ME EngRW 11 Q3 0403_SG_Definition

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Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Objectives 2

DepEd Competency 2

Warm-Up 2

Learn about It 3
Definition 3
Three Types of Definition 3

Key Points 5

Check Your Understanding 6

Let’s Step Up! 7

Bibliography 7
Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

Lesson 4.3

Fig. 1. Another pattern of development in writing is the definition paragraph.

Writing a definition paragraph is an excellent skill to have, especially for senior high school
students. But what is a definition paragraph?

First of all, a definition identifies a term and sets it apart from all other terms related to it.
On the other hand, a definition paragraph or essay explains what something is compared
to other members of its class, along with any limitations. This pattern of development is
widely used in most academic papers.

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

In this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
● Distinguish between patterns of development in writing, namely
● Differentiate the uses of those patterns in writing across disciplines.
● Create short paragraphs/essays for each of the patterns of development
in writing.

DepEd Competency
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to compare and contrast patterns
of written texts across disciplines (EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3).


Quick Writes
1. What do you think are the different ways of defining a term? Write five of them on
the blanks below.
a. ______________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________________________________

Guide Questions
1. What is the importance of defining a term?

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

2. What makes an effective definition paragraph?

Learn about It

emit (verb) to discharge or send forth

something boring or ordinary

synch (verb) to happen at the same time


chemicals chemicals produced from the carbonization of coal

Essential Question
How do we expand on a thought using the definition pattern of

A definition explains a concept, a term, or a subject. Its main purpose is to tell what
something is. A definition clarifies the meaning of a word or an idea in a simple and
understandable language. It consists of three parts: (1) the term, concept, or subject to be
defined; (2) the general class where it belongs; and (3) the characteristics that
differentiate it from the other members of its class.

Three Types of Definition

There are three types of definition: the synonym, the intensive definition, and the
extensive definition.

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

1. Synonym - This is a word that is similar or almost similar in meaning to the word or
idea being defined.

pretty - beautiful
adept - skillful

2. Intensive definition - This includes the term to be defined, the class to which the
term belongs, and the characteristic(s) that make it different from the other
members in the same class or species. This is also known as a one-sentence

Emotional intelligence (term) refers to the abilities (class) involving emotional

discipline and control (characteristics differentiating EI from other abilities).

There are several ways to express an intensive definition.

a. Use the relative pronoun that to introduce the distinguishing characteristic.

A microphone is an instrument that is used for magnifying and transmitting


b. Use a participle to introduce the distinguishing characteristic.

A thermometer is an instrument used for measuring temperature.

c. Use an infinitive to express the distinguishing characteristics.

Sulfa drugs are a group of coal-tar chemicals to cure bacterial diseases.

3. Extensive definition - This is an expansion of the intensive definition into a

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

paragraph; the extensive definition is amplified into a paragraph through the use of
one or more methods of paragraph development, such as exemplification,
classification, analogy, description, comparison, contrast, and cause and effect.

The greenhouse effect is a natural process. As the sun shines, Earth absorbs some
of its energy. Then the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere like water vapor,
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and the ozone absorb and emit that
energy. This energy warms the atmosphere as well as the Earth’s surface. As a
result, the process keeps the Earth warm.

The term “greenhouse effect” is defined in the paragraph, and it is clearly explained
through the details exactly how the process occurs.

Let’s Check In
1. When do we use a definition paragraph?
2. What are the integral parts of a definition?
3. What are the three types of definition?

Key Points

● A definition paragraph explains a concept, term, or subject.

● It consists of the following:
○ the term, concept, or subject to be defined;
○ the general class to which it belongs; and
○ the characteristics that differentiate it from the other members of its class.

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

Check Your Understanding

Identify the following statements about definition paragraphs as true or


________________ 1. A definition paragraph explains a concept, a term, or a subject.

________________ 2. In a definition paragraph, you have to differentiate the term

from other members of its class.

________________ 3. There are three types of definition: synonym, intensive

definition, and extensive definition.

________________ 4. An intensive definition is an expansion of the intensive

definition into a paragraph.

________________ 5. An extensive definition is also known as a one-sentence


Answer the following questions.

1. A _____________ explains a concept, a term, or a subject.

2. What is the main purpose of a definition?

3. What are the three types of definition?

4. The couch, having been in their family for 20 years, was now shabby from use. Which of

the following may be used to define the word shabby in the given sentence?

a. dilapidated

b. miserable

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

c. unfair

d. mean

5. If you were asked to explain what happiness is to you, what type of definition

would you use? Why?

Write a definition paragraph about one of the following topics.

1. diaspora

2. globalization

3. media

Let’s Step Up!

