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The Use of Ontologies in Location-Based Services: The Space and Time Ontology in Protégé

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The Use of Ontologies in Location-based Services: The Space and Time Ontology in Protg

Dieter Pfoser and Nectaria Tryfona*

Research Academic Computer Technology Institute Data and Knowledge Engineering Group, Research Unit 3 Athens, Greece {pfoser, tryfona}@cti.gr

Abstract. As location-based applications become part of our everyday life, ranging from traffic prediction systems to services over mobile phones providing us with information about our surroundings, the call for more semantics and accurate services related to them is emerging. Moreover, the need for integration of multiple data sources calls for an abstract location model, easily understandable to domain experts. In this paper, we study and analyze the concepts involved in Location-Based Services (LBS); three of them, namely space, time and movement are fundamental and have common characteristics in all LBS applications. We first present a systematic analysis and structure of space, time and movement, register their characteristics and their relations. In order to (a) make LBS assumptions that already exist in literature about space, time and movement explicit (b) share common understanding of their structure, and (c) enable reuse of this LBS knowledge, we use long-praised technique of ontologies to organize and design them. More specifically, we introduce an ontology structure for LBSs consisting of the Domain Ontology, the Content Ontology and the Application Ontology. The proposed design of space, time and movement constitute the Domain Ontology. We design the Domain Ontology of LBS in Protg, an open-source, extensible-code tool, allowing for the easy and understandable representation of ontologies from experts. The presented Domain Ontology is component of the knowledge base of a fleet management system handling traffic in the Athens Metropolitan Area. Keywords: location-based service, space ontology, time ontology, knowledge representation, position, location, movement, ontology structure, Domain Ontology, Space Ontology, Time Ontology, Content Ontology, Application Ontology, Protg.

1. Introduction
Over the last years Location-Based Services (LBS) received lots of attention from both the scientific community and the industrial partners. Work has mostly been concentrated on delivering information to the mobile users that is specific to the users location and therefore presumably more relevant. Although there is no dispute that this effort lies in the heart of LBS, it is based on the crude assumption that the location of a user can be simply unambiguously determined [Myllykaki and Edlund, 2002]; that is, it is always known and in absolute measures. However this is neither true nor enough. In some cases the position of a moving object is not known, such as when the GPS device being on it is shadowed. In other cases, the concept of location has different meanings and values depending on the application domain of LBS, and thus cannot be determined by a single notion, it is not unambiguous; thus, it cannot be captured and represented by a unique method or technique. Consider the example of a LBS system for traffic management and traffic prediction, in which vehicles are equipped with GPS devices. The absolute,

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current, location of the car is the (x,y) coordinates transmitted by the GPS. However, what really matters to the system to predict and bypass a traffic jam is not just the location itself but also the shape or area of 10km ahead in the road network, given the fact that the jam is present there. Analogously, in a location-based application providing services to tourists visiting an archaeological site, the location that matters to them is the actual (x,y), as well as, the circular shape around their current position, which includes items of their interest. Furthermore, there are applications in which users refer frequently to specific locations for which, neither care nor know their absolute coordinates. For example, the notion of work and home are obvious to everyone and a reasonable service is to be able to receive phone calls approaching work or to download mail going home. This calls for the concept of virtual position which is related to the user and not the coordinates. The aforementioned examples are just some of the many we experience everyday indicating that when location matters, it is not, only and always, in absolute numbers, but it further depends on the domain of the application. Moreover, recently, the need to aggregate location from multiple sources becomes more and more emerging [Myllykaki and Edlund, 2002]. This is based on the facts that (a) a person may be associated with numerous tracking devices simultaneously, e.g., GPS device on a phone, in a car, etc, and (b) the tracking devices are not always accurate, or may be shadowed as said before, and thus do not deliver the right signal. In this case, the notion of location has more than one values and in order to be aggregated, it needs to be analyzed, captured and represented in all possible involved forms. Issues analogous to the ones related to location are also valid for time in LBS. For example, for the prediction of a traffic jam it is not only the current time that matters but the future time horizon as well, as the jam evolves and eventually resolves. It is clear that, space (captured as location), time, and movement (i.e., objects motion in space over time), are the common, fundamental concepts in LBS applications. In this paper we deal with the analysis, comprehension, representation, and ontological design of space and time of the moving object in LBS, along with its movement. As LBS we consider any application involving moving objects providing services based on positional, temporal and, many times, user profile1 information. A traffic management system handling traffic of moving vehicles equipped with a GPS and a tourist service in which the person carries a mobile phone are both LBSs. The position in LBS is usually provided by a mobile device, such as a GPS, carried on the moving object or, in the rougher case, by using positioning in cellular networks. It is reasonable, for simplicity purposes, without affecting the validity of our results, to assume that we deal with moving-point objects, i.e., the position of the person or the vehicle is a point. Our thesis is that, due to the fact that space, time and movement are common in all LBSs, there is an emerging demand to: (i) analyze the LBS domain knowledge which includes the fundamental concepts of space, time and movement, (ii) share common understanding of these concepts, (iii) make LBS assumptions that exist in literature about space, time and movement explicit (iv) enable reuse of this LBS knowledge

