The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology Vol. I (Maurice Wemyss)

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The Wheel of Life

or Scientific Astrology








% f 24^2^24 A ft22.
Campbell Bannerman (N.N. 940) had 21 in SI 8 6 T9* 1?.
2 Humour. *
6 Magic.
29 Similarity, Drawing together.
the wheel of life

1 have lor a number of years'contributed articles to Modern Astrology,

the monthly magazine of that name devoted to the advancement of the
science. At first these articles were'criticized on the ground that the ast
rology "expounded differed in .many respects from that of the ancients;
then criticism gave way to intcj&t: other astrological students, and notably
Mr/C,' E. Of Carter, BA., began* to* adopt some *of*my methods
of research; and) finally,* during the last four or five yean repeated requests
have been made by different partied for a comprchensive*and systematic
treatise in book form expounding my theories, many of which‘could
only be lightly adyerfed to in magazine articles.

In ttus and succeeding volumes an attempt is made to satisfy as far as is

possible at the present stage of astrological knowledge the expressed desire
of students for fuller information. There will, no doubt, be much in this
book with which some will disagree, but if tho*$e who disagree will
forward to me horoscopes and data which appear to contradict theories put
forward,'! will be very ready to examine them and to consider carefully any
counter theories which seem more satisfactory.

Disappointment may also be felt at the omission of certain old theories for
which some astrologers have an affection. The omission is not always due
to disbelief in the theories omitted, but sometimes owing to the fact that a
theory has not been fully tested by me personally. Thus, no reference is
made to the influence of the Part

of Fortune or the Moon's Nodes. 1 They may or may not have an influence1
but my research in regard to them has not been sufficient to enable me to
pronounce judgment: and, while some astrologers whose opinions are to
be1 trea'ted with great respect have announced their belief in the influence
of these points, the evidence actually produced is inconclusive.

"While,-in the space to which,I haw limited myself, it is impossible to give

all the evidence ol my theories, there is one feature of this treatise which, it
is hoped, will commend it to" all %vho are not mere'triflers and dilettantes
in 'the science, and that is1 the' inclusion of a larg<T number of‘ examples
illustrative of the rules propounded. ,These are, for the most part, selected
from the lives of people whose biographies arc available t& all, though in a
few instances I have picked horoscopes from my private collection which
were more suitable; for my purpose, dt has been impossible to write to all
persons living to-day, whose birth dates are commented on, for permission
to do so, and it is hoped that none will take offence at references to them in
the following pages.

In conclusion let me say that the work of astrological research which .has
.tendered the writing of this book possible is one of my greatest pleasures in
life. The actual putting of pen to paper is a labour I would rather avoid-, but
if by so doing I lead others to fallow me on the fascinating quest for the
wisdom of the stars, my labour will not be in vain.

Maurice Wemyss,





.Part 3 Professions and Occupations

Part 4 Medical Astrology

Part 5 Human “Relationships

Appendix G Biblical References to Astrology

Appendix Sign Rulership, The Position of the Hypothetical Planets

postulated by the Author

Appendix 8 The Relative Strength of'Aspects Appendix 0 Astrological

Bibliography Appendix 10 Geographical Astrology
Appendix 11 The Philosophy of History1 An Astro logical Date Scheme

Appendix 12 Biblical Chronology

Appendix 13 The Tuning of Events, The Progressed Horoscope

Comprehensive Table of Degree Influences Index of Subjects Index of





Astrology is the science which deals with the relation of the pranets,
stars, signs of the zodiac, and celestial phenomena to phenomena
occurring on our own planet, the Earth, including e\en minute details of
human character and human activity Certain of the relationships
'existing are so obvious that they are universally admitted It is admitted,
for example that the Sun sends forth light and heat which have a
beneficial effect on the human body It is also admitted that the tidal
periods of the gTeat oceans bear a relation to the rotation of the Earth
relatively to the Moon, and m a lesser degree the Sun The more
subtle influences however, require close attention and study and those
who do not study them can scarcely be expected to believe m them
Scepticism is one of the natural children of ignorance


The branches of Astrology are many, but there are three branches which
have received more attention than the others These are Horary, Mundane,
and Geneth Iiacal Astrology The method of Horary Astrology is to erect a
figure of the heaiens for the moment when a question of importance to the *
Querent " presented itself to him and from the figure read the answer to his

THE'WHEEL OF LIFE question. Mundane Astrology deals with events

in general occurring on our earth; meteorological, political, social; natural
or artificial; physical, mental, op emotional: the astrologer’s interpretation
being based chiefly on the figure of the heavens at the moment of
each "jiew Moon." Genethliacal Astrology, with which this book is chiefly
concerned, deals primarily but not exclusively with the relation of a figure
of .the heavens erected for the moment of a child’s birth to the
child’s character; environment, health, and general fortune in its life on
earth. „ A

HISTORY OF ASTROLOGY IK BRIEF These three branches of Astrology

were necessarily evolved at a comparatively late date in the development of
Astrological Science. In the early stages the relation of the heavens to life
on earth was but dimly perceived, but it can be surinised that fronvthe
earliest dawn of human intelligence man asked the question " Why ? ’’ as
he gazed in admiration and awe at the beauties of the midnight sky. As
intelligence developed he learnt (even in the stone age) to make use of the
stars as a chart to guide him on his voyages and travels, and to
measure time by the phases of the Moon, and later, the position of the Sun
relatively to the stars. From this it was but a step to observe the movements
of the five planets visible to the naked eye: $ Mercury, ? Venus, Mars,
21 Jupiter, T* Saturn. These obviously were known as -early as the naming
of the day’s of the week after the five planets, and <•) Sun, and j Moon.
This took place long before historic times. Following upon the observation
of the movements of the planets the early astrologers noticed the
remarkable correspondence between certain planetary configurations and
events on

earth Probably one of the most noticeable facts was the close similarity in
personal appearance and in the events of their lives of twins1 bom within a
few minutes of each other The fact that over and over again this similarity
was observed would lead irresistibly to the conclusion that the moment of
birth bore an important relationship to the life of the individual
Following upon this a closer watch would be kept on the appearance of
theheavens especially at the births of royal children and as the data
accumulated the astrological theories were promulgated which formed the
groundwork from which modem astrological theory has developed " With
the possible exception of China the place where astrology can first be said
to have ranked as a science was Chaldsea Diodorus (wnting m 30 bc)
speaks of 473 000 years of Babylonian observations and Cicero in his De
Diunaltone refers to their proud boast of 470 000 years observation of the
stars Modem historical critics may well be pardoned for doubting these
fabulous figures but it is at least certain that from the most ancient
times astrology had an important part to play in the Orient Jerenuas whose
book the Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient Last is highly valued by
blbbcal scholars wntes An oriental history without consideration of the
World Era is unthinkable The stars rule the changes of the tunes to whtcb
Rogers adds the comment

Astrology is the last word of science m antiquity

From Babylon Astrology was passed on to tbe Jews* and Egyptians and
from Egypt it eventually reached Greece and Rome No book of importance
(if we exdude Mamlius astrological poem and some Egyptian
1Twins are sometimes born as mock as half an boor or more apart and in
snob cases do not bear a close resemblance to each other

* See Vppendu 6

\ THE WHEEL OF LIFE fragments recently discovered) has come down of earlier date than that "published" about A.t>. 133-160, known as'the
Tetrabiblos ascribed to the great Egyptian mathematician Ptolemy who
gave to Europe the Ptoiemaic theory to explain the apparent movement
of the planets, Sun and Moon. As it has turned out his theory was wrong,
but it worked in practice: for even atfte present day eclipses are not
calculated with very much greater accuracy than they were in his time.

Then followed the Arabian period. The Arabs, Saracens, and Moors were
expert mathematicians, anu with their capacity for detail and minute
observation brought astrology, or at any rate medical astrology, to a very
high pitch of perfection. It was a common saying, ** There is no doctor
who is not an^strologer." According to the planet which ruled the disease
from which their patient suffered they would diagnose the disease *and
select the appropriate fierb to effect a cure. The Saracens carried the science
to Spain about 711 A.D., and the Moors from North Africa brought it to
Europe afresh in 1237; ^Thereafter astrologers were the curse of Europe.
Everyone who knew a little mathematics pretended he was an' astrologer.
When he did not know the meaning of an astrological influence he invented
one and people wfere terrorized by gloomy forebodings and foolish
imaginings. If an astrologer had a spite against a man he obtained his
horoscope and placed a false interpretation on it daubing him a murderer or
a liar, saying it must be so as the stars revealed it. Every King had his Court
Astrologer, and the more skilful he was in telling lies the greater his
reputation, so that it 'was little wonder that when the Renaissance came and
men began to think for themselves there was a reaction against ^ the
science. But its critics made the mistake of blaming

the science for the follies of its professors If a doctor operated on a man for
appendicitis when the man only had a pain in his stomach, that doesn't
prove that there is no science of medicine, and if a minister were to
break all the ten commandments, there is no need to condemn religion

There were, however, in the Middle Ages, several sincere students of the
science, greatest of whom were perhaps Michael Scott and Hemy Cornelius
Agnppa The latter was bom at Cologne in I486, he was astrologer to
Francis I of France, about 1524, and lost his post because he was too
truthful He is said to have formed m Pans and London secret societies of
astrologic and alchemic students, which some think formed the sources of
the nsc of Freemasonry

The birth and life story'of the former is wrapped m m> stery, but his fame
as an astrologer and magician was so great as to eam for him an honoured
place in Dante’s hell! <"

Since the tune of Agnppa there have been few original thinkers among
astrologers though the names of the devotees of the science would fill a
volume, but it would perhaps be unfair to pass from the history of the
science without naming William Lilly (bom 1G02) reputed to be the
greatest of the English astrologers

Copernicus’ scientific proof (m the sixteenth century) that the Pythagoreans

were right in regarding the Sun. as the centre of the solar system instead of
the Earth as Ptolemy had taught, gate a set back to astrology, and the
discovery of Uranus (®) m 1781 and Neptune (*P) in 1640 led man} to
think that the belief m astrology was misplaced But just as none would
dream of asserting

‘See Lift of Mtehatl Seotf by T Mood J3rowa onb. \V Douglas, 1807

that there is no such thing as medical science, because doctors were

ignorant of the circulation of the blood previous* to Harvey’s time, so, to
those who stop to think, it is dear that these astronomical
discoveries shewed that previous astrological theory was incomplete and in
many respects imperfect, but not necessarily false, and astrology is again
making headway in scientific circles. * ,


But astrology is much more Than a science. -It is a science of the sciences,
the key t^all knowledge, and for that reason forms a fascinating and fruitful
subject of' study, even for those who are determined to approach it with a
fixed cofmcjion that it is a superstition.

Astrologers believe that all knowledge, all ideas, have their corresponding
symbols in the heavens—though the life of one astrologer, or a hundred, or
even a thousand astrologers is too short to enable him or them to test such a
theory in detail. Yet sufficient has been tested to enable astrologers to pass
on to each scientist the key to unlock the door of Ms particular chamber in
the Hall of Knowledge whereby be may know the true place of his
own.subject in the Universe of Ideas. An inkling of how much has been lost
to the world by the temporary ■ edipse of astrology may be gathered from a
perusal of the treatise on the Zediacus Vitae of Palingenius by Foster
Watson, Professor of Edneat ion in the University • College of Wales1
Palingenius’ Zodiactis Vitae was one of a select few textbooks'used in
schools throughout Europe in the sixteenth century, and its influence
in moulding the character and disciplining the tnind of the people of the
time must have bear very great.

* London, Ptulip Wdby, 1009.


Apart from its educational import astrology has a vitalizing influence on
those who study it by reason, of its spiritual and religious significance It is
not pro posed here to enter on a discussion of the eternal, in* soluble
problem of the conflict between fate and freewill But let it be admitted, as it
must be admitted, that there are some events m the life of every man and m
the life of every nation which are beyond their control, many of these
events no doubt being regarded by those who experience them as
unfortunate Astrology shows more clearly than any philosophy*, and
produces a more settled conviction than any religion divorced from
astrology, that such events are no mere chance, but that they follow a
definite plan evolved by the Master of the Universe and inscribed in the
heavens that “ he who runs may read "

In interpreting that plan as it affects individuals, the position of the heavens

at the moment of birth1 is of great importance, and the astrologer who
wishes to judge of the character and fortunes of the native proceeds to erect
a nativity, horoscope or' celestial theme or scheme *' dividing the sphere of
the heavens as seen at that moment into twelve portions called Houses
* showing the signs of the zodiac, and the planets and lights (© and 2>)
{and if he be so inclined the nodes the part of fortune, and certain other
points which the ancients considered significant)

Irrespective of the moment of any individual’s birth. the path through the
heavens in which the sun,moon,
1 By the moment of birth is meant the moment of a eyM »

first breath irrespective©! whether birth was artificially delated

or hastened

•The method of calculation is described in Appendix 3 and planets appear

to travel is divided into twelve equal portions of thirty degrees each called
signs of the zodiac measuring from the point at which Jhe Sun appears to
be at the Vernal Equinox There is.also a twelvefold division of this pathway
through the heavens conunenc ing from a point m the same longitude as that
of the fixed star known to the Indians-as Rewati This will be referred to as
the Zodiac of the Constellations Owing to the Precession of the
Equinoxes*2 these two zodiacs move slowly rdativdy to _each other Al
present (1926) the star Rewati is~slightly more than nineteen degrees
distant from the Suns position*at the Vernal Equinox

Each planet corresponds with one3 of the signs in its meaning and is raid to
rule the sign to which it-cones ponds The Sun and Moon rale no signs but
bring Ou( strongly the influence of the sign* m which they are placed. Only
seven planets and the asteroids have been discovered with the telescope and
four signs are accord ingly left without rulers The wnter has postulated
the existence of four other planets and the hypothetical position o? these
deduced from a large number of observations are included in an appendix *

The following diagram shows the signs t»f the eqnmoc tial zodiac
(identified both bj symboLand cam*) placed m the circle of the heavens
each with its ruling planet beside it (also identified by symbol and name)

The-sign Aries is the first sign-and has a similarity bi meaning is a male*

horoscope to the first house and so

The hypothetical planets axe -.shown in brackets The twelvt divisions of the
constellations have the same names und a Similar meaning to the signs of
the equinoctial zodiac The meanings of the various portions of the zodiac
when blended with other portions of the zodiac form compounds These
compounds <ome times have an ohvions relationship to the roots from
which they are sprung, but sometimes the compound -seems quite different,
just as in chemistry certain elements

on each sign m succession has a correspondence in meaning to the

House’'beside which it is placed in the diagram: *'
combine to form what appears (o'be a substance quite unrelated tov them in
form and characteristics.

The blends in 'astrology are due to the positions of the planets in the signs'
and houses and' their angular distance .from each other* and1 from other
significant' points. * When a planet" is 0% iBVor a.multiple pf '15“ distant
tram another planet, it is said to form an aspect with that planet. All such
aspects blend the influence1 of the* one planet and the sign Which it rules
with the influence of the other-and its sign. As The planets
are eontinuouslyinmotioh at different speeds their aspects to each o'ther-and
their, sign positions are continually changing. Certain of-the aspects *3re
benefic, certain malefic, and certain neutral. The aspects "of
most importance are the following:


Name Symbol Number of degrees Nature‘

Conjunction ... 6 0- . . neutral «.

Semi-square £. 45*. . malefic

Sextile...... ■* 60''. . benefic

Square ... □ '... . • 50 . wry malefic.

Trine ...” „ ... A ... v 120* : . very .benefic

Sesquiquadrate Q ... '185,*. malefic.

Opposition 8 180 . neutral

The angles need not necessarily be exact. Thus if

95° is the angle between two planets, they are said to be in -square even
though 5“ distant from.the'exact 90*. Aspects are, however, very much
weaker‘the farther they are from the exact measurement. This seems to
be forgotten by many astrologers who simply count up,the

' 1 The word " influence ’* Is usjd for convenience., It is

possible that the planets and signs have so rafueoce on bonus aBiirs, but
merely tell the story cf lif* oa earth.*

bad and good aspects to tbo planets without, taking any account of the
relate a strength of the aspects 1 The angles referred to above are angles
measured in celestial longitude Planets are never as far apart as! fifteen
degrees in celestial latitude but it is to be re membered that longitudinal
aspects arc more powerful when the planets concerned are in exactly the
same latitude as each other which is in effect a conjunction in latitude,
(Aspects in Right Ascension and Declma tion are worthy of study as also
are,mundane aspects Beginners however are advised to confine-
themselves to the longitudinal aspects)

The student has no doubt already erected2 his own or his friend s horoscope
and is. chafing at the delay before he caff pronounce on ipse dtxit But
feslttta lente is nowhere more sensible advice than in the realm of astrology
The road is difficult and precipitous and the unwary can easily stumble mto
foolish errors In every man s character there are many qualities which go
to mate up the whole If the student sees for example what appears to
indicate bad temper in a horoscope according to die rules of interpretation
laid down let him look again the influence maybe weak or may occupy an
unimportant place- in the figure or in another part of die horoscope strong
poyref of self control may be shown which would more than counterbalance
the inclination to anger


In interpretation too it is most important to regard the influence of heredity

If a horoscope is shown to an astrologer, he cannot tell whether it is a figure
1 See Appendix 8

* See Appendix 3 for tbe Method of Calcnlat on

for Uie moment of birth of a vegetable an animal or a human being 3Iuch

Ic«s cm he tell t lie tier it li- the lioroscope of a nch man or a pauper a
pnnee or a peasant a Chinaman or a Dutchman. All he can tell is the
direction, in which the native will tend to vary from hisjnhintance

It is true that V Paul Choisnard1 has made a com panson of the horoscopes
of a large number of groups of related persons and found that certain
•''astrological similarities vhrdu occur in unrelated persons in about 51 per
cent of the cases examined occu^ m related peronsjn about S-per cent of the
cases examined and these percentages are confirmed bj M hratft but
such similarities are quite inadequate to enable the astrologer to identify an
individual from his horoscope as belonging to a particular fanufy group
hot only do certain families rract more strong!) to certain influences in the
horoscope than others but each race has its own particular reaction Thus
Scotland is parttculirfy influenced bj Capncom (Vt) 26 a degree of

caution and Its ruling planet Saturn (fy) and com paratively weak aspects to
this degree an a Scotsmans horoscope will bring out its influence as |trong!y
os ver> strong aspects to this degree m for example an Italians horoscope

In-addition to inheritance the localit) of birth has to be tal.Cn into

consideration (that is to *a) the influence of locahfy quite apart from its
effect on the vjcu of the heavens presented at the moment of birth)
Every portion of the surface of the globe is subject to a differ ent influence
and the influences affecting certain conn tries and to vns have beat
determined with a fair degree
1See J. Jnfuerci a raUet les probab l Uf and La Let tfMr/dttf aslrale both
published by Fehx Alcan.

oi accuracy1 Thus the Glasgow man is less restrained than the Edinburgh
man and the Londoner superficially more polite than the Yorkshirtraan
Every district responds more readily to certain planetary influences than
others The different response ol the two sexes to planetary influence has of
course also to be regarded both from the phy ical and mental standpoints In
judging the constitution character and ability of a human being it has also to
be remembered that there is no such thing as a normal man or an
average man So long as planets exist and so long as man is susceptible to
their influence ha is bound to manifest some portion of bis mentality more
than others physically some portion of his body will be weaker or stronger
in proportion to the rest and morally be will have his good points and his
bad points For it is obvious that the influence of every planet cannot be
distnbuted through out the whole 360° of the zodiac each planet can only
be in one place at once The nearest approach to an esenlyl balanced
personality might be that of a man With AnesJ using and each planet m its
own sign the Sun ax the Midheaven and the Moon at the hadir* ' * j Bearing
these modifications in mind the student may enter on the fascinating quest
searching after the wisdom of the heavens which it is the endeavour of
the present writer to reveal more clearly than has hitherto b en revealed bat
still through a glass darkly 1 See Appendix 10

* See Appendix 0 Definit ona and Abbreviat ons

" The greatness or smallness of ft man is, in the most conclusive sense,
determined for him at his birth, as strictly ns it is determined for n fruit
whether it is to be a currant or an apricot. .^Education, favourable tircum-
stances, resolution and industry,.can do much; in a certain sense they do
everything; that is to say, they determine whether the poor apricot shall fall
in the form , of a green bead, blighted "by tlie cast wind, and be trodden
under foot, or'whether it shall expand into 'tender pridp and sweet
brightness of golden velvet: But apricot out of currant-great man out*of
small— did never yet art or effort make ; and, in a general way, men have
their excellence nearly fixed for them when they arc bom; a little cramped
and frostbitten on one side, a little sunburnt and fortune spotted on the
other, •they reach between good and evil chances such size and taste as
generally belong to men of their calibre, and, 'the small m their serviceable
bunches, the great in their golden isolation, have, these. no‘cause'*for
regret, nor ' those for disda»}••*■» » •

•r —R us kin's Modern,Painters, III, 47.



The life of man is divisible into two groups of experience, which may he
called egoistic experience and environmental experience But these too
groups cannot be kept quite distinct for they touch each other at
many, indeed at all, points, and experience canonly be
roughly differentiated in this manner The method, therefore, adopted by the
writer is to deal first with the most egoistic components of the horoscope
and later with the more environmental influences Personal Appearance and
Character, Professions and Occupations, Physical Constitution, Diseases,
Accident and Death , Human Relationships, are each treated in turn <-
The ego is most strongly denoted by the sign On the Eastern Horizon (or
Ascendant) and the planets nsmg in the first bouse or closely aspectmg the
ascending degree The other angles of the horoscope, that is to say the 4th;
7th, and 10th houses are also important Similarly the signs Aries, Cancer,
Libra and Capricorn, both of the equinoctial zodiac and the zodiac of
the Constellations,-must be considered and the planets in them, and the
position of the Sun and Moon both by sign and house ^ •


As regards the personal appearance, if the .native's parents are similar m the
colour of hair and complexion.

THE WHEEL Or LIFE there is rarely any variation in the children unless
the 17th degrees of y and (degrees of colour) receive strong aspects and
they or their rulers $ and # are strongly placed in the horoscope (eg in the
angles) The direction of the colour variation is determined by the planets in
closest aspect with y IT| 17 and with $ and $ and by the signs in which $
and y are placed. A variation towards darker Iiair and complexion is given
by the introduction of a blend of V or ^ or their rulers $ and. fairer hair
and complexion by a blend of

ess or & or their rulers % and '‘Hercules 1 Examples of these are numerous
and a short period of systematic study will enable the student to verify these
rules Red or auburn hair with Its corresponding somewhat pallid
complexion is fairly uncommon and accordingly some examples are
appended It appears to be doe to a variation from the normal dark
pigmentation of £ ip «1» ss occurring most frequently wheft <J or are in
{5<por bad aspect to$or^or y IT^ 17 or when $* or y are m conjunction
opposition or bad aspect with T— 21 to T— 24 Occasionally the
aspects.between these groups are very strong good aspects

Examples of Red Iiair

EMY Female b Edinburgh 4 16 p m November 9th 1898 had y on the

Ascendant with its ruler $ m f 17 13 afflicted by tbe sesqmqoadrate of 3 in
St 313 'The © was setting in 9117 18
MJD Male, b Ruth well Dumfriesshire 816 am July 18th 1892, had y HI
17_affiicted by <J in ess 1G □ j b 13 The sign y was on the Midheaven
(cusp* of the 10th house)


Glasgow, 8 45 art , Februaiy 19th, 18S0, had *t» on fhc Ascendant with £
ruler in n 219 Q ^ nj 716 and also afflicted by £ and the © n 6 Was on « 17
of the Constellations which was thus also heavily afflicted

M L. Female, b Grange, 4 45 a m, May 2nd, 1894, had % rising in n 6 (on y

17 of the Constellation) afflicted by $ in T 23 $ was in X 20 5 $ Tf|. 13 (on
== 24 nf the Constellations) v N N 1 330 had f 6 on Ascendant (on T!\ 16 of
the Constellations) $ ruler of IT), was in Tfl, 10 (on ~ 21 of the
Constellations) * —» .

N N 331 had }{]& 1T( 10 afflicted by the © $ was am=s21 d g a y and£

** -

NN 350 Burton had IT( on the Ascendant with $ ruler of the Ascendant in
'ft 3 d ^ D 2).

E S F Male, b Cairney, 140 _a to September 6th, 1892 had <? almost

exactly setting on the cusp Of the 7th house in s» 7 7 square to # III 3
24 2(. was in «t»

244 afflicted by y» a 1118 and $ as 2834 *It is perhaps not out of place here
to refer to the whitening of hair in old age This due to the fact that m the
latter portion of life, people come more strongly under the influence of ft
and as and their rulers h and Pluto which restrain the natural processes ,
Occasionally sudden shock or acute pam causes premature whitening of the
hair In such cases V* or Pluto will be found aspectmg $ or $ or y ITV 17^
or $ or will be aspectmg gb ft 6 with added * bad aspects ^ '

Thus N N 406 (indexed as a “ strange case *) arrived home with her hair
turned white after a railway accident $ was m ft 8 in the 4th house d 2). ft 3
and afflicted 1 See Appendix 5 Definitions sod Abbreviations

b>$IIl22©nt2I3>ca22 (though receiving a good aspect from %)

Dr Henry Drummond bora August 17th JS51, became white-haired very
rapidly as a resjlt o( the pain from which he suffered, y was m b 4.22 m
very dose conjunction with fr m b 4 19 and afflicted by $TH19land<5 n22

‘Tbecomplexjon and condition of the sbn is ofcoure, subject to variations

according to the health of the native and this type of variation will be later
referred to under its appropriate head


The same portion of the zodiac which influences colour is closely

connected with growth the degrees b TI( 16 appearing to be most important
though those near them are frequently aspect ed. The root idea of
the degrees in these portions of the zodiac seems to be connected with
vibration. Different colours are produced by light waves at different rates of
vibration reacting on the rense of sight Growth is a process which it rnav be
supposed has as one of its conditions a kmd of vibratory movement Where
children are taller than their parents nor # 8or their rulers £ and Jason (Jj)
are blended with b TT( 16 or their rulers ? y When they are smaller the
influence of ft S3 18 to 20 or their rulers fr <*» is found to be combined
with the influence for growth


N N 64 is the horoscope of a dwarf who has ^fiao 18 £ © £2 21 □ <Y»

20 % ruler of the ascending

sign was in b 16

h> N 622 is another dwarf with ft on Ascendant and ft its ruler, m ft 20 Q $

Hi Three planets m all were in ft The time of day was very important in this
case, as had the influence of § been more prominent than that of $ there
wbuld have been a tendency to a good height as $ was in f

N N 669 also was a dwarf $ was in the dst house (commonly referred to as
the Ascendant) in tf 18£
ft ruler of the sign on the IIC in n 20 M P Wilder (N N 916) a dwarf
humourist had Tf\ 16 on the Ascendant with $mn8Z.2j.es2lD3Tfj Pluto1
was in SI 11 closely squaring the ascending degree ,


An inclination to excessive stoutness is indicated by the blending of ft s» 20

to SO or thevr rulers Hercules (*) and Jupiter (2J.) with the degrees of
growth and their rulers A case in point is the horoscope of Miss
Elsie Hopton the giant schoolgirl (given B JJl * June 1923) bom at
Rayleigh Essex March 6th 190* at 11 pm with Jason rising in 16 afflicted
by 21 m as 1 6 and 5m T 1 ID She weighed 24 stone at 16 years of age ss
24 was on the cusp of the 4th house in square to the Moon

An inclination to thinness is indicated by the blending of V — 20 to 30 or

their rulers <J tp with the degrees of growth and their rulers Le Due de
Morny boro Pans October 21st 1811 at 2 an (see Biography by F Lollie
published by John Long London, 1910) was in youth exceptionally thin He
had $ Jl\ 17 49j* ft 1620 $ was in s* 294 <5 © =* 2647 /_ **9$

h f 7 56 and the J being in close square to^the ascending degree

1 See Appendix 7

*See Appendix 5 Abbieviationj



Variations from hcredit) as jcgards the shape and expression of the fact arc
denoted specially b) the rising sign and the sign m which its ruler is placed
the planets m the ascendant and the planets clo^elj aspcctirg the ascending
degree and its ruler £ and the sign *r> are al«© of importance in a male
horoscope, H* and t^in a female horoscope

Anes and Libra and their rulers tend to give high cheekbones, a lean face,
retrouf«d nose Taurus and Scorpio and their rulers tend to give a full flesh)
face, and a straight but broad nose Gemini and Sagittarius and tlieir rulers
gi\o thin sharps defined features Cancer and Capricorn and their rulers tend
to give a rather plain serious cast of countenance Aquarius and Leo and
their rulers "hen benefic give some of thg most beautiful types, bearing a
resemblance to the ideals portrayed in Greek Sculpture When there are
no afflictions the complexion is also vei) fine Pisces and Virgo and their
rulers give a face with a certain gentleness of expression particularly m the
mouth The nose is usual!} small and straight but the last ten degrees
of these signs often give a hooked or beaked nose


Every man has a philosophy of life even though he may in his modesty
believe that he has none, and in his philosophy he has of necessity grappled
with the problem of the limitation of his desires The veriest child learns that
however much it maj desire it cannot make the moon come to it, but it takes
a man to leam that the highest good is in apparent self-abnegation, the
restrain log and curbing of all desires which are mimical to the


See Appendix 4

* The ana eats considered that each of the five planets known to them
ruled two s gns and the Snn and Moon one sifneach.

