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Worldwide Sightings of UFO's : Billy's ROle in creating Worldwide UFO controversy :

Earth human beings have already seen UFOs: UFO Obsevations :

Authentic Photos/Films of ET & Terrestrial ships by UFO Observers: Plejaren's Latest Investigations into UFO claims(19th & 20th Century): Future ET Flights into Earth's AirSpace(2006): Michael Hesemann & Cover photo(UFO & F-14) for his book "Geheimsache UFO" (Secret Matter UFO):

Natural causes for Alleged UFO's :

Bio-organisms: Swarms of insects: Origin of the lights & the pulsation of these insects: Why insect swarms fly through the air in this type and manner: POLLENS: SAND STORMS: Marine lights: Self-luminous energy fields: Gas Forms:

German Flying Disks & Plejaren Impulse Scientists:

German Foo FIghters:

Secret World War II UFO Station in Unterberg:

Earthly UFO's Origin, First German UFO, Cover-Ups :

Terrestrail UFO's : Terrestrial Secret Military Crafts:

BRAZILIAN/NEO-NAZI GROUP: Brazilian-Group Leader Dunneberg's Tactics against Billy: Brazilian/Neo-Nazi Group - Stolen German UFO plans + Crashes ET Craft :
Brazilian UFO Group(Latest Data):

ET Visitors to Earth: ET ships in Earth Air Space(Latest Data):

Swiss Authorities & Military interested in Plejaren Beamships:

UFO in Persia:
UFO Crashes in America & Mexico(Area 51, Roswell, Aztec,..):

Official ET Landing in Year 2000 is Impossible:

ET Probes & Wreckage in SOL System & Earth's Orbit: UFO's in Woronesh, RUSSIA: UFO incident in Petrozavodsk, Russia:


3 American Governments & ET Dead bodies in Pentagon:
Dead ET's & Spaceships under American Government :

Dead ET's in Pentagon:

Dead ET's & Spaceships under American Government :

ALien Abductions & Hypnotic States : ET - Cattle Mutilations: Secret Military, Government,Financial Elite's(Jewish,..) Approach to ET Phenomenon : President Eisenhower's alleged Secret meetings & deals with Extraterrestrials: Worldwide Secret Group & vast International Conspiracy to conceal the truth about UFO's & ET's:

Joseph Stalin & UFO's :

Russians received new & mysterious weapons allegedly from ET Intelligences:

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And still They Fly

German Flying Disks & Plejaren Impulse Scientists: These are nothing more than an advanced development of the German and Canadian flying disks which were designed and partially tested as Hitler's secret wonder weapons during World War II but were not ultimately used at the front. It eventually led to the construction of fireballs as well as flying disks(flying gyros) with a fantastic and unpredented flight technology. East of Leipzig in the vicinity of Prague, Breslau, vienna - BMW factory AUstrain Natual Scientist - Viktor Schauberger, german experts and flight captains Miethe, Schriever and Habermohl, Italian Researcher Bellonzo & many others Pleiadians verified in 1976, that the largest craft was a smuch as 100 meters(330 ft.) in diameter. Operated on conventional beam-powered propulsion systems CR 13

Swiss Authorities & Military interested in Plejaren Beamships:

CR 63

UFO in Persia:

CR 32

Earthly UFO's Origin, First German UFO, Cover-Ups :

CR 39 Earth human beings have already seen UFOs: - Number of observers or visual contactees should already be approaching the first billion mark, nearly a third of humanity - but only a small part of this mass accepts the reality of the sighted objects - We no longer maintain inspection over that because it became unimportant and too extensive - 392 Earth human beings had involuntary or purely accidental, one-time contact with ET-life forms since the year 9 B.C.(these contacts are of no importance, for they weren t connected with any tasks) - 31/392 are or were of slight importance in the public life - 723 Earth human beings are contact persons of the Giza Intelligences(not counted among the real contact persons) - 27/723 Giza contact persons have come to the public worldwide CR 57

Dead ET's in Pentagon:

CR 50
Dead ET's & Spaceships under American Government :

Secret World War II UFO Station in Unterberg:

CR 64

Official ET Landing in Year 2000 is Impossible:

CR 107, 1978

UFO incident in Petrozavodsk, Russia: - Pleija: I can tell you some news, which I found out a few days ago from Menara - I have, indeed, already been back here for some time longer than my sister. - You are surely still able to remember that in autumn of last year(1977), a flying object unknown to us appeared, which responded to none of our calls - To this day(1978), we still haven't been able to get a hold of this, even though it still moves in the earthly space - So far, if we tried to get a hold of this object, it regularly escaped by retreating into a dimension unknown to us - This same object, in the course of last autumn, has now done some things that are incomprehensible to us, and we expect that the same or similar events will happen again - Thus, this flying object, with which it undoubtedly concerns a small spaceship, caused some devastation in Russia last autumn - Approximately 100-meter wide ship ventured in broad daylight over the Russian city of Petrozavodsk & shot down on the Earth with already well-developed laser cannons, whereby some damage was caused - Inhabitants of the city were moved into fear & fright through this, and everything didn't exactly serve to produce a friendly disposition toward all those who come from outside of the Earth to this planet - It was on Tuesday, on the 20th of September, 1977, at 4:07 PM - The object - no doubt a small spaceship, as I already said - came over the city of Petrozavodsk at Lake Onega, shot out of the clouds, paused for more than 11 minutes over the port area, and then, suddenly and for inexplicable reasons, set its laser cannons in function - We(Plejaren) first learned of this in the last few days because we only move in Russia very rarely, for this land area falls under the control of another of our branch stations - Quetzal was, indeed, informed about this incident, but he concealed everything from us because he didn't want to trouble us. - But there was also no reason to enlighten us about such concerns before Quetzal himself had made an authoritative analysis of the events at that time - This was a very difficult and time-consuming process, which also only found its completion in recent weeks

- But since the results were now available, Quetzal informed us about the matters, so I can pass on some data to you - S:Pleija may not give further information about it

CR 163 Natural causes for Alleged UFO's :

- the so-called flying objects that are considered UFOs are often observed in the day as well as at night - At night, it is often observed that these so-called UFOs light up and are vibrant in their intensity and also variable in color

- On the one hand, you were able to make it understandable to me, with tangible evidence and through my personal observations, that these sometimes deal with bio-organic missiles that are truly otherdimensioned life forms that, as a rule, can be captured on infrared film and that penetrate from other dimensions into our dimension area, in order to romp around here somehow in earthly airspace for playful and whimsical reasons - these bio-organisms are completely harmless and that they always return back to their dimension

Swarms of insects:
- similar phenomena(to Bio-organisms) appear in terrestrial airspace, but these are purely terrestrial in origin, insect swarms(millions) that let themselves drift through the air at great heights - During the day, these insect swarms can be seen as dark & form-changing UFOs that often even glow - At night, the same can be observed, and these UFOs then glow from weak to very strong & often even pulsate - These insects can be driven in gigantic swarms to high altitudes which are often kilometers high, where they are able to exist in the thin atmosphere with astonishing ease and often let themselves drift through the air currents for hundreds and thousands of kilometers - The size, shape, and movement of these insect swarms appear on radar screens as simulated flying objects, as also observers mistakenly suppose that these are unidentified flying objects

- Then, these inaccurate observations, as well as the deceptive pictures of the radar devices, always lead to the fact that such insect swarms are designated as UFOs with astonishing regularity - Especially when such swarms of insects are observed at night, it is seen that these UFOs appear as illuminated bodies that either shine faintly or very strongly and that often pulsate [such light is usually described by the observers as a glow] - Thousands of these swaying insects, united in one swarm, can muster up a light intensity that can be seen for kilometers - But if the swarms of insects are even larger, if several tens of thousands or even millions unite, then the light creation of this mass is so strong that it can be observed by the naked eye up to 180 Kms away and more as a strong light source flying at a very high speed, while performing aerial maneuvers that can't be executed by any earthly aircraft - Forward and reverse flights at extremely rapid speeds, as well as zigzag flight maneuvers and rightangled as well as left-angled flight maneuvers and vertical drops and climbs are the norm, depending on the falling winds and rising winds and other various air currents prevailing at these great heights, which often cause the insect swarms, when these drift into them, to be driven off at right or left angles, etc. or driven back again with a counter-current of wind - These are the so-called wild or completely crazy flight maneuvers of these alleged UFOs, as the observers then report - But such observations do actually look deceivingly real, according to which it could and can actually be concluded that these are some extraterrestrial flying objects, if the observations are made by observers who are uneducated in these things or by prejudiced UFO believers

Origin of the lights & the pulsation of these insects:

- Like on every planet in the Universe, the Earth s atmosphere is permeated by a variety of weaker and stronger electric fields, which also differ in their vibrations - The higher into the atmosphere these penetrate, the richer in occurrence these electric force fields become, which very often move along for many hundreds or thousands of kilometers - Now, if the high-flying insect swarms drift into such electric force fields, which also usually move with the air currents, then the insects start to light up, which appears as a glowing - Because the swarms are, on the one hand, steady in their movement and, on the other hand, the electric energy fields waver in their strength, there arises a swelling or dwindling of the glow or radiance because the weaker the energy field is, the weaker is the radiance

