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Article history: In this paper, a compact coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed quasi-elliptical-self-complementary antenna
Received 14 August 2019 (QESCA) exhibiting super-wideband (SWB) characteristics with dual-band notches for four-port
Accepted 19 November 2019 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems is presented. In order to achieve better inter-element
isolation and polarization diversity, the four radiating elements of the MIMO antenna are placed orthog-
onal to each other. Each MIMO antenna element has an elliptical shape conductor patch and a slot, which
Keywords: is a complement of similar shape, both present on the same side of the substrate. At each port, the pro-
posed antenna shows excellent SWB characteristics (1.25–40 GHz), providing a bandwidth ratio of 32:1.
Self-complementary antenna
Further, two independent slits are loaded on each antenna element to reject Wi-MAX (3.5 GHz) and
Super-wideband WLAN (5.5 GHz) bands from SWB. Inter-element isolation of more than 18 dB up to 15 GHz and over
25 dB in the higher frequency range is obtained. Measured parameters of the fabricated MIMO antenna
prototype are in good agreement with the simulated results.
Ó 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction switch between the allocated channels at the same time maintain-
ing the mobile communication link. The spectrum sensing is to be
Commonly known unlicensed ultra-wideband (UWB) (ranging carried over a very large range of frequencies [6]. Thus, SWB anten-
from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz) has a bandwidth ratio of 3.4:1; the ratio of nas are very much useful for applications like CR.
highest and lowest cut-off frequency in (S11 10 dB) impedance Self-complementary antennas (SCA) are commonly used for
bandwidth range [1]. Generally, if the radiating range of an SWB communication systems. Usually, an antenna with self-
antenna is more than 500 MHz or 20% of its centre frequency, it complementary property is comprised of a metallic radiating patch
is known as the UWB antenna. However, if the bandwidth ratio and a slot with the complement of a similar geometry implanted in
is 10:1 or higher, then it is termed as a super-wideband (SWB) the ground plane. The pioneer research work on SCA was reported
antenna [2]. Contemporary research and development in UWB by Y. Mushiake, who discovered the principle of self-
and SWB communication systems have transformed digital com- complementarity and constant input impedance (independent of
munication from theoretical concepts to a practically useful system frequency) property of such antennas. Various extensions of the
for both military and civilian applications. The modern applica- self-complementary principle on planar geometries including
tions related to spread-spectrum based communication terminals, log-periodic, solid structures and other axially symmetric shapes
wireless networks, multi-user and multi-channel communication, were presented [7,8]. Furthermore, a monopole radiating patch
navigation and tracking systems, high-speed data networks and with its complementary slot antenna was presented in [9], spiral
cognitive radio (CR) have seen tremendous growth in recent years SCA in [10], with relatively large bandwidth. Such self-
[3–5]. In CR, the quality of service depends upon the effective complementary antennas have an input impedance of 188.5 O.
deployment of unused RF spectrum. Spectrum sensing plays a Usually, the antennas are excited through a standard coaxial feed
key role in CR to repeatedly search for available channels and line of 50 O, but in the case of SCA, an impedance matching net-
work/balun is also required. The integration of SCA and matching
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Electronics & Communication Engi- network increases the design complexity of the transceiver sys-
neering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 603203, India. tems making them bulky and expensive. In addition, a quasi-
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Kumar). self-complementary antenna (QSCA) comprised of semi-circular
1434-8411/Ó 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
2 D.K. Raheja et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) 114 (2020) 153001
monopole was presented in [11], a coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed is designed for four-port SWB MIMO systems, with connected
inverted L-shaped QSCA in [12]. Another QSCA with wideband ground planes and two notch bands.
rejection capability was analysed in [13]. The antenna structure
was made of truncated semi-elliptical complementary monopole 2. Antenna geometry and design
loaded with an L-shaped slit to obtain continuous wideband rejec-
tion for a range of 4–6.5 GHz. 2.1. Single element SWB QESCA
The fractal geometry due to its symmetrical design (similar pat-
tern and ratio) possesses periodic properties. Thus, to develop SWB The schematic details of the proposed antenna element are
antennas, multiple iterations of fractal design patches have been given in Fig. 1(a) and (b). The basic building block of SWB MIMO
used by many researchers. In [14], the authors used modified configuration consists of a coplanar monopole antenna with the
star-triangular fractal geometry. Hexagonal monopole antenna quasi-elliptical patch as the main radiating element. The input
with Sierpinski fractal slots [15] and octagonal fractal antenna with impedance (Zin) of a self-complementary planar antenna is
defected ground [16] to obtain SWB characteristics were also pro- expressed through Mushiake relationship [7]
posed. A coplanar SWB antenna comprised of two asymmetric
folded loops with a flared slot and printed on 72.5 103 mm2 sub- Z0
Z in ¼ 60p 188:5X ð1Þ
strate area was presented. The antenna has a bandwidth ratio of 2
41.7:1 [17]. A multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) configura- This relationship represents a constant-impedance property,
tion with two circular QSCA printed parallel to each other, in mir- which is independent of frequency, wavelength and antenna
ror fashion was reported [18]. In this MIMO design, two wide slots dimensions. According to the principle of self-complementarity, a
were implanted in the ground plane to reduce inter-element cou- suitably designed self-complementary antenna can be used for
pling between the radiators. In [19], a four-port UWB MIMO struc- extremely large bandwidths [8]. Considering this principle, an
ture was developed by using two different radii of the conducting elliptical configuration is chosen to design an antenna for SWB
patch and a slot in the ground plane to make QSCA. This four- operation.