* See Appendix " ~


* In a female horoscope Libra has a correspondence with the first boose

Scorpio with the second boose and so on tn succession

common weal There is also the vast army of men who limit only those
desires which they think will bring evil on themselves m the near future if
given full ran and others so foolish as to give fuQ scope to desires
which they ought to know full well will react to their own disadvantage If a
man has strong desires b TI\_ 8 0 or their rulers 9 $ will be in angles of the
horoscope-or iery strongly aspected (The 8th and 9tb degrees of the 2nd and
8th houses of the horoscope and the rulers of the signs on the cusps of these
houses are also import ant) If these desires are- restrained the influence
of as rt or their rulers Pluto (jf|)%nd Saturn (fj) will be closely blended 8 9
are more positive and active degrees than b 8 9 When the latter degrees
are prominent the natives expect their desires to be fulfilled with little effort
on their part The commonest desires of man (apart from the subconscious
desires which are normally immediately satisfied such as the desire for
breath) are the desires for food and dnnk In ordinary circumstances
these are not specially marked but when the desire is to excess the mark of
the glutton and the drunkard is dear In both cases the same group of degrees
is blended m affliction with b TT^ 8 9 namely T* — cs ft 13 b SI-28 v 13
and then- rulfers S V being of special importance (the influence of K nj
being added in the case of dnnk) Examples are given later when treating of

^ The desires for food and dnnk are desires which must in a measure be
satisfied so long as human beings possess material bodies which require
constant renewing They are therefore desires possessed by all men though
in varying degrees
11 idi Part 4 Medical Astrology

22 Sex

There is another desire Which is widespread bat is nevertheless not

universal the desire of man or woman for (heir mate In European countries
the proportion of persons who do not man}, though living far beyond
the normal age of marriage, is about 1 «i6 This of course, will not always be
due to lack of desire for a mate, bnt sometimes to failure to find a suitable
mate or to lack of money to provide for a mate or deliberate self-denial as in
the case of celibate priests but In mo»t of such cases'Uie restraining
influence of cs ft 25 to 27 and their rulers Pluto and Satumns observable
curbing the desire for sex union which Is denoted by b 1T( 8 9 and
the degrees near them or 9 $ blended with V 18 and the degrees near them
or £ (blends which in the realm

of physics are found present in electricity and mag nettsm)

Sex excesses on the other hand are shown by £ or V rising m y HI 8 0

severely afflicted especially when 2J. or 4= joins m the affliction also $ or $
severely af flictedm T — IS and strongly placed ©r<Jor ^ heavily afflicted
by $ or $ without modifying influences The 8th and Oth degrees of the 2nd
and 8th houses of the » horoscope are similarly important and the 18th
degrees of the first and seventh houses

The nature and qualities of the marriage partner will be referred to later but
one or two horoscopesjnferesting as regards the question of marriage may
be referred to here EdwardIr\ing(NN 179} was engaged to Isabella Martin
but fell m love with Jane Welsh The Martins refused to release him from his
engagement and he married Isabella Martin The degrees of de«ire
were prominent in affliction TT( 11 being on the Ascendant afflicted by ?
ruler of the 7th house in ft 12 and 0 A


13 3 was in =c= 25 d 2J. 25 — 27$ m square to

the, degrees of denial an ft 25 to 27 Archbishop Laud (N N 592) is an

example of a man who died a bachelor $ was in 13 in the 4th house afflicted
by }\ m 26 (which was then—1573—on TT\_ 12 of the Constellations)
Pluto was at that penod in approximately ,tf 11

A G (female), born Herts , April 3rd, 1865, at 2 30 pm (see M A , January,

1018), is described" as being doomed to maidenhood $ was almost exactly
on the Midheaven m a 22 36m square to Pluto in St 18,3 being also in bad
aspect with Pluto from eu 1 47 cu 27 (ruled by Pluto) was afflicted by the
square of $ and ft.

The importance of an exact birthtime is clearly illustrated by this

horoscope, for the author of Myself Not LeastA was bom on the same day at
4 30 p m, with a different result, and the Earl of Derby was bom on
the fallowing day when the positions of the planets in the zodiac were not
greatly different, though their positions* relatively to the earth might be
very different depending on the tune of day when he was bom Mary Queen
of Scots was bom either on December 7th, 1542, or December 8th, 1542
According to one calculation (NN 235) b 10 was on the Ascendant, but
according to Junctmos (N N 559) b 16 with h setting in IH. 16 In either
event $ ruled the ascending sign and was in f 3 afflicting y in «t» 16 (dose to
V 18) If December 8th were the correct date, the 2 would be adding
its affliction from 18, as is highly probable seeing that this is the. degree of
limitation a blend in imprisonment, which placed, unfortunately, such a
striking part in Queen Mary's life
1 Pub Thornton Butterworth 1925

Examples of sexual excess arc —

Male (N K 2S5) with $ tn the Ascendant in a 18 d v cs lfi □ v r I? 2iv H IfN

CGO with $ on the A«ccndant in *p 20 d ^ Vl8 © *Y* 1C, the ruler of the
Ascendant <J being m d 12 K N 2S9, female, had T16 afflicted by ?015 © n
1 3 ruler of the 4th house was in ft 23 Q %' d 21 d 25 N N 300, female, had
the A^endant 1^ 3 with 3 rising in Tip C m opposition to £ )(7 and afflicted

^ T 10 © 21 j) C3 18

HAH referred to above as an example of rod hair, .had a law suit as a result
of an act of immorality He had ascendant V 10J afflicted bj 3, ruler of the
Ascendant, in n 2 19 £ X3C9© X08c? also received the square of $ y ruler
of the 7th house Nvas in b 9 32 Landru, dubbed the " modem bluebeard ",
was bora m Lat 48* 50 N 2* 20 E on April 12th, 1869, about Cam (see B J
A, May, 1922) d was on the Ascendant with its ruler $ in V 1515 ^ V'l’l’
HD!?ol336 There were no fewer than six planets in T ~
- The desires of food and drink and «ex union are three of the pnmilne
desires of man shared by h«m with the lower animnic Such desires, when
normal have as their final purpose (though that purpose is usually not
conscious Iy present) the continuance of the life of the individual and of the
race All the complex qualities nowposses**d by manhave probably
developed under the stimulus of the >3une concealed purpose, and it is
impossible to proceed further in the astrological analysisof humait
character without postulating a theory as to its foundations


was the confession of Professor James that *' Psj -chology is but a string of
raw facts, a little gossip and a


opinions, a little •classification and generalization on. the mere descriptive
level, a strong prejudice that we have states of mind and that our
bratn conditions them, but not a single law in the sense m which physics
shows us laws l' Ps$ chology has advanced since this Statement was made,
but there is still a "wrangle about opinions" and every psychologist has lus
own peculiar methods and his own views on the question before us -

A large part of the confusion that has arisen is due to inadequacy of

definition, or to the same words being used by different writers m different
senses In particular the words " primary,” “ instinct,” " emotion/'
have frequently done double duty The word " primary " may denote (a)
something radical from which other thing* have developed, (6) something
which cannot be broken up as distinct from something which is
complex, (c) something which is specially important In
Welton's Psychology of Education the following are given as primary
instincts —hunger and thirst, fear, pugnacity, sell assertion and self
abasement, tender emotion, sex, greganousness curiosity, acquisitiveness,
constructive-ness These instincts mainly belong to class (6) and may, so far
as they do so, be termed * simple instincts " Instincts falling within class
(<t) may be termed " root instincts ” The term ” instinct we shall use in
the sense attributed to it by Professor James 1 the faculty of acting in such a
way as to produce certain ends, without foresight of the ends and without
previous education m the performance/ from which definition it ~ naturally
follows that a certain mode of action is no longer instinctive when its
purpose is foreseen

* ts quoted m The Foundations of Character by A G Shand * Macnulban

and Co 1014 v

THE WHEEL Or LITE * Emotions arc a peculiar form of intense

activity This activity largely takes place within the body or on the surface of
the body and m many cases precedes a more normal form of actmt)

-Now astrological!} there appear to be six fun da mental functions which go

to make up human character (1) Sensation (developing into Perception)
under the influence of n t (2) Desire under the influence of y JT| (3)
Activity under the influence of *t> ^ (4) Imagination under the influence of
>( ty (5) Assoaa tion of Ideas under the influence of tss & (0)
Memory under the influence of as

Of these influences the signs o T — hav e become

of greatest importance in the determination of mans character «y* ^ are the

signs of activity and ss ft arc the signs of restraint Memorj would probably
never have developed were it not that mao (and animals) found that certain
actions gave pain As Mard says * To ascertain the origin and progress of
purposive action it seems then that we must look to the effects of pain rather
than to those of pleasure The first function of memory has been to give
warning for the future by the example of the past Just as there are six basic
functions «o astrologically there are six root instincts Each of these six
toot instincts gives rise to & number of simple instincts corresponding to
different portions of each pair of signs The lower the stage of evolution of
an} animal the fewer will be the number of simple instincts which it
has developed though certain species mayhave specialized and developed
some instincts much more than others For example the community instinct
developed by bees Is remarkable though they lack many of the other 1
Psychological Pniietplss p "79


instincts The lowest .grades of all such as the amoeba have not even
developed sufficiently for even the six root instincts to manifest themselves
but merely the absolute Root Instinct from which they are derived V12 the
Instinct of Self (including descendants) pre serration

Root Instincts Corresponding to Simple Instinct

Precautionary Instinct Cancer Capricorn Acquisitive


Communicative Leo Aquarius Sympathy

Herd Virgo-Pisces Service

Food obtaining Anes Libra Curiosity

Reproductive Taurus Scorpio Constructive


Gemini Mimicry


It is v eiy difficult to give a distinctive name to the Root Instincts because

each of them reappears as a Simple Instinct in a specialized form In the list
of simple instincts here given in each case one only of the many instincts
which develop from the Root Instinct has been selected It is to be observed
that the Root Instincts am really compounds containing m embryo all the
Simple Instincts which develop from them Thus the Precautionary Instinct
embraces tbe Concealing Instinct and the Instinct for Duty as well as
the Acquisitive Instinct The Acquisitive Instinct is shown m insect life m
the storing up of honey by bees for (he winter It may seem rather on elastic
use of words to call a sense of duty an instinct yet perhaps it is not
too absurd to all it a sense of duty which keeps the ant sentinel at his post
on the alert for the enemy In any case astrologically the sense of duty is
represented by
Cancer Capricorn 10 and is, therefore, a development of the Cancer-
Capncom Root Tlie Communicative In stmet is a very remarkable one We
arc inclined to think of language as man's special prerogative (Aquanus-Lco
5 + ?) and so it is if we define language as that which is written in words
But many animals Ime a means of conveying to cadi other a certain element
of thought or feeling This like the other instincts has no doubt been
developed pnmanly for protection One development of this instinct is Sy-
mpathy, a ' feeling with ” someone else When the outermost of a herd of
wild oxen senses danger it makes some sound indicative of Tear, the jest of
the herd instantly share its fear because the danger menaces them as well as
their com panlon It is an easy extension of this instinct to feel with the other
even though the danger menaces that one only If a cow is under a tree in a
field and a rotten branch overhead gives way, it instantly starts away in fear
to avoid being struck This fear is communicated to the cattle near by, and
they jump away though they are not near enough to be m any danger
Similarly, when a lamb begins to gambol with joy the other lambs nearby
feel the joy and gambol with it though doubtless there is also some of the
imitative instinct mixed with this We have come to apply the term sympathy
more particularly to the emotion which prompts the giving of money to
cripples or the soothing of another s pain In the last analysis the giver is
really giving because he feds with the cnpple as if he were himself crippled
and gives to the cnpple as if he gave to himself From its very nature
Sympathy cannot exist except in com pounds There must be something
which is felt with the other such as pain or joy, or fear The instinct
of Service and Co operation has developed out of the


Virgo Pisces toot " Union is strength" * both for defensive purposes and
productive labour Here again the bees are a good example of the instinct of
service When this instinct is united to farm a complex instinct it may
sometimes be very difficult to distinguish by observation from a complex
instinct in which Sympathy is the chief factor, but the horoscope of the
individual at once shows the elements composing his complex instincts
Curiosity is one of the simple developments from the food obtaining
instinct Searching for food the animal explores all the surrounding country
to obtain what it requires This has developed into the Exploring Instinct as
such without food being the direct object of the search Constructiveness is
well seal in, the efforts of parent birds to build a nest for their young In the
human species the instinct has de\ doped more strongly m the male than the
female and so boys are always building toy houses and constructing
things The Imitative Instinct is rather a weak name to give to a Root Instinct
(com which the instinct of Faith has sprang, but there is no very suitable
word to describe this group as a whole and it is therefore necessary
to choose an idea allied to the meaning of one of the simple instincts
namely Mimicry

Reverting to Mr Welton s primary instincts of these we have seen that

Acquisitiveness belongs to the Cancer* Capricorn group So also does Fear
Self abasement and Greganousness belong to the Pisces-Virgo
group. Hunger and Thirst, and Pugnacity, belong, as we have seen above,
partly to the Anes-Libra group There are three totally different kinds of Self
assntioa he has not distinguished. The first is cbselv *-•■*-» pugnacity and
the instinct to “ stick up for ec~'s rzms," the second is the self assertion cf
the ci-H vis rrtre*

THE WHETL OT Lire ti\clj docs things to win approval, which belongs to
the Cenuni Sagittarius group and there is the 6eU assertion which has
developed from the Aquanns Leo group which bubbles over with pride in
self jet is sometimes quite unconcerned if unappreciated by others
Tender emotion might include many things, but even if we accept Mr
Wdton's definition by which he relates it to the maternal instinct, it includes
both a number of the simple instincts of the Taurus Scorpio group and
precautionary and protective instincts from the Caneer-Capncom group and
is in itself really compound-complex So struck have many psj chologists
been with the self sacrifice displayed bj the mother that they have argued
that all altruistic impulse has dev eloped from the maternal instinct This is
surely a narrow view All instincts are in their final effect aimed at some
benefit which extends to others tftan_^themsehes, though an instinct
abnormally developed may have the reverse effect It may, however, be
granted that some instincts amt more immediately at benefiting someone
else, but ccrtamlj the tender emotion of a lo\er for his lass or sympathy for
those m distress have as good a nght to the name as the Maternal Instinct
remarkable though it is Mr Welton derives Sympathy from the
Maternal Instinct We have shown that we do not agree with this derivation
though there can be no doubt that blended with the Maternal Instinct or Sex
Instinct it finds its most beautiful expression astrologically indicated
by Venus in Aquarius Leo 23 In the light of astrology if Mr Welton intended
his Primary Instincts to represent Root Instincts he has included instincts
such as Acqrnsi tiveness which are not primary m that sense, if he intended
it to signify Simple Instincts he has omitted many which are derivative but
yet do not belong to the

THE WHEEL OT LIIT tnclj does things to win approval which belongs to
the Gemini Sagittarius group ami there is the self assertion wluch has de\
eloped from the Aquanus-Loo group which bubbles o\cr with pride m self
jet is sometimes quite unconcerned if unappreciated by others
Tender emotion might include many things but c\ cn If we accept Mr
Welton's definition by avluch he relates it to the maternal instinct, it
includes both a number of the simple instincts of the Taurus Scorpio group
and precautionary and protective instincts from the Cancer-Capncom group
and is in itself really compound-complex So struck ha\ e many psj
chologists been with the «df-sacnfice displajed bj the mother that they
have argued that all altruistic unpulse has developed from the maternal
instmet This is surely a narrow view All instincts are in their final effect
aimed at some benefit which extends to others than ^themselves though
an mstuiet abnormally developed may have the reverse effect It may,
however, be granted that some instincts aim more immediately at benefiting
someone else, but certainly the tender emotion of a lover for his lass
or sympathy for those in distress have as good a right to the name as the
Maternal Instmet remarkable though it is Mr Welton derives Sympathy
from the Maternal Instinct We have shown that we do not agree with
this derivation though there can be no doubt that blended with the Maternal
Instinct or Sex Instmet it finds its most beautiful expression astrologically
indicated by Venus in Aquarius Leo 23 In the light of astrology if Mr
Welton intended hisaPnmaiy Instincts to represent Root Instincts he has
included instincts such as Acqtnsi tiveness which are not primary in that
sense if he intended it to signify Simple Instincts he has omitted many
which are derivative, but yet do not belong to the


complex category. A good example of the Complex Instinct is Indignation.
One of the complex instincts to which this term is applied is a compound o!
Pugnacity (Aries-Libra 27) plus " sticking up " for one’s rights or desires
(Taurus-Scorpio 8) and Sympathy (Aquarius* Leo 23). /

With this preliminary explanation we may proceed to a closer examination,

from the astrological standpoint, not only of the instincts but of the faculties
and complex qualities found in man. These are dealt with in alphabetical
order to facilitate reference.


" Abandoned ” is often applied to a person who is ' free from conventional
restraints and disregards opinion, n t 20 are degrees of sensitiveness to
opinion. It is usually stated in textbooks that t indicates unconventionality.
This is an error. Just as school-boys and primitive races have the most rigid
conventions which it takes great daring to break through so H and t do not,
without an additional influence, lead to a disregard of convention.
Butwhen^or fisin a f 26, especially if afflicted, there is sure to be
unconventionality unless the restraining influence of os ft A h is strong, n f
26 in the Ascendant have a similar effect.


" Abashed" is applied to persons with the same degrees (n t 26) afflicted by
Tj or ft, at the moment when the influence is brought to effect,1 or with the
rnlers of n f 26, namely 3 and , afflicted in ns or or afflicting fj or ft.

» See Appendix 13, Tuning o{ Events


Everyone has ability to do something unless he is a complete imbecile and

the particular types o£ abibty will each be treated under their own head

A state of abjectness is an abnormal condition of * humility Humility in its
best sense is found most frequently among those with K or ny on the
Ascendant or many planets m these signs strongly placed Serious afflictions
from or m the<e signs or to planets in them tend to male people abject
Francis I of Trance (NN 601) is an example of this with © np28} 2J. ^24

□ Asc □ V 0 A fj was m )( 10


In a sense these » as have seen wo such thing as an av erage or normal roan

all men are different But the differences are usually within fairly well-
defined limits Occasionally however a man ts bom with physical emotional
or mental characteristics of such an unusual nature as to justify the use of
the term ab normal in describing them The region of the zodiac b Iff 21 is
usually prominent in such cases often at affliction

Abruptness of Manner

This is the counterpart of suavity and ease b Iff. 25 and their rulers 9 $
when afflicted by £ or V imply sudden breaking off in the middle of any
action and an apparent attitude of hostility is seen particularly if f —8orV—
27 are concerned If the abruptness is abruptness of speech so SI and their
rulers 2) ^ are concerned in the affliction


Absent-mindedness is frequently observable in the scholar or scientist, who

is sometimes so fascinated by the subject be is studying that he fails to
notice what is going on around him to pay attention to the conversation of
others, or to perform functions which are expected of hun cd ft 19 and their
rulers $ Tz, and the 19th degrees of the 4th and 10th houses denote great
concentration, and concentration of attention is shown when these
influences are blended with n f or their rulers, or the 3rd and 9th houses or
their rulers Sir Isaac Newton (N N 739) had It, ruler of Jus 4th house, in )(
20 in square to $ (Ruler of n) in / 21 The term absent mindedness is also
sometimes applied to the inattentive child, whose thoughts are far
away from the matter in hand, not because of persistent concentration in
one lm$. of thought, but for the very reverse reason, namely that the child
cannot keep its attention for long on the same subject and therefore, its
thoughts have wandered When adults exhibit this fleeting attention it is
usually due to a blend, frequently m affliction, of *p ee (or their rulers) or
the Ascendant or "th house (or their rulers) with n t (or their rulers) or the
3rd or 9th bouses (or their rulers)


' This implies restraint and therefore the influence of as ft and their rulers
<h (Pluto) and h (Saturn) are ' strongly marked, and the 4th and 10th houses
and their rulers It is a natural development of the precautionary » instinct,
the instinct to guard against injuries to the health which might result from
o\cr-indulgence The term abstemious is occasionally applied to people who
require to make no effort to restrain their desires.

(heir desires being comparatively weak and in these

cases the restraining influence of cb ft is unnecessary

Michael Angelo (N N 472) eremphfics the quality of abstemiousness He

had ft 24 on the Ascendant in square to $ the planet of desire fj, ruler of the
Ascen dant, was w an 16} The Jwas just above the horuon m ft
20 Absurdity

This is a blend of abnormality (qv) b 11} 21 and humour {qv) as Si 22 or

their rulers blended with *p a, or their rulers Accomplished

The term accomplished is usually applied to persons whose qualities or

talents are well rounded off and present a pleasing finish or polish This is
usually due to the blending of » or ft or theif rulers 21 (Jupiter) and *
(Hercules) with the influences in question


Two meanings of this term must be distinguished— precision and reliability

A man may be said to be an accurate mathematician because he calculates a
given value in the minutest detail and to many decimal places Accuracy of
this nature comes under the influence of n J (and particularly of n ? 3) and
the 3rd and 9th houses and their rulers But there may be
another mathematician who does not carry his calculations to so many
decimal places but is yet much more accurate in the sense that he more
rarely makes mistakes This kind of accuracy comes under the influence as
1} and the 4th and 10th houses and their rulers

Strong K UJ influences tending to diffusion militate against accuracy o£ the

first type Strong <y» ste in


hastiness, militate against accuracy o! the second type

Activity ’ _

Every man displays a certain amount of activity If he did not he would die "
We are active beings and our sympathy above all other sympathies, is with
great action,ri Activity is one of the natural developments of the food
obtaining instinct Whether a man was a hunter, a tiller of the soil, or a
shepherd activity was required of him though in the last two instances
less mobility was required than in the case of the hunter Activity is
influenced by T — and the Ascendant and 7th house and their rulers, V and
the Ascendant being more positive than a and the 7 th house Han (among
the Anglo Saxon races), reaches his period of greatest activity from about
his twenty fourth to thirty sixth year and it is then that he responds
most strongly to the Anes-Libra influence though in childhood there is
greater relative mobility due to tbe m* fluence of n t which influences the
life most strongly m the first 17 years cn ft the 4th and 10th houses, and
their rulers, tend to cause slowness and to restrain activity This influence is
most strongly felt after the sixtieth year of Ufe

The direction ui which activity is shown is denoted principally by the

position of and the ruler of the Ascendant and the planets aspcctmg them or
m the Ascendant or «t* tn travel for example, the signs of mobihty n f arc
blended, and particularly n f 13 degrees of distance (or their rulers), a
tending to some what shorter journeys than t Dr SicnHcdm the explorer (N
N 1001), had J on
* Dutuh s CnianM Fleming

TIIL UIILLL Or LUX the Ascendant ond<J m U II 34 A 9 (ruler of n) in

es 10 33 and V- $ and V in T Of the 7 planets, and 2 lights, 0 t\cre either in
n / or T —. that is io say, ,tnore tlian twice the average

There ts some doubt about the birth of Stanley, the explorer, but on both of
the dates gn on there are strong tra\el influences

In NN 3, % was in / 13 * V ruler of *£*, in es 14

ajt n

In K N 243 <J was in n 10 A V « 15

Hie Due do Mom) (data gt\en above, page 13) travelled extensively lie had
5* ruler of his MC, a ^030 * V t H Six of the nine heavenly were
either mu J or rP —

Mrs Prentiss, authoress of Stepptrg Hesvensari travelled widely She was

bom at Portland-, Maine, on October 20th, 1S18 “about three o'clock
afternoon*1 g, ruler of the 4th house was in 23 45 * / 24 24


The natural instinct of animals and primitive man is one of hostility towards
the stranger, whether encountered while on the rearch for food or observ ed
approaching their lair or home It is the humane signs of s» and ft, and their
rulers which have overcome this natural instinct in man to a certain extent
en y} «p — and their rulers are not favourable in this connection Edward III
(N N 233) is a good example of accessibility In the signs as ^ — there was
only one planet 21 ruler of ss, was in b 20 (P © IT^ 28 Adaptability

X arc submissn e and adaptable It is a necessity of the body politic that the
larger proportion of its * See Biography, pub Hodder asd Stoughton


subnut to the guidance of others H t are adaptable in the sense that they
learn quickly They adjust themselves to new conditions The so called Keltic
races have a strong blend of n f which makes them such good colonists The
Scots Highlanders arc denoted by ss 28 + II } The Irish appear to be
denoted by b fl\ 8 + H t The French by ss SI 5 + nf

Adtninislfatiie Ability

This is a very complex quality and is a combination of many of the qualities

essential to a statesman Vide m Part 3, * Statesmen and Politicians "


Some people are more given to admiration than others Those with the
greatest inclination to admire are necessarily not egocentric Those with
Aries, Libra Cancer, or Capricorn on the Ascendant are not naturally so
enthusiastic in their praises of the beauty, intelligence, or skill of others as
are for example the higher X and T$ types, whose humility enables them to
render honour where honour is due m a manner impossible to the Martian,
Neptunian, Saturnian, or Plutonian Even the Jupitcnan has his conceits,
though when s» £1, or are at the Midheaven of the horoscope it leads to
a sincere admiration of the beauties of nature, the handiwork of God

drfunfttre '

The a&\ enturous spint is one of the developments of the T root uu>tuict,
combined with the n f Curiosity (<i* — 36) plus the willingness to trust to
luck (U J 21) arc the most usual blends When the ad-

venture is really dangerous to life, — 7 (degrees of

life and death) org are usually afflicted


Thisisrcalh animitating, n f 29£ ch, by persons of a stile or manner which is

not natural to them. The term is most frequently used of persons who are
con tinually adopting poses from a strong desire, 8 /fy 9 2 y, to " *hoir off '*
« SI 2J. * and accordingly all these components are blended m the
horoscope of the affected person

Disraeli (XN 737), whatever his virtues, was certainly one of the most
affected of men He had 111 25 on the .Ascendant conjunction m 27 (on HI
0J of the Con ^tellatioxte) 21 Ill25?ni221113 The ©wasia t 29

The term is sometimes incorrectly used at describing persons of a rather

flamboyant maimer who are not consciously affecting that sty le In such
cases the influence of U * 29 is not present, but merely the - 8 n\$ $ blend
with as SI 214 as in the case of Baudelaire (h« N 94S) who had 9 T S 8 21
V 9)

Aggresst eness

This is under the dominion of O’ —, especially T ~ $ and *1" *cs 27, or <J
and ^ Examples are numerous The Rt Hon Joseph Chamberlain (N N 107)
is a case in point with ,f Cl □ ^ VsrS 7* 27 King

afflicted by 2) cb 25 0 h — 29


That the Unseen, the great First Principle, the ultimate Cause, is
unknowable was the doctrine lor which Husky (,V N 01) coined the word
Agnosticism He had ft one


doubt and caution m n 8 -Jf (ft, the other planet of doubt, m ft, 8, closely
aspecting es 51 10-11, which ate degrees concerned with first
principles Abbas Efiendi (N N 782) was chief of the Babi sect, who are
agnostic in their views He had (ft in ft, 13


Ambition is simply strong desire (b R 8» 9, 9 The object o! the desire

determines the other influences blended with these degrees '
If it is desire to stand high m public opinion, n } 26 will be blended as in the
case of Julius Caesar,1 who had 5 in H 27 28} 24 8 or Frederick the Great
bom January 24th 1712, at noon* with $ f 29, or John Lambert (N N 841)
who was oier-amhitious with $ m close square to $

If it is desire for the control of others, the influence of ac Y\ or (h or H **

usually blended


In a sense all man s natural instincts are altruistic, at the same time that they
are egoistic for they are directed not to the prosperity of himself alone, but
of his race Even the pugnacity of Mars and the aversion of Saturn are only
stirred from an instinct of preservation It is when these planets or Neptune
or Pluto or aa y\ V —, base afflictions that unduly egoistic impulses
are manifested But the manifestation of X n? would probably strike most
people as mote altruistic those

of the other signs )( nj 20 in particular (especially when combined with es

Si 214) denote sympathy with
1 As calculated by Mr Vivian Robson in M A *Btfthttme g»s«a in Pearces
textbook, p 153

July 1920

the masses and a disinterested desire to sene them Mr Stanley Baldwin

exhibits this influence in a marked manner Bom on August 3rd, 1807, he
had $ in Tty 25 •H- $ cb 26 with a slight affliction from $ ft 10 © XI,
11 Lord Balfour (N N 161) had approximately T1J 26 rising and h K 25 * D
« 2S A 5 ® 23 The so called Communist has a penerted idea of how the
greatest good of the greatest number may be ob tamed, and X TIJ 26 are
found seriously afflicted by <?or V

Analytical Ability

a 25 Present for example m the mathem&ti cians’ horoscope See in Part 3 "

This is produced (a) by a blend of pugnacity «y» A 8 or 27£ ^ with thwarted

desire tf IJ^ 8 9 ? afflicted. (b) by a blend of pugnacity v — 8 or 27<f ^ with
difference in belief n t 23 $! d» afflicted Loss of temper in regard to
religious matters is all too common

«y» 27 are naturally m affliction with as rt 27,

*‘ hindrance,” n f 12 ‘ argument,' and X 1*P 12 "misunderstanding or rather

the state of being misunderstood," conditions which are all rather liable to
stimulate pugnacity into activity The proverb * a hungry man is an angry
man ” is also a very true one and T — 8 are also blends in po\ertj and
hardship the natural breeders of enmity

It will be noticed that n f 23 and HI 8 9 are themselves m affliction with

each other In square to n f 23 are X up 23 which denote a healthy
imagma tion when on afflicted, but delusion when in bad aspect s» ft 8 9 are
in square toun\89a»ft9 denote poi«e


and tact when unafflicted, but when afflicted, the reverse, as can readily be

Gustavus II of Sweden was quick tempered (N.N. 609) with $ V 7 afflicted

(though not very closely) by $ % and h*

Charles IX of France (N.N. 556) became somewhat petulant with ‘i’ B 7 D

h »"•

Michael Angelo (N.N. 472) was apt to lose his temper. He bad VJ? in 11^
21, which was then on 8| of the Constellations. Q but A © and * J>.