- However, the radiance also loses its strength through the constant turning motions of the insects themselves - From this originates the so-called pulsating of these allegedly unidentified flying objects - On the other hand, the color changes connected with such alleged objects appear because the strength of the electric energy fields lets the radiance or the glow become more intense or weaker, in which case also the air shifts and the trembling and flickering of the air form color-changing factors, so it can be observed, for example, that a white color of light suddenly becomes red, blue, or green or even yellow, weak, or intense - But the fact that this radiance or glow can appear at all is because the insects have substances on their bodies and wings that begin to glow or light up as soon as they come in contact with electric currents, which is, indeed, the case when they drift into electric fields at high altitudes or even near the ground - Furthermore, there are also types of insect swarms that soar through the atmosphere, which have their own luminosity and, thus, generate a light or glow in themselves - there are species of cicadas on the Earth that produce their own lights in their bodies, also the little glow-worms known in Europe belong to these

Why insect swarms fly through the air in this type and manner:
- The insects have a very peculiar urge, namely that regardless of their natural desire for food, nesting places, etc., they are simply driven at times, as if by compulsion, to fly high up into the sky - Their entire inner being is still only dominated by this urge, by which they also completely lose any interest in food and in the opposite sex - The reason why the only goal of these insects is to rise high into the air spaces - where they can let themselves be driven by the winds, often to very distant goals - is that by natural laws, they are incited to change their habitat in order to preserve their kind - If the insects would stay in their old habitat for a longer time, then it would mean extinction for them - Nevertheless, their natural instinct warns them of this, and therefore, if they start to feel that their present habitat is becoming dangerous for them and that simply an overpopulation of their kind is taking place, then there arises in them the peculiar urge to master the beginning goal, which is to let themselves rise high into the air or be driven away by the wind, by the thousands and millions, after which they are then driven as gigantic swarms by the prevailing winds to their new habitat - In America, these swarms are often observed in enormous numbers, in contrast to Europe

- Namely far to the north into Canada and down to the deepest south into Tierra del Fuego, which, like Canada, no longer belongs to America - The currently best-known kind is the so-called spruce budworm , technical Latin term for it is CHORISTONEURA FUMIFERANA - The only reason why the spruce budworm is best-known is because presently and in recent years, it can be observed the most often, for there are still many other kinds of these insects that float so high up through the air - Approximately calculated, there are 25,000 species, including dragonflies, spiders, grasshoppers, flies, wasps, bees, ants, termites, beetles, and bugs of all kinds, etc. - It is also very interesting to know that very many flightless insects let themselves float high in the atmosphere by the winds, such as spiders, which can be found very often in large clusters and which, like all other insects, also let themselves drift along at altitudes between 2,000 and 5,000 meters - On warm spring days, for example, hundreds and thousands of small spiders often clump together after hatching, and they would all have to starve miserably if they would be bound to their birthplace, where they would have to become bigger and grow up - But in order to escape this death, they climb up high, sharp blades of grass or tree branches, etc. and lift their hindquarters into the air - Then, when wind arises, these tiny and almost 1 millimeter-long arachnids spin a silk thread that is a thousand times thinner than the thickness of a human hair - This silk thread, however, which is woven into the blowing wind, is taken by the wind and carried high up into the atmosphere, while at the end of the thread hangs the tiny spider, which can be carried so high into the air and also hundreds and thousands of kilometers away to a new home - This, then, is also the reason why at great heights, earthly aircraft are often covered with a coating of the finest transparent silk when they fly through a swarm of the tiniest spiders, which are to be calculated in their number with hundreds of thousands or millions - In this wonderful way of using air to overcome distances, the insects very often reach very distant areas, in order to find a new habitat, which they could otherwise never reach by their own means of going and flying, whereby their species would become destroyed and extinct - In the case of a proliferation of insects at a place, the surplus can migrate and set off into other areas that are suitable for them by the winds, which is often observed by the Earth human beings, especially at night, after which they then incorrectly suppose or simply believe that they are extraterrestrial missiles and, thus, UFOs

- same process also takes place with pollen when the clusters are dense enough & drifts into electrical fields - even seeds and pollen of floral areas likewise move through the air, often thousands of kilometers away, in order to fertilize their own kind through wind-pollination - And all such drifting pollen, which lets itself be carried away high into the air by the winds, can bear the often stark climate changes as easily as also the insects - All these insects and the pollen, however, are absolutely dependent on the prevailing wind currents for their transportation around the globe, by which they are carried into their new homeland - Thus, they cannot determine their flight direction themselves because they do not go against the forces of the winds, which is why they must simply let themsel0ves drift along in these

- same also happens with sandstorms and the like when enormous amounts of dust, etc. are torn high into the atmosphere and then transported - All of this can be observed not only at night but also during the day

Marine lights:
- also based on the same principle - Through you(Q), I know that the marine lights were often seen by the seafarers as sea monsters and terrifying figures, etc., especially when the sea was moving a little and thereby moved the marine lights more than what is normally the case - But in modern times, it is only rare that this light appearing on the sea is referred to as a monster, etc. because today, the UFO craze prevails, which is why the marine lights are always seen nowadays as UFOs that still perform incredible flight maneuvers - But in truth, it is also the case that these marine lights are caused by types of insects. However, these do not fly through the air and also don't live on land; rather, their area of life is the sea water or fresh water, depending on the type. - These are the luminous little worms of the seas or lakes, pools or ponds, etc.

Self-luminous energy fields:

- from personal experience, I still know of alleged UFOs that are neither insects nor other life forms but rather self-luminous energy fields that form damn similar manifestations as the flying insects, etc when they are driven through the atmosphere by the air currents - As you once explained to me, these are static energy fields that dissolve in this way of glowing - But then, I still know the manifestations of static energy forms that rush like wheels or balls along the ground or through the air, which suddenly explode like balls of lightning

Gas Forms:
- sometimes form quite bizarre figures or that are simply round and that brightly hover just above the ground - But so far, I could only observe these in the moor areas and swamps, etc., which is certainly also logical because they originate from the fact that in the swamps and moors, luminous gases form, caused by putrefaction processes and other chemical conversion processes, and these then retreat upwards, rising high over the swamp or over the moor and then appearing as hovering bright lights - With us(Billy), we simply call these things crazy lights. But unfortunately, it is also the case that in the present time, observers of such things always want to see UFOs, in contrast to earlier times, when such phenomena haunted through the popular delusion as devils and demons CR 236, 1990 Worldwide Sightings of UFO's : Ptaah: 159. Currently on the Earth, a large-scale interest has awoken worldwide once again, in reference to alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects that should be of extraterrestrial origin. 160. For many months, major activities of unknown aircraft have also been observed time and again all over the world, and in many cases, even entire groups of people have become observers. 161. But also in many cases, observations are reported where there weren t actually any to report, not to mention the alleged personal encounters with extraterrestrial life forms that are supposed to have taken place. 162. In fact, few extraterrestrial missiles have been sighted by Earth people, but this unfortunately doesn t mean that all sightings of unidentified flying objects were such objects.

163. In truth, there were only a few, whose sightings often weren t even disclosed to the public. 164. The rest of all the other objects sighted, which became designated and which are designated as UFOs, were and are of purely natural and terrestrial origin, having very natural causes. 165. The fact that some charlatans, fun-makers, swindlers, and deceivers are involved in such works who, through technological means, conjure up phenomena or allow light missiles to rise up into the atmosphere, in order to bring the Earth people into turmoil or to move them into anxiety and terror or simply to make fools of them through practical jokes this should be clear even to the most naive of the naive. 166. But whoever is UFO-believing and wants to see ghosts, of course, sees them everywhere so even where there are none. 167. Also, frauds and charlatans arrive at their wealth in such a way because they can live very well off of the idiots. 168. This was and has been the case since ages ago.

Terrestrail UFO's : Ptaah: 169. In addition, it must be said that a certain caution is also necessary with everything because not everything is simply hallucinations, sectarian insanity, charlatanism, and fraud, for missiles also appear that are directed by Earth people, who have created a massive base in the South American region and who are striving for world domination, as this is also very well-known to you, but we should provide no further details about this. 170. But in any case, there are utterly dark and bad terrestrial life forms, persons of this world who possess a high technology and corresponding aircraft, in order to be able to cause disaster with these, if they could only do so and if they wouldn t be prevented from such doings by certain circumstances. 171. Nevertheless, like the Americans, Canadians, and Russians, they repeatedly move the Earth people into fear and panic by demonstrating their aircraft in the day or night sky, when they are on a thief s tour or are otherwise flying through the air on some occasion that is often difficult to fathom. CR 115, 1978 Russians received new & mysterious weapons allegedly from ET Intelligences: Ptaah: 39. A recent investigation has yielded that it is being urged by various parties for you to undergo such methods for surrendering your secrets, in which you may never get involved, however.

