below. Shade the letter of the correct and actions are not contrary to the law.
answer. B) Settle controversies involving rights
that are legally demandable and enforceable
1. Ang teoryang ito ay nagsasabing ang wika C) Carries out and enforces laws
ay nalikha bunga ng mga tunog ng mga hayop
gaya ng ngiyaw at moo-moo. D) Make laws, alter, and repeal them
A) Pooh-pooh
B) Ding Dong 7. If a rectangular prism has a length of 12 cm,
C) Bow-Wow a width of 8 cm, and a height of 6 cm, what is
the reduced ratio of the length to the width to
D) Yo-he-ho
2. In what later of the sun does the nuclear
fusion occur? a) 2:3:4
b) 4:3:2
A) Core c) 6:4:3
B) Photosphere d) 12:8:6
C) Chromosphere
D) Corona 8. Norya is an alipin with land rights, owns a
house, and only comes to her master to work
on the fields. What kind of alipin is Norya?
3. The pricesss is known to have a penchant
A) Aliping Namamahay
for things like jewelry. The word penchant
here means what? A) Fondness B) Aliping Sagigilid
B) Aberration C) Timawa
C) Dislike D) Maharlika
D) Annoyance
9. If there are 24 heads and 64 feet in a
barnyard, and the animals are made up of
4. What is the sum of the measures of the
both chickens and pigs, how many more
interior angles of a regular nonagon?
chickens than pigs are there?
A) 1080 degrees
A) 4
B) 1260 degrees
B) 6
C) 1440 degrees
C) 8
D) 1620 degrees
D) 10
5. ”Natutulog ba ang Diyos?” Ang pahayag sa
10. Gilgamesh, Mahabharata, and Aeneid are
itaas ay halimbawa ng anong uri ng tayutay?
examples of _____. A) a metrical romance
B) an epic
A) Pagdaramdam
C) a metrical tale
B) Tanong Retorikal
D) an allegory
C) Pagtanggi
D) Pagsalungat
11. Ano ang pormasyon ng pantig sa 'prin' sa
salitang 'prin-sesa'?
6. The Philippine Supreme Court ruled that the
legislative does not have the power to
disburse funds because it is the duty of the
executive--not the legislative--then declaring
pork barrels as unconstitutional. Which of the D) KP
following is a job of the legislative branch of
12. Convert the following verbal mathematical
expression to algebraic expression: "twice
the number less than half the same number D) Culture Change
is increased by 5" A) 2x - x/2 + 5
B) x/2 - 2x + 5 19. What is the missing term in the sequence:
C) 2(x - x/2 + 5) 1, 4, 10, 19, 31, 46 , _?
D) 2(x/2 - 2x + 5) A) 63
B) 64
13. Which of the following is NOT a natural C) 65
number? D) 85
A) 0
B) 2 20. The TRAIN Law was implemented on:
C) 6/3 A) January 1, 2018
D) 2.00 B) January 15, 2018
C) January 20, 2018
14. Which of the following is arranged from D) January 31, 2018
most simple to most complex?
A) Organism > Organ systems > organs 21. Fill in the blank: The senators are ___
> tissues > cell membranes > cells B) inside the session hall. They are preparing for
organelles > cells > tissues > organs > the voting session. A) all together
organ systems > organism B) altogether
C) cells > tissues > organelles > organs > C) alltogether
organ systems > organism D) together all
D) cells > tissues > organs > organelles >
organ systems > organism 22. Who among the following has a nickname
of Tikbalang, Naning, and Kalipulako?
15. What is the Circumference of a circle with A) Mariano Ponce
an area of 196pi square units? B) Melchora Aquino
A. 87.92 C) Apolinario Mabini
B. 28.22 D) Emilio Jacinto
C. 31.41
D. 22.80 23. Yhasmin's brother was president of his
class. During his leadership, he observed that
16. What will happen if water and oil are mixed his classmates won't listen to him. To compel
together? A) Water will float above oil them to follow, he threatened to have a
B) Oil will float above water leadership hiatus until peace is achieved. In
C) They will form a homogeneous mixture this context, what is the meaning of the word
D) None of the above 'hiatus'?
A) Stop
17. In which phase of Mitosis does B) Pause
the cytokinesis occur? A) Prophase C) Slow down
B) Metaphase D) Laying low
C) Anaphase 24. Fill in the blank: The fire was believed to
D) Telophase have been caused by ___ wiring.
A) lose
18. Edward went abroad to find work and was B) loss
so insterested in the street food of the place. C) loose D) lost
He cannot believe his eyes to see people
eating live insects. What did he experience? 25. Which of the following is not present in a
A) Ethnocentrism virus?
