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Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing

• Data warehousing is the process of constructing and

using a data warehouse.
• A data warehouse is constructed by integrating data
from multiple heterogeneous sources that support
analytical reporting, structured and/or ad hoc
queries,and decision making.
• Data warehousing involves data cleaning, data
integration,and data consolidations.
Data Warehousing
• DBMS in industry are pervasive throughout industry with
relational database management being the dominant
• These types of systems are called online transaction
processing systems-OLTP.
– OLTP are the normal business databases e.g. inventory control,
invoicing, etc. and are designed to maximise the transaction
processing capacity
– They are designed to handle high transaction throughput
– transactions typically making small changes to the operational data
– operational data is data that the organisation requires to handle in
its day-to-day operations
• OLTP systems size can range from small databases being mbs
to large databases that can require terabytes or even
petabytes of storage.
Why Data Warehousing?
• Support decision-making: Corporate decision makers
require access to all the organisation’s data both
current and past data(historic) to provide
comprehensive analysis of the organisation, its
business, its requirements and its trends.
– Thus Organizations are focusing on ways to use operational
data to support decision-making as a means of regaining
competitive advantage.
• To facilitate this type of analysis, a data warehouse is
created to hold data drawn from several data sources,
maintained by different operating systems, together
with historical and summary transformations.
– Based on extended database technology, a data warehouse
provides the management with a data store.
Data Warehousing
• A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated,
time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in
support of management’s decision-making process'
(Inmon 1993)
– Its a repository of information, or archive information,
gathered from multiple sources stored under a unified
Data Warehousing
Definition - Explained
• Subject oriented: it is organised around the major subjects of the
enterprise (e.g. customers, products, sales) rather than the major
application areas (e.g. customer invoicing, stock control, product
– A data warehouse can be used to analyze a particular subject area.
For example, "sales" can be a particular subject.
• Integrated: coming together of the source data from different
enterprise-wide applications systems. Often inconsistent, e.g.
different formats
– A data warehouse integrates data from multiple data sources.
• For example, source A and source B may have different ways of identifying a
product, but in a data warehouse, there will be only a single way of
identifying a product.
Data Warehousing
Definition - Explained
• Time-variant: data in the warehouse is only accurate at some
point in time or over some time interval
– Historical data is kept in a data warehouse.
• For example, one can retrieve data from 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, or
even older data from a data warehouse.
– This contrasts with a transactions system, where often only the most
recent data is kept.
• For example, a transaction system may hold the most recent address of a
customer, where a data warehouse can hold all addresses associated with a
• Non-volatile: data is not updated in real time but is refreshed
from operational systems on a regular basis. New data is always
added, rather than replaced.
– Once data is in the data warehouse, it will not change. So, historical
data in a data warehouse should never be altered.
Data Warehousing
Challenges in creating a Data warehouse :
• Data is scattered in many types of incompatible
• Lack of documentation prevent integration older
legacy systems with newer systems
• Internet software like searching engine needs to be
• Accurate and accessible metadata across multiple
organizations is hard to get
Data Warehousing
• Data warehouses are designed to support adhoc query
processing, therefore they are organised according to the
requirements of potential questions and supports long term
strategic decision making
• It is often the case that OLTP systems provide the data for
data warehouses.
– However the data held in OLTP systems can be inconsistent,
fragmented, contain duplicate or missing entries.
– This must be cleaned up before it can be used in a data warehouse.
OLPT versus Data Warehouse
OLTP Data Warehouse
Holds current data Holds historic data
Stores detailed data Detailed, lightly/highly summarised data
Data is dynamic Data largely static
Repetitive processing Ad hoc querying, unstructured and
heuristic processing
High transaction throughput Medium-low level transaction
Predictable usage patterns Unpredictable usage patterns
Transaction driven Analysis driven
Application oriented Subject oriented
Supports day-to-day decisions Strategic decisions
Large number of clerical/operational Lower number of managerial users
Source: Connolly and Begg p1153
• Potential high returns on investment
– Organisations normally must commit a huge amount of
investment and resources in developing the data warehouse,
but the potential returns on that investment due to increasing
productivity and the competitive advantage that gives can be
very large
• Competitive advantage
– Competitive advantage is gained by giving access to this data
by management decision makers for forecasting trends etc.
• Increased productivity of corporate decision-
– By transforming data into a meaningful information, a data
warehouse allows managers to perform more substantive,
accurate and consistent analysis
Typical Architecture of Data Warehouse
Mainframe operational
n/w,h/w data
Warehouse mgr
Reporting query, app
development,EIS tools
Meta-data Highly
Departmental summarized
RDBMS data Load data Query
mgr manager
OLAP tools
Lightly summarized
Private data
Detailed data DBMS
Warehouse mgr
Data-mining tools
External data

