Outcome Graduate Outcomes
s Code
Knowledge for Apply knowledge of computing, science, and mathematics appropriate to the
Solving Computing discipline
Problems PO02 Understand best practices and standards and their applications.
Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements
appropriate to its solution.
Problem Analysis
Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection,
creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems.
Design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components,
Design/Development PO05
or programs to meet desired needs and requirement under various constraints.
of Solutions
PO06 Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively.
Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools and practices
Modern Tool Usage PO7
necessary for the IT profession.
Function effectively as a member or leader of a development team recognizing the
Individual and Team PO08
different roles within a team to accomplish a common goal.
PO09 Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan.
Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large
Communication PO10 about complex computing activities through logical writing, presentations, and
clear instructions.
Analyze the local and global impact of computing information technology on
Computing PO11
individuals, organizations, and society.
Professionalism and
Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and
Social Responsibility PO12
responsibilities in the utilization of information technology.
Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving
Life Long Learning PO13
performance as a foundation for continuing professional development.