B) Xenocentrism A) bacteria-like organelles
C) Culture Shock B) Genetic Material
C) Proteins D) Capsid B) 100 degrees
C) 150 degrees
26. A gasoline tank contains 1500 Liters. How D) 160 degrees
many liters will remain after utilizing 30% of
the original gasoline? 33. What is the median of the dataset: {-5, -32,
A) 1050 L -17, -45, -60, 10, 32, 54, 17, 21, 87, 92, 71,
B) 450 L 44,
C) 70 L 60}
D) 1500 L A) 17
B) 21
27. Under the TRAIN Law, income tax below C) 27.5 D) 32
this threshold is zero. How much is this
threshold? A) on or below P200,000 34. Two trains started from Terminal A at the
B) on or below P250,000 same time. The first train travelled East at 30
C) on or below P300,000 kph. The second train travelled West at 40kph.
D) on or below P350,000 What is the distance between the two after 2
28. Who among the following led a famous A) 50km
guerrila army to fight against the Japanese B) 70 km
soldiers during Japan's occupation? C) 100km
A) Luis Taruc D) 140km
B) Jose Vargas
C) Deodato Arellano 35. In how many ways can Jonel pick a travel
D) Hermano Pule package if he has to pick from 3 lagoons, 5
beaches, 2 museums, and 20 hotels if he has
29. Ito ay isang disenyong pananaliksik na to pick exactly one from each category?
nagsisiyasat sa pamamagitan ng talatanungan A) 30 ways
at pakikipanayam. A) Longitudinal Study B) 300 ways
B) Case Study C) 600 ways
C) Feasibility Study D) 1200 ways
D) Sarbey
36. During what part of the day is carbon
30. How many phases does our moon pass dioxide released in plants?
during one complete revolution around the A) Morning
Earth? B) Noon
A) 3 C) Afternoon
B) 4 D) Evening
C) 6
D) 8 37. Which of the following has the
greatest value? A) 4^5
31. A typhoon is categorically defined by B) 5^4
PAGASA if the wind speed reaches ____. C) 2^5
A) 221kph D) 5^2
B) 118kph
C) 89kph 38. What is the divisibility rule for determining
D) 62kph if a number is divisible by 9?
a) The sum of the digits must be divisible by 6
32. What is the measurement of the angle b) The sum of the digits must be divisible by 9
formed by the hour and minute hands of the c) The number must be a multiple of 4 and 7
clock at 3:30? A) 75 degrees d) The number must end in a 3 or 9
45. Which of the following elements had a
39. Which illustrates the proper use of name of Cuprum? A) Copper
comma? B) Silver
A) When you either want or need me, C) Tin
Khryss, I will come D) Gold
B) When you either want, or need me,
Khryss, I will come. 46. "Lordy wants his mother to ___ him about
C) When you either want or need me his work-related problem. One of his mother's
Khryss, I will come. _____ involves finding a girlfriend to provide
D) When you either want or need me, him moral support in times of need." Complete
Khryss I will come. the sentence above with the most appropriate
word. A) advise, advice B) advise,
40. A triangle has a base that measures 14 advices
inches and an altitude that measures 10 C) advice, advises
inches. What is the area of the triangle? D) advice, advise
A) 24in^2
B) 48in^2 47. Completely factorize the number 360 into
C) 70in^2 primes. A) 2 x 4 x 3 x 3 x 5
D) 140in^2 B) 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5
C) 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5
41. What is the mean absolute deviation of the D) 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5
dataset: 1,3,5,7,9?
A) 2.4 48. Ito ay tumutukoy sa posisyon ng mga
B) 5 salitang pangnilalaman at mga salitang
C) sqrt(10) pangkayarian.
D) 10 A) Ponolohiya
B) Sintaks
42. What type of matter are metalloids? C) Morpolohiya
A) Elements D) Semantika
B) Compounds
C) Heterogenous Mixture 49. Darlyn said she would ___ if you will not
D) Homogenous Mixture allow her to ___ her hair. What are the most
appropriate words to fill in the blanks?
43. My dream is to ____ some flowers while A. dye, dye
going to the ____ of Mt. Apo and have a ____ B. dies, dye
at the outstanding view of the Kapatagan C. die, dye
area. What are the most appropriate words to D. die, dyes
fill in the blanks? A. pick, peak, peek
B. peak, pick, peek 50. In the proportion "x:y = 2:3," what is the
C. pick, peek, peak value of y if x = 8? a) 4
D. pick, peak, pick b) 6
c) 10
44. What is the maximum number of d) 12
intersections can 6 lines on same plane
(coplanar lines) make? 51. In what part of the scientific method does
A) 15 testing of the possible solution take place?
