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BY:-RINA BERIHUN..........ID\07214
HAYMANOT SETEGN...............ID\07230
SOFONIAS WORKU.................ID\07325
TEWEDROS MULUKEN..................ID\07237
YHUANIS TEZERA................ID\07242
This is to certify that has carried his internship practice on the topic entitled Bank practice in our
organization in account opening section. And this document is original in nature and is
Supervisor HAREG
Signature ...............
Date 05/05/2017
First and foremost, I would like to thank almighty GOD for being with me in all aspects during
my stay in anywhere and what I do any activity every day. Next to this I would like to thanks
Bank of Abyssinia maraki Branch Manager. And also I would like to thank my advisor HAREG.
In addition to this I would like to acknowledge all employees of the branch and individuals how
have helped me materially and morally during the intern.
This report is an outcome of the Internship, which was conducted during my stay at Bank of Abyssinia
maraki branche. This was an opportunity for me to put in practice the theoretical knowledge I had
acquired during my study. The Internship also gave a real opportunity to gain valuable experience
to fill the gap between study and the beginning of working lives. Moreover, the practical
exposure offered an experiential learning component that can strengthen previous theoretical
In this internship report, it is outlined the practical experience obtained while working with a
team of professionals which revealed the strength and weakness one had and helped to eradicate
the weakness. The first part of the report describes the background of the internship hosting
company and that includes its brief history of the company, vision, mission and values of the
company , product and services of the company, customers of the company. In addition to this I
tries to brief describe the works that are successfully completed by the company. The second part
is discussed in details about overall internship experience. It includes in detail starting from the
entry to the company, challenges that I faced and measures that I tried to take. In addition to this
the sections I been done is described. The third part of the report is mainly about the overall
benefits that I gained from the internship and also I tries to reflect the skills that l gained from
the internship which are proven to be quite helpful in the long run. The forth part of the report I
have gave concussion and recommendations to Bank of Abyssinia that I thought to be improved
ATM .............. Automation Taller Machine
ID .....................Identification cards
IT .......................Information Technology
Contents pages
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................II
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................IV
PART ONE.....................................................................................................................................1
BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY.........................................................................................1
1.1 History development of Bank of Abyssinia...........................................................................1
1.2 Vision, Mission and value of bank of Abyssinia...................................................................2
1.2.1 Mission...........................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Vision.............................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 Value..............................................................................................................................2
1.3 Product of Bank of Abyssinia................................................................................................3
1.4 Customers of the company....................................................................................................5
1.4 services of Bank of Abyssinia...............................................................................................5
1.5 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE.........................................................................................7
PART TWO....................................................................................................................................8
THE OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE............................................................................8
2.1 Getting Internship Hosting Company....................................................................................8
1.1 History development of Bank of Abyssinia
First Bank of Abyssinia is a share company of private individuals who amass experience and
success in different areas including business, entertainment and education.
Establishment unnamed the present-day Bank of Abyssinia was established on February 15,
1996 (90 years to the day after the first but defunct private bank was established in 1906 during
Emperor Menelik II) in accordance with 1960 Ethiopian commercial code and the Licensing and
supervision of Banking Business Proclamation No. 84/1994. BOA started its operation with an
authorized and paid up capital of Birr 50 million, and Birr 17.8 million respectively, and with
only 131 shareholders and 32 staff. In two. Decades since its establishment Bank of Abyssinia
has registered a significant growth in paid up capital and total asset. It also attracted many
professional staff members, valuable shareholders and large customers from all walks of life.
This performance indicates public confidence in the Bank and reliability and satisfaction in its
services. Currently, employing the state-of-art banking technology, the Bank provides excellence
domestic, international and special banking services to its esteemed and valuable customers. It
also strives to serve all economic and services sectors via its ever increasing branch networks
throughout the country.
The following are brief statements on the Banks Vision, Mission and Values. Vision To
become a leading commercial bank in East Africa by the year 2030 Mission We are committed
to provide excellent financial services through competent, and motivated employees, and digital
technologies in order to maximize value to all stakeholders Core Values Customer Satisfaction
We are committed to provide the highest quality service to our customers at competitive price
We continuously work towards achieving excellence in all our endeavors Integrity We promote
and stand guard to a set of high moral standards and ethical values Team work and collaboration
We foster team work and collaboration to achieve our goals Caring for our community . BOA
has replaced its in house IT system with the state-of- the art technology called T24 and started
ATM and POS services with Habesha card and mobile banking services. BOA also provides
Internet banking services while Agent banking service will be readily available within the near
future. Since its establishment, guided with clear vision, mission and values, BOA has made
great strides in business growth and development. `
1.2.1 Mission
The mission of Bank of Abyssinia is to provide full-fledged domestic and international banking
services through qualified and motivated employees, utilization of modern technology, and
through socially and ecologically responsible practice, as well as ensuring profitability and
Mission we are committed to provide excellent financial services through competent, and
motivated employees, and digital technologies in order to maximize value to all stakeholders.