element MIMO shows good performance in 3.5–12 GHz band, In Fig. 1, the dimensions A1 and B1 are the semi-major and semi-
but slightly poor isolation level in the lower frequency range. minor axes of the elliptical monopole radiator, respectively. The
Another two-port MIMO antenna with dual-band rejection charac- antenna element has high eccentricity to generate and sustain
teristics was published in [20], where QSCA was designed by com- higher order modes, necessary for obtaining broad bandwidth. A
bining four quasi-elliptical geometries with different dimensions slightly off-centred semi-elliptical slot, with semi-major and
like a castor leaf shape on 66.8 40 mm2 size substrate. A two- semi-minor axes as A2 and B2, respectively, is etched from
port SWB MIMO antenna composed of two diagonally placed the ground plane conductor to construct a single QESCA element.
quarter-circle monopole patches and backed with a similar orthog- The size of the proposed SWB antenna element is 26 31 mm2.
onal ground for polarization diversity was presented [21]. The The antenna is designed on single-layered FR-4 epoxy substrate
antenna has a bandwidth ratio of 26:1, but the antenna size with 1.6 mm thickness (h), relative permittivity (er) of 4.4 and loss
(130 120 mm2) is relatively large. Some two-port and four- tangent (tan d) of 0.02. The design parameters of the antenna ele-
port MIMO antennas with multiple band rejection characteristics ment are given in Table 1. Most of the commercially available RF
[22–26] were also designed, but they had a small bandwidth ratio
and separated ground planes. An eight-port UWB MIMO antenna
array comprised of 3-D non-planar geometry was also reported
[27], but it had a complex architecture with separated ground
planes and a small bandwidth ratio without any notch bands.
However, most of the SWB antennas presented in the literature
are microstrip line-fed fractal designs with large size and compli-
cated geometry. Also, the self-complementary MIMO antennas
reported in the available literature were designed mainly for
two-port UWB MIMO systems, without any notch bands.
In this paper, a CPW-fed compact quasi-elliptical-self-comple
mentary antenna (QESCA) for four-port MIMO systems is pre-
sented. Each MIMO antenna element consists of a quasi-elliptical
shape conductor patch and a slot, which is a complement of similar
shape, both present on the same side of the substrate. To improve
inter-element isolation between MIMO antenna ports, the four
radiating patches are arranged in an orthogonal manner. A tapered
feed line is used to match 50 X input impedance of the coaxial con-
nector. In order to have a common reference voltage within the
MIMO antenna system, the ground planes of all antenna elements
are connected together [28]. The antenna operates in the range of
1.25–40 GHz, possessing a bandwidth ratio of 32:1, with dual-band
elimination at 3.5 and 5.5 GHz to avoid interference of Wi-MAX
and WLAN signals, respectively. The inter-element isolation
obtained is more than 18 dB up to 15 GHz and exceeds 25 dB at
higher frequencies, without using any decoupling element. The
electromagnetic simulation tool Ansys HFSS is used to design the
MIMO antenna. In contrast to the previously reported designs,
the proposed antenna has substantial advantages in terms of radi-
ating elements, design complexity, bandwidth ratio and compact- Fig. 1. Schematic layout of the QESCA element (a) top view, (b) side view.
ness. The proposed CPW-fed self-complementary MIMO antenna
D.K. Raheja et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) 114 (2020) 153001 3
Table 1 line with appropriate widths (W1 and W2) at the opposite termi-
Design parameters of the proposed antenna. nals is designed for the purpose of impedance matching.
Dimension Value (mm) Dimension Value (mm) The design steps of the QESCA element are presented in Fig. 2.