Source: Connolly and Begg p1157

Typical Architecture of Data Warehouse
A typical architecture of a data warehouse consists of the
• Data sources
– vary from mainframes to departmental databases to
external data.
– There are lots of different sources and different data
• Load manager (or frontend)
– performs the extraction and loading of data into the
Typical Architecture of Data Warehouse
• Warehouse manager
– performs all the operations associated with the
management of the data in the warehouse.
– Operations include:
• ensuring consistency of data,
• indexes and views,
• denormalising,
• aggregating data, backing up and archiving.
Typical Architecture of Data Warehouse
• Query manager (backend)
– manages the user queries.
– Complexity depends on flexibility of end-user access
– Can include directing queries to tables, scheduling
execution of queries, generating query profiles to
assist warehouse manager in managing indexes and
Typical Architecture of Data Warehouse
Types of Data

• Detailed data:
– This is the actual data which has been pulled in from
the various sources.
– Normally stored offline and aggregated into next level
of data.
Typical Architecture of Data Warehouse
• Lightly/highly summarised data:
– Summarised data tends to create various views of the
detailed data, to answer specific queries.
• It is the aggregated data generated by the warehouse
– It needs to be summarised because there is such a
large amount of data
• Purpose is to speed up queries.
– Because these views can change, there also needs to
be meta-data.
• This is subject to change on an on-going basis depending on
the types of queries.
Typical Architecture of Data Warehouse
• Meta-data:
– Is a description of data in warehouse.
– Changes according to structure of data in warehouse.
• Archive/backup:
– Since the data warehouse will always grow, some of
the older data can be archived, in a way that it can still
be included in queries if required.
Information Flows
Operational data
source 1
Warehouse Mgr
Meta-flow Reporting query, app
data development,EIS tools
Inflow Highly
summ. Outflow
Load data
mgr Query
OLAP tools
Lightly manager
Detailed data DBMS
Warehouse mgr
Data-mining tools
Operational data Archive/backup
source n

Source Connolly and Begg p1162

Information Flow Processes
• Five primary information flows
– Inflow
• Extraction-cleans dirty data,
• Cleansing - restructures data to suit new requirements
• loading of data from source systems into warehouse -
ensure source is consistent with data already in the
– Upflow
• adding value to data in warehouse through
summarizing data into more convenient views,
packaging data into more useful formats and
distributing data to increase availability/accessibility
Information Flow Processes
– Downflow
• Archiving (transfer data of limited value) and backing
up data in warehouse mostly to be used to restore
following crash
– Outflow
• making data available to end users
– Metaflow
• This is the process which moves metadata responding
to changing needs, i.e. updating metadata accordingly
Problems of Data
These are the typical problems with a data warehouse,
most of them arise from the problems of integrating the
source data(see pages 1050-1052, Connolly & Begg)

1. Underestimation of resources for data loading

– 80% of development time is spent on data loading
2. Hidden problems with source systems
– Problems with source systems, e.g. nulls allow
incomplete data, needs to be fixed
3. Required data not captured - OLTP systems may
not store data needed – so may need to alter the
OLTP systems
4. Increased end-user demands – once users become
aware of capabilities – need better tools
Problems of Data
5. Data homogenization - Homogenization can lessen
value of data – similarities v. differences in data
6. High demand for resources e.g. disk space, large
no. of indexes etc.
7. Data ownership – the data accessible to all users
8. High maintenance – need for reorganisation of
business processes or change to data warehouse
9. Long duration projects – i.e. can take 3 years to
build – data marts support only one department so
may be quicker
10. Complexity of integration – there is need to
integrate all tools to ensure benefits to the
Data Warehouse Design
• Data must be designed to allow ad-hoc queries to
be answered with acceptable performance
– The types of queries needed to be performed are different
to those in an OLTP system as they are more factual,
analytical and temporal.
• Queries usually require access to factual data
generated by business transactions
– e.g. find the average number of properties rented out
with a monthly rent greater than £700 at each branch
office over the last six months
Data Warehouse Design
• Uses Dimensionality Modelling
– Normal modelling techniques (E-R model) are not
suitable as the relationships between the data can
sometimes be too complex,
– We therefore use dimensionality modelling - a logical
design technique that aims to present the data in a
standard, intuitive form that allows for high-performance
Dimensionality Modelling
• Similar to E-R modelling but with constraints/restrictions
– composed of one fact table with a composite primary key
– dimension tables have a simple primary key which corresponds
exactly to one foreign key in the fact table
– uses surrogate keys based on integer values e.g unique sequential
number usually not derived from any other data in the database
• They are usually created when the table does not have any natural primary
– Can efficiently and easily support ad-hoc end-user queries
Star Schema
• This is the most common dimensional model
• A star schema contains two types of tables - a fact
table surrounded by dimension tables
• Fact tables
– contains FK for each dimension table
– large relative to dimension tables
– read-only
• Dimension tables
– Dimensional tables contain reference data – i.e. the data
which supports the fact.
– query performance speeded up by denormalising into a
single dimension table. Denormalised minimises the
number of joins
Star Schema
• The star schema has a centralized data repository,
stored in a fact table.
• The schema splits the fact table into a series of
denormalized dimension tables.
• The fact table contains aggregated data to be used for
reporting purposes while the dimension table
describes the stored data.
• Denormalized designs are less complex because the
data is grouped.
Star Schema
• The fact table uses only one link to join to each
dimension table.
• The star schema’s simpler design makes it much
easier to write complex queries.
Source: Connolly and Begg
Star Schemas
• This is the Star Schema version.
– We have one table in the centre which contains all the links
to the dimension tables, which contains the data.
– The fact table is just like a M:N relationship in a relational
– Note that there can be more than one fact table in a star
Snowflake Schema
• The snowflake schema is different because it
normalizes the data.
• Normalization means efficiently organizing the data
so that all data dependencies are defined, and each
table contains minimal redundancies.
• Single dimension tables thus branch out into separate
dimension tables.
• The snowflake schema uses less disk space and better
preserves data integrity.
Snowflake Schema
• The main disadvantage with snowflake schema is the
complexity of queries required to access data—each
query must dig deep to get to the relevant data
because there are multiple joins.

