Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of Ni3Al coating for boilers and other power plant equipment, which suffer
severe erosion-corrosion problems resulting in substantial losses. Currently, superalloys are being used to increase the service life of the boilers.
Although the superalloys have adequate mechanical strength at elevated temperature, they often lack resistance to erosion-corrosion environments.
Design/methodology/approach – In this paper, the erosion-corrosion performance of plasma-sprayed nickel aluminide (Ni3Al) coating on nickel-
and iron-based superalloys have been evaluated by exposing them to the low temperature primary superheater zone of the coal-fired thermal power
plant at the temperature zone of 540°C for ten cycles of 100 h duration. The exposed products were analysed along the surface and cross-section
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron micro probe analysis (EPMA).
Findings – The XRD, SEM and EPMA analyses have shown the formation of mainly NiO, NiAl2O4 and indicated the presence of Ni3Al, Ni and Al2O3.
In the boiler environment, Ni3Al coating partially oxidizes and acts as a perfect barrier against erosion-corrosion of superalloys. The partially oxidised
Ni3Al coating remains intact even after 1,000 h cycle exposure.
Originality/value – The probable mechanism of attack for the plasma-sprayed Ni3Al coating in the given boiler environment is presented.
Keywords Boiler environment, Erosion-corrosion, Ni3Al, Plasma spray coating, Superalloys
Paper type Research paper
Nomenclature Introduction
BSEI ⫽ back scattered electron image; One of the most serious problems associated with fluidised
EDS ⫽ energy dispersive spectroscopy; bed combustors (FBC) technology is the material loss of the
EPMA ⫽ electron probe micro analyser; combustor wall and the in-bed tubes. The term “wastage” is
h ⫽ hour; commonly used for this phenomenon, which is generally
accepted to be a result of erosion or abrasive wear that may be
min ⫽ Minute;
accelerated by oxidation or high-temperature corrosion
Ni-20Cr ⫽ Ni-20wt%Cr;
(Soderberg et al., 1981; Stringer et al., 1989).
NiCrAlY ⫽ Ni-22Cr-10Al-1Y;
Boilers and other steam power plant equipment suffer
SEM ⫽ scanning electron microscopy;
severe erosion and corrosion problems resulting in substantial
VPS ⫽ vacuum plasma spray; losses (Prakash et al., 2001). The combined erosion-corrosion
Wt.% ⫽ weight percentage; of materials at elevated temperature is a degradation
% age ⫽ percentage; mechanism that occurs in coal burning energy generation
Wt.Gain ⫽ weight gain; equipment that contain small, moving solid particles in
XRD ⫽ X-ray diffraction; reactive gases, such as FBC and coal gasifiers. It is important
TBC ⫽ thermal barrier coating; to have an understanding of how the rates and mechanisms of
FBC ⫽ fluidised bed combustors; and material loss in such devices are affected by the differences in
SHS ⫽ self-propagating high-temperature synthesis.
Ni3Al coating in a coal-fired thermal power plant Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
S.B. Mishra, Kamlesh Chandra and Satya Prakash Volume 64 · Number 5 · 2017 · 540 –549
the compositions of the material and the variations in the to the scale spallation and the formation of a porous and
exposure conditions (Levy et al., 1989). If the mechanism of non-adherent NiO scale at 755°C (Sidhu and Prakash, 2003).
degradation operating in a particular practical system can be La et al. (1999) fabricated a Ni3Al coating on a carbon steel
identified, this can help in finding remedial measures. Hence, surface by the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
in view of the quantum of the loss due to erosion-corrosion (SHS) casting route. They observed good oxidation resistance
wear it becomes imperative for an engineer to develop better of the coating at the elevated temperature up to 600°C.
defence against such degradation by exploring newer Erosion behaviour of a plasma-sprayed Ni3Al, Ni-20Cr and
erosion-corrosion wear resistant materials for the industrial NiCrAlY coatings on the iron-, nickel- and cobalt-based
applications. superalloys has been investigated using air jet erosion test rig
Several studies concerning the interaction between the at room temperature. The Ni3Al coating has shown better
erosion and the surface oxide film have been reported in the performance under erosion conditions as compared to other
literature. Mechanisms of material removal have been two coatings (Mishra et al., 2005, 2006). The present study
proposed which include the oxide fracture and chipping, oxide has been performed to evaluate the erosion-corrosion
spallation at the metal-oxide interface and plastic deformation performance of the plasma-sprayed Ni3Al coating on nickel-
of metal substrate resulting in both oxide and metal loss. The and iron-based superalloys by exposing them to the low
choice of material depends on the mechanical strengths that temperature primary superheater zone of a coal-fired thermal
the material can provide at the operating temperature. The power plant at the temperature zone of 540°C for ten cycles of
material chemistry, which provides the mechanical strength, 100 h duration.
may not be able to provide sufficient erosion-corrosion
resistance (Sidhu and Prakash, 2003).
