Full Download The New York Review of Books – N. 09, May 26 2022 Various Authors PDF DOCX
Full Download The New York Review of Books – N. 09, May 26 2022 Various Authors PDF DOCX
Full Download The New York Review of Books – N. 09, May 26 2022 Various Authors PDF DOCX
eTextbook 978-0133062120 International Management:
Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases
The Legal Environment of Business, a Managerial Approach:
Theory to Practice 3rd Edition Sean P Melvin
Tim Judah and Fintan O’Toole on War Crimes in Ukraine
“A fascinating biography of one “This much-anticipated “A thorough, unflinching look at “These aphorisms proceed
of the most outrageous figures in volume brings us Sahlins what it would take to eradicate in a way that feels at once
modern Jewish intellectual life.” at his iconoclastic best.” racial barriers in American unexpected and profound.”
higher education.”
—Vivian Liska, author of German- —Marilyn Strathern, —Rivka Galchen, author of Everyone
Jewish Thought and Its Afterlife author of Relations —Library Journal Knows Your Mother Is a Witch
“[This] book shows us why “Alpert bridges philosophy and “Dreams of a Lifetime compellingly “Old Truths and New Clichés
Tocqueville remains a self-help to envision something argues that dreams tell us about is game-changing for
vital, necessary figure for that seems to be slipping from our essences—who we are and our understanding of
understanding our world.” our grasp: a livable world.” who we want to be.” Isaac Bashevis Singer.”
—David A. Bell, author of —Gabriel Winant, author of —Terence E. McDonnell, coauthor of —Debra Caplan, author of
Men on Horseback The Next Shift Measuring Culture Yiddish Empire
4 Geoffrey O’Brien Molière: The Complete Richard Wilbur Translations
Fintan O’Toole
Laura Miller
Our Hypocrisy on War Crimes
The Employees: A Workplace Novel of the 22nd Century by Olga Ravn,
translated from the Danish by Martin Aitken
Camille Ralphs
Julian Bell
Surrealism Beyond Borders an exhibition at Tate Modern, London
Catalog of the exhibition by Stephanie D’Alessandro and Matthew Gale,
with contributions from Dawn Ades, Patricia Allmer, and others
20 Ruth Franklin The Betrayal of Anne Frank: A Cold Case Investigation by Rosemary Sullivan
23 Joshua Jelly-Schapiro Monkey Boy by Francisco Goldman
25 Susie Linfield The Quiet Before: On the Unexpected Origins of Radical Ideas
by Gal Beckerman
30 Brenda Wineapple The Devil’s Half Acre: The Untold Story of How One Woman Liberated
the South’s Most Notorious Slave Jail by Kristen Green
32 E. Tammy Kim The Interrogation Rooms of the Korean War: The Untold History
by Monica Kim
34 Gavin Francis Memory Speaks: On Losing and Reclaiming Language and Self by Julie Sedivy
Alfabet/Alphabet: A Memoir of a First Language by Sadiqa de Meijer
42 Tim Judah The Russian Terror
48 Cass R. Sunstein The Chevron Doctrine: Its Rise and Fall, and the Future of the
Administrative State by Thomas W. Merrill
49 Dan Chiasson Poem
51 Helen Epstein Africa’s Last Colonial Currency: The CFA Franc Story by Fanny Pigeaud
and Ndongo Samba Sylla, translated from the French by Thomas Fazi THE CEILING
The CFA Franc Zone: Economic Development and the Post- Covid Recovery
by Ali Zafar OUTSIDE
54 Letters from Robert Goldman and Wendy Doniger
The Science and Experience
CONTRIBUTORS of the Disrupted Mind
JULIAN BELL is a painter based in Lewes, England. His E. TAMMY KIM is a contributing writer at The New Yorker,
new book, Natural Light: Adam Elsheimer and the Horizons a 2022 Alicia Patterson Fellow, and a Fellow at Type Media
of 1600, will be published later this year. Center. She is a cohost of the podcast Time to Say Goodbye.
DAN CHIASSON’s fifth book of poetry is The Math Camp- SUSIE LINFIELD teaches cultural journalism at NYU. She
“Astute, compassionate,
ers. He teaches at Wellesley. is the author of The Cruel Radiance: Photography and Po- and brilliant, The Ceiling
HELEN EPSTEIN is Visiting Professor of Human Rights litical Violence and The Lions’ Den: Zionism and the Left
and Global Public Health at Bard. She is the author of An- from Hannah Arendt to Noam Chomsky. Outside is finally an
other Fine Mess: America, Uganda, and the War on Ter- LAURA MILLER is a Books and Culture columnist for
ror and The Invisible Cure: Why We Are Losing the Fight Slate. She is the author of The Magician’s Book: A Skeptic’s
adventure story in the
Against AIDS in Africa. Adventures in Narnia and editor of The Salon.com Reader’s bewildering drama of being.”