Some works in literature (e.g., [Hinze and Voisard, 2003]) consider the presence of space, time, and user profile mandatory to define an LBS; other information, such as history may also exist. However this restrictive definition contradicts the definition of the GSM Alliance Service Working Group (see also Section 5). We chose to adopt the latter approach considering the user profile information not mandatory without affecting the validity and applicability of our results. 2

For this, we propose the use of the well-known and accepted method of ontologies. The use of ontologies for the comprehension, registration, design and interoperability purposes has been long-praised [Gruber, 1993] [Frank, 1997] [Mark and Smith, 1998]; here, we focus on the comprehension, registration and design of the fundamental spatial and temporal concepts and movement in LBS. We first propose an ontology structure consisting of three categories: (a) the Domain Ontology, consisting of the Space Ontology and Time Ontology, (b) the Content Ontology, focusing on the LBS specific content, and (c) the Application Ontology consisting of the profile ontology and service ontology for the LBS. In this work, we focus and model the Domain Ontology for LBSs, which includes the Space Ontology, Time Ontology and Movement Class, corresponding to the three previously mentioned concepts.The Content and Application ontology depend on the very specific LBS; here we give some exemplified paradigms. Then, based on a real-world LBS application [], we capture the common requirements and semantics of LBS with respect to space, time and movement, and propose a way to represent their Domain Ontology. More specifically, in this work: (i) Based on the different categories of LBS given by the GSM Alliance Services Working Group [GSM], we define different types of locations and time that matter when movement occurs. We analyze space, time and movement, show their characteristics and relation. One major contribution is the distinction we make between location and position, which serves the need for better representation, exchange and integration of location from multiple sources. (ii) Based on (i), we design the Domain Ontology of LBS, i.e., we describe its concepts and relations. In order to easily realize the ontology, we use the public domain, open source, knowledge model of Protg tool [Protg, 2003]. However, the use of Protg tool is just a prototypical one. Any other tool, or language such as DAML, OIL [DAML.Org, 2001] can be used for this representation. The contribution of the paper is threefold: The use of ontologies to represent space, time and movement in LBS. The analysis, comprehension and representation of the Domain Ontology, i.e., the Space Ontology and Time Ontology in LBS, which are common in all location-based applications involving movement. The use of a well-known and tested tool, such as Protg for this representation. This leads to the representation of a Knowledge Base for LBS to be shared and exchanged in an organized form.

The effort we present here is part of a larger project, focusing on the design and development of the ontologies for the support of a Fleet Management System, based on real-world data and requirements and dealing with the traffic in the Athens Metropolitan Area. The overall scope is to progressively design and develop the knowledge base of such as system. The structure of the Domain Ontology is a major component of it. We are not aware of any other work towards this direction. Section 2 argues on that by presenting related work with respect to LBSs and ontologies. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives related, characteristic work focusing on the use of ontologies in different application areas, typical approaches followed in modeling information related to LBS and finally, the adoption of ontologies in LBS. Section 3 argues about the need to adopt ontologies to comprehend, model, exchange and share spatiotemporal information in LBS and presents an ontology structure for Location-based applications. Section 4 gives the way to capture space based on the categorization of LBSs from the GSM Alliance Service Working Group [GSM]. A clear distinction between position and location in these domains is given and justified; similarly, the temporal dimension is treated. Section 4 illustrates the Domain Ontology of LBSs in Protg giving a tour through this tool with

the use of an example from a real-world traffic management project [I]. Finally, Section 5 draws the future research directions.