40. But this refers not only to those things that my daughter and I have mentioned to you just now but also to all events in our context up to now and your knowledge, etc. since ages ago. Billy: Aha, now I can also understand you better and also know what you're talking about. Surely, the whole thing also has to do with the fact that the Russians should have received new and mysterious weapons allegedly from extraterrestrial intelligences and should have gained advantages towards the Americans in this respect as well as in space travel. Ptaah: 41. That is of correctness, my friend, and that's exactly why also the secret service agent _______ of the ______ secret service was delegated to address you about the data relating to this and about the possibility of our help. Billy: You know about that? And how do you stand on this? Ptaah: 42. It would be very unwise if I didn't look after these matters and, hence, didn't know that the _______ secret service turned to you through _______, upon which you, as we expected, only responded evasively, however. 43. There would, however, be a possibility for us to provide smaller progress information, if this would be required. 44. But this would only refer to behavior patterns, but not to technological plans, etc. 45. Furthermore, it is still to be explained by me that no extraterrestrial group is responsible for it, for being helpful to Russia on a technological basis, especially not in reference to space travel or to the production of new weapons. 46. So far, we couldn't find any indications for the fact that Russia and the USA have any extraterrestrial assistance for any such matters concerning this, so all of their previous inventions and progress of this kind only fall in the area of the normal and are the work of the earthly scientists who, like all other scientists of the Earth, receive only those impulses that don't let them go overboard. 47. But now, my friend, our time is well advanced and we must go again. 48. Farewell, and be careful. CR 249, 1994 ALien Abductions & Hypnotic States :

Billy: But now back once more to the purported abductions of earthlings by extraterrestrials: Particularly in North and South America, but lately also in Germany, such claims have repeatedly occurred. Attempts have been made in the past and present to prove the "truth" of the claims through hypnosis. If these claims were true, it would mean that, allegedly, more than 3.5 million human beings on Earth have had examination contacts, and many women, particularly in North and South America, purportedly were impregnated. There are even some silly assertions that, as a result of these impregnations, children have been born who are half terrestrial and half extraterrestrial and are called hybrids. Ptaah This is so much incredible nonsense. First of all, very few examination contact incidents were recorded in recent years and, secondly, no impregnations of Earth females by extraterrestrial intelligences have occurred. These so-called hybrids, of which irrational newspaper and magazine editors report, are nothing more than freaks and mutations of a purely terrestrial nature. They can be traced back to genetic defects caused by the parents or some diverse, very harmful environmental influences. Beyond the shadow of any doubt, however, I can confirm that, at the present time, no descendants live on Earth, or elsewhere on alien worlds, who were sired either with women from Earth and extraterrestrial men or extraterrestrial women and men from Earth. Anyone who claims otherwise is a despicable liar and defamer, be it Elisabeth Klarer or some other fools who currently state such things. As a rule, even assertions made in a hypnotic state are mere lies and defamations, and are made either by the hypnotized individuals themselves or are thrust upon them by third parties, possibly even by the hypnotist. The claim that a person in a hypnotic state does not lie, cheat and, therefore, always speaks the truth, is simply not accurate. The fact is that in a hypnotic state a person can lie and cheat just as he or she can in a normal, nonhypnotized state. This fact is exploited by many people involved in UFO and purported abduction cases, among others.

The individuals involved simply wish to bluster and make themselves appear important. Frequently the hypnotic state is even feigned, which is not difficult for human beings to do; this feigning cannot be detected and recognized by inexperienced hypnotists on Earth. In this make-believe hypnotic state anyone can lie and cheat just as he or she can do in true hypnosis. Billy So it is one big lie all around. ET - Cattle Mutilations:

Billy: But then people also claim that animals, cattle for instance, are massacred in masses by the "nasty aliens". Ptaah This assertion as well is based upon some insane person's defamatory conjectures, along with deliberate lies and deceptions. If such massacred animals occur, as is the case particularly in the USA and South America, their deaths can be attributed to completely natural causes, namely to the felling, slashing and killing by birds of prey or predators. Various species of pests, some of them mutants, also play an important role. CR 251 Billy's ROle in creating Worldwide UFO controversy : Ptaah: We have fulfilled this task, along with the many others we were obligated to look after, and you have played a very important role in this scenario of making public, worldwide, the so-called UFO phenomenon, as terrestrials have labeled it. You alone made it possible to promulgate this subject matter worldwide and provoke the controversy to the extent that it is not only religious and pseudo-esoteric sectarians, fanatics, gullible individuals, madmen, etc., who preoccupy themselves with the subject. Finally, for some time now, a great variety of scientists, governmental agencies, military services and governments have also begun to seriously preoccupy themselves with this subject, a fact that could not have been accomplished without your help and great resulting effort.

Actually, alone through your efforts was this successful launching of the worldwide UFO controversy possible, for which we all express our appreciation to you - a recognition you had to really struggle for, when I think of all the harm that came crashing down upon you. And it is irrelevant whether they were health related or associated with the defamations, abusive language, assassination attempts, diatribes of hatred and other things to which we, unfortunately, had to contribute our share, as you know. Had it not been for these occurrences, the UFO controversy would never have come about and scientists, as well as the military and governments, among others, would not have become seriously interested in it. ET Visitors to Earth: BIlly: An interesting item for the group, and for everyone else, may be that certain points pertaining to the extraterrestrial intelligences' visits had been off-limit for discussion for several years, except for those items your people, you in particular, had already mentioned. You had already told me that I could openly speak about them upon your withdrawal. Ptaah That is correct. We spoke only of those ancestors who played an important role up to the present, that is, the 3 groups we previously discussed in one of our last conversations. In addition to these groups there exist still a few other groups of extraterrestrial origin who visit Earth and are observed here relatively frequently. However, none of these groups maintains any form of contact with terrestrials, neither of a private nor military or governmental nature. Some visit Earth strictly for excursion or expedition purposes, while others maintain different interests; but not one of these groups has any type of contact whatever as it is presented by hysterical Americans, whereby terrestrial women are impregnated by extraterrestrial intelligences, or where men from Earth impregnate extraterrestrial women. Furthermore, you may forget the nonsense about the massacre of animals, etc. etc. Such matters have no factual basis. Extraterrestrials will create a big flurry on Earth in the future when their interests concern other matters than excursions or expeditions. However, we are not at liberty to speak about the whys and wherefores, and neither are you, of course, for you know about all of these future events.

Billy Naturally. Terrestrial Secret Military Crafts:

Ptaah: MUFON alone must not be blamed for this entire hysteria; many religious sects and, in particular, the government itself must share in the blame. In fact, the latter hides a great deal of important proof about the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the appearances on Earth by these beings, in their secret and undercover files; indeed, the government prohibits by law contacts of terrestrials with extraterrestrial life forms. Another very lamentable factor is the fact that the American military constructs and tests flying objects with extreme secrecy, although many outsiders are knowledgeable about these events and even hold proof of these activities, simply because they were able to observe, film and photograph them at any time, day or night. Billy And these flying objects have shapes that are unlike that of an airplane, and they possess propulsion systems and technological flight characteristics that traditional aircraft do not possess. But why are you speaking about these things now? We were not allowed to mention them before. Ptaah With our withdrawal the cloak of secrecy has been removed from us as well. Therefore, I am now permitted to speak about the various so-called UFO sightings that were observed in many countries throughout the world over the past four decades. Frequently they may be traced back to these terrestrial flying objects. They do not belong only to the Americans but to other countries on Earth as well. The real reason why we are allowed to speak now, after our current withdrawal, is the fact that for some time now all of these things were open secrets in certain circles. Therefore, we are not divulging anything that is considered a secret in the near future, as is the case with actual government and military secrets, in which case we have neither permission to intervene nor can we currently reveal them.

At this time we are confirming certain things and events that previously could not be considered actual secrets for quite some time. Billy In a number of countries on Earth, flying objects are being developed that successfully resemble alien and extraterrestrial vehicles due to their strange, untraditional construction. The styles of these flying devices range from the beamship shapes your people made known all the way to the triangular forms, among many others. It is no wonder, therefore, that observers regard these flying objects as UFOs, or rather, as spaceships or simply as extraterrestrial flying craft; last, but not least, also because these craft are silent or nearly silent and possess flying characteristics that are alien and contrary to flight techniques known on Earth. Now you have a repetition of your explanations. A double stitching holds up better. Ptaah That is correct. Billy: One more question regarding terrestrial UFOs. You told me that you are not allowed to discuss them. Nonetheless, there are many people on our planet who openly speak about them and can even present photographic and movie-footage evidence of these craft. Even insiders now speak openly of these matters and divulge secrets. Ptaah That may be so, but they are not in my position. I must adhere to our directives that dictate I cannot speak about such matters. We are prohibited from interfering with any terrestrial matters other than those where we are in direct contact with you and are providing you with the information, among other things. Billy Of course, I should have thought of this myself. Michael Hesemann & Cover photo(UFO & F-14) for his book "Geheimsache UFO" (Secret Matter UFO):


Another question: For his book Geheimsache UFO ... (Secret Matter UFO ...), Michael Hesemann used a cover photo, taken by a certain Amaury Rivera, that shows an American Air Force F-14 interceptor and a UFO over Puerto Rico. Do you know anything about this? Ptaah Certainly. There is no doubt that trick photography was used with models suspended with fishing lines. We checked into this matter as thoroughly as we did with Ed Walters, whose photos also utilized trick photography. Michael Hesemann is an enthusiastic ufologist but he is, in this respect extremely, almost irresponsibly, gullible. He allows himself to be unusually easily tricked and deceived, and he erroneously believes that he is of extraterrestrial origin. As our very profound investigations have shown, he is a purely Earth-created individual and this may, in part, be the reason for his UFO enthusiasm and the fact that he is so easily deceived. Bily: Then back to Michael Hesemann. What do you think of him? Ptaah He would be a very valuable individual in disseminating the truth about our entire Mission and beyond; if only he would desist being influenced to such a great extent by lies, deceit, fraud and charlatanry, and if he were more courageous in disseminating the genuine truth instead of so much nonsense that is presented in his books and magazine. Billy You are expressing my opinion as well. Ptaah Truly, he could be a person to be accorded the required trust to disseminate Mission material, if only he would possess the courage to commit himself to it. Billy I know, but, unfortunately, this essential factor does not seem to exist. Authentic Photos/Films of ET & Terrestrial ships by UFO Observers:

