A Thing of Beauty (All in One)
A Thing of Beauty (All in One)
A Thing of Beauty (All in One)
John Keats
Stanza 3 poet goes on to say that all the lovely tales that we hav
heard can also be placed among such things ol beau e
"Such the sun, the moon, as they have a sublime effect on the human spirit All ly,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon beautiful things are like an endless fountain from the
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils heavens, sent by God himself, so that mankind may e
these precious gifts. n1oy
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
'Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake, WORD MEANINGS
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms;" pass into change or turn into
Explanation The poet now goes on to list tbese obJects of nothingness an 1ns1grnf1cant or worthless thing
beauty He says that the sun, the moon, old and young bower a pleasant shady place
trees which provide shade to sheep, the daffodils, the morrow morning
greenery surrounding them, the cool and clear streams wreathing weaving or forming into a wreath
which provide respite in the heat of summer and the spite > malice, ill will
bushes growing In the forest with musk-roses blooming despondence disappointment, dejection
amidst them, are all eternal sources of joy and pleasure
darkened evil, bad
pall covenng, shroud or cloth spread over a coffin
Stanza 4 dark gloomy
"And such too is the grandeur of the dooms spcns souls, tcmperamenls
We have imagined for the mighty dead; dJffOd blight yellow !lowers
All lovely tales that we have heard or re.id; nils small streams
An endless fountain of immortal drink, COl8f1 shelter or covering
Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink." blolr.8 dense undergrowth ol lorns or other bush
Explanatlon The poet adds on further to his hst Accord ng 10 rtch enriChod made beauhlul
him, there Is beauty even In death He l1nds beauty 1n roosl<-roso 11 WIid rose with largo white musk-scented
imaginary stories people have made about our dead flowers
ancestors who were deemed as horo1c and mighty Tho blooms llowcrs
3 Wh al does the fin e, 'Therefore are we wreathing a
cfore you Read flowery band to bind us to earth' suggest to you?
What pleas~re does a beautif~I thing give us? Are CBSE Term Il 2022
beautiful things worth treasunng? Ans This lin e sugges ts Lo us that every day we weave a
,4ns A beautiful thii~gf gi~c_s u~ e, erlasti ng joy and
1 wrea th of flowers becau se iL keeps us attach ed to the
plea~ure. Beau ti u t ungs .:ire wort11 treasuring
1 beauti es of the Earth.
because their memory soothes our nerves and 4 What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles
inspire s us to overcome the depressing clements and sufferings? All India 2012, 10, CBSE Term 112022
in life.
or What makes human beings love life in spite of all the
rhink it out troubles they face? Delhi 2015
1 list the things of beauty mentioned in the poem . Ans Huma n beings love life in spite of all the troubles and
Or sufferings they face becau se of all the things of beau ty
w hich surrou nd them. These things remove our
Mention any four things of beauty that add joy despo ndent state and allow us to enjoy the beauty of
to our life. All India 2015
nature .
5 Why is 'grandeur' associated with the 'mighty dead?
Which objects of nature does Keats mention as 2011
sources of joy in his poem, :4 Thing of Beauty'? our
All India 2015 Ans 'Grand eur is associ ated with the 'migh ty dead', i.e.
forefa thers who were glorio us in their own time,
Ans Everything in nature is a thing of beau ty arid a
source of joy. Such object s of nature are the sun, because our past is full of stories of their glory. They
will always be remem bered for their achievem ents .
the moon, old and young trees, daffodil flower s,
small streams with clear water, masses of ferns 6 Do we experience things of beauty only for a short
and blooming musk-roses . All of them are things moment or do they make a lasting impression on us?
of beauty as they all add joy to our life. Or
2 List the things that cause suffering and pain. How is a thing of beauty a joy foreve r? Delhi 2012
Or Ans Things of beauty make a lasting impre s sion on u s
because they are a source of pleasu re and m otivat ion
Mention any two things which cause pain and foreve r. The happin ess they give never fades away but
suffering. All India 2015
keeps on increasing.
7 What image does the poet use to describe the
What, according to keats, causes a pall over our beautiful bounty of the Earth? Delhi 2010
spirits? CBSE Term n 2022
Ans The poet uses the image of nature as an 'endless
Ans There are many things th at cau se us suffering and founta in' pourin g onto u s from h eaven . Natur e is a
pain. Malice, disappointm en t, lack of noble source of endless joy. The sun, the moon, the daffodils,
qualities and our unhea lthy and evil ways all give the clear stream s, the fores ts etc, are a few beauti ful
birth to many troubles and sufferings. images that make a deep impac t on us.