General Gordon (N.N. 957) had a strong temper held well under control.
His £ was in B 274 (on tf 0| of the Constellations) but it received a trine
from the restraining 1^ in TiJ 28, a trine from and a sextile from 2J.

" Take no anxious thought for the morrow " was the instruction given by the
Master: and among the Egyptian Repudiations, we find " I have not given
way to anxious care.” Anxiety serves no useful purpose in the life of man. It
is, therefore, a diversion of an instinct lrom its true purpose. It is a
compound of the precautionary instinct es V} ft h & affliction (fear) and the
learning of the unknown n t 17, degrees present also in education, closely
allied to E f 16, degrees blended in prophecy.

. G. B. D. M., born Kirkcaldy 5.56 ajn., July Gth, 1802, passed through a
period of great anxiety for a loved one. h was in ug 18 Q $ n 18.

The Rev. Robert Baimer. D.D., was bom on November 22nd, 1787. He died
on July 1st, 1844, after a short illness resulting from ” mental anxiety acting
on a feeble

fram^.” In Ins progressed1 horoscope, 5 ruler of n 17 was progressed to

W12J Z. h sss 27J. 2}. was progressed to n 17.


Many people think of argumentativeness as a fault, and perhaps the term is

chiefly applied to those who argue to excess, but the faculty of reasoned
argument is a very valuable one. The principal components are n |12 the
power of seeing two sides of a question and T 11. 12, logic, movement step
by step. (These degrees are present in affliction hi accidents caused by falls
on stahs, also in fevers and delirium when reason Is deranged. On April
Fool’s Hay, April 1st, the © is in 12.) All rightly directed argument must
have as its object the elucidation of truth as & 7 2J. *, the mean between
two extremes, the balancing point. (Most Astrologers think that Libra,
because it means " the * Scales, or Balance," has to do with balance; *|» and
— however, are concerned with rhythm but not with balance, except when
compounded with as ft.) • Vide in Part 3, ** Lawyers."

Artistic Taste.

Each of the Arts requires separate consideration,1 but the Arts over which
the Muses preside all require that those who woo them should possess
appreciation of the beautiful, as ft, 13 21 Galcazzo Sfoizia (N.N. 452) was a
lover of the beautiful. i§ ruler of his Ascendant, was in a 16 * ft 13.

George Baxter, the pioneer colour printer, was bora at Lewes July 31st,
1804. at 2.30 p.m.» $ was in ft


ruler of his Ascendant, A 13.19.

G. F. Watts, bora February 33rd, 1817, had $ sa 11 * 2J.' J 9.


Asceticism Is the continuous practice of great self' denial, ca ft 18 degrees

of limitation, and as ft 35 degrees of restraint, or their rulers, j|ih,are
prominent, in aspect with the rulers of the 2nd or £th, or 9 or The same
effect is produced by ft or ft strongly aspected in b or % or cb or ft on cusp
of 2nd or 8th house with ft or ft strong. A strong 21 tends to nuUify the
effect of ft.


Sustained concentration is indicated by so ft Id.

Momentary intense concentration by *t» ~ 19. Concentration on a minute

point by n } 4. It has now been recognized by orthodox medical
practitioners that hypnotism can be used to train the attention of
persons habitually inattentive, as ft 19 are blends in selfhypnosis.


The influence of d IT\_ $ $ is important in this, con-nection.

Audacity. See Courage.

This is produced by a combination of that which is novel or strange, 28,
with a sense of inferiority KTtj.

Beauty. See Artistic Taste, etc. e» & 13 2J. *.

*' Beauty is truth, and truth beauty,’*.said the poet,1 and the scientist is
substantially in agreement, for to him " Beauty is the apotheosis of Truth-"*
By the astrologer this dose connection between Truth and Beauty is readily
understood because they both are indicated by parts of the same sign, “
truth " being e» SI 7 and a “ grasp of first principles " sss ft 10.11.

A few examples may be added, to those given elsewhere in the book, of

persons who were admittedly beautiful or handsome. (The particular types
of beauty, of course, depend on the planets blended with these degrees.)'

Marie Antoinette (N.N. 604) had 2J. * Lily

Langtry {N.N. 174) bad 2) f 20 * © ^ 20. 3 was in A 12.

Mrs. Prentiss3 was very beautiful as a child. She had 2J. in close sextile
with the Ascendant, <J, and Fj.

Benevolent*. See also Generosity.

An open benevolent spirit is engendered by the last ten degrees of e» SI and

2| The symbol of e», the water carrier pouring water from a pitcher, is
particularly appropriate to the region sss SI 21 to 23. Combined with «r ss 3
V these denote a pouring forth of energy on behalf of others. Combined
with cu V} T* ^ a giving away o£ one's possessions n } are often described
as benevolent. These signs certainly combine well with as $1 in connection,
but benevolence is not a root meaning. They are trustful signs and the
natural benevolence of persons who are trustful is apt to be imposed upon,
if the precautionary influence of as j-J j|c -fj is not strong.


621) had £ in T$ 7 (on ft 22 of the Constellations) 6 ® wtty. 2J, was trine

Superlatives are under the domain of s» ft 2J. £. es ft 25 in particular are

degrees of brilliance and splendour. ^Literal brilliance of colouring brings
in the blend of $ $ 8 m. 17 (colour); of intellect gb iT A h + H ? J»; athletic
brilliance, ; and

so on.

Onewoidd expect the influence forbriHiancetobestrong in the horoscope of

Francis I of France (N.N. 501). He has % 6 © and3)s»27£<J ft23. He has
four planets either in ft or sss whereas the average is 1}.

Francis Sforzia, Dulse of Milan (N.N. 445) is another example with ? ft 25

A ® f 25 -X- 2S.

It has been said that the court of Edward III (N.N. 233) was the most
brilliant in Europe at the time, sss was on the 4th cusp with 21, ruler, in 8
26<? © It). 28.


This is pre-eminently a quality of the outspoken, truthful, tst ft 2(. £ <J or

U*. T or — combined with them in affliction give rather a love of giving
vent to unpalatable truths. This combination in all cases makes the native
very positive in bis assertions, if there are no mitigating influences. The
combination of 03 IT if» h makes speech come more slowly. When afflicted,
the few words spoken usually consist of caustic comments on men and
things. If n / $ «l* are the principal blend, speech is unrestrained and at
times inaccurate. A guess is allowed to pass for a certainty. K VS. brings
imagination into play and a TJ\ ? $ are apt*to introduce prejudices.

Caution. - See also Fear, Courage. • '

Thlf is one of the principal developments from the an Root Instinct, an \\ 26

(with their rulers *ft Tj) are particularly important. These degrees* are
found prominent in the history of Scotland.
- Christian III of Denmark (NJ4. 619) was noted for his cautiousness and
common sense. His Ascendant is given as on 28 and he had three planets
either m as or ft. h was in ub.16 * 3>‘.

President Coolidge, bom Plymouth, New Hampshire, on July 4th, 1872,

about 9 a jn. local time, is one of the most cautious presidents that America
has had. Pluto formed an aspect of 15° to the Ascendant. Four planets and
the ©were either in car or f^,^beiagiaca23.5h Changeableness.

■navra pel, " all things are changing," (literally " flowing") was the great
doctrine of Heraclitus of Ephesus. There is, no doubt, something
permanent behind, but certainly on the surface all things change, and not
least of these things man’s emotions, characteristics, and physical
constitution. The different portions of the zodiac merely indicate the
manner of the change.

so F* make changes slowly and deliberately.

There is greater real permanence in their lives than in those of others, ss fl

2)4 change smoothly and without friction.

X EP p <D have little resistance and react readily to external influences.

T H1 change rapidly, but the self always plays a large part in bringing about
the change.

a fll 9 $ change spasmodically. The natives in whose horoscopes these

planets are strong appear to be fixed in their occupations, their friendships,
their in-


or whatever the nature o! the things principally influenced in the horoscope,
and then suddenly what has appeared permanent is swept away,'and a
new interest takes its place. They resent any attempt on the part of others to
change their methods. Such interference makes'them stick more strongly to
their old routine, n J ^ do fly rapidly hither and thither, carefree, not tied to
the past.
De Musset (N.N. 947) is typical of the n ? influence. Five of the known
planets, including © and J>, were either in n or t • It is worth while quoting
in full the description of him from the biography by M. Barine;

" ,.. De Musset whom a delirium would seize the moment he was overtaken
by fever, who was the prey of every inconsistency, of every extreme. He
was kind, generous, of a deep and passionate delicacy of feeling, and also
violent and capable of great harshness. The same hour saw him delightfully
tender and absurdly confident, and then suspicious to the point of
unkindness, mingling in the same breath adoration and sarcasm, suffering
hundredfold the pangs which he was inflicting, and next showing a
charming regret, eloquent, frank, and irresistible repentance, throughout
which he loathed and tried to humble himself, taking cruel delight in
making his own heart bleed—a heart that was ever suffering pain. At other
moments he was a dandy, a gay worldling, full of sparkling wit and banter,
at others again he would never move from the company of young
ladies, whose purity enraptured him and with whom he would waltz for
ever talking nonsense and trifles. Altogether a complex being. ..."


Some occult power enables a woman of marriageable

age to exert a potent charm over the man who eventually becomes her
husband. Attractiveness is within the province of b HI $ $ (so also is
repulsion), and when blended with <y» ss: 21 £ 'P the spell is specially
potent. Quite apart from the question of sex these same blends produce a
charm of manner at all ages and in both sexes. Males respond more readily
to.the influence of T.J 111 females to s5s b $.

Alphonse Daudet (N.N.,799) was called" le charmeur " by Zola by reason

of his felicity of expression. He bad Til on'Ascendant and four of the known
planets either in Til or b. I*1 addition Jason ruler of }, one of the literary
signs, was in b d ©•

This is a blend of SI 2|. 4=, or 6th or 11th house or their rulers with V V tfs,
or Ascendant or 7tb house or their rulers. The cheerful person is usually one
who mums with men. The recluse (cas tf) and the student tend to have a
more serious attitude to life,-and run the risk of being " all sickbed o’er with
the pale cast of thought." Contact with men is denoted by tst SI and 6th and
11th house influences. k


The age of chivalry was the age of Richard Cteur de Lion and of Saladin
when the degrees connected with chivalry were on cusps or semicusps of
the World Horoscope.1 Keightley has named as the true virtues ’ of
chi'.•airy, bravery «Y» ^ 8, devotion to religion n f 23, and generosity to the
weak and fallen s» Si 23-

Clairvoyance. See Medical Section. Part 4.

See Appendix 4


Collecting Instinct.

The collecting instinct (used in the sense of accumulating and hoarding, not
the actual " bringing together ”) -is a development of the precautionary
instinct. A large number of animals and insects exercise little forethought
and search for their food simply from day to day. Bees are, however, An
outstanding example of the collecting instinct, storing up honey in the
summer to provide food for the winter.

Man collects many things other than food and necessities, and often
possesses a highly developed faculty. The first stage in many sciences such
as geology, botany, zoology,1 consists in the collecting of data, sss v} 29 are
of chief importance in this conection and are found blended in the
horoscopes of those engaged in that form of scientific work.

' Collecting used merely in the sense of bringing together for a temporary
purpose comes under the influence of >< HI 29, though these as frequently
mean a " coming together *’ or becoming one of a crowd. They also
are concerned in the idea of "similarity,” " like^draws to like.*'

Command of Men.

To occupy a commanding position a man must have the requisite ability in

the sphere in which he is engaged. Thus a military commander must be a
capable strategist, b IH 3 $ $ well aspccted, and methodical, enforcing strict
discipline, as 8, among his troops. If commanding in the field, courage T —
8^ will also be necessary. A certain measure of will power y 11^ 8
is necessary in whatever sphere a man commands, ea ft 10 are degrees of "
exaltation." They (or their 1 See Part 3.

rulers 2J. 4) are frequently^present in good aspect in the horoscopes of men

of eminence in any walk of life. In civil life the governing of men, whether
politically or in business, demands a certain amount of tact, which is the
outcome of a philosophic view of life asftK These degrees are
frequently'well aspected in the horoscopes of presidents and prime


This is one of the root instincts. See Linguistic Ability.


<T* — 5. This is brought strongly into play in primitive man and animals in
differentiating what is good to eat from what is not. In science it forms an
important -step in the acquisition of knowledge and is found
strongly present in most of the " -ologies."


One method of defence against the enemy is,to conceal oneself from his
view. Out of this instinct has developed the instinct to conceal in all its
forms, as ft 28 arc the principal blends. They operate most strongly
combined with b HI or K nj.
Concentration, as ft 19. See also pages 85 and 101, Condescension.

This is the attitude of cs ft on the Ascendant {or blended with '!’)'with the
additional blend of

ss ft 21 4. cs ft are very dignified and in their attitude to persons, ess SI.

with whom they come in contact they feci they are doing a great honour
coming ' 1 See *' Satenan," in lUrt 9


lofty pedestal to converse with such. Of course, those with a benefic \\ or do
not display this quality in the offensive form which is exhibited by those
with f* or A afflicted in ss Si or 5th or 11th house.


aa v} 15 are regulative or normative degrees, and in matters of ethics

denote a sense of duty, conscience. When combined with tss ft, 7 these
degrees give conscientious judgment, the native's estimate of truth- in any
matter. Combined with «¥* — they regulate the conduct, with S the desires
and will.

n t and *i* are, where unmodified, the least conscientious of the signs.
Without the influence of cb ft 16 fj ft, they engender hasty action, and
thoughtlessness. . 1

No more apt example can be found of conscientiousness than in the

horoscope of Cromwell (N.N. 613). The most strongly benefic degrees in
the horoscope are as 1C with 2J. cd 15, in the 4th house, 5 8 18 © b 14 J HJ
15J. was in opposition to <J, ruler of the Ascendant.

The character of Mane Antoinette (N.N. 694) is another illustration of a

high sense of duty. She had ^ in es 16 in the Ascendant trine i§.


" Winnow not with every wind " is the advice of the preacher 5 and " A
foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds ” is the opinion of
Emerson. Both these sentences are applied to consistency in time (“
persistency in consistency " if one may be guilty of alliteration) to the
retaining of the same point of view over a period.

THE WHEEL OF LIFE as ft are'the signs concerned in this. But as ft

are rarely foolish in their consistency. Though slow in altering their
opinions, they will alter them if they find them wrong, y 17(8 and sss SI 8
in affliction with <J ~ or Ascendant 7th house and their rulers are the most
guilty of sticking to opinions just from sheer pigheadedness. X ID? on the
other hand, when afflicted, are inclined to winnow with every wind, -Each
person who speaks to them convinces them that he is right
and consequently they are never long of the same opinion, n t see so many
view points that they swither and are undecided. , ' »

-A person may also be inconsistent in the sense of being confused and

illogical. The most logical people are those with T — c? ^ well aspected. x
flE are ire;

' quently confused and ? $ y m. illogical. $ and $ persons see the point they
are aiming at, and get there * regardless of logic. There is often a pretence
of reasoning, but if(J shows up the flaws, $ will go off at a tangent bringing
to her aid some totally unconnected line of argument which appears to her

' Gonstrucllveness.

One development from the reproductive instinct of y HI is constructiveness.

In preparing for their future families birds build their nests, and foxes set
their lairs in order, and the process of growth (also under b Tty is itself a
form of construction talcing place within the body. Man has developed this
quality in the builder and the architect who have b fR11 and? prominent.
Dland # are more positive and masculine than y and $ and are more
important In this connection, y and 9 having more to do with the internal
arrangements and decoration of the home.


also present in many other occupations, the making of tools, and the
manufacturing of all sorts of commodities.

This fa the prerogative of " Mistress Mary " when she fa in love b Tl\ 8. 9.
4* $ especially if the degrees concerned with '* differentiation *' and "
opposition/’ *t* —'27, are afflicted. People of all ages and both sexes with
these two groups of degrees afflicted always seem to desire the opposite of
what others want. They make bad partners. It fa enough to tell them you
would like a certain thing done to make them want to do the opposite.

Edward VI (N.N. 557) was one of the roost contrary of men with the © in
tfs‘28 □ J) V} 29. <J ruler or 27, was in. ft 12 distantly in conjunction with
$ in ft 5 hut in close square to £ in 11). 11. s Christian II of Denmark (N.N.
484) was another. The severest affliction in his horoscope was that of $
ruler of his M.C. T in sib 24 □ M.C. 0 $ ruler of h\ in f 8^ The obstinacy of
Charles V (N.N. 510) was of a somewhat different type. He had (ruler of T)
in ti 25 D $ (ruler of TT\) in as 26, but in sextile to $ (ruler of b) in X 27.
Though the accomplishment of his desire made him pursue with
determination his ovm course irrespective of what others thought, he did
not select that course because it was opposed- to their views. V a®* 27
were not badly aspected in his horoscope. Conventionality. Vide supra p.


The gift of conversation is a natural development of the communicative

instinct, as and ft are the most

THE WHEEL OF LIFE v expansive signs and along with 2J. and # and the
5th and 11th houses and their rulers hold chief sway in this connection. The
foundation of good talk has been well described by " Alpha of the Plough ’*
as " good sense, good nature, and the gift of fellowship." These are
all manifestations of the signs mentioned. The nature of the conversation is
determined by the other influences blending, bb ft <fi when not restrained
and silent tend to indulge in anecdotes: H TCP P © are imaginative, at
times verbose : <t» ^ are apt to be too dog

matic and contradictory if afflicted. In benefic aspect they impart " life " to
the conversation. They have a pretty nit. B HI $ # like the conversation to
have a purpose in view: while n / g <i» pass swiftly from one topic to
another lending a pleasing variety to conversation ; in affliction they are apt
to split hairs and in their desire for precise information ask too many

SI 25. 26. are the most important degrees. (See also -linguistic Ability.)

Of Mendelssohn, bam Hamburg, February 3rd, 1809, it •has been said that "
as a man of the world he was more than ordinarily accomplished—brilliant
in conversation and in bis lighter moments overflowing with
sparkling humour and ready pleasantry.” He had $? in ts> 25 A<?^23.26.

Courage and Cowardice. -

Courage, boldness, or audacity has many varieties. v There is the impetuous

courage of T — <? ^ (more" particularly T — 8) rushing headlong into
danger— whether danger to life and limb or danger to reputation (combined
with n f) or fortune (combined with b fT(j. There is the courage of b 11)
when an attempt is made to thwart the native's desires, the determination to


costs: and there is the courage of those with as ft h strong and bcnefic who,
foreseeing danger, go slowly, calmly out to face it, or prepare to protect
themselves against it. - This is perhaps the highest form of courage,
especially if the control of fiB ft is exercised over a highly nervous
temperament, 'as and ft will perhaps not be so good in a battle charge as T
— or II $, bat none can compare with them in holding their ground against
attack if they are convinced < that this coarse is the best for the defence of
themselves or their race. But cs ft <b h afflicted can be' very timid, or rather
selfish, deliberately saving their own lives and letting others die, though not
possessed by the excitable timidity of K np-

Gustavos Adolphus (N.N. 609) had $ in *j* 7 A Ascendant. <p 22|(V 8 of

the Constellations) was wdl aspected by 2f e» 25 Ti SI 25 © #27.

Maximilian I (N.N. 460) had ,$ ft 12 A © V 11 •X- 'i' =2:1G. He had three

planets in cp and one in —
Christian II of Denmark (N.N 484) had Tj 7

*• $ # 8 * 2|. &12.

Frederick III of Denmark (N.N. 625) had © T 8 s»9i * ® ne.

Alfonso XII of Spain (N.N. 997) had<J ^ 7} * © f


CharlesV(N.N 510) had ^ rising m trine to ft. He was “ brave in battle yet
by nature timid, afraid of mice and spiders.” The natural timidity resulting
from four planets (including the ©) in X was thus overcome by the .control
of Ti blended with the courage of .

Le Due de Moray (data given above, page 19) had g — * D # 8 t 9£

though square 2|.

The squares of planets, other than Pluto or Saturn, to Mars or Neptune or T

— 8 gives rashness.

James I (N.N. 07) made himself ludicrous by the precautions he took

against the possible assaults of bis enemies, cumbering his body with an
abnormal amount of clothing. This is indicated by the conjunction of
the cautious H SI 27 with{J SI 25 □ $. But he was not a nervous man as is
evidenced by the fact that, though endangered several times by falls from
horseback, be continued to indulge in riding as a pastime.

Courtesy, Civility, Politeness.

The sharp comers are rubbed off by contact with men and affairs, and the
rudeness and brusqueness oi youth is replaced by the suavity of later life
and in particular, in the period when ca and A have greatest power, from
about 48 to 60. In the realm of mechanics oil makes the wheels go smoothly
and it Is partly under the dominion of sss SI 9, just as in the sphere of
human character tact is denoted by these degrees when they are.. * well
Courtesy finds its most charming expression blended ‘with the spirit of
service X Tip. This blend is well exemplified in the character of Dr. Richard
Garnett {N.N. 308.) He had TiJ 12J on Ascendant and © J>and y in X. His
2f. (ruler of as) was in n 3 close to his itfidheaves in trine to 'P sa 2|. # was
in tea 27 (as 9 of the Constellations).

Julius Cassar (birth data given above, page 39) was noted for his courtesy.
He had g in Si 8.60 and 71 in )( ■* J>.

Craftiness, Subtlety, Cunning.

tf 1*6 + H TJ17 + n t. The almost imperceptible gliding motion of X Up 17,

the mysterious pov'***^ y I* 6, and tbemmute attention to detail of O -


degree ol cunning. The term is often used in a bad sense because cunning is
frequently employed in a manner to bring misfortune to others, -but this
need not be so.

James I of England (N.N, 07), had 2J. in ^ 1 (then on IT? 17 of the

Constellations) □ $ (ruler of n) in es 3. His $ (ruler of H) was heavily


Deeds, which offend public opinion or meet with punishment at the hands
of a State at one period and in one place, may meet with approval in another
locality or in the same place at other times.

In criminals of all shades and types, however, there is usually the indication
of misdirected energy, shown in the horoscope by t — ^ afflictions.

has already been commented upon.1 Theft and murder will be considered
later.1 Where there is much violence <IP a 8 are usually afflicted, an
influence from b ffl. $ $ being combined.
^ The Anarchist, Auguste Vaillant (N.N. 42) who threw a bomb in the
French Chamber of Deputies had T—8 afflicted by S R 23 $ e» 22. *£*
ruler of — was □


The term correctly used simply means judgment. The evaluation of truth
comes under css Si 7 : combined with as A h there is scepticism and
incredulity or at least great caution before pronouncing anything to be true.

Criticism is sometimes used to denote a judgment accompanied by attention

to detail n t. and sometimes the term implies deliberately hostile criticism,
the product 1 See page 22

* V* it tnfr» Dishonesty, Harder.

of a spirit of opposition or differentiation *T* ~ 27. ■Where the term is

used to denote analytical criticism ,8 Tit 25 are important, as in the case of
Sainte-Beuve (N.N. 944) with $ Tit 24 6 % HI 26 V HI 27 *}1J27.


Severity,* and mercilessness, are special attributes of cs II (ft h combined in

affliction with as SI ? 2[. Righteous punishment, severity (cruelty for the
sake of kindness), and deliberate cruelty for selfish ends are both meted out
by the Saturnine. In the one case there are good aspects; injthe other, bad.
When £ ^ ^ are

afflicted independently, there is actual ferodty, the ferocity of the wolf

seeking its prey. 8 TT^ s» fl 13 n t )( TJJ 28 are often afflicted, ft 11 was at
the Midheaven of the World Horoscope in the time of Pedro I of Castile,
nicknamed Peter the CraeL

Mary I of England (N.N. 532), " bloody Mary,” bad II in } 28 in exact Q 2J.
Z Asc.: $ in ft 29 (ft 14 of the Constellations) □ § T 27 was in a 3 0{!Kfi.

Galeazzo Sforzia (N.N. 452) had b n 27 exactly Z 21 8 12 SI 13. £ was in ft

Archbishop Land (N.N. 592) had # ft 13 Z h 1^26

Relieving good aspects in X up and ess SI or from their rulers do much to

mitigate tendencies to cruelty.


There is curiosity in the sense of intellectual interest, fl t 17 5 cA>. and in

the sense of discovery, (q.v.) K1* 26<J V\ flie searching for something. The
first of these results in the obtaining of information at second hand like the
child from its teacher, the second is the curiosity

of the pioneer who discovers something new. — 20 are close to the degrees
which relate to what is opposed, «y» =2:27, novel or strange, =a= 28,
different, — 29.

The object of curiosity is denoted by the planets or signs blended. Thus § in

as or SI or 6 2). or in the 6th or 11th house is very interested in persons, and
if afflicted develops into a gossip in the bad sense of the term, and soon.

Dandyism, Foppishness.

K by 7 -f $ $ y n\ denote clothes, and if their influences are blended dress

takes up much of the individual’s attention. $ or $ afflicted in these
degrees, especially by 2J. or *, indicates, overdressing and “ loudness " of

Robespierre {N.N. 759) is an example with $ H 26

(on )< 9 of the Constellations) Q IP ft 10J.


Lying and deception are the converse of truth and the degrees of truth css ft
7 or their rulers are consequently afflicted in the horoscope of the deceiver,
b Tft 7, the degrees in square, are very subtle and when seriously afflicted
the natives indulge in unscrupulous, artful lying to achieve their ends, n t
22, if they are uncertain of what is the truth, make a guess at it and trust to
luck. ){ TtJ 22 are imaginative and tell delightful stories When afflicted
their stories are objectionable falsehoods, but they are not practising
conscious deception (unless other influences are blended) for they
usually deceive themselves os well as those who are listening. cb v)'ih bj
blended with » ft 7 seldom cause lying in the positive sense (if other,
influences are not added), but those subject to these influences deceive by

Sag or holding back the troth. They often suffer from

the slander of others.

• If £ or V are blended in affliction with the' deceptive degrrees, the natives

do real injury by their lying and are apt -to find themselves involved in an
action of damages for slander or libel.

An example of one who suffered from slander is U. Clemenceau {N.N.

007) with $ in )< 22 in the 10th house Oh t 2* L V » 14 j. Bothtf and y in
Ms horoscope have stronger good aspects than bad, showing that he himself
was not given to slandering others.

Machiavelli, bom May 3rd (05.) 1409 =» May 12th (N.S.) whose name has
become a synonym for duplicity andgullehad in 7^* h in B.

Horatio Bottomley, bom 5.8 p.m., March 23rd, 1800. (See April, 1922),
was prosecuted for fraud in

March, 1922. His Ascendant was 1(121} and his progressed1 Ascendant
was n\ 6. His radical $ was in d 13.47 £. V X 27.5 □ h Si 19 40 Q <J 0.11
but sextile 2L

Captain Thomas Vemey, bom 8 a.m., November 2nd (OB.), 1615 (see
B.J.A., April, 1022), was “not alto- ’ gather honest." His Midheaven was n?
21 afflicted by the ft 6.20. $ was inao9Q,4'=^4l2©fll

Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn, * Sir Oliver Lodge, loevitvr-

* For birth data, see p. 30.

Jay Gould (N.N. 250) as a result of fraudulent sales of stock, was forced out
of business as a broker in 1872 and compelled to give back to clients

$ was in gb 21 0 # X4 Z. ®"n6. d 6 was

squared by ^ cs 6.