Iron- and nickel-base superalloys are the commercial alloys Experimental procedure
commonly used for the high temperature applications, e.g. Substrate material and coating formulation
manufacture of components used in aggressive environments Specimens from four superalloy substrate material (Superni
of gas turbines, steam boilers, etc. The superior mechanical 75, Superni 600, Superni 718 and Superfer 800 H) provided
performance and good corrosion resistance of the superalloys, by Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, Hyderabad (India), with
especially the nickel-base superalloys at high temperature dimensions of approximately 50 ⫻ 50 ⫻ 5 mm were polished
make them favourites as base materials for power generation with SiC papers down to 180 grit and subsequently grit
systems, industrial gas turbines and other energy conversion blasted with alumina particles of grit size 40 mesh before
systems. However, the presence of fly ash, combustion gases deposition of the Ni3Al coating with bond coat of
constitutes an extreme environment, and erosion, Ni-22Cr-10Al-1Y coating by the plasma spraying (Mishra
erosion-corrosion and hot corrosion are inevitable when alloys et al., 2015).
are used at high temperatures for long periods of time (Goebel Nickel powder with minimum assay 99.5 per cent and size
et al., 1973; Tabakoff, 1999; Tabakoff, 1995; Kamaraj, 2003). 200 mesh (Art. 4,860) and aluminium fine powder with
The degradation resistance of the components can be minimum assay 99.7 per cent (Art. 880) supplied by Loba
greatly increased by protective coatings, which provide the Chemicals, India, were mixed in stochiometric ratio 3:1 in the
way of extending the limits of use of materials at the upper end laboratory ball mill for 16 h to form a uniform mixture of
of their performance capabilities by allowing the mechanical Ni3Al powder. A commercially available Ni-22Cr-10Al-1Y
properties of the substrate materials to be maintained while powder (Praxair NI-343) of particle size ⫺45 ⫹ 10 m was
protecting them against wear or corrosion (Hocking, 1993; used as a bond coat between the top coat of Ni3Al and
Sidky and Hocking, 1999). Suitable coating techniques also superalloy substrate. Plasma Spray Apparatus of 40 kW
allow for regeneration of parts that have been rendered (Make: Miller, USA) was used to apply the coatings. The
unusable by erosion (Stringer, 1995). Plasma spraying is the process parameters include arc current of 700 A, arc voltage
most flexible and versatile process with respect to the sprayed 35 V, spray gun nozzle diameter 6 mm, spraying distance
materials. The high temperatures of plasma-spray processes 90-110 mm, the plasma arc gas and carrier gas pressures of
permit the deposition of coatings for applications in areas of 0.4068 and 0.2757 MPa, respectively. Argon was used as
corrosion and wear protection (Knotek, 2001; Pfender, 1988). powder carrying and shielding gas. All the process parameters
It is important to understand the nature of all types of were kept constant throughout the coating process. The
environmental degradation of metals and alloys as vividly as coatings of the thickness in the range of 350-450 m were
possible so that preventive measures against metal loss and formulated. The bond strength of the coatings was measured
failures can be devised economically to ensure safety and according to ASTM standard C633-01 at Defence
reliability in the use of metallic components (Chatterjee et al., Metallurgical Research Laboratories, Hyderabad, India. The
2001). average bond strength of the coating is found to be 17.6 MPa.
Nickel aluminide (Ni3Al) is reported to be a high strength The detailed characterisations of Ni3Al coating on Superni 75,
corrosion resistant material with good erosion and oxidation Superni 600, Superni 718 and Superfer 800 H superalloys
resistance (Chang et al., 2003; Akhtar et al., 1999; Johnson have been reported elsewhere (Mishra et al., 2004, 2005,
et al., 1990; Hearley et al., 1999; Wang and Chen, 2004; Gong 2006).
et al., 2008). The degradation behaviour of the The Ni3Al-coated specimens were polished to 1 m using
plasma-sprayed Ni3Al coatings deposited on boiler steels has alumina wheel cloth polishing to obtain similar condition on
been studied at 755°C in a platen superheater of a coal-fired all the samples before being subjected to boiler environment.
power plant. The protection to the base steel was minimal due The physical dimensions of the specimens were measured
Ni3Al coating in a coal-fired thermal power plant Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
S.B. Mishra, Kamlesh Chandra and Satya Prakash Volume 64 · Number 5 · 2017 · 540 –549
carefully using a digital Vernier Calliper (Make: Mitutoyo, measured subsequently (Mishra et al., 2015, 2013; Mishra and
Japan) to evaluate their surface areas. Prakash, 2015).