2. Related Work
In this section we list characteristic work related to the use of ontologies in different application areas, typical approaches followed in modeling information related to LBS and finally, the adoption of ontologies in LBS. Although an important topic, we do not present at all approaches dealing with the use of agents in LBS, since this is outside the scope of this work. The literature shows many proposals on the adoption of ontologies for the analysis and representation of semantics of information. Ontologies can capture the semantics of information, can be represented in a formal language, and can also be stored to related metadata, thus enabling a semantic approach to information integration. There are several ontology languages as e.g., compared in [Garshol, 2001] and tools to represent ontologies [Ontolingua, 1997], [Chimaera, 2002] [DAML.org, 2001]. Protg [Protg, 2003] is the most popular ontology-editing environment and has been used in many applications, such as medical systems, biological processes, gene ontology, and business systems. There are some arguments about how useful ontologies are. [Guarino, 1998] advises against using ontologies as just a fancy name denoting the result of activities like conceptual analysis and domain modeling [Fonseca, et. al., 2003]. Our position is that ontologies are build to model domain and represent knowledge, resulting to a knowledge base, while data models and conceptual modeling focus on organizing explicit data and contents resulting to a database. Section 3 elaborates on this. As the spatial2 and spatiotemporal domain are both rich and complex, it calls for more than just organizing content and data for strictly implementation purposes. Furthermore, a wide range of applications, such as geographic applications, traffic management, tourist services based on location, etc., call for techniques flexible enough to capture their particularities with respect to space, yet formal ones. [Fonseca, 2001] proposes a framework for the development of geographic application using ontologies. The framework uses ontologies as the foundation for the integration of geographic information. In the [Fonseca, 2001] work the reader can also find a systematic review on literature on the use of ontologies in GIS. [Bittner and Winter, 1999] identifies the role of ontologies in capturing spatial uncertainty. [Fonseca et. al., 2003] and [Fonseca et.al., 2002] present methods to bridge the gap between conceptual schemas and ontologies in Geographic Information Systems. Work on ontologies and LBS includes [Yu et al., 2003a] [Yu et. al., 2003b] [Pfoser, et. al., 2002] [Fonseca et. al., 2002] and [Weissenberg and Gartmann, 2003]. They are all based on the assumption that the location is a point with known coordinates. [Yu et al., 2003a] describes issues involved in supporting an ontologybased information searching process in LBS. It presents an example scenario and gives an architecture based on ontologies that is to be adopted to support share and autonomy in LBS. [Pfoser et al., 2002] proposes an ad-hoc database model to locate correlative data stores and exchange similar information within a specific community. The model is composed by Data Handlers, Data Stores and proxies and uses ontologies to deal with the spatial relationships between the moving objects. [Fonseca et. al., 2002] presents the Ontology-Driven Geographical Information Systems framework (ODGIS), which uses ontologies for the comprehensive usage of ontologies for classification purposes, focusing on integrating different kinds of geographic information. [Weissenberg and Gartmann, 2003] gives a modular ontology architecture to support different existing ontologies and metadata standards for the web services in Olympia 2008. Then, a sketch of the ontological domain is given to support semantic queries and semantic service roaming.

In the LBS context, there is no need for distinction between spatial and geographic information as in spatial applications and Geographic Information Systems. 4

The user profile plays an important role in LBS. [Yu et. al., 2003b] proposes a profile-based approach to improve the LBSs efficiency, based on a relational database. [Hinze and Voisard, 2003] describes a system, which delivers various types of information to mobile devices based on the location, time and profile of the end user. The Event Notification technique has been adopted to trigger actions. Finally, [Unicomp, 2001] deals with different types of locations, the way to compute them and present them. Although the work presented there gives a first taxonomy and general directions about how to handle location in LBS, there is no typical way to categorize them, model them and communicate them with a formal technique, such as a model, ontologies or mathematical representation.