B) 21 A) Observation
C) 28 B) Analysis and interpretation
D) 36 C) Experimentation
D) Conclusion
58. Jerry noticed that his Naphtalene Balls
52. If Justice Leanne can write an affidavit in 3 keeps on getting smaller over time. What
minutes and Atty. Miguel can finish the same reaction did he observe? A) Deposition
legal document in 15 minutes. How many B) Evaporation
minutes would it take for the couple to finish C) Condensation
the job? A) 2.5 min D) Sublimation
B) 0.4 min
C) 0.26 min 59. What do you call the inherent power of the
D) 0.1 min state to impose financial obligations on its
citizens? A) Eminent Domain
53. If there are 20 heads and 60 feet in a B) Revenue
barnyard, and the animals are made up of C) Taxation
both chickens and pigs, how many chickens D) All of the above
and pigs are there, respectively?
A) 10 and 10 60. Which among the laws of motion refers to
B) 12 and 8 the fact that, to every action, there is always
C) 20 and 0 an opposite and equal reaction.
D) 16 and 4 A) First Law of Motion
B) Second Law of Motion
54. Which of the following persons gave a C) Third Law of Motion
speech entitled "I have a dream" in front of D) Acceleration
thousands of listeners as they rally for racial
equality in USA? A) Barack Obama 61. What is the probability of getting a prime
number when a normal die is tossed?
B) Dwight Eisenhower C) A) 1/6
Mahatma Gandhi B) 1/3
D) Martin Luther King C) 1/2
D) 5/6
55. What should be done to correct the error in
the sentence below? 62. Anong pagbabagong morpoponemiko ang
In Davao for example women are not allowed matatagpuan sa salitang "bakuran"?
to wear sexy outfit in pageants. A) pagpapalit-ponema
A) Insert a comma after Davao. B) asimilasyon
B) insert a comma after example. C) paglilipat-diin
C) insert a comma after Davao and example. D) pagkakaltas-ponema
D) Insert a comma after Davao and women.
63. Abba's prison sentence is one year more
56. Fill in the blank: All of the college friends than Bobbys. Carlo's sentence is one year
are now living ___ Davao City. less than Bobbys and one year more than
A) in David's. Bobby's sentence is twelve years. If
B) at we add up all their sentence lengths, what
C) on is the answer? A. 44
D) inside B. 45
C. 46
57. Which of the following elements had a D. 47
name of Aurum? A) Copper
B) Silver 64. Fill in the blank: He should be awake ____
C) Tin exactly 5:00 AM.
D) Gold A) On
B) At
C) In of 100 pesos. By how much did the price of
D) Before the mango change? A) 700%
B) 600%
65. Ang mga sumusunod ay halimbawa ng C) 7000%
pares-minimal maliban sa isa. D) 6000%
A) mesa-misa
B) kapit-lapit 72. Ang pariralang matuling tumakbo ay
C) politika-pulitika kakikitaan ng _________. A) pangatnig
D) ampon-ambon B) pang-angkop
C) pang-ukol
66. Who was the second editor of the 'La D) pananda
A) Mariano Ponce 73. Arrange the following radioactive
B) Graciano Lopez Jaena emmisions from the least to greatest
C) Marcelo H. Del Pilar penetrating power. A) alpha, beta,
D) Jose Rizal gamma
B) beta, gamma, alpha
67. Which of the following refers to the amount C) gamma, alpha, beta
of matter in an object? D) beta, alpha, gamma
A) Mass
B) Volume 74. What do call the compounds with the
C) Weight same molecular formula but are structurally
D) Density different? A) Monomers
68. Piliin sa sumusunod na parte ng B) Polymers
pangungusap ang may mali. "Kami din C) Epimers
ay nalungkot nang mabalitaan namin na D) Isomers
naaksidente ang pamilya ng kaibigan
naming si Joy." A) Kami din ay 75. Among the given words below, which one
nalungkot nang has the /zh/ sound?
B) mabalitaan namin na C) A) shore
naaksidente ang pamilya B) bush
C) vision D) lush
D) ng kaibigan naming si Joy.
76. If the measurement of 2 angles in a
69. In what state of matter does lightning triangle is 35 degrees and 65 degrees. What
represent? A) Solid is the measurement of the third?