Billy: Regarding the falsified photos: There have been many other authentic pictures taken in the past few years by UFO observers. Among them, according to your own information, there are also photos taken by police and military personnel. Ptaah This is correct. A number of extraterrestrial intelligences allowed their spaceships to be sighted, filmed and photographed on Earth over the past decades. The UFO movie footage and photographic material produced worldwide, but especially in America, South America, England and other countries, does not always show actual extraterrestrial flying objects. Instead, the photos also depict exotic aircraft that have been produced by terrestrials on Earth over the past several decades, as well as craft that come from the terrestrial future, or those, which are known to us as bio-organic flying devices. They are so-called dimension changers, or life forms, that enter terrestrial air space from another dimension. UFO Crashes in America & Mexico(Area 51, Roswell, Aztec,..): BIlly: I would like to ask for additional information about the following: Are you familiar with Area 51; Roswell, the 1947 incident in New Mexico; a UFO crash in Aztec, New Mexico, similar to the one in Roswell, but a year later; a 3rd crash at the Mexican border in '49 or '50; and, in addition, do Americans in Area 51 have some extraterrestrial corpses along with one ET whom they hold captive, and who may now be alive? Ptaah I have already stated several times that these matters fall under my pledge of secrecy because they are associated with government, military and national security affairs. I am not permitted, therefore, to speak about these issues officially, but I can speak to you in confidence -- under four eyes -- as you like to refer to it. Needless to say, it would indeed present a danger to you if you officially possessed such information. Let us keep things the way they are now. Billy That's ok, it was only a last attempt.

CR 257, 1997 UFO Obsevations : Billy: I am often asked whether then only the Pleadian/Plejaren come to Earth as extraterrestrials. Naturally that is not the case, because there exists yet various other extraterrestrials, who fly into terrestrial airspace and can also often be observed. They are, in part, members of the Pleadian/Plejaren federation, who cannot however be counted as foreigners who stem from planets and solar systems that have no state of affairs at all with the Pleiadian/Plejaren and their federation worlds. These foreign extraterrestrials come from the most different star systems, which as a rule, belong to our galaxy, respectively, the Milky Way, whereby however exceptions also exist, however only very few, in which the extraterrestrials stem from foreign, and millions of lightyear-distant, galaxies. There are, however, few like this to note, that they can only be spoken of as a rarity. In every case caution is recommended in relation to the extraterrestrials and contact with them as well as in relation to the observed UFOs, because for a long time not all of that which was said and asserted in this regard was correct. Deceptions can be present during the observations of UFOs, as well as the actual observation of extraterrestrial flying devices, etc. Thus, where dealing with such an observation, it is often very difficult to clear up. Yet it may be accepted that a certain small percentage of all observations actually lead back to extraterrestrial flying devices, which are seen in ever greater numbers around the world. The majority of the observations do not, however, correspond to reality, rather touch upon imaginations and suchlike, that many times are only the consequence of certain science fiction films, etc., that would arouse the susceptible humans to fantasies through which they then see or experience imaginary things in the sky that have nothing to do with reality. And just these imaginations, that often extend to Real Vision, are very plentiful, but this should not prejudice the facts, and mean that all observations are of this kind, because there actually are still enough cases of UFO observations that undoubtedly rest upon such really-occurring extraterrestrial, and partly also other-dimensional, flying devices which have nothing to do with the Plejadian/Plejaren, and their confederates, rather they belong to other worlds and civilizations. Secret Military, Government,Financial Elite's(Jewish,..) Approach to ET Phenomenon : (US & Russian Presidents, POPEs, Jewish ELite..

Europe Battlefields- FIrst World War AMerican MIltiary witnessing ET's ABductions, Crop Circles, Animal Mutilations, AADL, Anti-ALien MOvies, George Wells, Orson Wells)

Billy Now here are the pages of the article. I d be interested whether you have yet some statements or remarks to make about it that I could use to expand on, or whether I should leave it all as is. However I don t find an expansion absolutely necessary, but if you recommend it, then I d be happy to do this. But now read first one time, and if you think that it requires yet further explanation, then tell me. Greatest caution is recommended with extraterrestrial contacts in the sky, because too much about this are lies, deception, swindle, charlatanism and speculation, etc., whereby also the truth-despising efforts and falsifications as well as disinformation machinations of the governments are implicated through the committal and establishment of unbelievable lies, slanders, falsifications and trickeries in the world to veil the truth, to contradict and to deny. The Roswell UFO crash is just one of many inglorious examples. Naturally not all terrestrial governments and military work in this slimy way, but there are many. And they get ever more difficulty from those peoples who are really interested in the UFO clarification and the events connected therewith, as they turn the heat up under the governments, the military and the secret services. The time namely presses ever more, because ever more UFO incidents take place and also pure UFO observations increase ever further. So the responsible ones use their lies, defamation and denial ever less, whereby they apply a new obscuring technique to keep secret the actual existence of extraterrestrials, as well as their visits to Earth. Their new method is to demonize everything that has to do with UFOs and extraterrestrials. That, thereby, also serves to hinder the coming about of contact with extraterrestrials and civilians, because that can no longer be controlled and because, as a rule, civilians who are not bound by a

military or secret service security status do not shy away from making such experiences and events openly known. But such open information is exceedingly uncomfortable and even exceedingly dangerous for the governments as well as for the military and secret services, etc., as their power structures could become shaky. Of this it was already clear to a whole line-up of authorities as well as their military and secret services in the First World War because, over the battlefields of Europe UFOs were observed whose appearance was however kept secret. It went the same way in the Second World War, as the foo-fighters surfaced everywhere. Indeed, it was already firmly established by the military and secret services and highest government positions by the First and Second World Wars that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin, yet the secrecy was still maintained. The facts of the extraterrestrial origins of flying devices was recognized in America through the observation of a landing of such an object, where four unusually-clothed humanoid beings disembarked, collected some plants in the vicinity, re-entered their device and flew away. The observers of these events were two members of the military who, co-incidentally, were in just that area while on vacation. Both reported the event to the nearest military facility, allowing the secret investigations and clarifications to proceed, as had already happened in other similar cases that preceded, and also subsequently occurred even more. But everything happened under the strictest nondisclosure, as the Plejadian/Plejaren have affirmed, so the public received no knowledge about these incidents whatsoever, as neither did the main body of the governments, the military and the secret services. It was always only the very highest positions and officials who were privy to the secrets. And it was also these people who even then concerned themselves with, and worked out, concealment tactics to deceive most of their subordinates and the entire population. It was to be avoided that on one hand everything would be known, and on the other hand that those not in the know and not sworn to secrecy, or even civilian personnel, could have contact with extraterrestrials. Therefore a possibility was sought to place fear in humans in relation to the extraterrestrials so that no contact would result from a possible landing or from a crash of extraterrestrial projectiles. Naturally already in those times there were civilian observers of UFOs, but if this was to be avoided, there would still be fundamentally nothing given recognition in the open media.

They also led the population to believe that these strange flying devices were their own secret flying machines, which were just then undergoing initial testing. Therefore the people already at that time were knowingly being led into the dark. Silence was maintained regarding what the UFOs effectively were, namely extraterrestrial, and partly foreign-dimensional, interplanetary flying devices controlled by crews foreign to Earth. Naturally in those days the flying devices were not yet called UFOs, but were given other names. But that doesn t diminish the fact that already after the outbreak of the First World War, in 1915, the American President Woodrow Wilson ordered a nondisclosure in respect of extraterrestrial flying objects, and decreed measures to cover himself with what had been written. The consequences of this unofficial, secret edict of which also US Presidents Warren G. Harding as well as Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt, whereby especially Roosevelt, were finally the driving power, was that the angst for extraterrestrial conquerors would be incited to panic, and indeed through a perfidious machination, together with the secret service, through which book authors would be threatened with death in order to start an extremely effective horror scenario. US President Harry Truman was then also later drawn into the conspiracy, because he even cooperated as the highest-placed observer of UFO crash sites. However, things of this kind were not only happening in America, because also in Russia as also in other countries one was becoming attentive to the UFOs and secretly held the view that it must concern extraterrestrial flying devices even when, always again, meanwhile, voices from the uninitiated grew loud in Russia as well as in America that these thereby dealt with new kinds of enemy aircraft. Party leader and dictator Josef W. Stalin was, for example, like various US presidents, at different times an observer of UFOs, from which he was quickly convinced, despite the angst for the new flying machines of the Americans, that it dealt with intelligences foreign to Earth. One fact that he, however, never made openly known, as also happened with the fact that practically every UFO observation in the Soviet Union fell under secrecy provisions. The darkening, slandering and obscuring machinations of many governments, militaries and secret services, etc., of different countries, began therefore already very early, and indeed much earlier than would be generally accepted by the real UFO researchers. According to the explanation of the Plejadian/Plejaren, however, especially the Americans were leading in this respect, whereby these were also those who held the proof of the existence of extraterrestrial flying objects tight in their hands already early, and indeed not first since the Roswell case. Truly, already earlier the Americans had parts of wreckage from crashed extraterrestrial flying devices fall into their hands, as well as mutilated extraterrestrial corpses, which, however, fell under the

