Chapter 24 -P
Chapter 24 -P
Chapter 24 -P
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
ul/a bf; eGg] JolQmnfO{{ k/]sf] /x]5 . pQm k'/:sf/ afktsf] sf/sf]
ahf/ d"No ?=@) nfvdf pQm sDkgLn] @% k|ltztn] x'g] /sd ?=%
nfv lgh ul/a bf;af6 c;'n u/L k'/:sf/ lbPsf] /x]5 . o;/L cfsl:ds nfe
afkt k|fKt u/]sf] cfo P]gsf] bkmf (@ sf] pkbkmf -!_ cg';f/ clGtd
s/ s§L eO{ k|fKt x'g] e'QmfgL dflgg] x'Fbf lghn] s/sf] ls:tf tyf
ljj/0f a'emfO{ /xg' kb}{g .
Example 24.3.4: Suppose, Nepal Lottery Company has operated lottery with a car a prize which price
if Rs. 20 lakhs. The lottery is won by Mr. Garib Das. The company collected tax amount at the rate of
25% of market value of car i.e. Rs. 5 lakhs and provided a car to him. As the income derived as
windfall gain is the final withholding payment under section 92(1) of the Act, he is not required to
submit installment tax or return.
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
Example 24.7.1: Suppose, Sagarmatha Pvt. Ltd. produces and sells juice. In FY 2076/77, the
company has estimated taxable profit of Rs. 1 crore from that business. The company has invested in
debenture of any company in Nepal Rs. 5 crore and receives Rs. 50 lakhs as interest every year. In FY
2076/77, the company’s estimated tax shall be as below:
Income Head Estimated Income Tax Rs. Tax Rate Estimated Tax Rs.
Business 10,000,000 20% 2,000,000
Investment 5,000,000 25% 1,250,000
Total Estimated Tax 3,250,000
j}b]lzs s/ ldnfg
o; ;DaGwdf P]gsf] bkmf (% sf] pkbkmf -#_ df b]xfosf] Joj:yf 5 .
(%-#_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhd s'g} cfo jif{df
bflvnf ug'{kg]{ s/sf] cg'dfg ug{ bkmf &! adf]lhd
bfaL ul/g] j}b]lzs s/ ldnfg /sdsf] u0fgf ubf{ s'g}
JolQmn] ;f] jif{df bflvnf u/]sf] s'g} j}b]lzs s/ jf ;f]
jif{df bflvnf ug'{kg]{ egL lghn] cg'dfg u/]sf] ljb]zL
cfos/ dfq u0fgf ug'{ kg]{5 .
pbfx/0f @$=*=!M pbfx/0f @$=&=!= df plNnlvt ;u/dfyf k|
f=ln=sf] cf=j=@)&^.&& df ;f] pbfx/0fdf plNnlvt cfoafx]s
ef/tsf] s'g} sDkgLsf] C0fkqdf ?=Ps s/f]8 nufgL u/]afkt ?=bz
nfv cfo x'g] / ;f] cfodf ef/tdf ?=Ps nfv s/ ltg'{kg]{ eP cf=j=
@)&^.&& df o; sDkgLn] bflvnf ug'{kg]{ hDdf cg'dflgt s/
lgDgfg';f/ x'G5 M
cfosf] cg'dflgt s/of]Uo s/sf] b/ cg'dflgt s/
zLif{s=?= cfo ?= ?=
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
Example 24.8.1: Suppose, in example 24.7.1, in addition to the income mentioned above in FY
2076/77, Sagarmatha Pvt. Ltd. has Rs. 10 lakhs income from investment in debenture in any company
in India and it has to pay tax Rs. 1 lakhs in India then its estimated tax to be submitted for FY 2076/77
will be as below:
Income Head Estimated Income Tax Rs. Tax Rate Estimated Tax Rs.
Business 10,000,000 20% 2,000,000
Investment 5,000,000 25% 1,250,000
Income having 1,000,000 25% 250,000
Foreign Source
Total Estimated Tax 3,500,000
Tax payable in foreign country in income having 100,000
foreign source
Total estimated tax to be deposited 3,400,000
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
Credit and Deposit Cooperative for Rs. 50,000 month rent. The Cooperative has withheld tax at the
rate of 10% of Rs. 50,000 i.e. Rs. 5,000 and paid Rs. 45,000 to the company. As rent is the amount to
be included in income of the Enterprises, while computing the remaining tax payable, tax withheld
amount shall be deducted and balance shall be deposited.