" The bigger the job you have in hand the more * See Appendix 13. “The
Tuning of Events *’


cultivate the habit of detachment,"1 is sage advice, which is rarely taken by
those most in need of it. Those with n / $ «t> strong, cany the freshness of
childhood into middle life because they possess tins valuable quality. Life is
never to them monotonous or fatiguing, for when their day's work is done
they turn wholeheartedly to something else forgetting for the time being all
business cares.

Determination and Perseverance.

See Consistency, Contrariness, Changeableness. Dignity.

This is ruled by aa V} Z A V Dignity in outward appearance brings in the

influence of s» SI 21 Dignity is a very different thing from ostentation
which is frequently indicated by n J 26 £ <L combined with s»Jl2J.*and «

Marie Antoinette is a fine example of true dignity. She (N.N. 694) had an 3
on the Ascendant.

Charles V (N.N. 610) had the 2> in rt 6* * 21 X 7f

Disappointment. See Hope.

Discovery, See Exploration.


This is a virtue of the cautious Ti cs r} 26. Dishonesty.

Dishonesty in money matters is a blend of deceit (q.v.) (=s SI W HI. 7, )<

nT n / 22 afflicted, or their rulers) and Possession aa 6 fj and Desire b 9 ?
The degrees of habit and monotonous repetition cs vt 8 squared from <r» ^
8, hardship, which engenders

• from Pettits on tie Shore, by “ Alpha of the Hough."

pugnacity and the feeling (in affliction) of having one’s hand against every
man arc very common in the criminal’s horoscope.

It will be noticed that every year thefts are more frequent when $ or $ afflict
h than at other periods.

J. C. (male) bom London, January 3rd, 1861, at 3 ajri., is stated to'haix been
a successful thief (see M.A., January, 1018). was on the Ascendant with y,
ruler, in n 8.48 Q ft TR 0.22.

On exactly the same date at 11.41 pan. approximately, -in Lat. 62.38 N.,
Long. 6m. 12s. E. (sec M.A., July, 1010) was bom a man who failed in
business, misappropriated money and committed suicide. In his case T|
ruled the 4th house.

The swindler (N.N. 301) who became notorious for frauds on London
banks, had aa fj fl afflicted by —

7 b 23 2J. ^ 4 $ ea 20 (on as 7 of the Constellations,


A defalcating bank clerk (N.N. 701) who was said to have swindled the
French public out of 17 million pounds sterling had V b 7 □ 2| as 5$ £t?n
$ was in SI 25$ d A SI 21 □ $ b 19 afflicting cb V} 6.

An adventuress (N.N. 261) has os 26 given as M.C. (sb 25 was on os 6 of

the Constellations) fj was in ss 23 $ aa 29.

Those who suffer from theft often have Similar in* fluences, only that in
their case there is usually a strong connection with the passivity of 6th or
12th house influences.


The great apostle of doubt was Descartes. Bom on March 31st, 1506, he
had the degrees of philosophic principle as SI 10 on eb 26 of the

degrees of caution, well aspected by © V ,U and rf, (ruler of ss) in n.

It has been said of Walter Bagehot that " his great characteristic as a writer
was a very curious combination of dash and doubt, great vivacity in
describing the superficial impressions produced on him by every
subject matter with which he was dealing and great caution in yielding his
mind to that superficial impression." He was bom on February 3rd, 1826.
At that period s» 14 was on ft 26 of the Constellations. His © was in «ss 14
& h (ruler of fi) in n 15. $ V and $ were all in His vivacity in describing
superficial impressions would be due to his $ in css 6J.


The following examples of a high seme of duty fin rt 16

ih h may be added to those given above. (See Conscientiousness.)

George 111 (N.N. 130) had ft, 3 on Ascendant. It was

thenonflsl6oftheConstellations. h was very strongly aspected, being d U9

Christian III of Denmark (N.N. 519) had Ij, ruler of his7th housemen 16.

Thrift is a virtue; miserliness is a vice. To provide against future
misfortunes and the certainty that in old ago a man cannot work as hard as
in the full prime of his manhood, the prudent man, who has no
inclination to live on the chanty of relatives or friends, lays by a reasonable
portion of his earnings while the selfish man spends his all on his own
enjoyment trusting that some charitable person will look after him when
misfortune befalls him. Thrift is usually present when a man

possesses the faculty of reckoning, numbering or coast* ing, E3 ft 13, but it

is always present when the faculty of accumulation as ft 29 is strongly
marked. ■ Frederick the Great, bom at noon, January 24th, 1712, had ft 20
at the Midheaven (on ft 13 of the Constellations). His thrifty nature is well

Eloquence, n } 18 + b m. + See "Orators,” in Part 3.


■ The emotions are under the dominion of ^ Ascendant and 7th house and
their miens. Combination with^ the flexed signs, )( IR n f, or their rulers
results in the emotions being very readily stirred. Combined with b n\ sss &
they tend to be more violently stirred, but not. with such frequency.
Combined with sm ft they are stirred with difficulty, but when stirred
the emotion is of a lasting nature.


This is a blend of imitation n t 29, strong desire b IH 9, and superiority «p

*2=0 £ *$7


The active principle in man is denoted by *P the Ascendant and

Descendant, their rulers, but of these more particularly by the positive q T,
and Ascendant and its ruler. When these influences are combined with □ }
17 or their rulers they denote Energy.

President Grant (N.N. 237) had g (ruler of n) in T 18j.

Lord Brougham {N.N. 183) had £ in — 18 A Energy always is
accompanied in the mental realm


=ca) of interest (n t 17). or Enthusiasm.


This is a combination of the blends for emulation with an affliction from cn

Y} /h h- Envy serves no self-preserving or race-preserving end. It does
not stimulate to endeavour like emulation, but nips endeavour in the hud,
stirring up in the individual a feeling of repulsion (d IJ\. 0 § $ combined in
affliction with, as rt «r* ~ 27) towards the individual who is
more successful than the native.


Placidity is under the rule of cn V} and placidity of mind is a blend of these

signs with n f $ Ji». Marcus Aurelias1 bom Rome, April 2Gtb, A.P. 121. had
b very

well aspectcd in as with the 2) in ft. It would be difficult to find a person in

whom equanimity was displayed to greater advantage.


It is strange how little attention psychologists have given to expectancy.

Expectancy is a state of mind which is dependent on man's knowledge of
the past. Man has learnt that certain things tend to recur in a definite order,
with the result that when the first of a series of such associated events occur
lie expects that the others will occur. He is thus by his knowledge of the ‘
past able to forecast certain future events with a high degree of probability
that his forecast is correct. This comes under the influence of bb ft 23 b
well aspectcd.

If his forecast is wrong then he will have bo 23 jh h * As calculated by Ur.

Vims Robsoo.
aSfcled. Expectancy is quite different from Hope. Hope (;.r.) has always to
take something on trust. It does not have the complete chain of evidence for
its conclusions which Expectancy has. Farther is Hope there is an element
of desire which is not present in Expectancy.

Exploration. See also page 35.

T* =£: 20 are usually strong in the horoscopes of explorers, being very

frequently blended with n / 13.

A companion of .Andrfe in his attempt to reach the North Foie by balloon

(N.N. 7S3J had ft ruler of the BGdheaven in ? 26} * © as 25| A *r 25. *
(rule? of t 13) was square V (ruler of ^ 20).

Sir Ernest Shackleton (N.N. 109) had y in *f 25 * ® s»£6$es24j, as 25 (ruler

of f IS).

On Slay 19th. IS45, Fnmilin sailed in search of the North West passage and
was lost. *? was afflicted by <s> ? ft and 2f.


The chief indications of extravagance are ss SI, afflicted, especially the

22nd and 23rd degrees, » II 22. S3, symbolize a "pouringforth " or babbling
over and when in good aspect indicate generosity. Blended with them in
affliction are if iJJ $ #, the chief stimulus to extravagance being excessive

The extravagance of Disraeli (N.N. 737) is well known.

He had p in HI 22 d 2J.

Lorenzo the Magnificent jN.M. 455) is, perhaps, the most typical example
of extravagance to be fonnd.

He had the ® rising in SI 22}. 6 9 SI 26} ft ft 27 * 21 £ W.

Edward III (N.N. 233) was one of the most extrava*

Kings. He had H* in the Ascendant inTl\22 d^IIl21$IIil8(p2i W20Z.Tt
n5n«»^ 22. 21 (ruler of es) was also opposition © n\ 28.

The region of “ desire " was occupied by J B 8 9 nj, 8. With the exception
of Tj and $ all the planets were either in tf or lit.

Cosmo the Elder (N.N. 442) had 9 (ruler of b) in )( 0 0 21 (ruler of ess 22)
in ^ 25.

In modem times perhaps the most striking example of extravagance is Sir

Walter Scott. Bom August 15th, 1771, he had the © in ft 22} <$ h & 20 □ #
(ruler of nu.

An unnamed spendthrift (N.N. 260) had 9 b 10 L 21 n 201 C <$ tij 24: and
another (N.N. 262) had 9 in ca 22£ 21 & 20, £ being in a 8.


This is under the dominion of d f 23 and is prominent in religions persons

usually blended with a aa vj influence. {Vide infra •* Ministers of
Religion,” ui Part 3.) Other blends produce different results. <J in n 23, lor
example, indicates a man's faith in himself. Com* bined with as ft it
indicates a trustful nature as in the case of Houy VI of England (N.N 447)
wbo bad the © in f 23} and 9 (ruler of n 23) in v} 0 O 21 (ruler of a) in A
17. His trustfulness resulted uf his being unduly influenced by others.

Faithfulness or Loyally.

This is a blend, with good aspects, of m y$ with as A. What specially

militates against loyalty to one's friends is the «r> == blend which is ever
seeking something new. The traitor has sfe 29 heavily afflicted. The fickle
Charles II (N.N. G48) had h — 29} d R 2 afflicting 21 K12 and f np 11. '

•afflicted. Expectancy is quite different from Hope. Hope has always to take
something on trust. It does not have the complete chain of evidence for
its conclusions which Expectancy has. Further in Hope there is an element
of desire which is not present in Expectancy.
Exploration. See also page 35.

V sc* 20 are usually strong in the horoscopes of explorers, being very

frequently blended with u t 13. A companion of Andree in his attempt to
reach the North Poles by balloon (N.N. 783) had ft ruler of the Midheaven
in f 26| * © s» 25J A T 26. d, (ruler of t 13) was square (ruler of =ss 26).

Sir Ernest Shackleton (N.N. 199) had 'f' in T 26 ®=26 2=^24<JU=2o (ruler
of f 13).

On May 19th, 1845, Franklin sailed In search of the North West passage
and was lost. was afflicted by © $ ft and 21.


The chief indications of extravagance are sss ft * afflicted, especially the

22nd and 23rd degrees, as ft 22. 23. symbolize a *' pooling forth " or
bubbling over and when in good aspect indicate generosity. Blended with
them in affliction are b ffl. ? 1?, the chief stimulus to extravagance being
excessive desire.

The extravagance of Disraeli (N.N. 737) is well knowu-He had $ in 22 6 2J.

IT). 23 □<? ft 19.

Lorenzo the Magnificent (N.N. 455) is, perhaps, the * most typical example
of extravagance to be found.

He had the © rising in SI 22J d 9 ft 26$ ft ft 27 * 21 ZW-

Edward III (N.N. 233) was one of the most extrava-


Dr. P. W. G. Nunn (N.N. 910) had # V 10 A 2J. ft 10.

H. S. Olcott (N.N. 41) bad 11). 28 A 2). X 28 *• V) 25. He was President

Founder of the Theosophical Society.

Alcyone (N.N. 864) had 5 H 29.

Franz Hartmann (N.N. 66) had © 0129 * J) >126.

At the foundation of the Theosophical Society (N.N. 244) # was in ft 20,?

has 20.

When the foundation stone of the new head-quarters at Euston was laid,?
was in H 29 A 9^ 28 A # V) 26.

Tear or Precaution—Cowardice.

Most psychologists place fear among the '' Primary’' Instincts, and some
talk of fear as a '* primary " emotion. Astrologically precaution is a "
primary *' in the sense of a Root Instinct, and one of the branches of that
Root Instinct is a *' primary " instinct of precaution or fear . in the sense of
a simple instinct. Caution is, however, only sometimes an emotion, namely
when it is intense, and perhaps only then should the term fear be con-
ectly applied to it.

. The ultimate purpose of all instincts (unconsciously pursued) is to prolong

the life of the family or race to which the individual belongs, and precaution
is no exception to this rule. When fear leads to a course of action which
does not tend to serve this purpose, it means that there are afflictions to h
if> sj ft in the horoscope. (An apparent exception is the case of a man
risking his life to save his dog, prompted by the fear of the dog’s death, but
the stimulus is here compelling action which is certainly not instinctive. It is
possibly a perversion of the instinct of a parent animal to save its young at
the risk of its own life, which is directed towards the continuance of the

Falsify. ^See Deception.


Fanaticism is usually applied to a perverted religious or moral enthusiasm;

in the latter case it is denoted by 'an v} 16 {degrees of duty) afflicted by T ^
19 (degrees of intensity). Where the nature of the enthusiasm is rather
religious than moral n f 23 are afflicted.
Edward VI (N.N. 657) was a fanatic. He had 3)

29 (on Id of the Constellations) □ © ac= 28.

Robespierre (N.N. 759) had p* □ g.

Kruger (N.N. 172) was something of a fanatic with 1116 0 0^17 0(JTip4.

Fatalism. See also " Actors and Dramatists/'in Part 3.

The incidents in the present life which are beyond the individual's control
come under the influence ot tt IR 28, the inevitable.' This is commonly
associated with the idea of Fate. The Theosophists explain the apparently
inevitable by the doctrine of Karma. There are some persons who take the
view that-eveiything is inevitable, including their own character. They
disbelieve in the idea of freewill. To these we give the name Fatalists.
Thomas Hardy (N.N. 103) is an example with $ d 28 Z_J. It is interesting to
note the prominence of b 28 or their rulers in the horoscopes

of Theosophists.

Madame Blavatsky (N.N. 18) had $ as 12 £ p.

Mrs. Bcsant (N.N. 40) had $ rising.

Alan Leo (N.N. 34) had & n 11 * 3> V IS * 21 SIB.

Mrs. Leo (N.N. 882) has # a 27 * V K23.

Pekka Ervast (N.N. 204) had Ascendant 1J( 28 * 9 «27.

Countess Wachtmeister (N.N. 870) had Tj 1T( 28j.


(N.N. 910) had v 19 A % & 10-H. S. Olcott (N.N. 41) had 9128 A 21 H 28
* V ft

25. He was President Founder of the Theosophieal Society. ,

Alcyone (N.N. 804) had$ tf 29.

Franz Hartmpn (N.N. 66) had © 9\ 29 * } ft 26. At the foundation of the

Theosophieal Society (N.N. 244) $ was in SI 20<p h as 20.

When the foundation stone of the new head-quarters atEustonwaslaid<J

wasin a 29 A? 9J28 A $ ft 26.

Tear or Precaution—Cowardice.

Most psychologists place fear among the '* Primary " Instincts, and some
talk of fear as a " primary ” emotion. Astrological]}' precaution is a "
primary ” in the sense of a Root Instinct, and one of the branches of that
Root Instinct is a “ primary “ instinct of precaution or fear . in the sense of a
simple instinct. Caution is, however, only sometimes an emotion, namely
when it is intense, and perhaps only then should the term fear be
correctly applied to it.

• The ultimate purpose of all instincts (unconsciously pursued) is to prolong

the life of the family or race to ■which the individual belongs, and
precaution is no exception to this rule. When fear leads to a course of action
which does not tend to serve this purpose, it means that there are afflictions
to h A ns ft in the horoscope. (An apparent exception is the case of a man
risking his life to save his dog, prompted by the fear of the dog's death, hut
the stimulus is here compelling action which is certainly not instinctive. It is
possibly a perversion of the instinct of a parent animal to save Its young at
the risk of its own life, which is directed towards the continuance of the

Fears, including complex fears, may be classified (a) as to their cause, (6)
as to their object, (e) as to their reaction. The causes are too numerous to
detail, a thundercloud, a lion, a precipice, etc. Some of the objects may be
mentioned together with the blends ' principally concerned in affliction
along with , e.g., Fear of Darkness as y$ 4, Loneliness as \*> 3, Death V a
7, Poverty 8 IT\ + ^ 8, Dishonour n t 26,

Sickness and Injury >< TT£, Some of the reactions of .fears are:—paralysis,
concealment, silence as v}; clustering into a crowd X 6J; flight n t »
screaming ea SI (to warn others of danger or .to call for help); trembling os
ft 9 + n t : growing pale X HI 9 +

8 TI\ 14 afflicted. With ail these Fj or rf, or Vj os must be blended. These

are but a small selection of reactions. . Possibly many people never exhibit
any of them. It is unlikely that any person would (at different times) exhibit
all of them. On the other hand they are not necessarily found singly, but two
or more may be present simultaneously, or at least succeed each other with
little -interval

* The reactions of X 15? perhaps require special explanation. The typical X

IR man shrinks from publicity, yet not, as is often stated, from crowds. He
likes to be in a crowd, but he does not wish attention directed to himself. He
prefers his individuality to be submerged.

He shrinks from responsibility. He is meek. He & willing that if a man takes

his coat he should have his cloak also. If, when alone, he were attacked by a
wild animal, he would be overcome with terror. On the other hand, the
highest X ty types, are capable of greater sacrifice for their race than any
other sign. If another man is in danger the timidity of X TO vanishes and he
is ready to sacrifice his life for his fellow. SimJ-


not stick up for his own rights, he will often boldly plead the cause of any
man who appears to be suffering injustice.

The particular degrees of caution so ft 20 arc in exact square to the degrees

of curiosity — 20, and there is often a swaying bade and forwards between
the instinct of curiosity and the instinct of caution in certain wild animals
when anything strange appears on their horizon. If any familiar living thing
appears which is knoWn to be hostile, the instinct of precaution will
be aroused only if the instinct of Self-abasement X ny 0 is at the moment
stronger than the instinct of self-assertion *p ==s 9, for obviously if an
animal considers itself superior to another there is no need for fear.

The terra " cowardice " is used as a term of abuse.

It implies that the fear of the individual is unjustifiable, or excited without
reasonable cause, as when a man elects to save himself rather than his child,
who is more valuable for the continuance of the race, or runs away from a
man smaller than himself. In such cases<J or the ruler of the Ascendant is
usually severely afflicted by h °r ris. and >( Try 9 are afflicted.

Some examples of Fear have been given under Courage (q.v.). To these may
be added one or two examples of special fears. It is recorded of Disraeli
(N.N. 737) that he had a fear of*cold water. Fj was in ^ 15 □ 2 Vl 13 Z.J 51
28 C ¥ n\. 27.

K.Y.M., bom Edinburgh 6 40 a.m., Apnl 1st, 1890, had a fear of shipwreck.
As a child she required all books to be read by someone eke first and any
picture of shipwreck to he pasted over, h was in SI 28


The native of N.N. 379 had a fear of solitude. Pluto was in JllS Z $ m2 Q 2j
rt 3 Q9 TH. 16}.

? HJ, 1 (ruler of • Til). These evil influences were so strong that even the
trine of h to $ was unable to restrain there.


No animal and no human being goes through life without " taking a chance
** n f 21 in something. There are, however, certain persons who spend a
large part of their life, or particular periods, in risking their money, by
betting or speculating on the stock exchange, or otherwise, in circumstances
in which the odds appear to the ordinary man all in favour of their losing.
To such persons we accord the namfi of gamblers. The gamblers themselves
are, of course, usually confident, or at least hopeful, of success, and
occasionally are successful. If a man can afford tolose money, gambling Is
not a more vicious form of activity than any other extravagant habit. If a
man cannot afford to lose the money he risks, his gambling becomes a
serious rice, especially if he has a family who look to him for snpport.

The usual indications of losses by gambling are 8 1R.

18 (or? ) afflicted combined with an affliction of n £* 21 (or $ Jj). The
additional influence of <J V V ~ conduces to great rashness.

Tennyson (N.N. 156) lost all his money by rash investment in the end of
1844. His Ascendant is given as U 22 and is afflicted by £ and $ in IR 0 £
was in as 25 in exact square to 21 in qr» 25. *1* was in f 4 on hi 16 of the

The native of N.N. 630 was a gambler with g (ruler of n) in tf 11 6

<S> 16 □ ft s» 17 (but sex-

tile ©).

•Thackeray, born July 18th, 1811, lost by speculation, h was in f 21.11 J3 21

n 23. 33 G A. £ was in


2.10 (bat had a distant trine from in aa 18.11).

Robert Buchanan, the poet, bom August 18th, 1841, is another example. He
had <J in ll\ 18.2 □ 'y 16.24. At the period when he had his losses 9
was progressed1 close to the conjunction of 3, and n 21 was afflicted by $
progressed to )( 21 and the radical 5 in A 7.

J. M., bom Burntisland, August 16th, 1832, lost heavily through

speculation. $ was in » 16.16 □£

« 18.28. $ was in !»? 20.28 □ n21.

Garrulity, See also Conversation. '

Garrulity is common where s» ft 2i-t are strongly blended either with <r>
=^<J y (or Ascendant, 7th house and their rulers) or with X ffl! P © (or 6th
and I2th

houses), the fonner in an intense, dogmatic manner, the latter in what might
be termed a havering, somewhat ineffective way (i.e. when the controlling
influence of on V! <fi ft is not strong).
James I of England (N.N. 97) is an example of garni' lousness with 2fin —
1 (on 16J of the Constellations) □ 5!®3,

Generosity, See also Benevolence, Extravagance.

The region of «; ft 22 23. is of chief importance in this connection .

- Alfred Beit (N.N. 319) was in a quiet way very generous with his wealth.
^ was in X 11 (on as 23 of the Constellations) * Tj b/12. He had four
planets in as including 3 in as 22. It has been said of one of the American
Presidents, Ulysses Grant (N.N. 237) that he '‘abounded in kindliness and
generosity and if there 1See Appendix 13.

Fickleness. See Faithfulness.


The “ virgin ” Elizabeth {N.N. 551) was notoriously a flirt with the
changeable £ in s^JC Q # as 17, ruler of TT[ (desire).1

Fluency. Sec Linguistic Ability.

Forethought. Sec Caution, Expectancy.


The normal reaction of men and animal* when they 'are deliberately injured
by their kind is to return injury for injury, if this is within their power. The
Christian religion and teaching has brought more prominently forward the
X tendency to forgive which shows itself at times in nearly every man, but
more strongly and more frequently in those with UJ X 12 well
aspeeted, especially by % or *.

King Peter of Serbia, bom July 13th, 1844, has been described as an "
educated, peace loving, gentleman." His first act on coming to the throne
was to forgive those who had deposed his father and expelled himself
from the country. His 2}. was progressed* to v 0.26 (on X 12 of the
Constellations) sextile to T* progressed to
Fraud. See Deception.


es fl 8 and the corresponding portions of the Bth and 11th houses are of
most importance in regard to friendship, and when well aspeeted, especially
by % denote popularity and good fortune in friendship.

'See "Sex," page 22. * See Appeedtx 13.


or (h or of 2J. in en ft tend to deny friends; of 21 or ^ in K give many"
shallow friendships ; afflictions of 2| or J in <r> — or afflictions from £ or
cause quarrels; afflictions of 71 or £ in y til (particularly d T1 25) or from $
$ cause separation after friendships of apparent permanence; afflictions of
2[ or t in n J or from $ tl» cause fickleness in friendship. / « /

Lewis Carroll (N.N. 125) is described by his biographer as ** singularly

fortunate in his friends" %, ruler of as 8, was in as 28 * <J f 26 $ f 23. The
© was in as 6 ¥r } t 3|.

Of Sir Joshua Reynolds (N.N. 239) it has been said that ” the pleasant
urbanity of manner which distinguished him throughout life had been
winning for him many friends.” He had 21 on the cusp of the 4th house in f
29d h f 24 * # ^25J * as25 (ons»8of the Constellations).


This term is most frequently used in describing a quality possessed by

people who follow their own whims, the desires of the moment—pleasure
lovers. The influence of TS\ is, therefore, strong in the horoscope combined
with the superabundance of sas & 2J. * afflicted.'

Edward III (N.N. 233) is an example with IT), on Ascendant and seven
planets (including 2J.) either in b oi flV while $ was in f 4, a degree
connected with the idea of precision, but also denoting something which is
very minute or trifling.
Pietro Medici (N.N. 468) was another frivoler. He had four planets either in
d or TJ( and $ (ruler of b) was in as \\ L $ X 18$ (ruler of H 4), □ 2j. fll 5

was anything specially difficult for him to endure it was the sight of human
suffering.” He had ^ in Jt 24. Geniality.

This is under the dominion of se SI %


Buffon's definition of genius was " it is patience ” D (fi h- It is certainly

unquestionable' that all those who are properly regarded as having
possessed genius have been hard workers in one particular line of thought
or art. Some, however, can hardly be called patient. They were rather
intense workers V — <3 To the astrologer it is sufficiently dear that the
qualities that men of genius exhibit in a high degree are in them 'in embryo
at birth, a combination of their heredity and the variation denoted by the


” To think first of others is the secret of gentleness," said Elizabeth Gilson;

and this is the attitude of the evolved X TO type, especially if blended with
? or $ as in the case of Cosmo de Media (N.N. 442) with $ X 9 * V B 10.


Charles V (N.N. 510) though a sober man. was unable to control his
appetite and injured his health by his immoderation in eating. The appetite
is ruled prind-pally by s=i 13 £ V -f b TO 9 # • His J was in b

25 □ y 20 5 rt 15 afflicting a* 13.

Gracefulness, Elegance.

Gracefulness comes under the influence of as 2i * combined with n f g A,. If

the term is applied liter-

they may again obtain the means to satisfy their own selfish desires. , . '
Greed and Selfishness. '.

Selfishness is principally of two' kinds, the selfishness which takes and that
which withholds. Persons with y 9 $ $ badly aspected have desires which
con-' flict with those of other people, and wish to satisfy their own desires at
others' expense, whether it be in getting their own way in pleasure or in
business. They do not_ hoard their money, however, but spend it freely to
satisfy their cravings, m ft 29 afflicted do not cause selfishness in business
—the tendencies of the signs as V} are to-• wards scrupulous honesty and
the fixing of fair prices for goods bought or sold—but they produce an
unwillingness to spend money once acquired, and, in most cases,
a despicable miserliness. It is of course, rarely that either of these two types
of selfishness are found in their parity. A man may have something of both
in his character: or he may have strong ess Si 21 $ influences towards
generosity which counteract anjr selfish tendencies he has.


This is frequently named by psychologists as one of the Root Instincts. It

comes under the influence of X It is quite distinct from the influence
affecting persons of «s A type who like to meet and talk with people, but do
not like to submerge their own personality as the K ID? types do.

Grief. See Sorrow.


This is under the dominion of as 8, degrees also


method, army discipline, and closely akin to memory as 11. A component
of habit, however, is activity v ^ (save in such habits as sleep or rest).
Persons tyrannized over by the drug habit usually have as x\ 8 afflicted.

Happiness. See also Joy.

Every man finds his happiness in his own particular way, and cannot
appreciate fully the meaning of happiness to types different from himself.
The lover of ease cannot understand the exhileration experienced by
the explorer in overcoming difficulties, and the lover of self does not
understand that the martyr is experiencing the highest form of bliss in
sacrifice. Perhaps even more difficult is it for the smiling n f to realize that
often the serious countenance of a sss V} is the countenance of a man who
is finding real pleasure in working out complicated mental problems.
Normally benefic aspects betoken a form of happiness while they are


The effect of as rt itv h is frequently to reverse or hinder the influence of

another sign or planet. Thus, while the normal influence of 'f ^ 8.9 ^ is a
feeling of superiority, the power to overcome, when seriously afflicted by h
dv they denote a feeling that men and circumstances are conspiring to
overpower the native, in short they indicate hardship.

Thus Dickens (NJN 102) suffered .great hardship in early life. Hehad^ in «P
8 Qh H 4 5 $ (rulerof his Ascendant).


Hatred has many points of similarity with anger.

One of the principal differences between anger and hatred, however, is that
anger is impulsive and of short duration while hatred introduces the
elements of continuance and of control, both under the dominion of on rt A
h which are found combined m affliction with T — 27 the degrees of
oppositeness or difference. Professor Shand1 has said of hatred that *' it
does not aim at overcoming opposition, nor at the prevention of an attack,
nor to bring others into subordination, nor to deter them from repeating an
offence, but only at their destruction or suffering.” So far as this is true it
implies that T — 8. O' degrees of overcoming" are not present, and that
thwarted desires (tf m. 8. 9, blended in affliction), arc not components. His
analysis does not appear to be accurate, however. Astrologically destruction
and suffering are quite distinct. Destruc-- tion is the exercise of the power
of overcoming in an extreme and abnormal form, *r» — 8.9. heavily
afflicted. In accomplishing destruction, pain may or may not be caused, but
as far as the destroyer is concerned the pain of the other party is a
subsidiary matter. When the aim is to give pain T — T are combined in
affliction with n f 9. $ .