3. Using Ontologies in Location-based Services

3.1 About Ontologies An ontology is an explicit specification of conceptualisation [Gruber, 1992]. Ontologies have been longpraised for their efficient use in the comprehension, representation, exchange, share, and integration of domains and concepts [Gruber, 1993] [Frank, 1997] [Mark and Smith, 1998] [Tryfona and Pfoser, 2001]. They have been widely used in the past years to describe in an abstract, but accurate way, concepts shared and exchanged among different users, systems, or even people using oral communications. While in the philosophical fields an ontology is the science of being, in the Artificial Intelligence area it is used to describe an engineering, formally defined artefact with specific vocabulary using a set of assumptions regarding the intended meaning of the vocabulary words. Using ontologies to build applications can help avoid problems, such as inconsistency and poor misunderstanding among communicating parties. The Artificial Intelligence literature contains many definitions of an ontology. Many of them contradict each other. Generally speaking, in the engineering world, an ontology is a formal and declarative representation which includes the names for referring to the terms in that subject area and the logical statements that describe what the terms are, how they are related to each other, and how they can or cannot be related to each other. Ontologies therefore provide a vocabulary for representing and communicating knowledge about some topic and a set of relationships that hold among the terms in that vocabulary. In practical terms, the design of an ontology includes: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the definition of classes or concepts in the ontology the arrangement of the classes in a taxonomic (subclass-superclass) hierarchy, if it exist the definition of properties and the description of the allowed values for these properties the definition of restrictions on the values of the properties, such as cardinality

An ontology, together with a set of individual instances of classes with specific values of properties, constitute the knowledge base of the application. The line between ontologies and conceptual schemas is thin. One could argue that using conceptual models to represent an application domain is adequate; proposals like that do exist [Granefield and Purvis, 1999] [Tryfona and Pfoser, 2001]. However, besides the fact that ontologies offer more flexibility in information representation, there are fundamental differences between conceptual schemas and ontologies: (a) at the schematic level, an ontology can be a forest of diagrams while a conceptual schema based on the strict literature definitions cannot, and (b) Ontologies are used to exchange and share common information (for example, the location, position and time) among applications belonging to the same domain (for example, fleet management, mobile services etc are all LBSs), while conceptual schemas are used to model data in one application. Some proposals about ontology definition include also (other than (i)-(iv)) the definition of rules to add semantics and to infer knowledge. Rules represent implicit knowledge about classes and their relationships.