Guide to Contemporary Authors.
GAVIN FRANCIS is a primary care physician in Edin-
burgh. His most recent book, Recovery: The Lost Art of GEOFFREY O’BRIEN’s latest books are Where Did Poetry — S IR I HU S T V E D T,
Convalescence, was published in the UK in January. Island Come From and the poetry collection Who Goes There. author of Memories of the Future
Dreams: Mapping an Obsession was published in Italian last FINTAN O’TOOLE is a columnist for The Irish Times and
year. the Leonard L. Milberg Professor of Irish Letters at Princeton.
RUTH FRANKLIN’s latest book, Shirley Jackson: A His new book, We Don’t Know Ourselves: A Personal His-
Rather Haunted Life, won the 2016 National Book Critics tory of Modern Ireland, was published in the US in March. “Noga Arikha is a poet
Circle Award in Biography. She is writing a biography of CAMILLE RALPHS’s poetry pamphlets are Malkin: An and a painter with the soul
Anne Frank. Ellegy in 14 Spels and uplifts & chains. She is the Poetry Edi-
JOSHUA JELLY-SCHAPIRO is the author, most re- tor at the Times Literary Supplement. of a scientist.”
cently, of Names of New York and, with Leah Gordon, CASS R. SUNSTEIN is the Robert Walmsley University —ANTONIO DAMASIO,
PÒTOPRENS : The Urban Artists of Port-au-Prince. He Professor at Harvard and Senior Counselor at the US De-
teaches at NYU. partment of Homeland Security. author of Feeling and Knowing
TIM JUDAH is the author of In Wartime: Stories from BRENDA WINEAPPLE’s most recent book is The Im-
Ukraine. He has reported for The New York Review from peachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a
Ukraine, the Balkans, Niger, Armenia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Just Nation. She teaches in the School of the Arts at Columbia. “With grace, rigour, and
Editor: Emily Greenhouse Publisher: Rea S. Hederman imagination, Arikha brings
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Executive Editor: Jana Prikryl
Senior Editors: Eve Bowen, Julie Just, Andrew Katzenstein, Hasan Altaf
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Founding Editors: Barbara Epstein (1928–2006) and Robert B. Silvers (1929–2017)
fascinates on every page.”
Ŷ Walker Mimms: Saul Steinberg’s Drafting Table Ŷ Jeet Heer: The Anarchist Art of Martin Vaughn-James
— L I S A A P P IG N A N E S I ,
What’s new on
Ŷ Cristina Florea: Ukraine and the USSR’s Long Collapse Ŷ Julian Lucas: Black Cowboys Out of Egypt author of Mad, Bad and Sad
nybooks.com Plus: Christopher Benfey on Stanley Cavell, Carson Ellis on drawing from nature, and more . . .
On the cover: Ronan Bouroullec, Untitled, 2020 (Ronan Bouroullec). The top painting on page 18 is © 2022 Remedios Varo, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New
York/ VEGAP, Madrid.
The New York Review of Books (ISSN 0028-7504), published 20 times a year, monthly in January, July, August, and September; semi-monthly in February, March, April,
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Schemes Gone Awry
Geoffrey O’Brien
that’s there in the original.” Charac-
teristically, he chose to approximate
Molière’s rhymed couplets as closely as
possible, only substituting iambic pen-
tameter for alexandrines. He saw this
as far more than a matter of personal
preference, laying out in his introduc-
tion to The Misanthrope a multitude of
aspects otherwise lost, not least
the affluent bourgeois Orgon; by the Mozart quartet, but a lot more noisily.
time Tartuffe finally appears onstage In The School for Husbands, Isabelle,
(in the third act) we’ve been given, engaged against her will to her de-
BY MARLEN HAUSHOFER from various sides, an almost novel-
istic sense of what he has wrought in
tested guardian Sganarelle, must reject
her preferred suitor Valère while her
TRANSLATED BY SHAUN WHITESIDE this particular family. Later, when Tar- guardian watches. She manages this by
AFTERWORD BY CLAIRE LOUISE-BENNETT tuffe attempts to seduce Orgon’s wife, delivering a long speech perfectly con-
Elmire, the dramatic effect lies not in trived to mean one thing to Sganarelle
his frustrated gropings, however much and the opposite to Valère.