While in the larger sense the horoscope cannot inform the astrologer as to
the nature of the stock from which the native has sprung, it does in a minor
degree indicate special tendencies which are transmissible from generation
to generation. These come under the signs of sex and reproduction U Ity.
and the 2nd and 8th houses and their rulers.

Hesitation. See Indecision.

* Foundations of Character, page SU


See " Historians " in Fart 3.

Honesty. See also Dishonesty.

The best influence tor honesty is as 16 f* <f) well aspected, t.g. Henry VI
(N.N. 447) with? 18 -K- $ K 14|.


Hope is a compound of ^ 23 £ ^ with Faith n f 23 £ dj and Desire B Tl\ 8. 9.

$ “Hope deferred (ea 'ft (h Yi) maketh the heart sick.” The afflictions of rh h
& ft to these degrees result either in Despondency, a lessening of Hope, or,
in severe cases, in Despair, the complete extinction of Hope (where there is
foresight cd ft 23 that the desires will be frustrated). Hope is blind in
contrast to Expectancy which foresees. Despondency must be distinguished
from Disappointment. Disappointment looks to the past.
Despondency relates to some future contingency. Those who
are disappointed are frequently persons who are optimistic or excessively
hopeful 21 4 as Jl combined with 23 y, though in such cases there is no
brooding over the misfortune but a renewal of hope for something else.
Those who are despondent may not in the end be disappointed. What they
have nearly given up hope of obtaining may be theirs after all.
Disappointment in all cases implies frustrated desire, B n\ 8. 9. $ $ pins C3
v} (ft fj. It is a common view that the intensity of disappointment is
proportional to the intensity of the hopefulness which preceded the
disappointment. In certain individual cases it may be so owing to
peculiar blends, but it is a fallacy to suppose that it is always so. The
intensity of the disappointment is proportional normally to the intensity of
Hie desire which is frustrated, a very different thing.


The normal reaction of an animal to a strange animal coming into its den or
home is hostility and opposition T ^ 27 afflicted. Alan, however, has
developed a high degree of response to the degrees as SI 27. 28. which are
in benefic aspect with — 27 and the combination of the influences of these
degrees or their rulers results in Hospitality, a friendly welcome to


This is denoted by X 9.10.

Humour. .

By Humour people now specially refer togood humour and the tendency to
see the amusing, laughter-provoking side of things. This is usually indicated
by *T — 2 $ combined with as Si 22 21 *.

Francis Bumand, editor of Punch (N.N. 126) had in Ascendant in A 221 6

© SI 20 21 SI 18.

Artemus Ward (N.N. 88) bad<J X 21 * $ a 19 * % progressed (ruler of as).

Hive, the Punch artist, was bom August 15th,,1811, with © SI 22 A h t 20.

Reuter, a humourist, was bom November 7th, 1810, with % » 27. M A<J
1^26. 18.

J. Leech, a humourous artist, had 2J. in t ' n 6.

Mendelssohn had a keen sense of humour. Bom February 3rd, 1809, he
had<£ as 23$ A 5 = 25.

Charles Lambs humour was his special gift. He had g ~22J 6 © as 21} with
% (ruler of as) in «9A<JTT? 10.

W. E. Aytoun, the poet and humourist, bom June ' 21st. 1813, had<J as 12 $
2i SI 9.

E. F. Fay, the humourous journalist (N.N. 12?) had

% f 24^2^24 A ft22.

The author ol The Age Revived (N.N. 133) had© A 2].. W. Wade (N.N. 131)
had <J n 22 * ft 22 but L % □ ¥-

Lewis CanoU (N.N. 125) had<} * 21.

F. R. Stockton (N.N. 128) had 3 * 21- « ft 22

were well aspected by $ V 22) $ as 25.

George R. Sims (N.N. 129) had <J *• 21- $ was in ft 23).

It is a curious phenomenon that many people, though highly gifted with the
sense of humour, yet resent being themselves the butt of other people’s
humour. This is specially the ease where the influences for humour
are blended in affliction.


This implies the imitation of a type ol character or mannerism with intent to

deceive and is a blend of the influences for Imitation n t 29 5 «t> with the
influences for Deception Idealism.

This is a compound of Imagination (?.v.) X 20. 23

P Q> and the Beautiful as ft 13 2) *.


Severe afflictions to 0 HJ 21 $ $ are chiefly concerned in idiocy, combined

with <ip—11^ *P-

A girl bora London l 30 pan., December 15th, 1919, was an idiot (see UA.,
November, 1921). $ ruler of the Ascendant was dose to the 7th cusp in Rf 7.
15 □ SI 11.17 L © t 22.33 « U) 21 were afflicted by 21 ft 17.68 ):&7.34£
“ B,** bom Northampton, June 18th, 1838, 9.5 pan..

another idiot (see Pearce’s Textbook, p. 141) had $ b 14$ D ==10 Z © but A
3 •* $. * T? wasin IJ123.

A.P., bom Northampton, January 13th, 1858, 0.21 p.m. (sec Pearce's
Textbook, p. 141), had 12 Q $ b 25$Dv^ll.


This comes under X W 20-23. P © (see *' Novelists ” in Part 3).

Imagination or Ideation takes an important place in the eyes ot
psychologists in our mental make up. Professor James Ward in his
Psychological Principles says of images that they " are not only in a
continual flux, but even when we attempt forcibly to detain them they are
apt to vary continually in clearness and completeness.” This variability is
typical of the signs - X in other respects.

Imitation, a t 29. See "'Actors,’’ in Part 3. Impulsiveness.

Impulsiveness is due to the influence of T — c? being stronger in the

horoscope than the influence of as rt rf» h-Indecision.

Hus is due to the afflictions of n p 14 g «fc. Pope Clement VII (N.N. 479) '*
muddled his brain in weighing the reasons for and against every possible
decision.** He had the © in n 14. $ and $ were also in n.

Charles IX of France (N.N. 566) was ” weak, hesitating and ill-balanced.”

He had 2J H 17 ./ no 29,


B are the most indolent influences—desire,

without activity. An example is Charles II (N.N. 048)


TJJ JL1. <J, the planet el activity was weakly placed in the 12th house.
Louis XII of France (N.N. 462) had g ruler of the Ascendant 6 $•


The dependence of insanity on physical causes is dealt with in the Medical

Section1 of this book. We are here concerned principally with the mental
symptoms. Hippocrates grouped these into three classes—
mania, melancholia, and dementia—exaltation or depression of feeling or
weakness of intellect. This is not wholly satisfactory. It fails to distinguish
defects of imagination, X tty 23 ? <D afflicted (e.g. hallucination);
and defects of reasoning, illogicality, V H $ V afflicted. Mania obscures
reason owing to its intensity <J Dementia obscures reason because the
forces are too weak ^ and ruler of Ascendant badly placed) to enable the
mind to bridge the gaps between each logical step. Monomania is a special
type of insanity. It is the concentration of the mind on one thing to the
exclusion of all others cd ft 10 A h > severely afflicted. Some ' writers
identify this with delusional insanity, but the two are quite distinct. Others
describe monomania as unreasonable. So, no doubt, it is; but lack of
reason is not its dominant characteristic. The monomaniac, except in the
very extreme forms, is capable of accurate reasoning within the limits of his
mania as in the case of the fanatic. His conclusions may be similar to
those which many reasonable people reach, the only difference between
him and them being that he cannot see that there may be another point of
view, nor will he tom his attention to any matters other than the one.
1 Fart 4.

The Reverse of over concentration, namely lack of concentration, is also

insanity. Afflictions to n t X 17 and a weak ft or are the chief indications of

Several of the predisposing causes of insanity may be found in the same


George III (N.N. 730) had T 9 at M.C. <$ V 7

Coleridge (N.N. 101) had —11 afflicted by 4 « 23 $ a 23. The © was in —

29, on ^ 12 of the Constellations, □ (? es 28. ? 16 was on the Ascendant □
’i' TTJ

16 but trine g.

A man who committed suicide after a month’s insanity (N.N. 137) had h in
TO 21 in the Ascendant rf 2i Ttf 24.

n } 17 were afflicted by© Ifl. 1J) SI 1.

Ruskm (N.N. 637) had " brain fever" in 1678 and 18S2. 2J. (ruler of his
Ascendant sss) was in as OJ

L h H17 $ wasin } 231 O )< 1*23.

N.N. 229 had $ ^ 11 (on 1^ 23 of the Constellations) 3>^s8i©s&8Q ¥ b 21

O Ascendant 5=24 Z (h ft 24. There was a benefic aspect from in n 10—
quite insufficient to counteract the strong evil aspects.

. A case of insanity (published M.A., January, 1923) had 2> X 24 O ® ft 9.

31 O $ TR 6. 46. fj was in 8. 24 L $ ft 20. 34 $ ft 21. 4 O 2|. b 27.45.

R. J., bom Lat. 55® 16 N. 2° 11. W., April 9th. 1848, at 5.30 a.m. (see
Pearce’s Textbook, p. 141) bad religious mama. (ruler of Ascendant) was in
n 24. 56 Q $ X 22. 1 5 X 21. 54 h X 19.38. $ was in r 18.19, on Ascendant,
d © T 19.29 (degree of intensity) l. ¥ X 1.54.

A male bom June 5th, 1829, at 10.45 a.m, (see B.J.A., August, 1923) was
insane at 34 and committed suicide.

X IT 23 were afflicted by ? n 18.44 and ess 6 8. The was in cs 29 (on csvll

of the Constellations)


14$ □ T 29 (on T 11 of the Constellations).

A girl, born. Nymegen, Holland, January 25th, 1005, about 11.20,
local mean time (see M.A., November, 1923) suffered from mental trouble.
She had $ (ruler oi the Ascendant) in X 20.25 Q ^ 5.40 £_ ©
4.52, £ was in ft 10.32 □ T ?c= 11 O Ascendant

b 15.

James Beattie, the poet and moral philosopher, was bom at Laurencekirk on
October 25th (N.S.), 1735. The death of his last surviving son in 1796 "
unhinged his mind." Hehadrf ins&12$ □ 2$ ft7$ Q h « 26.

Alexander Cruden (compiler of the Concordance that bears his name) who
was bom at Aberdeen on May 31st (N.S.), 1700, had to be confined in an
asylum from 1721 to 1738. His insanity was connected with Ins love affairs.
His was in n\. 11 □ ¥ progressed (in 1721) to ft 14$ Q ©. progressed n 29$.
21 was progressed ft 20$ (on ft 13 of the Constellations) /_ r. X 14 Q^r. n
10 □ T ~ 29 (on T =c= 12$ of the Constellations).

Robert Ferguson was bom on September 6th (N.S.). 1760. In 1774 for some
period prior to his death he was the victim of delusions He had $ tlj 25$ Z.
¥ ft 12 Q 2f a 6$. 3 was progressed to Tlj 21 and £ progressed

Robert Tannabill, the poet, bom June 3rd (N.S.), 1774,


N.N. 130 is a case of " obsession" with Ascendant

8with*cB 11 □ <?=!* 6 but A ¥•

A. H., bom Haddington 10 ajm., December 7th, 1871, is another case wjth
J) ^ 11 (on UK 22$ of the Constellations) □ fi ft 9 in Ascendant. £ was in =»
28 (<m as fijConstellations) □ % ca29 (ones 10}of the Constellations).

A lady, bom Weymouth, 4.18 a.m., January 30th, 3856, had X 22 afflicted
by fj n 53} } 7718 © — 9}.

Another lady, •who was insane from 26 years of age, was bom at Leeds
8.38 a.m., March 16th, I860, was in TT\. 12 Q © x 25$. g ruler of the
Ascendant was in
v n 6 L&

A male bom London 5.18 a.m., January 22nd, 18S6, had$ n 12 □ $ ^7$ Q «
23. wasin HJ25.

An example given by Max Heindel,1 has © X 21

g X 22^.Jjss7. There are afflictions from the degrees of concentration to the

degrees of intensity. Tj being in Vj 10*? 2£ as 20 □ } 16$.

The influences for insanity may also be studied in the lives of the following:
J. E. Baggesen bom February 16th, 1765, became melancholy mad after the
death of his wife and youngest child; John Clare, the “
North* amptonshirepeasant poet,” bom July 13th, 1793, became insane
about 1836; William Collins, one of the two great KngKcb lyrists of the
eighteenth century, bom December 25th (O.S.), 1721, suffered from fits of
madness. Cowper, bom November 26th (O.S.), 1731, was "pursued and
goaded by imaginary voices "; Ferdinand VI of Spain, bom September 23rd
(N.S), 1713, became melancholy mad after the death of his queen in 175S.

Intemperance. See ” Poisons ” in the Medical Section, Part 4.


Intolerance implies a feeling of superiority (T === 9

V) in regard to the capacity to perceive the truth *(ss & 7—8. 2J. *). Where
these degrees are blended * Message oj Si* Stars, p. 035.


aspects- they merely denote a justifiable confidence in one's own
convictions. When they axe blended in affliction the natives exhibit the
worst form ol intolerance, and deny the possibility that persons holding
views differing from their own may sometimes be right.

Rudolph II (N.N. 670), the Roman Emperor, had in — 9. with (ruler of sa*)
□ 2f (ruler of as).
Louis Adolphe Thiers (N.N. 073) was very ’’ cocksure.” Sainte-Beuve
sarcastically said of him, "M. Thiers sait tout, tranche tout, parle de tout.”
He had es Si 7—8. afflicted by ^ (ruler of ss) in ^ 9* h n 23* $ t 22, but 71
was * <?.

Of Swinburne (N.N. 068) it has been said that ” he had very little capacity
for cool and reasoned judgment and his criticism is often a tangled thicket
of prejudices.” He had four planets in *p and <J (ruler of V) in & 9J <5 21
& V (ruler of in sa 8.


This concept is defined in Chambers’s Dictionary as '* the power of the

mind by which it immediately perceives the truth of things without
reasoning or analysis.” This is represented by «ss & 7 without other blends.

Tbe term is, however, often used to denoted perception by subconscious

reason, as opposed to conscious reason, the more feminine and negative se=
12 as opposed to the more masculine and positive 12. Still another meaning
is intuition in the sense of the “ sixth sense " X Tr?, 3-4, which enables
people to perceive what is passing in another's mind. These degrees are also
blends in mediumship. Frequently the term is very loosely used in the sense
ol the faculty of making a good guess II £-21 well aspected.

Inventiveness.—See under Professions and Occupations, Part 3.


Jealousy Is a feeling of hostility towards someone who has obtained, or is

likely to obtain, something (e.g., fame, the low of a friend, wealth, etc.)
which the native desires exclusively for himself. It implies a desire (B TT\ 0
9 $) for superiority (T — 0^ V) over another in some respect combined with
an actual inferiority (X ITf D P <D) or a dreaded inferiority (X TO 9 P
® plus cd V} (ft h)1 The opposedness or rivalry of the parties «r» ^ 27 3 V
is, of course, usually a prominent component. (As we haw seen1 T — 27 o
plus ti til 8.0.9 $ severely afflicted cause anger.)
Sir Humphry Davy (N.N. 703) with his keen thirst for fame was inclined to
be Jealous of others, tf IT) 9 were afflicted by © ? 25} 2) 15- 26 (ruler of
sc=) TTf 20 (on nj 9 of the Constellations).

Cosimo the Elder (N.N. 442) could not bear tp have any rivals. He had g «p
9 and ^ (ruler of in b 10.

$ was in X 9.


Joy, according to Spinoza, " is pleasure accompanied by the idea of

something past, which has had an issue beyond our hope.”1 The term is
frequently used m a much wider sense (e.g. by A. F. Shand3), but if joy
is used as antithetical to sorrow Spinoza's definition is correct. Joy in this
limited sense is merely one form of 1

* See Anger, page 40.

* Th1 EtMics, Part 3, " Definition «{ the Emotions,** XVI, dttdb^ A. F.

Shand is the Foundation oj CkotatUr, Bk. II.


is astrologically signified by ss ft Tj. £ blended in goo<L*a$pect with ft ms
h* (ft. The emphasis is not on the past event, but on the present state
resulting from the past event. Compare Playfulness.


When viewed as the weighing up of the rights of one man as compared with
those of another, justice comes ■under the influence oi sss ft, 7 2J, £ plus £5
15$ ^. See " Lawyers *’ in Part 3. When regarded as the meting out of fust
punishment for wrongdoing, this comes under the influence of ca ft fh fj.
the forces which restrain the unruly members of the community for
the benefit of the whole. See " Policemen ” in Part 3. When viewed as
Karma—the idea that as a man has sowed, so be reaps—d TI^ 28 are the
influences of importance.
Kindness. See Benevolence.


This is indicated by cb ft fli Tl* Christian 111 of Denmark (N.N. 519) had
eu 28 on Ascendant, with 2J. and Ti in cb and in ft.

Mathias I of Hungary (N.N. 451) had ft on Ascendant with theorising in ft.

Laziness. See Indolence.

Legal Ability. See "Lawyers" in Professions and • Occupations, Part 3.

Liberality. See Benevolence.

'Libertine, Licentiousness.

The following examples may be added to those given

above': James II (N.N. 052) with V (ruler of a) in 10: Pope Alexander Vr

(N.N. 448) with $ (ruler of n\)in*r20[U©Y}20in Ascendant.

Linguistic A bilily.

" Thinking—as a permanent activity at least— ... owes its origin to the
acquisition of speech.*** The power of communication is therefore a very
important factor in human character. It f$ a development of a quality allied
to Sympathy (« SI 23) combined with Mimicry (ll t 29). "Spontaneous
utterances which proved to, possess meaning would be repeated
intentionally, both to convey it to other persons and to extend it to other
cases. So sympathy would become suggestive and mimicry symbolic.'1*

The blends most usually found in horoscopes of great linguists are = SI 25-6
21 * blended with V —(J V. The degrees of imitation (n } 29) take a
secondary position, white £Z / 6. 7. have much to do with, the written, but
little with the spoken, word. It is a curious coincidence that on a correct
reading of Biblical Chronology4, the incident of the Tower of Babel falls at
approximately 3053 B.C., when ea 25 was on the 1J cusp of the World
Horoscope, and it is not beyond the bounds of' possibility that about that
time there developed a marked linguistic differentiation among the
various branches of the Adamic Race.

Pierre Gassendi (N.N. 006) had g in s» 5 -X- <J.

Ferdinand III (N.N. 623) was also an excellent linguist, with $ n 29 and # U
7. was A V.

‘ See page 24.

• Ward’s Psychological Principles, Ch. XII, sec. 1.

• Ward's Psychological Principles. Ch. XII, sec. 1.

4 See Appendix 12,


Hamilton (N.N. 409) bad a " wonderful power oi acquiring languages." He
had 2J, 6 T-Mirandula (N.N. 402) had g ss? 25 A V — 20.

Mary Queen of Scots (N.N. 235) famous for her ability in this direction had
2J. ft 25^ tss 23 A © t 25.

George IV (N.N. 012) spoke.three or four languages fluently. He had ^ ft22

a h f* 24 and % 6 C<? 6-James I (N.N. 07) was a linguist, but in a
scholarly rather than a practical manner. He had £ Si 25 <j h SI 27 □$.

Maximilian I (N.N. 4G0) " knew something of six languages.” $ was in ft

25 A S ¥ 28.

'Marie Bashkertsef! (N.N. 84) had 2) at the Midheaven in ft25<?<?®24.

"Carmen Sylva" (N.N. 423) had 2J. in tsa 26 d V ess 20.

Borrow (N.N. 811) had ItE 12| (on ft 25 of the Constellations) well aspected
by © cd 12$ tj nj 10. V was In TH21,?*1 (ruler of ft).

Burton (N. N. 350) had $ M 12 (on ft 24J of the Constellations) <3 <? )( 14.
Dr. Zamenhof (the inventor of Esperanto) (N.N. 432) hadh ft26 d J A© t
22J$ t 22. 21 was AH'.

N.N. 834 is the horoscope of a good linguist with Ve»26 6 Ti*»25.

Dr. A. R. S. Kennedy. Professor of Semitic Languages at Edinburgh

University, was bom at Boyndie at 6.30 p.ra. on December 21st, 1859. He
had Tj in ft 26 A © t 29 and 21 bb 22 on Ascendant <? ? V123 A V X 24.

Professor A. W. Mair, Professor of Greek at Edinburgh University, was bom

at Grange at 2.15 p.m., on June 9th, 1875. He had Tj in es 26 A 2J. — 22.
1 See Appendix 7.

Literature. See " Novelists," " Poets," " Journalists," in Professions and
Occupations, Part 3.

Loquacity. See "Conversation,"


This is denoted by qp 12 g ^ 4* n t 13 £ .<b See *' lawyers," "

Philosophers," under Professions and Occupations, Part 3.


Dr. Richard Garnett (N.N. 308) had a gift for " lucid and acute
generalization " (as Si 9. 40.). He had # in « 27 (on so 9 of the
Constellations) Aft— 22{, whilst 2J. was in _n 3 A T sss 2J. The lucidity
is indicated by h. and the precision and acuteness by n 3 combined with

Emile Loubet (N.N. 092) had a reputation as an orator " of great force and
lucidity of exposition." He had three planets in ft and one in sn. * was In H1
* if» fill.

Love. s

- The affectionate nature has the influence for bene* volence strongly
marked so SI 23 2£ $ combined with the intensity of *V* — £ V. In sex
love the element of desire U TT( 8. 9. is also present. In parental love
the protective instinct cd jf> h is blended.

Magnetic Healing.

Healing comes under the influence of « 7f^6? ^ pins t5s fl 23 2J. 4=.
Magnetism requires a blend of tf IJ\13 $ $ with <p

One of the greatest " magnetic " healers was Paracelsus, bom about 1469 or
1490 when b 13 was on the 2nd
1 See Appendix 7.

cusp oC the World Horoscope.1 In 1489 $ was conjunction h in ft in trine to

y 13.

A magnetic healer (N.N. 870) had Tj m 12 * ft

12} $ ft 11 21 ft 10.

Another (N.N. 037) had Jed 14 * © y 8}£ y 19. Another (N.N. 849) had © y
14 and h A David Younger (N.N. 272) had ? 12 A V 1G

* 2J. m 19. (X TTJ12 are now on = ft 23 of the Constellations.)

Magnificence. See " Splendour.*'

Malice. See •'Hatred.'

Mania. See *' Insanity."


Martyrdom implies a high degree of self-sacrifice. There are some people

who delight in making sacrifices of themselves unnecessarily. Our
admiration is reserved for those who sacrifice themselves for a high
and lofty purpose. Usually the Ascendant and its ruler or T £ "e blended
with aa y} <h h>

Savonarola (N.N. 459) had T on Ascendant with <3 rider in ft 13 <J J> ft 10
□ h 19.

In a woman's horoscope the influence of ^ ^ takes the place of T <?. Joan of

Arc (N.N. 845) had V as 2j2h U 17* ? and the © were in ft.

Archbishop Cranmer, bom July 2nd, 1489, had © in cd □(fand ft <J 9 in y}.


No term is more often wrongly used than materialism. It has come to have a
.special significance denoting the doctrine that there is no substance except
matter. This 1 See Appendix 4.

Is the attitude o! one in whom faith (n f 23) In what - cannot be perceived is

weak. Bat people are often called materialists simply because, they prefer
solid and lasting pleasures to the more ephemeral pleasures of life. This is
the attitude of tss rj fj. Yet it is among people of this same type that a strong
belief in the existence of something more permanent than visible matter is
most commonly found.

Mathematics. See under Professions and Occupations. Mechanical Ability.

See under Professions and Occupations.

Medical Ability. See under Professions and Occupa-' tions.


The " sixth sense " is largely under the dominion of >< I1J 3-4 P O plus 8
IU. ? (g and n f £ <L-Madame Blavatsky (N.N. 18) had & d h iu 3 with ^
(the planet of perception) in up 9.

Miss F. Cooke (N.N. 841) had in X 20 (on X 2 of the Constellations) * (jjl

B 22.

N.N. 9G0 is a reputed medium.

A remarkable medium (N.N. 253) had£ T(?0cf $ X 6 * h an 3. .

Charubel (N.N. 105) had r} 21 (on of the Constellations * X3) d«? 22 *

K17 * © 10.

Asteros (N.N. 808) had X 20 on Ascendant (on x 2 of the Constellations) *

J B 21.

Melancholia. See under " Insanity.'* Also " Suicide ** and “ Melanchoba "
under Medical Astrology. Memory.

In the sense simply of retentiveness, memory comes


“ Historians," in Part 3). These signs and planets have a special relation to
the last part of man’s life, when lie is far more prone to dwell in the past
than he is in his younger years. Usually, however, when a person Is said to
have a good memory, what is meant is, not that he retains better than
others what he perceives, but that he perceives accurately and intently, and
thus his mind receives a clear and deep impression. Tins comes under the
influence of n f 11 ^ «*> (perception) blended with «y» a 10 £ ^ (intensity).
The two ideas may be compared to the recording of some picture by
engraving it. The difference in retentiveness depends on whether it is
engraved on a, durable substance like steel or a less durable substance like
wood. But the picture on the steel may be much less distinct than the picture
on the wood after a short lapse of time, if to begin with it was not so clearly

(Strictly the term memory, as used by psychologists, is a very complex

thing involving also, recognition, and association of ideas as SI 21 *.)

Lord Brougham (N.N. 183) had a remarkable memory. He had g in tss 18 A

h was in fl). 12 * 21 ns i2.

Archbishop Laud (N.N. 692) is reputed to have had , an excellent memory.

He bad § in ^ 19. $ was in 1113
Mirandula (N.N. 462) was remarkable even in childhood " for bis quick and
tenacious memory." He had


A male bom London, January 17th, 1882,11,15 p.m., had a retentive

memory. (See M.A., December, 1921, p. 382). Hehad<? n 28.40 * 0, * A

The incident of Macaulay repeating the whole of _ Paradise Lost from

memory to pass the time is well

THE WHEEL OF LIFE known. He was bom on October 25th, 1800, with g
III 14 6 V R 16}. Pluto1 was in ft 3 6 2J.


Charles Badham, bom July I8th, 1813, had a marvellous memory. He had
<J in cs 11 $ $ ft 10 2J ft 14

* V t 13.

S. K. Datas (N.N. 806) had g in as 10 6 9 ss 0

* V a 3.

It is rarely that a man has both retentiveness (as ft 11.12.) and reasoning (Y
— 11.12.) strong because the degrees indicating them are in 'square to each
other. The man who can reason things out lor himself is often careless of the
past, while the man who remembers what happened before in given
circumstances frequently assumes that similar results will happen again in
these conditions, and when they arise docs not reason out any new course of
action but repeats what proved good enough in the past. Those with es ft
strong tend to become bound by habit, though if novel circumstances do
arise they endeavour to adapt themselves. Those -with <y> ^ strong strike
out in new directions.

This comes principally under as ft 7 ft •


This is denoted by n t 29 Jo. See "Actors” tinder Professions and

Occupations, Part 3.

Modesty. •• See Humility."


This is indicated by as ft 19 ft severely afflicted. See " Insanity."


This term is most frequently used as synonymous with an inclination to

sulkiness. It is indicated by the condition of opposedness *p ^ 27 d ^ to the
desires B TT\ 8.9. § $ combined with the suppression or delay of the normal
reaction by as ft 27 Where the term is simply used to indicate variability of
temperament, the mutable signs X 15 n t are- °f chief importance.


A chief factor in the horoscope of the murderer Is 9 d V afflicted, combined

with the influences for intensity si 19 d V. and also B m_ 9 $ #, desire.

Schauman (N.N. 209) was not an ordinary murderer. -He was indeed a hero
among the Finns for having slain Bobrikoff, the tyrant. He had d 4 A ’l* B I
G (ruler of the Ascendant) B 20 © B 10 Z. h 25 j

□ T ^=8.

N.N. 636 is the horoscope of a murderer. ^ was in =a= 17 □(? cs 19 y os 15.

H. G. R. (N.N. 337) had h >n V 7|. d was in e» 17

□ ? a 20. The © was in 20 afflicted by 2J. and #, hut *5.

The St. Neots Poisoner (N.N. 764) hadd — 5 □ h V} 8£9rL V was
inw2QQ)&BB 23.

*' A.B.” (N.N. 70) hadd no 26 A h n 10. $ was in 18.

“ Y.2 ” (N.N. 80) had ** 19 afflicted byd and h was-D$.

A wife murderer (N.N. 189) had V — 8 afflicted by

m n 7. $ was in 22 d h □ > d was in B 8J.

A poisoner (N.N. 271) had $ 8 J /_ $ SI 25} 0 d B

21. h was in T 15 and in B 42.

Landru (birthdate as above1) had ^ <p 17.14 <J $ 16.15 □ $ on 13.86. 2J.
was in *pv2fl (on V 8 of the Constellations) d Jand © Z ©.*

Louis Anastay, bom Paris, June 12th, 1866,6.47 a,m. (see B.J.A., August,
1023), had $ aa 18 □ H> r 12} O <D.