To approximate the kinetics of erosion-corrosion, the
weights of all the specimens kept in boiler environment were
Erosion-corrosion studies in boiler environment and measured at the end of each cycle to approximate the kinetics
analysis of erosion-corrosion products of erosion-corrosion. The initial and final thickness of each
The erosion-corrosion behaviour of the Ni3Al-coated superalloys sample is also measured using micrometre screw gauge
has been evaluated by exposing them to the low-temperature (Make: Mitutoyo, Japan) to evaluate the thickness loss of the
primary super heater (LTSH) of Guru Gobind Singh Super samples during the total exposure period of 1,000 h duration.
Thermal Plant, Ropar, Punjab (India), where the average Average thickness of the scales was measured from the
temperature was about 540°C. The samples were hanged in the
boiler at 37.6 m height from the base of boiler with the help of
Figure 2 Bar chart indicating the total thickness loss in mm for
stainless steel wire and a rigid support of stainless steel rod by
Ni3Al coating on different superalloy substrates after 1,000 h
drilling holes of 2 mm diameter. The chemical analysis of the flue
exposure to the coal-fired boiler at 540°C
gas and ash present inside the boiler is given in Table I. The flue
gas volumetric flow rate was 231 m3/s. Analysis of flue gases 0.8
showed presence of 14-16.5 per cent CO2 and 2.5-5 per cent O2 Extent of loss (mm) of Ni 3Al coating on superalloy substrates
in it. The samples were exposed to combustion gases for ten after exposure to boiler environment for 1,000 hours at 540oC
Ni,O, NiAl2O4
Al2O3, NiAl2O4
Ni, NiO, Al2O3
Ni, Al2O3
NiO, Al2O3
Ni3Al coating on Superni 718
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Ni3Al coating in a coal-fired thermal power plant Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
S.B. Mishra, Kamlesh Chandra and Satya Prakash Volume 64 · Number 5 · 2017 · 540 –549
respective BSE images obtained by using scanning electron tendency and growth of cracks in the coatings/oxide scales
microscope (SEM) (LEO 435VP) with attached Robinson were recorded. After exposure, the colour of scale is changed
Back Scattered Detector. from shining grey to reddish brown. None of the coated
Bruker AXS D-8 Advance Diffractometer (Make: Bruker superalloys has indicated cracking and spalling.
Germany) was used for the identification of different phases
formed in the eroded-corroded specimen surfaces after 1,000 h Weight change data and thickness monitoring
exposure in the boiler environment. The X-ray diffraction The weight change per unit area for exposed Ni3Al-coated
(XRD) analysis was carried out with CuK␣ radiation and nickel superalloy plotted as a function of time expressed in hour (h)
filter at 20 mA under a voltage of 35 kV by scanning the is given in Figure 1. Ni3Al coating on Superni 600 superalloy
specimens with a scan speed of 1 Kcps in 2 range of 10 to 110°, gained maximum weight (5.45 mg/cm2) after 1,000 h
and the intensities were recorded. The relative intensities for all
the peaks were calculated by assuming height of the most
prominent peak as 100 per cent. SEM/EDS (energy dispersive Figure 5 Surface scale morphology and EDAX analysis for Ni3Al
spectroscopy – EDS) analysis of the eroded-corroded specimens’ coating with bond coat of NiCrAlY coating on superalloys exposed
surfaces were conducted using JEOL (JSM-5800) SEM fitted to coal-fired boiler for 1,000 h at 540°C
with EDS attachment of Oxford (Model-6841) made in
England. All the exposed specimens were subjected to electron
micro probe analysis (EPMA) on JXA-8600M microprobe at
Institute Instrumentation Centre, Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee, Roorkee (India).