1.2.2 Vision
-Vision to become a leading commercial bank in East Africa by the year 2030
Attracting deposits and developing them, in order to achieve the best financial return for
shareholders and depositors. Expanding banking activities to include new sectors and economic
activities; such as agriculture, industry, trade and services. Provide financing for investors.
Provide security for depositors.
1.2.3 Value
Values · Customer Satisfaction. The quality of our work is always measured by the level of
satisfaction our customers get.
Core Values Customer Satisfaction We are committed to provide the highest quality service to
our customers at competitive price We continuously work towards achieving excellence in all
our endeavors Integrity We promote and stand guard to a set of high moral standards and ethical
values Team work and collaboration.
It is a type of deposit product that bears interest and can be maintained by physical or legal
3). It can be opened with zero balance; however, the account should show at least amount Birr
25 within a month
4). It can be operated by cash withdrawal slip, debit card, mobile and internet banking
5). A minimum amount of Birr 25 has to be maintained to qualify for interest calculation
B) Adey saving
1).An increased saving interest rate of 0.5% on the minimum rate shall be paid for the
saving account;
2). Adey saving account holders shall get 20% discount on safe deposit box rent as per
the stated payment period of the Banks term and tariff document;
3). ATM debit card shall be issued freely which would be linked to their Adey Saving
4) An increased daily ATM cash withdrawal limit of ETB 15,000 shall be arranged;
5).The account can be operated by ATM cash withdrawal, mobile banking, internet
banking and special debit card;
2). Self-employed/employed teens between the ages of 14-17 years can open and operate this
account by providing letter of confirmation from the Zonal/Woreda administration and school
administration. The letter shall at least state
the applicants name, age, photograph and source of income whether he/she generates their own
3). It can be opened with zero balance given that there is a reasonable source of fund that
can bring the balance to the minimum amount of Birr 25 within a month.
4). Relatively Higher and Attractive Deposit Interest Rate by adding 0. 3 % on top of the
prevailing minimum saving deposit rate; and
5). It shall be converted to Afla saving account or ordinary saving account as per the
preference of the account when the account holder reaches to the age of 18.
2). It can be opened for oneself or for a minor by the parent(s)/tutors of the minor;
3). Relatively Higher and Attractive Deposit Interest Rate by adding 0. 3 % on top of the
prevailing minimum saving deposit rate; and
4). Increased interest rate by additional 0.2 % as a customer pass a pre-set threshold in his/her
account balance of Birr 50 thousand
1). Increased saving interest rate by 0.5% over the prevailing ordinary saving interest rate
2). Increased interest rate by additional 0.5% as a customer pass a pre-set threshold in his/her
account balance of Birr 500 thousand.
3). Charges for ATM transaction fee and safe deposit box rent shall be discounted by 15% of
the actual price;
Private school
Large hotels'
Religious institution
Large merchants
More Services
- Money Transfer.
Bank of Abyssinia (BOA) has launched five virtual machines that enable customers to open
accounts, deposit and withdraw cash, and perform local money transfers. Interactive Teller
Machine (ITM) aka branch in a box, the terminals use touch screens and video technology
to offer virtual banking services.
a. It is offered by the bank to accumulate and save money in designated box and deposited in
to the respective customer account.
c. It is mainly designed for petty traders, semi-skilled workers, small holding farmers, and
other self-employed individuals.
It is a type of service which is given to customers to store valuable items. It can be rented on
annual basis as per its eligibility criteria and document. The service is rendered on branches
that have safe deposit box.
Whenever a customer wishes to have a Safe Deposit Box, the customer should maintain an
account in BOA. She/he should be interviewed by Manager-Safe Deposit Box Business and
should be requested to complete the standard agreement designed for this purpose .
Among different companies visited during the selection of internship hosting company, there
were several criterias that had been put in place. Such as; Knowing about the company and
find out if it interests my stay there for the internship period, if there is internship vacancy, and
convenience of the companys location. Based on the above criteria, Bank of abyssinia dato
branch .Hawassa district has been selected because the location of the company vary
comfortable to me.
Depending on the nature of the organization which the account shall be opened, the
organization shall present all the necessary documents.
