DON’T BE A SHEEP! Seeing tourists being guided around London like herds
of sheep, you do wonder what impression of London they’re getting. They
queue for hours outside Madame Tussauds to see a waxwork of Cristiano
Ronaldo, eat in the Hard Rock Café, race round the British Museum looking at
mummies from Egypt, then buy a postcard of the Queen and London is done.
Paris, here we come! I met a foreign businessman recently who’d been coming
to London every year for 20 years but had never ventured beyond Zone 1 on
the underground or the classic sites. Come on, people! London has so much
more to offer!
So let’s tempt you off the beaten track and leave the hordes of tourists behind
1. ________________________ Forget spending a 4. ________________________ They say British
small fortune climbing The Shard in central London cuisine is dreadful, which is why we’ve embraced a
– hop on a C2 bus and go to Parliament Hill. A ten- huge array of international food. That said, even
minute walk up a steep path will lead to an amazing supposedly typical British dishes like fish and chips
panorama of London – on a clear day, anyway. And originally came from Europe, so perhaps things
if it’s not clear, you can still stroll round Hampstead have always been this way. We’d say it’s a toss-up
Heath with its natural ponds, where some go for a where to go for our best multicultural cheap eats.
dip all year round. Alternatively, visit the 18th- Go north to Harringay for the best Turkish kebabs.
century stately home, Kenwood House, with its fine Another option would be to head west to Southall
collection of art. And if you’re feeling peckish, they for top South Indian food. While you’re there, you
serve classic English cream teas. could even do a six-hour course with Monisha,
where you’ll tour the local shops for produce and
2. ________________________ Yeah, the British learn to cook the best curry. And if you really want
Museum is great, but as more than one person has fish and chips? Toffs of Muswell Hill is a classic
pointed out, it’s not very British. So if you really ‘chippie’ run by second-generation Greek
want to see how we’ve lived through the ages, you immigrants!
should check out the Geffrye Museum, which
contains eleven living rooms from different periods 5. There was a time that Dalston was synonymous
of history. It also houses a collection of household with social deprivation, drugs and crime. These
objects and photographs of English domestic life. At days, it’s known as one of the hippest places in
the rear of the building, there are four period town, full of trendy bars and restaurants,
gardens showing changing trends in that most underground clubs and cool young things hanging
British of pastimes, gardening. out. The only problem is, there’s no tube station so
it takes a while to get there.
3. ________________________ There are all
manner of performance spaces outside the West 6. So it’s not exactly off the beaten track – it’s London
End, but we’ve chosen The Hackney Empire, a Zoo – but it sneaks into our list for its great Zoo
theatre that once hosted Charlie Chaplin. Today, Late evenings, held throughout the summer after
you can see performances of everything from the usual family visitors are tucked up in bed. As
stand-up comedy to opera, but it’s perhaps best well as seeing the animals under the stars, you can
known for its award-winning Christmas enjoy live stand-up and the cool weirdness of a
pantomimes. The pantomime is a peculiarly British silent disco in which everyone wears headphones
show loosely based around a fairy tale, with (silent apart from some tuneless singing along!).
audience participation and satirical jokes, and
where the leading man is a woman and the main
comic woman character is a man!