strictest nondisclosure and whereby, as the Plejadian/Plejaren explained, also undesired UFO crash and UFO recovery observers, as well as recovery workers were \"erased\" or forced into silence under the gravest threats. But that was not enough by far, because the longer the UFO appearances in the new age were observed, the more secretively these were dealt with, and indeed not the least on that account, because the arrival of the extraterrestrials, and the enslavement of the terrestrial humanity through the invaders was feared by the American government and their military as well as secret services. And (so) that the population should be left in ignorance about the truth of the existence of extraterrestrials, nevertheless, however (that) fear must be developed in the peoples against the extraterrestrials, out of which a far-reaching hate must be established against the invaders, and, thereby, once again a defensive rage steered by hate should result, the US presidency, as well as the leading officers of the military and the secret services, etc., came upon a psychologically sophisticated idea to work out a horror scenario in extraterrestrial matters and to start it in such a way that not only America would be seized by it, rather also great parts of the rest of the world. This scenario should be configured in such a way, that once angst and panic should first break out regarding Extraterrestrial invaders, thereafter they then spread further fear and hate far, and could spread it over the world, and indeed also then, when it would be officially recognized, that it all only dealt with fiction and therefore a poor utopian piece of work. Thereby the psychological trick would be established, that when once fear is sown then from that yet greater fear and finally also panic and hate must develop, that follows itself further, always spreading out farther. A fact that was already know then and also today, yet would be practiced again and again over the whole world in different relationships. And exactly angst and terror were necessary, according to the view of the responsible ones, to incite the population against the extraterrestrials, and to prevent them from coming into contact with them if the opportunity should present itself. Through this perfidious and fully-thought-out psychological machination of the highest government authorities as well as the military and secret services, it also should be avoided that at any time, any one of the people would gain admission to the extraterrestrials if the opportunity offered itself. The responsible ones not only had fear of a peaceful extraterrestrial official, or unofficial, landing and contact initiative, but they also feared an invasion. And because an official or unofficial extraterrestrial appearance and effect on the Earth was not compatible with the religious philosophies, since 1915, Pope Benedict XV, (1914-1922) as well as Pius XI. (1922-1939) and Pius XII. (1939-1958) would also be drawn into the entire conspiracy.

Also certain Jewish dignitaries were enlisted in this, who even at that time in America had quite a bit to say and had a voice. In the most secret of missions, it was therefore resolved to create a horror scenario which would agitate the population on one hand, who, however, should be left in ignorance of the truth of the existence of the extraterrestrials who already manoeuvred in terrestrial air space and also landed sporadically on the Earth, as it has been established from secure sources, and through that, on the other hand, that fear and hate be sown against the strangers from other worlds. The mean and slimy trick was in and of itself simple: a radio broadcast should be transmitted, that on one hand spreads angst and terror of the extraterrestrials, and on the other hand, should also strike very far, and as much as possible, worldwide circles. To this end, through American secret service agents, as well as through the responsible superiors of these positions of duty, as well as the government and militarily, suitable authors and works were sought, which could be exploited and used for the perfidious machination. It was US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (President, March 4th, 1933 April 12th, 1945) who quite personally, however, sought out the science fiction work of Englishman Herbert George Wells, who as an author, in 1898, brought out a work under the title War of the Worlds . In this episode American secret service agents made contact with Wells and beseeched him coercively to adapt his work to a radio play. But the man himself did not feel in a position to do this, so he suggested chartering a young American author of his acquaintance, Orson Welles, who would certainly be suitable. Under threats of death, H.G. Wells was obliged to lifelong silence, after which, then in America, the still young Orson Welles would be coerced by the secret service people to refashion H.G. Wells s work, "War of the Worlds" into a realistic-seeming horror radio play. Out of the science fiction novel Wells wrote in 1897 and published in 1898, such a work that broadcast on the radio, would release wild panic and angst as well as hate for the extraterrestrials. The work, in which extraterrestrials, formed unlike humans, and of monstrous and evil-nature, land on the Earth and cause trouble and destruction, was exactly that which had been hoped for by the responsible ones of governments, the military and the secret services. It s no wonder that as a result of panic breaking out there was quite a number of dead. The goal of the government, the military and the secret services was achieved with the broadcast of the radio play (War of the Worlds), because from then on fear, and also a certain hate, ruled against the extraterrestrials, of the kind and form, as well as the sense, that was also always desired.

And exactly that has remained that way until today and even still spreads out, because fear and hate would again always be newly stirred up, and the American secret service powers, etc., are especially proficient in doing exactly that. Were that not enough, that they and certain also determined government and military powers financially support and demand contra films against the extraterrestrials, no, they do not shy from simulating all kinds of horror-events, like, for example, abductions by extraterrestrials, as well as human and animal mutilations and so on and so forth. They are also not inactive in matters relating to the falsification of crop circles, and indeed in the most differing countries. Naturally, in respect of all these things there are also charlatans, deceivers and swindlers and every other sort, yet the secret service machinations are probably indeed the worst, because it is precisely through these that disinformation is established, through which the genuine and actual events in this regard are bedeviled and made laughable. Scarcely anything is known about exactly this, as everything runs so secretly as it always has, and as does the actual story of the radio play of \"War of the Worlds\" by Orson Welles. And the danger exists that something could not be held secret, then the responsible ones of the government and military as well as the secret services do not shy away from bringing the witnesses to silence under death threats or through an otherwise erasing, like, for example, through elimination or through a consciousness-stupefying brain wash and psycho-terror and so forth. Herbert George Wells, who died on the 13th August 1946, also knew that, as did Orson Welles who departed this life on October 10th, 1985. Neither left behind any indications about the true incidents regarding the radio play, as they correctly feared that their families, friends and acquaintances after their demise also could be vengefully persecuted by the secret service people and the responsible ones of the government and military. And that I now do not hold my tongue about that which the Plejadian/Plejaren explained to me in regard to this what comes of that remains to be seen... The nasty machinations of the government, military and secret service people in respect of the demonizing of extraterrestrials have increased ever more since 1938 indeed slowly and successively, thus, however all the more incessantly and expansively, until in the eighties, essentially, the greatest machination for the bedevilment of extraterrestrials began through a shifty structure in the fashion of the secret service, as well as miscellaneous UFO and extraterrestrial enemies. Stories came about like the ghastly human and animal mutilations, the theft of human babies and the impregnating of terrestrial women through foreign visitors out of outer space.

Horror stories were also disseminated about subterranean laboratories and the inhuman experiments taking place there. Were that still not enough, because the angst of the extraterrestrials wreaked even worse blooms, like, for example, it would be asserted that women impregnated by aliens would, after some months, have the baby growing in the womb snatched out to be allowed to finally grow further in a fluid-filled incubator, etc., in order to breed up a new humanity, etc. using these hybrid children. A further horror story was that the earth humans would be abducted, in order to take their genetic material that would be necessary for the extraterrestrials further breeding of humans, who would serve as, so to say, nourishment providers, because the evil foreigners out of the depths of outer space supposedly nourish themselves on human blood. Similarly, it would also be asserted in respect to the animal mutilations in America, whereby the related far-fetched feeblemindedness that namely beef blood demonstrates a genetic relationship with human blood, therefore the mutilated cattle would have their blood sucked out to store in the blood banks for crisis times - naturally through the evil extraterrestrials. Yet even that is not enough, because still many other assertions, slanderings and lies, and clearly to be recognised as feebleminded, are put about, through which the humans are led into error and would be shifted into angst and terror, as has had manifold success, and certain mass hysteria has been released by a worldwide group of certain earth humans, which also leads to feelings of hate, etc. What there is yet to say to the government, military and secret service people and already on nonsense bordering on idiocy, and out of the sight of the rational human understanding of everything, may be said with the words of renowned and experienced UFO researcher and <Magazine 2000> commentator, Michael Hesemann, who, together with Ingrid Schlotterbeck, in <Magazine 2000> Editorial No. 6/1996, Oct/Nov. writes the following: The US Government, so asserts for example the ex-Marine officer William Cooper, has made an evil bargain with the extraterrestrials: space technology in exchange for land and humans. At the start of the seventies one first comprehended just how devilish the "visitors" really are and only since Ronald Reagan, would one react, building the Star Wars system, as defense for Earth and humanity against sinister extraterrestrials. A clear message lies behind it: how good that we have the military which is powerfully armed to defy the evil aliens. So the arms race towards the end of the Cold War still had its sense and purpose message is conveyed by a film that explodes all box office records. and even this

The already now most successful film of all time is called Independence Day, the alien apocalypse of the Schwab [south-west German] Roland Emmerich.