Compose a paragraph using the definition pattern of development.

Suggested Topics:
1. Charisma
2. Self-respect
3. Humility

Dagdag, Lourdes, Padilla, Mely, Roxas, Flordelis. Winning strategies in study, thinking, and
writing skills. Malabon: Mutya Publishing House, 2010.

“Paragraph Development.” The Mayfield Handbook of Technical & Scientific Writing.

Accessed September 21, 2018.

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

Answer Key

Lesson 4.3. Definition

Guide Questions
1. What is the importance of defining a term? Answers may vary. Acceptable answers
include: Defining a term allows us to distinguish it from other terms, most especially
from those related to it.
2. What makes an effective definition paragraph? Answers may vary. Acceptable
answers include: An effective definition paragraph allows readers to identify what a
term means without confusion.

Let’s Check In
1. When do we use a definition paragraph? We use a definition paragraph if we want
to explain a specific term and how it can be distinguished from other terms related
to it.
2. What are the integral parts of a definition? The integral parts of the definition
include (1) the term, concept, or subject to be defined, (2) the general class where it
belongs, and (3) the characteristics that differentiate it from the other members of
its class.
3. What are the three types of definition? The three types of definition include: (1)
synonym; (2) intensive definition; and (3) extensive definition.

Check Your Understanding

Identify the following statements about definition paragraphs as true or


Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

1. A definition paragraph explains a concept, a term, or a subject. true

2. In a definition paragraph, you have to differentiate the term from other members

of its class. true

3. There are three types of definition: synonym, intensive definition, and extensive

definition. true

4. An intensive definition is an expansion of the intensive definition into a paragraph.


5. An extensive definition is also known as a one-sentence definition. true

Answer the following questions.

1. A definition explains a concept, a term, or a subject.

2. What is the main purpose of a definition? A definition’s main purpose is to tell what

something is.

3. What are the three types of definition? The three types of definition are synonym,

intensive definition, and extensive definition.

4. The couch, having been in their family for 20 years, was now shabby from use. Which of

the following may be used to define the word shabby in the given sentence?

a. dilapidated

b. miserable

c. unfair

d. mean

5. If you were asked to explain what happiness is to you, what type of definition

would you use? Why? Answers may vary. Acceptable answers include: I will use

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

extensive definition because nowadays, there is a divergent meaning of happiness

based on what makes a person happy.

Write a definition paragraph about one of the following topics.

1. diaspora
2. globalization
3. media

You may use the following rubrics to grade the students’ output.

Table 5.1. Learning outcome or task description for the output-based rubric

Below Needs Meets Exceeds

Criteria expectations improvement expectations expectations
1 2 3 4

Content The definition The definition The definition The definition

(40%) paragraph is paragraph is paragraph is paragraph is
Clear and not clear nor somewhat clear and very clear and
comprehensive comprehen- clear and comprehen- very
definition sive. somewhat sive. comprehen-
comprehensiv sive.

Organization There is no There is a There is a There is a very

(40%) logical somewhat logical logical
Logical progression of logical progression of progression of
progression of details/events. progression of details/events. details/events.
details; clear The transitions details/events. The transitions The transitions
between ideas The transitions between ideas between ideas
between ideas
are not between ideas are seamless. are very
seamless. are somewhat seamless.

Language There are four There are two There is one There are no
(20%) or more to three language error. language
Spelling, language language errors.
mechanics, errors. errors.

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

grammar, and
word choice

Let’s Step Up!

Compose a paragraph using the definition pattern of development.
Suggested Topics:
1. Charisma
2. Self-respect
3. Humility

You may use the following rubrics to grade the students’ output.

Table 5.1. Learning outcome or task description for the output-based rubric

Below Needs Meets Exceeds

Criteria expectations improvement expectations expectations
1 2 3 4

Content The definition The definition The definition The definition

(40%) paragraph is not paragraph is paragraph is paragraph is
Clear and clear nor somewhat clear clear and very clear and
comprehensive comprehen- and somewhat comprehen- very
definition sive. comprehen- sive. comprehen-
paragraph sive. sive.

Organization There is no There is a There is a logical There is a very

(40%) logical somewhat progression of logical
Logical progression of logical details/events. progression of
progression of details/events. progression of The transitions details/events.
details; clear The transitions details/events. between ideas The transitions
transitions between ideas The transitions are seamless. between ideas
between ideas are not between ideas are very
seamless. are somewhat seamless.

Language There are four There are two There is one There are no
(20%) or more to three language error. language
Spelling, language language errors.

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Patterns of Development in Writing I

mechanics, errors. errors.

grammar, and
word choice


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