Handout 3_Primary treatment_CEE 381
Handout 3_Primary treatment_CEE 381
Handout 3_Primary treatment_CEE 381
With the screening completed and the grit removed, the wastewater still contains
light organic suspended solids, some of which can be removed from the sewage by
gravity in a sedimentation tank. These tanks can be round or rectangular. The mass
of settled solids is c alled raw sludge. The sludge is iemoved from the sedimentation
tank by mechanical scrapers and pumps (Figure 5-14). Floating materials, such as
grease and oil, rise to the surface ofthe sedimentation tank, where they are collected
by a surface skimming system and removed from the tank for further processing.
Primary sedimentation basins (primary tanks) are characterized by Type II
flocculant settling. The Stokes equation cannot be used because the flocculating par-
ticles are continually changing in size, shape, and, when water is entrapped in the
floc, specific gravity. There is no adequate mathematical relationship that can be
used to describe Type II settling. Laboratory tests with settling colunms arc used to
develop design data (see Chap. 3).
Rectangular tanks with common-wall construction are frequently chosen be-
cause they are advantageous for sites with space constraints. Typically, these tanks
Discrete seltiing rcgion (type 1)
Compression region
Schematic of setfljng regions for
activated sludge.
Types of settling phenomena involved in wastewater trealment
Type of settling
phenomenon Desc.iption Appllcatlon/occurrgnc€
Discrete particle Refers to the sedimentation of Removes grit and sand padicles
(type 1) particles in a suspenslon of from wastewater
low solids concentration. Parlicles
settle as individual entities, and
lhere is no significant interaction
with nejghboring particles
Flocculant Relers to a rather dilute Removes a portion of the
{type 2) suspension of particles thal suspended solids in untr€ated
coalesce, or flocculate, during wastewator in primary settling
the sedimentation operation. By facilities, and in uppsr porlions of
coalescing, the particlGs increase secondary settling facilities, Also
in mass and settle at a iasler rate removes chemical floc in settling
Hindered, also Refers to suspefisions of Occurs in secondary senling
called zon€ intermediale concentration, in facilities used in conjunction
(type 3) which interparticle forces are with biological treatment facilities
sufficient to hinde. the setlling
of neighboring particles. The
particles lend lo remain in fixed
positions with respect to each
other, and the mass ol particles
settles as a unit. A solids-liquid
intertace develops at the top of
the settling mass
Compression Refers to settling in which Usually occurs in the lower layers
(type 4) the particles are ot such of a deep sludge mass, such as
concentration that a struclure in the bottom of deep secondary
is formed, and further settling settling facilities and in sludge-
can occur only by compression thickening facilities
of the structure. Compression
iakes place frorn the weight
of the panicbs, which are
conelantly being added to the
structure by sodimeniation trom
the supematant liquid
Rectangular tanks with common-wall construction are frequently chosen be-
with space constraints. Typically, these tanks
cause they are aclvantageous for sites
Drive SDrockets wrth Sh6ar
Prn Hrrhs nnd CluLches
Sluds€ +
Primary settling tank.
Example 5-4. Evaluate the following primary tank design with respect to detention
time, overflow mte, and weir loading.
width : 10.0 m
Liquid depth : 2.0 m
WeiI length : 75.0 m
The detenfion time is simply the volume of the tant divided by the flow:
v 40.0 x 10.0 x 2.0
o 0.rs0
: 5333.33 s or 1.5 h
This is a reasonable detention time.
The overflow rate is the flow divided by the surface area:
u': 0.150
+oox too
: 3.75 x 10 a rrls x 86,400 s/d : 32 rn/d
This is an acceptable overflow rate.
The weir loading is calculated in the same fashion:
lvl- : 0150
: 0.0020 m3/s .m x 86.400 s/d : l'72.8 ot 173 m3/d . m
Sludqe wilhdrawalplpe
Typical lmhotf tank for a smallcommunity: (a) plan view and (b) section through tank.
- ::::: :::r( i. a buried, watertight receptacle designed and constructed to
---:.: .i:.ii\\ ater from a home, to separate the solids from the liquid, to
: .:: iiirLited digestion of organic matter, to store solids, and to allow the
:.-,-.::t liquid to discharge for further treatment and disposal (Polprasert et. al.,
::l . Settleable solids and partially decomposed sludge settle to the bottom of
: .: :.:nk and -sradually build up. A scum of light-weight material including fats
=:i greases rises to the top. The partially treated effluent is allowed to flow
::iough an outlet structure just below the floating scum layer. This partially
;:iomposed liquid can be disposed of through soil absorption systems, soil
mounds, evaporation beds or anaerobic filters depending upon the site
conditions. The essential components of a septic tank system are shown in
Figure 9.13.