Another (sec 6.J.A., August, 1023), bom June 12tb, 1844, at 6.30 a.m.,
had«J en 8 □ § «P6Q ^ =24.

Another (also B.J.A., August, 1023) bom March 30th, 1846, 8 p.m., had ©
T 9) d ^ T 10 Z. V « 27 fj = 27. 3 was in n 3 □ $ K 6 afflicting *f = 18.

Another (also loc. eft.) was bom on December 31st, 1850, at 10.30 a.m. $
was in T 26} (on T 8} of the • Constellations) □ £ y} 27.

Musical A bUity. See under Professions and Occupations. Mysticism.

The mystic aims at union with God. High Ideals are under = & 21 *, and
intensity is denoted by T — ,10 3 H*. These are usually blended in the
horoscope of the Mystic, together with the faith influence n / 23 $<h.


Portugal (N.N. 670) had g Inca 22 A $

Swedenborg {N.N. 23) bad in ess. n 23 was well aspectedby © sss20 h


Sir Isaac Pitman (N.N. 385) became a Swcdenborgian. h was in 11 (on t 23|
of the Constellation) 6 © 2 & 0 $ (ruler of ft).

MuanduIa(N.N.402)had$insa 6 h A T- »


It was a dictum of Lord Macaulay's that '2 constant work narrows the mind."
More accurately he might have said " constant work at one type of thing
narrows the mind.” Narrow-mindedness is the fault of overspecialization—
as rt 10 ffi h afflicted.

Nervousness. See under Medical Astrology (Part 4) ** Neurasthenia."


This comes under the influence of T 26-27-28. C/. Curiosity—Hostility—


_ Numbering.

See also under Professions and Occupations (Part 3). *' Mathematicians," "

The idea of Plurality x 25 ? © precedes the idea of enumeration and is one

of its components. When a man perceives a number of similar entities, he
knows their number is greater than one: but probably if the number exceeds
five, certainly if the number exceeds twenty, he cannot be sure of the exact
number without proceeding to count the units one by one. This
process comes under the influence of as ft 13 A F2. These signs and planets
are concerned also with the idea of
THE WHEEL OF LIFE time and duration and thus Astrology supports the
vim attributed to Kant that “ time as a form of intuition is the basis .of
arithmetic"1 in contrast to the modem psychological view that space Is all
important and time of no importance in the concept of
enumeration. Obedience.

This implies submission to the will of others. In any social community'

whether of men or animals obedience on the part of the majority to those in
command is essential to the harmonious life of the community. K 8 P © are
of chief importance.

Observation. See ** Perception."


Obstinacy' consists in an unreasonable persistence as distinct from

determination which is usually regarded as a good quality. The normal
indications of obstinacy are u m S. 9. $ § blended in affliction with either
0 1127 A hor«p^27«JV.


Occultism has been held to include Mediumship Clairvoyance,

Qairaudience, Psychometiy, Mysticism (q v.). Magic. It is here used in the
restricted sense of Occult Power and the endeavour to attain to it, the power
to cause things to happen in the material world without the visible use of
material forces, in short, magic and wizardry. ^

These powers have most chance of development in the bachelor and the
virgin. The control of man’s own desires is the first step cm the path, b IH fi
? $ blended with G3 VS 19 rf) Tj in good aspect are important in- 2


as magic is employed to cause transformations X HE 14 are important.

Cornelius Agrippa (N.N. 489) had Pluto1 in a 6 A 2J, ft 3. He held the

theory that " As in the original world all things arc in all, so in the physical
world is equally all in one and one in all. Out of every body proceed
images, indivisible substances, which diffuse themselves through infinite
space. Therefore bodies can operate on these at the most remote distances
and on that aecount a man is in a condition to impart his thoughts to another
man who is hundreds of miles away.”

Athanasius Kircher, bom May 2nd, 1602, had $ in B 0 6 $ A«J.' h

was,??. _

Robert Rudd, bom 1674, had $ in approximately

Elijah performed his miracles when V 16 was on • B 5 of the Constellations.

Michael Scott flourished about 2160 years later when B 16 was on B 6 of

the Constellations.

*t> ^ 28 £ T 'degrees of novelty and strangeness are also often present.

'Optimism. See •* Hope.”


This is a blend of as ft 7 jf, fj (method) and B iq 3 $ $ (plotting or



Originality is principally of two kinds, which may be designated static

originality and dynamic originality. Static originality consists in the
possession of some quality which is unique. This comes under B TT(. 21 1
See Appendix 7.

THE WHEEL OF LIFE $ y. Dynamic originality is originality of a kind

which anyone who exerts himself may possess and comes under the
influence of ~d V and particularly V tSs 20 Curiosity, Discovery,

The originality of Michael Angelo (N.N. 472) was outstanding. He had ff{
21 * } ft 20. $ (ruler of tf^l) was in V 25 * « 24.
Ostentation. See "Splendour."

Pain. See " Sensation."


This is under the influence of cs ft 28-20. A 2f. .See also Collecting. It is a

virtue of age, and it is fostered by suffering. " Tribulation worketh
patience." Romans v. 3. Job is the type of the patient man.' The story
probably belongs to the period of Jeremiah when f 14 was at the Midheaven
of the World Horoscope and ft 20 was on the 6} cusp. Christian III of
Denmark (N.N. 610) had os 28 on the Ascendant.


This springs from the instinct of service to the community to which the
individual belongs, X 20 P <D, or from the instinct of self-sacrifice, self-
restraint, aa ft 26 O Tj blended in each case normally with <y* — 16<J or
the Ascendant or its ruler.

Savonarola (N.N. 460) bad 2J. X 26 A $ ca 29, and h in ^

Joanof Are (N.N. 846) bad © ft24and h Ad* Christian II of Denmark (N.N.
484) had d in ss 24. JamesII (N.N.652) had£ in ^ 15 A 1 A in n.

Cedi Rhodes {N.N. 318) had $ gb 23 * h « 28.

Fabrizi, bom April 4th, 1804, had l*t 15 <? -© v 14$and V R2G * f* nj29.

Hinghettl, bom November 18th, 1818, had £ TI^ 25$ d © * I* 26.


This is a combination of n / 17 g a, plus cb <h h combined in affliction.

Jaimes I of England is a typical example (N.N._97) with $ in sb 3 <5 © Q

2J. (the planet of display and ostentation).

Perception. See also •* Sensation.*'

Perception is frequently used " as the equivalent of tvhat has been otherwise
called the 'localisation and projection * of sensations."1... Sensation n / 10
A is, therefore, a very important factor, and those with remarkable powers
of perception have strong n t influences, e.g. Chief Justice Coleridge (N.N.
967) with five planets in }. Combined with T —<J V there is keenness of
perception, with ca V} h clarity.

n f have special reference to the first twelve years of life when perception is
normally at its best.


as rt 28 A f}. See "Consistency." "Patience," " Obstinacy."


This involves as ft 0.10. rfj h afflicted, and a weakly placed and H? and
ruler of Ascendant and 7th. The degrees of Resignation (X TIJ 2) are
usually strongly marked. One of the world's pessimists was Schopenhauer,
bom February 22nd, 1788, with as 8.45, and * Ward’s Psychological
Princtplts. Ch. VI, sec. 1.

fl >( 1.43'd © >( 3.37. See tmdcr Medical Astrology

(Part 4) " Neurasthenia."


This is normally a blend of Benevolence ss SI 23 • % + and the instinct of

Service X 26.

Piety. See " Duty," " Reverence,” etc.; also " Minis* ters of Religion," under
Professions and Occupations. Pity.

This is the natural reaction of the benevolent and sympathetic sss SI 23 2J. *
when confronted with the pain and suffering of others. '

Placidity. '
Calmness, Contentment. This is the attitude of the patient as v} rfi h when
well aspccted. If evil is foreseen that can be avoided or remedied or
mitigated, the native sets to work to cope with it. If the evil is obviously
insuperable," it is the will of God ” he mutters under his breath and lets
things take their course.


Playfulness differs from Joy (j.v.). It is a spontaneous emotional activity

which may occur without any external stimulus and without any relation to
a past event. It is the natural outlet especially in the young of
healthy energy. The influences are T — V (°r Ascendant and its ruler) plus
n f $ftt».


Sensations which give pleasure are indicated by good aspects: those which
give pain or discomfort by bad aspects. The term pleasure-lovers is,
however, frequently used in a narrow sense to denote those who find
their pleasure in ease and luxury in contrast to those who find their pleasure
in purposive activity, tf $ Ig are usually strongly blended with ess SI, 21 4=
in the horoscopes of such persons.


The characteristics contributing to popularity are various and not invariably

worthy of esteem. But whatever characteristics a man possesses it is
unlikely that be will be popular, unless he has a natural frankness and
friendliness of nature. «« SI 8 21 * are important. C/. *' Tact."

Thus Robespierre (N.N. 759) had as 24 {on « 7 of Constellations) on

Ascendant with 2J. ruler A <?• Marie Antoinette (N N. 694) bad tp in SI- 44
* 21 ~


Henry, 3rd Duke of Guise (N.N. 505) was very popular in the army. He had
$ in as * £ and $?, and 2t
A ©•

Lot. eil.

Ward's Psychological PrincipUs. Ch. XIII, toe. 1

Campbell Bannerman (N.N. 940) had 21 in SI 8 6 T9* 1?.

Giovanni Media (N N. 507) was " devotedly loved and obeyed by his
soldiers." SI was on Ascendant, $ was in as 21 (at that period on es 8 of the
Constellations) * 9 «T2l A T —25* ® «p 25.


This quahty’is pre-eminently that of gb V} A h-V qi act on impulse, cm ft ft

foresee and gradually adapt themselves to circumstances. The method in
which these are blended in the horoscope with other signs show whether the
native's activities are predom*. inantly impulsive or purposive, and to what
end they are directed.


Tiiis may either be based on the knowledge that certain event* have
previously been followed by certain other events and the expectation that
the same sequence will recur, or prediction may be made spontaneously as
the ■ result of some direct perception of the future. In the former ease aa ft
23 h arc important, in the latter ease n t 10 5 d>. (This is to be distinguished
from clairvoyance and dairaudiencc, containing "blends of >( HR 3, where
the native sees or hears something going on at the moment, but at a distance
or at any rate not visible or audible with the ordinary senses.)

The greatest Prophet known in history of the n f 16 type was undoubtedly

Daniel. He lived when t 0 was on 116 of the Constellations.


A feeling of superiority is indicated by V ^ 9 <J Hus is increased by =s ft 2)

Thus 2|. afflicted In the Oth degree of the Ascendant or ruling
Ascendant causes great conceit.

This is the attitude of v ^ as opposed to © rt A !}• The latter change under
the compulsion of circumstances in the belief that the change they make mil
have a certain specific result. The former experiment in order to see what

Quarrelsomeness. See " Anger.” >

Reason. See ” Logic.”


This is the attitude of *r* s&d V when tinder restraint, particularly when
combined with n In revo*

lutlonary and anarchical movements there is usually an . affliction of T ^


Rebelliousness may, of course, in some persons be . nothing more than an

attitude of mind as in Swinburne's * case. " The unsoundness of
Swinburne's philosophy lies in the fact that it celebrates the spirit of man
en--gaged in a defiant rebellion that leads nowhere.” He (N.N. 968) had
four planets in T including g. £ was in ft 9J (dose to the philosophic degrees
ft 10.11)

6 2| ft 8£ V os 8.


Perception comes under n f j <A>. Receptivity without discrimination

comes under X P ©• ‘

Reform. '

This is a blend of Constructiveness d llj. $ $ with sudden change T “ 29<J


Cromwell (N.N. 613) had # (ruler of HU in *p 28 in Ascendant and three

planets in y.
Archbishop Land (N.N. 692) had<J A 9*

The 2nd Earl Grey (N.N 182) though by temperament not a reformer, yet
carried the Reform Bill of 1832 under pressure from his friends. 2J. (the
planet of fnends) was in n $ 8. ? was in T 27 -X- 9 A V*

Looking to the World Horoscope it will be noted that T 29 was on the 2$

cusp (y 16) in the time of •' ’ ' Josiah and on the 1} cusp (T 15) in the time
of Luther.

If N.N. 486 is a correct horoscope of Luther, it will be noted that he had <J -

This is a recognition of error, failure to live up to one’s * ideals, or

inferiority in the past, and comes under K R?

P <D combined with aa 7} ifi Tj.

Resignation, Renunciation.

This Is specially denoted by X FF 2. both In the sense of resignation from

an appointment, and the attitude to life thus described.

Thus when John Bright (N.N. 710) resigned office his Ascendant was
progressed to ){ 2 □ $ f 21 ]) t • I $•

Margaret of Austria.(N.N. 545) resigned in 15C7 when her M.C. was

progressed to >{ 2 d

Frequently strikes, or the throwing up of their jobs by large numbers of

men, have this blend.

These degrees are also blended in the Russian tempera* meat, or at least in
the temperament of one section of the Russian people.


This is under the influence of ao ft ft» and particu

larly so 25. By self-restraint is usually denoted restraint of the desires
i) Probably no singer

exercised more restraint than Madame Patti. - She " would never sing more
than twice in the same week, would not speak to anybody the day she sang,
and ate nothing after a light lunch till midnight." * She {N.N. 798) had cb rt
25 well aspected by<J 25 # X 26 ft VI20*. ' '

Retentiveness. See " Memory."


“The term Revenge expresses the angry passion carried to the full length of
retaliation." (A. Bain.) Ibis is not quite accurate, for there can be no
retaliation unless injury has first been received, while there can be angry
passion without actual injury but merely feared injury (either mental or
physical). In any event in revenge opposedness (T ^ 27 J V) Is strongly


affliction. (C/. Anger, Hatred.) Pain (n f 9 Jj afflicted) or feared (pins aoy)
(ft Fj) pain is also blended.

Reverence, Respect,

This contains a blend of K ^ plus aa ft ^ ■ An afflicted 3 or ^ tend to

destroy reverence.

George Sand had little reverence in her nature. She (N.N. 750) hade? b 23J>
y HI 23} A © aa 10 Q tjf ^


i Ritualism.

Symbolism comes under x l$16 -P ©.

fy» 17 S V are influences of importance. See " Poets *' under Professions
and Occupations, Part 3. Sarcasm.

A person is sarcastic when in words he praises bnt by the tone of his voice
or manner purposely shows that he thinks the reverse of what he says, and
despises rather than admires, n t 12-13. g «A» plus <r> V are the most
important blends. (Owing to the fact that a scorpion has a sting, many
astrologers associate llj, with sarcasm. This sign does not however appear to
be important.)

Chief Justice Coleridge (N N. 967) is an example with © f II and f 29} on /

12 of the Constellations; also Michael Angelo (N.N. 472) with g Q :
and Allesandro Medici (N.N. 527) with tp sss 10 /. t 25 (then on f 12 of the
Constellations). Talleyrand, bom February, 1764, had £ Ad-Satire.

Satire is often cruel T ; and employs for its weapons Sarcasm (y.r.), Wit
(y.v.), Humour (ft-.). Archilochus, the first great writer of satire,
flourished about 700 b.c. when / 13 was at the Midheaven of the World
Horoscope. Juvenal flourished when the sarcastic degrees n f 13 of the
Constellations were coincident with n t 7 of the signs. □ } 7 arc specially
connected with literary composition.

Pope was bom on Stay 22nd (O.S.), 1C89, with 0 in n 12 □ V X 13|.

Voltaire, bom November 21st (N.S.), 1C94, had <J in ? 14 d ? Z 10) (on the
Oth cusp of the World Horoscope).

Byron (N.N. 752) had $ □ y.

Heine, bom December 13th, 1790, had 5

Thomas Carlyle, bom December 4 th, 1795, had the © in t 12}<p h n 10. a*
was O <J.

Scepticism. See "Doubt,’'

This is a blend of the acquisition of knowledge n Z 17 (as distinct from
wisdom, though of course scholars do not necessarily lack wisdom) and
retentiveness as ft 11 rfi h* cd v} 3 seem also specially important in the
scholar’s horoscope, These are degrees of solitude. Goethe's phrase will be
recalled " Es bildet ein Talent sich in der Stille."

Petrarch (N.N. 441) had g * h-

Mirandula (N.N, 402) had g d h-Self-consciousness

One type of self-consciousness is that of the benefic bd ft jfi h pins T =as d

indicating knowledge of the self in the sense of the old Greek motto
attributed to Thales. There is also the self-consciousness which is

not simply a consciousness of self, but a belief (frequently erroneous) that

other persons axe concentrating their attention on the native, either
admiring him or the reverse. This is denoted by the ego *p — {? f
blended in affliction with tst ft 2J. The native thinks he is " in the limelight"
and if X n? 9 P © are strongly blended in affliction he is uncomfortable and
believes he appears ridiculous or despicable. If the native's perceptions are
acute (-n t £ A strong) this makes the self-consciousness all the more

Selfishness. See " Greed.”


Psychologists divide sensation into (a) mechanical {e.g. touch, hearing), (i)
chemical (e.g. taste, smell), (e) thermal, (d) photical, (<*) electrical, and
regard them as bring quantitatively variable in (a) intensity, (6) protensity,
(c) extensity. Astrologically all sensation comes under n ? 9 5 <JU. Blended
with n t 4 $ <JL» these give the sense of sight: with 4 the sense of taste;
with aa vt 4 rf, f| the sense of hearing; with U Tl(4 $ touch; with sss ft 4 2).
* smell; with K "f 4 ? ©, the sixth sense. The sensations will be pleasurable
or painful according as these are benefic or malefic aspects. It is to be noted
that when attention is directed to the different rates of vibration in
sound (i.e. differences of pitch and tune) or the different rates of vibration
in light (f.e differences of colour) the degrees of vibration are prominent in
the horoscope, d 16-17 $ (See '* Musicians,” ” Painters ” under Professions
and Occupations, in Part 3.) Intensity is denoted by T — 10 <J protensity
(or duration) by fflj vl 10 <h h («/• concentration), extensity (volume
or bulk) byes ft 19 2J.+.

It will be noted that hearing is more dependent on ' time and duration than
any of the other senses. Sensuality,

This is indicated by b IT. 8-0, blended in affliction with *r =^18c? W.

e.g. Charles X of France (N.N. COO) with' V SI 10


Francis I (N.N. 601) with ^ 0 9*


Psychologically this denotes emotion allied with thought of a continuing

character. Astrologically it U a blend of as ft Ti with V :S:$ y.

' Serenity. See " Placidity."


a ft (fi fj are of most importance. The serious person has been thus
described by Mr. Wdton: " The cold, intellectual person is certainly
somewhat unattractive in youth or in age, yet he may do xnuchfor the
world by enriching it with thoughts of the utmost value. He is better for the
community in general and for posterity than for those of his contemporaries
who have to live with hfrw. But though the contemplative temperament is
never gushing it is quite compatible with warmth of heart and a genuine
regard for others—a regard moreover which is likely to live on unchanged
through all the vicissitudes of intercourse for it is founded on the rock of
conviction and worth, not on the shifting sand of transitory feeling.” This
aptly describes some of the characteristics of the ab ft type.

This is due to X nj P © in affliction.




" The ideal of human life." said Ruskin, ‘*_is a union of Spartan simplicity
of manners and Athenian sensibility.” This Spartan simplicity is denoted by
an ft jfc . Simplicity in conversation is a blend of an ft A h with ss & 21 %
7. *' Simplicity,” said Schopenhauer, '’has always been held to be a mark of
truth.” In general. Simplicity denotes the absence of influences tending to
duplicity, lying, and deceit. (?.v.)

James II (N.N. 652) had Ij in .? 8 -X- as 7. 2J. was in

CD 0.

Ulysses Grant (N.N. 237) had two planets in and one in cd.

Henry VI (N.N. 447) had two planets in ft and one

in cd.

The term simplicity is sometimes applied to persons who do not stand on

their dignity at all, but are exceptionally approachable, people with the herd
instinct strong, a liking for the crowd. This is under the influence of }( nj.

There is still another use of the term simplicity to denote a characteristic of

persons who act on impulse strong) as opposed to those who actpur-
posively (ad jh fl). The first type of simplicity mentioned is, therefore,
frequently found in persons of a character exactly the opposite of that
belonging to those in whom the last named type is found.

Sincerity. See “ Truth " and “ Deceit.”


This is a blend of as SI 8 21 * with as 3 fj,

A woman (N.N. 379) since 16 years of age dreaded

solitude. Sbe hid 21 in 1} 3<? # and Tt In 7 Q »


Midiarl Angelo (N\N\ 472) hid an *' abnormal love of solitude." He had 21
In ss 3 Q A*.

There is nothing isolates a man from his fellows more than deafness. (?.r. in
Part 4.)

Sorrow. See also *' Melancholia."

On no subject arc the opinions of psychologists more conflicting than

sorrow’. This is largely because the term is used for such a^ variety of
different meanings, and psychological laws are formulated which are
presumed applicable to sorrow in general though in reality many of them
apply to only one type of it. Astrologic-ally we may consider sorrow first in
the widest sense as the sentimental reaction to misfortune of any and
every kind, whether the result of circumstances beyond the individual's
control. or contributed to by his own acts, whether the result of physical
injury, thwarted desire, or the loss of something formerly possessed, and so
forth. This is indicated astrologically by the blends in affliction of*«T* — £
V (or Ascendant, Descendant and their rulers) and includes the tears of
anger, as veil as the cry for help or the lassitude of despair.

But in the special sense in which the term can be most appropriately used a
blend of ej ft 10 A 1} in affliction is of most importance. They denote
an attitude of brooding over the misfortunes, or the imagined misfortunes
which have befallen the native. Their manifestations are varied according to
the signs blended. Their own sign and planets (ca r} <h fj) blended
give many misfortunes in the life, but also a greater power to bear them and
a reserve and control, ess ft 2f * are 1 See Appendix 7.

Personal appearance ANd'character in

sympathetic to the sorrows of others, but similarly they like to share their
own sorrows, believing in the old proverb that "grief divided is made
lighter." As Bacon says, "Friendship works two contrary effects for it
redaubleth joys and cutteth grief in halves."

X 1*1! ? <D weep, and mourn, and cry for help, or are paralysed by their
misfortunes. V —^ blended cause a tendency m the midst of sorrow to rebel
against it, to grow angry, to hate mankind, to wish to " curse God and die,"
to act in a frenzied manner. 8 I* $ # cause an intense longing and yearning
for better things, n f 5 da are often accused of shallowness, for their sorrow,
apparently at first very acute, is soon dispelled.

The term sorrow is often also applied specially to one type of reaction to
thwarted desire for something not hitherto possessed which shows itself in
young children Nin tears. This sorrow in one aspect is looking to the future,
while the other type of sorrow was related to the past and the actual taking
away of something which had been enjoyed. The sorrow of thwarted desire
is indicated by os vt *P =£= 27 X HI Q1 12 afflicted in combination with 8
III 6-9 $ $, the influence of cs ft 27 and M ^ 12 id the former blend being -
stronger than that of T — 27 and n f 12. See also "Anger."

Thomas Gray, bom December 26th (O.S.), 1716, bad • © $ ? and g in V$, ?
being in ft 12. B was in ft of the Constellations- He said of hirruelf "Low
spirits are my true and faithful companion*, they get-up with me, go to bed
with me. . . His melancholy,' like Dr. Johnson’s and that of many others,
was constitutional and normally independent of external circumstances. Dr.
Johnson, bom September 18th (NS.),* 1709, had Binds £2|.irpSOgss 19.

Splendour, Magnificence.

The love of.SpIcndour seems partly denoted by es ft 25 71 These arc

degrees of effervescing, bubbling over, and are a component in Language.
They also denote Fame combined with <$ Splendour requires the addition
of b TI\ $

Sforzia (N.N. 445) had $jn ft 23 A $•

Edward III (N.N. 233) had 2| in b. „

Sir Joshua Reynold’s "strongest instincts were towards ricliness and
splendour of colour." He (N.N. 239) hadj^r =^25$ trine «2o* 2f J 29.

Lorenzo the Magnificent (N.N. 455) had $ ft 26} © ft 22} h ft 27.


The self-discipline of the Stoic is due to'*a blend of the controlling

influence of an ft A Tj with desire b 11) $$-

Marcus Aurelius, bom Rome, April 26th, ajj. 121, had1 h cb13} $ 3>A ?•

Strategical Ability. See "Army” under Professions and Occupations. (Fart



This is a blend of doubt and caution ps 26 ^ h< with persons, e» ft 8 71

Thus (N.N. 209) had 21 Iff 10 afflicting SB 26, and ^ in ft 12 ess 10.

Chnstian II of Denmark (N.N. 484) had afflicted in ss 24 and Dormtian

(NN. 440) had ess ft 8 afflicted by ft.


This is duiohd by «s ft 23 2J. See "Doctors,"

" Actors," under Professions and Occupations.

1 Calculated by Kir. Virian Robson.


There are several kinds of tact—the tact the iriendly, benevolent s» SI 9 21

+ who like to smooth* things over just oat of sheer good will; the tact of tf
HI. 2-3 $ subtle and scheming for their own ends, polite or the reverse as it
suits them; and there is the tact of the restrained and controlled cb ft 25 # h
benefic. Tactlessness is indicated by afflictions in one or other of these
areas. Thus the " singularly tactless " James II (N.N. 052) had © in m 2 □
2> ft 1 Z. $ W18.

Archbishop Laud (N.N. 592) had $ 10 (on TH 5

of the Constellations) Q as 0.

Temper. See *' Anger.'


Temperance in the original sense of the tend—the preservation of the mean

in all things—is indicated by a horoscope without severe afflictions, it is
specially im-port ant that the degrees of intensity T — 18 <? V should not
be heavily afflicted: and that there should be a reasonable amount of control
cb ft ift Fj*

In the sense of total abstinence whether from alcohol, tobacco, or any other
form of indulgence, aa vl A Tl . are stronger than normal. Sir Isaac Pitman
(N.N- 385) held strong views on this matter. He had four planets in
including I) which was semisquare to # the planet of desire.


Tenacity of purpose is also due to a blend of cb ift ft with desire tt n\ $ $.

Thus George III (N.N. 730) had S d h» and # in ft; and General
Gordon (N.N. 057) had«J in b 27J (on b 9 of the Constellations) Afin*28.


A traitor is one who is trusted as a friend s» ft 2J. * f but turns round

suddenly to become an enemy fp a: 29 <$ ty. A sudden change of front,
though from honourable motives, may have the appearance of traitorship as
in the case of the Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain (N.N. 107) who was dubbed
" Judas " when he changed his politics. He had in ^ 29 and (ruler of ^) in
Charles II (N.N. C4S) was unfaithful to his friends. He had T* m=^29^ Q
21, and 5 in ft □>

James VI and I (N.N. 07) is also considered to haw been guilty of perfidy.
His<j was afflicted in ft.

Edward III (N.N. 233) had 5 6 Triumph.

The triumphant spirit is denoted by ^ 9 <J Christ's triumphal entry into

Jerusalem probably took place when the © was in 0.


See also ** Deceit,” “ Honesty," " Dishonesty."

The principal blends in truthfulness are e» ft 7 2f $ plus cn ft 16 h-Vanity.

An exaggerated idea of one's own importance is usually the result of a

combination of T —V (or'the Ascendant or 7th and their rulers) the egoistic
influences, with ea ft 21 * which are expansive and enlarging. Thus to say
that a person has ” swelled head ” is a very . apt metaphor, for *|» —<S also
denote the head.

MavimiliaTi i (K.N. 460) hado in ft, and 21 just above the Ascendant.

Lambert {N.N. C41) had 2{. ‘Y’ 9^ T — 0.

Nero (N.N. 430) had 2U,<J.

Felix Faure (N.N. 836) had£ Z. 21.


_ The influences of most importance in this connection are )( Tij 14 P (D

though n t 14, n t 2D, and )< TIJ 29 are also frequently noticeable.

Matthias I of Hungary {N.N. 451) had the © in )( 14.

Chief Justice Coleridge (N.N. 067) had 2f-in X 14}. ' Michael Angelo (N.N.
472) had # 14 A<? X 17.

Charles V {N.N. 610) had © X 14} *

Lord Brougham (N.N. 183) had 2J. in trp 12 h HI. 12.

WtU. See " Desire" p. 20.


This is a combination of on ft ft Tj with « il 7 2J. *. "In much wisdom is

much grief." (EccT. i. 18). cd sometimes cause sadness as well as
wisdom. Wit.

Wit comes under the influence of H f as distinct from Humour which comes
under es SI-Wonder.

The principal blends in Wonder are T — 28 (that which is strange) and as SI

21 #. but particularly the more passive and negative of each of these
groups, namely as28 ^ plus ea 2J..

Edward Irving {N.N. 179) took a delight in the marvellous and that which
excited wonder. He had V^a27} d 2J.<?«c*25.

Worry. See " Anxiety.”


n J !) Jj have a special reference to the first twelve years of life and persons
with these signs strong preserve their youthfulness into advanced life.