“The Wall is a wonderful novel. It is as they lend themselves to sight gags, but Balzac, who alluded to Molière more
absorbing as Robinson Crusoe.” in her calling him out in words as he than to any other writer, admired his
—Doris Lessing does so, and he in turn unloading a se- ability to present both sides of a given
ries of outrageously specious justifica- situation.6 The audience is invited to
tions for his predatory moves. laugh at the gulling of the self-beguiled,
In the one-act farce Sganarelle, or yet the plays strike a tenuous balance be-
The Imaginary Cuckold, Wilbur notes, tween derision and sympathy. Arnolphe
“much of what might have been ex- in The School for Wives is a middle-aged
pressed by physical violence . . . is real- bachelor so consumed with the fear of
ized instead on the verbal plane.” Yet being cuckolded that he adopted a four-
the Punch-and-Judy threat of physical year-old girl to be his future wife, raising
violence is always latent. In Molière’s her in total ignorance—“I told the nuns
vocabulary one word recurs frequently what means must be employed /To keep
at crucial junctures: batôn. To beat her growing mind a perfect void”—on
BY ALHIERD BACHAREVIČ someone with a stick, or threaten to do
so, is the last resort after verbal persua-
the theory that a clever wife is “unbeat-
able at plots and strategies.”
TRANSLATED BY JIM DINGLEY & PETRA REID sion has failed: this world is thoroughly From the start it is clear his plan
accustomed to husbands beating wives, will come to nothing, as the innocent
fathers beating children, masters beat- Agnès displays a natural gift for plots
“A dark fantasy by one of Belarus’s most ing servants. In Amphitryon a god and strategies to unite her with young
original contemporary writers.” —Jaroslaw beats a mortal, and in Tartuffe a female Horace; Arnolphe, even when apprised
Anders, New York Review of Books servant even threatens a bailiff serv- of Horace’s desires, is so blissfully con-
ing a legal writ: “Monsieur Loyal, I’d fident of controlling the situation that
love to hear the whack/Of a stout stick he deigns to feel pity for the young
across your fine broad back.” man doomed to disappointment in
Language has its limits, and Molière love. While Arnolphe thinks he has
tests how far it is possible for his char- the upper hand, the spectators know
acters to go before transgressing them. he does not: a double cruelty, with both
We are given speech as combat, se- audience and lovers in league against
duction, sales pitch, con job, menacing him. The domineering ogre thus be-
BY THUʜN aggression, calculated outburst; a vir-
tual taxonomy of the uses and misuses
comes a victim and unavoidably an ob-
ject of some sympathy, especially when
TRANSLATED BY NGUYʴN AN LÝ of language. Specialized jargons are he realizes that he has truly fallen in
brought into play, of law enforcement, love with Agnès and tries fumblingly to
real estate, religious precept, philo- woo her in a romantic rather than dom-
“Chinatown is a fever dream, a sophical speculation, formal etiquette, ineering spirit. Not being of the servant
hallucination, a loop in time and life. I and literary pretension. The literary class, Arnolphe will not be beaten with
was completely immersed in this spell- vanity of the strenuously ungifted, male a stick, but he will undergo the excruci-
binding novel.” —Viet Thanh Nguyen or female, coupled invariably with the ating alternative of public ridicule.
snobbery of the fierce social climber, Many of the plays describe conspir-
was a frequent target. It is a repertoire acies to thwart the overreaching au-
of routines, deployed in successive thority of the seriously deluded and
episodes that are (in the playwright unbalanced, conspiracies in which those
Jacques Audiberti’s phrase) “traps for with nothing to lose—desperate lovers,
characters.”5 Some fall into the trap; oppressed wives and daughters—often
others wangle a way out; others, having rely on the assistance of cunning ser-
set one trap, go about setting another. vants with a talent for deception. Since
(“Long live chicanery and artifice!” the authority of parents cannot be legit-
declares Mascarille in The Bungler.) imately defied, it must be evaded and
BY XI CHUAN Characters regularly misunderstand,
or mishear, or do not hear at all. “Think-
subverted by every form of subterfuge.