A1 10 B1 9.45 The structure shown in Fig. 2(a) is an ordinary elliptical shaped
A2 10.2 B2 7.18 CPW-fed monopole antenna operational for UWB. In Fig. 2(b), a
Cx 3.22 Cy 13.33 semi-elliptical monopole antenna is obtained by cutting the ellip-
G1 0.5 G2 0.7 tical geometry of step-1. The comparison of reflection coefficients
Ly 9 Lx 5.5
R1 3 R2 2.5
of the antenna at corresponding design steps is presented in
W1 3 W2 0.77 Fig. 2(d). In the next step, the ground plane on the right-hand side
X1 9 X2 5 is extended to complement the truncated part of the monopole,
X3 12 X4 11.5 thus obtaining the self-complementary configuration as shown in
X5 11.7 X6 13
Fig. 2(c). The self-complementary geometry further increases the
X7 26 S1 1
Y1 10 Y2 8.5 impedance bandwidth of the antenna. This justifies the SWB beha-
Y3 9.58 Y4 9.75 viour of the self-complementary structure. Further, the CPW feed
Y5 31 Y6 3.7 line and ground plane of the antenna are modified to obtain the
Y7 20.8 Y8 7.2 proposed SWB antenna design shown in Fig. 1(a). In this design,
Y9 5 Y10 10
the main resonating element is a semi-elliptical patch with semi-
Y11 52 h 1.6
major and semi-minor axes as A1 and B1, respectively. The coplanar
ground patch supports a complementing slot of size A2 and B2. The
dimensions A1, B1, A2 and B2 are chosen for high eccentricity to
systems are equipped with standard front-end impedance of 50 O excite higher modes. Since the dimensions of the complementing
(balanced). But, the input impedance of QSCA is approximately slot (A2 and B2) are different from the dimensions of the main ellip-
188.5 O as shown in Eq. (1). Therefore, a proper impedance match- tical patch (A1 and B1), the geometry of the self-complementary
ing between the antenna and source is required, which plays an antenna is not perfectly elliptical and termed as quasi-elliptical.
important role in the antenna’s performance. A tapered CPW feed In a regular elliptical geometry, primarily, the dominant modes
Fig. 2. Design steps of the QESCA element (a) step-1, (b) step-2, (c) step-3, (d) reflection coefficients comparison.
4 D.K. Raheja et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) 114 (2020) 153001
are excited. However, due to quasi-elliptical geometry with high The layout of the proposed SWB QESCA element with notch band
eccentricity, higher-order modes are generated and sustained. In slits is shown in Fig. 3(a). The simulated reflection coefficients
this way, SWB characteristics are obtained. and VSWR curves of designed QESCA with/without notch bands
are shown in Fig. 3(b) and (c), respectively. It is noticed that the
2.2. Single element SWB QESCA with notch bands antenna resonates in the range of 1.25–40 GHz with a bandwidth
ratio of 32:1 and by loading two resonator slits of suitable dimen-
In order to suppress the effect of licensed Wi-MAX and WLAN sions (for notching Wi-MAX and WLAN bands), the desired results
frequency bands from the SWB spectrum, the proposed elliptical are obtained.
antenna element is loaded with L- and C-shaped resonator slits. The L-shaped resonator eliminates 3.5 GHz (3.25–3.75 GHz)
band, whereas the C-shaped resonator notches 5.5 GHz (5.1–
5.85 GHz) band. As indicated by red arrows in Fig. 4(a) and (b),
the concentration of current is maximum around the peripheral
boundaries of L- and C-shaped resonators at 3.5 and 5.5 GHz,
respectively. The fields at these frequencies get nullified due to
the opposite directions of current vectors around corresponding
slits and accordingly band notch characteristics are obtained. A
close observation of Fig. 4(a) reveals that at 3.5 GHz, peripheral
boundaries of the L-shaped slit corresponds to a half-wavelength,
so, its slit length accommodates approximately a quarter-
wavelength. Similarly, at 5.5 GHz, Fig. 4(b) shows that both the
outer and inner boundaries of the C-shaped slit correspond to
two half-wavelengths. Accordingly, here, the average slit length
accommodates approximately a half-wavelength. Considering
these details, the respective slit lengths (L1 and L2) for L- and C-
shaped resonators are obtained as [20]
L1 ¼ Lx þ Ly þ G1 0:29kg ð2Þ
kg ¼ c pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ
f r er;eff
Fig. 4. Surface current distribution at (a) 3.5 GHz, (b) 5.5 GHz.
Fig. 8. S-parameters of four-port QESCA with reference to (a) port-1, (b) other ports.
Fig. 6. Four-port QESCA (a) geometrical layout, (b) photograph of the fabricated
significant (less than 3%). Fig. 10(a) and (b) gives a visual represen-
Fig. 7. Reflection coefficient characteristics of four-port QESCA. tation of the surface current distribution at 3.5 and 5.5 GHz (all
ports excited). At 3.5 GHz, the current concentration is maximum
near the boundary of the L-shaped slit. Similarly, at 5.5 GHz, the
gt ¼ gr 1 Sji 2 ; i–j ð6Þ current is maximum around the periphery of the C-shaped slit.