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
ls:tf /sd 36fpg k|df0f k]z ug'{kg]{ / o:tf] k|df0fsf ;DaGwdf lgod
#@ df lgDgfg';f/sf] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 M
b]xfosf k|df0fx? ljefudf k]z u/]sf] cj:yfdf ;f] k|df0faf6 k|
dfl0ft x'g] /sd;Dd P]gsf] bkmf ($ sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd
u0fgf ul/Psf] ls:tf /sdaf6 36fO{ bflvnf ug{ ;lsg]5M–
-s_ P]gsf] kl/R5]b !& adf]lhd clu|d s/ s§L ul/Psf]df
bkmf (! sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd hf/L ul/Psf] s/ s§L k|
-v_ cf}iflw pkrf/ afkt s/ ldnfg bfaL u/]sf]df cf}iflw pkrf/
afkt ePsf] :jLs[t cf}iflw pkrf/ vr{sf] lan, ekf{O{ .
pbfx/0f @$=!!=%M pbfx/0f @$=&=! df plNnlvt sDkgLn]
cf=j=@)&^.&& df a'emfpg'kg]{ hDdf cg'dflgt s/ ?=#@,
%),))).– dWo] ;f] cf=j=sf] bf]>f] ls:tf ;Dddf ?=@%,)),))).–
a'emfO;s]sf] 5 . ca ;f] sDkgLn] t]>f] ls:tf a'emfpg afFsL 5 . ;f]
sDkgLn] cfkm"n] a'emfpg afFsL t]>f] ls:tf afkt a'emfpg'kg]
{ s/ /sdsf] u0fgf ubf{ jf ls:tf bflvnf ubf{ a'emfpg'kg]{ hDdf
cg'dflgt s/ ?=#@,%),))).– df bf]>f] ls:tf;Dddf a'emfO;s]sf] s/
/sd ?=@%,)),))).– 36fO{ ?=&,%),))).–dfq a'emfpg' kb{5 . t]>f]
ls:tf afkt cg'dflgt s/sf] tL; k|ltzt /sd cyf{t ?=(,&%,))).–
a'emfpg'kg]{ eP tfklg lghn] bf]>f] ls:tf;Dddf a'emfpg'kg]{
/sdeGbf a9Lg} /sd a'emfPsf] / ls:tf afkt cg'dflgt s/sf] hDdf /sd
eGbf a9L s/ a'emfpg' gkg]{ x'Fbf ;f] sDkgLn] t]>f] ls:tfsf] s/
afkt ?=&,%),))).– eGbf a9L /sd a'emfpg' kb}{g .
Example 24.11.5: Suppose, in example 24.7.1, out of the estimated tax of Rs. 3,250,000 in FY
2076/77, the company has paid Rs. 2,500,000 until its second installment. The third installment is due.
While depositing the third installment, out of total estimated tax liability Rs. 3,250,000 tax paid until
second installment Rs. 2,500,000 shall be deducted and remaining Rs. 750,000 shall be paid. In third
installment, it has to pay 30% of estimated annual tax i.e. Rs. 975,000 but it has already paid excess
amount until second installment so installment tax amount in excesss of estimated tax need not be
paid thus, tax in excess of Rs. 750,000 shall be not be paid in third installment.
P]gsf] bkmf ($ sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd clu|d s/s§L ePsf] /sd
ls:tf /sddf ;dfof]hg ug]{ ;Gbe{df lgDgfg';f/sf] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 M
($-#_ ls:tf bflvnf ug]{ JolQmn] o; bkmf adf]lhd s'g}
cfo jif{df ls:tfaGbLsf dfWodaf6 bflvnf u/]sf] s/ /sd ;f]
jif{df nfUg] s/ afkt s§L ug{ kfpg]5 .
pbfx/0f @$=!@=!M dfly pbfx/0f @$=!!=% df plNnlvt
sDkgLn] cf=j=@)&^.&& df a'emfpg'kg]{ hDdf cg'dflgt s/ ?
=#@,%),))).– dWo] ;f] cf=j=sf] bf]>f] ls:tf ;Dddf ?=@
%,)),))).– a'emfO ;s]sf] 5 . ca ;f] sDkgLn] t]>f] ls:tf a'emfpg
afFsL 5 . ;f] sDkgLn] o; cf=j=df k|fKt ug'{kg]{ Aofh @)&&
cfiff9 @) ut] k|fKt ul/;s]sf] 5 / ;f] Aofh e'QmfgL lb+bf
e'QmfgLstf{n] ?=!,%),))).– s/ s§L u/]sf] 5 . ;f] sDkgLn] cfkm"n]
a'emfpg afFsL t];|f] ls:tf afkt a'emfpg'kg]{ s/ /sdsf] u0fgf ubf{
jf ls:tf bflvnf ubf{ a'emfpg'kg]{ hDdf cg'dflgt s/ ?=#@,
%),))).– df bf]>f] ls:tf ;Dddf a'emfO ;s]sf] s/ /sd ?=@
%,)),))).– / Aofh e'QmfgL ubf{ e'QmfgLstf{n] s/ s§L u/]sf] /sd ?