Ans (b) The first line of the poem 'A thing of beaut
@ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS is a joy forever' can be w,ed as a quote or a sa/
1 The reference to every morrow' in the poem 'A whenever we discuss or describe beautiful lhinlng
111mg of Beauty' indicates the poet feels that around us. &s
beauty impacts us ..... ...... . 7 Pick the option that matches the words/phrase
(a) c, c,, wnwrrow ( b) cvel) day with the literary device. s
(-.) c,cn ,orn1\\ tu\ d.1y (d) evel) two days
CBSE Question Ban1t
Ans ( b) E, e11 d.1) 2021
Word/phrase Literary device
2 Wh;ch of the following is an example of 1 simple sheep (i) imagery
Anaphora? 2. gloomy days (ii) metaphor
(al Wreathing a flowery band 3 bower quiet (i11) symbolism
(b) A flowel') band to bind us to the earth
(iv) transferred epithet
(c) Of noble natures, of the gloomy days
(d) Some shape of beauty moves away the pall (a) l-C, 2-D, 3-B (b) 1-B, 2-A, 3-D
Ans ( c) Anaphora is a literary device in which a word ( c) l-D, 2-B, 3-C (d) 1-C, 2-A, 3-B
or a phrase is repeated to put emphasis on them. Ans (a) 1-C, 2-D, 3-B
In the poem 'A Thing of Beauty', it is used in 'of
noble natures, of the gloomy days' to indicate the 8 Pick the option that DOES NOT complete the
trials and tribulations faced by man. given sentence suitably, as per the poem 'A
3 The expression 'o'er-darkened ways' implies
Thing of Beauty'. According to the poet, the
gloom and sadness fades away with .......... .
(a) dull and dark life
(a) peace one can find with beauty
(b) evil and immoral ways of life (b) the positive vibes of nature
(c) never-ending path (c) the beauty that surrounds us
(d) fearless manner
(d) the stories that inspire us
Ans (b) evil and immoral ways of life
Ans (a) In the poem, the poet states that the things of
4 Which of the following does not reflect the beauty provide us with peace and the spirit to live
dark spirits that afflict man? even when life give us gloom and sadness.
(a) Self doubt (b) Undying desires 9 On the basis of the extract, pick the opinion
(c) Sorrow of loss (d) Death and decay that is NOT TRUE about the theme of the
Ans ( d) The trials and tribulations of life, sorrows of poem.
loss, self doubt and the evil and immoral ways of
1. A thing of beauty transcends time and
life reflect the dark spirits that afflict man.
doesn't fade away.
5 Pick the statement that contradicts the idea of 2. Beauty doesn't dispel darkness and is
beauty as expressed by the surrounded by evil.
CBSE Question Bank 2021 3. A thing of beauty is not only physical but
(a) people arc beautiful not in looks but just in
spiritual as well.
what they arc.
( b I beautiful people have known suffering, 4. A beautiful thing has a therapeutic
struggle and loss. quality and brings ina ray of hope.
(c) we must think_of all the beauty that is left (a) Option l (b) Option 2
around us and be happy. (c) Option 3 (d) Option 4
(d) we must dwell on the beauty in life and be
inspired by it. Ans (b) Option 2
Ans (b) beautiful people have known suffering, 10 Choose the option that correctly mention
struggle and loss. source of beauty as mentioned in the poi
6 The first line of the poem 'A thing of beauty is a (i) Statues (ii) Museums
joy forever' can be called a/an (iii) Parks (iv) Forts
(a) opinion (b) quote (c) myth (d) Fact (v) Rivers
_ _ _ ___J_ _
AThil19 of Beauty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 and 2
(J) (b) 3 and 4 Ans (a) Keats believes in the healing power of nature
(c) 4 and 5 (d) All of these as it brings peace and joy in one's life A similar
perspective is put forward by Wordsworth who
d) According to Keats, everything that
MS (surrounds us reflects nature. believes that the bounties of nature provide
immeasurable joy to people.
When the poet says 'grandeur of the dooms: he
wishes to highlight @ EXTRACT BASED QUESTIONS
( ) the interesting stories of our ancestors
(~) the Nobel qualities_ possessed by our ancestors Read the extract given below and answer the
(c) the grand manner m wluch our ancestors lived following questions.
(d) the grand monuments that our ancestors build
1 A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Ans (b) When the poet uses 'grandeur of dooms', he
Its loveliness increases, it will never
refers to our ancestors to highlight that our
ancestors were nobles with great might. Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
s the grandeur of the mighty
12 Keats celebrate Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet
dead in the poem 'A Thing of Beauty'. With
line, which of the breathing.
reference to the given
Therefore, on every morrow, are we
following is not true?