Ni3Al coating in a coal-fired thermal power plant Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
S.B. Mishra, Kamlesh Chandra and Satya Prakash Volume 64 · Number 5 · 2017 · 540 –549
Figure 7 Oxide scale morphology and elemental composition exposure in the coal-fired boiler at temperature of about
variation across the cross-section of Ni3Al coating with bond coat of 540°C. Coated Superni 718 superalloy showed decrease in
NiCrAlY on Superni 600 superalloy exposed to boiler of thermal weight gain after 800 h of exposure time to 3/5th of the
power plant for 1,000 h at 540°C previous cycle. The cumulative weight change data of these
exposed Ni3Al-coated superalloys have indicated weight gain
per unit area, whereas the data obtained for corresponding
uncoated superalloys substrates have shown weight loss. The
weight gain in case of coated samples might be attributed to
the fly ash deposition on the surface of the samples due to the
presence of some porosity and comparatively higher roughness
than the uncoated samples. The same may also be contributed
by the formation of oxides on the surface under the exposed
environment. The weight loss in case of uncoated superalloys
might be attributed to the spalling of scale from the
eroded-corroded samples. The BSEI images depicting the
layers along the cross-section are shown in Figure 2, which
indicates the thickness of partially oxidised coatings on
Superni 75, Superni 600, Superfer 800H and Superni 718
superalloy substrates as 0.21, 0.215, 0.226 and 0.288 mm,
The Ni3Al-coated specimens retain features of the coating
micro droplets after exposure to the boiler environment for ten
cycles of 100 h duration at 540°C. This reveals that the
coating stays on the surface to prevent scale flaking and,
therefore, resulted in the weight gain shown in Figure 1. In
this regard, it can be perceived that the Ni3Al coating protects
superalloys from flaking of the oxide scale.
Figure 8 Oxide scale morphology and elemental composition variation across the cross-section of Ni3Al coating with bond coat of NiCrAlY on
superalloys exposed to boiler of thermal power plant for 1,000 h at 540°C
Ni3Al coating in a coal-fired thermal power plant Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
S.B. Mishra, Kamlesh Chandra and Satya Prakash Volume 64 · Number 5 · 2017 · 540 –549
X-ray diffraction analysis mainly indicates the formation of nickel and aluminium
The XRD profiles for Ni3Al-coated superalloys after 1,000 h of oxides. Some amount of silicon oxide is also revealed by EDS
exposure in the coal-fired boiler at about 540°C are shown in analysis. The SEM/EDS of exposed Ni3Al-coated Superni
Figure 3. All the four-coated superalloys have formed identical 600 superalloy indicates top surface consisting mainly of NiO.
phases. The XRD analysis has shown the formation of NiO, In addition, oxides of aluminium, silicon and sulphur can be
NiAl2O4, Al2O3, Ni and Ni3Al as the main phases. The XRD seen from Figure 5(b). The scale of coated Superfer 800H
profiles for uncoated superalloys after 1,000 h of exposure in the superalloy [Figure 6(a)] after 1,000 h exposure to the boiler
given environment (Figure 4) have indicated Ni as the main environment contains NiO with some amounts of alumina,
constituent below the scales. In addition, the diffractograms also silica and sulphur. The Ni3Al coating on Superni 718
indicated the peaks of NiO, Al2O3 and NiFe2O4. From this, it superalloy [Figure 6(b)] indicates the formation of NiO and
can be inferred that the superalloys have also been oxidised Al2O3 in the top scale with some amounts of silicon, sulphur
accompanied with erosion by fly ash impact (Mishra et al., 2015). and iron oxides.
The Ni3Al-coated specimens, when tested at 540°C for ten
cycles, still retain features of the coating microdroplets. This Cross-sectional analysis
reveals that the coating stays on the surface to prevent scale Outer layer of the exposed Ni3Al coated Superni 600
flaking and therefore resulted in the larger weight gain shown in
superalloy is rich in NiO (Figure 7). Bond coat layer contains
Figure 1. In this regard, we can perceive that the Ni3Al coating
nickel, chromium, aluminium and oxygen as can be seen from
protects superalloys from flaking of the oxide scale.