B. valid and renewed ID card of the person authorized to operate the account.
Woreda/Kebele ID card
Employment and pension ID cards
School, college and university ID cards
Drivers/operators licenses
Tax identification ID cards
Work or residence permits
Foreign-nationals-of-Ethiopian-origin ID cards
b. Contents of Acceptable ID cards
The bearer full name i.e. in case of Ethiopia Citizen
Persons name, Fathers and Grandfather name
ID number
Issue and expiry date; and
-Issuer name and issuers stamp
- Date of birth
City/ zone
Sub city
worda/ kebele
house number
Issue date
-Employment status
Education status
Occupation type
-Card banking
Mobile banking
SMS Alert
A bank reconciliation is the process of matching the balances in an entity's accounting records
for a cash account to the corresponding information on a bank statement. The goal of this
process is to ascertain the differences between the two, and to book changes to the accounting
records as appropriate. The information on the bank statement is the bank's record of all
transactions impacting the entity's bank account during the past month.
A bank reconciliation should be completed at regular intervals for all bank accounts, to ensure
that a company's cash records are correct.
Major time done bank reconcile between ATM machine and bank system by different reasons
create different between ATM machine and bank system.
ATM cash shortage may occur when the ATM disburses cash to cardholder without deducting
customers account. This may be caused by.
c. Errors in posting
ATM cash excess may occur due to the following when customers account debited but ATM
fails to disburse cash to cardholder.
d. Errors in posting.
It is not easy to communicate with my advisor because of his background, life style, age and
behavior is different from me.
Due to security mater I am not see and know all works of the bank.
Shortage of some extra or additional working materials like chair and computers for trainers
2.5 Solutions
To perform my activities perfectly I need to take instruction and advice from my
I have developed a confidence to do the given work practically without any problem and we also
observed that practical works is more simple than theoretical. As I have seen there is a big
difference between theoretical and practical skills. Theoretical knowledge is not always
unfulfilled in practical application through time it might seem that way. .
Gaining knowledge from practical work is easier than from theoretical learning process.
Speaking of the theoretical skills I have gained, I upgraded my theoretical skills by working in
cooperation with BOA dato branch employee.
During these one months, I have been able to upgrade my communication skill to a whole new
level and gained confidence on how to ask different questions, to make discussion and decide.
I have developed the communicating respect for other people or professionals which
will enable I reduce conflict and increase participation or assistance in obtaining
information or completing tasks.
I have developed how to control the feeling that emerge in difficult situations and
respond appropriately; instead of being over whelmed by emotion.
During my stay in BOA Dato branch Hawassa district, I have learned that, difficult to go ahead
and do something without having a strong team. Team work important because it can speed up
process and make things run more efficiently and allows goals to be reached in an efficient and
timely method. A good team will generate and develop and confidence, both in themselves and
one another. This will positively affect their self-esteem, confidence in their colleagues, and
possibly their loyalty to the company increasing productivity and ultimately, company profit
3.5 Leadership Skills
During the one months in bank of abyssinia dato branch, I have been able to upgrade my
leadership skills to a whole new level. To achieve leader ship skills, it requires high level
commitment to learn from each experience I face. I have observed that a good leader is well
principal individual who focuses on a common goal and eliminate excess fear and doubt from his
employees and work for a common good of all.and also especially I have learn many experience
I understood the effects of ethical problem related to work like impolite behavior lack of
punctuality, disregard of rules and procedures and disrespect for the job. I see how to
decline the ethical problems on the productivity of the company. From this I conclude
that if one has good work ethics he will benefited and encourage others to do the same
and at last benefit the company
Application of energy and passion towards the creation and implementation of new ideas and
creative solutions. Essential in gradients includes the willingness to take calculated risks in
terms of time, equity, or career, the ability to formulate an effective venture team; the creative
skill of building solid business plan; and finally, the vision to recognize opportunity where
others see chaos, contradiction and confusion.
Initiative: -how to have the motivation to take the initiative and creative.
Leadership: -I have developed the ability to develop the leader ship and be in
charge of a project, or company.
Problem solving: -I have developed the ability to solve simple or complicated problems.
4.1 Conclusion
This internship program bridges the gap between the students theoretical knowledge and
practical skills. Various types of orientation programs, tasks, and trainings that we have been
under taking during those past one months in the office boosted my knowledge.
Internship program provide us many knowledge and experiences in many ways like: -
working together and cooperativeness
I would like to appreciate the branchs management and the staffs for participating by different
things like interviewing, to show different document Communication & interaction with
4.2 Recommendation
During my period of internship experience I have seen some positive and negative side about the
internship hosting company in this part of my report I will try to suggest some ideas for my
internship hosting company.
The organization should communicate with concerned body to solve network connecton
problem that face some times and interrupt working condition it also have to prepare
training and some work shope for employees to make current strategy of government
familiar to its worker and improve their knowledge.
The most thing in my hosting company is it have manual that describe many strategies,
plans and structures and also functions of different employees but does not allowed to
see due to security matter.
Bank of Abyssinia maraki branch (2025) Annual report,Gonder,Ethiopia.
Own daily and weekly daily, discussion and guidance of manager and observation
during summer stay at the bank (2025, Gonder, Ethiopia