And it concerns itself naturally with the salvation of the best of all possible worlds, the USA, which is threatened by the space devils. But all these horror scenarios have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with reality. One almost attempts to establish an AADL, an "Alien Anti Defamation League . Because in the annals of UFO research there has not been one authentic (that means thoroughly investigated and determined to be genuine) case* that points to an aggressive behavior or hostile intentions of extraterrestrials, so to go straight to the most frequent objection: Yes, the "abductions" are perceived as traumatic by many victims . That has different reasons: The entire situation is frightening, the fear of the unknown, medical procedures that are sometimes also painful, the complete lack of emotions of the visitor , the feeling of being helplessly extradited, their utter alien-ness that is often interpreted as ugliness". We do not know why the "abductions" take place, whether out of scientific curiosity or, as many "victims" would explain, in order to establish a "data bank" of humanity, in case we destroy the Earth. Now medical examinations on the Earth are also often painful. Many abductees have the feeling they are unconscious or are "called to duty" in a previous life and draw use out of this expansion of their consciousness. Clearly, the "abductors" are therefore in no way "negative". Yes, airplanes have crashed that have chased UFOs. But that has various reasons. One pilot hunted after a UFO so long that he ran out of fuel. Another attained too great an altitude, becoming unconsciousness. Again, in other cases the interceptor received an "order to fire", but its automatic weaponry seized. In one case already-defused rockets exploded when still in the jet, the aggressor was killed by his own weapons, but not by the "visitor . There was a case in Brazil in which a farmer shot at a landed UFO he was struck by a ray which paralyzed him for an hour. He could subsequently move normally. Yes, there are humans who have come very close to UFOs and have suffered radiation damage. But those are cases that can clearly be classified as accidents.

On the other hand, terrestrial militaries have fired on UFO s all too often, and in some cases even shot them down. There never was an "act of retaliation", as is usual on Earth. Just compare the "ghastliest" descriptions of alleged UFO witnesses with that which we do to other creatures or even our fellow humans. How have we, as we landed in America, behaved with the technologically inferior Indians? How many Africans did we drag off into lifelong slavery? Didn t the Bosnians previously reciprocally massacre their own next-door neighbors? To which blood bath does a tribal feud lead in Rwanda? Or think of the acts of horror in the Soviet gulag or in Red China. Who now says, they are merely "the others , then be asked: was not the death factory of Auschwitz a German invention? And exactly that indicates which mechanism stands behind the alien panic: we measure them with our rulers. We project our behaviour pattern onto them. We fear that they will deal in precisely the same way that we would deal with technologically inferior peoples and other living beings. They are our projection screen, our mirror image If extraterrestrials wanted to rule earth they would have long since done so. They certainly would not have waited until we improved our defense systems. In reality we are the aggressors, those who greet the friendly visitors with hunter-interceptors and our xenophobia (fear of strangers) through putting out exo-rascist propaganda films, like "Independence Day", as the expression imparts, (Note from Billy: the question about these demonizing efforts against the extraterrestrials is, whether the American government, military and secret service-type machinations are behind it, as with War of the Worlds from Orson Welles, in order to newly stir up, and this time in a worldwide mass, angst, panic and hate in respect of the visitors from foreign worlds.) And their answer: messages of concern about our behavior, thereover, that we destroy our unique home planets. According to the ethical measures of Buddhism, the Bodhisattva qualities apply to today.

A Bodhisattva is one who has long achieved enlightenment, but has sworn to reincarnate until the last living being is redeemed. One recognizes two qualities in him: wisdom and empathy. And thereby, that he lives "ahimsa", non-violence. That means that he has renounced the practice of retribution. Ptaah 115. Your article is good and all clarifications conform to the truth. 116. The explanations from Michael Hesemann and Ingrid Schlotterbeck are also to the point. Billy Do you therefore mean that I can publish the article like that? Ptaah 117. That is my meaning, yes. CR 357, 2004 President Eisenhower's alleged Secret meetings & deals with Extraterrestrials: Billy Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, through the Internet or some such, toyed with the question, whether the entire thing is based upon the truth. Quetzal 51. That is actually not the case, because everything corresponds to an untruth, because a contact between USA President Dwight David Eisenhower and any kind of being of extraterrestrial origin never took place. 52. These stupid fantasy stories have already circulated for a considerable time in circles which see extraterrestrial flying devices and beings as being behind everything and everyone, and which moreover are very gullible and criminally uncritical. 53. Such stories, which are invented from beginning to end and make reality ridiculous, unfortunately circulate very much in the so-called UFO-circles, in which all nonsense is taken as ready cash, if I may speak with your words.

CR 424, 2006

ET ships in Earth Air Space(Latest Data):

Billy : Then, another question regarding the flights of extraterrestrial spaceships in earth's air space that numbered 3000 per year according to you. Must one assume that these spaceships only belong to you or your federation? In this regard you have never given an explanation. Ptaah No, that is not the way it is. In the last 200 hundred years, there were also a few others apart from us, and various others from our federation, who flew into earth's space. On the whole, however, the 3000 flights taking place per year are traceable to us and to our federation, as well as to Asket, and in a few cases to beings foreign to earth who later on joined our federation. The number of flights has decreased drastically to a number of 12 per year since then; and these flights relate to our work with you and our visits. Except one, all the beings foreign to earth who flew into earth's space have joined our federation after we contacted them as I have already said. Billy: Then all the so-called UFOs, which were observed in the last century, were spaceships from you, your federation, and from those who joined your federation after they had been contacted by you here on earth? Ptaah: Of course, not all so-called UFOs were spaceships of beings foreign to earth, because the majority of all observations of such objects were and are still today based on earthly things, for example on electromagnetic or atmospheric phenomena but also based on other natural occurring happenings, like swarms of insects or birds, dust formations and so forth, or on meteors from space. Apart from that, there were and still are many objects of futuristic forms of secret, military origin belonging to different countries, that were and still are described as UFOs or extraterrestrial flying craft by earth human beings due to a lack of knowledge regarding the origin and construction of these objects.

The sighting of UFOs is often also based on earthly flying machines such as airplanes and balloons of all types. Billy: Is your knowledge now complete? You once said, that you would not be able to watch over the entire earth, therefore, that under circumstances some flights and so forth could be missed by you. Ptaah: That is right - for a long time, we were not able to watch altogether everything pertaining to flights of beings foreign to earth. But now through our newest technology, we could investigate the whole of the 19th and the 20th century, and the first years of the 21st century. The result of this investigation is that it is how I told you on my last visit on June 10th, and how I have said it now. The fact is, that since 1800 until now 2006 the flying objects observed from outer space solely belonged to us Plejarens and the 5 others mentioned who joined our federation and those we could not contact and have remained foreign to us. The thing about Roswell is another and special case, because back then bioorganic androids were found. And one also has to say now, that when flying machines as well as telemeter discs originating from outer space are seen, then these belong only to us Plejarens and our federation. Contacts with earthlings do not take place, and apart from the contact with you, no other contacts exist. That will only change when other beings foreign to earth land openly and take up contacts, which will only happen then when we have left. Billy: Indeed, disappointing. - Everything, therefore, is nonsense and idle talk, as to the claims made by many people that they have been having contacts with extraterrestrials and would continue in such, and had and would have the opportunity to fly with them in spaceships or claim that the possibility of channelling or telepathic contacts, and so on was given. Then if unidentified flying objects were seen in earth's space, then they belonged to you, your federation or to your later federation and in 2 cases to the foreigners that you could not contact, if I include Roswell. Brazilian UFO Group(Latest Data): Ptaah:

Brazilian Group consisted of former Nazis who were able to take over an object of the Gizeh Intelligences, what we also were able to find out. This group does not exist anymore today Plejaren's Latest Investigations into UFO claims(19th & 20th Century): BIlly: And how many persons were involved in your investigation of 3 years - were it only Florena, Enjana, and their friends and you? Ptaah: There were 427 persons involved in the investigation that was of special interest to us. Billy: Man, that is a large number of people. So, you have spent the last 3 years investigating contacts in regard to beings foreign to earth and found that no contacts have taken place between beings foreign to earth and human beings of earth - except in the few cases that are known to me and pertain to you Plejarens and your federation. Future ET Flights into Earth's AirSpace(2006): BIlly: At what stage is the general control as to further flights of beings foreign to earth? Ptaah: Should further flights take place, although we do not expect any, we would of course inform you. And what has to be said and can only be said again and again and has often been said, regarding contacts between earth humans and foreigners to earth, is that you are the only person in the whole world who is capable of having contacts with us Plejarens and those belonging to our federation. And also in this respect, no other contacts of any kind are taking place between other beings foreign to earth and earth's human beings, because no other beings foreign to earth exist, apart from us, who are operating in this way in earth's space. And no more in conjunction with us has to be said regarding the tissue of lies of the alleged contact persons because the facts tell the whole story. Billy: Yes I know, you have spoken clearly and precisely.

CR 441, 2007 Worldwide Secret Group & vast International Conspiracy to conceal the truth about UFO's & ET's: Billy Around 22 years have now passed since you and Quetzal told me privately that you had comprehensive cognitions in regard to terrestrial UFOs and the massacre of animals and alleged abductions which were disguised as the shoddy efforts of extraterrestrials. You said thereby that, in regard to this, involved in these machinations are governments, the military, as well as industrial businesses and powerful ones of finance, which constitute a special group, to which still smaller groups are also related. At that time you promised that you would officially explain more about that when the time is ripe for that. Can one now speak publicly about that? Ptaah Yes, that was said. And the time is also ripe for that. - With the named group, it concerns a worldwide branching from governments, the military, industrial groups, secret services, paramilitary and powerful ones of finance, as you correctly said. Those in the know and contributors are only certain elements of the same, who profit greatly, financially and power-politically, from their secret machinations, for which reason the entire powers of the government, military and industrial as well as finance are not involved in the situation and are also not informed in regard to this. The group is not organized, as such, rather is only a loose collection, whereby their interests, however, have a common form, which, already since the 1920s, was designed to operate a continuous, ingenious, large-scale disinformation campaign regarding the question of extraterrestrial life. The group, which is split into many small groups, has many kinds of technical possibilities at their disposal, which they employ for their evil and human-misleading purposes. That started with technologies of electromagnetism to do with precision electronics and computer engineering, up to and including apparatuses through which brainwashing and the programming and altering of consciousness is evoked in humans. They even have back-engineered beamships at their disposal, whereby, in certain contexts, even antigravity finds application.

