2647950-QB.No.3. Class.IX Drainage (Geo) Paul D.

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Class: IX Department: Social Science Sub: GEOGRAPHY

Chapter-3 Topic: Drainage Year: 2023-24

Question Bank:3

I Short Answer Questions

1 What is watershed/ water divide?
Ans. Any elevated area, such as a mountain or an upland, separates two drainage basins is known
as a water divide.

2 What is Drainage basin?

Ans. The area drained by a single river system is called the drainage basin or a river basin.

3 What is meant by a ‘Perennial’ river?

Ans. River which carry water throughout the year is called a perennial river.

4 Name two head streams of the river Ganga. Name the place where they join.
Ans. The two head streams of the river Ganga are, The Alaknanda and The Bhagirathi. They join at

5 Why does Brahmaputra in its Tibetan part carry less silt despite a longer course?
Ans. Because, it is a cold and a dry area and here the river does not have a well-developed
tributary system and the volume of water flow is less due to low rainfall.

6 Why does the river Ganga form meanders?

Ans. The Ganga plains have a gentle slope, and the river has a longer course. So, the volume of
water and the silt it carries forces the river system to form meanders.

7 What is inland drainage?

Ans. A drainage system in which rivers do not reach an ocean but empty their waters into a lake
or an inland sea.

8 What is a lake?
Ans. A body of water that lies in a hollow in the earth’s surface and is entirely surrounded by land.
It is unconnected with the sea except by rivers.

II Long Answer Questions

9 How are river polluted?
Ans. Rivers get polluted due to the dumping of untreated sewage and industrial waste into them.
Flowing water has a self-cleaning capacity if the stream flow is adequate. However, with growing
population and urbanization, the demand for water has been increasing. As a result, more and
more water is being drained out, reducing its volume in the rivers. Therefore, the pollution levels
are quite high.

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10 Lakes are of great value to human beings. How?
Ans. Lakes are important because:
a. Lakes help to regulate the flow of a river.
b. During heavy rainfall, it prevents flooding and during dry season, it helps to maintain an even
flow of water.
c. They also can be used for developing Hyperpower.
d. They moderate the climate of the surroundings, maintains aquatic ecosystem, enhance natural
beauty, help tourism and provide recreation.

11 What is a braided stream?

Ans. A stream in which the main channel has divided into a complex network of shallow diverging
and converging streams separated by bars is known as a braided stream. It occurs when it is
unable to carry the entire load supplied to it. It thus deposits some of the material within the
channel and the stream is forced to flow around the deposits.

Distinguish between Himalayan and Peninsular rivers.

Himalayan rivers Peninsular rivers.
a. They are perennial. a. They are seasonal.
b. They are fed by both snow and rain. b. They are fed by rain only.
c. They have large basins c. They flow through shallow valleys.
d. They form large meanders and a d. Erosion is comparatively less because
variety of depositional features. of gentler slope.
e. They have made spectacular gorges. e. They have straight and linear courses.
f. Ex. Brahmaputra, Indus and Ganga f. Ex. Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna,
Kaveri, Tapi and Narmada.

13 Explain any three features of Ganga- Brahmaputra Delta.

Ans. The largest delta of the world is the Ganga- Brahmaputra Delta.
• It is the largest and fastest growing delta. It has large islands.
• It is the most fertile and well-watered delta.
• It is called the Sunderbans delta because a peculiar variety of tree called Sundari grows
here. It is also the home of Royal Bengal Tiger.

14 Distinguish between a Delta and an Estuary.

Ans. Delta: - Is a triangular shaped deposit of sediments formed at the mouth of a river.
Ex. All the East flowing rivers of India, i.e. Ganga- Brahmaputra, Mahanadi, Godaveri, Krishna and

Estuary: - It is a funnel shaped valley or a deep narrow channel formed at the mouth of a river
where the sea waves are very strong and prevalent.
Ex. Mouth of the rivers Narmada and Tapi. (The West flowing rivers of India)

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15 Map marking: -

Rivers: (Identification only)

The Himalayan River Systems-The Indus, The Ganges, and The Satluj
The Peninsular Rivers-The Narmada, The Tapi, The Kaveri, The Krishna, The Godavari, The

Lakes: Wular, Pulicat, Sambhar, Chilika

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