B) Liquid A) 35 degrees
C) Gas B) 65 degrees
D) Plasma C) 70 degrees
D) 75 degrees
70. Ninety-nine percent of the women ____ in
support of the bill institutionalizing reforms for 77. A three-dimensional image produced by
their rights. A) is the interference of light waves is called ____.
B) are A) Hologram
C) was B) Projection
D) have C) Film
D) Photography
71. A price of a onioYear-end Holiday
increased to 700 Pesos from its normal price 78. If angles A and B are complementary, and
the measurement of Angle A is 60 degrees.
How large is angle B? B) Simile
A) 60 degrees C) Oxymoron
B) 30 degrees D) Onomatopoeia
C) 120 degrees 85. 1. What is the ratio of the angles of an
D) -60 degrees equilateral triangle?
A. 1:2:3
79. It is a figurative language that is defined as B. 1:1:2
an association of some important part with the C. 2:1:1
whole it represents. A) Apostrophe D. 1:1:1
B) Personification
C) Metonemy 86. In economics, if supply is greater than the
D) Synecdoche demand, then there will be what?
A) Shortage
80. What is the perimeter of a square with an B) Surplus
area of 64 square units? C) Equilibrium
A. 32 units D) Inflation
B. 16 units
C. 24 units 87. "Sinira mo ang aking pagmamahal." Ano
D. 8 units ang ayos ng pangungusap na ito?
A) Karaniwan
81. Two trains started from Terminal A at the B) Di-karaniwan
same time. The first train travelled East at 30 C) Payak
kph. The second train travelled North at D) Paturol
40kph. What is the distance between the two
after 2 hours? A) 50km 88. Whose revolt was caused by his
B) 70km resentment of his imprisonment due to his
C) 100km request for the abolition of the tribute in
D) 140km Vigan?
A) Lakandula/Sulayman
82. Which of the followin oceans should be B) Gabriela Silang
travelled by a ship coming from Canada to the C) Diego Silang
United Kingdoms? A) D) Hermano Pule
Atlantic Ocean B) Indian
Ocean C) Pacific Ocean 89. Anong uri ng pagbabagong
morpoponemiko ang naganap sa salitang
D) Antarctic Ocean "pamunas"?
A) Asimilasyong parsyal
83. Who is the astronomer who proposed that B) Pagkakaltas ng ponema
the Sun is the center of the solar system? C) Asimilasyong ganap
A) Newton D) Transposisyon
B) Einstein
C) Ptolemy 90. Fill in the blank: Fish and fries ___ my
D) Copernicus favorite sunday snack.
A) is
84. The quality of mercy is not strained B) are
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven C) was
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest D) were
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes
Which figure of speech was used in the 91. All of the following have misplaced
second line? A) Metaphore modifiers except
A) The teacher taught a new lesson A) 110 cm
sitting on the table. B) 55cm
B) We saw the principal's car crashed C) 160cm
over the radio.. D) 80cm"
C) We loaded the jeep with heavy cargo
full of passengers. 98. What is the probability of drawing a card
D) I wrapped my gift for my mother who from a standard 52-card deck and having it be
is in the States. a heart? A. 25%
B. 50%
92. A recipe calls for 118 mg of sugar for C. 75%
every 413 mg of flour.How many mg of sugar D. 100%
will be needed for 9499 mg of flour? a) 80.5
mg 99. Gamit ang anong lingwahe isinulat
b) 2714 mg ang pinakamahabang epiko sa daigdig na
c) 3075 mg ang Mahabharata? A) Old English
d) 33,264.5 mg B) Griyego
93. In which of the following mediums will C) Hebreo
sound travel slowest? D) Sanskrit
A) Air
B) Steel 100. The mean score of 15 students is 5. Find
C) Iron the sum of the scores of the students.
D) Water A) 20
B) 5
94. Brian lent his 20 relatives with PHP C) 75
100,000 each on the agreement that they pay D) 125
him a 1% simple interest every year. How
much does they all owe in total to Brian after 5 101. Which property of light accounts for
years? A) PHP 100,000 the phenomenon of color? A) amplitude
B) PHP 200,000 B) frequency
C) PHP 1,000,000 C) velocity
D) PHP 2,000,000 D) wavelength
95. A cyclist can travel 45km in 3 hours. With 102. Who wrote the famous kartilya ng
the given data, the bicyclist has an average Katipunan?
speed of ____. A) 5km/hr A) Mariano Ponce
B) 10km/hr B) Melchora Aquino
C) 15km/hr C) Apolinario Mabini
D) 20km/hr D) Emilio Jacinto
97. The base of an isoceles triangle measures 104. What nuclear process occurs in the
50 cm. If the perimeter of the triangle is 210 explosion of an atomic bomb?