If one adopts this ontological approach, then this is another difference between ontologies and conceptual schemas as rules exists only in ontologies. One way is to see ontologies as an abstraction of conceptual schemas. Overall, ontologies are semantically richer that the conceptual schemas as they are built for different purposes: the former to represent a domain in a knowledge base, and the latter to represent contents of a database. There are several ontology languages and tools which are used to build ontologies. The most popular of them are compared in [Gashol, 2001]. DAML+OIL [DAML.Org, 2001]] is the standard ontology language and close to the standards developed by W3C [W3C]. Chimaera [Chimaera, 2002], Ontolingua [Ontolingua, 1997] OntoBuilder [OntoBuilder, 2003] and Protg [Protg, 2003] are some of the most known tools as ontology editing environments. The design of ontologies is a modular task; thus, there is the need for architecture or structure of ontological environments. Some proposals do exist: [Guarino, 1998] structures an ontology to sub-ontologies: (a) the upper ontology, which includes abstract and philosophical issues, (b) the domain ontology which includes specific domains, such as tourism, weather, (c) the task ontology which contains knowledge about the usage, and (d) the application ontology which combines and extends the knowledge of all other ontologies. Depending on the application domain, several ontologies can be identified at the levels listed above. 3.2 Ontologies in LBS As the need for capturing more semantics in LBS is growing together with the demand of structured information and services, domain experts started using ontologies in location-based applications. As the design of ontologies, like the software design is a modular task, it is important to define the structure of the ontologies representing capturing the domain of the applications. Moreover, more and more libraries of ontologies do exist today, such as the DAML ontology library (available at www.daml.org) or the Ontobuilder [Ontobuilder, 2003] (available at http://ie.technion.ac.il/OntoBuilder). This gives the expert the ability to acquire ontologies from different environments; however, it is crucial for integrity reasons to categorize them in the right level of the ontology architecture. [Weissenberg and Gartmann, 2003] follows the architecture presented in [Guarrino, 1998] (c.f. Section 3.1.) to present an ontology list for semantic GeoServices for Olympia 2008. [Yu et. al., 2003a] presents a different architecture to share ontologies in LBS but also keep their autonomy. The elements in this architecture are: (a) the global ontology, (b) the local ontologies, which correspond to local sources, (c) the shared ontologies, (d) the mediator and (e) the integrated ontology. Our position is in order to create a LBS ontology structure it is important to understand what concepts are present, which of them are common and fundamental for all LBSs, and which depend on specific applications. As shown is Section 1, space, time and objects movement are the common concepts in terms of characteristics and semantics, whether we talk about a fleet management application in which vehicles are equipped with GPS devices or about user traveling around, carrying mobile phones. Then, in an LBS application, we talk about content, use profile and provided services. All three depend on the specific application we are dealing with. For example, in the first application paradigm, the content is about traffic and the service relates to possible traffic jam is present, while in the latter the content is about restaurants and the service about informing the user for the closest facility is available. Thus, the design decisions to be made are different in both cases, something that is not happening with space, time and movement. Along these lines, it is important for LBSs to comprehend, represent and communicate information and semantics about space, time and movement. For this, we propose the design the Space Ontology and Time

ontology for LBS. Movement results from the combination of the two and it is a concept that appears in the structure of both. Space and Time ontology are components of the larger structure of the ontological domain of LBS we propose in Figure 1. Three categories of ontologies are present: the Domain Ontology, with subcategories the Space Ontology, which defines the spatial dimension of LBSs the Time Ontology, which defines the temporal dimension of LBSs the Content Ontology, with one subcategory the Content Ontology, which captures the content information of the specific LBS and relates content to the Domain Ontology and the Application Ontology the Application Ontology, with subcategories the Profile Ontology, which defines the user profile of the specific LBS application the Service Ontology which corresponds to tasks accomplished in the specific LBS application.

Space Ontology
location time movement, etc

Time Ontology
Domain Ontology

Content Ontology
e.g restaurants, museums conference halls track&field events parks, fairs

Content Ontology

Profile Ontology

Service Ontology
e.g closest restaurant route to coneference place of event place of fair

e.g tourist businessman sports fan family

Application Ontology

Figure 1: The Ontology Structure of LBS. Figure 1 illustrates the ontological categories and subcategories. The lower left corner gives the concepts (in the case of Domain Ontology) and examples (in the case of the Application and Content Ontology). The Application and Content ontology depend on the specific application we are dealing with. For example, if the application is tourist services over the mobile phone, then the user profile is the one of the tourist with services like information about surrounding restaurants and the content ontology has organized data about restaurants, museums etc. The Domain Ontology is the common and generic one f terms of characteristics to be captured and can be communicated among all LBSs, and has the concepts of location, time, movement and others, which are explained in Sections 4 and 5.

We chose not to include the Content Ontology in the Application Ontology as it includes the data of the application, while the Application Ontology includes tasks based on user profiles and technical issues, such as service standards. The architecture of LBS of Figure 1 is independent of the tool and language to be used and it: (i) provides common understanding of the structure of space, time and movement, which are common in all LBSs (ii) enables reuse of this LBS knowledge (iii) makes LBS assumptions about space, time and movement explicit This approach is, on the one hand, generic enough to support common knowledge in different types of moving objects, such as mobile phones, moving taxis, or even migrating groups of species, and on the other, specific enough to show the kind of data involved in LBS, and to ensure the consistency of communication among agreed partners.