0 The Ego.
2 Humour. *

4 Taste.

6 Comparison. *

7 Life and Death.

8, Hardship, Courage, Violence, Destruction, Mcr-0 Self-assertion,

Superiority, Triumph, [derousness. 10 11

12 Logic, Reasoning, Intuition, Illogicality, Delirium,

13 Gluttony. (Insanity, Idiocy.

16 Rhythm.

16 Rebelliousness.

17 Romance.

18 Dynamic Force. Sex.

*19 Intensity, Fanaticism.

20 "Penetration.

21 22

23 Hope.


SQ Discovery, The search lor what is new. Cariosity.

' 27 Opposedness, Pugnacity. Anger, Contrariness.

28 Strangeness, Awe, Novelty, Wonder.

29 Differentiation, Treachery, Sudden Change.

* N'OTZ,—The influences given are rarely root meanings of the degrees.

They are usually complex ideas which are compounded iiom a blend of the
degree stated with some other degree or degrees. A


3 Plot, Strategy.

4 Touch.
6 Magic.

ft Subtlety, Slipperiness, Southing, Healing, Occult Power, Craftiness.

7 Deception.

9 Desire, Hunger, Thirst, Gluttony, Drunkenness,

Ambition, Obstinacy.

10 Sex.

11 Constnictiveness.

12 Attraction and Repulsion.

13 Magnetism.

14. Exchange, Barter.

15> Pressure.

13 Growth.

17 Vibration, Colour, Tune.


10 Whirling, Unfolding.

20 Evolving.

21 Abnormality, Idiocy, Originality, Uniqueness.

23 Compromise, Bargain, Covenant, Politics. .


25 Abruptness, Analysis, Separation, Separativeness. •



28 The Inevitable, Fate, Karma.



3 Precision, Accuracy.

4 Minuteness, Trifles, Frivolity, Sense of Sight.

7 Writing.

9. Sensation, Pain.


11 Perception.

12 Argument, Sarcasm, Satire.

13 Mobility, Travel, Distance, Activity.

14 Indecision.

16 Prophecy, Prediction.

17 Curiosity, Education, Anxiety, Pedantry.

18 Ardour, Enthusiasm.



21 Chance, Adventurousness, Gambling.

22 Guessing, Theorising.

23 Faith, Belief.



26 Sensitiveness to opinion.



29 Imitation, Emulation, Hypocrisy, Mimicry.


2 Seriousness.

3 Dignity, Solitude, Scholarship.

4 Hearing.

0 Holding, Possession.

7 Method, Organization.

8 Routine, Army Discipline, Habit.

0 Laboriousness.

10 Pessimism, Sorrow. ■'''

11 Memory.

12 Severity, Cruelty, Punishment.

13 Reckoning, Numbering, Counting, Economy.



15 Regulation, Conscientiousness, Sense of Duty.

17 Honesty,

18 * limitation.

19 Concentration, Monomania, Narrow-mindedness.

20 21


Expectancy, Forethought, Despair.

Self-restraint, Abstemiousness, Asceticism, Self-sacrifice.

Caution, Discretion, Doubt, Suspicion. __

Carefulness, Reliability, Accuracy, Hindrance, * Moodiness.

28 Concealment, Patience, Determination.

29 Acquisitiveness, Accumulating, Hoarding, Collect

ing, Miserliness.


4 Smell.

7 Truth, the Menu between two extremes. Balance,

Judgment, Intolerance.

8 Friendship, Popularity.

9 Poise, Tact, Presidential Position, Command of

Men, Courtesy.

10 Flnt Principles, Philosophy, Generalization.

11 12

13 The Beautiful, Idealism,


15 10

17 ‘-*f......


10 Exaltation, Eminence. v

21 Humour, Absurdity.

22 Cheerfulness, Extravagance.

23 Benevolence, Sympathy, Generosity, Chivalry, Love.


20 m Brilliance, Splendour.

.,*20 Communicativeness, Conversation, Linguistic Ability.


28 Hospitality.

20 Abundance.



2 Resignation.

3 Mcdiumship, Clairvoyance.

4 Intuition, '* Sixth Sense.”


7 Dandyism, Foppishness.

8 Obedience.
0 Self-abasement, Humility, Inferiority, Reverence.

10 Gentleness.


HT Misunderstood, Forgiveness.


14 Transformation, Versatility.

1G -Symbolism, Ritualism.

- 17 Gliding, Flowing, Narrative.

18 Craftiness.


20 21

22 Story telling, Deception

23 Imagination, Delusion


25 Plurality, Synthesis. •

20 Gregariousness, Service of Humanity, Altruism, < * Patriotism.

29 Similarity, Drawing together.


Tvnn omsn methods

In Alan Leo's Casting the Horoscope eight methods, of calculating the

houses of the horoscope are defined and explained. Of these the method of
Placjdus, known as the Semi-arc System, is the method adopted by
Raphael in his Tables of Houses and, so for as the writer is aware, followed
also by all other astrological publishers at tber present day. To quote Alan
Leo's definition, "The principle of this system is the trisection of the semi-
arc of each degree of the ecliptic. By successively adding | S.A. (diurnal) of
any degree, to the Sidereal Time of its ascension, said degree is found upon
cusp of XII, XI, X, respectively; similarly, by adding } S.A. (nocturnal)
to Sidereal Time of its desceusion, saiddegreels found upon cusp of VI, V,
IV." This method is dearly unsound in theory. The M.C. being given, the
Ascendant is found according to one method of division and the
intermediate houses according to another. It is not only unsound in theory,
but in practice it Is found untenable. Directions to the Ascendant and
Midheaven produce effects analogous to the planetary aspects to them, but
directions to the' House Cusps fail.

Of the other methods of division there are two which commend themselves,
namely the Method of Campanus and the Method of Regiomontanus. These
are carefully examined in Chapter XII of Casting the Horoscope and 128

THE WHEEL OF LIFE If this is admitted it at once establishes a

principle on which the other houses may be calculated. In other words our
meridian circle and horizon circle intersect,at the N.'and S. points of the
horizon, and it is natural to assume that the other house cusps are also
determined by circles which pass through these points. It so happens that
the meridian circle and horizon circle divide both the Prime Vertical and
the Equator into four equal portions of 90 degrees each. It therefore follows
that, if we accept this determination of the cusps of the meridian and
ascendant, we have •two, and only two, methods open to us, viz., to find
our other house cusps by dividing the Equator equally (Regiomontanus) or
by dividing the Prime Vertical into 12 equal parts (Campanus). The method
ol Regiomontanus, however, is less symmetrical in principle because the
plane of the equator is not at right angles to a line passing through the poles
of the horizon except for points on the-equator (whereas the Prime
Vertical is). The planes of the six Campanus circles, therefore, are always at
intervals of exactly 30 degrees, while the planes of the Regiomontanus
circles are at irregular intervals. Further most astrologers think of the
ascend* ing degree as being determined by the horizon as such, and the fact
that the horizon circle cats the equator 90 degrees from the point where the
meridian circle cuts it is merely incidental. 4

As regards the proof by experiment to gi^p students an opportunity of

personally testing the Campanus method. Tables of Houses for London and
New York are given in Appendix 2.


(Also Suitable for Antwerp. Essen. Cologne. Leiprig. Dresden, etc.)

0 12 0 10 0 SO

0 32 0 30 0 40

0 44 0 48 0 52 0 56

2 10

9 48 10 63

11 58

10 *2

i 28 30

29 31 L 0 19
25 49 20 35 27 21

28 7

28 53

29 34 I 0 25

1 12

15 33 18 27

4 31

5 15 5 58 8 38

1 53

23 51

23 40

24 41



Time. R.A. 10 11 12 Ase. 2 3

H. M. 1 10 T 17 21 0 15 31 10 2 20 57 0 8 4 8 "I 6 50 0 n 20 31
4 40 17 40 0 37
17 18 2S 4B IS 27 63 20 10 27 27
1 s 1 12 10 20 57 20 5 10 10 64 7 23
18 10 28 28
1 IQ 1 20 33 40 20 8 0 8 54 22 20
SO 20 46 17
21 38 » 0 42 a 0 12

21 • 1 30 11 30 1 7
22 42
1 24 l 22 21 13 2 30 0 40 10 2 3
23 40 12
28 1 22 20 23 3 18 13 2 20 11
23 23 2 58
32 1 24 27 21 12 11
30 1 40 24 50 20 33 25 30 4 10 13 44 60 12 47. 3 53
54 20 57 14 28
25 5 0 4 48

15 0 13 34 0 44
I 44 ' 1 20 45
48 20 16
27 51 14 20 0 30
28 1 20 50 10
1 52 27
4 a o 7 1 28 60 a 32 15 0 7 34
10 2 12 0 0 020
1 50 28
64 7 17 16 8
20 30
47 6 14 17 63 10 20 0
2 0 14
30 0 31 GO 30 24

10 10
3 14 10 22 17 20 11 14
18 38 10
28 32 4 10 0 1)
10 20 1 18 12
18 2 0 3 11-1 13 12 0
2 12' 2 33 13 10 0■
12 5 14 10 20 45
10 2 20 3t 35 20 12 50 0 10 47 13 4
21 25
22 13 40, - 20 34 13 58




- <3 SSSS48 ®S338 ft


- «o®~« »»*»»

e <1


1 a •e

2 S OUSOWj* ”2°S2 58?*3§ sssal

3 e r» (p a ©-■ ®2222 w 2322

2 ' flJlSScl • »<»©«« S3“S3 sassi sssis

■ 8SSS8S 33333 352SS
Sidereal «j e» ei <m ei <H vneieo v«22® jfMMOO

Time. V if lO >a


Time. R.A. 10 11 13 A*c. ' 3 3

CO to 30
lr, m. 3 U 20 44 R 0 40 a 0S3
Q 28 nj 0 0 0 48
44 3 B7 3 54
10 27 30 1 27 7 40
48 3 02 7 30 - 8
S3 4 48
20 14 2 28 35 20 2 13 12 8 27 0
3 CO 0 13 1 31 11
50 5
027 3 O3 8 54
4 0 42 0
o 0 27 47 10 1
GO 35

3 4 7 20
01 10 47
44 4 1 1 22 3 10 8
03 4 31 6 0 30 10 11 34
484 4 57 3 23 0
10 21 0 0 0 18 11 0 1!
13 4 03 53 7 30 42 12 23 12
10 4 30 5 4 4 4 58 20 13
10 8
04 00 54 G 0 13 64
11 1

4 38 4 00 7 47 5 61 0 47 8 24 0 13 5 14 40 f 11
33 4 10 0 67 54
30 4 40 07 8 7 41 13 47 15
42 0 10 43 20' 10 12
4 44 4 08 30 8 35 0 14 20 13 17 47
48 00 70 28 11 20 0 17 47
4 52 10 30 15 11 15 13
53 40
4 50 11 31
5 0 33


12 20 12 15 10 10
72 18 33 10
13 28 13 2 10 30 17 10 17
73 10 22 11 11
19 IS
14 22 10 12 0 13 13 48 20 5 20
2 18.44 ID 18
74 3 13 55 61
15 14 34 20 4 18
75 17 10 21 37 67 10
13 15 20 40




•«oee» S25S? nnneo

- ” f I ” R *i
- ;

* « j»oo«
- 2WSS«

i • *»OOh °ti0on sssn-* RS=5«

®s5sn — ae^ot* on^oe

“SSSR o ri »s oo —
tS "

°-es; CSSRR
• taecaa 8

oooeo = ®oo2
d . SSSgg

"'aaass — *eoggo

Tune. R.A. 10 11 12 ASCr 2

7 44 110 s 24 5 25 2 25 ft 19 54 nj 16 63 ^ 18 n 23 11 X
69 28 60 27 63 18 ID 25
48 m 20 47 17 40 0 23 57 64

52 118 21 40 18 27 19 24 43 26
42 49
58 U9 22 33 19 14 25 29
0 120 23 26 20 1 20 26 16 27
24 46

21 5 28


21 ij 0
49 28
4 27 3
22 1
20 48
31 27 50 23
8 24 20
121 21 31
23 2
12 28 37
122 25 13 20 22 13 19
to 7 27 1 27 65 20 23 29
123 23 3
7 23 64 24 1
20 65 15
0 11
28 61 29 48 a 0 24 4
125 46 1 44 43 38 11

24 41 25 20 0 57 6 07

29 43 25 27 44

26 14

3V 27 1
8 40 130 35 2 25 27 48 8 53

19 28 37 28 60 64 9 51

4 14 29 21 29 32

8 52 58 *08 14

8 56 0 55 0 56

90 135 12 31 6 56 1 42 1 37 6



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Sidereal Time. . dClOSB Offl o o o ©«222


Time. RA to 11 12 A*. 2 3

11. u nj 4 7 ig 2ft 1 c 18 2 St 10 10 r 25 43 ffif 5 25

fi 11 27 0 18 48 10 69

16S 6 15 27 50 19 34 17 40 27 3t 7 33

ISO 7 18 28 50 20 20 18 23 28 25 8 40

10 40 100 8 22 29 45 21 0 19 0 20 19 9 64
10 44 161 0 26 £. 0 40 21 62 10 48 i? 0 13 11 2

10 48 102 10 30 1 35 22 39 *0 21 19 12 10

10 52 103 11 31 2 30 23 25 21 14 13 10

10 56 101 12 38 3 20 24 11 21 57 31 14 28'

11 0 ies 13 43 21 24 57 22 40 68 IS 38

11 4 100 14 47 10 26 44 23 22 55

It 8 1C7 15 62 12 20 31 24 4 5 63

' 11 12 168 16 67 8 27 17 24 40 0 51

1G9 18 2 2 28 3 25 23 7 60

19 7 57 23 49 26 10 49 21 34

11 21 171 20 11 52 29.35 49

10 40 m 0 21

11 41 1 7 28 21
12 30 53 12 54

13 31 39 29 48 13 60 27 41


Sidereal RA. 10 11 12 Asc. 3

H. M. t 0 32
«9 20 38
11 u 170 20 43 ■a 14 1 yj 14 08 10 SS 28 05
20 10 11 3 25 15 1 2 K0
11 48 177 27 40 20 10 U 4 12 .,4 08 10 20
11 G2 G8 TO 17 7
178 28 17 0 41 2 41 2 42
11 170 180 04 30 18 12 10
GO O 18 4 tf>30 3 21 17 3 OD

12 0
1B2 20 33
“TT7~ 10 1 10 ‘40
12 S 12 ^ 1 G 2 00 20 * 7 io 8 4 51 21 30
12 12 181 12 3 17 00 3 8 40 0
22 38
10 12 35 10 5
21 44
20 IBS 6 27 21 14 0 23 48 6 10 0
22 30 18 7 0 33 7 00 0
12 24 24 00 7 10 25
28 12
33 12 187 0 32 23 33 11 7 7 50 20 11 27 11 43
30 23 VtfSO
12 40 188 189 7 3724 11 03 8 30 29 13 1
27 20 34 0 CO XT 1 4
12 44 ” 100 8 43 0 22 20 12 30 10 14 10
12 40 10 27
48 12 10 13 25 10 s 15
G2 10 03 10 02 38 10
14 11 ‘ 03
13 0 14 07 .17

15 12 2 20
11 G8 28 4 28 18 17 10
103 101 43 10 23
'13 3 14 08 20 3 38 37 20
104 103 8 10 02 m 0 13 07 2?
13 10 17 40 40 17 IS 0 - 4 17 23 37
07 10 30
18 l 00 ’
14 43


Sidereal RA. 10 11 12 Asc. 2 3

H. M. 13 4 13 106 17 m 2 34 n 18 47 % 15 « 8 55 * 24 67
8 13 12 13 22 29 23 17
13 13 20 197 3 28 19 34 10
18 16 17 17 27 37
103 25 4 21 20 20 21
7 21 53 17 5 11 28
199 19 5 15 41 57 T
29 17 54 0 18
200 6 9 13 6
18 43
20 14
34 33


22 18 0
42 17
£01 73
22 39 27 2 58
23 19 32
102 7 57
13 24 13 46 , 23 26 18
20 4 18
23 13 32 13 203 ?4 50 8 50
21 21 55
33 13 40 24 12 24 53 5 38
25 9 11 12
?04 20
53 <
43 10 , ",25 44 1 22 52 6 59
205 36
26 21
57 52

23 24
11 29 23 43 • 25 0 8 19 3
13 44 13 43 ' 206 ri'&'S
12 22 24 35 39 10
13 53 28 1 26
*28 5 59
207 29 13 15 25 27 38
13 56 4 >1 0 28 52
26 19 28 12 19
208 1 14 8
14 0 13
29 39 13 33
209 1 8 15 1 27 11
210 2 11 55

14 4 14 8 14 211 3 15 15 54 I 0 26 28 3 X 33 14 56
12 14 16 14 12 59 47 35 4 13 4
SO 212 4 17 16 47 28 56 54 6 16 14
36 8
213 5 18 17 40 29 l$‘ 17 32
, 50 y 0
6 19 18 32 45 18
214 51 20
2T5 7 21 19 25 42 11



Tine, R,A> 10 11 12 , Asc. •> ^ 3-

T 21
14 8 22 n 20 17 v? 2 38 28 22
n. m. U 24 0 23 21 10 45
1 4 22 3 36
217 M 10 3 24 2
u "a 14 32 14 10 24 22
3 22 5 0 5 4 33 11
30 14 40 218
11 66 57 »•- 48 13 25
210 220
26 12 0 45 ' 5 32 0 34 15 19 20
26 23 48 7,33 32 20 17 6 37

U 44 14 48 11 13 20
62 14 60 16 0 221 24 40 T 7 33 ' 27 62 •
B 21 0
14 27 8 35 9 18 61 29 8 9
16 14 "22 25 9 9 68 20
38 0 24
15tr8 1612 16- 16 33 20 33 22
10 47
1I1 16 20 223 23 10 26 27 10 42 20 24 1 40
29 17 23 11 30 in 20 0
224 226 10 11 40 2 65
17 29
227 18 28 29 2 20 12 25 13 61 13 27 65 4 0
10 28 64 t 0 67 20 44 r
228 47 13 i 33 3 6
220 230 20 27 13 U 16 22 6 10 23 0
1 40 2 4 10 30
21 12
20 23 2 33 14 61 7
26 17 21 49 0
15 41 2

23 24 10 13
3 25 10 30
232 24 18 32 10 0 68 8 11 24
16 28 16 4 17 10
22 , 44 20 50 40 10
32 16 30 16 233 17 6 12 38
26 20 • „ 22 34 12
40 10 0 2 18
234 236 10 10 10 23 20 22 14 9 13 40
20 18
66 2 10 64
27 10 14 67



2 43

3 46
" • AhtDOO 5S-"2
4 47

5 43 0 49

» W SssS; £ 22222

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2 e” (•CJOl'Pl 22lSs :


1 S e gP s3SKg° ©»©«© 3SSS°


Time. R.A. 10 i 11 12 Asc. 3

H. -m 17 250 f 17 8 18 t 25 28 vr C ' rr2S 4 8 17 n 7 60

4 17 8 17 2 20 22 10 fl U X0 53
12 17 10 17 257 7 6 10 4 8 51
20 18 58 27 17 18 6 34 19
258 12 9 17 9 51
250 200 19 53 28
12 29 13 11 10 52
20 45
6 20 11 52

22 4


24 44
201 21 43 20 1 12 61
01 U 13
202 22 38 27 13 49
17 24 17 0 58 15 15 18
23 17 32 17 203 23 33 14 48
38 17 40 1 52 16 19 28 ,
204 24 29 8 48 11 35
2 48 17 2 13 15 47
205 25 25 24 13 16 15 29
3 43 29 30 18 ,4 48 16 40

208 26 20 4 39 19 34 Mill
17 44
17 43 17 82 267 27 15 5 35 20 40 20 24 2 13
22 18 41
17 SO 208 28 10 6 31 21 47 45 25 3 25
6 27 19 39
18 0 269 29 5 7 28 22 33 30 0 4 37
55 24 20 37
270 30 0 8 24 5 5 50

18 8 18 273 >? 0 55 9 21 25 T 2 27 6 58 8 22 32
12 18 16 18 1©
4 54 .7 6 .9
20 274 1 CO 10 19 15 m 9 14 ,10 23 28
26 28 38 11 23 11
275 11 17 56 32 24 24
2 12 IS 27 40 25
45 40 35 20 20
13 13 28 10
54 »



Svltreal R.A. 10 11 12 Asc. 2 3


IS 44 10 Yf2i 5 ' St 4 64 t) 23 39 ■ 2 11 »I5 12

4S 25 2 61 X 0 22 16
296 25 12 3 3
5 10
19 25 69 7 8 2 3
26 3 60 53
52 10 297
66 203 290 300 26 8 IS 3 42 5 43 28 4 49 17
60 27 23 7 0 12 29 61
20 0 53 9 22 39 5 42 18 44

301 10 29 *'ll 1 6 0 35 19 37
23 61
20 4 20 302 29 48 a 11 33 2 31 7 27 20 30
o 40 8 60 10
8 20 12 47 8 19 21
303 34 12 19 3 54 23
12 20
1 44
10 20 £0 304 13 14 8 5 15 9 22 14
2 43 56 15 10 10
305 5 15 61 6 34 1 23 7

300 3 41 16 15 10 62
24 0
20 28 20 307 4 40 17 26 11 43
24 63
32 20 7 60 9
308 5 33 18 38 12 38
36 20 17 36 19 3 10 25
40- 309 6 36 19 23 21 16 11 13 25 45 20
49 21 10 22 28 12 38
310 7 35 0 * 68 24 40 39 14 14

20 48 312 8 34 0 22 12 26 38 28 13 48 15 3 15 28 23
33 28 T 0 63 10
20 313 10 32 23 25 10 8 57 14 42 29
52 20 60 10 15 nos
60 314 11 24 30 3 17 31
31 17 1
21 0 315 31 25 62 17 9 18 20
-27 6 1 63
18 14





7 59
" '°S®S2 ss s®- vt-©wo is-cv nci
8 52 1 9 45 1 10

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Time. R.A. 10 11 12 Asc. 2 3

330 K 24 20 ss 7 59 n 4 68 / 5 020 20
S 9 31
X 4 7 6 25 40
11 1 12 8 49 43 21 13
U. M, 22 24 22 337 11 0 15
27 0 31 6 30
28 22 32 22 9 39 22 6
338 7 18
38 22 40 28 14 l
339 10 23 7 10 22 69
8 22 20 29
3 (0 15 29 8 2
40 11 17 23 52

24 45
311 9 20 10 53 "I2 0

22 44 22 43 10 30 18 17 12 55 25
39 20
22 52 22 60 313 11 34 19 40 13 43 8 48 ,33
23 0 314 12 38 21 3 21 4 14 31 9 35 10 27 27
41 6 1 6 21 11
346 13 43 21 22 27 15 18 7 11 63 28 21
23 8 23 12 23 347 14 47 7 42 23 60 10 5 10 12 40 29 16
10 23 20 61 rj 0 9 .
343 15 62 8 69 25 7 13 29 13
17 37
340 16 10 19 26 24 14 12 1 57
67 18 18
350 2 19 7 11 38 27 41 23 10 14 53 2 51
12 69 28 58 15 44

20 II 'I Oil 19 55 10 30
3 40
332 It 20 15
21 17 17 10
39 10 68 1 24 20 41 4 40
23 23 23 32 23 363
22 23 21 18 2
30 23 40 18 17 2 5
364 30 48 20 22
23 28 18 48 34 0
366 19 30 10 22
GO 23 7 22
24 33 54 19 34




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Asc. 1
2 ' SSeleSS

= * nnSJJ® u

2 \«no»o


K •Hill

u aSI?S»”S


Lat. 40" 43' N.


(Also suitable for Madrid, Naples, Salerno, Salonika, Constantinople, etc.)

Time. A. 10 11 12 Asc. 2 3

II. M. 0 0 > 0 0 TOO T 29 20 2 10 30 v 18 S3 a lo 12 tiff 7 42 8

4 0 8 0 13 0 a 0 30 1 17 1 39 , 0 35
10 0 20 1 1 5 48 11 34 19 42
17 10 31
3 2 10 3 2 12 37 20 31 50
11 27
4 3 15 13 39
5 4 20 4 14 6 14 40 21 18 12 23
20 20 22 39
5 20 15 41 10 22
59 19
28 ,
20 17

0 32 21 0
6 38
7 37 21
0 IS 0 32 7 60 0 23 48 65
8 1 10 42 13 19
0 40 43 0 24 30 22
9 17 43 14 15
48 10 11 44 '
11 20 25
10 18 15 12 10
10 C3 24 20 23
43 10 12 27 1 34 9 17 0
20 41 24
11 11 63 12 30 21 38
0 44 25 13
12 13 13 30 22 30 27 48
3 20
0 48 0 52
14 40 23 2 20
13 14 28 30
0 CO 34 21 62 18 2 18 69 .
a 10
14 15 32 25 30 29 24 19 60 20
1 0 13 10 50 17 , 27
62 21 49
15 17 41
4 n 0 12

69 28


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Time R.A. 10 11 12 Asc. 3

U, M. 2 30 8 8 23 D 0 10 a 14 12 O 17 27 tig 16 ^ 11 42
24 2 23 2 9 24 10 10 10 15 4 10 09 10 40 -
33 2 30 2 37 26 00 10 18
40 11 15 40 17 37 13 10 17 39 12 38
38 11 27 0
12 18 13 35
39 12 27 16 13 19 47 20 10
14 20 14 31
40 20 34
15 28

21 22
41 13 28 14 12 10 24
2 48 2 52 22
43 14 20 15 18 23 10
9 22 20 10 21 17 21
10 10 8 19 20
2 50 43 15 00 0 21 00
10 21 18
20 10 17 5 1 21 61
3 0 23 43 22 40 18 10
44 20 17
14 20
, 46 20 18 3
24 30 23 31 11

40 18 20
22 41 25 17 21 8
47 19 28 10 0 10
23 31 20 4 20 24 21 22 |
* 3 12 3 67 20
48 20 28 01 4 . 23 0
10 60 21 24 21 25
49 21 27 61 22 48 27 38 12 20 23 60
• 3 20 25 U 20 3 20
50 22 20 1 28 25 54 27 45 24 62

Ha 52 23 25 23 45 26 01 27 20 13 "1 28 30' 20 48
41 23 00,0 20 20 a 20 43
3 32 ' 3 G3 24 24 24 41 31 39 47 l 0 10 1
30 3 40 18 n oio 34s 21 0 60 27 38
55 25 26 28 34
22 20 30 20
20 27 33 29 30
27 29




Time. R.A. 10 11 12 Asc. 3

If. u. 5 4 5 76 I 17 8 18 a 16 a 17 is rj 18 52 a 19 30 £0 "l 18
8 0 12 3 29 18 8 20 21 10 22 37 ’
77 19 40
5 16 78 18 63 17 18 58 20 0 22 50 19 30
70 80 22 28 21 ~
6 20 19 63 19 48 10 22 3-
18 20 23
20 48 10 20 37
19 18 22
10 9

20 3

20 60
81 21 43
21 21 26 23 4
82 22 33 49 22 50 '
6 24 6 22 15 23 38 23 39 23 £9
28 S 32 5 83 23 33 22
38 S 40 42 23 4 24 SO 24 ”9 24 53
84 24 29
23 23 54 25 14 25 19 25 47
85 25 25 35 ,
24 28 24 44 26 1 26 9 20 £9 26 42

86 26 20 25 26 48
67 27 15 25 33 27 36 27 35
6 48 5 62 • 26
88 28 10 26 22 28 24
6 56 8 0 14 28 29

89 29 6 27 12 29 12
27 7 27 48 23 29
i 23 1
33 29 28 n o 22 t
SO 30 0 28 30 0 is 0 15
28 61
1 28
54 a 0 47 17 19
6 4 • 8 8 6 91 » 0 65
12 60 45 3 1 35
. ' 6 18 92 40 35 e 29 40 2 23 1 57 21
6:20.: S3 0,30 21
3 n 53 2 47 2 £5
94 2 11 1
3 30 3 49
4 20 6 15 4 43

5 37



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Time. RA. 10 11 12 Asc. 3'

ft 22
It. M 20 a 20 30
7 44 7 o 2 4 5 23 21 23
48 7 02 117 25 2 25 14
09 20 22 10
7 00 118 00 27 53 24 tt 22 20 1 24 21
110 120 0 26 "I 20 32 21 22 07 23 18 21 25 16 20
8 0 4 20 22 22 12 , 7 21 10 27
09 23 2 23 63 23 44 50 25 45 4 27 68

888 20 61 24 22 20 34 28 03
12 8
10 8 20 121 27 25 27 23 29
28 01 29 49 21 43 25 10 20 48 >9
48 n o 40 34 20 25 28 13
8 24 8 123 a Oil
28 8 28
1 44 27 lfl
32 8 124 44 /-O 03 ' 29 ) 33
30 8 40 27 40 3 29
2 43 28 7
125 29 63 2 33
8 44 8 40 m 23 28
48 8 O 35 29 I 0 42 3 30
02 8 16 "10
00 8 0 1 32 4 26
120 3 41 1 30 23 63 '29 2 0 3 Ti 5
48 A 0 38 1 10 1 30 22 11
127 4 40 0 2 25 28 2 18 4 t 18
33 0 30 7
123 35 3 20