Key Points on Snowflake schemas

– variant of star schema
– each dimension can have its own dimensions
– Unlike Star schema which is denormalised, Snowflake
schemas contain no denormalised data, the data is
Starflake schema
– hybrid structure
– contains mixture of (denormalised) star and (normalised)
snowflake schemas
Data Warehouse Models
• In a traditional architecture there are three common
data warehouse models:
– Virtual warehouse
– Data mart
– Enterprise data warehouse
Virtual warehouse
– A virtual data warehouse is a set of separate databases,
which can be queried together, so a user can effectively
access all the data as if it was stored in one data
– In this data warehouse model, data is aggregated from a
range of source systems relevant to a specific business
area, such as sales or finance.
– views over operational dbs
– Materialize some summary views for efficient query
– Easier to build
Data Mart
• Data Mart is a subset of data warehouse (or
organization-wide data) that supports the
requirements of a particular department or business
function or specific group of people.
– In other words,adata mart contains only those data that is
specific to a particular group.
– For example,the marketing data mart may contain only
data related to items, customers,and sales.
• Data marts are confined to subjects.
Graphical representation of a data mart
Data Warehouse Vs Data
• Data Marts:
– Departmental subsets that focus on selected subjects:
Marketing data mart: customer, products, sales.
– Faster roll out, but complex integration in the long run.
Enterprise warehouse
• An enterprise data warehouse model prescribes that
the data warehouse contain aggregated data that
spans the entire organization.
• This model sees the data warehouse as the heart of
the enterprise’s information system, with integrated
data from all business units.
• collects all information about subjects (customers,
products, sales, assets, personnel) that span the entire
– Requires extensive business modeling
– May take years to design and build
Data Analysis Tools
• There are two types of tools that are commonly
used for data analysis:
– Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
– Data mining
• Each tool is described in the next slides
Online Analytical Processing Server (OLAP)
• OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Server is a
software technology that allows users to analyze
information from multiple database systems at the
same time.
– It is based on multidimensional data model and allows the
user to query on multi-dimensional data (eg. Delhi ->
2018 -> Sales data).
• OLAP databases are divided into one or more cubes
that are designed in such a way that creating and
viewing reports become easy.
– OLAP Cube is also called the hypercube.
– OLAP allows managers, and analysts to get an insight of the
information through fast, consistent, and interactive access
to information.
How OLAP works
• A Data warehouse would extract information
from multiple data sources and formats like text
files, excel sheet, multimedia files, etc.
• The extracted data is cleaned and transformed.
• Data is loaded into an OLAP server (or OLAP
cube) where information is pre-calculated in
advance for further analysis.
OLAP Operations
• Since OLAP servers are based on multidimensional
view of data, we will discuss OLAP operations in
multidimensional data.
• Here is the list of OLAP operations −
– Roll-up
– Drill-down
– Slice and dice
– Pivot (rotate)
OLAP Operations
1. Roll-up
• Roll-up performs aggregation on a data cube in any
of the following ways −
– By climbing up a concept hierarchy for a dimension
– By dimension reduction
• The following diagram illustrates how roll-up
OLAP Operations
• Roll-up is performed by climbing up a concept
hierarchy for the dimension location.
• Initially the concept hierarchy was "street < city <
province < country".
• On rolling up, the data is aggregated by ascending
the location hierarchy from the level of city to the
level of country.
• The data is grouped into cities rather than countries.
• When roll-up is performed, one or more dimensions
from the data cube are removed.
OLAP Operations
2. Drill-down
• Drill-down is the reverse operation of roll-up.
• In drill-down operation, the less detailed data is
converted into highly detailed data.
• It can be done by:
– By stepping (moving) down in the concept hierarchyfor a
– By introducing (adding) a new dimension
• The following diagram illustrates how drill-down
OLAP Operations
• Drill-down is performed by stepping down a concept
hierarchy for the dimension time.
• Initially the concept hierarchy was "day < month <
quarter < year."
• On drilling down, the time dimension is descended
from the level of quarter to the level of month.
• When drill-down is performed, one or more
dimensions from the data cube are added.
• It navigates the data from less detailed data to highly
detailed data.
OLAP Operations
3. Slice
• The slice operation selects one particular dimension
from a given cube and provides a new sub-cube.
• Consider the diagram in the next slide that shows
how slice works.
OLAP Operations
• The Slice is performed for the dimension "time"
using the criterion time = "Q1".
• It will form a new sub-cube by selecting one or more
OLAP Operations
4. Dice
• Dice selects two or more dimensions from a given
cube and provides a new sub-cube.
• Consider the diagram in the next slide that shows
the dice operation.
OLAP Operations
• The dice operation on the cube is based on the
following selection criteria which involves three
– (location = "Toronto" or "Vancouver")
– (time = "Q1" or "Q2")
– (item =" Mobile" or "Modem")
OLAP Operations
5. Pivot
• The pivot operation is also known as rotation.
• It rotates the data axes in view in order to provide
an alternative presentation of data.
• Consider the diagram in the next slide that shows
the pivot operation.
OLAP Operations
• The Slice is performed for the dimension "time"
using the criterion time = "Q1".
• It will form a new sub-cube by selecting one or more
Types of OLAP Servers
• We have four types of OLAP servers −
1. Relational OLAP (ROLAP)
2. Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP)
3. Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP)
4. Specialized SQL Servers
Types of OLAP Servers
Relational OLAP
• ROLAP is the fastest growing technology.
– Works by providing multi-dimensional views of 2D data.
– SQL is enhanced to increase performance and support complex
operations on multi dimensions
• ROLAP servers are placed between relational back-end
server and client front-end tools.
– To store and manage warehouse data, ROLAP uses relational or
extended-relational DBMS.
• ROLAP includes the following −
– Implementation of aggregation navigation logic.
– Optimization for each DBMS back end.
– Additional tools and services.

