Circuit Analysis[1]
Circuit Analysis[1]
Circuit Analysis[1]
• Ohm’s law states the relationship between electric current and potential
• The current that flows through most conductors is directly proportional to
the voltage applied to it.
• Georg Simon Ohm, a German physicist was the first to verify Ohm’s law
Ohm’s Law Explanation
• Ohm’s law states that the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional
to the current flowing through it, provided all physical conditions and
temperatures remain constant.
• Mathematically, this current-voltage relationship is written as,
Ohm’s Law Equation: V = IR, where V is the voltage across the conductor, I is the current flowing through the
conductor and R is the resistance provided by the conductor to the flow of current.
Relationship Between Voltage, Current and
• Analyzing rows 1, 2 and 3, we come to understand that doubling and tripling
the voltage leads to doubling and a tripling of the current in the circuit.
• Likewise, when we compare rows 1 and 4 and rows 2 and 5, we come to
understand that doubling the total resistance serves to halve the current in
the circuit.
Water Pipe Analogy for Ohm’s Law
• Ohm’s Law describes the current flow through a resistance when different
electric potentials (voltage) are applied at each end of the resistance.
• Since we can’t see electrons, the water-pipe analogy helps us understand the
electric circuits better.
• Water flowing through pipes is a good mechanical system that is analogous
to an electrical circuit.
• Here, the voltage is analogous to water pressure, the current is the amount
of water flowing through the pipe, and the resistance is the size of the pipe.
• More water will flow through the pipe (current) when more pressure is
applied (voltage) and the bigger the pipe (lower the resistance).
Experimental Verification of Ohm’s Law
Apparatus Required:
•Plug Key
Circuit Diagram:
1.Initially, the key K is closed and the rheostat is adjusted to get the minimum reading in ammeter A and voltmeter V.
2.The current in the circuit is increased gradually by moving the sliding terminal of the rheostat. During the process,
3. the current flowing in the circuit and the corresponding value of potential difference across the resistance wire R are
3.This way different sets of values of voltage and current are obtained.
4.For each set of values of V and I, the ratio of V/I is calculated.
5.When you calculate the ratio V/I for each case, you will come to notice that it is almost the same. So V/I = R, which
6.Plot a graph of the current against the potential difference, it will be a straight line. This shows that the current is pro
the potential difference.
Ohm’s Law Magic Triangle
• You can make use of Ohm’s law magic triangle to remember the different
equations for Ohm’s law used to solve for different variables(V, I, R).
• If the value of voltage is asked and the values of the current and resistance
are given, then to calculate voltage simply cover V at the top. So, we are left
with the I and R or I × R. So, the equation for Voltage is Current multiplied
by Resistance. Examples of how the magic triangle is employed to determine
the voltage using Ohm’s law are given below
Ohm’s Law Solved Problems
Calculating Electrical Power Using Ohm’s Law
• The rate at which energy is converted from the electrical energy of the moving
charges to some other form of energy like mechanical energy, heat energy, energy
stored in magnetic fields or electric fields, is known as electric power.
• The unit of power is the watt.
• The electrical power can be calculated using Ohm’s law and by substituting the
values of voltage, current and resistance.
Formula to find power
• When the values for voltage and current are given,
• P=VI
• When the values for voltage and resistance are given,
• P=V*V/R
• When the values for current and resistance are given,
• P=I*I*R
Ohm’s Law Applications
• In Mesh analysis, we will consider the currents flowing through each mesh.
Hence, Mesh analysis is also called as Mesh-current method.
• A branch is a path that joins two nodes and it contains a circuit element. If a
branch belongs to only one mesh, then the branch current will be equal to
mesh current.
• If a branch is common to two meshes, then the branch current will be equal
to the sum (or difference) of two mesh currents, when they are in same (or
opposite) direction
Procedure of Mesh Analysis
• Follow these steps while solving any electrical network or circuit using Mesh analysis
• Step 1 − Identify the meshes and label the mesh currents in either clockwise or
anti-clockwise direction.
• Step 2 − Observe the amount of current that flows through each element in terms
of mesh currents.
• Step 3 − Write mesh equations to all meshes. Mesh equation is obtained by
applying KVL first and then Ohm’s law.
• Step 4 − Solve the mesh equations obtained in Step 3 in order to get the mesh
Find the voltage across 30 Ω resistor
using Mesh analysis.
Advantage of Mesh Current Analysis
• Nodal Voltage Analysis finds the unknown voltage drops around a circuit
between different nodes that provide a common connection for two or more
circuit components
• Nodal Voltage Analysis uses the “Nodal” equations of Kirchhoff ’s first
law to find the voltage potentials around the circuit.
• So by adding together all these nodal voltages the net result will be equal to
• Then, if there are “n” nodes in the circuit there will be “n-1” independent
nodal equations and these alone are sufficient to describe and hence solve
the circuit.
• At each node point write down Kirchhoff ’s first law equation, that is: “the
currents entering a node are exactly equal in value to the currents leaving the node” then
express each current in terms of the voltage across the branch. For “n”
nodes, one node will be used as the reference node and all the other voltages
will be referenced or measured with respect to this common node.
Nodal Voltage Analysis Circuit
• In the above circuit, node D is chosen as the reference node and the other
three nodes are assumed to have voltages, Va, Vb and Vc with respect to
node D. For example
• As Va = 10v and Vc = 20v , Vb can be easily found by:
For the circuit shown below, we will determine the current flowing through 1 Ohm
• .
Limitations of Superposition Theorem
• Thevenin’s theorem states that any linear network having a number of voltage
sources and resistances can be replaced by a simple equivalent circuit consisting of a single
voltage source (VTH) in series with a resistance (RTH), where VTH is the open-circuit
voltage at the terminals of the load and RTH is the equivalent resistance measured across
the terminals while independent sources are turned off.
• Thevenin’s theorem states that any linear network with several power
sources, resistances and a variable load can be represented in a much simpler
circuit containing a single voltage source (VTH) (known as Thevenin’s
equivalent voltage) in series with a resistance (RTH) (known as Thevenin’s
equivalent resistance) and the variable load, where VTH is the open-circuit
voltage at the terminals of the load and RTH is the equivalent resistance
measured across the terminals while independent sources are turned off
Solved examples
Norton’s theorem
• Norton's Theorem is the theorem we use for solving the given electrical
network/ circuit and is also known as the Circuit theorem
• Norton’s theorem is one of the important Network theorems.
• This theorem is useful for representing the given electric circuit into its
equivalent circuit in the simplified form.
Norton's Theorem Statement
• Norton's theorem states that any 2-terminal linear and bilateral network or
circuit having multiple independent and dependent sources can be
represented in a simplified equivalent circuit known as Norton's equivalent
• Norton's equivalent circuit consists of Norton's current source, IN in parallel with
Norton's resistance, RN.
• In Is the short circuit current through terminals.
• Rn Is the equivalent resistance at the terminals when the independent sources are
turned off.
• The parallel combination of current source and resistor is a practical current source.
• Hence, we can say that Norton's equivalent circuit is nothing but a practical current
• Rn=Rth
• In=Vth/Rth
• Rth=Rn=Vth/In. This is called source transformation.