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Centre-Break Disconnectors

Type SGF 72.5 ÷ 550 kV

for Outdoor Installation

Publication No. 1HPL 700 001b En

Two-Column Rotary Disconnector
(3 pole coupling for rated voltage range up to 300kV)

Disconnectors are used for metallic isolation of systems by
creating in open position a visible isolating distance.
They are appropriate for switching small currents or currents
when no significant change in voltage occurs across the
terminals. Two-column rotary disconnectors can be operated
in many types of high voltage switchgear that are in use.
For earthing and short-circuiting disconnected plant sections,
each disconnector pole can be equipped with one or two
earthing switches. They are available for rated voltages from
72.5 to 550 kV and for rated currents up to 4000 A.

The disconnectors are designed according to the publication
IEC 62271-102; IEC 60694 and most other national
ANSI specifications can be met on request. Two-Column Rotary
Tests Disconnector SGF

The type tests on the disconnectors were performed successfully in our own and also in independent test
laboratories in accordance with the latest regulations. During manufacture all components are continuously
subjected to quality tests in order to ensure consistent high quality of the products.
After completion of the disconnector poles a comprehensive electrical and mechanical routine test is carried out
on the poles and associated operating mechanisms, so that their perfect functioning is guaranteed.

The current path halves are welded aluminium structures with a minimum number of terminal points that are
subject to corrosion; thanks to that no appreciable change of the contact resistance over many years
Contact fingers without external springs.
They guarantee that the deflection remains unchanged at high static mechanical terminal loads.
Disconnectors for operations under severe ice conditions up to 20 mm ice thickness are available.
For all operating mechanisms. It ensures no change of the switching position in case of extreme external
influences such as storm, vibration and earthquake.
Owing to the selection of the material used and the encapsulation of the pedestals and rotary heads in
connection with a permanent lubrication, the units are practically maintenance-free...

The load-carrying constructional element of the disconnector
is a sectional-steel base frame. On it are assembled enclosed
rotary pedestals protected against atmospheric influences and
running on maintenance-free assembled ball bearings.
The support insulators are mounted on the mounting plate or
the stud bolts of the rotary pedestal and support both current
path halves (finger and contact side) with the rotary heads and
high-tension terminals acc to DIN or NEMA standard.

This version offers freedom of arrangement, since the high-

tension terminal can be turned within 360 degrees.
Thus, the installation of a pipe connection or the straining of a
connection cable is possible from any direction.
The current path consists of a welded aluminium structure
with a minimum of terminal points and therefore no
Two-Column Rotary
appreciable change of the contact resistance over many years
occurs. Disconnector SGF
Current Path Half ”Finger Side”
Disconnectors for a rated voltage of 170 kV and above are
equipped with an interlocking device, consisting of a catch
hook and an interlocking bolt which prevents the two halves
from separating in longitudinal direction in case of high short-
circuit currents.
The optionally available earthing unit consists of a hinged-
type-earthing switch fixed at the base frame. When in the
open position, the tubular arm is located along the base
In closed position the earthing switch contact attached to the
current path comes to rest between the contact fingers of the
earthing switch, which can be mounted either on the contact
side or the finger side or on both sides of the disconnector
(with the exception of SGF 72.5 & 90 kV which can be
furnished with one earthing switch only).
The universal design permits the earthing switch to be
attached at site and it can be retrofitted without any difficulty.
All components are protected against atmospheric influences; Two-Column Rotary
the steel parts liable to rusting being hot galvanised. Disconnector SGF
Mode of Operation Current Path Half ”Contact Side”

Disconnector and earthing switch are operated separately.

The design of the operating mechanism of the disconnector and earthing switch is such that a dead centre
position is passed through shortly before the end positions are reached. Due to that incidental opening or closing
of the units due to external influences (e.g. short-circuits, storm, earthquake) is impossible.
The energy is transmitted from the operating mechanism of the disconnector to a rotary pedestal.
The diagonal rods connect both rotary pedestals of each pole which ensures simultaneous operation.
During switching operation both current path halves rotate by 90 degrees and when the disconnector is open they
are located parallel to each other and at right angles to the base frame.
Operating Mechanisms
All disconnectors can be supplied with manual operating
mechanism or motor-operated mechanism, as requested by
the client. Each three-pole disconnector or earthing switch
group requires only one operating mechanism with the
exception of 420 and 550 kV disconnector, which is single-
pole operated.
The operating mechanisms are fastened laterally to the
base frame.
With units installed on a higher level it is possible to mount
the operating mechanism within reach from the ground level
by using the additional pivot bearing and the operating shaft.

At the client's request disconnector and earthing switch
can be mechanically interlocked with each other so that during
manual operation it is only possible to operate the earthing
switch with the disconnector in the open position and the
Motor-Operated Mechanism
disconnector with the earthing switch in the open position. For
disconnectors with motor-operated mechanism and earthing MT 50/100
switches with manual operating mechanism, mechanical
interlock can be provided for the earthing switch, whereas the
motor operating mechanism of the disconnector is interlocked
Electrical interlocking of both operating mechanisms can
be provided if motor-operated mechanisms are used both for
disconnector and earthing switch.
As the additional interlocking facility operating mechanisms
can be equipped with the blocking magnet, which prevents
any operation of the manual operating mechanism or
emergency manual operation of motor operated mechanism if
there is no actuating signal from the control room. This
enables the centralised supervision over all manual operations
of disconnectors and earthing switches in the whole

Little Maintenance
Owing to the selection of the material used and the
encapsulation of the pedestals and rotary heads in connection Manual-Operated Mechanism
with a permanent lubrication the units are practically HA 31-80
Inspections and maintenance are mainly limited to
components exposed to atmospheric influences and cover for
example cleaning the insulators. Under normal climatic
conditions the inspection intervals are 5 years.