After all the concealment, imperson-
TRANSLATED BY LUCAS KLEIN ing himself alone” (a favorite stage di- ation, and sleight of hand comes the
rection), a dupe will reveal his thoughts scandal of truth-telling. This moment
“Xi Chuan’s surprising poems reach into in monologue to a nearby eavesdropper may arrive through perfunctory means:
or, fooled by appearances, will enthu- an improbable revelation of hidden par-
tight corners of mind and matter, imper- siastically help to bring about the out- entage, or a last- ditch bit of mischief in-
sonal but intimate, new to be heard but come he least desires. A self-absorbed volving veils or forged documents. All
also oddly familiar.” person will mistake terse noncommit- that matters is that, at last, deference and
—Gary Snyder tal interjection for heartfelt agreement. circumlocution are sidelined, the truth
A coward will stoutly resolve to face up cannot be denied, and as a result mono-
to a confrontation before predictably maniac guardians lose their power and
caving in. Two people will endlessly hapless dupes have their eyes opened.
delay coming to the point by means of What has been going on all along is out
exaggerated politeness. And then there in the open and the comedy is done. Q
5 6
Molière, Dramaturge (Paris: L’Arche, Graham Robb, Balzac: A Biography
1954). (Norton, 1995), p. 375.
Jan Švankmajer
an exhibition at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York City,
October 11, 2021–January 30, 2022;
and Tate Modern, London,
February 24–August 29, 2022.
Catalog of the exhibition by Stephanie
D’Alessandro and Matthew Gale,
with contributions from Dawn Ades,
Patricia Allmer, and others.
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
383 pp., $65.00; $40.00 (paper)
(distributed by Yale University Press)
in Mexico City, having arrived there quite sorry to remain so.
by a path crisscrossing those of many Whatever “everyday surreality” our
Surrealists: early years in a Barcelona digital age may possess is different in
cenacle who styled themselves “the logic- texture to that of the foregoing cen- —Library Journal (starred review)
fearers”—los Logicofobistas; departure tury. In this sense, not all that much of
for boho life in Paris with Breton and “Surrealism Beyond Borders” achieves
gang; then leaving Marseilles, come a “transhistoric” liftoff, away from the
1941, on a boat bound for the New piquancy of retrospect. But then, it is OTHER PRESS OTHERPRESS.COM
World. Her turn to the esoteric— she exactly history’s business to be handed
joined a Gurdjieff group—was hardly the last word. Q
May 26, 2022 19
Beyond the Betrayal
Ruth Franklin
The Betrayal of Anne Frank: In 2016 the Dutch filmmaker Thijs
A Cold Case Investigation Bayens and the journalist Pieter van
by Rosemary Sullivan. Twisk opened a new inquiry, building
Harper, 383 pp., $29.99 a team of some two dozen Dutch inves-
tigators, historians, and researchers.
On the morning of August 4, 1944, Seeking the perspective of someone “in-
everything seemed normal at Prin- dependent,” they also hired an Ameri-
sengracht 263, a tall, narrow building can, Vince Pankoke, who had recently
along a canal in Amsterdam’s Jordaan retired from a twenty-seven-year ca-
neighborhood. On the ground floor, reer as an FBI special agent. Pankoke
the workers in the warehouse of a pec- treated the Anne Frank House not as
tin and spice producer formerly known a museum but as a crime scene, ana-
as Opekta/Pectacon—now registered lyzing the little remaining physical ev-
under a false name, since its Jewish idence. He noticed a mark on the floor
founder, Otto Frank, was no longer al- in front of the bookcase that revealed,
lowed to own a business—had the doors to a policeman’s trained eye, the pres-
open to the summer warmth. Upstairs, ence of something behind it—meaning
the office employees were filling orders that even if the Nazis had gone straight
and doing other paperwork. A little for the bookcase, that didn’t necessar-
after 9 AM, Miep Gies, a secretary, went ily prove they had been tipped off to its
to the back room of the second floor significance.
and pushed aside a bookcase against With the help of specially designed
the far wall, revealing a secret door. software that used artificial intelli-
When Gies ascended the staircase, gence to seek out data patterns humans
the eight people living in the back half might miss, Pankoke and his “Cold
of the building were waiting for her. Case Team” spent several years comb-
They were always eager to see her, one ing through historical records and po-
of their few points of contact with the lice files, interviewing witnesses and
outside world. As the Nazi persecution their descendants, and analyzing new
of the Dutch Jews intensified in early theories. Among their discoveries was
1942, Otto Frank had decided to cre- at least one of great value to historians:
ate a hiding place for himself, his wife, a cache of nearly a thousand receipts
Edith, and their two daughters, Margot held in a collection of captured Nazi
and Anne, in the unused annex of his documents in the US National Ar-
own office building. The annex, with chives, evidence of reward money paid
two levels of living space and an attic, to Dutch Jew-hunters—the equivalent
was big enough for another family to of around forty-seven dollars per head.