(a) Grandeur is associated to our lives.
(b) Grandeur is related to big sculptures and A flowery band to bind us to the Earth
statues. (i) Choose the option that displays the same
(c) Grandeur comes from myths. poetic device as used m the first line of the
(d) Grandeur comes from stories extract.
Ans (c) Option (c) is incorrect. (a) I'm as happy as I can be
(b) Life 1s a roller coaster ride.
13 'An endless fountain of immortal drink, Pouring (c) Nature 1s God's gift 10 us
unto us from the heaven's brink.' In the given (d) The dazzling divas enchanted all.
lines, the poet indicates that
(ii) What does the phrase 'a bower quiet'
(a) beautiful things are a unique gift by God to indicate?
Humanity (a) Serenity (b) Morality
(b) Beautiful things have the power to heal (c) Superiority (d) Diversity
(c) Beautiful things arc formed with rain (iii) The benefits of a thing of beauty for
(d) All of the above humans include
(i) healthy body (ii) calm mind
Ans. (a) As per the phrase 'an endless fountain of
immortal drink, Pouring unto us from the (iii)struggle-free life (iv) better relationships
heaven's brink', the things of beauty are a gift (v) hope to carry on
from god 10 humanity. It is an everlasting Choose the most appropriate option.
fountain that fim,s from the abode of God. (a) On1y (v) (b) (i), (ii) and (v)
14 William Wordsworth says "One daffodil is (c) (i), (iii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)
worth a thousand pleasures, then one is too (iv) Answer in ONE word.
few." When the poet says that 'a thing of beauty'
Choose the option that correctly comments on will never pass into nothmgness, he means
the relationship between Wordsworth's words that it is ............... .
and the line from the poem 'A thing of beauty (v) On the basis of the extract, choose the LJ..J
is a joy forever'. correct option with reference to the two u
(a) Wordsworth endorses Keats belief m nature. statements given below. f-
(h) Wordsworth justifies Keats statements about (1) We are surrounded by beautiful things. u<(
beautiful things. (2) Beautiful things provide us JOY. a::
(c) Wordsworth undermines Keats intent of (a) can be inferred from the extract but (2)
(I) Cl..
justifying the healing qualities of nature cannot.
(bl (2) can be inferred from the extract but (I)
(d) Wordsworth ~urrenders to Keats desire to enjoy <(
nature. cannot.
ffij, Alli none ENGLISH CORE Class 1ith
'iV sosed on the poem, choose the correct (v) On the basis of the extract, choose the
opt1on with reference to the two statements correct option with reference to (1) and (2)
·rve'I below. given below.
~tatement 1 The earth without the (1) Poet is a nature lover.
beautiful things is a place full of despair (2) Nature has healing quatities.
and unpleasantness. (a) (I) is true (2) 1s false
(b) (2) is true (I) is false
statement 2 The ornate band created by (c) (2) is the reason for (I)
human beings; ushers hope in their fives. (d) Both (1) and (2) are true
(a) Statement l is true but Statement 2 is false.
(b) Statement l is false but Statement 2 is true. (vi) Fill in the blanks appropriately
[C) Both Statement l and Statement 2 can be
The function of daffodils as in mentioned in
inferred the extract is _ _ _ __
(d) Both Statement l and Statement 2 cannot Ans (i) (d) Both (a) and (c)
be inferred. (U) 'simple sheep'
(V) The poet says that we wreath a flowery (ill) (b) Cooling shelter
band that binds us to Earth. (iv) cooling covert/simple sheep
(v) Both (1) and (2) are true
He means to state that nature's beauty fills
(vi) to beautify the Earth and make is lively.
man with ......
(vi) What makes our life full of inhuman dearth? 5 A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Ans (i) (b) A chat with a close friend can take away
our blues. . pass into nothingness :but will keep
(ii) (b) A person who seeks God's help for all his A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
problems. Full of sweet dreams, and health and quiet
(iii) (d) 1, 3 and 6
(iv) (c) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 can be and breathing.
