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SikaShield® W159 ED 1,5 mm

Bituminous waterproofing membrane wet applied

DESCRIPTION The Product is used as a:

▪ Single layer under heavy protection
SikaShield® W159 ED 1,5 mm is an adhesive bitumin- ▪ Base sheet in multi-layer systems
ous waterproofing membrane wet applied to the con- Please note:
crete surface by the adhesive mortar SikaShield® W1. ▪ The Product is not suitable for roofs permanently ex-
It has a thickness of 1.5 mm and is flexible at -15 °C. It posed to UV radiation.
is reinforced with a cross-laminated HDPE film, which
gives high mechanical properties to the membrane. CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES
The top surface and the underside have a removable
liner over the adhesive compound for an easy applica- ▪ No-torch application allows for safe installation in
tion. confined spaces
▪ Fully bonded system ensures reliable waterproofing
▪ Watertight against lateral water migration
USES ▪ Can be applied on wet concrete
The Product is used as a waterproofing membrane for: ▪ Fast and easy installation
▪ Basements and other below ground structures ▪ Flame-free application
▪ Vertical reinforced concrete walls ▪ Requires minimal surface preparation
▪ Single and strip foundations ▪ High impact resistance

Composition Composition Polymer modified bitumen
Reinforcing material HDPE (High density Polyethylene)

Packaging Roll width 1.0 m (EN 1848-1)

Roll length 20.0 m
Refer to the current price list for available packaging variations.
Shelf Life 12 months from date of production
Storage Conditions The Product must be stored in original unopened and undamaged pack-
aging in dry conditions and temperatures between +5 °C and +35 °C. Store
in a vertical position. Do not stack pallets of the rolls on top of each other,
or under pallets of any other materials during transport or storage. Always
refer to packaging.
Appearance / Colour Top surface Removable foil
Bottom surface Removable foil

Effective Thickness Effective thickness 1.5 mm ± 0.15 mm (EN 1849-1)

Product Data Sheet

SikaShield® W159 ED 1,5 mm
October 2022, Version 01.01

Tensile Strength 4 N/mm ± 0.4 N/mm (ASTM D412)

Elongation 200 % ± 10 % (ASTM D412)

Resistance to lateral water migration 70 m ± 7 m (ASTM D5385 / D5385M)

Ambient Air Temperature Minimum +5 °C
Maximum +50 °C

Relative Air Humidity Maximum 80 %

Substrate Temperature Minimum +5 °C

Maximum +50 °C


All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are Unrolling at low temperatures
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may At low temperatures, the membrane becomes less
vary due to circumstances beyond our control. flexible.
1. Be careful when unrolling to avoid damaging the
This product is an article as defined in article 3 of regu- Damage through footwear
lation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH). It contains no sub- Footwear with spikes or sharp protrusions may punc-
stances which are intended to be released from the ture the membrane.
article under normal or reasonably foreseeable condi- 1. Use footwear with a flat profile when walking over
tions of use. A safety data sheet following article 31 of the membrane.
the same regulation is not needed to bring the IMPORTANT
product to the market, to transport or to use it. For Application at less than +5 °C
safe use follow the instructions given in the product When applying the membranes at temperatures lower
data sheet. Based on our current knowledge, this than +5 °C, use heating equipment to ensure that the
product does not contain SVHC (substances of very substrate temperature is within the given temperature
high concern) as listed in Annex XIV of the REACH reg- range.
ulation or on the candidate list published by the Seasonal symbol
European Chemicals Agency in concentrations above Note: If a seasonal symbol is printed on the roll’s label,
0,1 % (w/w). it is advisable to use the membrane during the indic-
ated season.
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Tackiness at high temperatures
Note: When laying the membrane at high temperat-
ures, the integral adhesive will become 'tacky' and
SUBSTRATE QUALITY may restrict laying operations.
Consider the following when designing the system: IMPORTANT
▪ The supporting structure must be of sufficient struc- Avoid coinciding joints
tural strength to support all new and existing To avoid coinciding joints, lay the membranes parallel
layers of the system build-up. to one another. When applying on another bituminous
▪ If used as a roof system, the complete system membrane, make sure to straddle the overlaps of the
must be designed to withstand and be secured previous layer.
against wind uplift loadings. 1. Unroll the membrane.
SUBSTRATE CONDITION 2. Align the membrane.
The membrane is applied directly onto the adhesive 3. Re-roll the membrane before application.
mortar SikaShield® W1. Refer to the PDS of that WET APPLICATION
product for information on substrate condition re- Preconditions
quirements. Before the application of the adhesive mortar, the
concrete substrate has been saturated with water.
The adhesive mortar SikaShield® W1 has been applied
onto the substrate and is still wet.

Product Data Sheet

SikaShield® W159 ED 1,5 mm
October 2022, Version 01.01

1. Lay the membrane directly over the wet adhesive LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
2. At one end of the membrane, peel away part of the Please note that as a result of specific local regulations
release liner from the membrane's underside. the performance of this product may vary from coun-
3. Bond this end of the membrane to the adhesive and
try to country. Please consult the local Product Data
the substrate.
4. Continue to peel away the release liner sideways Sheet for the exact description of the application
from the rest of the membrane's underside. fields.
5. Bond the rest of the membrane to the adhesive and
the substrate. LEGAL NOTES
6. IMPORTANT If the ambient temperature is below
+10 °C, seal the membrane overlaps by heating them The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
with a gas torch or with hot air.Seal the membrane tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
overlaps to avoid trapping the adhesive under the products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
overlap, which can compromise the adhesion. rent knowledge and experience of the products when
7. Roll the surface of the applied membrane with a properly stored, handled and applied under normal
roller from the centre to the edge to remove any air conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommenda-
bubbles. tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
8. Push any excess of adhesive towards the opposite strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
direction of the sealed side overlap. ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
9. Allow the adhesive mortar to cure for at least 24 particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
hours at +25 °C before you start backfilling. legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
DETAILING from this information, or from any written recom-
1. Use a sharp knife to cut in all details such as internal mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
and external corners, upstands, vent pipes, drains, user of the product must test the product’s suitability
support metalwork etc. for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
Refer to the relevant method statement for further in- serves the right to change the properties of its
formation on detailing. products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.

Sika Kimia Sdn. Bhd.

Lot 689, Nilai Industrial Estate,
71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan D.K.
Phone: +606-7991762
e-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.sika.com.my


Product Data Sheet

SikaShield® W159 ED 1,5 mm
October 2022, Version 01.01


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