unit-4 cc
unit-4 cc
unit-4 cc
A two-tier network topology is very popular in DCNs today. Access switches for server
connectivity are collapsed in high-density aggregation switches that provide the
switching and routing functionalities for access switching interconnections and various
LAN servers.
Overview of Data Center Environment
BENEFITS Storage and Networking Infrastructure
1. Design simplicity (fewer switches and so fewer managed nodes)
2. Reduced network latency (by reducing the number of switch hops)
3. Typically a reduced network design oversubscription ratio
4. Lower aggregate power consumption
when the ports on an aggregation switch pair are fully utilized, then the addition of
another aggregation switch/router pair adds a high degree of complexity.
Overview of Data Center Environment
5. Cooling Infrastructure
data centers usually span across the entire building and house several thousand servers, a sophisticated
cooling infrastructure is deployed, which may involve building level air-conditioning units, fans, and
air recirculation systems.
Green technologies and environmental awareness have also been a large part of the industry in the past
3 years. No longer just a choice between build and lease, the data center can be owned, placed in
colocation, wholesale, put in a public or private cloud, or a hybrid strategy of options.
Overview of Data Center Environment
6. Nature of Traffic in Data Centers
Data center environment is largely different from that of the Internet, for example, the round-trip time
(RTT) in DCNs can be as less as 250 μs in the absence of queuing.
The reason is that DCNs are privately owned networks tailored to achieve high bandwidth and low
cloud provider organization faces is to provide maximum uptime for the services that are offered to the
Few seconds of downtime may lead to loss of reputation for the organization and affect the overall
downtime may lead to violation of service-level agreements (SLAs) between the cloud user and the
cloud provider, thus largely affecting the cloud provider’s revenues.
cloud user’s data secure during transit, or while it is at rest, is yet a concern for the cloud service
providers. Accidental deletion of data because of a power outage or malfunctioning of a regular
backup program may lead to loss of customer’s data and incur huge damage for the hosting
► TCP is one of the most dominant transport protocols, widely used by a large variety
of Internet applications, and also constitutes majority of the traffic in both types of
► TCP can be partly attributed to the congestion control mechanisms implemented.
► TCP fails to satisfy the three basic requirements together within the time
► TCP incast,
► TCP outcast,
► Queue buildup,
► Buffer pressure and pseudo congestion effect
CONGESTION Avoidance, Detection
► High “Fan – In”
► High bandwidth, low latency
► Buffers in the switches is quite small, lots of parallel requests each small
amount of data
► Bursty retransmissions
► TCP timeout – RTT timout.
► TCP outcast and mainly occurs in data center switches that employ drop-tail
► Drop-tail queues lead to consecutive packet drops from one port and, hence,
cause frequent TCP timeouts of drop-tail queues is termed as port blackout
► mice traffic, cat traffic and elephant traffic coexist in a DCN.
► when both mice traffic and elephant traffic traverse through the same route,
the performance of mice traffic is significantly affected due to the presence
of the elephant traffic
► long-lasting and greedy nature of elephant traffic.
► large number of packets from mice traffic are lost, leading to poor performance.
► mice traffic get dropped frequently because the elephant traffic lasts for a longer
time and keeps most of the buffer space occupied
► Modern data centers adopt virtual machines (VMs)to offer on-demand cloud
services and remote access
► virtualized data centers
► virtualization like efficient server utilization, service isolation, and low system
maintenance cost
► Hypervisor scheduling latency
► RTO occurs, VM sender assumes that the network is heavily congested and
significantly brings down the sending rate.
Cloud Service Providers
► Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, EMC, Salesforce, Oracle, IBM.
► EMC IT - virtualizing the infrastructure, allocation of the resources on demand is
possible. EMC IT provides its business process units with IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
► IAAS – individually or integrated services
► PAAS - database platforms
► Scan - Scanning is importing activity of documents pdf, tiff and jpg.
► MDW - Multi Directory Watch is another entry point to Captiva, Attached file
in an e-mail. MDW also acts as a scan module except it does not interlock
with the scanner.
► IE - Image enhancement is a kind of filter or repairing tool for images that
are not clear.
► Index - Indexing is a data capturing activity in Captiva through which one
can capture key data from various fields.
► Export - Export is the exit point of Captiva where images/data are sent to
various repositories like file, net, document, or data.
► Multi - Multi is the last process in Captiva to delete batches that have gone
through all modules and exported value successfully.
► Google is one among the leading cloud providers that offer secure storage of
user’s data.
► cloud platform, app engine, cloud print, cloud connect, and many more features
that are scalable, reliable, as well as secure.
Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform enables developers to build, test, and deploy applications on
Google’s highly scalable and reliable infrastructure. Software infrastructures such as
MapReduce, BigTable, and Dremel are the innovations for industrial development.
Google Cloud Platform includes virtual machines, block storage, NoSQL datastore,
and big data analytics. It provides a range of storage services that allow easy
maintenance and quick access of user’s data.
Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Storage is a RESTful online file storage web service for storing and
accessing one’s data on Google’s infrastructure.
Google Cloud Connect
Google Cloud Print
Google App Engine