Changing the electronic request form proves to be an effective tool for optimizing laboratory test utilization in the emergency
Changing the electronic request form proves to be an effective tool for optimizing laboratory test utilization in the emergency
Changing the electronic request form proves to be an effective tool for optimizing laboratory test utilization in the emergency
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Objectives: Appropriate laboratory utilization more often than not needs to be initiated by the laboratory.
Received 6 January 2017 This study was performed to analyze the impact on test ordering patterns in the emergency department
Received in revised form 3 March 2017 obtained by omitting certain tests from the electronic tick box request form. The tests could still be
Accepted 5 March 2017
ordered by writing the full name of the test or by a phone call.
Methods: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), fibrinogen, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), calcium
and lipase were omitted from the electronic request form and could subsequently be ordered either by
Laboratory utilization
phone or a typed-in request. A reflex testing protocol was elaborated for reduction of creatine kinase
Electronic request form
Emergency department
(CK) and CK-MB analyses. All interventions were introduced with prior consultation with clinical staff
and according to current guidelines. The reduction of test orders and costs in the post-intervention period
was assessed. All data were retrieved retrospectively from the laboratory information system (LIS).
Results: Disappearance from the tick box request form resulted in a significant decrease in the number
of requests for targeted tests in the post-intervention year, mostly affecting AST and fibrinogen (83%
and 79% reduction of ordering, respectively), followed by a 58% reduction in calcium orders, and 54%
and 43% reductions in ESR and lipase requests, respectively. A substantial reduction in CK requests was
also observed, while CK-MB requests almost disappeared. Annual cost savings that emerged from all
implemented interventions were estimated to be 19,445D .
Conclusion: Significant reduction in ordering of selected tests was achieved simply by limiting their avail-
ability in hospital computerized order entry (COE) system. The present data suggest that removal of
laboratory tests from the electronic request form can be an effective tool for changing physicians’ test
ordering behavior.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1386-5056/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
30 I. Lapić et al. / International Journal of Medical Informatics 102 (2017) 29–34
tion of inappropriate testing [3]. Education-based approach, which ordering those tests by phone or by writing the name of the test in
includes informative lectures referring to relevant and evidence- the field for comments at the bottom of the request form will signif-
based guidelines, is considered a weak but crucial tool in an ongoing icantly reduce their utilization. This type of soft approach appeared
maintenance of a successful laboratory-clinician cooperation. How- feasible both from our point of view and after discussing it with lead
ever, it inevitably needs to be coupled with other interventions. On physicians in charge of the ED. It was jointly assumed that it might
the other hand, interventions of moderate and strong effectiveness be an efficient way of discouraging mindless test requesting but
imply a more rigorous approach and are usually incorporated in still obtaining all the test results if necessary.
the laboratory and/or hospital information system. Possibilities are The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of restric-
different and depend on the nature of the problem. They include tive changes in the electronic request form on ordering selected
various restrictions in the test ordering process such as order- tests and the appropriate cost reductions achieved.
ing algorithms and reflex testing, privilege ordering principles and
limitation or complete removal of test availability. Despite the vari- 2. Materials and methods
ability of intervention principles, they all have the same ultimate
goal of systematic guidance toward a more appropriate laboratory 2.1. Setting
patient management [3,4,6,11,12]. There is evidence that applica-
tion of various interventions simultaneously is more effective than This study was conducted at the emergency laboratory of the
a single one [3]. Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, University Hospital Center
Emergency laboratory is a unique entity in the laboratory set- Zagreb. This emergency laboratory operates within the premises
ting where a selection of urgent tests is available for fast, reliable of the Department of Emergency Medicine and provides laboratory
and accurate management of critically ill patients. According to diagnostics for outpatients admitted to the ED. The laboratory oper-
available data, inapropriate and excessive laboratory ordering prac- ates on 24/7 basis, performing approximately 0.5 million tests/year,
tices are especially common in the emergency department (ED) which corresponds to about 200 patients per day. The laboratory
[1,13–15]. The underlying causes mostly speculated are defensive test panel includes routine biochemistry (glucose, creatinine, urea,
medicine, scarce knowledge of diagnostic accuracy of laboratory aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT),
tests and lack of cost-awareness among physicians [1,3,6,13,15,16]. gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), lactate dehydrogenase (LD),
Due to all these factors, it seems well worth the effort to introduce total and direct bilirubin, sodium, potassium, chlorides, calcium,
utilization restrictions in the emergency laboratory. ethanol, creatine kinase (CK), CK-MB, C-reactive protein (CRP),
We hypothesized that ready availability of all tests on the alpha amylase in plasma and urine, lipase), hematology (complete
request form at our institution enhances the use of laboratory blood count (CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)), coagula-
testing, both in routine and in emergencies. We identified the emer- tion (prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time
gency laboratory setting as an area for optimizing laboratory test (aPTT), fibrinogen, D-dimers), immunochemistry tests (troponin T
utilization given the persistent, rather uniform traditional ordering and NTproBNP) and urinalysis.
habits present among physicians in our ED. Laboratory tests are ordered through an electronic tick box
The focus of our intervention were mainly obsolete tests that request form in the hospital information system (HIS). After sample
are nowadays replaced by more specific ones and/or the ones that delivery to the laboratory, the request is transferred to the labora-
are crucial only in a limited number of conditions in critically ill tory information system (LIS).
patient management.
