PDF (TG)_RW 11_12_Unit 5_Lesson 4_Process Analysis
PDF (TG)_RW 11_12_Unit 5_Lesson 4_Process Analysis
PDF (TG)_RW 11_12_Unit 5_Lesson 4_Process Analysis
Lesson 4
Process Analysis
Table of Contents
Learning Competency 1
Specific Objectives 1
Learning Content 1
Topic 1
Materials 1
Reference 1
Time frame: 90 minutes 1
Learning Activities 2
Essential Question 2
Motivation 2
Warm Up! 2
Lesson Proper 2
Springboard 2
Review 3
Presentation of Lesson 3
Discussion 3
Evaluation 4
Writing Prompts 4
Values Integration 5
Synthesis 5
Synthesis Activity 5
Possible Answers to the Essential Question 6
Assignment 6
Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II • Grade 11/12
Learning Competency
The learner distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing across
disciplines (EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3).
Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to
● identify the features of process analysis in writing, and
● use process analysis in writing.
Learning Content
A. Topic
Process Analysis
B. Materials
● Presentation slides
● Copies of the sample texts
● Copies of the writing prompts
C. Reference
Quipper Study Guide: Reading and Writing Skills Unit 5: Patterns of Development in
Writing II
Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II • Grade 11/12
Learning Activities
Essential Question
1. If using technology, refer to slide 4 of the slide presentation.
2. If not using technology, write this on the board:
“What is the most important feature of the process analysis pattern that
makes it beneficial to use in writing?”
3. Instruct students to reflect on the question for a minute; call on a few to give
responses. Make sure you elicit enough responses that state students’ ideas
regarding the important features of the process analysis pattern that are beneficial
in writing.
A. Motivation
Warm Up!
1. Ask the students to enumerate at least three reading materials they have read
that detailed steps or instructions that they have to follow in order to achieve a
2. Have them explain how knowing the steps helped them and how it made their
task easier to do.
3. Ask them to pinpoint which among the reading materials was the most helpful
and reader-friendly for them. Let them share their thoughts with a partner.
B. Lesson Proper
After the activity, you may introduce the lesson by saying, “In the previous activity,
you were asked to enumerate reading materials that detailed steps or instructions
that you have to follow to achieve a goal. Such materials make use of the process
analysis pattern of development in writing, which is what we are going to discuss
Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II • Grade 11/12
● What kinds of topics are best written about using the problem-solution
pattern of development?
● What are the variations of the problem-solution pattern?
Presentation of Lesson
While discussing the concepts in the study guide, you may present to the students
the following additional examples. You may print out copies of the texts from here.
When writing a research paper, the first thing to do is to identify the problem you
want to solve or the phenomenon you want to study. After that, you need to know
who will be your target respondents or what will be the research environment.
Once these are specified, you can now work on an outline of your plan regarding
the data gathering procedure. This will guide you throughout the research
process. Once the draft is done and approved, gather data from relevant sources
and/or from your respondents. Ensure that you keep a record of the findings.
Then, write conclusions based on your results. Support your conclusions using
your gathered related literature or studies. Finally, make a list of
recommendations for the benefactors of the study.
Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II • Grade 11/12
There are two ways to deposit money to one’s bank account. One is through the
ATM (Automated Teller Machine) where the money can be slipped into the
machine after keying in the account number and details like the amount of money.
Another way is by over-the-counter transaction. To do this, you have to present
the account details and the amount of money to be deposited to the bank teller.
This is usually preferred by those depositing a larger amount of money, while the
ATM is often used by those who prefer its convenience and availability since the
machine can be used even after regular banking hours.
Writing Prompts
Ask the students to work on the following exercises. You may print copies of the
prompts from here.
Research on the process of planting seeds. Make a concept map detailing and
explaining each step.
Research on how to improve one’s acting skills. Then, write a process analysis text
about the topic.
Organization The ideas are not The ideas are The ideas are
clearly and logically clearly presented, clearly and logically
Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II • Grade 11/12
Unity The written output The written output The written output
does not use any uses limited uses appropriate
transitional signals. transitional signals. transitional signals.
The sentences do A sentence or two All the sentences
not flow smoothly, are seemingly flow smoothly from
and some unrelated to the one to another.
sentences are topic.
unrelated to the
Language There are seven or There are four to There are zero to
(spelling, more language six language three language
grammar, errors. errors. errors.
and word
Values Integration
Ask the students the following question to help them connect the lesson to
real-world situations:
What are the steps you need to take to reach your career goals?
Synthesis Activity
1. Divide the class into six groups. Have the students pretend that they are experts
who will showcase their skills and talents in a “Demo Fest.”
2. Each group will present a demonstration of a certain skill that will be assigned to
3. Assign each of the following skills:
a. sewing
Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II • Grade 11/12
b. cooking
c. sculpting
d. experimenting
e. planting
f. dancing
4. Ask the students to research so that they can do the demonstration and to
prepare a report of their presentation.
5. Instruct them to write a process analysis outline or essay that will be used in
their demonstration.
Criteria Score
(The use of process analysis in the report and presentation is clear,
accurate, and appropriate.) 5 pts.
(The demonstration is useful, relatable, and easily understood. The
steps are clear and complete.) 5 pts.
(The group’s demonstration is creative and useful.) 5 pts.
Score: /15
Possible answer 1: The process analysis pattern includes a discussion of specific steps
that may improve one’s skills in comprehension, organization, and presentation.
Possible answer 2: The process analysis text explains how a process works and may also
improve one’s critical thinking skills.
Ask the students to do the following at home.
1. Create a three- to five-minute vlog of a process that you know or are familiar with.
2. Follow the features/guidelines in writing a process analysis text to guide you in your
Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II • Grade 11/12
Criteria Score
(The process is clearly demonstrated and explained.) 5 pts.
(The steps are logically arranged.) 3 pts.
(Proper grammar and word choice are used.) 2 pts.
Score: /10
Web Box
As an alternative, students may submit their work online via Google Docs. Assign the
folder where all outputs will be saved. Make sure to instruct students to “get
shareable link” for their documents in comment mode.