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Inclusion is a process of addressing and responding to the diversity of needs of all
persons through increasing participation in learning, employment, services and
It is reducing exclusion at all social contexts by changes and modifications in
content, approaches, structures and strategies, with a common vision which covers
all people, and educate all children, employ and provide social services.
It seeks to enable communities, systems and structures in all cultures and contexts
to combat discrimination, celebrate diversity, promote participation and overcome
barriers to learning and participation for all people.
Inclusive services at any level are quality provisions without discrimination or
partiality and meeting the diverse needs of people.
McLeskey & Waldron (2000) Definition of Inclusion
 Students with disabilities and vulnerability attend their neighborhood schools.

 Each student is in an age-appropriate general education classroom.

 Every student is accepted and regarded as a full and valued member of the class, school &

 All students receive an education that addresses their individual needs

 No student is excluded based on type or degree of their disability.

 All members of the school (e.g. administration, staff, students, and parents) promote
cooperative/collaborative teaching arrangements.

 If there is school-based planning, problem-solving, and ownership of all students and programs.

 PWDS are employed according to their capacities without discriminations.

Inclusion does not mean:
 Placing students with disabilities into general education classrooms
without careful planning and adequate support.

 Reducing services or funding for special education services.

 Placing all students who have disabilities or who are at risk in one or
a few designated classrooms.

 Teachers spending a disproportionate amount of time for teaching or

adapting the curriculum for students with disabilities.
Isolating students with disabilities socially, physically, or
academically within the general education school or classroom.
Endangering the achievement of general education students through
slower instruction or a less challenging curriculum.
 Relegating special education teachers to the role of assistants in the
general education classroom.
Requiring general and special education teachers to team together
without careful planning and well-defined responsibilities.
Historical Developments of Inclusive Practice
1. Segregated Service in isolated environment/

2. Integration services(physical/social integration)

3. Mainstreaming CBR/inclusive environments

Fundamental Principles of Inclusion
The fundamental principle of inclusion is that all persons should learn, work
and live together regardless of any difficulties or differences.

It is evidences that all persons have unique characteristics, interests, abilities and
particular learning needs, so that all persons would have equal access of
education, employment and services.

According to UNESCO,2005 inclusion has the following key principles.

1.Inclusion is a process. It has to be seen as a never-ending search to find better

ways of responding to diversity. It is about learning how to live with difference
and learning how to learn from difference.
2. Inclusion is concerned with the identification and removal of
barriers that hinders the development of persons with disabilities.

3.Inclusion is about the presence, participation and achievement of all


4.Inclusion invokes a particular emphasis on those who may be at risk

of marginalization, exclusion or underachievement.
Rationale for Inclusion
Educational Foundations (Rationalities)
• Children do better academically, psychologically and socially in
inclusive settings.

• Efficient use of education resources.

• Decreases dropouts and repetitions.

• Increase teachers competency (knowledge, skills, collaboration,

Social Foundation (Rationalities)

• Segregation teaches individuals to be fearful, ignorant and breeds


• All individuals needs to develop relationships and prepare them

for life in the wider community.

Therefore, only inclusion has the potential to reduce fear and to

build friendship, respect and understanding.
Legal Foundations
All individuals have the right to learn and live together.

 Human being shouldn’t be devalued or discriminated

because of their disability.

There are no legitimate reasons to separate children for

their education.
Economic Foundations
Inclusive education has economic benefit, both for individual and for

 Inclusive education is more cost-effective than the creation of special

need schools across the country.

 Children with disabilities can use community infrastructure.

 Can create a better employment and job creation opportunities for

people with disabilities.
Foundations for Building Inclusive Society

I. Formation of mutual understanding and

appreciation of diversity.

II. Building up empathy, tolerance and cooperation.

III. Promotion of sustainable development.

Benefits of Inclusion
Benefits for Students with Special Needs Education
Increased gaining of socially acceptable behaviors, social initiations,
interactions, relationships and networks.

Gain peer role models for academic, social and behavioral skills.

Enhance skill acquisitions

Improved academic achievement

Improved school staff collaborations to meet these students needs

Increased parental participation to meet these students needs

Benefits for persons without Special Needs Education
 Gain knowledge of a good deal about tolerance, individual difference, and
human exceptionality.

Have increased appreciation, acceptance and respect of individual differences

among human beings that leads to increased understanding and acceptance of

Have chance to learn about many of the human service profession. E.g. SNE,
speech therapy, physical therapy, recreation therapy, and vocational
rehabilitation & the exposure to these areas may lead to career choices.
Benefits for Teachers
They have greater opportunities to gain new knowledge, new ways of
teaching methods and to explore new ideas by communicating with others
from within and outside their school.

They can experience greater job satisfaction and a higher sense of

accomplishment when all children are succeeding in school to the best of their

They can benefit from developing teamwork and collaborative problem-

solving skills to creatively address challenges regarding student learning.
Benefits for Parents/Family
Feel valued and consider themselves as equal parents in providing
quality learning opportunities for children.

Learn how to deal better with their children at home by using

techniques that the teachers use in school.

Experience positive attitude about themselves and their children

by seeing their children accepted by others, successful in the
inclusive setting, and belonging to the community where they live.
Benefits for Society
Used as a means for transformations across all government and
other agencies at all levels of society.

 Communities become more accepting of difference, and everyone

benefits from a friendlier, open environment that values and
appreciates differences in human beings.

 Used to make meaningful participation in the economic, social,

political and cultural life of communities.
Ultimate Goal of Inclusion
1) Creating schools where everyone belongs and students
educated together have a greater understanding of difference
and diversity.

2) Creating better long-term outcomes for all students.

Psychologically, socially, educationally and economically, etc.

3) Creating inclusive communities in the future for all of our

Inclusive Environments
An inclusive environment is one in which members feel
respected by and connected to one another.

An inclusive environment is an environment that

welcomes all people, regardless of their disability and other
Features of Inclusive Environment
 It ensures the respect and dignity of individuals with disabilities and valued for
their contributions as individuals.
It promote inclusiveness, which are responsive to the individual needs and
It recognizes the diverse needs of their individuals via appropriate
accommodations, organizational arrangements, resource use and partnerships with
their community.
It promote pro-social activities and restructuring environment, culture, policy,
and practice.
It develops social relationships as an equal member of the class and diversity of
individuals academic, social and personal learning needs.
Barriers to Inclusion-Shortcomings
 Community and policy makers’ negative attitude towards SWD and

 Lack of taking measures to ensure conformity of implementation of inclusion

practice with policies.

 Lack of stakeholders taking responsibility in their cooperation as well as

collaboration for inclusion.

 Conservative traditions among the community members about inclusion.

 Lack of knowledge and skills among teachers regarding inclusive education.

 Rigid curricula, teaching method and examination systems that do not
consider students with diverse needs and ability differences.

 Lack of democratic institutions that could promote inclusion.

 Inadequate resources and inaccessibility of social and physical environments.

 Large class sizes that make teachers and stakeholders meet students diverse

 Inappropriate application of inclusive models that may be imported from

other countries.

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