Areas of PPAs Specific Objective Strategies Time Budget Human Material Success Risk Factors
Concern Frame and its Resources Resources Indicators
ENROLMENT Increase Enrolment August – Teacher SH DepEd School’s *Some learners
enrolment by at campaign in 7 December Initiated 25Teachers sim Enrolment were enrolled but
least 2% compared feeder puroks is 837 their
to previous year of Brgy. learners or parents/guardians
{821 to 837} Malabanban more failed to show in
Sur using school during the
varied spcmed distribution of
platforms modules
*other learners
were just simply
enrolled but
cannot be located
DIAGNOSTIC Administer Distribution of 2nd week Teacher Class Teacher – 100% of *Failure of the
TEST Diagnostic Test to Materials of Initiated Advisers made the learners to take
learners on the September tests learners the test on the
first week of Test Parents enrolled in prescribed time
school opening Administration the given
Guardian period of
Utilizing of time took
Test Results the test
DESTRIBUTIO Distributed Distribution of Mid – MOOE SH SLMs SLMs were Failure of
N OF Modules to Modules on September Div/ Class distributed parents/guardians
MODULES parents/guardians prescribed Reg’l Advisers on time to claim the SLMs
strictly following dates (TBA) funds Parents/ SLMs were on scheduled
the IATF guidelines Guardians answered time insufficient
and number of SLMs
returned due to an
to class increase in
advisers enrolment
PROFILING OF Conduct Learners’ Oral Reading October MOOE Grade 2 – Localized Learners The present
LEARNERS’ Reading Progress Activity in 12 – 6 Teachers reading were situation may
READING both English November Materials identified hinder the activity
ABILITY and Filipino (2 12 as a
– 6 Learners reader or
Only ) non-
reader in
PROFILING OF Administer Numeric Test October MOOE K–6 Numerac Learners The present
LEARNERS’ Numeracy Test (pre) K – 6 12 – teachers y were situation may
NUMERACY (pre) learners November Materials identified hinder the activity
ABILITY 12 from the as
Division numerate
Office or non-
SCHOOL Transfer of Title Maam daisy August LGU SH Maam The school The present
TITLING from LGU paki lagay ng Onwards Division School daisy paki site has situation may
(Malabanban Sur mga ginawa Grant Property lagay ule land title hinder the activity
to DepEd Quezon ) natin Custodian in the
name of The Surveyor may
DepEd refuse to conduct
Quezon the surveying due
to financial issues
RETOOLING/ Retooling/ Pre – opening August MOOE SH DepEd Teachers The present
UPSKILLING/ Upskill/Capacitate INSET, LAC, onwards Teachers memos/o were situation may
CAPACITATIN Teachers’ for SY webinars, rders retooled, hinder the activity
G TEACHERS’ 2021 – 2022 meetings Videos, upskilled