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DAILY LESSON LOG School Grade Level 11/12


Department of Education Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Dates and
WEEK 4 Quarter QUARTER 1
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
A. Content Standards
the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.
The learners shall be able to…
B. Performance Standards
connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
*Explain the major events and its contribution that led to the emergence of the social science disciplines:
C. Learning  Appreciate that all these subject areas are interconnected and together form the knowledge mass of Social Science.
Competencies/Objectives  Discuss the different stages through which human societies evolved.
 Identify opportunities and challenges of our present day society.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
 Begin the lesson by
reviewing the different social
science disciplines and their
contributions to
understanding human
behavior. Ask students to  The teacher will start the
 The teacher will ask the
recall the various disciplines lesson by asking the students
1. Reviewing previous lesson students about the different RECALL AND REVIEW THE PAST
and how they approach the to recall the previous lesson's
or presenting the new stages of human societies LESSONS READY FOR THE
study of human phenomena. main points about the
lesson that were discussed in the ASSESSMENT.
 Introduce the new lesson by concept of the social
previous lesson.
explaining that today's sciences.
lesson will focus on how
these disciplines are
interconnected and form the
knowledge mass of social
2. Establishing the purpose of  Explain the purpose of the The teacher will explain to the The teacher will explain that the
the lesson lesson, which is to help students that the purpose of the purpose of this lesson is to help
students understand how the lesson is to discuss the different students identify the
different social science stages through which human opportunities and challenges of
disciplines are
interconnected and how they societies have evolved, from the
work together to form the prehistoric times to the modern our present-day society.
knowledge mass of social era.
 Provide examples of how
different social science
disciplines are
interconnected and build on
each other to form the
 The teacher will show images
knowledge mass of social
or videos of ancient artifacts,  The teacher will present
science, such as how
cave paintings, or tools used examples of current events
psychology and sociology
by our ancestors. The and issues that are relevant
3. Presenting both contribute to
teacher will also present to the present-day society.
examples/instances of the understanding human
examples of the different Examples may include topics
new lesson behavior.
stages of society such as such as climate change,
 Explain how social science
hunting and gathering, globalization, and social
research often involves
agriculture, and media.
multiple disciplines and how
this collaboration helps to
develop a more
understanding of social
 Introduce the concept of
interdisciplinary research and
how it involves combining
multiple social science  The teacher will explain to
disciplines to study a the students the different
particular phenomenon. stages through which human
 Provide an example of societies evolved, such as:  The teacher will discuss the
interdisciplinary research, 1. Hunting and gathering concept of opportunity and
such as a study that societies challenge and will provide
4. Discussing new concepts combines psychology, 2. Agricultural societies definitions and examples of
and practicing new skills sociology, and economics to 3. Feudal societies each. Students will then be
#1 understand the relationship 4. Industrial societies asked to identify and discuss
between income and 5. Post-industrial societies the opportunities and
happiness.  After discussing each stage, challenges presented by the
 Ask students to work in pairs the teacher will ask the examples presented earlier.
to identify another social students to identify the key
issue that could benefit from characteristics of each stage
interdisciplinary research and and its impact on society.
identify the social science
disciplines that would be
5. Discussing new concepts  Introduce the concept of  The teacher will facilitate a  The teacher will discuss the
social science integration and
how it involves using group discussion and ask the
concept of critical thinking
knowledge and theories from students to identify the
and will provide examples of
multiple social science factors that led to the
how it can be used to identify
disciplines to analyze a transition from one stage to
opportunities and challenges.
particular phenomenon. another. The students will be
and practicing new skills Students will be asked to
 Provide an example of social asked to share their thoughts
#2 apply critical thinking to the
science integration, such as on the importance of
examples presented earlier,
using theories from innovations, changes in
and to identify additional
psychology, sociology, and social structure, and cultural
opportunities and challenges
political science to analyze exchanges that led to these
of our present-day society.
the effects of social media on transitions.
political polarization.
 Divide students into groups
and provide each group with
a different social issue or
 Ask each group to identify
the social science disciplines
that would be involved in  The teacher will divide the The teacher will provide an
studying the issue/problem students into groups and interactive and engaging activity
and explain how these assign them a particular that will help students develop
disciplines are stage of society to research. mastery of the topic. For
6. Developing Mastery interconnected and build on The students will be given example, students may be asked
each other to form the time to gather information, to work in small groups to
knowledge mass of social create a timeline of key identify and analyze a current
science. events, and present their event or issue, and to present
 Have each group present findings to the class. their findings to the class.
their findings to the class and
lead a discussion on the
importance of
interdisciplinary research and
social science integration in
addressing social issues.
 Discuss how the concepts of  The teacher will facilitate a
 The teacher will ask the
interdisciplinary research and discussion about how the
social science integration can students to reflect on how concepts and skills learned in
be applied to everyday the different stages of the lesson can be applied in
7. Finding practical situations, such as making society have shaped our daily living. Students will be
applications of concepts decisions about education, current way of life, and how encouraged to share their
and skills in daily living career, or relationships. it can help us understand our own experiences and ideas.
 Ask students to share their present society's issues and
own examples of how they
have applied these concepts
in their daily lives.
8. Generalizing and  Summarize the key concepts  The teacher will lead a class  The teacher will lead a
discussion about the broader
covered in the lesson,
implications of the lesson,
including the interconnection discussion on the
of social science disciplines significance of studying the and how it relates to the
and the importance of evolution of human societies study of social sciences.
interdisciplinary research and in the social sciences. The Students will be encouraged
abstractions about the
social science integration in students will be asked to to make connections
addressing social issues. identify the common themes, between the concepts
 Ask students to reflect on patterns, and challenges that learned in this lesson and
what they have learned and emerged throughout the
those learned in previous
share any insights they different stages.
gained from the lesson. lessons.

The teacher will prepare a quiz

to assess the learnings of the
9. Evaluating Learning students. Make sure that
includes all the topics discussed
for the whole week.
 For additional activities, the
teacher can assign a  The teacher may assign
 Provide additional resources reflective essay on the additional readings or
or readings for students who importance of studying the activities that reinforce the
10. Additional Activities for
want to learn more about evolution of human societies concepts and skills learned in
Application or Remediation
interdisciplinary research and or conduct a debate on the lesson, or provide
social science integration whether societies' evolution remediation for students who
is a natural or man-made may need additional support.


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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