ESSAY_ ethics
ESSAY_ ethics
ESSAY_ ethics
ESSAY: Write your thoughts objectively and concretely without any erasures.
1. Describe your understanding about virtue ethics and how it is distinguished to general ethics.
Answer: My understanding about virtue ethics is it is a person rather than action based, it look at the
virtue of moral character of the person carrying out an action, rather than at ethical duties and rules,
or the consequences of particular actions. It defines good actions as ones that display embody
virtuous character traits, like courage, loyalty, or wisdom. A virtue itself is a disposition to act, think
and feel in certain ways. It is distinguished to general ethics by ethics is what guides us to tell the
truth, keep our promises, or help someone in need. There is a framework of ethics underlying our
lives on a daily basis, helping us make decisions that creates positive impacts and steering us away
from unjust outcomes.
Answer: I can apply virtue erhics to extrajudicial killing by stating that it is immoral but it is legal.
Extrajudicial executions are a solution of this right, designating the deliberate killing of an individual
by a state agent or with their consent without a previous judgment affording all judicial guarantees,
such as a fair and unbiased procedure.
3. How is aristotle's ideas of happiness different and the same with Aquinas?
Answer: Aristotle's ideas of happiness different with Aquinas because for Aristotle happiness is
consists in achieving, through the course of a whole lifetime, all the good health, wealth, knowledge,
friends, etc., that lead to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life. For
Aristotle happiness depends on ourselves. While for Aquinas happiness is the perfect good which is
obtained upon seeing God in after life. And their ideas of happiness the same by telling that perfect
happiness is not possible on earth, but an imperfect happiness is.
4. How can you promote justice for the common good for the community in simple ways? Give some
creative examples.
Answer: I can promote justice for the common good for the community in simple ways by being
honest and fair at all times. For instance, in the court hearing, in able to have a justice in a certain case
the victim and the witness must tell the whole story with honesty.
5. What are the challenges that we face in the current time that may influence the morality of
Answer: The challenges that we face in the current time that may influence the morality of everyone
is euthanasia and abortion. It influences our morality in the manner that, it introduces us to the other
possible solution to our ethical dilemmas, telling us that there is another way to put an end to our
suffering. Provided us with an interesting idea that may affect our decision as to whether stick to
doing good or to do bad with a satisfying result.
6. Because of different beliefs, perspectives and discoveries, why need to be moral this generation?
Answer: We need to be moral in this generation despite the different religious beliefs, perspectives
and discoveries for the reason that it is our duty and obligation as human beings to still do what is
right. We need to be moral to be able to maintain a healthy relationship with our peers and to
maintain love and peace in our place.
7. What can we do in order to preserve the relevance and significance of morality in the changing facets
of the time?
Answer: To be still knowledgeable enough to still do good things despite the massive changes
happening in our time today. To share love and to continue doing morally correct things.