It has also occurred many times that premeditated "abductions" of Earth humans by "extraterrestrials", and the massacre of animals, has been and is faked by this group. That stands partly also in connection with those illusionary and schizophrenic visions and apparent experiences of those who believe that they have had, or have, these kinds of real experiences. Also wrong information and falsified pictures of alleged extraterrestrial flying devices is strategically circulated worldwide, whereby according to our investigations, about 98% of all false pictures, films, videos and false information is directed at moving the Earth humans to angst and terror of extraterrestrials and to engender hate and thoughts of revenge in the Earth humans. Therefore, in this way, angst, terror and hate is stirred up against all life foreign to Earth. Especially films for cinema and television serve this purpose, as also, however, do many books which are constructed on lies and untruths and are written partly by "experts" in psychology and psychiatry. All this nonsense sells very well to the Earth humans because many on the search for the effective truth trust and believe this false information, and these films and pictures. Angst, horror, terror, hate and revenge always sell well, while the truth appears too banal and therefore appears uninteresting as well as not worth knowing. Only the fantastic and unreal find a place in the interests of Earth humans. However, precisely that is the launching platform for the infamous machinations of the worldwide group, because, through disinformation and fear-mongering in regard to the malicious foreigners to Earth, the entire group, which reaches right around the world, derives horrendous advantages of a financial, governmental-power, military-power as well as an economic form. The entire war, electronics and weapons industries, and so forth, thereby gain an enormous boost. Yet, in the worldwide group, secret paramilitary units also exist as smaller groups which carry out the same kind of operations which, however, are mostly controlled by the worldwide group. In particular, these small groups carry out premeditated abductions which are credited ostensibly to the extraterrestrials, as well as, however, also simulated appearances of alleged extraterrestrial flying craft, which are then collectively declared to be extraterrestrial UFO appearances and are often observed, photographed and filmed by many people. Thereby the illusion of an ostensible extraterrestrial abduction or observation of extraterrestrial flying devices is evoked. What is further to say about that is that, in this worldwide group, with all the small groups who partly also work autonomously, there exists a proper "UFO trade" and a subculture in regard to animal massacres and abductions and so forth.

The entire thing is secretively financed through governments, the military, industrial groups and financially powerful ones who are interested in angst, terror and hate being stirred-up to their highest forms in regard to the alleged evil extraterrestrial foreigners, because they can thereby gain gigantic financial profit and advantage. It is on this basis that, in every regard, from this group, only stories, cinema and television films and observations of UFOs will be accepted and profitably exploited, which are based on everything negative and - as is becoming proverbial with the Earth humans - on the malicious and aggressive nature of the extraterrestrials. Only that which evokes angst, fear and terror as well as engenders hate and revenge is accepted by the group and exploited worldwide in order to obtain enormous profit with it. Conversely, in addition to that, everything which is good and positive is vehemently slandered and is designated as a swindle, lie and deception, as is the case with you and us, since, in keeping with the interests of the group, we are not permitted to exist, and you are not permitted to be in contact with us, rather you must be a liar and a fraud. So, from the group and their small groups, the Earth humans will be served up deliberately false and fear-influencing stories in regard to extraterrestrial UFOs and foreigners to Earth and their alleged horrifying machinations like, for example, painful examination contacts and animal massacres along with falsified encounters with alleged extraterrestrials. Along with profit, the whole matter also serves deeply-based psychological propaganda in order to insult forms of life who are foreign to Earth and to brand them as malicious beings and to create angst, hate, revenge and hysteria because great financial means will be thereby freed up which serve research for the production of innovative and futuristic weapons of all kinds. Therefore, in these Earth humans, in regard to the extraterrestrial, an enemy will be psychologically, deliberately created which does not exist and which will, in a manner, be made into a malicious being such that the Earth humans, in their angst, will be driven to freeing up horrendous sums in order to therewith manufacture weapons against the alleged malicious invaders. Also, with these acts, various groups play off against each other, which, however, is part of a wellthought-out plan which is carried out and implemented by secret services, psycho-terrorists, espionage groups and treacherous disinformation agents and which is underpinned by false information regarding UFOs and alleged extraterrestrials. Additionally belonging to this plan is the invention of an imaginary extraterrestrial enemy, as well as a danger emerging from this - an enemy and a danger which, naturally, will have to be fought. The infamy is thereby that, first of all, everything is made ridiculous because the concerned "abductees" , "examinees", "chance contactees" and UFO-observers can provide no evidence for their experiences which would withstand a real examination.

Then comes the second fact, which exists in the fact that angst, terror, hate and feelings of revenge is produced in the Earth humans whereby then the weapons industry can be built up and indeed especially in regard to futuristic weapons, of which the normal Earth humans have no idea, and of which they do not ever dare to dream. The entirety is thereby a well-thought-out psychological network on which the progress of the entire weapons industry and the power of the military, of the federal leadership, the finance sharks and the industry businesses as well as the secret services can be built up ever further. To this end angst, terror, hysteria, hate and revenge is sown in regard to all foreigners from outer space. So the Earth humans become duped and financially exploited by the responsible ones of this dangerous group and their small groups and are deliberately driven to abhor and to hate the extraterrestrial foreigners. Corresponding cinema and television films serve as especially suitable means for that. The foreigner-angst, respectively, alien-angst, which is thereby produced surpasses all normal angst and the responsible ones of the group know that precisely, for which reason they can also thereby calculate that all necessary finances flow to them, which they require for their weapon research, their weapon manufacture, their leading of wars, and desires for power, as well as for unrealistic cinema and TV films which demonize the Earth-strangers. The creation of an supposed threat from extraterrestrials as well as the alien-angst is, for them, a profitable matter which is operated under the shabby cloak of a federal, respectively, country security and of world peace. For the entire machinations of the group, the meanest machinations are quite good enough which, as said, were already operating since the 1920s and to that also belong highly developed electronic weapons systems, futuristic flying discs, Earth humans who are hypnotically and surgically converted, as well as converted in their consciousness, to robots*, whereby some have an appearance like the being which is called the "Little Gray". On one hand there is the dim-witted paradox that the extraterrestrial flying devices are denied and the strangers to Earth are made ridiculous or made out to be monsters by means of psychological propaganda, while, on the other hand, a financial exploitation of the peoples results through the inciting of angst, terror, hate and revenge and indeed thereby in that a simulation results in regard to a supposed threat from extraterrestrials. A paradox without compare, to which the question must be put, how far are the Earth humans imbued with reason and understanding that they do not recognise this paradox. The entire pre-arranged game of the group and their small groups, as already said elsewhere, also includes faked encounters with alleged extraterrestrials, whereby these are truly nothing other than normal Earth humans or those who have been transformed into "aliens".

In order then to affirm the improvised "encounters with those foreign to Earth" psychologists and other experts are pulled in into whom the wildest stories are hammered for so long until they believe the entire swindle and nonsense and employ "verifiable" and "genuine" analyses which are recorded and published in books and documentation as well as in cinema and TV films. And since, as a rule, the supposed extraterrestrials are described as horrible villains, just according to the plan of the group and their small groups, the picture of the extraterrestrial threat is powerfully incited. Thereby, not only is the slandering in regard to the real strangers to Earth always more exaggerated, as also more and more finances flow into the cash box of those who stupidly and dimwittedly earn as a result of the entire tissue of lies and slander and thereby come by the means to reach their criminal goals. A certain part of the group has also fallen to a Christian sectarianism and to the supposed "End Times" in such a way that hope is directed at a malicious invasion of extraterrestrials resulting on Earth, and thereby the prophesied Armageddon will become reality in which Jesus Christ celebrates his official return and God the father will exercise his judgment. Their delusion is therefore bound with a biblical end of the world, which, as they believe, rests on the terrible badness of the Earth humans. And in order to accelerate this divine judgement as well as the return of Christ they do everything in order to make the way free for that. The monstrous power of the worldwide group and their small groups as well as the religious fanaticism, together with the cultic maintaining of the secret of the entire underhanded, degenerated and deceptive as well as criminal and felonious machinations, lead to malignant effects which could not be worse. These are the facts which I have to name in regard to your question. Billy From your words it comes forth that that is also still so today. Ptaah Yes, that is really so, and it will also still remain so in the future. Now however it is again time for me.