4. The Spatial Ontology in LBS: Location vs. Position

The domain of LBS applications is large and diverse. The GSM Alliance Service Working Group [GSM] has defined the following types of traditional LBS: Emergency Services Emergency Alert Services Home-zone billing Fleet Management Asset Management Person Tracking Pet Tracking Traffic Congestion Reporting Routing to Nearest Enterprise Roadside Assistance Navigation City Sightseeing Localized Advertising Mobile Yellow Pages Network Planning Dynamic Network Control

As LBS we consider any application involving moving objects and providing services based on positional, temporal and, many times, user profile information. This definition agrees with the above categorization. The position is usually provided by a mobile device, such as a GPS, carried on the moving object or, in the rougher case, by using positioning in cellular networks. As said before, all the aforementioned LBS, no matter what their specific application domain is, have three fundaments concepts in common: space, time and movement, which we organize them under the umbrella of Domain Ontology (c.f. Figure 1). In this section we give a systematic analysis, clarification and relation of these three concepts in order to design (in Section 5) the Domain Ontology: A. Although the trace of the moving object (e.g., laptop, mobile phone, car equipped with a GPS) can be determined as (x,y) coordinates, it is not only this that matters. Consider a LBS for the mobile tourist, visiting the archaeological site of Acropolis. The information that matters for the service provider is the actual (x,y), as well as the circular shape around him, which includes items of his interest. Analogously, consider the example of an LBS system for traffic management and traffic prediction, in which vehicles are equipped with GPS devices. The absolute instant trace of the car is the (x,y) coordinates the GPS transmits. However, what matters to the system to predict and help a vehicle bypass a traffic jam is not just the (x,y) itself and the sequence of the old ones (i.e, the continues trace) but also the shape of 10km ahead in the road network, given the fact that the jam is present there. These two examples show that what needs to be captured in terms of space in LBS is: The absolute (x,y) coordinates of the moving object, which we call position

the surrounding area of position, which we call reach. The shape of reach can vary: in the 1st example it is a circle with a given, predefined, radius. In the 2nd is a shape of an oval. The position and reach of the moving object constitute its location. Figure 2 illustrates the two cases.

Figure 2: Different shapes of reach in space: (a) a circular reach surrounding the position A close to a road network, (b) an oval reach ahead of position A on a road network B. Location is related to time. For example, in a tourist application it is important to know when the tourist is in a location since many facilities depend on that (e.g., when shops are open, etc). Similarly, in a fleet management application for the prediction of a traffic jam, the time a car approaches specific areas matters as rush hours are usually troublesome and matter. Time, analogously to location, is captured by: a timestamp t indicating when an action or event happens. a time horizon, indicating when the time period related to the timestamp. For example in the case of a moving vehicle in a fleet management LBS trying to avoid a jam, what matters is not only the current time but also the time horizon ahead in which the jam will evolve. Moreover, due to imprecise information, inaccurate measures or device errors, Position, Reach and Timestamp are can have uncertainty, which is usually expressed by the deviation for the accurate value. C. Furthermore, an important concept in LBS is movement. Movement is defined in terms of position of the moving point object and time, and includes: heading, which shows the heading of the moving object distance, which gives the distance from the previous position direction, which shows the angle to the previous position duration, which shows the duration traveled from the previous position.

Figure 3 illustrates this design decision:

heading distance, duration t1 past position t2 position


Figure 3: A diagrammatic description of movement D. Additionally, the location, i.e., reach and position of the moving object, might be related to others with spatial relationships which are either topological (e.g, meet, intersect etc), directional (e.g., left, right, etc) or metric which show distance. E. Location and time relates to content and consequently to Content Ontology, in LBS (Figure 1). For example, in a tourist application, the where and when specific restaurant, facilities, or archeological sites, are located and are open is important. The content of LBS depends on the specific application domain and thus can be represented only if its known. Additionally, there are applications in which users refer frequently to specific location for which, neither care nor know their absolute coordinates. For example, the notion of work and home are obvious to everyone and a reasonable service is to be able to send me all my SMS as approaching work or to download mail going home. This calls for the concept of virtual position related to the user and not the coordinates. A known user-centered model is comMotion [Marmasse and Schmandt, 2000]. The approach we propose captures also virtual positions as it relates position (and location) to content. Finally, space, time and movement are related to user profile and services, thus the Application Ontology (Figure 1). For example, the user profile changes depending on the position of the user (e.g., when I am in Berlin, my profile is business, when in Bahamas, my profile is tourism) or even on the time (e.g., after 8pm receive only information about entertainment).