To specify, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a test of 2.2. Study design
limited utility nowadays according to published data, remaining
helpful in the diagnosis and management of a few specific condi- This study represents a retrospective analysis of test requests
tions usually not being treated within the ED [17]. Similarly, CK in the emergency laboratory over a period of three years (from
and CK-MB are severely outdated tests in the management of sus- 2013 to 2015), compared to the year before interventions were
pected acute coronary syndrome, especially since the introduction made (2012). IT-based interventions were, as explained previously,
of high-sensitive troponin tests [18]. implemented in the computerized order entry (COE) form. The tests
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase that were omitted from the electronic request form were ESR, AST,
(AST) are traditionally and de facto incorrectly called ‘liver function calcium, lipase, fibrinogen, CK and its cardiac isoenzyme (CK-MB).
tests’ and are usually ordered together [19]. Although their utility All interventions were introduced after thorough discussion and in
is often intertwined, ALT is known to be a more specific indicator agreement with key physicians in charge of the ED. An informative
of liver disease [19–21]. Therefore, we deemed it justified to limit notification was disseminated to the entire clinical staff prior to
AST availability on the request form. introduction of each intervention.
Fibrinogen analysis in the ED is important in a few specific clin- The course of implementation of interventions and the type of
ical conditions, the most significant being management of trauma interventions are outlined in Table 1.
hemorrhage. Its widespread determination in the ED is, therefore, Specifically, the ready availability on the electronic request form
of questionable clinical utility and not recommended [22,23]. was limited for ESR, fibrinogen, AST, lipase and calcium but all
Calcium is another test we believed reasonable to focus our these tests remained available by phone call from physicians to
efforts on. Although hypocalcemia is known to be a common finding the laboratory staff or by writing the name of the test in the field
in critically ill patients [24,25], it was demonstrated that its levels for comments at the bottom of the request form. Furthermore, an
rarely affect treatment in the ED [26]. Furthermore, replacement automatic IT-based reflex testing protocol within the laboratory
therapy has not demonstrated to improve patient outcome [24]. was elaborated for reduction of CK and CK-MB testing, as shown in
Finally, although lipase appears to be a more specific test than Fig. 1. Nevertheless, these tests could also be requested regardless
amylase for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis [27], we considered it of the reflex testing protocol if urged by physician.
justifiable to reduce its tick box availability in our laboratory setting
due to almost uniformly coupled ordering with amylase and its 2.3. Data collection and analysis
higher price.
In this study, we presumed that omitting selected tests in the The following data were obtained for the studied years (2012,
electronic request form and thus introducing the obligation of 2013, 2014, 2015): the number of patients admitted to the emer-
I. Lapić et al. / International Journal of Medical Informatics 102 (2017) 29–34 31
Table 1 Table 2
Interventions performed from 2013 to 2015. The number of patients, tests performed and the average number of tests per patient
in the studied period (2012–2015).
Time implemented Test Intervention
Year 2012 2013 2014 2015
January 2013 • ESR, fibrinogen • omission from the electronic
• CK, CK-MB request form (available by Number of patients 59,790 57,498 63,085 69,852
phone call or writing the test Number of tests performed 526,923 491,541 509,961 468,545
name in the field for Average number of tests/patient 8,8 8,5 8,1 6,7
• IT-based reflex testing
Calcium was removed from the request form for adult population only, accom-
modating the attending physicians’ request.
Fig. 2. Change in the percentage (%) of AST orders in the total number of patients
during 2015.
Table 3
Reduction in the number of targeted tests per years before and after intervention.
Requests in the pre-intervention year 2012 Requests in the post-intervention year 2013 Percentage reduction (%)
(N/patients) (N/patients)
Requests in the pre-intervention year 2014 Requests in the post-intervention year 2015 Percentage reduction (%)
(N/patients) (N/patients)
Fig. 3. The absolute number of CK tests performed from 2012 to 2015, compared to the absolute number of hs-Tn tests.
Table 4
Reagent cost savings in 2015 compared to those in 2012, when all tests were available on the tick box request form without restrictions.
Requests in 2012 N/59790 (%) Requests in 2015 N/69852 (%) Annual reagent cost savings (D )
removed, together with introduction of in-laboratory reflex testing tion also successfully reduced the number of CK and CK-MB tests
rule for CK and CK-MB analysis, making ordering of these tests pos- performed.
sible only by phone call or a typed-in request. The implementation The results of our study show the effectiveness of this simple
of these restrictions yielded an immediate and substantial reduc- limiting approach which consisted of requiring minimal additional
tion in test ordering. Significant drop in ordering was achieved for effort when ordering selected tests. It confirmed our hypothesis
all tests included in the study but the most notable reduction in that easy hands-on availability of laboratory tests on the request
the post-intervention year was the decrease in AST and fibrinogen form is the strongest predictor of testing frequency and that it
testing. These tests were previously ordered regularly as respective therefore favors non-selective and often excessive ordering. This
parts of the metabolic or coagulation panel. Furthermore, there was assumption is in accordance with published data about variables
a noted decrease in ESR requests after the corresponding tick box affecting physicians’ test ordering habits [3,29,30]. Studies dealing
had been removed, which could easily be explained by the fact that with similar approaches of altering the laboratory test request form
its significance is nowadays limited to a small number of clinical in primary care also demonstrated its effectiveness in rationalizing
conditions and its clinical utility is replaced by more specific tests laboratory test requesting [31,32].
[17]. Similarly, the within-laboratory cancellation of CK and/or CK- Moreover, the implemented interventions had a significant
MB when requested together with high-sensitive troponin (thus impact on reducing laboratory reagent costs, resulting in a total
presuming clinical question involving cardiac damage) is an exam- of 19,445D annual savings for calendar year 2015, calculated on
ple of elimination of obsolete and unnecessary testing according the basis of ordering frequency of targeted tests in 2012 when all
to relevant guidelines and published data [18,28]. This interven- tests were available on the request form. It is important to empha-
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