the Figure. The EDS analysis at top area [point 6 in
Figure 8(a)] for coated Superfer 800H superalloy shows
Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive
spectroscopy and electron micro probe analysis mainly oxygen, aluminium, iron and silicon with small
Surface morphology amount of nickel (5 Wt.%). For the Ni3Al-coated Superni 718
The SEM/EDS analysis for Ni3Al-coated Superni 75 superalloy [Figure 8(b)], nickel and oxygen are mainly visible
superalloy exposed to the coal-fired boiler [Figure 5(a)] in the outer layer of coating. Further from the cross-sectional
Figure 9 BSEI and elemental X-ray mapping of the cross-section of Figure 10 BSEI and elemental X-ray mapping of the cross-section
Ni3Al coating on Superni 75 superalloy with bond coat of NiCrAlY of Ni3Al coating on Superni 600 superalloy with bond coat of
exposed to boiler of coal-fired thermal power plant for 1,000 h at NiCrAlY exposed to boiler of coal-fired thermal power plant for
540°C 1,000 h at 540°C
Ni3Al coating in a coal-fired thermal power plant Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
S.B. Mishra, Kamlesh Chandra and Satya Prakash Volume 64 · Number 5 · 2017 · 540 –549
EDS analysis (Figures 7 and 8), it is observed that the splat 1,000 h duration. It also shows nickel and aluminium rich
region is rich in nickel whereas along the splat interface higher layer with some amounts of iron, manganese, silicon and
amount of oxygen is present mainly with chromium, tantalum. The EPMA of coated Superfer 800H superalloy
aluminium and yttrium. with oxygen analysis (Figure 11) shows mainly aluminium,
nickel, oxygen and silicon on the top of the coated layer after
Electron micro probe analysis 1,000 h exposure in the industrial environment. Composition
The EPMA for the exposed cross-section of Ni3Al coated image and elemental distribution (Figure 12) for Ni3Al-coated
Superni 75 superalloy indicated the formation of Ni and Al Superni 718 superalloy indicates the outer layer rich in nickel
rich layer in the top scale containing small amounts of Cr, Fe, and aluminium. In addition, existence of yttrium, iron,
Ti and Si (Figure 9). Figure 10 reveals the EPMA of coated titanium, molybdenum, tantalum and silicon in the coating
Superni 600 superalloy exposed to the coal-fired boiler for are revealed by the EPMA analysis.
Figure 11 BSEI and elemental X-ray mapping of the cross-section of Ni3Al coating on Superfer 800H superalloy with bond coat of NiCrAlY
exposed to boiler of coal-fired thermal power plant for 1,000 h at 540°C
Ni3Al coating in a coal-fired thermal power plant Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
S.B. Mishra, Kamlesh Chandra and Satya Prakash Volume 64 · Number 5 · 2017 · 540 –549
Figure 12 BSEI and elemental X-ray mapping of the cross-section the aggressive corrosion environment through the porous
of Ni3Al coating on Superni 718 superalloy with bond coat of phase of coating by filing the pores.
NiCrAlY exposed to boiler of coal-fired thermal power plant for Further, it is worth noting that no iron oxide is detected
1,000 h at 540°C suggesting that the weight gain observed is predominantly
contributed by the Al2O3 formation. This hard oxide formed
on the surface protects the coatings from the erosive attack by
fly ash. Thus, in the boiler environment, the coating layers get
partially oxidised and act as the perfect barrier against the
erosion-corrosion of superalloys. Further, the partially
oxidised coatings remain intact even after 1,000 h cycle
exposure; thus, it can be presumed that it will enhance the
life of the boiler tube in the evaluated environment.
The probable mode of attack for the Ni3Al-coated superalloys
might be suggested as shown in Figure 13. It shows the attack
of Al2O3, SiO2, and SO3 from the boiler environment on the
exposed surface. Initially, the top layer is oxidised forming
nickel rich streak in the top scale with other oxides of
aluminium, NiAl2O4 spinel, etc. Further oxygen penetrates
along the splat boundaries/pores forming similar compounds,
which are protective in nature, and blocks the further
penetration of oxygen.
In the present study, investigations on the erosion-corrosion
behaviour of shrouded plasma-sprayed Ni3Al coating on
different nickel- and iron-based superalloys have been carried
out in the coal-fired thermal power plant for ten cycles of
100 h duration.
The cumulative weight change data of these exposed
Ni3Al-coated superalloys have indicated the weight gain,
whereas the data obtained for corresponding uncoated
superalloys substrates have shown weight loss.
From the present study of Ni3Al coating in the boiler
environment, it is concluded that the Ni3Al coating layer gets
Ni3Al coating in a coal-fired thermal power plant Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
S.B. Mishra, Kamlesh Chandra and Satya Prakash Volume 64 · Number 5 · 2017 · 540 –549
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Wang, Y. and Chen, W. (2004), “Microstructures, Corresponding author
properties and high-temperature carburization resistances S.B. Mishra can be contacted at: [email protected]
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