Since the current flows in the opposite directions around the slits,
where gr is the radiation efficiency. The radiation loss in the it cancels out the radiating fields and thus, a dual band elimination
proposed MIMO antenna due to inter-element coupling is not is observed in the SWB.
D.K. Raheja et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) 114 (2020) 153001 7
Fig. 10. Surface current distribution at (a) 3.5 GHz, (b) 5.5 GHz.
For a four-port MIMO system, the ECC between antenna ele- Table 2
ments is calculated by far-field method using the relation [29] Performance parameters of four-port QESCA.
Fig. 11. ECC of four-port QESCA. Fig. 12. Total active reflection coefficients of the QESCA.
8 D.K. Raheja et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) 114 (2020) 153001
Fig. 13. Radiation patterns of the QESCA at (a) 7.5 GHz, (b) 12.5 GHz, (c) 17.5 GHz.
respective TARC at port-1, for various combinations of the phase dif- measured co- and cross-polar radiation patterns of the antenna at
ference of excitation signals applied at different ports. An excitation 7.5, 12.5 and 17.5 GHz are plotted in Fig. 13(a), (b) and (c),
signal a1 of unit magnitude ð1:ej0 Þ is applied at port-1, the other sig- respectively.
nals (a2, a3 and a4) are of the same magnitude and possess different In Table 3, the comparison of the proposed four-port QESCA
phases. In the TARC curve A, all the four antenna elements are excited with the antennas reported in the literature is presented. The
with a 0° phase difference. In TARC curve B, antenna element-2 is designed antenna has considerable advantages in terms of the
excited with 60°, element-3 with 120° and element-4 with 180° number of radiating elements, compactness, bandwidth ratio and
phase shifts. In TARC curve C, antenna element-2 is excited with isolation, in contrast to the antennas presented in [11–27]. The
180°, element-3 with 60° and element-4 with 120° phase shifts. In proposed antenna is CPW-fed, with antenna radiator and ground
TARC curve D, a phase shift of 90° is present between antenna plane present on the same side of the substrate. The CPW facili-
elements-2, -3 and -4, with respect to element-1. The TARC curves tates easy integration of matching networks or other high-
are found in agreement with the S-parameters. The simulated and frequency circuits. Further, rejection of extensively utilized WLAN
D.K. Raheja et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) 114 (2020) 153001 9
Table 3
Comparison of the proposed four-port QESCA with the reported designs.
Ref. NP AS (mm3) IBW (GHz) BW ratio Gain (Min./Max.) (dBi) NB NCF (GHz) ECC I (dB)
[11] 1 40 51.5 1.6 1.3–12 9.2:1 – – – – –
[12] 1 19 16 1.6 3–12 4:1 – – – – –
[13] 1 28.5 26 1.6 2.82–13.86 4.9:1 6/5 1 5.5 – –
[14] 1 20 20 1 1–30 30:1 2/5 – – – –
[15] 1 30 28 1.6 3.4–37.4 11:1 1.7/11 – – – –
[16] 1 18.5 20 1.6 3.8–68 17.9:1 1/13 – – – –
[17] 1 103.05 72.5 1.1 1.18–49.22 41.7:1 2/10.6 – – – –
[18] 2 21 38 1.6 3–12 4:1 1.3/4.2 – – <0.15 >15
[19] 2 41 30 1 2.19–11.07 5:1 2/6.5 – – <0.1 >20
[20] 2 66.8 40 0.8 2.6–13 5:1 1/5.7 2 3.5/5.5 <0.02 >15
[21] 2 130 120 0.787 1.04–27.2 26:1 – – – <10 dB >10
[22] 2 38.5 38.5 1.6 3.1–10.6 3.4:1 1/6 3 3.7/4.1/5.8 <0.047 >17
[23] 4 60 60 1.6 3–16.2 5.4:1 0.9/8.4 1 4.6 <0.3 >17.5
[24] 4 81 87 1.6 0.76–1.02, 3.01–12.5 4.2:1 3/8.4 2 4.8/7.7 <0.1 >20
[25] 4 100 100 1.6 2–15 7.5:1 – 2 3.5/5.5 <0.1 >20
[26] 4 39 39 1.6 2.3–13.75 6:1 4.75/4.6 3 3.5/5.5/7.5 <0.02 >22
[27] 8 70.87 70.87 25.6 2.5–12 4.8:1 – – – <0.4 >17
Pro. 4 52 52 1.6 1.25–40 32:1 4/4.5 2 3.5/5.5 <0.09 >18
NP: Number of ports, AS: Antenna size, IBW: Impedance bandwidth, NB: Number of notch bands, NCF: Notch centre frequency, I: Isolation.
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