Large-Scale Retail Trade: Lesson 21
Large-Scale Retail Trade: Lesson 21
Large-Scale Retail Trade: Lesson 21
Lesson 21
You need a variety of goods for use in your day-to-day life. Where do you get all those goods? Are they all available in your local market? If not, then you must be buying those goods from the markets of the nearby town or city. Generally to buy goods as per your own choice you move from shop to shop and market to market. You may think why all these goods are not available in a single shop? Why are these goods not available at our doorstep? Yes, there are certain shops from where you can buy a variety of goods of different types as per your convenience. Goods of your choice can also be made available at your doorstep. You can also buy goods of your choice from the shops having no salesperson either to guide you or handover the goods to you. Are you surprised? You need not be. Let us learn how all this happens.
21.1 Objectives
After studying this lesson, you will be able to : state the meaning of large-scale retail trade; explain the characteristics of large-scale retail trade; identify the different types of large-scale retail trade; enlist the various features of different types of large-scale retail trade; enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of each type of large scale retail trade; and explain the meaning and different types of non-store retailing.
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Retail : Sale of goods or commodities directly to consumers. Retailing : The activities involved in the selling of commodities directly to consumers.
viii. Customers may also avail of free home delivery facilities from these stores.
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saves your time and effort. Also, for the convenience of the customers these stores provide toilet, restaurant, rest room and telephone service and ATM facility inside the store. ii. Wide choice of product: A wide variety of products from different manufacturers are sold in these stores. Thus, a customer has a wide choice of goods from which he/ she can select the best, as needed. Economies of large-scale purchase and sale: A departmental store buys goods on large scale. So it can bypass wholesalers and gets the goods directly from the manufacturers. This way it enjoys the benefits of discounts from the manufacturers. Again, due to large volume of sale, the cost of operation is also low. Mutual advertisement: While visiting a departmental store customers are often attracted by goods displayed in different departments. Hence, there is a chance that the customers may buy goods other than those they originally had in mind. Thus, each department advertises for other departments. Efficient management: Since these stores are organised on a large scale basis, they normally employ efficient and competent staff to provide best services to the customers.
Inspite of these advantages, the departmental stores have certain limitation also. Let us make note of these:
iv. v.
A departmental store is a retail shop where different goods are sold at different counters/ departments in the same building. The different departments like electronic goods, garments etc are managed separately for convenience of control. There is direct contact between the customers and the owners of the department store through various departments. Departmental Stores offer additional services to customers apart from the goods available for sale. These stores are conveniently located in residential areas for the benefit of large number of customers.
Departmental stores offer goods at high prices to customers due to the high cost involved in maintaining and operating the store as well as providing various facilities for customers. __________________________________________________________________________
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iv. v. vi.
vii. Convenient location: These shops are usually located in the main market and in busy shopping centres. So the customers can buy goods of their choice easily from these shops.
For easy identification, all multiple shops of the same manufacturer have similar display and _________ . Since all sales are on cash basis there is no risk of ___________ . Due to elimination of _____________ goods are available to customers at low prices. The multiple shops are centrally managed by the _________ leading to lack of initiative on the part of branch mangers. Customers get standard quality and genuine goods through multiple shops leading to public _______ in the products.
vii. Multiple shops provide ________ variety of products for customers through their branches. viii. These shops provide ________ of location through their presence in main markets and busy shopping centres. ______________________________________________________________________________
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These are centrally located and also establish their branches near the residential localities. Some Super Bazars have their mobile van, which is taken to the residential areas for sale of goods. It deals only in standard quality products. These stores are often run on self-service basis. You can pick up the goods of your choice from the open shelves and take them to the cash counter for making payment. In some Super Bazars salesmen are also employed to assist the customer in the process of selection of goods. These stores are managed by elected members of the cooperative society. Super Bazars purchase goods in bulk from the manufacturers or government agencies and sell them to the members and general public at a reasonable margin of profit. In Super Bazar goods are sold only on cash basis.
iii. iv.
v. vi. vii.
viii. The capital of Super Bazar is provided by the members of cooperative society.
vii. State control: In India most of the super bazars are controlled by Central and State Governments. This helps to maintain price and possibilities of creating artificial shortage of goods can be avoided.
No credit facility: Goods are sold to the customers only on cash basis. Credit facility is not available to them.
Till now you have learnt about Departmental store, Multiple Shops and Super Bazar. All these are engaged in retailing business in our country. Could you now be able to enlist some common features of all these stores/shops?
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(ii) They are organised as cooperative societies where the members provide the capital. (iii) Good s are sold on credit basis for the convenience of members of the cooperative society. (iv) Super Bazars cannot afford to hire professional managers leading to inefficiency in their operations. (v) To provide goods at cheaper rates, super bazars offer inferior quality goods for sale. B. Identify the type of large scale retail trade the following sentence refer to : (i) Sale of goods is through different outlets located at different places. (ii) Goods are generally available at a price higher than its market price elsewhere. (iii) The stores are mostly controlled by a group of consumers. (iv) The stores are mostly controlled by a group of consumers. (v) A number of facilities are offered to customers apart from the product for sale. (vi) Goods of the same type are sold to customers. C. In the following sentences relating to large scale Retail Trade choose the suitable word(s) from those given in brackets : (i) Goods are generally purchased in bulk from __________ ( manufacturers, middlemen) for sale to the consumers. (ii) Goods are made available to consumers mostly _____________(under same roof, in different shops) (iii) It sells goods to _________(limited, large) number of customers. (iv) Goods are sold on _________ (credit, cash) basis to customers. (v) The amount of capital investment required in large-scale retail trade is ________ (mostly equal to, much greater than) the capital investment in local retail shops.