join them—Otto’s colleague Hermann In a “highly secure” office space
van Pels, his wife, Auguste, and their outfitted with a 3D model of Prinsen-
son, Peter. Later the Franks and Van Illustration by Ruth Gwily gracht 263 and a soundproof “Mute-
Pelses also took in Fritz Pfeffer, Gies’s Cube,” Pankoke’s team examined all
Jewish dentist, after he told her he was ward a small wooden box. Looking for planted at museums and memorials, the previous suspects as well as a new
looking for a place to hide. a place to store its contents, the SS offi- including Manhattan’s Ground Zero. list of their own, promising to assess
That morning, as usual, Gies visited cer picked up Anne’s briefcase, dump- Yet many elements of her story remain each against three criteria: Did this
her friends and took any requests they ing on the floor her diaries and the unknown, among them the exact date of person have the knowledge necessary
had for food, books, or other supplies. manuscript in which she had spent the her death, which took place in Bergen- to betray the Franks, the motive to do
Then they all returned to their daily rou- past few months reworking them. Later Belsen sometime in February or March so, and the opportunity? Meanwhile,
tines. Margot and Anne, ages eighteen Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl, another 1945, only weeks before the war ended. HarperCollins—which, together with
and fifteen, probably read or studied. office worker who helped hide the One of the most enduring of those the city of Amsterdam and private do-
Upstairs, Otto helped seventeen-year- Franks, found Anne’s papers, which mysteries is exactly how the Franks’ nors, provided financial support for the
old Peter with his English spelling. were then edited by Otto and published hideout was exposed. Who might have operation—recruited Sullivan, the au-
Across the city, Karl Josef Silber- in Dutch in 1947. With the assistance, made that phone call to Dettmann, and thor of the well-received biography Sta-
bauer, an SS sergeant of the Sicher- in part, of Barbara Epstein, who was what was the source of that person’s lin’s Daughter: The Extraordinary and
heitsdienst (SD) Referat IV B4—also then a young editor at Doubleday (and knowledge? Over the years, numerous Tumultuous Life of Svetlana Alliluyeva
known as the “Jew-hunting unit”—was later cofounded The New York Re- theories have been proposed. Anne, as well as numerous other books, to
at his desk in Amsterdam’s Gestapo view), they were published in English together with the rest of the house- embed with the team and chronicle
headquarters. As Rosemary Sullivan in 1952 as The Diary of a Young Girl. hold, worried that Willem van Maaren, their investigation.
describes the scene in The Betrayal of an employee in the warehouse, might In line with the secrecy surround-
Anne Frank, Silberbauer’s superior, be untrustworthy; a 1948 inquiry con- ing the entire operation, the book was
Lieutenant Julius Dettmann, phoned In the decades since, Anne Frank has ducted by the Amsterdam police into under strict embargo so that the team
him to pass along a tip that had just become an icon. Her chronicle of the pe- the betrayal of the Franks focused on could announce their conclusions in a
been called in: Jews were hiding in riod she spent in hiding, now with more him but turned up nothing conclusive. carefully orchestrated publicity rollout
a “warehouse complex” located at than 30 million copies in print in seventy Carol Ann Lee, who wrote a biography that began on January 16 of this year
Prinsengracht 263. Silberbauer was languages, is the most famous work of of Anne and another of Otto Frank, with a lengthy segment on 60 Minutes,
assigned two Dutch policemen and a literature to arise from the Holocaust, made a case against Tonny Ahlers, a two days before the publication date.