=!,%),))).– ;d]t hDdf ?=@^,%),))).– 36fO{ ?=^,)),))).– dfq
a'emfP k'U5 .
Example 24.12.1: Suppose, in example 24.11.5, out of the estimated tax of Rs. 3,250,000 in FY
2076/77, the company has paid Rs. 2,500,000 until its second installment. The third installment is due.
The company has received interest due in that income year on 20 th Ashad 2077 and the person making
the payment has deducted tax at source Rs. 150,000. While depositing the third installment, out of
total estimated tax liability Rs. 3,250,000 tax paid until second installment Rs. 2,500,000 and tax
withheld amount Rs. 150,000 shall be deducted and remaining Rs. 600,000 shall be paid.
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
Example 24.14.2: In example 24.14.1, the tax liability of Nepal Bikas Company at the end of income
year is Rs. 8,000,000. The estimated tax Rs. 5,600,000 paid by that company on the basis of estimated
return is less than 90% of the actual tax liability Rs. 9,000,000 so Nepal Bikas Company has to
deposit interest of Rs. 128,250 as per section 118(2) of the Act as below:
First Second Third
Particulars Installment Installment Installment
@ 40% @ 70% @ 100%
Installment amount Rs. 32,00,000 56,00,000 80,00,000
Amount paid as per section 118(1)(a) Rs. 22,00,000 39,00,000 56,00,000
Amount to be paid as per section 118(1)(b) Rs. 28,80,000 50,40,000 72,00,000
Interest Applicable Amount Rs. 6,80,000 11,40,000 16,00,000
Interest Rs. 25,500 42,750 60,000
Total Interest Rs. 1,28,250
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
laqmLdf z]o/ bnfn sldzg ? 17,500/-
>f]tdf s/ s§L x'g] /sd ?= 1,48,925/-
t/, olb pQm z]o/ laqmL afl;Gbf k|fs[lts JolQmn] gu/L s'g}
afl;Gbf lgsfon] u/]sf] eP !) k|ltzt / u}/ afl;Gbf JolQmn] u/]sf] eP
@% k|ltztsf b/n] clu|d s/ c;'n ug'{ kb{5 .
Example 24.15.2: Suppose, Anil has 500 units of shares having Rs. 100 as face value of Standard
Chartered Bank Nepal Limited listed in Nepal Stock Exchange Limited. He has requested to sell that
shares to broker. He has purchased those shares at Rs. 1,000 per share. He has also paid Rs. 4,000 as
broker commission. The broker sold his shares for Rs. 7,000 per shares. He has to pay Rs. 17,500 as
broker commission on scuh sales. In this case, tax collection wiil be done on his gain computed as
The gain computed on sale:
Sale Value (500x7,000 ) Rs. 3,500,000
Cost price of shares ( 500x 1,000) Rs. 500,000
Add: Broker Commision
On Purchase Rs. 4,000
On Sale Rs. 17,500
Total Outgoings Rs. 521,500
Gain on sale of shares Rs. 2,978,500
Nepal Stock Exchange Limited shall collect tax at the rate of 5% on gain amount Rs. 148,925 through
broker and pay remaining Rs. 3,333,575 to Mr. Anil as below:
Sale Value (500x7,000 ) Rs. 3,500,000
Cost price of shares ( 500x 1,000) Rs. 500,000
Less: Broker Commision
On Sale Rs. 17,500
Tax Collection at source Rs. 148,925
Total Outgoings Rs. 3,333,575
But, instead of natural persn, if shares were sold by entity, the tax collection will be done at the rate
of 10% and if shares were sold by non-resident person then tax collection shall be done at the rate of
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
Example 24.15.4: Suppose, if Yukta Prasad Subedi has following share purchases and sales of ABC
Company the weighted average cost shall be as below:
No.of Cost in Balance Weighted cost
SN Particular per Amount
Share Total Share per Share
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7
cfos/ lgb]{lzsf @)^^ -;+;f]lwt @)&&_ sf] ;+lIflKts/0f
l;=P= lgd{n >]i7