B11 B12 B13 E11 E12 E13 Operating System TEE
B11 B12 B13 E11 E12 E13 Operating System TEE
B11 B12 B13 E11 E12 E13 Operating System TEE
Name :
PART - A ( 30 Marks)
1 (a) Give reasons why cache memory is useful. What problems do it solve? If a catch can be 10
made as large as the device for which it is catching why not make it that large and eliminate
the device?
(b) Do the following algorithms of “Readers/Writers Critical section problem” satisfy Mutual 10
Exclusion, Progress and Bounded Wait? Justify, if yes or if no; (if no how the algorithm
can be improved to achieve them).
Readers Algorithm Writers Algorithm
wait(wrt); wait(wrt);
-----read------ -----read------
signal(wrt); signal(wrt);
2 (a) At certain time t, the state of the system is as given below with their maximum need and 10
Allocation of resources:
In the system, total available resources of type A, B and C are 5, 7 and 7. Using Banker’s
algorithm, answer the following:
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a) Determine whether the system is in safe state or not? If it is, find the safe sequence.
b) Let’s say, now process P0 requested for resources A, B, C as 1, 1, 2. The request
should be granted or not? Justify
(b) For the following set of process find average turnaround time, waiting time and response 10
time using Gantt chart:
a) Preemptive SJF Scheduling (SRTF)
Process No. Arrival Time Burst Time
P1 5 10
P2 3 5
P3 0 18
P4 6 4
3 (a) The queue of requests for the disk access with 200 tracks by the processes is: 10
80, 180, 22, 163, 112, 50, 11, 135
Current head position is 70. What is the total head movement needed to satisfy the requests
for the following Scheduling algorithms SSTF and C-SCAN (for C-SCAN, R/W head
initiate its movement towards the increasing track number)?
(b) Differentiate between 10
i) Interrupt driven I/O and DMA
ii) Reposition, Delete and Truncate file operations
4 Apply your understanding to show the CPU switching sequence between two processes
(P1 and P2) with the help of a neat and clear diagram. Also, illustrate the use of PCB during
the switching process.
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5 You are using Dynamic Contiguous Memory Allocation (DCMA) with a memory user
space of 2000K. These are the processes P1=402K, P2=327K, P3=112K, P4=526K and
P5=278 K arrived. Allocation should be done in the given order of arrival. Answer the
following questions:
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