detective to join him on the raid. required reading for several gener- Dutch Nazi sympathizer and petty crim- The likely betrayer, they said, was Ar-
At around 10:30 AM, the men arrived ations of schoolchildren. Her image inal, who is known to have blackmailed nold van den Bergh: a wealthy Jewish
at the building and entered through the can be seen on statues and billboards Otto.1 Melissa Müller, the author of notary who belonged to the Jewish
open warehouse. One of the men may worldwide; her name is synonymous another biography of Anne, suspected Council, a group that, like its better-
have shouted, in Dutch or German, with courage, with resistance to perse- Lena Hartog, the wife of one of Van known counterparts in Warsaw, Łód Ĩ,
“Where are the Jews?” At least one of cution, with the death of an innocent. Maaren’s assistants. Joop van Wijk, the and elsewhere, served as a liaison be-
the office workers later recalled that Crowds gather to pay homage to her at son of Bep Voskuijl, has accused Bep’s tween the Nazi occupiers and the Jew-
they went right to the bookcase. Otto Prinsengracht 263, which since 1960 has sister Nelly, who had close connections ish community whom the Nazis all but
heard footsteps on the stairs to the been known as the Anne Frank House, with soldiers in the Wehrmacht.2 exterminated.
upper floor. The door opened, and he a museum established by Otto Frank
and Peter found themselves face to face that now welcomes more than a million
with a plainclothes policeman pointing visitors per year. An asteroid discovered 1
Carol Ann Lee, Roses from the Earth: T he announcement was explosive—
a gun at them. in 1942, the year she went into hiding, The Biography of Anne Frank (Viking, though not in the way the team had
Downstairs, the rest of the house- was named after her in 1995; saplings 1999) and The Hidden Life of Otto hoped. The book came under immedi-
hold was gathered with their hands from the chestnut tree in the courtyard Frank (Viking, 2002). ate and intense attack from Dutch his-
up. Silberbauer asked where they kept behind the building, which she gazed 2 torians and others, including employees
Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: The Bi-
their valuables, and Otto gestured to- at through the attic window, have been ography (Metropolitan, 1998). of both the Anne Frank House and the
A Permanent Battle
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Fünfzehntes Kapitel.
„Und will sich nimmer erschöpfen
und leeren.“
Newala, Anfang Oktober 1906.
Ein paar Tage lang hat es geschienen, als wolle unser deutscher
Altweibersommer vom fernen Uleia aus uns hier oben einen Besuch
abstatten, so frisch-kühl schien die Sonne auf Weiße und Schwarze
hernieder, und so windstill war es um unsere Barasa. Jetzt aber
umbraust wieder der altgewohnte eisige Novemberost die Boma von
Newala, und geregnet hat es gerade am Michaelistage auch schon.
Das muß wohl ein hierzulande allgemein verstandenes Signal für
jung und alt gewesen sein, denn weder die unvermeidlichen Knaben
belagern mich, noch kehren auch meine Gelehrten wieder.
Erfreulicherweise habe ich die alten Herren im Laufe der letzten
Wochen so auspressen können, daß ich schon jetzt, im
unanfechtbaren Besitz einer Unsumme von Aufzeichnungen und
Notizen, vollauf befriedigt von dannen pilgern könnte, hielten mich
nicht die Sprachaufnahmen, in die ich mich nun einmal verbissen
habe, noch für eine kurze Spanne zurück. Ganz unmöglich ist es, an
dieser Stelle auch nur die knappste Skizze von dem zu geben, was
ich, der nunmehr wissend Gewordene, von allen diesen mehr oder
minder seltsamen Sitten und Gebräuchen in mein vor Glückseligkeit
jauchzendes Gemüt aufgenommen habe. In amtlichen und
nichtamtlichen Schriften, zu denen ich sicherlich die Muße manchen
Semesters werde opfern müssen, ist der Platz für alle Einzelheiten;
was ich hier bringen kann, darf und will, ist lediglich ein Hervorheben
gerade dessen, was vermöge seiner Eigenart jeden Kulturmenschen
fesseln kann und wohl auch wird.
Ein unbegrenztes Forschungsfeld sind die hiesigen
Personennamen. Wo der Islam bereits Fuß gefaßt hat, herrscht auch
die arabische Benennungsweise; da marschiert neben dem
Makonde-Askari Saidi bin Mussa sein Kamerad vom Nyassasee Ali
bin Pinga, und hinter dem Yaoträger Hamisi zieht Hassani aus
Mkhutu seines Weges fürbaß. Bei den Binnenstämmen waltet als
soziales Prinzip die Sippeneinteilung vor; daher tritt selbst noch zu
dem Vornamen der zum Christentum Bekehrten der Name des
Clans. Daudi (David) Machina nennt sich der schwarze Pastor von
Chingulungulu, und Claudio Matola heißt der präsumtive Nachfolger
Matolas I. und Matolas II. Über diese Namen des Innern gleich mehr.
