Business Communication (2)

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m Business Communication

Communication in Everyday Life


Course title Credits Credit distribution of the course Eligibility Pre-requisite of

& Lecture Tutorial Practical/ criteria the course
Code Practice (if any)
Business 2 1 0 1 Class XII NA

Learning Objectives

The Learning Objectives of this course are as follows:

 To train students to enhance written as well as oral communication in the corporate world.
 To help students in understanding the principles and techniques of business
 To understand the use of electronic media for communication.

Learning outcomes

The Learning Outcomes of this course are as follows:

 After studying this course, students will be able to explain the need for
communication in management.
 After studying this course, students will be able to appreciate the need of effective
writing for communication.
 After studying this course, students will be able to demonstrate the skill of effective report
writing and summarizing annual reports.
 After studying this course, students will be able to analyse business correspondence and e-
 After studying this course, students will be able to appreciate oral presentations.


Course Contents:

Unit 1: Introduction to the essentials of Business Communication (9 hours)

Meaning, process and functions. Need and importance. Medium: verbal & non-verbal
communication. Channels: formal & informal. Levels of communication. Direction of
communication: downward, upward, lateral, & diagonal. Effective communication:
difficulties/barriers and solutions. Interactive and non-interactive techniques of
communication. Listening as a tool of communication, Guidelines for effective listening.

Unit 2: Effective Writing (9 hours)

Guidelines for clear writing. References, bibliographical research tools. Citing methods,
footnotes, discussion footnotes. Use of library and internet for collection, classification and
interpretation of data and information.

Unit 3: Report Writing (9 hours)

Types of reports. Formal report: components and purpose. Organising information: outlining
& numbering sections, section headings, sub-headings, & presentation. Writing reports on field
work/visits to industries, business concerns. Summarising annual reports of companies:
purpose, structure and principles. Drafting minutes.

Unit 4: Business Correspondence and E-Correspondence (9 hours)

Need and importance of business letters. Office memorandum, office circulars, notices and
orders. Technology for communication. Effective IT communication tools. Electronic mail:
advantages, safety and smartness in email. E-mail etiquettes.

Unit 5: Spoken English and Oral Presentation (9 hours)

Effective negotiation: elements, process and general guidelines. Telephonic conversation.
Conducting & facing interviews. Conducting & participating in group decisions. Making
presentations: content and organising. Features of a good presentation. Delivering a

Practical Exercises:
The learners are required to:
 learn how to summarise annual reports of companies.
 prepare presentations using power-point.
 participate in Group discussions and mock interviews.
 smartly draft business emails.

Essential/recommended readings
 C.B.Gupta (2019). Essentials of Business Communication, Sultan Chand & Sons.
 Kaul, A. Effective Business Communication, 2nd ed. PHI learning
 Lesikar, R.V. & Flatley, M.E. (2001). Basic Business Communication Skills for
Empowering the Internet Generation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New
 Ludlow, R. & Panton, F.(1992). The Essence of Effective Communications, Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
 Meyer C,Dev(2021). Communicating for Results,Oxford University Press
 Quintanilla, Kelly M, (2021), Business and Professional Communication, 4e, Sage
 R. C. Bhatia (2008), Business Communication, Ane Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
 Raman and Singh(2012). Business Communication. Oxford University Press
 Scot, O., Contemporary Business Communication. Biztantra, New Delhi.

Note: Learners are advised to use the latest edition of readings.

Examination scheme and mode:

Evaluation scheme and mode will be as per the guidelines notified by the University of Delhi.


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