SQL Request
Server Result

Database Application Presentation

Layer Logic Layer Layer
Multidimensional OLAP
• MOLAP uses array-based multidimensional storage
engines for multidimensional views of data.
– With multidimensional data stores, the storage utilization may
be low if the data set is sparse.
– Therefore, many MOLAP server use two levels of data storage
representation to handle dense and sparse data sets.


Load Result

Database/Application Presentation
Logic Layer Layer
Hybrid OLAP
• Hybrid OLAP is a combination of both ROLAP and
– It offers higher scalability of ROLAP and faster computation of
• HOLAP servers allows to store the large data
volumes of detailed information.
• The aggregations are stored separately in MOLAP
Specialized SQL Servers
• Specialized SQL servers provide advanced query
language and query processing support for SQL queries
over star and snowflake schemas in a read-only
Managed Query Environment
• MQE is a newer technology.
– Data can be delivered either directly from the RDB or from a
MOLAP/ROLAP server in the form of a data cube.
– The data cube is stored and analysed locally – therefore they
are simple to install, and each user can build a custom data

RDB SQL tools


Load Result
Real World Scenarion
Understand the desired
Step 1: Determine business objectives
• Improve customer experience
Step 2: Collect appropriate data to help obtain your
business objective
• Target the right customer
Step 3: Identify what success looks like
• Increase customer visits
Collect the Right data about
your customer
Store the data e.g. in a data
Analyse data to better
understand their customer
Visualize the Data to know
the target customer
Enumerate the major differences between the
• Data lake and Big Data
• Data mining and Business Intelligence
Further Reading
• Connolly and Begg, chapters 31 to 34.
• W H Inmon, Building the Data Warehouse, New
York, Wiley and Sons, 1993.
• Benyon-Davies P, Database Systems (2nd ed),
Macmillan Press, 2000, ch 34, 35 & 36.

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