Ebenso fesselnd wie die Namen selbst ist oftmals ihre
Bedeutung; schon meine braven Träger haben mir in dieser
Richtung manch fröhliche Minute verursacht; sie führen zum großen
Teil auch gar zu drollige Bezeichnungen. Pesa mbili, Herr
Zweipfennig in deutscher Währung, ist uns ebensowenig ein
Fremder mehr wie seine Freunde Kofia tule, der lange Mann mit
dem flachen Käppchen, Herr Kasi uleia, der Mann, der beim
Europäer Arbeit nimmt, und Herr Mambo sasa, die „Sitte von heute“.
Mambo sasa ist und bleibt für mich die lebendige Illustration zu
meiner mitgenommenen Phonographenwalze aus der „Fledermaus“,
die ihr „Das ist nun mal so Sitte“ wohl aus dieser Ideenassoziation
heraus jetzt häufiger ertönen lassen muß als früher. Außer diesen
Getreuen laufen unter meinen zwei Dutzend schwarzen Kameraden
noch folgende Gentlemen herum: Herr Decke (Kinyamwesi:
Bulingeti, verderbt aus dem englischen blanket); Herr Cigaretti
(bedarf keines Kommentars); Herr Kamba uleia (keck, aber sehr frei
übersetzt: du deutscher Strick); Herr Berg oder Hügel (Kilima), und
die Herren Kompania und Kapella. Ins Seemännische fallen die
Namen Maschua (Boot) und Meli (vom englischen mail, das
Dampfboot); ins Arithmetische Herr Sechs (Sitta). Den würdigen
Beschluß macht Mpenda kula, Herr Freßsack.
Den Namen der Binnenstämme fehlt der merkbare europäische
Einschlag dieser Trägernamen, doch spaßig will uns auch hier
mancher erscheinen. Ich bemerke dabei, daß diese Namen
durchweg nicht die ersten sind, die ihren Träger zieren; wie sooft bei
Naturvölkern, auch heute noch bei den Japanern, haben wir auch
hier die Erscheinung, daß jeder einzelne im Anschluß an die
erlangte und festlich begangene Mannbarkeit einen neuen Namen
bekommt. Den hiesigen Eingeborenen ist die ursprüngliche
Bedeutung dieses Wechsels nicht oder nicht mehr bekannt, doch
geht man wohl nicht fehl in der Annahme, daß die neue Benennung
auch einen neuen Menschen bedeutet; jede Erinnerung an den alten
Adam ist damit ausgelöscht, der neue Mensch aber steht in ganz
anderem verwandtschaftlichen Verhältnis zu seinen Angehörigen
und Stammesgenossen als der frühere. Offiziell ist jeder erwachsene
Yao, Makua, Makonde oder Matambwe berechtigt, sich als Pate
anzubieten, doch erweckt mir die Mehrzahl der Namen den
Eindruck, als seien sie in Wirklichkeit Spitznamen, die ihrem Träger
gelegentlich aus dem Bekanntenkreis anfliegen; der Neger hat
bekanntlich ein sehr feines Gefühl für die Schwächen und Blößen
des anderen.
Chelikŏ́ sue, Herr Ratte, ist uns von seinen Heldenliedern von
Chingulungnlu her schon bekannt; zu ihm gehört der Namenklasse
nach Chipembēre, Herr Nashorn. Dieser neigt zum Jähzorn wie
jener Dickhäuter, daher sein Name. An die ursprüngliche
Stammeszugehörigkeit, nämlich zu den Wandonde, erinnert der
Name des alten Biervertilgers Akundonde. Der Sieger im Gefecht ist
Chekamĕ́ nya; Freude herrschte über die Geburt des Machīna;
Makwenja rafft alles an sich; Chemduulăgá macht hingegen wenig
aus sich, er ist die verkörperte Bescheidenheit. Ebenso ist Mkotima
ein ruhiger Mann; Siliwindi ist nach dem gleichnamigen guten
Sänger unter den Vögeln des Landes genannt; Mkokora endlich
trägt den Schmutz mit den Händen weg.
Das sind Wayao-Männernamen. Von den Frauennamen dieses
Stammes will ich nur folgende hervorheben: Frau Chemā́ laga; sie ist
ganz allein zurückgeblieben, alle ihre Angehörigen sind gestorben;
Frau Chechelajēro, die es immer schwer hat; Frau Chetulāye, die
schlecht lebt, und schließlich Chewaŏ́ pe, sie ist dein.
