Master's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Data Science, possessing a strong understanding on DSA
problem-solving and object-oriented design. Experienced in developing microservices-based e-commerce applications
using Java Spring Boot. Conducted research in Causal AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), exploring how social media
content shapes narratives. Experienced in using ML frameworks and libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn,
Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn. Additionally, Experience in deploying applications on cloud platforms like AWS.
Academic Projects
Expense Tracker App | JavaScript, MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node | GitHub December 2023
● Created a personalized budget application featuring JWT authentication, enabling multiple users to input and track expenses and
budgets. Implemented a dynamic charting system to provide users with personalized data visualization.
AI Text Detection | S3, Athena, Glue, SageMaker, QuickSight, Python | GitHub December 2023
● Created a text detection system for large language models (LLMs) to tackle the task of discerning between student written essays
and those generated by AI. Deployed the application on Amazon Web Service (AWS).
Loan Repayment Prediction | Python, XGBoost, AWS, S3, Glue, Athena, SageMaker, Tableau | GitHub December 2022
● Designed a loan repayment prediction model which predicts whether an individual will repay the loan or not based on certain
parameters and achieved 80% accuracy. Created a dynamic dashboard to generate insights and deployed on AWS.
Car Purchasing Amount Prediction | Python, TensorFlow, Keras, Seaborn | GitHub December 2020
● Developed an Artificial Neural Network-based model to predict the maximum expenditure capacity of individuals on a car. This model
considers various parameters, such as location, salary, credit score etc. and predicts the amount and achieved accuracy rate of 75%