120 4
10 6
130 11

2 23
132 8 34 0 33
07,7 3 4 62 6 S 10 0 7
133 10 32 2,7 10 3 42 0
373 10 4
68 65 07 32 22
07 47 37 27
134 11 31 11 1 u
. 61 44 - 12
135 12 31
5 30





Time. RA. 10 11 12 A sc. 2 3

1421 10
"14 7 "120 60
41 a 0 27 S3 « 4
166 22 43 14 10
n 38

H M. 10 167 23 30 28 96
0 16 1 36
24 10 28 10 0.23 69 14 0
168 24 IQ-SS 24 29
32 10 30 10 7 18 2 32 18
160 100 39 20 17 26 3 20
8 22 3 30 29 27 19 4 68 7 22
10 44
10 48 10 \f 0
62 10 00 0 20
103 4 25 6 63
26 61 8 28 9
11 0 10 30 22 0 20 38
101 1 49 31
11 34 27 20 2 44 10
103 40
7 10 28 8 28
12 33 68 29 28 3 40 11 40
8 13 48 14 0 13 20
13 43
38 1 27 1 4 30 12 62

n 4 11 6 11 107 14 47 16 0 0 to 2 17 29 48 7 6 14 0 16
12 11 10 11 62 10 0 0 30 33 0 ' 8 10
20 103 67 18 3 7 31 10
2 19 7 11 3 1 24
100 3 60 7 28 17 24
170 12 4 40 2 8 18 31
0 12 12 3 20 0
67 6 35 0 24 19 41

10 20
24 61 22
3 48 11
20 11 , 13 62 6 24
23 23 12
171 114 48
7 14 4 30
11 28 11 21 17 12 24 23
32 11 30 11 3 5 23
22 23 46 10
40 173 24 0
41 62 13
23 28 ' 12
174 176 22
21 33 17 37 42 0





Tjme. R.A. 10 ll/ 12 Ase. 3

n. m 13 4 13 ISO a!7 22 n 7 8 3 m20 64 124 JT 7 42 - K2Q 13

8 13 13 13 41 9 7 10 21 30
10 13 20 197 18 25 8 58 27 43 22
25 23 47
198 19 29 9 28 33 34 . 11 37
53 10 26 24 4
199 20 34 48 29 27 12 42
23 1.0 25 21
200 21 33 13 27

29 8
201 22 42 11 42 Yt 0 14 2
3 0 1523
202 23 40 12 36 1 2 1 20 37 27
13 24 13 68
62 2 16 64 20
28 13 32 13 203 24 60 13 30
42 ' 3 1 HT0
36 13 40 45 18
204 25 53 14 24 31 4 21 54 S 28 1 45

205 26 57 15 18 2
' 19 31

10 11
206 17 4
13 43 13 62 28 1 29 4 20 47 i
44 22 4
207 4mo 17 67
13 66 6 12 6
2 6 62 5 23 22
208 11 18
14 0 41
200 210 60 19
7 42 24 3 2 •1
43 0 39 41 26 19' 5 30 0
8 32 37 1 53 8 10

ua 212 3 15 20 40 9 22 27 24 23 D 27 10
48 X 0 44 12
14 12 14 16 213 4 17 6 21 33 10 13 13 1 1 13
18 39 3 0 18 14135
14 20 214 22 20 11 3
215 23 11 54
21 ig-
12 44
24 12



« ^ © © — ei
«o ««■»•* iot»oo ©o

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Sidereal Hjg*eltoc



Time. R.A. to 11 12 Asc. 2 3

230 *3 1
16 2
H. M. 16 237 l 12 68 12 8 9 49
44 16 48 16 13 51 3 7
238 03 12 8
62 16 66 16 <t 28 u T56
0 239 29 12 t 14 4 3 Sf 6 41 8 39 12 0 13 17
10 1 8 2 44 10 2 9 22 10 42 11
240 7 37 10 29 4 59 44 12 0 12 14 27

6 12 44 15 34
17 24 56 0
3 4 54 14 IS 16 42
242 13 29
16 8 16
241 4 0 4 18
12 16 16 16 18 10 7 51 14 15 40 17 40
20 57 6 64 0
244 14 20
51 8 49 50 16 17 15 18
0 21 0 10 17 57 SO
9 47 41 10 8 18 42 4

16 28 16 247 7 47 21 64 10 20 30 22 20 1 21 10
32 16 36 16 47 2 23 33
40 248 8 42 0 22 48 22 30 22 15
39 11 25 5
249 23 42 47 23 9 23 21
10 37 26 38
250 11 33 • 24 37 . 12 24 24 26
25 31 47 30 26
3 25 32


12 29 48 26 30
26 26
27 30
263 13 23 27 40
16 48 16 27 20 16 28 12 29
50 28
62 10 60 253 51 X 1
14 22 67 8 0 28 44
28 U 22 2
17 0 254 17 24
15 56 33' 29
265 17 15 29 8 0 62
1 46 8 43 C
13 18 0 01





Time R.A. 10 11 12 Asc. ♦ *3

n. m. 18 24 18 270 vj 6 30 20 1 21 sr 14 20 r 10 24 II 0 1 9 2 21
28 18 32 IS 0 25 0 22 0 33
30 18 40 277 16 47 12 9 2 18
7 20 23 1 22
278 17 9 • 18 13 25 30
8 15 . 24 2 32 53 15
279 36 ' 17 32 23
9 11 19 55 10 27

20 15
281 10 6 '
25 3 20
11 1 4 18 50 20 27
37 39 0 40 11
'18 49 18 62 18 11 67 27 5
283 22 14 7 62 28 7
60 19 0
12 28 7
284 21 11 . 22 23 8 29
62 13
285 48 29 10 27 23 45 25 60 25 50 « 2 29
1 20 24 27 9 69 58

14 43 11 3 0 63
27 4
15 27 47 29
r 0 15 28 12 0 1 48
283 30 10 1 18 2 12 H 0 37
19 8 10 12 19 38 8 0 13
35 20 9 2 43
16 10 20 2 3 9
17 31 3 24 14 3 38
290 3 30 1 48 3
10 16
18 27 4 28 22 11 4 33

6 32
201 10 23 10 12 6 28 0
6 30 5 4 55
292 20 19 17 13
7 40 6 6 27
19 24 19 28 10 32 8 1
203 21 15 7 16
18 U
32 19 30 19 40 8 7 58 9
294 22 40 52 24 8
19 13
11 23 10 9
11 2
10 52
295 8 20 11 5




Sidereal -O
Time. 10 11 1 12 , Asc. 2 4

21 4 21 318 Ztn 31 14 X 4 SI T13 23 14 n 7 45 8 «J 9 31 027

8 21 12 21 30 10 53 62 9 59 45
18 21 20 317 31 10 5 34 10 24
31 17 32 16 23 11 4 28
318 6 48 11 17 33
310 320 17 50 19 12 10
8 I 17
9 14 12 29
8 13 32
0 H ft
0 25

18 33 10
32? 2 12
34 10 27
13 62 § 38
21 28 21 323
32 21 20 35 11 40 20 37 U 44 5
13 15 U
36 21 40 324
21 30 12 53 22 7 10 15 16 40
325 21 10 30 16 S
22 37 14 10 23 47 25 23 17 24 26
. 10 20 45 4 54
17 17 2 6
21 44 21 23 38 15 27 48 n
24 41
21 52 21
60 320 25 43 20 16 44 28 13 18 25 18 8 --o
45 18 1
22 0 327 29 41 a 19 25 18 59 • 6
27 48 19 20 i o 43
22 4 22 328 20 24 19 60 ^
8 22 12 22 320 330 28 60 29 20 35 2 32
18 22 20 63 21 23 20 41 7
21 52 3 63 37
X 0 65 22 23 21 31 M
68 3 3
331 31
o 25
333 a
331' 335
19 •

23 21 22 21 12
24 26
24 19 23 H
25 43 5 19 0
40 2 20 10 25 10 24 1
26 1
69 28 26 13 24 61
27 10 25 41 65



Time, R.A. 10 11 12 Asc. 2 3

u. u. 3(29 33 0 11 67 229 0 *?8 31 Q 15 44

5 11 T 0 60 13 15

27 14 34
3 24 15 60 a 0 62

22 4Q 340 8 22 4 41 17 0 1 47 29 SO

0 20 0 cs 18 22 2 40 a o 40 20 14

342 10 30 7 15 19 37 3 33

343 11 34 32 20 62 4 20

341 12 38 61 22 7 6 19 3 8

23 0 345 13 43 11 0 23 22 0 13 67

. 23 4 340 14 47 12 23 24 37 76 4 40 24 43

10 52 13 40 25 52 7 57 5 35 25 43

23 12 348 16 67 14 67 27 9 8 40 0 24 20 38

23 18 349 18 2 10 14 28 19 0 41 7 14 27 33

23 20 350 19 7 17 31 29 27 10 33 8 3 28 28

23 24 331 20 II 18 48 3 0 35 11 24 8 52 20 24
23 23 353 21 17 20 0 1 43 12 15 n 0 19

23 32 353 22 23 21 0 2 61 13 0 10 30 1 14

23 30 354 23 28 22 19 3 53 13 67 11 18 2 9

23 40 355 24 33 23 30 56 14 48 12 7 34


the wheel of life



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• gErgSS


APPENDIX 3 calculation of the horoscope

(a) Tims,

The horoscope is a figure of the heavens erected for a particular time

(most frequently, the moment of a child's birth). In order that the figure
may be erected correctly it is necessary to know by what standard time is
measured in the locality concerned. Thus a birth-time might be quoted as
" noon," New York. This might be noon (0) by the sundial, {b) by local
mean time, (c) by local standard time, (<f) by some other standard. Noon by
the sundial is the time of day when the Sun is directly in the South, but the
interval from noon to noon by the sundial varies at different seasons of the
year owing to the eccentricity of the earth's orbit and as astronomical
knowledge advanced it was found more convenient to measure time by
means of an average day, which is sometimes longer than the sundial day
and sometimes shorter but is at all seasons equal by its own standard. Only
twice a year does noon by method (a) coincide with noon by method (6).
While the adoption ■ of local mean time was an advance on true Sun time,
it still left much to be desired, especially after the advent of railway trains
when it was important that people should know whether the time quoted for
fee start of a train was according to the local mean time of the place of
departure or the local mean time of some more im-169 M

CALCULATION OF THE HOROSCOPE 171 Edinburgh equals 12 h. 12

m. 43 s. p.m. Greenwich Mean Tune, which is local standard time.

To convert local standard time to local mean time, the rules given in (c) will
be reversed.

Similarly to convert standard time of > one place to standardjtime of

another, the difference in longitude of the standard meridians will be taken
account of in the same manner. As sundial time is now practically never
used, rules for converting it need not be here1’ given.

{b) The Position of the Planets in the Zodiac.

There are two factors of importance in plotting the horoscope : the position
of the ® and planets in the Zodiac and the position of the different portions
of the Zodiac (and the planets therein) relatively to the observer. The
Zodiac1 is the apparent path through the stars which the sun traverses in a
year caused by the revolution of the earth round the sun. This is ■ divided
into twelve equal portions starting from the position of the sun. at the venial
equinox—T H an

ft nj? The planets’ orbits round

the sun are not in exactly the same plane as that of the earth, but fairly close
to it, and they traverse the same apparent path as the sun but in different

Now it would be an intolerable labour if, every* time a horoscope was

erected, the astrologer had to make a complicated mathematical and
trigonometrical calculation in order to find the position of each planet in
the zodiac'T This is avoided by the labour of a few on behalf of the many.
What is known as an Epheraeris is compiled giving the exact position of
each planet at noon (usually noon G.M.T. as‘‘in’Raphael's Ephezneris) on 1
See also page 173.

THE WHEEL OF LIFE every; day of the year, and by simple arithmetic
Its approximate'position may be found for any time of the day.

Tims the position of Mars at noon G.M.T. on December 1st, 1020, is given
as « 3® 2', and at noon G.M.T. on December 2nd, 1920, as s=s 3° 48'. At
midnight between these two dates its approximate position would
therefore be ss 3® 25*.

(c) Position of the Planets relatively to the viewpoint of the observer. At

any one moment a planet will be on the horizon or above it or below it,
according to the point on the earth's surface from which an
observation'is taken, and the time of day at which it is made. The exact
number of degrees above.or below the horizon may be calculated
trigonometrically with absolute accuracy, but for ordinary purposes all that
is necessary , is! to know within which of the twelve houses1 ' of the
heavens the* planet falls. This is readily ascertained by reference to a table
of houses for the latitude of the place for which the figure is erected.
Appendix 2 contains tables of houses according to the Campanus system for
the latitudes of London and Hew York. Tables of houses according to the
semi-arc system are published for a large number of different latitudes.

•"The tables in this book give the house cusps* at intervals of every four
minutes of sidereal time, and in oider to find the house cusps at a given
moment it is necessary to express the time of birth in local mean time, and
con-, vert into’sidereal time. Every hour of dock tirodequals' one hour and
ten seconds (approximately) of Sidereal 1 See page 183. ,
1The ensps of six hoases only are given because the opposite booses haw
oa their cosps tb» exact opposite degrees of the Zodiac. *■

CALCULATION OF THE HOROSCOPE 173 time i and, in order to

convert local mean time'fnto sidereal time, it is necessary for every hour
after noon to add one hour ten seconds to the sidereal time at noon for the
day in question as given in an Ephomcris or nautical almanac. The sidereal
time at birth having been ascertained, it is a simple matter to find*
the Zodiacal degrees on the house cusps from the table of houses. ‘

Thus, to find the house cusps at 51“ 32' N.* 4® 33* 30' W. at 2 p.m.
G.M.T. on March 1st. 1920.

u. m. s-

G.M.T. at birth ...

2 0 o]
For longitude 4® 33' 30' W. sub-

tract............ 18 14

Local Mean Time at birth 1 41 40

The Sidereal Time at noon on March 1st, 1020, as shown by u M. s.

the Ephemeris was ......

22 35 67
Since L.M.T. ms lh 41s. 46m.

p.m.'add ......... 1 42 3*

Sidereal Timeat birth ... 24 18 0

•-As 24 hours equal a sidereal day, 24 h. 18 m., is equivalent to 0 h. 18 m.

sidereal time.

* Reference to the Table of Houses for 61® 32' N shows that'at S.T. 0. IB. 0
the 10th cusp was T 4® 20', and that at S.T. 0 20.0, »t was qp 6® 26'. By
simple pro* portion it is clear that q* 45 53' was on the 10th cusp at
1 This figure includes 17 seconds being the addition at the rate oi 10
seconds per hour to convert clock time into sidereal time

THE,WHEEL OF LIFE S.T. 0.- 38. 0. "Hie position of the planets at 2

pan. G.M.T., Marcli 1st, 1020, was as follow's ' 0 X 10° 52' J C3 28° 0' $ X
289 33' ? « 9* 5'# ^ 8® 3' 21 SI 0° GO' h Fe8e 6' # XS9!!' ^ &9®21', and the
diagram shoe’s how they would be inserted in the figure, erected for that
time for the latitude and longitude given. ’

Zoiti o Soon Peorr.




Students of Astronomy and Astrology are familiar with the phenomenon

know as the Precession of the Equinoxes. Owing to the fact that the
earth's axis is not at right angles to the plane of its orbit, there
are spa_snna1 changes in each year. When the North Pole is nearer the Sun
than the South Pole, it is the northern summer. Six months later the South
Pole is nearer the sun than the North Pple, and the southern hemisphere has
its summer. At a date in the northern spring (according to the present
calendar, sometimes the 21st and sometimes the 22nd of March) the Earth's
axis is at right angles to an imaginary line drawn from the Sun to the Earth
and in consequence day and night are equal.
1The moment that this angle is exact (90°) the Sun is said to be at Aries 0
or " the first point of Aries " and from this point the Zodiac of the Signs is
measured (similarly at the Autumnal Equinox the Sun is said to be at* Libra

* Aries 0 is not at the present time in Aries of the Constellations at all, but
in Pisces; that is to say, that, if we could see the stars behind the Sun on
March 21st, we would observe that they belong to the constellation Pisces.
The reason is that & another period Aries of 1 Originally published in
iTodtrn Astrology for July, 1923.


THE WHEEL OF LIFE the Signs did coincide with Aries of the
Constellations. But the Earth from one vernal equinox to the next
travels slightly less than a complete drcle of the Sun. Instead of moving
through 360®, it only moves through 359® 69' 10^ approximately. Ihe
consequence' is that with reference'to the Constellations, the sun's position
at the vernal equinox has "processed” 60' in each year,-so that in seventy-
two years it has precessed 1°. Thus, if Aries 0 (the Sun's position at the
vernal equinox) is at present in.Pisces 11 of the Constellations, seventy-
two .years hence it will be in Pisces 10.

This assumes that the Constellations which have lent their names to the
Signs of Zodiac can be divided Into twelve equal portions of 30® each. The
twelve principal Constellations (Aries, Taurus, etc.), which lie in or near the
plane of the Earth’s orbit, and thus of the Zodiac, are by no means fcqoal in
the extent of the heavens which they appear to occupy." There is,
therefore, something arbitrary in the choice of a point to be considered
Aries 0 of the Constellations from which a Zodiac of the Constellations is to
be measured off into twelve equal portions. Any star in the west of the
Constellation Aries might be selected as the starting point, and the period
when Aries 0 of the Signs coincided with this' particular star (disregarding
latitude) could then be calculated with accuracy; but the result would be
valueless unless the star selected was really in a position equivalent to the
first point of Aries* in meaning.

The.problem should be looked at, in the.writer’s opinion, from a totally

different angle. It is a not unreasonable assumption *to make that the
meaning of the Constellation Aries is similar to that of the Sign of the
Zodiac Aries (and similarly the other Constellations


Capricorn 0 and Aries 0 are specially important positions like the
Midheaven and Ascendant of a horoscope. Whenever, then,'Capricorn 0 and
Aries 0 arc in particular parts of the Constellations, they will tend to bring
out strongly the influence of these parts. Similarly, whenever certain
degrees of the Zodiac of the Signs arc as it were superimposed on Capricorn
0 or Aries 0 of the Constellations, the influence of these degrees will be
more marked than at other periods.

Working on this hypothesis and observing the trend of history, the writer
came to the conclusion (from a study of degree influences) that certain
degrees were brought more strongly into prominence at certain periods.
It was found that if the Zodiac of Signs and Zodiac of Constellations were
regarded as coinciding about A.D. 648, there was a remarkable
correspondence of this ** World Horoscope ” with the trend ,of
historical progress.
In Mr. Arthur A. Macdonell's History of Sanskrit Literature (referred to by
Sepharial in his Science of Forektiouledge), Varaha Mthira's “
Brihatsamhita ” is assigned " without hesitation " to the sixth century. It
contains this allusion to the position of the Solstices (rt 0 cu 0). *' The
Summer Solstice is now in the first point of Katakara (the Constellation
Cancer) and the Winter Solstice in Makaram (the Constellation Capricorn)."
Mihira, the astronomer, according to Professor Macdonnell " began his
calculations about a.d. 505 and .... died in a.d. 687." This does not conflict
with the writer's suggestion of A.D. 648 as an approximate date
of coincidence.

The next question is-the rate of precession. The present rate of precession
has been calculated by

astronomers1 to be about 60-1* per'annum. This means that in seventy-two

.years the movement is 1° O' 7.2', or in round figures 1°. There is, of coarse,
no certainty that there has been a uniform rate of precession. . It is quite
possible that the previous coincidence of the Zodiacs as asserted by the
Hindus* was 20,400 years before the beginning of the Kali Yuga in 3102
B.c. This would give a period of 24,040 years for a complete cycle of 360
degrees, or an average of a little under 67 years per degree. If the Hindu
assertion is correct the precession must have been much more rapid at
another stage in the cycle than at present.

Taking the present rate at seventy-two years per degree it is obvious that by
1016 there must have been a precession of J9 degrees.8 In other words at
the present period, the Vernal Equinox, Aries 0, may be regarded as on
Pisces II of the Constellations, and Aries 10 of the Signs as on Aries O of
the Constellations. Similarly, by subtracting 19 degrees from any degree of
the Signs, the degree of the Constellations with which it at present coincides
may be readily ascertained. Thus Capricorn 6 of the Signs at present
coincides approximately with Sagittarius 27 of the Constellations.

Each influence may be regarded as extending over about 36 years on either

side of the year of maximum intensity.

The following table showing at intervals the degrees of

‘ Hipparchus 501', Tycho mad LaeaiUe 501', Delaabre 50-1', Herschell 50-

* Vide Sicrct Dettnn* by If. P. BlavatsVy. VoL I.

* M. D Sagane, anting to 2ile9tm Attrciegy, September. 1924, says 2—*'

The Kirayan School of Astrologers ... count the signs from the fixed star
Rmh Thus there » a. difference ... and this at preseat comes to about 19
degrees, which is the distance of the paint of precession behind the fixed

relation ofTHE EQUINOCTIAL ZODIAC 179 the Signs corresponding

with Capricorn 0 and Aries 0 of the Constellations may prove useful:—

Capricorn 0. Aries 0.

2729-2657 Scorpio 15 Aquarius 15

1649-1677 Sagittarius 0 Pisces 0

669-497 Sagittarius 15 Pisces 15

209-137 Sagittarius 20 Pisces 20

. 152-224 Sagittarius 25 Pisces 25

512-584 Capricorn, 0 Aries O

872-944 Capricorn 6 Aries 5^

1232-1304 Capricorn 10 Aries 10

1692-1664 Capricorn 15 Aries 15

1952-2024 Capricorn 20 Aries 20

'A simple calculator can be made of two circular discs of cardboard—one

slightly smaller than the other. The larger disc must have the 300 degrees of
the Constellations marked on it at regular intervals, with an arrow at
Capricorn 0. The inner disc must have at its edge the degrees of the Signs,
and opposite each degree should be written the period1 when it coincides
with Capricorn 0 of the Constellations.

The calculator is then used as follows :

On what degree of the Constellations was Sagittarius 23 of the Signs in the

year 1G28 ?

Orrreferring to the inner disc the period 1592-1684 is found and turned
opposite the brow on the outer disc. Sagittarius 23 of the Signs is then seen
to be opposite Sagittarius 8 of the Constellations—the answer required.

Or, when did Sagittarius 15 of the Signs correspond with Capricorn 6 of the
Constellations ?

Revolve the inner disc till SSgittarius 15 is opposite

1It is sot, of course, necessary to continue the dates to such remote periods
as x.n. 6000



Afflicted.—A planet, cusp, or a point in the .zodiac is said to be afflicted
when it receives bad aspects, more particularly if it receives more bad
aspects than good aspects.

Angle.—The angles of the horoscope are the M.C., I.C., Ascendant, and
Descendant. Thesfe axe the cusps respectively of the 10th, 4th, 1st, and 7th
houses, and these houses are often themselves referred to as the angles, and
the planets in them as angular.

Ascendant.-^This term is applied (1) to the point of the ecliptic on the

eastern horizon ; (2) to the whole of the 1st house.

Aspects.—This term is used to denote certain angular distances between

planets or points in the heavens. When at the prescribed distances apart (see
page 10), the planets are affected either for good or evil according to the
nature of the aspect. The measurements may be made in the plane of the
ediptic, in which case the aspects are " zodiacal" aspects, or in the plane of
the prime vertical in which case they are " mundane ’* aspects.

B.J.A.—This contraction is used in this book for the British Journal of


Blend,—\ degree of the zodiac may be blended with another degree in one
of three ways: (1) Its ruler may be in the other degree or in close aspect
thereto; (2) It may itself be occupied or closely aspectcd by the ruler of the
other degree; (3) The rulers of each degree *inay be in dose aspect to each
other. Thus V T> may be blended with y 10; (1) If <J,‘ruler of *t*t is in b
10; (2) If ?, rulcr'of b. Is in *P 6; (3) If $'and£ are in conjunction.

Cadent.—The cadent houses art the 3rd, 6th, 0th, and 12th.'

Cardinal,—The signs HP cn ft are called the enrdfoal


Ctnp.—The cusp of a house is the point of the ediptic cut by the semicircle
of the heavens which separates the house from that'which precedes it.
Dedication.—The angular distance of a star, planet, or point of the heavens
north or south of the equator.

It Is comparable to geographical latitude.

Descendant.—This term Is applied (1) to the point of the ecliptic on the

western horizon; (2) to the whole of the 7th house.

Directions.—This term has now come to be used to denote the aspects

formed in a progressed horoscope. The calculation of the date when events
signified in a horoscope will fall-flue is made by ascertaining at
what interval after birth the moon, sun' and planets form significant aspects.
“See Appendix 13.

Earthy.*—See Fiery.

.Fiery.—The ancients considered that there were four primary

manifestations of matter namely fire, air,

DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 183 earth, and water; and divided

the signs of the zodiac into four groups of three, known as triplidties.

(а) The fiery triplidty, 'p Si t •

(б) The earthy triplidty, y TIJ.W (e) The airy triplidty, q&s.

(<j) The watery triplidty, rm Tl\ X-The writer considers that the signs may
be more appropriately grouped as follows:—

Solid, sb W Gaseous, SI «• liquid T1J x.

Electric^ T-Crystalline b.

Energy n

Fixed,—b Tf[ SI s» are known as the fixed signs. Flexed.—n £ TJJ X are
known as the flexed signs. G.ALT. stands for Greenwich Mean Time, which
is Mean Time calculated for the meridian of Greenwich. See Appendix 3.
Houses.—The *iga, or signs, of the xodiac which a planet rules was said by
the andents to be its house. The term is now little used with this
significance, but to denote the division of the heavens formed by
trisect* mg each of the four quadrants formed between” the meridian circle
and the horizon. ’By the Campanus System the prime vertical is divided
into 12 equal portions by the circles bounding each house. The
house immediately below the eastern horizon is called the 1st house, and
the following hcusls are numbered in succession up to 12.

I.C.—.Denotes Imum Cceli, the lowest point of the heavens,-the cusp of the
4th house.*

fnUrufitS.—A sign is said to be intercepted h* bouse when U It tshoIJy

within that house, no part oft being either on tfte owp of tliat house or on
the cusp ti the next house.

Za/t/vde.—The manner in which this term is used must be jcarc/uHy noted.

Astronomically its ordinary signification Is celestial latitude, i.e. the number
of degrees distant from the ecliptic circle measured along an* Imaginary
circle passing tlirough the poles of the ecliptic. This must not be confused
with Geographical latitude, the latitude shown on maps of the world, which
denotes-the number of degrees north or^south of the equator measured
along an imaginary line passing through the North and South Foies of the

* Longitude.—Like the*1 preceding term astronomically its ordinary

signification is celestial longitude, the number of degrees distant from
Y.O®, (the sun's position at the Vernal Equinox), measured along the

It must not be confused.with geographical longitude, which denotes the

number of degrees distance between one' meridian circle and another as
measured along the equator, the meridian of Greenwich being the
meridian recognized as the standard meridian, and other meridians -being
described as so many degrees east or west of Greenwich.

The celestial longitude of a planet or heavenly body normally quoted is its

geocentric longitude, i.e. its longitude as seen from the earth. If fr 0® be
regarded as a • definite point in the^phere of the heavens, and the plane of
the ecliptic is regarded as projected into space ad Infinitum, it is .possible to
calculate within limits what the longitude of a heavenly body would be as
seen from any other heavenly body.' This is not often done except

DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 185 •> regards the sun. When the
longitude of a planet is calculated as it would appear as seen from the sun,
this A called heliocentric longitude.

ALA. is used to denote Modern Astrology, the monthly magazine issued at

the Modem Astrology Offices, 'Imperial Buildings, Ludgate
Circus,'London, E.C.4.

( Af.G.—Medium Coeii/the Midheaven, the cusp of the ;10th house.

Mundane.—See Aspects.

Mrrfjr.—The opposite point to the Zenith (y.t-.).

N.N. is used to denote 1001 Notable Nativities, published at the Modem

Astrology Offices/ When followed by a number, the number denotes the
number of the horoscope in that booh.

Nodes.—These are the points where the planets Cross the plane of the
ediptiC. The position of the node changes—rapidly in the case of the moon,
slowly in the* case of the planets. Thus the nodes of ? increase in longitude
at the rate of 52' per century. The nodes of its complementary planet,
increase in longitude at exactly half that speed, 26' per century. Similarly
the nodes of £ increase in longitude at 46' per century, and the nodes of its
complementary planet 1* increase in longitude at exactly half that speed,
namely 23' per century. The J)’s nodes have a variation of 3’ per
day. Owing to their rapid movement the ancients paid considerable attention
to their position. Their exact effect, if any, has yet to be defined.

Prime Vertical.—A circle .-of the heavens passing through the zenith and
nadir and the east and west points of .the horizon.

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