inferred. Therefore, on every morrow are we wreathing
(v) a spirit of living A flowery band to bind us to the earth;
(vi) According to the poet, we ourselves make our
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
lives full of inhuman dearth due to our selfish
and self-centered nature. Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
4 "Such the Sun, the Moon, Of all the unhealthy and o'er darkened ways
Trees old and young, sprouting a shady boon Made for our searching. CBSE 2023
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils (i) Keats defines beauty as
With the green world they live in; and clear rills (a) transient (b) eternal
That for themselves a cooling covert make (c) illusionary (d) short lived
'Gainst the hot season." (ii) 'Will keep a bower quiet for us, means all of
Which of these provide joy and respite in the UJ
(i) the following EXCEPT . u
hot season? (a) create a peaceful, shady place
(a) Shades of trees in forests
(b) Daffodils
(b) provide a shelter
(c) will decrease noise pollution
(c) Clear water streams (d) nature's canopy cc
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(iii) On the basis of the extract, choose the
(ii) Identify the phrase from the extract that correct option with reference to the two ~
suggests the following: All living beings statements given below : ><
Describe the role of clear rills. 1. Beautiful things uplift the soul. UJ
m Allino ne ENGLISH CORE Clas
s lit~
troublro. th<' \\I' ,~ht of blt11tllful thmg, oltl'll I h~ \111,1111.ike in the mulcllc of lhc foreH
rotnt', a, a tdil f and 1nm 11h, 11, l\1mlrn t ,ind su, 1m111clcd by wild llowers c1nd dc1ffodils
happln<'" forthe 1111,nll 111 \ppl\, i,11 lllR !lowing In the wind 1s an image I ,an never
~'aut1ful thmg, I, hkc- appH'datmR t,od, who lo, get. The clear water was shining as the sun
ha, t-c,tt,\\'C',l thl m 11p1m 111,mkind ,1, ,\ gtlt so WJS almost ove,hcad to us.
that\\'(' liilll dm,·<' happinc" ,llld ,ol,1u· hmn The majestic view filled me with pleasure and
lh<'m. all the tiredness we felt faded almost
~o.,1m1ty to l-1.-aullful thmRs Rt\es m mental instantaneously. The peace and serenity of the
peact' and make, m happ). lb, alue lies m its place was almost non broken except for the
dft'('t on u, and it never breeds a sense of occasional cooings and chirrups of the birds.
notlungne,,. It will not diminish with the How I wish I could have stayed there longer if
N,~age of time not forever, away from the rush of modem life.
3 Explain An endless fountain of immortal drink'. 5 How does Keats' poem, 'A Thing of Beauty'
Ans This line is taken from John Keats' poem, appeal richly to the senses, stimulating the
A Thing of Beauty'. The poem is based on a reader's inner sight as well as the sense of
premise that beauty is everlasting, as it creates touch and smell? Write your answer in about
an eternal joy in the beholder. It is an endless 120-150 words. CBSE SQP, CBSE 2022 Tenn n
fountain of joy that is continously gifted to us Ans It is truly said that Keats' poem, 'A Thing of
mankind from God. Beauty' appeal richly to the senses stimulating
The poet here says these words in order to the reader's inner sight as well as the sense of
explain the nature of the pleasure and joy that touch and smell. His descriptions allow for a
is created when a beautiful object is seen by a deeper perception of the imaginary.
beholder. He affirms the truth that beauty is not Everything he says in his poems can be
ephemeral but eternal. converted into a life-like experience allowing
The pleasure we receive in perceiving a beautiful the reader to experience exactly what he wants
object is a gift that is worth treasuring as the to convey.
joy removes the gloom in our minds. Even when In the poem, Keats establishes his idea of
we are surrounded by evils or sad times, the beauty in everything around us with powerful
images of beauty fill us with bliss and joy. imagery and word play. The cooling comfort of
4 You are a blogger who loves to record travel the bower, the dancing daffodils in its green
stories. You recently visited a picturesque environment, the babbµng stream and the
location and you were enamoured by its mid-forest brake with the musk rose blooms
evoke our imagination.
beauty. Pen down the post for your blog giving
vivid descriptions of the natural beauty of this As readers, we can imagine ourselves in such a
place. Supplement your writing with Keats' setup with sense of hearing, touch and smell.
We can hear the sounds of the scene, smell the
ideas about beauty. CBSE Question Bank 2021
flowers and even feel like we are in the middle
Ans Keats had correctly said that 'a thing of beauty
is a joy forever'. of nature.
I really felt it yesterday when I was trekking Even the stories of mighty ancestors and the
across the Himalayan ranges. doom that befalls them appeals to our intellect
My group leader wanted us to take us to hidden as we can relate to the innumerable stories we
location near our base. Initially we were also have read or heard.
suspicious but soon came across something so The endless fountain may be an allusion of the
the picturesque that its beauty cannot be fountain of youth. One can imagine the
expressed in words. The detour from the fountain as rain that falls on our planet. Thus,
occasional trekking took us to a lakeside where Keats poetic descriptions presents beauty that
innumerable birds had flocked to drink water. appeals to our senses and gives delight.