cm. What is the measurement of its leg? A) Fission
B) Fusion B. Extreme feeling of freedom
C) Disintegration C. Extreme Nervousness
D) Integraton D. Extreme feeling of being unstoppable
105. On Moh's scale of hardness, which of the 111. On the sequence 6, 12, 24, . . ., find the
following is the most resistant 7th term.
against scratches? A) Topaz A) 48
B) 96
B) Corundum C) 192
C) Orthoclase D) 384
D) Talc
112. Fill in the blank: She ____ on her
106. Which of the following is not authored by mattress on most days last week.
Shakespeare? A) Lay
A) Hamlet B) Lie
B) Macbeth C) Laid
C) Don Quixote D) Lied
D) Julius Ceasar
113. Which of the following CANNOT be a
107. In the 1960s, the world is order is split probability of any event?
into two. The US and its allies fought for A) P(E) = -1
Capitalism and the USSR fought for B) P(E) = 0
Communism. Our country is famously an ally C) P(E) = 0.5
of the US. Hence, we want to fight against D) P(E) = 1
Communism. We proved this will by joining
what organization? 114. A company's sales increased by 2.0% in
A) South East Asia Treaty Organization B) the first quarter of the year and decreased by
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 1.5% in the next quarter compared to the first
C) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization quarter. What is the overall percentage
D) United Nations change in the company's sales for the first half
of the year?
108. What error is commited in the sentence a) 0.47% increase
below? b) 0.5% increase
Having learned their lessons, the monk told c) 3.5 increase
them to repent. A) Fragment d) 3.53% increase
B) Dangling Modifier
C) Faulty coordination 115. All of the sounds below are "voiced"
D) Faulty parallelism except:
A) /z/
109. Which of the following values of x B) /v/
satisfies the equation x^2 + 2x + 15 = 14? C) /d/
A) -1 D) /k/
B) -1 and 1
C) 1 116. Abba's prison sentence is one year more
D) -1, 0, and 1 than Bobbys. Carlo's sentence is one year
less than Bobbys and one year more than
110. He was in state of euphoria when his David's. Bobby's sentence is twelve years.
girlfriend said yes to his marriage proposal. How many years is Carlo's sentence?
What is the meaning of the word Euphoria? A. 10
A. extreme pleasure and happiness B. 11
C. 12 Absolute Zero. Which of the following
D 13 temperatures is the Absolute Zero?
A) -273.15 Degrees Celsius B) -
117. Which element has a symbol of Th? 273.15 Degrees Fahrenheit
A) Thorium C) 273.15 Kelvin
B) Thulium D) 273.15 Fahrenheit
C) Technetium
D) Thallium 123. Arrange the following expeditions
118. What is the term for the rate of change of according to chronological order (from first to
the distance travelled given a specific last).
direction? A) Speed A) Loaysa-Cabot-Saavedra-de Villalobos
B) Acceleration C) B) Cabot-Loaysa-de Villalobos-Saavedra
Velocity C) Loaysa-Cabot-de Villalobos-Saavedra
D) Jerk D) Cabot-de Villalobos-Saavedra-Loaysa
119. The chemical equation AB + Energy -> A 124. These are living things that use sunlight,
+ B is an example of an _______. chlorophyll, water and carbon dioxide to
A) Exothermic decomposition produce. A) Heterotrophs
B) Exothermic synthesis B) Autotrophs
C) Endothermic decomposition C) Auxotroph
D) Endothermic synthesis D) Prototrophs
120. What is the purpose of the eVAT law? 125. How many sets of answers are possible
A) To make our tax system simpler, for a test with 2 questions if there are 5
fairer, and more efficient to promote choices for each question and the student can
investments, create jobs, and reduce poverty. leave any item blank?
A) 25
B) 36
B) To generate revenue by taxing C) 50
previously tax-exempt commodities such as D) 72
petroleum and electricity.
126. Which of the following is the correct order
C) It's goal is to introduce fiscal relief to of the levels of taxonomic classification?
domestic and foreign corporations doing A) Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order,
business in the Philippines in response to the Family, Genus, Species
COVID-19 pandemic. B) Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class,
Family, Genus, Species
D) It aims to address the smoking C) Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Family, Class,
problem in the country by imposing higher Order, Genus, Species
taxes on tobacco products, leading to higher D) Domain, Kingdom, Class, Phylum, Family,
prices. Order, Genus, Species
D. C-A-B-D