i. Mail order business ii. Tele-shopping iii. Sale through automatic vending machine iv. Internet shopping Let us know details about all these systems now:
Procedure of buying goods through mail An advertisement in the newspaper attracts the attention of a person to certain goods. He fills up the coupon and sends it to the seller. The seller receives orders and packs the goods. The seller sends the goods through the post office. The buyer receives the goods from the postman by paying the required amount. The seller later collects the money from the post office. This is a system of sale by post and is known as Mail Order Business. It is also called shopping by post. It is a method of selling goods by producers or traders directly to the customers through post office. The seller advertises the products through newspapers, magazines, television, booklets, catalogues etc. to make the customer aware about the product. The advertisement contains detailed particulars about the goods and is designed in an attractive way to create an interest in the mind of the customers to buy it. The advertisement may contain an order form or coupon, which the customer has to fill up and send at the address of the mail order house. After receiving the order, the mail order house packs the goods properly and sends them through the post office
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under Value Payable Post (VPP). The post office delivers the goods at the buyers place and collects the money from the buyer. Then it remits the money to the seller or sender of the goods.
Now you have some idea about this system of buying goods through mail. Do you think, you can purchase all varieties of goods through mail ? Let us see which goods are suitable for mail order business.
iv. Mail order business is done on cash basis. There is practically no risk of bad debts. v. It serves a wide market with a large number of customers.
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iii. iv.
The seller may provide misleading information regarding products to attract the customers. Credit facility is not available to the buyers.
(iii) Goods like jewellery, fruits and vegetables, foodgrains generally use mail order business for sale to customers. (iv) Teleshopping saves time and effort as order can be placed over the telephone. (v) Exchange of goods is easily possible in case of teleshopping.
(vi) Risk of fraud and dishonesty is present in Teleshopping as the consumer does not get the opportunity to inspect the goods before purchase.
iii. There is no risk of fraud and manipulation by the seller. iv. It helps in saving time and effort of the seller. v. No advertisement is required.
vi. The entire sale is for cash, hence there is no risk of default in payment by the buyer.
iii. Since the stock holding capacity of the machine is limited, it requires frequent loading of stock. iv. The coins or tokens used for this machine are required to be collected periodically.
Cyber Cafe A shop which provides you with the facility to use a computer and other devices like printer, scanner etc. as well as Internet service on the computer. Payment of money has to be made for availing of this service depending on the time period you use it for.
Did you know why the title of this section is written as non-store retailing? What does it mean? Let us know the meaning of non-store retailing. You have learnt about Mail Order Business, Teleshopping, Automatic Vending Machine and Internet Shopping in the above section i.e 21.9. You must have noted that in all these systems of selling, a buyer can get the desired goods without visiting any retail store. That means for a businessman there is no need to set up any permanent shop to sell the goods to the customers. Thus, these are known as non-store retailing.
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vii. The limitation of automatic vending machine is that the _______ is very expensive. viii. Knowledge of computers is required to buy goods through _______________ .
Teleshopping involves contacting the customer over telephone or through television advertising, to inform about the product and its use. The customer places the order for the product over the telephone. This method of shopping saves time and effort of buyers. There is risk of fraud and dishonesty as the buyer cannot inspect the goods offered for sale. Goods may be purchased round-the-clock through automatic vending machines.Sellers place the machines at convenient locations like, bus terminals, shopping centres, etc. Customers can buy goods simply by inserting coins or tokens in the machine. Internet shopping involves getting information about the product from internet websites and placing the order over the internet. Goods may be delivered through post or courier and payment is made through credit card. Goods can be bought from any where in the world sitting at home through Internet shopping.
10. Explain any six features of Departmental Stores. 11. Distinguish between Departmental Stores and Chain Stores as large-scale retail organisations. 12. Discuss the common features of the different types of large-scale retail trade. 13. Explain the advantages and limitations of Internet Shopping for customers? 14. Sale of goods through Automatic Vending Machine is a system of retailing that offers a number of advantages to the seller and buyer. Discuss.
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vii. limited, viii. convenience 21.4 A. i. True, ii. True, iii. False, iv. True, v. False
B. i. Multiple Shops, ii. Departmental Store, iii. Super Bazar, iv. Departmental Store, v. Multiple Shops C. i. manufacturers, ii.under same roof, iii. large, iv. cash, v. much greater than 21.5 i. True, ii. False, iii. False, iv. True, v. False, vi. True 21.6 i. Automatic vending machine, ii. Coins/tokens, iii. Internet shopping/on line shopping, iv. internet shopping/on line shopping, v. Automatic Vending Machine,vi. Customers, vii.machine, viii. Internet shopping /on line shopping Basis (i) Location (ii) Decoration Departmental Store These stores are located at the central places. Adopt different decoration as decided by the owners. Multiple Shops These shops are located at different location near the customers. Uniform, decoration and appearance as decided by the head office. Deals in a few items of one manufacturer. Price is uniform in all the shops. Credit facility is not available to the customer.
(iii) Varieties of goods Deals in a wide variety of goods of different manufacturers. (iv) Price of goods Price of goods is high and differs from one departmental store to another. (v) Credit facility Sometimes customer can buy the goods on credit.