Disconnector 72,5 90 123 145 170 245 300 420 550
Rated voltage kV 72,5 90 123 145 170 245 300 420 550

Rated normal current

- type n A 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 - -
- type p A 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500
- type pc A 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150
- type q A 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Rated peak withstand current of
disconnector and earthing switch
- type n kA 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 - -
- type p /pc /q kA 100 100 100 /125 100 /125 100 /125 100 /125 100 /125 125 /160 125 /160
Rated short-time withstand current
(rms.) kA 40 40 40 / 50 40 / 50 40 / 50 40 / 50 40 / 50 50 / 63 50 / 63
Rated power-frequency withstand
voltage 50 Hz, 1min
- to earth and between phases: kV 140 150 230 275 325 460 380 520 620
- across open switching device: kV 160 175 265 315 375 530 435 610 800
Rated lighting impulse withstand
voltage 1,2 / 50µs
- to earth and between phases: kV 325 380 550 650 750 1050 1050 1425 1550
- across open switching device: kV 375 440 630 750 860 1200 1050(+170)* 1425(+240)* 1550(+315)*
Rated switching impulse withstand
voltage 250/2500 µs
- to earth and across open switching
device: kV - - - - - - 850 1050 1175
- between phases: kV - - - - - - 1275 1575 1760
- across open switching device: kV - - - - - - 700(+245)* 900(+345)* 900(+450)*
Discharge inception voltage kV > 46 > 57 > 80 > 95 > 110 > 160 > 230 > 270 > 350
Radio interference voltage µV - - < 2500 < 2500 < 2500 < 2500 < 2500 < 2500 < 2500
3- phase breaking capacity
inductive / capacitive A 2 2 2 2 2 1,5 1 1 1
Bus-transfer switching ability according
to IEC 62271-102 Annex B A/V 1600/ 1600/ 1600/ 1600/ 1600/ 1600/ 1600/ - -
100 100 100 100 100 200 200
Inducted current switching ability
according to IEC 62271-102 Annex C
class A **
- for electromagnetic coupling A/kV - - 50/0,5 50/1 50/1 80/1,4 80/1,4 80/2 80/2
- for electrostatic coupling A/kV - - 0,4/3 0,4/3 0,4/3 1,25/5 1,25/5 1,25/5 1,25/5
Inducted current switching ability
according to IEC 62271-102 Annex C
class B **
- for electromagnetic coupling A/kV - - 80/2 80/2 80/2 80/2 160/10 160/10 160/20
- for electrostatic coupling A/kV - - 2/6 2/6 3/9 3/12 10/15 18/20 25/25
Insulator design:
minimum failing load kN 4,0-6,0 4,0-6,0 4,0-6,0-8,0 4,0-6,0-8,0 4,0-6,0-8,0 4,0-6,0-8,0 6,0-8,0 8,0-10,0 8,0-10,0
overall height mm 770 870 1220 1500 1700 2300 2650 3350 4000
Admissible mechanical terminal load:
- static and dynamic kN 2,5-2,5 2,5-2,5 3,0-4,5-6,0 3,1-4,7-6,0 3,1-5,1-6,0 3,2-5,1-6,0 5,1-6,0 5,1-6,0 4,0-4,0
- static portion kN 0,5-0,5 0,5-0,5 1,5-2,5-3,0 1,5-2,5-2,5 1,5-2,5-2,5 1,5-2,5-2,5 2,5-2,5 1,5-1,5 1,0-1,0

* Values in brackets are peak values of power frequency voltage applied to the opposite terminal
** As an option
Type designation is complemented by the data for rated current (n-1600A; p- 2500A) and peak withstand current.
Example: SGF 245 p 125
peak withstand current of 125 kA
rated current 2500 A
rated voltage 245 kV
Main dimensions, Weights

Main dimensions kV 72.5 90 123 145 170 245 300 420 550
Equipped with earthing switch type TEC TEC TEC TEC TEC TEC TEC TEB TEB
A Support insulator distance mm 1000 1000 1400 1650 1830 2620 2620 3800 4200
B Base frame length mm 1200 1200 1700 1950 2130 2920 2920 4100 4500
C Disconnector height
-rated current ≤ 1600 A (type n) mm 1288 1388 1775 2055 2255 2855 3245 x x
-rated current ≤ 2500 A (type p) mm 1338 1438 1825 2105 2305 2905 3295 4035 4650
-rated current ≤ 3150 A (type pc) mm x x 1900 2180 2380 2980 3330 4070 4725
-rated current ≤ 4000 A (type q) mm x x 1900 2180 2380 2980 3330 4070 4725

D Height of support insulator mm 770 870 1220 1500 1700 2300 2650 3350 4000
E Isolator width ( open) mm 560 560 760 925 1030 1370 1370 2070 2365
F Isolating distance mm 800 800 1200 1450 1630 2370 2300 3385 3810
G Length of earthing switch attachment mm 300 300 450 450 450 450 450 940 1100
P Minimum distance between poles
- parallel arrangement mm 1270 1390 1970 2330 2640 3570 4000 5410 6200
- series arrangement mm 1790 1910 2700 3150 3530 4920 5700 7320 8900
Disconnector 3-pole group 1)2) kg 460 460 730 820 1030 1495 1675 3750 3950
Built-on earthing switch , 3-pole group kg 60 60 60 60 75 75 75 300 450

) Including operating mechanisms
) Including standard insulators

HAPAM Poland Sp. z o.o.
22/24 ks. bp. W Tymienieckiego Street
90-349 Lodz, POLAND
Tel. +48 42 663 54 50
Fax. +48 42 663 54 97

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