5. The Domain Ontology of LBS in Protg

After the systematic analysis, clarification and relation of the fundamental concepts of the Domain Ontology of LBSs, namely, space, time and movement, we proceed on the design of the ontology. We use Protg3 for the design and, further, the full development of the Domain Ontology, as part of a larger project [], designing the knowledge base to support a fleet management system. Here we show the definition of the space and time ontology. The Content and Application Ontology (cf Figure 1), as already mentioned, depend on the very specific application details of the project, and are outside the goal of this paper. Protg-2000 is an ontology-editing and knowledge acquisition environment, which has (a) a graphical and easy-to-use interface, (b) a flexible knowledge model, and (c) an extensible plug-in architecture. With respect to Section 3.1, it includes: (i) classes, which are the modeled concepts

Protg, as of Dec. 15, 2003, is available in version 2.0. 10


slots, which represent first-class objects representing properties or attributes of classes. A slot can be of an atomic type (e.g., float, integer, etc) or if an instance type, which means that it is an instance of another class. (iii) facets, which are constraints on allowed slot values, such as cardinality, defaults, allowed classes and others. (iv) axioms, which specify additional constraints An ontology, together with a set of individual instances of classes with specific values of properties, constitute the knowledge base of the application. The distinction between classes and instances is not an absolute one. Both individuals and classes themselves can be instances of classes [Protg, 2003]. The main advantages of Protg are that: It is easy and understandable enough for the domain expert to use it to develop his ontologies of interest. For this the reason it has been used in medical systems, biological sciences and in other disciplines. It is an adaptable tool, which we can tune to support new languages and formalisms quickly. This is important as on the one hand, a number of new semantic-web languages and representation formalisms are emerging, but on the other, there is no agreement made yet. It can be used for the development and management of ontologies and applications today without waiting for standards. The supported model is an open and extensible one, allowing for plug-ins serving specific purposes. However, we should make clear, that the use of Protg is a prototypical one; any other tool or language with equal expressive power would do for this purpose. Also, here, we present the design structure of the Domain Ontology, with the goal to present the common part of the knowledge base of all types of LBSs. We do not attempt to present specific implementation details that depend on the particularities of the ontology-editing tool, but rather use it as an illustration for the concepts we discuss. Figure 4 illustrates the classes, instances, and slots among them, capturing the Domain Ontology of LBS in Protg. In a class, when a slot is not of atomic type (e.g., float, integer, etc), but it is an instance of another class then it is depicted with an arrow. In order to explain Figure 4, for reasons of semantic simplicity and comprehension, whenever a slot of a class A is of type instance of class B, we say it that the class A is related to class B. Location is related to Position and Reach, while it has topological_rel, metric_rel and directional_rel relations with other Locations. It is also related to Content, which is the part of the Content Ontology of specific applications (cf Figure 1). Movement and Point are subclasses of Positions. Movement has as slots heading, duration, distance and direction, which are of atomic type and positions and at_time which are instances of classes Time and Coordinate, and thus depicted as relations. Point has as slot geometry which is an instance of class Coordinate with slots x and y, capturing the coordinates of the moving point object and uncertainty, which is an instance of Uncertainty class capturing the deviation from the true value. Reach has as slots at_time and shape, which are instances of Time and Coordinate. Time has as slots time-horizon and timestamp. Timestamp has as slots t, which is of atomic type, and uncertainty, which is an instance of Uncertainty.


