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Every website is a collection of web pages, so it should come as no

surprise that your journey to build a complete site starts here, with the
writing of a single web page.
Technically, a web page is a special type of document written in a
computer language called HTML (that’s short for HyperText Markup
Language). Web pages are written for web browsers—programs like
Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Safari. These browsers have a
simple but crucially important job: they read the HTML in a web page
document and display the perfectly formatted result for us to read.

Please note- HTML is not a programming language. It is only a markup

HTML: The Language of the Web
HTML is the single most important standard in web design—and the only
one that’s absolutely required if you plan to create a web page. Every web
page is written in HTML. It doesn’t matter whether your page contains a
series of blog entries, a dozen pictures of your pet lemur, or a heavily
formatted screenplay—odds are that, if you’re looking at it in a browser,
it’s an HTML page.
HTML plays a key role in web pages: It tells browsers how to display the
contents of a page, using special instructions called tags that tell a
browser when to start a paragraph, italicize a word, or display a picture.
To create your own web pages, you need to learn to use this family of

You use sets of HTML tags to define the basic structure of your
page. HTML tags control the layout and formatting of the elements in
HTML. These tags are the building blocks of HTML. Some basic HTML tags
<HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>, and <BODY> that you must add to every web
page you create

Every HTML file (also referred to as a web page) is a text file. It does not
contain images, sound, or such information. The HTML file has references to
such files. So when you see a photograph on the web page, the HTML file has
called the image file and displayed it in the appropriate place on the web page.
The fact that this is a text file, makes it platform independent iñ meaning
that the same web page could be seen on a Windows, Unix, Linux or a MacOS
computer. This is also the reason why the web is emerging as a

What tools do you need? To get started with html documents, only two basic
things are required
• A text editor/HTML editor
• A Web Browser

A text editor is any word processing program that you can use to type and edit

Who Invented HTML HTML was invented in November 1990 by a scientist

called Tim Berneses-Lee. The purpose was to make it easier for scientists at
different university to gain access to each other’s research documents
BODY TAG: The visible content that makes up your web page, including
paragraphs, lists, tables, images, canvases and video, resides in the body of
your HTML document. The body of the document is identified by the and tags.
The body of a document comes after the head of a document.
Insert the head tag after the
The basic structure of the HTML document is divided into two sections namely,
the head and the body. The browser enters the first section after executing the
start tag of HTML (telling the browser to begin interpreting the HTML
commands) and start tag of HEAD.

The end tag of BODY i.e. tells the browser that no more data is to be inserted
on the webpage and the end of the web document has come. After the
completion of this section, the slash HTML or the end tag of HTML tells the
browser to stop looking for HTML commands.
It all revolves around a single concept—tags. HTML tags are
formatting instructions that tell a browser how to transform ordinary
text into something visually appealing

What’s in a Tag

You can recognize a tag by looking for angle brackets, two special
characters that look like this: < >. When creating a tag, you type
HTML code between the brackets. This code is for the browser’s eyes
only; web visitors never see it (unless they use the View Source command
to peek at the HTML). Essentially, the code is an instruction that conveys
information to the browser about how to format the text that follows.
On its own, the <b> tag isn’t quite good enough; it’s known as a start tag,
which means it switches on some effect (in this case, bold lettering). You
pair most start tags with a matching end tag that switches off the effect.
You can easily recognize an end tag. They look the same as start tags,
except that they begin with a forward slash. That means they start like
this </ instead of like this <. So the end tag for bold formatting is </b>

s you can see, the browser has a fairly simple job. It scans an HTML
document, looking for tags and switching on and off various formatting
settings. It takes everything else (everything that isn’t a tag) and displays
it in the browser window.
Adding tags to plain-vanilla text is known as marking up a document, and the
tags themselves are known as HTML markup. When you look at raw HTML, you
may be interested in looking at the content (the text nestled between the tags)
or the markup (the tags themselves).

HTML ignores extra white space. That includes tabs, line breaks, and
extra spaces (anything more than one consecutive space).
Heading tag is used to display the heading or the main topic on the web
Some peculiarities about the web browser on viewing HTML document text:-
Ø Browsers ignore extra space within HTML document Browsers ignore any
additional space you type, and compress the text as if the space did not exist.
For Example: You can have text "My First Page" in HTML document but in
browser it display, "My First Page".
Ø Browsers ignore your extra line and paragraph breaks Generally you press
enter when you want to create line and paragraph breaks, but they won’t
show up when you view the document in browser.
In order to control your paragraph and line breaks, <p>
and <br> tags are used.
The CENTER tag Is needed to place the text in the center.

Some of the commonly used tags for formatting are

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