Outlet baffle
: Outlot
A large
_variety of micro-organisms grow, reproduce and die during the
biodegradation processes that take place in the tank. Most of them are atlached
to organic matter and are separated out with the solids. Although there is an
overall reduction in the number of micro-organisms, a large number of bacteria,
viruses, protozoa and helminths survive the processes in the tank and remains
active in the effluent, the sludge and the scum.
Apart from the retention time, the other factors which affect the performance of
the septic tank are:
o ambient lemperature;
. the nature of the influent wastewater;
. its organic content;
. the positions of the inlet and outlet devices in the tank.
The digestion of the sludge and scum depends on the microbial population and
the temperature. Sludge and scum decompose more slowly at lower
temperatures and are accelerated by an increase in temperature.
construction methods and materials
The most important aspect of septic tank construction is that the tank should be
installed on i level giade and it a depth that pro'rides. adequate gravity flow
irom the home and the invert elevation of the house sewer' The tank
-ihould be placed on [irm ground so that senling is minimum Tank
performance can be impaired lf e level position is not maintained because the
inlet and outlet structures will not function properly
The inlet and outlet pipes should be properly positioned and sealed with
concrete or other adhering materials.
The performance of the soil absorption systems depends on-.the ability of the
roil to accept liquid, absorb virusei, strain out bacteria and- filter the wastes. A
proper site evahiation requires accurate measurement of the soil.permeability,
ih.'degree of slope, the of the water table and the soil- depth. The
follou ing general^ guidelines can be considered for selecting soil absorption
. S.-,il permeability should be moderate to rapid and the soil percolation rate
.l,uid eeneratly be 24 minutes per cm or less.
. Th3 gro"undwater level during thi wettest season should be al leasl 122 m (4
rr bilon the bottom of thelub-surface absorption field or soak pit.
o Impe,'.. ious lal'ers should be more than 1.22 m below the seepage bed or the
pir bom.'m.
. ihe site tbr an absorption field of a soak pit should not be within 15.24 m
(50 ft) oi a stream or other water body.
c A soil absorption slstem should never be installed in an area subject to
frequent flooding.
Three different types of sub-surface soil absorption systems are commonll
used: (a) absorption trenches, (b) absorption beds or seepage beds, and (c)
absorption pits or soakage pits. The use of these types depends on the suitability
of soil and other local conditions.
Absorption trenches: The effluent flows by gravity from the septic tank
through a closed pipe and a distribution box into perforated pipes in trenches as
shown in Figure 9.15. Usually the pipes consist of open-jointed drainage tiles of
l0 cm diameter laid on a I m depth of crushed rocks or gravel and soil.
Bacteria in the soil help purify the effluent.
L=NQ/(zDI) (e.20)
L = trench length (m)
N = number of users
O = wastewater flow (litres/capita,/day)
D = ellective depth of trench tm1 -
/ = design infiltration rate (litres/m'lday)
Future division box
Drainield lrenches
L rurure rEptac€ment
drainti€ld trenches
Conventional onsite system consistjng of a septic tank and a disposal field served by intermitten:
gravity flow.
.----l r-- r i-i
I I r lt I
r__ _-r L__r L--1
Oistdbulion Box
c-uel -.4i'Y:'l
Unlreated Buildi.g Paper
" Y:'f:J::i:
Longiludinoj Seclion
Schematic layout of a septic tank and tile field.
Soakaways or soakage pits (Figute 9.16) are mostly used.in Bangladesh. The
septic ta;k effluent fl]ows throuEh pir walls made of open jointed bricks, into the
su'nounding soil- Typically, soika ays can be 2 to 3.5rn in diameter, and 3 to 6
m deep dEpendin! on ihe amount of wastewater flow and the infiltration
capacity of soil.
Disposal to nearby sewer: When the soil is essentially impermeable and hence
the conventional sub-surface absorption system of septic tank effluent disposal
i. not oossible. then the tank shorlld be connected to e small-bore sewerage
.]stem for off-site disposal. However this is possible only when a newly laid
::rrer line passes nearby an existing septic tank.
Figure 9.16 TYPical soakage Pit