Figure 4: Classes, instances and relations among them in Protg, capturing the Domain Ontology of LBS The presented design decision of the Domain ontology of the Knowledge-Base of LBS captures: the Space Ontology, including the classes of Location, Position, Point, Reach, Coordinate, Uncertainty and Movement the Time Ontology, including the classes of Time, Timestamp, Uncertainty and Movement the Content class, which is further related to the Content Ontology. Also, the important concept of virtual position, an important one in many location-based application areas [Marmasse and Schmandt 2000] is also captured in the Knowledge Base of LBS by relating Location to Content. Figure 5 illustrates the definition of the class Time. The timestamp and time_horizon are instances of Timestamp and their cardinality is defined. time_horizon has cardinality of 2 as it needs two timestamps to be defined.


Figure 5: Defining the class Time of LBS, in Protg As seen, indeed the Protg tool is user friendly with its definitions of the knowledge model. Protg has a plug-in to import ontologies from the Ontolingua Server [Ontolingua, 2003]. Ontolingua [Ontolingua, 1997] provides a distributed collaborative environment to browse, create, edit, modify, and use ontologies. The available plug-in eases the knowledge representation translation task between Ontolingua and Protg-2000. The Time Ontology is available in Ontolingua, as Simple-Time, including time-points and time-ranges and following the Allens time theory [Allen, 1984]. Thus, one would argue, why developing new ontology and not importing existing ones from available servers; this approach has been used in other application domains [Pinto, Peralta, 2003]. The Time Ontology we define includes the movement class and thus is tailored to the needs of LBS. For reasons of integrity the Allens relation should be included to relate the Time instances (as it happens with the Space instances). However, since this is trivial, we do not present it. We do not show the Similarly, the Space Ontology is also available. Again, just its adoption and import to the LBS knowledge base is not accepted as the specific slots and instances we discuss in the paper and present in Figure 5 are explicit for LBS and absolutely necessary to capture their semantics.

6. Conclusions and Future Work

As LBS become part of our everyday life, ranging from traffic prediction systems to services over mobile phones, providing us with information about our surroundings, the call for more semantics and accurate

services related to them is emerging. Moreover, the need for integration of multiple data sources call for an abstract location model, easily understandable to domain experts. While the application areas of LBS range from fleet management systems to wireless nets and personal assistance, three fundamental concepts are common in any application: space, time and movement. In order to (a) share common understanding of the structure of space, time and movement, (b) enable reuse of this LBS knowledge and (c) to make LBS assumptions that exist in literature about space, time and movement explicit, we present a systematic study on the semantics of space, time and objects movement involved in LBS. More specifically, based on the different categories of LBS given by the GSM Alliance Services Working Group [GSM], we define different types of locations and time that matter when movement occurs. We analyze these three concepts, show their characteristics and relation. One major contribution is the distinction we make between location and position, which serves the need for better representation, exchange and integration of location from multiple sources. We present an ontology structure for LBS, consisting of the Domain Ontology, the Content Ontology and the Application Ontology. Based on our study, we design the Domain Ontology of LBS, i.e., we describe its concepts and relations. In order to easily realize the domain, we use the Protg knowledge-based tool. The model supported by Protgis an open and extensible one, allowing for plug-ins serving specific purposes. However, the use of Protg tool is just a prototypical one. Any other tool, or language can be used for this representation. The proposed approach can be used in any LBS application area. The results we present here is part of a larger project, focusing on the design and development of the ontologies for the support of a Fleet Management System, based on real-world data and dealing with the traffic in the Athens Metropolitan Area. The scope is to progressively design the knowledge base of such as system. The structure of the Domain Ontology is one major component. Currently, we are working on the design of the Application and Content Ontology of the knowledge base for the fleet management system for the Athens area and the implementation of the inference rules and mining techniques. Whilst determination and structure of location, time and movement in an LBS remains important, there is potential for greater contextual inferences to be made from a model. The project [] has as a long term goal the application of mining methods on fleet management. Thus the full development of the knowledge base of an LBS, along with inference rules and mining methods is important. Acknowledgements This work is supported by the DB-Globe: A Data-centric Approach to Global Computing project, funded by the European Commission under contract number IST-2001-32645, and the IXNH: A Fleet Traffic Management System project, funded by the Hellenic General Secretariat of Research and Technology.

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