the

school environment through their skills, knowledge, and professional competence. Only

competent teachers are able to deliver quality education and foster positive change among

their students.

The school environment has a strong positive relationship with students’ ratings

of their overall school satisfaction, students’ self-esteem, and academic performance.

Teacher’s competency enhances a teacher’s ability to create an environment that is fair,

understanding, and accepting of diverse students, ideas, experiences, and backgrounds.

Teachers have been found to be the single most important factor influencing student

achievement. (Tope, n.d.).

Considering the crucial role teachers serve in the education system. It is important

that we evaluate their competences through The Philippine Professional Standards for

Teachers which is built on the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS).

The purpose was to improve the quality of teachers, and subsequently the quality of

education for students. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers defines

teacher quality in the Philippines. The standards describe the expectations of teachers’

increasing levels of knowledge, practice, and professional engagement. The following are

the seven domains that are required by teachers to be effective in the 21st Century in the

Philippines. The Philippine National Standards for Teachers (2017, pp. 4-7):

1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

2. Learning Environment,

3. Diversity of Learners

4. Curriculum and Planning

5. Assessment and Reporting

6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

The evaluation of teacher competence can be used to both identify high- and low-

performing teachers as well as to pinpoint the precise areas in which teachers need

assistance, thereby increasing the value of professional development. A highly competent

teacher is one of the most important factors that influence students' learning as well as

help the school achieve its goals and missions.

If students have a high-performing teacher for one year, they will benefit from the

advantage of that good teaching in future years. Alternately, if students have a low-

performing teacher, they simply will not outgrow the negative effects of lost learning

opportunities for years to come.

The most important factor in raising student performance and achievements are

competent teachers. The difference between the most and least effective school

environments is quality teachers. The quality of teaching has a significant impact on

student learning. The academic performance of the students may suffer if teachers are not

given the chance to enhance classroom procedures.

Statement of the Problem

Teachers’ competence has a great influence on students’ academic performance;

thus, the present study is designed to investigate the relationship between teachers’

professional competence and students’ academic performance among Senior High School

students of Masbate National Comprehensive High School S.Y. 2022-2023.

Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. How does teachers’ professional competence influence senior high school

students in terms of:

a) Academic performance; and

b) Classroom behavior

2. What factors affect teachers’ professional competence?

3. What are the perceptions of senior high school students on teachers’

professional performance?

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the impact of teachers’ professional competence on

senior high school students’ academic performance at Masbate National Comprehensive

High School S.Y. 2022-2023. The primary subjects of this study are teachers and senior

high school students enrolled in the school year 2022-2023. This study will explore the

relationship between teachers’ professional competence and students’ academic

performance. A qualitative survey will be used to gather data from students and teachers

about the study.

In this study, the student’s performance will be scaled through the general

weighted average of the students in their first to third grading period. Moreover, teachers'

professional competence will be assessed based on the viewpoint of the students and

perceptions of their teachers’ performance in class.

Furthermore, the student participants will be focused on Grade 11 students at

Masbate National Comprehensive High School S.Y. 2022-2023. This study will be

conducted in the second semester of the school year. This study will only seek out their

statistics and knowledge in regard to the study topic. This research study will not delve

into other factors affecting students’ academic performance but will be mainly focused on

teachers’ professional competence as a factor influencing students’ academic


Significance of the Study

This study will be focused on the teachers and students of Masbate National

Comprehensive High School. The result of the study will be of great benefit to the


a) Senior High School Students - The research study focuses enhancement of

students’ academic performance, which will help them build their academic

achievements. This study will be useful for students who may want to know

the factors that could affect their academic performance

b) Teachers - The results of the study will encourage the teachers to enhance

their capacity and provide them guidance for their smooth functioning in the

classroom. The study will bring to light the problems of teachers while

teaching and their suggestions to improve the education system.

c) MNCHS - The results of this study will provide the school concrete and

reasonable basis regarding teacher professional competencies for the

improvement of teacher performance. With improved teacher performance

subsequently comes better quality of education.


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