Die Personennamen der übrigen Völker sind im großen ganzen
desselben Charakters: Kunanyupu, Herr Gnu, ist ein alter Makua,
der nach seiner eigenen Aussage in seiner Jugend viele Gnus erlegt
hat; Nantiaka ist der Don Juan, der von einer zur andern flattert.
Geistesverwandt ist Ntindinganya, der Spaßvogel, der anderen in die
Schuhe schiebt, was er selber ausgeführt hat; Linyongonyo ist der
Schwächling ohne Kraft, Nyopa aber der Ehrgeizige, der danach
strebt, daß andere ihn fürchten; Madriga ist der Betrübte, der
Hypochonder; Dambuala der Faule.
Unter den Frauen ist Aluenenge die Selbstbewußte; ihr Herr und
Gebieter hat sich zwar noch ein zweites Weib genommen, aber bei
der wird er, das weiß Aluenenge ganz bestimmt, nicht bleiben,
sondern reuevoll zu ihr zurückkehren. Weit weniger glücklich ist
Nantupuli dran; sie läuft in der Welt herum, bekommt aber nichts,
weder einen Mann, noch sonst etwas. Wieder zur Kategorie der
Unglücklichen gehören dann Atupimiri und Achinaga; jene besitzt
einen Mann, der wenig seßhaft ist; immer ist er auswärts, nur von
Zeit zu Zeit kommt er, um seine Frau zu „messen“, d. h. zu sehen,
ob sie sich gut oder schlecht beträgt. Achinagas Mann aber ist stets
krank und kann nicht arbeiten; so muß sie alles allein machen. Eine
Pesa mbili gibt es auch unter den Makondefrauen; „früher stand ich
hoch,“ so besagt der Name, „in der Wertschätzung der Männer, jetzt
aber bin ich nur noch zwei Pesa wert; ich bin alt geworden.“
Schönheit steht eben auch beim Neger im Preise.
Ein sehr dankbares, aber auch recht schwierig zu beackerndes
Forschungsfeld ist für mich allerorten die Feststellung der
Gebräuche, die den einzelnen in seinem Dasein von der Wiege bis
zum Grabe begleiten.
In der mütterlichen Hütte ist das kleine Negerkind, das noch gar
nicht schwarz, sondern ebenso rosig aussieht wie unsere
Neugeborenen, zur Welt gekommen; der Herr Vater ist weit vom
Schuß; ihn haben die weisen Frauen beizeiten gehen heißen.
Säuberlich wird das Baby gewaschen und in ein Stück neuen
Rindenstoffes gewickelt. Dabei salbt man seine Ohren mit Öl, damit
es hören soll; das Bändchen unter der Zunge aber löst man mit dem
landesüblichen Rasiermesser, damit es sprechen lerne. Knaben
werden wie überall gern gesehen; in bezug auf Mädchen verhalten
sich die Stämme und, genau wie bei uns, auch die einzelnen
Familien verschieden. In der Völkerkunde ist oft zu lesen, daß die
Naturvölker die Geburt von Mädchen aus rein mammonistischen
Gründen freudig begrüßten, brächten doch die erwachsenen
Mädchen dem Elternpaar bei der Heirat den Kaufpreis ein. Bis zu
einem gewissen Grade mögen derartige Momente auch hierzulande
mitspielen, im allgemeinen aber sind Mädchen schon deswegen
gern gesehen, weil sie der Mutter bei den mannigfachen Arbeiten in
Haus und Feld frühzeitig an die Hand gehen können. Nach ihrer
Verheiratung wird der Herr Schwiegersohn zudem zum treuesten,
unentgeltlichen Diener des mütterlichen Hauses. Hier, im Lande der
Exogamie, der Außenehe, siedelt nämlich die junge Frau nicht mit in
das Heim des Ehemannes über, sie tritt auch nicht in seine
Verwandtschaft hinein, sondern gerade umgekehrt: der Mann verläßt
Vater und Mutter und zieht entweder direkt ins schwiegermütterliche
Haus oder baut sich doch unmittelbar daneben an; in jedem Fall
aber sorgt er, bis seine eigenen Familienumstände es anders
bedingen, mit voller Kraft jahrelang für die Erhaltung des
schwiegermütterlichen Anwesens; er besorgt die Aussaat und die
Ernte, macht neue Felder urbar, kurz, er sieht der Schwiegermama
jeden Wunsch an den Augen ab. Er trägt sie auf Händen.
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