FB 04

Joseph Stalin & UFO's :

UFOs previously played an important role in Stalin's days. As with the Americans and the authorities of many other countries, Stalin mandated that an extensive investigation into the UFO phenomenon be undertaken, after which he came to the conclusion that UFOs were not flying devices from some hostile terrestrial powers, but were flying vehicles of extraterrestrial origin, just as the scientists confirmed to him who had been given the order to clarify and investigate the reports. Joseph, respectively Josif Vissarionovich Stalin (the "Steely One"), whose actual last name was Dzhugashvili, was born on Dec. 21, 1879, in Gori, and he died in Kunzewo (modern-day Moscow) on March 5, 1953. A son of a shoemaker, he was a Soviet revolutionary and politician of Georgian origin. In 1894 he entered the Tiflis orthodox seminary for priests, where he preoccupied himself with revolutionary literature, such as texts by Karl Marx. On Monday, October 1, 1894, he saw for the first time a large, shiny, silvery disk in the sky that performed wild flight maneuvers at tremendous speed before disappearing again. According to his own statements, he was able to observe the disk for quite some time, approximately 1520 minutes, without being able to explain this apparition to himself. An identical event took place on Friday, November 2, 1894. He did not observe any other such objects until World War I, at which time he had several UFO sightings and subsequently began preoccupying himself with this phenomenon, particularly from 1947 onward, when the Roswell Incident and sightings of several UFOs by Kenneth Arnold became public knowledge globally. Joseph Stalin ordered the KGB Secret Service and many scientists to extensively investigate into the UFO phenomenon at that time, mainly because numerous military pilots and other reputable individuals continuously reported sighting Unidentified Flying Objects during their flights or on other occasions. Billy CR 235,1990 UFO's in Woronesh, RUSSIA: Billy: . . . For quite some time the people on Earth have been speaking again about UFO sightings and alleged encounters with extraterrestrial life forms, especially in Russia, where a splashy story was publicized in Woronesh or whatever the name of that little place in the boonies is. Lately entire UFO squadrons have been flitting through Earth's polluted air in Belgium and turning policemen into UFO pursuers. The population appears to look favorably upon the flurry, as is the case in England and various other countries on our globe too. Can you give me more details about this? Ptaah: Certainly, but it is hardly worth wasting a word on it. Incidents such as those in Woronesh and to some degree in Belgium as well, are partially of an extraterrestrial nature where, however, some very terrestrial matters are involved. A certain attentiveness regarding the extraterrestrial origin of flying objects is recommended. But, here again, it is not worth discussing the matter. Instead, more attention should be devoted to the fact that several sightings are linked to South America. You, too, had your own

experiences when your life was being threatened. And yet, it would not be advantageous for me to address these matters . . . Billy: . . . I can see that once again swindle and fraud are involved in these matters as well as the truth. The same may be the case here in Switzerland with the alleged UFO sightings in the Tessin region? Ptaah: Things are no different here than in other countries. Actually, if one were to give credence to the UFO believers, UFO swindlers and similar frauds and visionaries, the Earth would be simply swarming with flying craft of extraterrestrial origin. The truth is that the Earth, along with the SOL System, is so remote on the periphery of a galactic arm of the Milky Way that it rates as a mere enclave that receives only infrequent visits from other inhabited constellations. Earth simply is not interesting enough for a large number of alien life-form visitors. Truthfully, the life forms who do travel here are almost always the same visitors who, like us for example, come from the vastness of space and fly back and forth to Earth. Other alien life forms, though, do visit Earth 2-3 times each month.

FB 05

ET Probes & Wreckage in SOL System & Earth's Orbit:

Question: For centuries dark, elongated, round or disk-shaped objects have been repeatedly sighted in front of the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and in front of or close to other planets. Are these objects alien spacecraft, comets or meteors? Some shine in peculiar ways as recent observations revealed. Answer: According to my Pleiadian sources, doubtlessly they are usually meteors or asteroids. Asteroids may be as large as Adonis, which measures several kilometers in diameter. In rare instances even very small comets are noted. Furthermore, approximately 2 dozen large chunks of extraterrestrial spacecraft wreckages are orbiting within the SOL system, as are 3 extraterrestrial probes, which monitor the SOL system and Earth. Likewise, a number of terrestrial objects continue to orbit the SOL system and they too can be observed occasionally from Earth. These include space rocket fragments which escaped into space; e.g., jettisoned propulsion stages that glisten in the Sun's rays in the same way alien probes do. Billy FB 06

German Foo FIghters:


. . . You know, my dear friend, now and then one hears strange things regarding the German flying disks. Is it true that the Germans actually attempted to fly them, and did the disks reach altitudes of up to 12,000 meters? Ptaah: Such claims are absurd. The "Flying Tops," as they were called, were never finalized in Germany. However, flying disks were eventually built some time later in other countries, e.g., in South America. In the former Soviet Union and in America attempts were also made to construct such flying devices after pertinent blueprints fell into the hands of Germany s occupying forces. These blueprints were incomplete in that those who held the plans needed to input a great deal of effort to construct the flying disks. These units were and are flown in terrestrial air space only to this day, excluding, of course, a particular group of people in South America of which you are well aware. Billy: Can you also tell me whether the blueprints for this type of flying disks secured by the occupying forces were the same ones you people telepathically transmitted to the Germans via impulses? Who was actually in charge in Germany? Ptaah: The transmissions were directed to two men, Schriever and Miethe who, on their own, had drawn up plans for the "Flying Tops." These blueprints fell into the hands of the Americans and Soviets who began studying and constructing the units. Also, through theft, the group in South America obtained copies of the same "Flying Tops." Billy: One can say with certainty that this group consisted of high-ranking Nazis who fled from Germany after the war ended and disappeared in South America. Ptaah: You should not mention any more about this subject. Billy: Of course not. --- On account of World War II, disk-shaped flying objects were observed also in Germany, indeed, worldwide . . . Ptaah: You are correct in this, yes. However, these flying objects were not of terrestrial origin. They belonged to us and to our allies from the federation. Billy:

This would mean that the flying disks which had been observed were not related to the flying disks, respectively "Flying Tops" disks, or Foo Fighters, of the Germans. Claims to the contrary, therefore, are actually foolish assertions by liars, fantasists, and know-italls. We've wanted to know about this for a long time. Ptaah: What I have told you only refers to the Schriever and Miethe Foo Fighters. Billy: You mean there were others? Ptaah: Yes, others did exist. However, they were part of a private research program conducted by power hungry Nazis who drew upon Schriever's and Miethe's blueprints. Efforts to develop and test fly their Foo Fighters were underway with positive results in Germany at that time. Billy: By the group now in South American? Ptaah: Your conjecture is correct. Billy: And all of this took place right under the nose of the Gestapo? Ptaah: Many influential members of the Gestapo and its SS-leadership were secret, active participants who attempted to prevent the rest of the world from gleaning any information about the construction, test flights, and other matters. When the war ended, they fled Germany and went to South America, taking with them all of their material and staff. This was not a difficult task, for the Foo Fighters had reached a point were they had the capability of circling the Earth non-stop and transporting all required personnel and materials to South America before the Allied Forces could seize them --- or prior to the Allied Forces finding out anything about these secrets. Billy: So that's how this all happened. How far did the construction of Schriever's and Miethe's Foo Fighters progress? Ptaah:

The prototype for the first test flight was available on July 15, 1941. We monitored this very closely. The Foo Fighter was, however, not constructed according to the data we had transmitted, for we had intentionally made them ineffective by then, as we could foresee the grave danger they would present for terrestrial mankind. [Comments by Billy: The Pleiadians/Plejarans transmitted data for the construction of flying disks to the Germans Schriever and Miethe at the end of the 1920s and beginning of 1930s with the intent to produce an aeronautical technology that would help prevent the looming warfare conflicts. Unfortunately, they soon realized that this technology would be used for the exact opposite purposes. For this reason, the Pleiadians/Plejarans counteracted the undertaking again.] We did not attempt to interfere in the development of Schriever's and Miethe's Foo Fighter until we suddenly recognized that the units also posed an immense threat to mankind. Once we realized the flight was going to be a full success, and that mass production of the Foo Fighter would result, we intervened during the preparations to the first test flight. A successful flight would have signified that these flying machines were to assist their producers with the domination and enslavement of all mankind, which was not, and will not be in the future, their (humankind's) intended purpose. We sought the counsel of Arahat Athersata about our approach regarding this special case, and we then complied with the advice to impair the project and to completely destroy the Foo Fighter and three half-finished prototypes by transmitting malfunctions into the Foo Fighter mechanism. [Comment by Billy: These malfunctions were also manipulated into the blueprints.] The mechanisms were demolished through explosions. Billy: Why didn't you do that with those who later fled to South America? Ptaah: They did not present a danger to the world and mankind then nor do they today. Since that time they have dwindled into a small group which possesses no fighting power and is slowing dying out. The group consists only of men and it is unlikely any descendants will result from them. They have an aversion against women and children and live purely for their technological interests, and their desires to control the world. The latter they will have no capability of achieving, of course. Although they frequently travel the world in their flying disks, which have even been sighted occasionally, they nonetheless live as recluses. With the fear of being betrayed by newcomers, they solicit no followers from the outside world. Furthermore, they have grown old since the war, with the youngest being 78 years today. The entire group currently consists of a mere 334 men from the original of more than 2,000. The others passed away from illness or perished in accidents, e.g., when their experiments went awry or their flying disks crashed.


CR 65
Brazilian-Group Leader Dunneberg's Tactics against Billy:

CR 66, 1976

Brazilian/Neo-Nazi Group - Stolen German UFO plans + Crashes ET Craft :

CR 50
Dead ET's & Spaceships under American Government :

CR 59

3 American Governments & ET Dead bodies in Pentagon:

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